# This is a compilation of useful 'USER-DEFINED' aliases to use alias tmux_create='tmux new -s' # Creates new tmux session. alias tmux_attach='tmux a -t' # Attaches to an existing tmux session. alias tmux_ls='tmux ls' # Lists all of the existing tmux sessions. alias tmux_kill="tmux kill-session -t " # Kill a specific tmux session alias gadd='git add' # Adds a file / directory to repository alias gcom='git commit -m' # Commits any changes. Use as: gcom "Test" alias gp='git push origin master' # Pushes changes to 'master' alias gst='git status' # Shows the status of the GIT repository. alias sagent="eval $(ssh-agent -s)" # Start SSH key agent alias sa='conda activate' # Activates an Anaconda environment alias sd='conda deactivate' # Deactivates an Anaconda environment alias jl='jupyter lab --ip --port 8890 --no-browser --allow-root' # Opens 'Jupyter Lab' alias jn='jupyter notebook --ip --port 8890 --no-browser --allow-root' # Opens 'Jupyter Notebook' alias lll="ls -lah" # Docker-related alias dps="docker ps -a" alias dprune='docker system prune -f' alias dallow="direnv allow"