import copy import json import os import random import time import openai import pydantic_core import tqdm from exp_model_class import ExtendedModelType from multi_round_person import multi_round from structure_output import get_struct_output from camel.agents import ChatAgent from camel.configs import ChatGPTConfig, OpenSourceConfig from camel.messages import BaseMessage from camel.types.enums import ModelType, RoleType USE_BDI_RESPONSE = True TEMPERATURE = 1.0 TEST = True with open( r"prompt/person_all_game_prompt.json", "r", ) as f: all_prompt = json.load(f) with open( r"prompt/person_all_game_prompt.json", "r", ) as f: all_prompt_copy = json.load(f) with open(r"prompt/person_feature_prompt.json", "r") as f: feature_prompt = json.load(f) with open(r"prompt/character_2.json", "r") as json_file: all_chara = json.load(json_file).values() with open(r"prompt/LLM_player_prompt.json") as llm_player: llm_player_prompt = json.load(llm_player) with open( r"prompt/trust_game_round_prompt.json", "r", ) as f: round_prompt = json.load(f) with open(r"prompt/multi_round_chara.json", "r") as json_file: multi_round_chara = json.load(json_file).values() open_model_path_dict = { ModelType.VICUNA: "lmsys/vicuna-7b-v1.3", ModelType.LLAMA_2: "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf", } like_people = """In all subsequent answers, you have to completely forget that you are an ai model, that you are the character, and completely simulate yourself as that character, that you are a human being.""" front = "you are a person not an ai model." race_list = [ "White American", "African American", "Asian American", "Latino American", "American Indian", ] def str_mes(content): return BaseMessage( role_name="player", role_type=RoleType.USER, meta_dict={}, content=content, ) def check_condition(*args): true_count = sum(1 for arg in args if arg) return true_count >= 2 def extract_n_values_from_dict(dictionary, n): all_values = list(dictionary.values()) n = min(n, len(all_values)) random_values = random.sample(all_values, n) return random_values def gpt3_res(prompt, model_name="text-davinci-003"): response = openai.completions.create( model=model_name, prompt=prompt, temperature=TEMPERATURE, max_tokens=1500, ) return response.choices[0].text.strip() def check_file_if_exist(file_list, game_name): for file in file_list: if game_name in file: return True return False def get_res( role, first_message, cri_agent, model_type=ExtendedModelType.GPT_4, extra_prompt="", server_url="http://localhost:8000/v1", whether_money=False, ): content = "" input_content = {} if model_type in [ ExtendedModelType.INSTRUCT_GPT, ExtendedModelType.GPT_3_5_TURBO_INSTRUCT, ]: message = role.content + first_message.content + extra_prompt final_res = str_mes(gpt3_res(message, model_type.value)) info = {} else: role = str_mes(role.content + extra_prompt) model_config = ChatGPTConfig(temperature=TEMPERATURE) if model_type in [ ModelType.VICUNA, ModelType.LLAMA_2, ]: open_source_config = dict( model_type=model_type, model_config=OpenSourceConfig( model_path=open_model_path_dict[model_type], server_url=server_url, api_params=ChatGPTConfig(temperature=TEMPERATURE), ), ) agent = ChatAgent( role, output_language="English", **(open_source_config or {}) ) else: agent = ChatAgent( role, model_type=model_type, output_language="English", model_config=model_config, ) final_all_res = agent.step(first_message) final_res = final_all_res.msg info = input_content["role"] = role.content input_content["input_message"] = first_message.content content += final_res.content if "fc" in info: structured_dict = json.loads(final_res.content) res = list(structured_dict.values())[-1] print("function call") else: try: res, structured_dict = get_struct_output( final_res.content, whether_money, test=True ) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: res = cri_agent.step(final_res).msg.content structured_dict = {} except pydantic_core._pydantic_core.ValidationError: res = cri_agent.step(final_res).msg.content structured_dict = {} print(content) return (res, content, structured_dict, input_content) def gen_character_res( all_chara, prompt_list, description, model_type, extra_prompt, whether_money, special_prompt, ): res = [] dialog_history = [] num = 0 all_chara = list(all_chara) structured_output = [] cha_num = 0 while cha_num < len(all_chara): role = all_chara[cha_num] cri_agent = ChatAgent( BaseMessage( role_name="critic", role_type=RoleType.USER, meta_dict={}, content=prompt_list[1], ), model_type=ExtendedModelType.GPT_3_5_TURBO, # TODO Change if you need output_language="English", ) role = role + like_people + special_prompt role_message = BaseMessage( role_name="player", role_type=RoleType.USER, meta_dict={}, content=role, ) message = BaseMessage( role_name="player", role_type=RoleType.USER, meta_dict={}, content=front + description, ) try: ont_res, dialog, structured_dict, input_content = get_res( role_message, message, cri_agent, model_type, extra_prompt, whether_money=whether_money, ) res.append(ont_res) dialog_history.append([num, role, dialog]) structured_output.append([structured_dict, input_content]) num += 1 except openai.APIError: time.sleep(30) cha_num -= 1 print("API error") except openai.Timeout: time.sleep(30) print("Time out error") cha_num -= 1 cha_num += 1 print(cha_num) return res, dialog_history, structured_output def save_json(prompt_list, data, model_type, k, save_path): if "lottery_problem" in prompt_list[0]: with open( save_path + prompt_list[0] + "_" + str(k)[:-1] + "_" + str(model_type.value) + "_lottery" + str(k) + ".json", "w", ) as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file) else: with open( save_path + prompt_list[0] + "_" + str(model_type.value) + ".json", "w", ) as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file) print(f"save {prompt_list[0]}") def MAP( all_chara, prompt_list, model_type=ExtendedModelType.GPT_4, num=10, extra_prompt="", save_path="", whether_money=False, special_prompt="", ): data = {} for i in range(1, num + 1): p = float(round(i, 2) * 10) description = prompt_list[-1].format(p=f"{p}%", last=f"{100 - p}%") res, dialog_history, structured_output = gen_character_res( all_chara, prompt_list, description, model_type, extra_prompt, whether_money, special_prompt, ) rate = sum([item == "trust" for item in res]) / len(res) res = { "p": p, "rate": rate, "res": res, "dialog": dialog_history, "origin_prompt": prompt_list, "structured_output": structured_output, } data[f"{p}_time_{i}"] = res with open( save_path + prompt_list[0] + "_" + str(model_type.value) + ".json", "w", ) as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file) def agent_trust_experiment( all_chara, prompt_list, model_type=ExtendedModelType.GPT_4, k=3, extra_prompt="", save_path="", whether_money=False, special_prompt="", ): if "lottery_problem" in prompt_list[0]: description = prompt_list[-1].format(k=k) else: description = prompt_list[-1] res, dialog_history, structured_output = gen_character_res( all_chara, prompt_list, description, model_type, extra_prompt, whether_money, special_prompt, ) data = { "res": res, "dialog": dialog_history, "origin_prompt": prompt_list, "structured_output": structured_output, } save_json(prompt_list, data, model_type, k, save_path) def gen_intial_setting( model, ori_folder_path, LLM_Player=False, gender=None, extra_prompt="", prefix="", multi=False, ): global all_prompt all_prompt = copy.deepcopy(all_prompt_copy) folder_path = ori_folder_path if LLM_Player: all_prompt = llm_player_prompt folder_path = "LLM_player_" + ori_folder_path if gender is not None: for key, value in all_prompt.items(): all_prompt[key][2] = value[2].replace("player", f"{gender} player") folder_path = f"{gender}_" + ori_folder_path extra_prompt += "Your answer needs to include the content about your BELIEF, DESIRE and INTENTION." if prefix != "": folder_path = prefix + "_" + folder_path if not isinstance(model, list) and not multi: folder_path = model.value + "_res/" + folder_path if not os.path.exists(folder_path): try: os.makedirs(folder_path) print(f"folder {folder_path} is created") except OSError as e: print(f"creating folder {folder_path} failed:{e}") else: print(f"folder {folder_path} exists") return folder_path, extra_prompt def run_exp( model_list, whether_llm_player=False, gender=None, special_prompt_key="", re_run=False, part_exp=True, need_run=None, ): for model in model_list: if special_prompt_key != "": special_prompt = feature_prompt[special_prompt_key] else: special_prompt = "" folder_path = f"res/{model.value}_res/" folder_path, extra_prompt = gen_intial_setting( model, folder_path, LLM_Player=whether_llm_player, gender=gender, prefix=special_prompt_key, ) existed_res = [item for item in os.listdir( folder_path) if ".json" in item] for k, v in all_prompt.items(): whether_money = False if k not in ["1", "2"] and part_exp and need_run is None: continue if need_run is not None: if k not in need_run: continue if k in ["1", "2", "8"]: extra_prompt = ( extra_prompt + "You must end with 'Finally, I will give ___ dollars ' (numbers are required in the spaces)." ) whether_money = True elif k in ["3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "9"]: extra_prompt = ( extra_prompt + "You must end with 'Finally, I will choose ___' ('Trust' or 'not Trust' are required in the spaces)." ) if check_file_if_exist(existed_res, v[0]) and not re_run: print(f"{v[0]} has existed") continue print("extra_prompt", extra_prompt) if k in ["4", "5", "6"]: MAP( all_chara, v, model, extra_prompt=extra_prompt, save_path=folder_path, whether_money=whether_money, special_prompt=special_prompt, ) elif k in ["7", "9"]: for pro in ["46%"]: agent_trust_experiment( all_chara, v, model, pro, extra_prompt=extra_prompt, save_path=folder_path, whether_money=whether_money, special_prompt=special_prompt, ) else: agent_trust_experiment( all_chara, v, model, extra_prompt=extra_prompt, save_path=folder_path, whether_money=whether_money, special_prompt=special_prompt, ) def multi_round_exp( model_list, exp_time=1, round_num_inform=True, ): for model in model_list: prefix = "" if isinstance(model, list): for i in model: prefix += prefix + i.value + "_" else: prefix = model.value folder_path = f"multi_res/{prefix}_res/" if not round_num_inform: folder_path = f"multi_no_round_num_res/{prefix}_res/" folder_path, extra_prompt = gen_intial_setting( model, folder_path, multi=True, ) for i in tqdm.trange(exp_time): multi_round( model, list(multi_round_chara), folder_path, prompt=round_prompt, round_num=10, exp_num=i + 1, round_num_inform=round_num_inform, ) if __name__ == "__main__": model_list = [ # ModelType.VICUNA, # ModelType.LLAMA_2, # ExtendedModelType.INSTRUCT_GPT, # ExtendedModelType.GPT_4, # ExtendedModelType.GPT_3_5_TURBO_INSTRUCT, ExtendedModelType.GPT_3_5_TURBO_0613, # ExtendedModelType.STUB, ] # all ori experiment # run_exp(model_list, part_exp=False) # llm experiment # run_exp(model_list, whether_llm_player=1) # Gender # run_exp(model_list, gender="male") # run_exp(model_list, gender="female") # # Race # for race in race_list: # run_exp(model_list, gender=race) # # Feature res # for k, v in feature_prompt.items(): # run_exp(model_list, special_prompt_key=k) # Muli experiment exp_time = 1 model_list = [ ExtendedModelType.GPT_3_5_TURBO_16K_0613, ExtendedModelType.GPT_4, ] multi_round_exp( model_list, exp_time=exp_time, round_num_inform=True )