import copy import logging from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from hugginggpt.exceptions import TaskParsingException, wrap_exceptions logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) GENERATED_TOKEN = "" class Task(BaseModel): # This field is called 'task' and not 'name' to help with prompt engineering task: str = Field(description="Name of the Machine Learning task") id: int = Field(description="ID of the task") dep: list[int] = Field( description="List of IDs of the tasks that this task depends on" ) args: dict[str, str] = Field(description="Arguments for the task") def depends_on_generated_resources(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the task args contains placeholder tokens, False otherwise""" return self.dep != [-1] and any( GENERATED_TOKEN in v for v in self.args.values() ) @wrap_exceptions(TaskParsingException, "Failed to replace generated resources") def replace_generated_resources(self, task_summaries: list): """Replaces placeholder tokens in args with the generated resources from the task summaries""""Replacing generated resources") generated_resources = { k: parse_task_id(v) for k, v in self.args.items() if GENERATED_TOKEN in v } f"Resources to replace, resource type -> task id: {generated_resources}" ) for resource_type, task_id in generated_resources.items(): matches = [ v for k, v in task_summaries[task_id].inference_result.items() if self.is_matching_generated_resource(k, resource_type) ] if len(matches) == 1: f"Match for generated {resource_type} in inference result of task {task_id}" ) generated_resource = matches[0]"Replacing {resource_type} with {generated_resource}") self.args[resource_type] = generated_resource return self else: raise Exception( f"Cannot find unique required generated {resource_type} in inference result of task {task_id}" ) def is_matching_generated_resource(self, arg_key: str, resource_type: str) -> bool: """Returns True if arg_key contains generated resource of the correct type""" # If text, then match all arg keys that contain "text" if resource_type.startswith("text"): return "text" in arg_key # If not text, then arg key must start with "generated" and the correct resource type else: return arg_key.startswith("generated " + resource_type) class Tasks(BaseModel): __root__: list[Task] = Field(description="List of Machine Learning tasks") def __iter__(self): return iter(self.__root__) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.__root__[item] def __len__(self): return len(self.__root__) @wrap_exceptions(TaskParsingException, "Failed to parse tasks") def parse_tasks(tasks_str: str) -> list[Task]: """Parses tasks from task planning json string""" if tasks_str == "[]": raise ValueError("Task string empty, cannot parse")"Parsing tasks string: {tasks_str}") tasks_str = tasks_str.strip() # Cannot use PydanticOutputParser because it fails when parsing top level list JSON string tasks = Tasks.parse_raw(tasks_str) # __root__ extracts list[Task] from Tasks object tasks = unfold(tasks.__root__) tasks = fix_dependencies(tasks)"Parsed tasks: {tasks}") return tasks def parse_task_id(resource_str: str) -> int: """Parse task id from generated resource string, e.g. -4 -> 4""" return int(resource_str.split("-")[1]) def fix_dependencies(tasks: list[Task]) -> list[Task]: """Ignores parsed tasks dependencies, and instead infers from task arguments""" for task in tasks: task.dep = infer_deps_from_args(task) return tasks def infer_deps_from_args(task: Task) -> list[int]: """If GENERATED arg value, add to list of unique deps. If none, deps = [-1]""" deps = [parse_task_id(v) for v in task.args.values() if GENERATED_TOKEN in v] if not deps: deps = [-1] # deduplicate return list(set(deps)) def unfold(tasks: list[Task]) -> list[Task]: """A folded task has several generated resources folded into a single argument""" unfolded_tasks = [] for task in tasks: folded_args = find_folded_args(task) if folded_args: unfolded_tasks.extend(split(task, folded_args)) else: unfolded_tasks.append(task) return unfolded_tasks def split(task: Task, folded_args: tuple[str, str]) -> list[Task]: """Split folded task into two same tasks, but separated generated resource arguments""" key, value = folded_args generated_items = value.split(",") split_tasks = [] for item in generated_items: new_task = copy.deepcopy(task) dep_task_id = parse_task_id(item) new_task.dep = [dep_task_id] new_task.args[key] = item.strip() split_tasks.append(new_task) return split_tasks def find_folded_args(task: Task) -> tuple[str, str] | None: """Finds folded args, e.g: 'image': '-1,-2'""" for key, value in task.args.items(): if value.count(GENERATED_TOKEN) > 1: logger.debug(f"Task {} is folded") return key, value return None