### 1. Imports and class names setup ### from ast import Interactive import gradio as gr import os import argparse import numpy as np import os os.system('sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr') os.system('pip install -q pytesseract') import pytesseract import re import shutil import solver import glob from PIL import Image from typing import Tuple, Dict def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default='cpu') parser.add_argument('--theme', type=str) parser.add_argument('--share', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--port', type=int) parser.add_argument('--disable-queue', dest='enable_queue', action='store_false') return parser.parse_args() def set_example_image(example: list) -> dict: return gr.Image.update(value=example[0]) # Setup class names with open("class_names.txt", "r") as f: # reading them in from class_names.txt class_names = [names.strip() for names in f.readlines()] def get_images(): images_list = [] for filename in glob.glob('wordsPuzzle/*.jpg'): # assuming png im = Image.open(filename) images_list.append(im) return images_list def main(): args = parse_args() print('*** Now using %s.' % (args.device)) with gr.Blocks(theme=args.theme, css='style.css') as demo: gr.Markdown('''# World Puzzle Solver 🧩''') gr.Markdown('''## (Works with the Spanish alphabet too!) 🇪🇸''') with gr.Box(): gr.Markdown( '''### Insert a Word Puzzle Image in both boxes and crop the board and words''') with gr.Row(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown('''Images 🖼️''') with gr.Row(): input_board = gr.Image(label='Board', type='filepath', interactive=True, ) with gr.Row(): crop_board_button = gr.Button('Crop Board ✂️') with gr.Row(): input_words = gr.Image(label='Words', type='filepath', interactive=True, ) with gr.Row(): crop_words_button = gr.Button('Crop Words ✂️') with gr.Row(): # Create examples list from "examples/" directory paths = [["examples/" + example] for example in os.listdir("examples")] example_images = gr.Dataset(components=([input_board]), samples=[[path] for path in paths], label='Image Examples (Drag and drop into both boxes) if uploading a word puzzle then crop using the tool button on top right') with gr.Box(): # Change column height with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown('''Cropped Images ✂️''') with gr.Row(): cropped_board = gr.Image(label='Board Cropped', type='filepath', interactive=False, height="auto") with gr.Row(): cropped_words = gr.Image(label='Words Cropped', type='filepath', interactive=False) with gr.Row(): find_words_button = gr.Button('Find Words 🔍') with gr.Row(): words_found = gr.Textbox( label='Words detected (edit if wrong)', interactive=True, value='') with gr.Row(): solve_button = gr.Button('Solve! 📝') with gr.Box(): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown('''Solution ✅''') with gr.Row(): board_solved = gr.Image( type='filepath', interactive=False) with gr.Row(): show_words_board = gr.Button( 'Show words seperately 📝') with gr.Row(): gallery = gr.Gallery( label=None, show_label=True, elem_id="gallery" ).style(grid=[4], height="auto") crop_board_button.click(fn=None, inputs=[input_board], outputs=[cropped_board]) crop_words_button.click(fn=None, inputs=[input_words], outputs=[cropped_words]) find_words_button.click(solver.get_words, inputs=cropped_words, outputs=words_found) solve_button.click(solver.solve_puzzle, inputs=[cropped_board, words_found], outputs=board_solved) example_images.click(fn=set_example_image, inputs=example_images, outputs=example_images.components) show_words_board.click(get_images, None, gallery) demo.launch( enable_queue=args.enable_queue, server_port=args.port, share=args.share, ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()