import gradio as gr from fake_job_detector.models import DistilBERTBaseModel def process_input(title, description): # Load the safetensors safetensors_path = "synthetic_data_5epoch" # Load the DistilBERT model model = DistilBERTBaseModel(safetensors_path) result = model(title, description) verdict = "" if (result): verdict = "This job advertisement is likely fraudulent!" else: verdict = "This job advertisement is unlikely to be fraudulent." return verdict def main(): # Define the interface interface = gr.Interface( fn=process_input, # the function to process input inputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Title"), gr.Textbox(label="Description", lines=4)], # input fields outputs=gr.Textbox(label="Output"), # output field title="Fraudulent Job Advertisement Detection", description="This model aims to detect fraudulent job advertisements given their title and desscription for COMP6713: NLP project" ) # Launch the interface interface.launch() if __name__ == "__main__": main()