dataset_info = dict( dataset_name='nvgesture', paper_info=dict( author='Pavlo Molchanov and Xiaodong Yang and Shalini Gupta ' 'and Kihwan Kim and Stephen Tyree and Jan Kautz', title='Online Detection and Classification of Dynamic Hand Gestures ' 'with Recurrent 3D Convolutional Neural Networks', container='Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on ' 'Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition', year='2016', homepage='' 'detection-and-classification-dynamic-hand-gestures-recurrent-3d', ), category_info={ 0: 'five fingers move right', 1: 'five fingers move left', 2: 'five fingers move up', 3: 'five fingers move down', 4: 'two fingers move right', 5: 'two fingers move left', 6: 'two fingers move up', 7: 'two fingers move down', 8: 'click', 9: 'beckoned', 10: 'stretch hand', 11: 'shake hand', 12: 'one', 13: 'two', 14: 'three', 15: 'lift up', 16: 'press down', 17: 'push', 18: 'shrink', 19: 'levorotation', 20: 'dextrorotation', 21: 'two fingers prod', 22: 'grab', 23: 'thumbs up', 24: 'OK' }, flip_pairs=[(0, 1), (4, 5), (19, 20)], fps=30)