import gradio as gr import numpy as np import os from frontend.pdf_handler import make_pdf js_update_tab_labels = """ async () => { let el_list = document.getElementById("tab_labeler").getElementsByClassName("svelte-1kcgrqr") let idx = (el_list[1].value === "LOADING") ? 1 : parseInt(el_list[1].value) console.log(idx) style_sheet = document.getElementById("tab_style") style_sheet.innerHTML = "" for (let i = 1; i <= idx; i++) { style_sheet.innerHTML += "#result_tabs button.svelte-kqij2n:nth-child(" + i + "):before {content: 'Result " + i + "';}" } } """ table_headers = ["TOTAL", "START_FRAME", "END_FRAME", "DETECTION_DROPOUT", "DIR", "R", "THETA", "L", "TRAVEL"] info_headers = [ "TOTAL_TIME", "DATE", "START", "END", "FRAME_RATE", "", "TOTAL_FISH", "UPSTREAM_FISH", "DOWNSTREAM_FISH", "NONDIRECTIONAL_FISH", "", "UPSTREAM_MOTION", "INTENSITY", "THRESHOLD", "WATER_TEMP", "", ] max_tabs = 10 tabs = [] tab_parent = None zip_out = None def update_result(i, state, result, inference_handler): print("loading result") # If index is larger than max_tabs, only add file to zip list if i >= max_tabs: return { zip_out: gr.update(value=result["path_zip"]) } # Check if inference is done not_done = state['index'] < state['total'] annotation_avaliable = state['enable_annotation_editor'] and (result["aris_input"][i] is not None) if 'Generate PDF' in state['outputs']: print("making pdf") make_pdf(state['index']-1, state, result, table_headers) print("done pdf") # Check if files exist video_path = result["path_video"][i] if not os.path.exists(video_path): video_path = None # Send update to UI, and to inference_handler to start next file inference print("loaded result") return { zip_out: gr.update(value=result["path_zip"]), tabs[i]['tab']: gr.update(), tabs[i]['video']: gr.update(value=video_path, visible=video_path is not None), tabs[i]['metadata']: gr.update(value=result["fish_info"][i], visible=True), tabs[i]['table']: gr.update(value=result["fish_table"][i], visible=True), tabs[i]['annotation_btn']: gr.update(visible=annotation_avaliable), tab_parent: gr.update(selected=i), inference_handler: gr.update(value = str(np.random.rand()), visible=not_done) } # Auto_download def auto_download_zip(state): if 'Automatically download result' in state['outputs']: return gr.update(value=str(np.random.rand())) else: return gr.update() def Result_Gradio(prepare_annotation, components, state): global tabs, tab_parent, zip_out # Dummy element to call inference events, this also displays the inference progress components['inference_handler'] = gr.Text(value=str(np.random.rand()), visible=False) # Dummy element to call UI events components['result_handler'] = gr.Text(value="LOADING", visible=False) # Dummy element for updating tab titles components['tab_labeler'] = gr.Text(value="", visible=False, elem_id="tab_labeler") components['tab_labeler'].change(lambda x: x, None, None, _js=js_update_tab_labels) components['cancel_btn'] = gr.Button("Cancel Inference", visible=False) # List of all UI components that will recieve outputs from the result_handler visual_components = [] # Zip file output zip_out = gr.File(label="ZIP Output", elem_id="zip_out", interactive=False) visual_components.append(zip_out) components['zip_out'] = zip_out autodownloader = gr.Text(value="LOADING", visible=False) zip_out.change(lambda: auto_download_zip(state), None, autodownloader) autodownloader.change(lambda x: x, autodownloader, None, _js=""" () => { zip_out = document.getElementById("zip_out") downloads = zip_out?.getElementsByClassName("download") if (downloads?.length > 0) { downloads[downloads.length-1].children[0].click() } } """ ) # Create result tabs tabs = [] with gr.Tabs(elem_id="result_tabs") as tab_parent: visual_components.append(tab_parent) # Create 'max_tab' tabs for showing result for i in range(max_tabs): with gr.Tab(label="", id=i, elem_id="result_tab"+str(i)) as tab: with gr.Row(): # List of clip info (date, time, number of fish, temperature, etc.) metadata_out = gr.Matrix(label="Info", interactive=False, headers=["Field", "Value"], datatype="markdown", visible=False, elem_id="marking_json") # Annotated video video_out = gr.Video(label='Annotated Video', interactive=False, visible=False) # Table of found fish table_out = gr.Matrix(label='Indentified Fish', headers=table_headers, interactive=False, visible=False) # Button for opening result in annotation editor annotation_btn = gr.Button("Edit Annotation", visible=False), annotation_btn, [components['annotation_progress'], components['master_tabs']], _js="() => " + str(i)) # Add components to tab dict for easy access later on tabs.append({ 'tab': tab, 'metadata': metadata_out, 'video': video_out, 'table': table_out, 'annotation_btn': annotation_btn }) # Add all components to list of visualization outputs visual_components.extend([tab, metadata_out, video_out, table_out, annotation_btn]) components['result_tabs'] = tab_parent return visual_components def create_metadata_table(result, table_headers, info_headers): if 'metadata' in result: metadata = result['metadata'] else: metadata = { 'FISH': [] } # Calculate detection dropout for fish in metadata['FISH']: count = 0 for frame in result['frames'][fish['START_FRAME']:fish['END_FRAME']+1]: for ann in frame['fish']: if ann['fish_id'] == fish['TOTAL']: count += 1 fish['DETECTION_DROPOUT'] = 1 - count / (fish['END_FRAME'] + 1 - fish['START_FRAME']) # Create fish table table = [] for fish in metadata["FISH"]: row = [] for header in table_headers: row.append(fish[header]) table.append(row) if len(metadata["FISH"]) == 0: row = [] for header in table_headers: row.append("-") table.append(row) # Create info table info = [] for field in info_headers: field_name = "**" + field + "**" if field in metadata: info.append([field_name, str(metadata[field])]) else: info.append([field_name, ""]) if 'hyperparameters' in metadata: for param_name in metadata['hyperparameters']: info.append(['**' + param_name + '**', str(metadata['hyperparameters'][param_name])]) return table, info