import streamlit as st | |
import st_hc as hct | |
import download_chart as dc | |
# Define the highchart definition | |
cd2 = { | |
"chart":{ | |
"animation":False | |
}, | |
"title":{ | |
"text":"Cartographie des parties prenantes" | |
}, | |
"tooltip":{ | |
"valueDecimals":0 | |
}, | |
"xAxis":{ | |
"title":{ | |
"text":"Influence" | |
}, | |
"min":0, | |
"max":100, | |
"plotLines":[ | |
{ | |
"color":"gray", | |
"dashStyle":"LongDash", | |
"width":1, | |
"value":50, | |
"label":{ | |
"rotation":0, | |
"y":290, | |
"style":{ | |
"color":"blue", | |
"font-size": "20px" | |
}, | |
"text":"Tenir informé", | |
}, | |
"zIndex":3 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"color":"gray", | |
"dashStyle":"LongDash", | |
"width":1, | |
"value":50, | |
"label":{ | |
"rotation":0, | |
"y":25, | |
"style":{ | |
"color":"orange", | |
"font-size": "20px" | |
}, | |
"text":"Gérer étroitement", | |
}, | |
"zIndex":3 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"color":"gray", | |
"dashStyle":"LongDash", | |
"width":1, | |
"value":0, | |
"label":{ | |
"rotation":0, | |
"y":25, | |
"style":{ | |
"color":"green", | |
"font-size": "20px" | |
}, | |
"text":"Rendre satisfait", | |
}, | |
"zIndex":3 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"color":"gray", | |
"dashStyle":"LongDash", | |
"width":1, | |
"value":0, | |
"label":{ | |
"rotation":0, | |
"y":290, | |
"style":{ | |
"color":"red", | |
"font-size": "20px" | |
}, | |
"text":"Suivre de près", | |
}, | |
"zIndex":3 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"color":"gray", | |
"dashStyle":"LongDash", | |
"width":1, | |
"value":100, | |
"zIndex":3 | |
} | |
] | |
}, | |
"yAxis":{ | |
"title":{ | |
"text":"Pouvoir" | |
}, | |
"min":0, | |
"max":100, | |
"plotLines":[ | |
{ | |
"color":"gray", | |
"dashStyle":"LongDash", | |
"width":1, | |
"value":50, | |
"zIndex":3 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"color":"gray", | |
"dashStyle":"LongDash", | |
"width":1, | |
"value":100, | |
"zIndex":3 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"color":"gray", | |
"dashStyle":"LongDash", | |
"width":1, | |
"value":0, | |
"zIndex":3 | |
} | |
], | |
}, | |
"tooltip":{ | |
"headerFormat":"", | |
"pointFormat":"{}", | |
"valueDecimals":0 | |
}, | |
"series":[ | |
{ | |
"type":"bubble", | |
"maxSize":50, | |
"cursor":"move", | |
"name":"Influence", | |
"pointformat":"{}", | |
"dragDrop":{ | |
"draggableX":True, | |
"draggableY":True, | |
"dragMinY":0, | |
"dragMaxY":100, | |
"dragMinX":0, | |
"dragMaxX":100, | |
"dragPrecisionX":1, | |
"dragPrecisionY":1, | |
"dragSensitivity":0 | |
}, | |
"data":[], | |
"colorByPoint":True, | |
} | |
], | |
"exporting": { | |
"enabled": True | |
}, | |
"legend":{ | |
"enabled":False | |
} | |
} | |
def construct_data(): | |
data = [] | |
for i in range(10): | |
object = { | |
"x": 50+i*5, | |
"y": 50, | |
"name": f"Point{i}", | |
} | |
data.append(object) | |
return data | |
def test_chart(): | |
#The component can render any highchart definition | |
if len(st.session_state['pp_grouped']) == 0: | |
return None | |
points = st.session_state['pp_grouped'] | |
cd2["series"][0]["data"] = points | |
chart = hct.streamlit_highcharts(cd2,640) #640 is the chart height | |
# if chart: | |
# st.session_state['pp_grouped'] = chart | |
emp = st.empty() | |
col0, col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1,1,1,1]) | |
if col1.button("Sauvegarder",key="save"): | |
st.session_state['pp_grouped'] = chart.copy() | |
emp.success("Saved") | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
if col2.button("Télécharger",key="download"): | |
if not chart: | |
st.error("Un truc ne va pas. Veuillez réessayer") | |
else: | |
st.session_state['pp_grouped'] = chart.copy() | |
fig = dc.construct_plot() | |
st.plotly_chart(fig) | |