# FIXME: Configure environment variables for production # If you need to build a SaaS application with Stripe subscription payment with checkout page, customer portal, webhook, etc. # You can check out the Next.js Boilerplate SaaS: https://nextjs-boilerplate.com/pro-saas-starter-kit # Hosting # Replace by your domain name # NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL=https://example.com # Sentry DSN NEXT_PUBLIC_SENTRY_DSN= ######## [BEGIN] SENSITIVE DATA ######## For security reason, don't update the following variables (secret key) directly in this file. ######## Please create a new file named `.env.production.local`, all environment files ending with `.local` won't be tracked by Git. ######## After creating the file, you can add the following variables. # Arcjet security # Get your key from https://launch.arcjet.com/Q6eLbRE # ARCJET_KEY= # Database # Using an incorrect DATABASE_URL value, Next.js build will timeout and you will get the following error: "because it took more than 60 seconds" # DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres # Error monitoring # SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN= # Logging ingestion # LOGTAIL_SOURCE_TOKEN= ######## [END] SENSITIVE DATA