""" Utilities to read and produce to-scale images from DIDSON and ARIS sonar files. Portions of this code were adapted from SoundMetrics MATLAB code. """ __version__ = 'b1.0.2' import contextlib import itertools from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd from PIL import Image from shutil import make_archive, rmtree import struct from types import SimpleNamespace import lib.fish_eye.pyARIS as pyARIS from backend.pyDIDSON_format import * class pyDIDSON: def __init__(self, file, beam_width_dir='beam_widths', ixsize=-1): """ Load header info from DIDSON file and precompute some warps. Parameters ---------- file : file-like object, string, or pathlib.Path The DIDSON or ARIS file to read. beam_width_dir : string or pathlib.Path, optional Location of ARIS beam width CSV files. Only used for ARIS files. ixsize : int, optional x-dimension width of output warped images to produce. Width is approximate for ARIS files and definite for DIDSON. If not specified, the default for ARIS is determined by pyARIS and the default for DIDSON is 300. Returns ------- info : dict Dictionary of extracted headers and computed sonar values. """ if hasattr(file, 'read'): file_ctx = contextlib.nullcontext(file) else: file_ctx = open(file, 'rb') with file_ctx as fid: assert fid.read(3) == b'DDF' version_id = fid.read(1)[0] print(f'Version {version_id}') fid.seek(0) info = { 'pydidson_version': __version__, } self.info = info file_attributes, frame_attributes = { 0: NotImplementedError, 1: NotImplementedError, 2: NotImplementedError, 3: [file_attributes_3, frame_attributes_3], 4: [file_attributes_4, frame_attributes_4], 5: [file_attributes_5, frame_attributes_5], }[version_id] fileheaderformat = '=' + ''.join(file_attributes.values()) fileheadersize = struct.calcsize(fileheaderformat) info.update(dict(zip(file_attributes.keys(), struct.unpack(fileheaderformat, fid.read(fileheadersize))))) frameheaderformat = '=' + ''.join(frame_attributes.values()) frameheadersize = struct.calcsize(frameheaderformat) info.update(dict(zip(frame_attributes.keys(), struct.unpack(frameheaderformat, fid.read(frameheadersize))))) info.update({ 'fileheaderformat': fileheaderformat, 'fileheadersize': fileheadersize, 'frameheaderformat': frameheaderformat, 'frameheadersize': frameheadersize, }) if version_id == 0: raise NotImplementedError elif version_id == 1: raise NotImplementedError elif version_id == 2: raise NotImplementedError elif version_id == 3: # Convert windowlength code to meters info['windowlength'] = { 0b00: [0.83, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40], # DIDSON-S, Extended Windows 0b01: [1.125, 2.25, 4.5, 9, 18, 36], # DIDSON-S, Classic Windows 0b10: [2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 70], # DIDSON-LR, Extended Window 0b11: [2.25, 4.5, 9, 18, 36, 72], # DIDSON-LR, Classic Windows }[info['configflags'] & 0b11][info['windowlength'] + 2 * (1 - info['resolution'])] # Windowstart 1 to 31 times 0.75 (Lo) or 0.375 (Hi) or 0.419 for extended info['windowstart'] = { 0b0: 0.419 * info['windowstart'] * (2 - info['resolution']), # meters for extended DIDSON 0b1: 0.375 * info['windowstart'] * (2 - info['resolution']), # meters for standard or long range DIDSON }[info['configflags'] & 0b1] info['halffov'] = 14.4 elif version_id == 4: # Convert windowlength code to meters info['windowlength'] = [1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40][info['windowlength'] + 2 * (1 - info['resolution'])] # Windowstart 1 to 31 times 0.75 (Lo) or 0.375 (Hi) or 0.419 for extended info['windowstart'] = 0.419 * info['windowstart'] * (2 - info['resolution']) info['halffov'] = 14.4 elif version_id == 5: #ARIS if info['pingmode'] in [1, 2]: BeamCount = 48 elif info['pingmode'] in [3, 4, 5]: BeamCount = 96 elif info['pingmode'] in [6, 7, 8]: BeamCount = 64 elif info['pingmode'] in [9, 10, 11, 12]: BeamCount = 128 else: raise WinStart = info['samplestartdelay'] * 0.000001 * info['soundspeed'] / 2 info.update({ 'BeamCount': BeamCount, 'WinStart': WinStart, }) aris_frame = SimpleNamespace(**info) beam_width_data, camera_type = pyARIS.load_beam_width_data(frame=aris_frame, beam_width_dir=beam_width_dir) # What is the meter resolution of the smallest sample? min_pixel_size = pyARIS.get_minimum_pixel_meter_size(aris_frame, beam_width_data) # What is the meter resolution of the sample length? sample_length = aris_frame.sampleperiod * 0.000001 * aris_frame.soundspeed / 2 # Choose the size of a pixel (or hard code it to some specific value) pixel_meter_size = max(min_pixel_size, sample_length) # Determine the image dimensions xdim, ydim, x_meter_start, y_meter_start, x_meter_stop, y_meter_stop = pyARIS.compute_image_bounds( pixel_meter_size, aris_frame, beam_width_data, additional_pixel_padding_x=0, additional_pixel_padding_y=0) if ixsize != -1: pixel_meter_size = pixel_meter_size * xdim / ixsize pixel_meter_size += 1e-5 xdim, ydim, x_meter_start, y_meter_start, x_meter_stop, y_meter_stop = pyARIS.compute_image_bounds( pixel_meter_size, aris_frame, beam_width_data, additional_pixel_padding_x=0, additional_pixel_padding_y=0) read_rows, read_cols, write_rows, write_cols = pyARIS.compute_mapping_from_sample_to_image( pixel_meter_size, xdim, ydim, x_meter_start, y_meter_start, aris_frame, beam_width_data) read_i = read_rows * info['numbeams'] + info['numbeams'] - read_cols - 1 pixel_meter_width = pixel_meter_size pixel_meter_height = pixel_meter_size info.update({ 'camera_type': camera_type, 'min_pixel_size': min_pixel_size, 'sample_length': sample_length, 'x_meter_start': x_meter_start, 'y_meter_start': y_meter_start, 'x_meter_stop': x_meter_stop, 'y_meter_stop': y_meter_stop, 'beam_width_dir': os.path.abspath(beam_width_dir), }) else: raise if version_id < 5: info['xdim'] = 300 if ixsize == -1 else ixsize ydim, xdim, write_rows, write_cols, read_i = self.__mapscan() # widthscale meters/pixels pixel_meter_width = 2 * (info['windowstart'] + info['windowlength']) * np.sin(np.radians(14.25)) / xdim # heightscale meters/pixels pixel_meter_height = ((info['windowstart'] + info['windowlength']) - info['windowstart'] * np.cos(np.radians(14.25))) / ydim pixel_meter_size = (pixel_meter_width + pixel_meter_height) / 2 self.write_rows = write_rows self.write_cols = write_cols self.read_i = read_i info.update({ 'xdim': xdim, 'ydim': ydim, 'pixel_meter_width': pixel_meter_width, 'pixel_meter_height': pixel_meter_height, 'pixel_meter_size': pixel_meter_size, }) # Fix common but critical corruption errors if info['startframe'] > 65535: info['startframe'] = 0 if info['endframe'] > 65535: info['endframe'] = 0 try: info['filename'] = os.path.abspath(file_ctx.name) except AttributeError: info['filename'] = None # Record the proportion of measurements that are present in the warp (increases as xdim increases) info['proportion_warp'] = len(np.unique(read_i)) / (info['numbeams'] * info['samplesperchannel']) def __lens_distortion(self, nbeams, theta): """ Removes Lens distortion determined by empirical work at the barge. Parameters ---------- nbeams : int Number of sonar beams. theta : (A,) ndarray Angle of warp for each x index. Returns ------- beamnum : (A,) ndarray Distortion-adjusted beam number for each theta. """ factor, a = { 48: [1, [.0015, -0.0036, 1.3351, 24.0976]], 189: [4.026, [.0015, -0.0036, 1.3351, 24.0976]], 96: [1.012, [.0030, -0.0055, 2.6829, 48.04]], 381: [4.05, [.0030, -0.0055, 2.6829, 48.04]], }[nbeams] return np.rint(factor * (a[0] * theta**3 + a[1] * theta**2 + a[2] * theta + a[3]) + 1).astype(np.uint32) def __mapscan(self): """ Calculate warp mapping from raw to scale images. Returns ------- ydim : int y-dimension of warped image. xdim : int x-dimension of warped image. write_rows : (A,) ndarray, np.uint16 Row indices to write to warped image. write_cols : (A,) ndarray, np.uint16 Column indices to write to warped image. read_i : (A,) ndarray, np.uint32 Indices to read from raw sonar measurements. """ xdim = self.info['xdim'] rmin = self.info['windowstart'] rmax = rmin + self.info['windowlength'] halffov = self.info['halffov'] nbeams = self.info['numbeams'] nbins = self.info['samplesperchannel'] degtorad = 3.14159 / 180 # conversion of degrees to radians radtodeg = 180 / 3.14159 # conversion of radians to degrees d2 = rmax * np.cos( halffov * degtorad) # see drawing (distance from point scan touches image boundary to origin) d3 = rmin * np.cos(halffov * degtorad) # see drawing (bottom of image frame to r,theta origin in meters) c1 = (nbins - 1) / (rmax - rmin) # precalcualtion of constants used in do loop below c2 = (nbeams - 1) / (2 * halffov) gamma = xdim / (2 * rmax * np.sin(halffov * degtorad)) # Ratio of pixel number to position in meters ydim = int(np.fix(gamma * (rmax - d3) + 0.5)) # number of pixels in image in vertical direction svector = np.zeros(xdim * ydim, dtype=np.uint32) # make vector and fill in later ix = np.arange(1, xdim + 1) # pixels in x dimension x = ((ix - 1) - xdim / 2) / gamma # convert from pixels to meters for iy in range(1, ydim + 1): y = rmax - (iy - 1) / gamma # convert from pixels to meters r = np.sqrt(y**2 + x**2) # convert to polar cooridinates theta = radtodeg * np.arctan2(x, y) # theta is in degrees binnum = np.rint((r - rmin) * c1 + 1.5).astype(np.uint32) # the rangebin number beamnum = self.__lens_distortion(nbeams, theta) # remove lens distortion using empirical formula # find position in sample array expressed as a vector # make pos = 0 if outside sector, else give it the offset in the sample array pos = (beamnum > 0) * (beamnum <= nbeams) * (binnum > 0) * (binnum <= nbins) * ( (beamnum - 1) * nbins + binnum) svector[(ix - 1) * ydim + iy - 1] = pos # The offset in this array is the pixel offset in the image array # The value at this offset is the offset in the sample array svector = svector.reshape(xdim, ydim).T.flat svectori = svector != 0 read_i = np.flipud(np.arange(nbins * nbeams, dtype=np.uint32).reshape(nbins, nbeams).T).flat[svector[svectori] - 1] write_rows, write_cols = np.unravel_index(np.where(svectori)[0], (ydim, xdim)) return ydim, xdim, write_rows.astype(np.uint16), write_cols.astype(np.uint16), read_i def __FasterDIDSONRead(self, file, start_frame, end_frame): """ Load raw frames from DIDSON. Parameters ---------- file : file-like object, string, or pathlib.Path The DIDSON or ARIS file to read. info : dict Dictionary of extracted headers and computed sonar values. start_frame : int Zero-indexed start of frame range (inclusive). end_frame : int End of frame range (exclusive). Returns ------- raw_frames : (end_frame - start_frame, framesize) ndarray, np.uint8 Extracted and flattened raw sonar measurements for frame range. """ if hasattr(file, 'read'): file_ctx = contextlib.nullcontext(file) else: file_ctx = open(file, 'rb') with file_ctx as fid: framesize = self.info['samplesperchannel'] * self.info['numbeams'] frameheadersize = self.info['frameheadersize'] fid.seek(self.info['fileheadersize'] + start_frame * (frameheadersize + framesize) + frameheadersize, 0) return np.array([ np.frombuffer(fid.read(framesize + frameheadersize)[:framesize], dtype=np.uint8) for _ in range(end_frame - start_frame) ], dtype=np.uint8) def load_frames(self, file=None, start_frame=-1, end_frame=-1): """ Load and warp DIDSON frames into images. Parameters ---------- file : file-like object, string, or pathlib.Path, optional The DIDSON or ARIS file to read. Defaults to `filename` in `info`. start_frame : int, optional Zero-indexed start of frame range (inclusive). Defaults to the first available. end_frame : int, optional End of frame range (exclusive). Defaults to the last available frame. Returns ------- frames : (end_frame - start_frame, ydim, xdim) ndarray, np.uint8 Warped-to-scale sonar image tensor. """ if file is None: file = self.info['filename'] if hasattr(file, 'read'): file_ctx = contextlib.nullcontext(file) else: file_ctx = open(file, 'rb') with file_ctx as fid: svector = None if start_frame == -1: start_frame = self.info['startframe'] if end_frame == -1: end_frame = self.info['endframe'] or self.info['numframes'] data = self.__FasterDIDSONRead(fid, start_frame, end_frame) frames = np.zeros((end_frame - start_frame, self.info['ydim'], self.info['xdim']), dtype=np.uint8) frames[:, self.write_rows, self.write_cols] = data[:, self.read_i] return frames @staticmethod def save_frames(path, frames, pad_zeros=False, multiprocessing=False, ydim=None, xdim=None, quality='web_high'): """ Save frames as JPEG images. Parameters ---------- path : string or pathlib.Path Directory to output images to or zip file. frames : (end_frame - start_frame, ydim, xdim) ndarray, np.uint8 Warped-to-scale sonar image tensor. pad_zeros : bool, optional If enabled adds appropriately padded zeros to filenames so alphabetic sort of images returns expected ordering. Note that this option is turned off by default for compatibility with vatic.js which requires that filenames are not padded. multiprocessing : bool, optional If enabled adds multi-process optimization for writing images. ydim : int, optional If provided resizes image to given ydim before saving. xdim : int, optional If provided resizes image to given xdim before saving. quality : int or str Either integer 1-100 or JPEG compression preset seen here: https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/blob/master/src/PIL/JpegPresets.py """ path = str(path) to_zip = path.endswith('.zip') if to_zip: path = os.path.splitext(path)[0] if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if pad_zeros: filename = f'{path}/{{:0{int(np.ceil(np.log10(len(frames))))}}}.jpg' else: filename = f'{path}/{{}}.jpg' ydim = ydim or frames.shape[1] xdim = xdim or frames.shape[2] viridis = get_cmap() def f(n): Image.fromarray(viridis(n[1], bytes=True)[..., :3]).resize((xdim, ydim)).save(filename.format(n[0]), quality=quality) ns = enumerate(frames) if multiprocessing: __mpmap(f, ns) else: list(map(f, ns)) if to_zip: make_archive(path, 'zip', path) rmtree(path) def __mpmap(func, iterable, processes=os.cpu_count() - 1, niceness=1, threading=False, flatten=False): """ Helper function to add simple multiprocessing capabilities. Parameters ---------- func : function Function to be mapped. iterable : iterable Domain to be mapped over. processes : int, optional Number of processes to spawn. Default is one for all but one CPU core. niceness : int, optional Process niceness. threading : bool, optional If enabled replaces multiprocessing with multithreading flatten : bool, optional If enabled chains map output together before returning. Returns ------- output : list Image of mapped func over iterable. """ import multiprocess as mp import multiprocess.dummy def initializer(): os.nice(niceness) pool_class = mp.dummy.Pool if threading else mp.Pool pool = pool_class(processes=processes, initializer=initializer) out = pool.map(func, iterable) if flatten: out = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(out)) pool.close() pool.join() return out