# Plugin will run on this file & Strictly only contains codes for routing between files! from flask import Flask, render_template, request, flash, g from TextSummarizationFeature import summarize, getTextSumContents, insertTextSumRow from BreakdownFeature import breakdown, getBreakdownContents, insertBreakdownRow from TranslationFeature import translate_text, switch, getTranslatedContents, insertTranslationRow from GenerationFeature import generate, getTextGenContents, insertTextGenRow app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = 'refineverseAdmin' # Used to encrypt cookies & sessions # Routing to Main Dashboard/homepage file @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('RefineverseDashboardUI.html') # Routing to text summarization file @app.route('/text_summarization', methods=["POST", "GET"]) def text_summarization(): if request.method == "POST": try: # Grab the user story text from the textarea in html form Entered_story = request.form["input_text"] # The results are stored into a dictionary variable summarizedStory = summarize(Entered_story) flash("Your user story has been summarized!") # Displays a success message using flash, which is part of the Flask framework # Insert into TextSummarization table in Refineverse.db insertTextSumRow(Entered_story, summarizedStory) # Render and display summarized user story return render_template('TextSummarizationUI.html', summarizedStory=summarizedStory) # Exception handling messages for specific errors except ValueError as e: if str(e) == "Empty input!": flash("The input text cannot be empty! Please enter a user story.", 'error') return render_template('TextSummarizationUI.html') elif str(e) == "Incorrect format!": flash("Incorrect user story format! Please enter in the right format.", 'error') return render_template('TextSummarizationUI.html') elif str(e) == "Invalid length!": flash("Your inputted user story is too short to summarize. Please enter a longer story!", 'error') return render_template('TextSummarizationUI.html') else: # As a final resort, simply print out the error name flash("An error of type '{}' occurred: {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)), 'error') return render_template('TextSummarizationUI.html') except KeyError: flash("Please enter a valid user story!") return render_template('TextSummarizationUI.html') # Catch-all exception handling except Exception as e: flash("An error of type '{}' occurred: {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)), 'error') return render_template('TextSummarizationUI.html') else: return render_template('TextSummarizationUI.html') # Routing to summarization table file @app.route('/summarization_table') def summarization_table(): # Get the summarization data from the database summarizations = getTextSumContents() # Render the summarization data as an HTML table return render_template('SummarizationTable.html', summarizations=summarizations) # Routing to Project Task Breakdown file @app.route("/project_breakdown", methods=["POST", "GET"]) # This tells flask the route to get to the page def project_breakdown(): if request.method == "POST": # POST occurs when submitting a form, as specified in the HTML file try: # Grab the user story contents userStory = request.form["user-story-text"] # The results are stored into a dictionary variable processedLabel = breakdown(userStory) # Display success popup message flash("Your user story has been allocated as a " + processedLabel + " task!") insertBreakdownRow(userStory, processedLabel) # Inserts data into the Breakdown table rows = getBreakdownContents() # Grab all contents inside the Breakdown table return render_template('ProjectBreakdownUI.html', rows=rows) # Exception handling messages for specific errors except KeyError: flash("Please enter a valid user story!", 'error') rows = getBreakdownContents() return render_template('ProjectBreakdownUI.html', row=rows) # Catch-all exception handling except Exception as e: flash("An error of type '{}' occurred: {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)), 'error') rows = getBreakdownContents() return render_template('ProjectBreakdownUI.html', rows=rows) else: # For "GET" scenarios (loading the page, etc.) rows = getBreakdownContents() # To always display the table, we must grab the contents of Breakdown every time the page loads return render_template('ProjectBreakdownUI.html', rows=rows) # Routing to Translation file @app.route('/language_translation', methods=["POST", "GET"]) def language_translation(): if request.method == "POST": try: # Grab all relevant information for processing input_text = request.form['input'] # Grab user text input # Grab source language code source_language = request.form['source_language'] # Grab target language code target_language = request.form['target_language'] # Generate translated text using custom translation function translatedStory = translate_text(input_text, source_language, target_language) # Display success popup message flash("Your user story has been translated to " + switch(target_language) + " !") # Insert into Translation table in Refineverse.db insertTranslationRow(input_text, translatedStory) # Display the page return render_template('LanguageTranslationUI.html', input_text=input_text, translatedStory=translatedStory) # Exception handling messages for specific errors except ValueError as e: if str(e) == "Empty input!": flash("The input text cannot be empty! Please enter a user story.", 'error') return render_template('LanguageTranslationUI.html') elif str(e) == "Incorrect format!": flash("Unable to translate your user story. Please enter in the correct format.", 'error') return render_template('LanguageTranslationUI.html') else: # As a final resort, simply print out the error name flash("An error of type '{}' occurred: {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)), 'error') return render_template('LanguageTranslationUI.html') # Catch-all exception handling except Exception as e: flash("An error of type '{}' occurred: {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)), 'error') return render_template('LanguageTranslationUI.html') else: return render_template('LanguageTranslationUI.html') # Routing to translation table file @app.route('/translation_table') def translation_data(): # Get the translation data from the database translations = getTranslatedContents() # Render the translation data as an HTML table return render_template('TranslationTable.html', translations=translations) # Routing to text summarization file @app.route('/text_generation', methods=["POST", "GET"]) def text_generation(): if request.method == "POST": try: # Grab the user story text from the textarea in html form Entered_story = request.form["input_text"] # The results are stored into a dictionary variable generatedStory = generate(Entered_story) # Display a success message for the user flash("Your user story has been generated!") # Insert into TextGeneration table in Refineverse.db insertTextGenRow(Entered_story, generatedStory) # Render and display summarized user story return render_template('TextGenerationUI.html', generatedStory=generatedStory) # Exception handling messages for specific errors except ValueError as e: if str(e) == "Empty input!": flash("The input text cannot be empty! Please enter a user story.", 'error') return render_template('TextGenerationUI.html') elif str(e) == "Incorrect format!": flash("Incorrect user story format! Please enter in the right format.", 'error') return render_template('TextGenerationUI.html') else: # As a final resort, simply print out the error name flash("An error of type '{}' occurred: {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)), 'error') return render_template('TextGenerationUI.html') except KeyError: flash("Please enter a valid user story!") return render_template('TextGenerationUI.html') # Catch-all exception handling except Exception as e: flash("An error of type '{}' occurred: {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)), 'error') return render_template('TextGenerationUI.html') else: return render_template('TextGenerationUI.html') # Routing to generation table file @app.route('/generation_table') def generation_table(): # Get the generation data from the database generations = getTextGenContents() # Render the generation data as an HTML table return render_template('GenerationTable.html', generations=generations) # Used when the application is torn down # Its purpose is to close the database connection if it has not been closed @app.teardown_appcontext def close_connection(exception): db = getattr(g, '_database', None) if db is not None: db.close() # Closes the database connection # Initialise the app if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(host="", port=7860) # For HF hosting #app.run(debug=False) # can set to True/False for local testing