import ibis from ibis import _ import streamlit as st import altair as alt import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pandasai.llm.openai import OpenAI from pandasai import Agent from pandasai.responses.streamlit_response import StreamlitResponse import leafmap.maplibregl as leafmap st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="TPL LandVote", page_icon=":globe:") ''' # LandVote Prototype An experimental platform for visualizing data on ballot measures for conservation, based on data from curated by the Trust for Public Land. ''' COLORS = { "dark_orange": "#ab5601", "light_orange": "#f3d3b1", "grey": "#d3d3d3", "light_green": "#c3dbc3", "dark_green": "#417d41", "dem_blue": "#1b46c2", "rep_red": "#E81B23" } ## chatbot llm = OpenAI(api_token=st.secrets["OPENAI_API_KEY"]) df1 = pd.read_csv("data.csv") agent = Agent([df1], config={"verbose": True, "response_parser": StreamlitResponse, "llm": llm}) with st.sidebar: ''' ## Data Assistant (experimental) Ask questions about the landvote data, like: - What are the top states for approved conservation funds? - Plot the total funds spent in conservation each year. - What city has approved the most funds in a single measure? What was the description of that vote? - Which state has had largest number measures fail? What is that as a fraction of it's total measures? ''' prompt = st.chat_input("Ask about the data") if prompt: with st.spinner(): resp = if os.path.isfile('exports/charts/temp_chart.png'): im = plt.imread('exports/charts/temp_chart.png') st.image(im) os.remove('exports/charts/temp_chart.png') st.write(resp) year = st.slider("Select a year", 1988, 2024, 2022, 1) votes_pmtiles = "" votes_parquet = "" # get parquet data for charts con = ibis.duckdb.connect(extensions=["spatial"]) party = (con .read_parquet(votes_parquet) .cast({"geometry": "geometry"}) ) # generate altair chart with df def create_chart(df, y_column, title, color): # color encoding - color is a list or single value color_encoding = ( alt.Color('party:N', scale=alt.Scale(domain=["DEMOCRAT", "REPUBLICAN"], range=color)) if isinstance(color, list) else alt.value(color) ) return alt.Chart(df).mark_line(strokeWidth=3).encode( x=alt.X('year:N', title='Year'), y=alt.Y(f'{y_column}:Q', title=title), color=color_encoding ).properties( title=title ) # percentage of measures passing, per party def get_passes(party): return (party .filter(_.year >= 2000) .group_by("year", "party") .aggregate(total=_.count(), passes=_.Status.isin(["Pass", "Pass*"]).sum()) .mutate(percent_passed=(_.passes /, == "DEMOCRAT", COLORS["dem_blue"]).else_(COLORS["rep_red"]).end()) .to_pandas()) # cumulative funding over time def funding_chart(party): return (party .filter(_.year >= 2000) .mutate(amount=_.amount.replace('$', '') .replace(',', '') .cast('float64')) .filter(_.Status.isin(["Pass", "Pass*"])) .group_by("year") .aggregate(total_funding=_.amount.sum()) .order_by("year") .mutate(cumulative_funding=_.total_funding.cumsum()/1e9) .to_pandas() ) #color fill for measure status paint_fill = { "fill-color": [ "case", ["==", ["get", "Status"], "Pass"], [ "interpolate", ["linear"], [ "to-number", ["slice", ["get", "yes"], 0, -1] # convert 'yes' string to number ], 50, COLORS["grey"], 55, COLORS["light_green"], 100, COLORS["dark_green"] # higher yes % -> darker green ], ["==", ["get", "Status"], "Fail"], [ "interpolate", ["linear"], [ "to-number", ["slice", ["get", "yes"], 0, -1] ], 0, COLORS["dark_orange"], 50, COLORS["light_orange"], # lower yes % -> darker orange 67, COLORS["grey"] # 67 is max in our data ], COLORS["grey"] ] } # for status, height depends on funding paint_extrusion = { "fill-extrusion-color": paint_fill["fill-color"], "fill-extrusion-height": ["*", ["to-number", ["get", "log_amount"]], 5000] } # pmtiles style for status def get_style_status(jurisdiction): if jurisdiction == "State": name = "state" label = "states" paint_type = paint_fill layer_type = "fill" elif jurisdiction == "County": name = "county" label = "counties" paint_type = paint_extrusion layer_type = "fill-extrusion" else: # Municipal name = "municipal" label = "cities" paint_type = paint_extrusion layer_type = "fill-extrusion" return { "layers": [ { "id": label, "source": name, "source-layer": name, "type": layer_type, "filter": ["==", ["get", "year"], year], "paint": paint_type } ] } # pmtiles style for party def get_style_party(jurisdiction): if jurisdiction == "State": name = "state" label = "states" elif jurisdiction == "County": name = "county" label = "counties" else: # Municipal name = "municipal" label = "cities" # Return style dictionary for political party return { "layers": [ { "id": label, "source": name, "source-layer": name, "type": "fill", "filter": [ "==", ["get", "year"], year ], "paint": { "fill-color": { "property": "party", "type": "categorical", "stops": [ ["DEMOCRAT", COLORS["dem_blue"]], ["REPUBLICAN", COLORS["rep_red"]] ] } } } ] } m = leafmap.Map(style="positron", center=(-100, 40), zoom=3) color_choice ="Color by:", ["Measure Status", "Political Party"]) if color_choice == "Measure Status": m.add_pmtiles(votes_pmtiles, style=get_style_status("State"), visible=True, opacity=0.4, tooltip=True) m.add_pmtiles(votes_pmtiles, style=get_style_status("County"), visible=True, opacity=1.0, tooltip=True) m.add_pmtiles(votes_pmtiles, style=get_style_status("Municipal"), visible=True, opacity=1.0, tooltip=True) elif color_choice == "Political Party": m.add_pmtiles(votes_pmtiles, style=get_style_party("State"), visible=True, opacity=0.6, tooltip=True) m.add_pmtiles(votes_pmtiles, style=get_style_party("County"), visible=True, opacity=1.0, tooltip=True) m.add_pmtiles(votes_pmtiles, style=get_style_party("Municipal"), visible=True, opacity=1.0, tooltip=True) # m.add_layer_control() m.to_streamlit() # display charts df_passes = get_passes(party) st.altair_chart(create_chart(df_passes, "percent_passed", "% of Measures Passed", [COLORS["dem_blue"], COLORS["rep_red"]]), use_container_width=True) df_funding = funding_chart(party) st.altair_chart(create_chart(df_funding, "cumulative_funding", "Cumulative Funding (Billions of Dollars)", COLORS["dark_green"]))