# Talk to Me - A Medical Chatbot Talk to Me is a medical chatbot that can answer questions about any medical condition. It uses the Microsoft's BioGPT Large fine-tuned on ChatDoctor dataset for Question Answering. ## Features - **Natural Language Processing**: Understands your text queries and responds with the most relevant answers. - **Accurate**: Uses the state-of-the-art BioGPT Large model fine-tuned on ChatDoctor dataset for Question Answering. - **Fast**: Uses the GPU to perform inference and respond to your queries in real-time. Here are some example queries you can try with Talk to Me: - What is the treatment for diabetes? - What are the symptoms of COVID-19? - Doctor, I've been experiencing some symptoms like diminished hearing, facial pain, dizziness, diminished vision, and focal weakness. What could be the possible cause? - What is the treatment for COVID-19?