import project_path import os import cv2 import numpy as np import json from threading import Lock import struct from contextlib import contextmanager import torch from import Dataset import torchvision.transforms as T # assumes yolov5 on sys.path from lib.yolov5.utils.general import xyxy2xywh from lib.yolov5.utils.augmentations import letterbox from lib.yolov5.utils.dataloaders import create_dataloader as create_yolo_dataloader from pyDIDSON import pyDIDSON from aris import ImageData # use this flag to test the difference between direct ARIS dataloading and # using the jpeg compressed version. very slow. not much difference observed. TEST_JPG_COMPRESSION = False # # # # # # # Factory(ish) methods for DataLoader creation. Easy entry points to this module. # # # # # # def create_dataloader_aris(aris_filepath, beam_width_dir, annotations_file, batch_size=32, stride=64, pad=0.5, img_size=896, rank=-1, world_size=1, workers=0, disable_output=False, cache_bg_frames=False): """ Get a PyTorch Dataset and DataLoader for ARIS files with (optional) associated fisheye-formatted labels. """ # Make sure only the first process in DDP process the dataset first, and the following others can use the cache # this is a no-op for a single-gpu machine with torch_distributed_zero_first(rank): dataset = YOLOARISBatchedDataset(aris_filepath, beam_width_dir, annotations_file, stride, pad, img_size, disable_output=disable_output, cache_bg_frames=cache_bg_frames) batch_size = min(batch_size, len(dataset)) nw = min([os.cpu_count() // world_size, batch_size if batch_size > 1 else 0, workers]) # number of workers if not disable_output: print("dataset size", len(dataset)) print("dataset shape", dataset.shape) print("Num workers", nw) # sampler = if rank != -1 else None # if extending to multi-GPU inference, will need this dataloader =, batch_size=None, sampler=OnePerBatchSampler(data_source=dataset, batch_size=batch_size), num_workers=nw, pin_memory=True, collate_fn=collate_fn) return dataloader, dataset def create_dataloader_frames(frames_path, batch_size=32, model_stride_max=32, pad=0.5, img_size=896, rank=-1, world_size=1, workers=0, disable_output=False): """ Create a DataLoader for a directory of frames without labels. Args: model_stride_max: use model.stride.max() """ gs = max(int(model_stride_max), 32) # grid size (max stride) return create_yolo_dataloader(frames_path, img_size, batch_size, gs, single_cls=False, augment=False, hyp=None, cache=None, rect=True, rank=rank, workers=workers, pad=pad)[0] def create_dataloader_frames_only(frames_path, batch_size=32, img_size=896, workers=0): """ Create a DataLoader for a directory of frames without labels. Args: model_stride_max: use model.stride.max() """ return YOLOFrameDataset(frames_path, img_size=img_size, batch_size=batch_size) # # # # # # # End factory(ish) methods # # # # # # import os import pandas as pd from import read_image import re class YOLOFrameDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, img_dir, img_size=896, batch_size=32): self.img_dir = img_dir self.img_size = img_size self.files = os.listdir(img_dir) self.files = list(filter(lambda f: f[-4:] == ".jpg", self.files)) self.files.sort(key=lambda f: int(re.sub('\D', '', f))) n = len(self.files) self.batches = [] for i in range(0,n,batch_size): self.batches.append((i, min(n, i+batch_size))) def __len__(self): return len(self.batches) def __iter__(self): for batch_idx in self.batches: batch = [] shapes = [] for i in range(batch_idx[0], batch_idx[1]): img_name = self.files[i] img_path = os.path.join(self.img_dir, img_name) img = read_image(img_path) shapes.append([[img.shape[1], img.shape[2]], None]) ratio = self.img_size / max(img.shape[1], img.shape[2]) transform = T.Resize([int(ratio*img.shape[1]), int(ratio*img.shape[2])]) img = transform(img) batch.append(img) image = torch.stack(batch) yield (image, None, shapes) class ARISBatchedDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, aris_filepath, beam_width_dir, annotations_file, batch_size, num_frames_bg_subtract=1000, disable_output=False, cache_bg_frames=False): """ A PyTorch Dataset class for loading an ARIS file and (optional) associated fisheye-format labels. This class handles the ARIS frame extraction and 3-channel representation generation. It is called a "BatchedDataset" because it loads contiguous frames in self.batch_size chunks. ** The PyTorch sampler must be aware of this!! ** Use the OnePerBatchSampler in this module when using this Dataset. Args: cache_bg_frames: keep the frames used for bg subtraction stored in memory. careful of memory issues. only recommended for small values of num_frames_bg_subtract """ # open ARIS data stream - TODO: make sure this is one per worker = open(aris_filepath, 'rb') self.data_lock = Lock() self.beam_width_dir = beam_width_dir