import torch import gradio as gr from transformers import pipeline import tempfile from neon_tts_plugin_coqui import CoquiTTS from datetime import datetime import time import psutil from mtranslate import translate MODEL_NAME = "cahya/whisper-medium-id" #this always needs to stay in line 8 :D sorry for the hackiness lang = "id" title = "indonesian Whisperer" description = "Cross Language Speech to Speech using OpenAI Whisper and Coqui TTS" info = "more info at [indonesian Whisperer](" badge = "" device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" pipe = pipeline( task="automatic-speech-recognition", model=MODEL_NAME, chunk_length_s=30, device=device, ) pipe.model.config.forced_decoder_ids = pipe.tokenizer.get_decoder_prompt_ids(language=lang, task="transcribe") def transcribe(microphone, file_upload): warn_output = "" if (microphone is not None) and (file_upload is not None): warn_output = ( "WARNING: You've uploaded an audio file and used the microphone. " "The recorded file from the microphone will be used and the uploaded audio will be discarded.\n" ) elif (microphone is None) and (file_upload is None): return "ERROR: You have to either use the microphone or upload an audio file" file = microphone if microphone is not None else file_upload text = pipe(file)["text"] return warn_output + text LANGUAGES = list(CoquiTTS.langs.keys()) default_lang = "en" coquiTTS = CoquiTTS() def tts(language: str, audio_file: str): print(f"### {} TTS", language, audio_file) transcribed = transcribe(None, audio_file) print(f"### {} transcribed:", transcribed) translation = translate(transcribed, language, "id") # return output with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav", delete=False) as fp: coquiTTS.get_tts(translation, fp, speaker={"language": language}) print(f"### {}", return with gr.Blocks() as blocks: gr.Markdown("

" + title + "

") gr.Markdown(description) with gr.Row():# equal_height=False with gr.Column():# variant="panel" upload = gr.Audio(label="Upload", source="upload", type="filepath", optional=True) print("upload:", upload) radio = gr.Radio( label="Language", choices=LANGUAGES, value=default_lang ) with gr.Row(): # mobile_collapse=False submit = gr.Button("Submit", variant="primary") audio = gr.Audio(label="Output", interactive=False) memory = psutil.virtual_memory() gr.Markdown(info) system_status = info = f""" *Memory: {*1024*1024):.2f}GB, used: {memory.percent}%, available: {memory.available/(1024*1024*1024):.2f}GB* """ gr.Markdown(system_status) gr.Markdown("
" +f'visitors badge' +"
") # actions tts, [radio, upload], [audio], ) radio.change(lambda lang: CoquiTTS.langs[lang]["sentence"], radio) blocks.launch()