import os import gc import copy import time import torch import warnings import transformers import numpy as np from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence from omnilmm import conversation as conversation_lib IGNORE_INDEX = -100 DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN = "" DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATCH_TOKEN = "" DEFAULT_IM_START_TOKEN = "" DEFAULT_IM_END_TOKEN = "" def _tokenize_fn(strings: Sequence[str], tokenizer: transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer) -> Dict: """Tokenize a list of strings.""" tokenized_list = [ tokenizer( text, return_tensors="pt", padding="longest", max_length=tokenizer.model_max_length, truncation=True, ) for text in strings ] input_ids = labels = [ tokenized.input_ids[0] for tokenized in tokenized_list ] input_ids_lens = labels_lens = [ for tokenized in tokenized_list ] return dict( input_ids=input_ids, labels=labels, input_ids_lens=input_ids_lens, labels_lens=labels_lens, ) def omni_preprocess(sources, tokenizer: transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer, generation=False): system_content = 'You are an artificial intelligence assistant, which gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the human\'s questions.' ignore_index = -100 response_template = '\n<|assistant|>\n' instruction_template = '\n<|user|>\n' response_token_ids = tokenizer.encode( response_template, add_special_tokens=False) instruction_token_ids = tokenizer.encode( instruction_template, add_special_tokens=False) batch_input_ids = [] batch_labels = [] for i in range(len(sources)): new_source = [] prev_role = 'unexpect' for conv_turn in sources[i]: role = conv_turn['from'] if 'from' in conv_turn else conv_turn['role'] content = conv_turn['value'] if 'value' in conv_turn else conv_turn['content'] role = 'user' if role == 'human' else role role = 'assistant' if role == 'gpt' else role assert role in ['user', 'assistant'] assert role != prev_role, f'role={role}, prev_role={prev_role}' prev_role = role new_turn = { 'role': role, 'content': content } new_source.append(new_turn) if new_source[0]['role'] != 'system': new_source.insert(0, {'role': 'system', 'content': system_content}) # TODO: this automatically add '\n' to the end res_text = tokenizer.apply_chat_template( new_source, tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=generation) if not generation: res_text = res_text.strip() conversations_tokenized = _tokenize_fn([res_text], tokenizer) res_input_ids = conversations_tokenized["input_ids"][0] # since labels and input_ids are reference towards the same object res_labels = copy.deepcopy(conversations_tokenized["labels"][0]) response_token_ids_idxs = [] human_token_ids_idxs = [] for assistant_idx in np.where(res_labels == response_token_ids[0])[0]: # find the indexes of the start of a response. if (response_token_ids == res_labels[assistant_idx: assistant_idx + len( response_token_ids)].tolist() ): response_token_ids_idxs.append( assistant_idx + len(response_token_ids)) if len(response_token_ids_idxs) == 0: warnings.warn( f"Could not find response key `{response_template}` in the " f'following instance: @===>{tokenizer.decode(res_input_ids)}<===@ ' f'Raw text is @===>{res_text}<===@' f'Raw source is @===>{new_source}<===@' f"This instance will be ignored in loss calculation. " f"Note, if this happens often, consider increasing the `max_seq_length`." ) res_labels[:] = ignore_index human_token_ids = instruction_token_ids for human_idx in np.where(res_labels == human_token_ids[0])[0]: # find the indexes of the start of a human answer. if human_token_ids == res_labels[human_idx: human_idx + len(human_token_ids)].tolist(): human_token_ids_idxs.append(human_idx) if len(human_token_ids_idxs) == 0: warnings.warn( f"Could not find instruction key `{instruction_template}` in the " f'following instance: @===>{tokenizer.decode(res_input_ids)}<===@ ' f'Raw text is @===>{res_text}<===@' f'Raw source is @===>{new_source}<===@' f"This instance will be ignored in loss calculation. " f"Note, if this happens often, consider increasing the `max_seq_length`." ) res_labels[:] = ignore_index for idx, (start, end) in enumerate(zip(human_token_ids_idxs, response_token_ids_idxs)): # Make pytorch loss function ignore all non response tokens if idx != 0: res_labels[start:end] = ignore_index else: res_labels[:end] = ignore_index if len(response_token_ids_idxs) < len(human_token_ids_idxs): res_labels[human_token_ids_idxs[-1]:] = ignore_index batch_input_ids.append(res_input_ids) batch_labels.append(res_labels) return dict(input_ids=batch_input_ids, labels=batch_labels)