self.disable_output = disable_output self.aris_filepath = aris_filepath self.cache_bg_frames = cache_bg_frames # get header info self.didson = pyDIDSON(self.aris_filepath, beam_width_dir=beam_width_dir) self.xdim =['xdim'] self.ydim =['ydim'] # disable automatic batching - do it ourselves, reading batch_size frames from # the ARIS file at a time self.batch_size = batch_size # load fisheye annotations if annotations_file is None: if not self.disable_output: print("Loading file with no labels.") self.start_frame =['startframe'] self.end_frame =['endframe'] or['numframes'] self.labels = None else: self._load_labels(annotations_file) # intiialize the background subtraction self.num_frames_bg_subtract = num_frames_bg_subtract self._init_bg_frame() def _init_bg_frame(self): """ Intialize bg frame for bg subtraction. Uses min(self.num_frames_bg_subtract, total_frames) frames to do mean subtraction. Caches these frames in self.extracted_frames for reuse. """ # ensure the number of frames used is a multiple of self.batch_size so we can cache them and retrieve full batches # add 1 extra frame to be used for optical flow calculation num_frames_bg = min(self.end_frame - self.start_frame, self.num_frames_bg_subtract // self.batch_size * self.batch_size + 1) if not self.disable_output: print("Initializing mean frame for background subtraction using", num_frames_bg, "frames...") frames_for_bg_subtract = self.didson.load_frames(start_frame=self.start_frame, end_frame=self.start_frame + num_frames_bg) ### NEW WAY ### # save memory (and time?) by computing these in a streaming fashion vs. in a big batch self.mean_blurred_frame = np.zeros([self.ydim, self.xdim], dtype=np.float32) max_blurred_frame = np.zeros([self.ydim, self.xdim], dtype=np.float32) for i in range(frames_for_bg_subtract.shape[0]): blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur( frames_for_bg_subtract[i], (5,5), 0) self.mean_blurred_frame += blurred max_blurred_frame = np.maximum(max_blurred_frame, np.abs(blurred)) self.mean_blurred_frame /= frames_for_bg_subtract.shape[0] max_blurred_frame -= self.mean_blurred_frame self.mean_normalization_value = np.max(max_blurred_frame) # cache these for later self.extracted_frames = [] # Because of the optical flow computation, we only go to end_frame - 1 next_blur = None for i in range(len(frames_for_bg_subtract) - 1): if next_blur is None: this_blur = ((cv2.GaussianBlur(frames_for_bg_subtract[i], (5,5), 0) - self.mean_blurred_frame) / self.mean_normalization_value + 1) / 2 else: this_blur = next_blur next_blur = ((cv2.GaussianBlur(frames_for_bg_subtract[i+1], (5,5), 0) - self.mean_blurred_frame) / self.mean_normalization_value + 1) / 2 frame_image = np.dstack([frames_for_bg_subtract[i], this_blur * 255, np.abs(next_blur - this_blur) * 255]).astype(np.uint8, copy=False) if TEST_JPG_COMPRESSION: from PIL import Image import os Image.fromarray(frame_image).save(f"tmp{i}.jpg", quality=95) frame_image = cv2.imread(f"tmp{i}.jpg")[:, :, ::-1] # BGR to RGB os.remove(f"tmp{i}.jpg") if self.cache_bg_frames: self.extracted_frames.append(frame_image) if not self.disable_output: print("Done initializing background frame.") def _load_labels(self, fisheye_json): """Load labels from a fisheye-formatted json file into self.labels in normalized xywh format. """ js = json.load(open(fisheye_json, 'r')) labels = [] for frame in js['frames']: l = [] for fish in frame['fish']: x, y, w, h = xyxy2xywh(fish['bbox']) cx = x + w/2.0 cy = y + h/2.0 # Each row is `class x_center y_center width height` format. (Normalized) l.append([0, cx, cy, w, h]) l = np.array(l, dtype=np.float32) if len(l) == 0: l = np.zeros((0, 5), dtype=np.float32) labels.append(l) self.labels = labels self.start_frame = js['start_frame'] self.end_frame = js['end_frame'] def __len__(self): # account for optical flow - we can't do the last frame return self.end_frame - self.start_frame - 1 def _postprocess(self, frame_images, frame_labels): raise NotImplementedError def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Return a numpy array representing this batch of frames and labels according to pyARIS frame extraction logic. This class returns a full batch rather than just 1 example, assuming a OnePerBatchSampler is used. """ final_idx = min(idx+self.batch_size, len(self)) frame_labels = self.labels[idx:final_idx] if self.labels else None # see if we have already cached this from bg subtraction # assumes len(self.extracted_frames) is a multiple of self.batch_size if idx+1 < len(self.extracted_frames): return self._postprocess(self.extracted_frames[idx:final_idx], frame_labels) else: frames = self.didson.load_frames(start_frame=self.start_frame+idx, end_frame=self.start_frame + final_idx + 1) blurred_frames = frames.astype(np.float32) for i in