import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util import torch import pandas as pd def load_bible(): # Replace: 1=Genesis, 2=Exodus, ... 66=Revelation books = ['Genesis', 'Exodus', 'Leviticus', 'Numbers', 'Deuteronomy', 'Joshua', 'Judges', 'Ruth', '1 Samuel', '2 Samuel', '1 Kings', '2 Kings', '1 Chronicles', '2 Chronicles', 'Ezra', 'Nehemiah', 'Esther', 'Job', 'Psalms', 'Proverbs', 'Ecclesiastes', 'Song of Solomon', 'Isaiah', 'Jeremiah', 'Lamentations', 'Ezekiel', 'Daniel', 'Hosea', 'Joel', 'Amos', 'Obadiah', 'Jonah', 'Micah', 'Nahum', 'Habakkuk', 'Zephaniah', 'Haggai', 'Zechariah', 'Malachi', 'Matthew', 'Mark', 'Luke', 'John', 'Acts', 'Romans', '1 Corinthians', '2 Corinthians', 'Galatians', 'Ephesians', 'Philippians', 'Colossians', '1 Thessalonians', '2 Thessalonians', '1 Timothy', '2 Timothy', 'Titus', 'Philemon', 'Hebrews', 'James', '1 Peter', '2 Peter', '1 John', '2 John', '3 John', 'Jude', 'Revelation'] lookup = {} for i, j in enumerate(books): lookup[i+1]=j lookup esv = pd.read_csv('t_esv.csv').\ rename(columns = {"b":"book"}).drop(["id"], axis=1) = return esv def load_embeddings(fn): with open(fn, "rb") as f: embeddings = torch.load(f) return embeddings def search(searchText, k = 5, show_html=False, return_str=False): emb = model.encode(searchText, convert_to_tensor=True) cos_scores = util.cos_sim(emb, embeddings)[0] top_results = torch.topk(cos_scores, k = k) x = bible.iloc[top_results.indices.cpu().detach().numpy(), :] if show_html: for index, row in x.iterrows(): display(HTML(f'

{} {row.c}:{row.v} {row.t}

')) if return_str: s = [] for index, row in x.iterrows(): tmp = f"({} {row.c}:{row.v}) {row.t}" s.append(tmp) return "\n".join(s) else: return x def create_prompt(q): ctx = search(q, k=10, return_str = True) s = f"""Context: {ctx} Question: {q} """ return s # Constants model = SentenceTransformer('paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2') embeddings = load_embeddings("") bible = load_bible() """ For more information on `huggingface_hub` Inference API support, please check the docs: """ client = InferenceClient("HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta") # client = InferenceClient("microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct") def respond( message, history: list[tuple[str, str]], system_message, max_tokens, temperature, top_p, ): messages = [{"role": "system", "content": system_message}] for val in history: if val[0]: messages.append({"role": "user", "content": val[0]}) if val[1]: messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": val[1]}) message = create_prompt(message) messages.append({"role": "user", "content": message}) response = "" for message in client.chat_completion( messages, max_tokens=max_tokens, stream=True, temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, ): token = message.choices[0].delta.content response += token yield response """ For information on how to customize the ChatInterface, peruse the gradio docs: """ demo = gr.ChatInterface( fn=respond, chatbot = gr.Chatbot(value = [[None, "What can I help you with today, beloved?"]]), additional_inputs=[ gr.Textbox(value="You are a Christian Pastor. Provide spiritual wisdom, based on biblical truth found in the context. Quote from the context when appropriate.", label="System message"), gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=2048, value=512, step=1, label="Max new tokens"), gr.Slider(minimum=0.1, maximum=4.0, value=0.7, step=0.1, label="Temperature"), gr.Slider( minimum=0.1, maximum=1.0, value=0.95, step=0.05, label="Top-p (nucleus sampling)", ), ], ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()