dataset_info = dict( dataset_name='atrw', paper_info=dict( author='Li, Shuyuan and Li, Jianguo and Tang, Hanlin ' 'and Qian, Rui and Lin, Weiyao', title='ATRW: A Benchmark for Amur Tiger ' 'Re-identification in the Wild', container='Proceedings of the 28th ACM ' 'International Conference on Multimedia', year='2020', homepage='', ), keypoint_info={ 0: dict( name='left_ear', id=0, color=[51, 153, 255], type='upper', swap='right_ear'), 1: dict( name='right_ear', id=1, color=[51, 153, 255], type='upper', swap='left_ear'), 2: dict(name='nose', id=2, color=[51, 153, 255], type='upper', swap=''), 3: dict( name='right_shoulder', id=3, color=[255, 128, 0], type='upper', swap='left_shoulder'), 4: dict( name='right_front_paw', id=4, color=[255, 128, 0], type='upper', swap='left_front_paw'), 5: dict( name='left_shoulder', id=5, color=[0, 255, 0], type='upper', swap='right_shoulder'), 6: dict( name='left_front_paw', id=6, color=[0, 255, 0], type='upper', swap='right_front_paw'), 7: dict( name='right_hip', id=7, color=[255, 128, 0], type='lower', swap='left_hip'), 8: dict( name='right_knee', id=8, color=[255, 128, 0], type='lower', swap='left_knee'), 9: dict( name='right_back_paw', id=9, color=[255, 128, 0], type='lower', swap='left_back_paw'), 10: dict( name='left_hip', id=10, color=[0, 255, 0], type='lower', swap='right_hip'), 11: dict( name='left_knee', id=11, color=[0, 255, 0], type='lower', swap='right_knee'), 12: dict( name='left_back_paw', id=12, color=[0, 255, 0], type='lower', swap='right_back_paw'), 13: dict(name='tail', id=13, color=[51, 153, 255], type='lower', swap=''), 14: dict( name='center', id=14, color=[51, 153, 255], type='lower', swap=''), }, skeleton_info={ 0: dict(link=('left_ear', 'nose'), id=0, color=[51, 153, 255]), 1: dict(link=('right_ear', 'nose'), id=1, color=[51, 153, 255]), 2: dict(link=('nose', 'center'), id=2, color=[51, 153, 255]), 3: dict( link=('left_shoulder', 'left_front_paw'), id=3, color=[0, 255, 0]), 4: dict(link=('left_shoulder', 'center'), id=4, color=[0, 255, 0]), 5: dict( link=('right_shoulder', 'right_front_paw'), id=5, color=[255, 128, 0]), 6: dict(link=('right_shoulder', 'center'), id=6, color=[255, 128, 0]), 7: dict(link=('tail', 'center'), id=7, color=[51, 153, 255]), 8: dict(link=('right_back_paw', 'right_knee'), id=8, color=[255, 128, 0]), 9: dict(link=('right_knee', 'right_hip'), id=9, color=[255, 128, 0]), 10: dict(link=('right_hip', 'tail'), id=10, color=[255, 128, 0]), 11: dict(link=('left_back_paw', 'left_knee'), id=11, color=[0, 255, 0]), 12: dict(link=('left_knee', 'left_hip'), id=12, color=[0, 255, 0]), 13: dict(link=('left_hip', 'tail'), id=13, color=[0, 255, 0]), }, joint_weights=[1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], sigmas=[ 0.0277, 0.0823, 0.0831, 0.0202, 0.0716, 0.0263, 0.0646, 0.0302, 0.0440, 0.0316, 0.0333, 0.0547, 0.0263, 0.0683, 0.0539 ])