import streamlit as st from hub import pull_seed_data_from_repo, push_pipeline_to_hub from defaults import ( DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT, PIPELINE_PATH, PROJECT_NAME, ARGILLA_URL, HUB_USERNAME, CODELESS_DISTILABEL, ) from utils import project_sidebar from pipeline import serialize_pipeline, run_pipeline, create_pipelines_run_command st.set_page_config( page_title="Domain Data Grower", page_icon="🧑‍🌾", ) project_sidebar() ################################################################################ # HEADER ################################################################################ st.header("🧑‍🌾 Domain Data Grower") st.divider() st.subheader("Step 3. Run the pipeline to generate synthetic data") st.write("Define the project repos and models that the pipeline will use.") st.divider() ############################################################### # CONFIGURATION ############################################################### st.markdown("## Pipeline Configuration") st.markdown("#### 🤗 Hub details to pull the seed data") hub_username = st.text_input("Hub Username", HUB_USERNAME) project_name = st.text_input("Project Name", PROJECT_NAME) repo_id = f"{hub_username}/{project_name}" hub_token = st.text_input("Hub Token", type="password") st.divider() st.markdown("#### 🤖 Inference configuration") st.write( "Add the url of the Huggingface inference API or endpoint that your pipeline should use. You can find compatible models here:" ) with st.expander("🤗 Recommended Models"): st.write("All inference endpoint compatible models can be found via the link below") st.link_button( "🤗 Inference compaptible models on the hub", "", ) st.write("🔋Projects with sufficient resources could take advantage of LLama3 70b") st.code("") st.write("🪫Projects with less resources could take advantage of LLama 3 8b") st.code("") st.write("🍃Projects with even less resources could take advantage of Phi-2") st.code("") st.write("Note Hugggingface Pro gives access to more compute resources") st.link_button( "🤗 Huggingface Pro", "", ) base_url = st.text_input( label="Base URL for the Inference API", value="", ) st.divider() st.markdown("#### 🔬 Argilla API details to push the generated dataset") argilla_url = st.text_input("Argilla API URL", ARGILLA_URL) argilla_api_key = st.text_input("Argilla API Key", "owner.apikey") argilla_dataset_name = st.text_input("Argilla Dataset Name", project_name) st.divider() ############################################################### # LOCAL ############################################################### st.markdown("## Run the pipeline") st.write( "Once you've defined the pipeline configuration, you can run the pipeline from your local machine." ) if CODELESS_DISTILABEL: st.write( """We recommend running the pipeline locally if you're planning on generating a large dataset. \ But running the pipeline on this space is a handy way to get started quickly. Your synthetic samples will be pushed to Argilla and available for review. """ ) st.write( """If you're planning on running the pipeline on the space, be aware that it \ will take some time to complete and you will need to maintain a \ connection to the space.""" ) if st.button("💻 Run pipeline locally", key="run_pipeline_local"): if all( [ argilla_api_key, argilla_url, base_url, hub_username, project_name, hub_token, argilla_dataset_name, ] ): with st.spinner("Pulling seed data from the Hub..."): try: seed_data = pull_seed_data_from_repo( repo_id=f"{hub_username}/{project_name}", hub_token=hub_token, ) except Exception: st.error( "Seed data not found. Please make sure you pushed the data seed in Step 2." ) domain = seed_data["domain"] perspectives = seed_data["perspectives"] topics = seed_data["topics"] examples = seed_data["examples"] domain_expert_prompt = seed_data["domain_expert_prompt"] with st.spinner("Serializing the pipeline configuration..."): serialize_pipeline( argilla_api_key=argilla_api_key, argilla_dataset_name=argilla_dataset_name, argilla_api_url=argilla_url, topics=topics, perspectives=perspectives, pipeline_config_path=PIPELINE_PATH, domain_expert_prompt=domain_expert_prompt or DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT, hub_token=hub_token, endpoint_base_url=base_url, examples=examples, ) push_pipeline_to_hub( pipeline_path=PIPELINE_PATH, hub_token=hub_token, hub_username=hub_username, project_name=project_name, ) st.success(f"Pipeline configuration saved to {hub_username}/{project_name}") "To run the pipeline locally, you need to have the `distilabel` library installed. You can install it using the following command:" ) st.text( "Execute the following command to generate a synthetic dataset from the seed data:" ) command_to_run = create_pipelines_run_command( hub_token=hub_token, pipeline_config_path=PIPELINE_PATH, argilla_dataset_name=argilla_dataset_name, argilla_api_key=argilla_api_key, argilla_api_url=argilla_url, ) st.code( f""" pip install git+ git clone{hub_username}/{project_name} cd {project_name} pip install -r requirements.txt {' '.join(["python"] + command_to_run[1:])} """, language="bash", ) st.subheader( "👩‍🚀 If you want to access the pipeline and manipulate the locally, you can do:" ) st.code( """ git clone cd domain-specific-datasets """ ) else: st.error("Please fill all the required fields.") ############################################################### # SPACE ############################################################### if CODELESS_DISTILABEL: if st.button("🔥 Run pipeline right here, right now!"): if all( [ argilla_api_key, argilla_url, base_url, hub_username, project_name, hub_token, argilla_dataset_name, ] ): with st.spinner("Pulling seed data from the Hub..."): try: seed_data = pull_seed_data_from_repo( repo_id=f"{hub_username}/{project_name}", hub_token=hub_token, ) except Exception as e: st.error( "Seed data not found. Please make sure you pushed the data seed in Step 2." ) domain = seed_data["domain"] perspectives = seed_data["perspectives"] topics = seed_data["topics"] examples = seed_data["examples"] domain_expert_prompt = seed_data["domain_expert_prompt"] serialize_pipeline( argilla_api_key=argilla_api_key, argilla_dataset_name=argilla_dataset_name, argilla_api_url=argilla_url, topics=topics, perspectives=perspectives, pipeline_config_path=PIPELINE_PATH, domain_expert_prompt=domain_expert_prompt or DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT, hub_token=hub_token, endpoint_base_url=base_url, examples=examples, ) with st.spinner("Starting the pipeline..."): logs = run_pipeline( pipeline_config_path=PIPELINE_PATH, argilla_api_key=argilla_api_key, argilla_api_url=argilla_url, hub_token=hub_token, argilla_dataset_name=argilla_dataset_name, ) st.success(f"Pipeline started successfully! 🚀") with st.expander(label="View Logs", expanded=True): for out in logs: st.text(out) else: st.error("Please fill all the required fields.")