''' # LandVote Prototype ''' import ibis from ibis import _ conn = ibis.duckdb.connect(extensions=["spatial"]) state_boundaries = "https://data.source.coop/cboettig/us-boundaries/us-state-territory.parquet" county_boundaries = "https://data.source.coop/cboettig/us-boundaries/us-county.parquet" states = conn.read_parquet(state_boundaries).rename(state_id = "STUSPS", state = "NAME") county = conn.read_parquet(county_boundaries).rename(county = "NAMELSAD", state = "STATE_NAME") votes = conn.read_csv("measures.csv") vote = (votes .filter(_["Jurisdiction Type"] == "County") .rename(county = "Jurisdiction Name", state_id = "State") .mutate(key = _.county + ibis.literal('-') + _.state_id) .rename(amount = 'Conservation Funds at Stake', yes = '% Yes') .mutate(amount_n=_.amount.replace('$', '').replace(',', '').cast('float')) .select('key', 'amount_n', 'amount', 'Status', 'yes') ) df = (county .join(states.select("state", "state_id"), "state") .mutate(key = _.county + ibis.literal('-') + _.state_id) .select('key', 'geometry') .right_join(vote, "key") # .drop('key_right') ) # 20 of 23 counties have matches gdf = df.execute() import leafmap.maplibregl as leafmap m = leafmap.Map(style="positron") outcome = [ 'match', ['get', 'Status'], "Pass", '#2E865F', "Fail", '#FF3300', '#ccc' ] paint = {"fill-extrusion-color": outcome, "fill-extrusion-opacity": 0.7, "fill-extrusion-height": ["*", ["get", "amount_n"], .001], } #m.add_geojson("vote.geojson") m.add_gdf(gdf, "fill-extrusion", paint = paint) m.to_streamlit()