range(frames.shape[0]): blurred_frames[i] = cv2.GaussianBlur( blurred_frames[i], (5,5), 0 ) blurred_frames -= self.mean_blurred_frame blurred_frames /= self.mean_normalization_value blurred_frames += 1 blurred_frames /= 2 frame_images = np.stack([ frames[:-1], blurred_frames[:-1] * 255, np.abs(blurred_frames[1:] - blurred_frames[:-1]) * 255 ], axis=-1).astype(np.uint8, copy=False) if TEST_JPG_COMPRESSION: from PIL import Image import os new_frame_images = [] for image in frame_images: Image.fromarray(image).save(f"tmp{idx}.jpg", quality=95) image = cv2.imread(f"tmp{idx}.jpg")[:, :, ::-1] # BGR to RGB os.remove(f"tmp{idx}.jpg") new_frame_images.append(image) frame_images = new_frame_images return self._postprocess(frame_images, frame_labels) class YOLOARISBatchedDataset(ARISBatchedDataset): """An ARIS Dataset that works with YOLOv5 inference.""" def __init__(self, aris_filepath, beam_width_dir, annotations_file, stride=64, pad=0.5, img_size=896, batch_size=32, disable_output=False, cache_bg_frames=False): super().__init__(aris_filepath, beam_width_dir, annotations_file, batch_size, disable_output=disable_output, cache_bg_frames=cache_bg_frames) # compute shapes for letterbox aspect_ratio = self.ydim / self.xdim if aspect_ratio < 1: shape = [aspect_ratio, 1] elif aspect_ratio > 1: shape = [1, 1 / aspect_ratio] self.original_shape = (self.ydim, self.xdim) self.shape = np.ceil(np.array(shape) * img_size / stride + pad).astype(int) * stride @classmethod def load_image(cls, img, img_size=896): """Loads and resizes 1 image from dataset, returns img, original hw, resized hw. Modified from ScaledYOLOv4.datasets.load_image() """ h0, w0 = img.shape[:2] # orig hw r = img_size / max(h0, w0) # resize image to img_size if r != 1: # always resize down, only resize up if training with augmentation interp = cv2.INTER_AREA if r < 1 else cv2.INTER_LINEAR img = cv2.resize(img, (int(w0 * r), int(h0 * r)), interpolation=interp) return img, (h0, w0), img.shape[:2] # img, hw_original, hw_resized def _postprocess(self, frame_images, frame_labels): """ Return a batch of data in the format used by ScaledYOLOv4. That is, a list of tuples, on tuple per image in the batch: [ (img ->torch.Tensor, labels ->torch.Tensor, shapes ->tuple describing image original dimensions and scaled/padded dimensions ), ... ] """ outputs = [] frame_labels = frame_labels or [ None for _ in frame_images ] for image, x in zip(frame_images, frame_labels): img, (h0, w0), (h, w) = self.load_image(image) # Letterbox img, ratio, pad = letterbox(img, self.shape, auto=False, scaleup=False) shapes = (h0, w0), ((h / h0, w / w0), pad) # for COCO mAP rescaling img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1) # to -> C x H x W img = np.ascontiguousarray(img) # Load labels # Convert from normalized xywh to pixel xyxy format in order to add padding from letterbox labels = [] if x is not None and x.size > 0: labels = x.copy() labels[:, 1] = ratio[0] * w * (x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2) + pad[0] # pad width labels[:, 2] = ratio[1] * h * (x[:, 2] - x[:, 4] / 2) + pad[1] # pad height labels[:, 3] = ratio[0] * w * (x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2) + pad[0] labels[:, 4] = ratio[1] * h * (x[:, 2] + x[:, 4] / 2) + pad[1] # convert back to normalized xywh with padding nL = len(labels) # number of labels labels_out = torch.zeros((nL, 6)) if nL: labels[:, 1:5] = xyxy2xywh(labels[:, 1:5]) # convert xyxy to xywh labels[:, [2, 4]] /= img.shape[1] # normalized height 0-1 labels[:, [1, 3]] /= img.shape[2] # normalized width 0-1 labels_out[:, 1:] = torch.from_numpy(labels) outputs.append( (torch.from_numpy(img), labels_out, shapes) ) return outputs @contextmanager def torch_distributed_zero_first(local_rank: int): """ Decorator to make all processes in distributed training wait for each local_master to do something. """ if local_rank not in [-1, 0]: torch.distributed.barrier() yield if local_rank == 0: torch.distributed.barrier() class OnePerBatchSampler( """Yields the first index of each batch, given a batch size. In other words, returns multiples of self.batch_size up to the size of the Dataset. This is a workaround for Pytorch's standard batch creation that allows us to manually select contiguous segments of an ARIS clip for each batch. """ def __init__(self, data_source, batch_size): self.data_source = data_source self.batch_size = batch_size def __iter__(self): idxs = [i*self.batch_size for i in range(len(self))] return iter(idxs) def __len__(self): return len(self.data_source) // self.batch_size def collate_fn(batch): """See YOLOv5.utils.datasets.collate_fn""" if not len(batch): print("help!") print(batch) img, label, shapes = zip(*batch) # transposed for i, l in enumerate(label): l[:, 0] = i # add target image index for build_targets() return torch.stack(img, 0),, 0), shapes