import os os.system('pip install --upgrade gdown') import gdown'1mYM_26qHUom_5NU7iutHneB_KHlLjL5y', output='') os.system('unzip') import glob import gradio as gr from demo import get_model, preprocess, postprocess, load from utils import Config, Logger, CharsetMapper config = Config('configs/train_abinet.yaml') config.model_vision_checkpoint = None model = get_model(config) model = load(model, 'workdir/train-abinet/best-train-abinet.pth') charset = CharsetMapper(filename=config.dataset_charset_path, max_length=config.dataset_max_length + 1) def process_image(image): img = image.convert('RGB') img = preprocess(img, config.dataset_image_width, config.dataset_image_height) res = model(img) return postprocess(res, charset, 'alignment')[0][0] title = "Interactive demo: ABINet" description = "Demo for ABINet, ABINet uses a vision model and an explicit language model to recognize text in the wild, which are trained in end-to-end way. The language model (BCN) achieves bidirectional language representation in simulating cloze test, additionally utilizing iterative correction strategy. To use it, simply upload a (single-text line) image or use one of the example images below and click 'submit'. Results will show up in a few seconds." article = "

Read Like Humans: Autonomous, Bidirectional and Iterative Language Modeling for Scene Text Recognition | Github Repo

" iface = gr.Interface(fn=process_image, inputs=gr.inputs.Image(type="pil"), outputs=gr.outputs.Textbox(), title=title, description=description, article=article, examples=glob.glob('figs/test/*.png')) iface.launch(debug=True, share=True)