import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import requests import re import json from datetime import date english_dict = pd.read_csv("dictionary.txt", header = None, sep = ' ', names = ['word']) english_dict = english_dict.reset_index(drop = True) english_dict = english_dict.dropna() print('TESTING') url = '' def spell_bee_solver(no_centre, centre): full_set = set(no_centre.lower() + centre.lower()) spell_bee_solver = english_dict[english_dict['word'].str.contains(str(centre.lower()), regex = False)] final_words = list() for i in range(0, spell_bee_solver.shape[0]): words = spell_bee_solver['word'].iloc[i] words_set = set(words) if len(words_set - full_set) == 0: final_words.append(words) final_word_df = pd.DataFrame(final_words) final_word_df.columns = ['word'] final_word_df['word_length'] = final_word_df['word'].str.len() final_word_df = final_word_df[final_word_df['word_length'] > 3] final_word_df = final_word_df.sort_values('word_length', ascending = False) return(final_word_df) def get_spellbee_answers(x): print("TESTING") today ="%Y-%m-%d") content = requests.get(url)._content content = re.sub(".* = ", "", str(content)) content = re.sub("(.*?)\\;.*", "\\1", content) content = json.loads(content) valid_words = content[today]['data']['dictionary'] final_word_df = pd.DataFrame(valid_words, columns = ['word']) final_word_df['word_length'] = final_word_df['word'].str.len() final_word_df = final_word_df[final_word_df['word_length'] > 3] final_word_df = final_word_df.sort_values('word_length', ascending = False) return(final_word_df) with gr.Blocks() as app: with gr.Row(): no_centre = gr.Textbox(label = 'Letters Outside of Centre') centre = gr.Textbox(label = 'Centre Letter') with gr.Row(): solve_button = gr.Button(value = 'Solve') get_today_answers = gr.Button(value = "Get Today's answers") with gr.Row(): output_df = gr.DataFrame(headers = ['word', 'word_length']), inputs = [no_centre, centre], outputs = [output_df]), inputs = [no_centre], outputs = [output_df]) app.launch(debug = True, share = False)