"""Frameworks for running multiple Streamlit applications as a single app. """ import streamlit as st # app_state = st.experimental_get_query_params() # app_state = {k: v[0] if isinstance(v, list) else v for k, v in app_state.items()} # fetch the first item in each query string as we don't have multiple values for each query string key in this example class MultiApp: """Framework for combining multiple streamlit applications. Usage: def foo(): st.title("Hello Foo") def bar(): st.title("Hello Bar") app = MultiApp() app.add_app("Foo", foo) app.add_app("Bar", bar) app.run() It is also possible keep each application in a separate file. import foo import bar app = MultiApp() app.add_app("Foo", foo.app) app.add_app("Bar", bar.app) app.run() """ def __init__(self): self.apps = [] def add_app(self, title, func): """Adds a new application. Parameters ---------- func: the python function to render this app. title: title of the app. Appears in the dropdown in the sidebar. """ self.apps.append({"title": title, "function": func}) def run(self): app_state = st.experimental_get_query_params() app_state = { k: v[0] if isinstance(v, list) else v for k, v in app_state.items() } # fetch the first item in each query string as we don't have multiple values for each query string key in this example # st.write('before', app_state) titles = [a["title"] for a in self.apps] functions = [a["function"] for a in self.apps] default_radio = titles.index(app_state["page"]) if "page" in app_state else 0 st.sidebar.title("List of Menu") title = st.sidebar.radio("Go To", titles, index=default_radio, key="radio") app_state["page"] = st.session_state.radio # st.write('after', app_state) st.experimental_set_query_params(**app_state) functions[titles.index(title)]() st.sidebar.title("About") st.sidebar.info( """ This [dashboard](https://huggingface.co/spaces/billsar1912/YOLOv5x6-marine-vessels-detection?__theme=dark&page=Home) is maintain by Bill Van Ricardo Zalukhu. And this dashboard is connected to [Big Data STIS](https://bigdata.stis.ac.id/ship-detection/), so check another project from Big Data STIS [here](https://bigdata.stis.ac.id). """ )