import os, sys now_dir = os.getcwd() sys.path.append(now_dir) sys.path.append(os.path.join(now_dir, "GPT_SoVITS")) import os, re, logging, json logging.getLogger("markdown_it").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("httpcore").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("httpx").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("asyncio").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("charset_normalizer").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("torchaudio._extension").setLevel(logging.ERROR) import pdb import torch if "_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" in os.environ: os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = os.environ["_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] is_half = eval(os.environ.get("is_half", "True")) from TTS_infer_pack.TTS import TTS, TTS_Config os.environ['PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK'] = '1' # 确保直接启动推理UI时也能够设置。 if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cuda" else: device = "cpu" is_half = False # 取得模型文件夹路径 config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "config.json") if os.path.exists(config_path): with open(config_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: _config = json.load(f) if _config.get("device", "auto") != "auto": device = _config["device"] if device == "cpu": is_half = False if _config.get("half_precision", "auto") != "auto": is_half = _config["half_precision"].lower() == "true" locale_language = str(_config.get("locale", "auto")) locale_language = None if locale_language.lower() == "auto" else locale_language print(f"device: {device}, is_half: {is_half}") from tools.i18n.i18n import I18nAuto i18n = I18nAuto(locale_language,os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "i18n/locale")) dict_language = { "中文": "all_zh",#全部按中文识别 "英文": "en",#全部按英文识别#######不变 "日文": "all_ja",#全部按日文识别 "中英混合": "zh",#按中英混合识别####不变 "日英混合": "ja",#按日英混合识别####不变 "多语种混合": "auto",#多语种启动切分识别语种 "auto": "auto", "zh": "zh", "en": "en", "ja": "ja", "all_zh": "all_zh", "all_ja": "all_ja", } tts_config = TTS_Config("") tts_config.device = device tts_config.is_half = is_half tts_pipline = TTS(tts_config) gpt_path = tts_config.t2s_weights_path sovits_path = tts_config.vits_weights_path def inference(text, text_lang, ref_audio_path, prompt_text, prompt_lang, top_k, top_p, temperature, text_split_method, batch_size, speed_factor, ref_text_free, split_bucket, return_fragment, seed ): try: text_lang = dict_language[text_lang.lower()] prompt_lang = dict_language[prompt_lang.lower()] except: text_lang = "auto" prompt_lang = "auto" inputs={ "text": text, "text_lang": text_lang, "ref_audio_path": ref_audio_path, "prompt_text": prompt_text if not ref_text_free else "", "prompt_lang": prompt_lang, "top_k": top_k, "top_p": top_p, "temperature": temperature, "text_split_method": text_split_method, "batch_size":int(batch_size), "speed_factor":float(speed_factor), "split_bucket":split_bucket, "return_fragment":return_fragment, "seed":seed } return # from import tempfile, io, wave from pydub import AudioSegment # from def wave_header_chunk(frame_input=b"", channels=1, sample_width=2, sample_rate=32000): # This will create a wave header then append the frame input # It should be first on a streaming wav file # Other frames better should not have it (else you will hear some artifacts each chunk start) wav_buf = io.BytesIO() with, "wb") as vfout: vfout.setnchannels(channels) vfout.setsampwidth(sample_width) vfout.setframerate(sample_rate) vfout.writeframes(frame_input) return def get_streaming_tts_wav(params): chunks = inference(**params) byte_stream = True if byte_stream: yield wave_header_chunk() for sr, chunk in chunks: if chunk is not None: chunk = chunk.tobytes() yield chunk else: print("None chunk") pass else: pass # Send chunk files # i = 0 # format = "wav" # for chunk in chunks: # i += 1 # file = f"{tempfile.gettempdir()}/{i}.{format}" # segment = AudioSegment(chunk, frame_rate=32000, sample_width=2, channels=1) # segment.export(file, format=format) # yield file