import streamlit as st import SessionState from prompts import PROMPT_LIST from wit_index import WitIndex import random import time # st.set_page_config(page_title="Image Search") # vector_length = 128 wit_index_path = f"./models/wit_faiss.idx" model_name = f"./models/distilbert-base-wit" wit_dataset_path = "./models/wit_dataset.pkl" @st.cache(suppress_st_warning=True, allow_output_mutation=True) def get_wit_index(): st.write("Loading the WIT index, dataset and the DistillBERT model..") wit_index = WitIndex(wit_index_path, model_name, wit_dataset_path, gpu=False) return wit_index # @st.cache(suppress_st_warning=True) def process(text: str, top_k: int = 10): # st.write("Cache miss: process") distance, index, image_info =, top_k=top_k) return distance, index, image_info st.title("Image Search") st.markdown( """ This application is a demo for sentence-based image search using [WIT dataset]( We use DistillBert to encode the sentences and Facebook's Faiss to search the vector embeddings. """ ) session_state = SessionState.get(prompt=None, prompt_box=None, text=None) ALL_PROMPTS = list(PROMPT_LIST.keys())+["Custom"] prompt = st.selectbox('Prompt', ALL_PROMPTS, index=len(ALL_PROMPTS)-1) # Update prompt if session_state.prompt is None: session_state.prompt = prompt elif session_state.prompt is not None and (prompt != session_state.prompt): session_state.prompt = prompt session_state.prompt_box = None session_state.text = None else: session_state.prompt = prompt # Update prompt box if session_state.prompt == "Custom": session_state.prompt_box = "Enter your text here" else: if session_state.prompt is not None and session_state.prompt_box is None: session_state.prompt_box = random.choice(PROMPT_LIST[session_state.prompt]) session_state.text = st.text_area("Enter text", session_state.prompt_box) top_k = st.sidebar.number_input( "Top k", value=6, min_value=1, max_value=10 ) wit_index = get_wit_index() if st.button("Run"): with st.spinner(text="Getting results..."): st.subheader("Result") time_start = time.time() distances, index, image_info = process(text=session_state.text, top_k=int(top_k)) time_end = time.time() time_diff = time_end-time_start print(f"Search in {time_diff} seconds") st.markdown(f"*Search in {time_diff:.5f} seconds*") for i, distance in enumerate(distances): st.image(image_info[i][0].replace("http:", "https:"), width=400) st.write(f"{image_info[i][1]}. (D: {distance:.2f})") # Reset state session_state.prompt = None session_state.prompt_box = None session_state.text = None