target,context musician,Mark's child became a musician after school. physicist,The physicist is a brilliant world renowned mathematician. psychologist,The psychologist talked to the patient on the couch. tailor,The tailor is in the back. mover,Her husband works as a mover. civil servant,The civil servant worked in a building downtown. chess player,I am going on a date with a chess player tonight. researcher,The researcher gathered data in the field. producer,After graduating college he became a producer. entrepreneur,Entrepreneur are ambitious and willing to take risks.. performing artist,The performing artist is good with his guitar. commander,The commander went to lunch. mathematician,A good friend of mine went to school to be a mathematician. policeman,The policeman made an arrest. chemist,A chemist works in a laboratory. guitarist,The guitarist played his music. manager,The manager gathered the employees around. software developer,A software developer plays the piano. football player,The football player threw the ball. prisoner,the prisoner was let go politician,Politicians deal with issues within the government. nurse,He buzzed the nurse. assistant,An assistant can be a great deal of help if you choose well and have reasonable expectations. delivery man,the delivery man is the best butcher,Jason got a butcher knife for Christmas. historian,He became a historian prosecutor,The prosecutor presented his opening argument. plumber,The plumber showed up at our house to repair the toilet. bartender,She had been flirting with the handsome bartender all evening. engineer,There is an engineer at the law firm