This is a guide to build RocBLAS based on the Rocm Official Resource. You may have an amd GPU without official support on Rocm [ HIP SDK 5.7]( OR if you are using intergrated GPU (igpu or APU) . and want it supported by HIP SDK on Windows. You may follow the guide below to build your rocBLAS ## Extra: if you do not need build roclabs or already have library ,please skip this . Make sure you have the follow software availbe on your PC ,otherwise ,you may fail to build the roclabs. 1. Visual Studio 2022 1. Python 1. Strawberry Perl 1. CMake 1. Git 1. HIP SDK ( mentioned in first step) 1. Download [ rocblas ]( and [ Tensile ]( download Tensile 4.38.0 for ROCm 5.7.0 ( latest) on windows), replace ` CMakeLists.txt ` if you download the ` tensile 4.38.0 `from release page please replace `cmakeLists` in `Tensile/tree/develop/Tensile/Source/lib/CMakeLists.txt ` with this [ CMakeLists.txt ](, put in same fold , eg , `rocm`( more information from [ rocm official guide ]( Download [ Tensile-fix-fallback-arch-build.patch ]( place in `Tensile` folder .for example` C:\ROCM\Tensile-rocm-5.7.0` open the terminal in `Tensile-rocm-5.7.0 ` git apply Tensile-fix-fallback-arch-build.patch in the rocm/rocBLAS , run python ( if you encounter any mistakes , try to google and fix with it or try it again. using ` -d` in linux ) after done . try next step python -a "gfx1101;gfx1103" --lazy-library-loading --no-merge-architectures -t "C:\rocm\Tensile-rocm-5.7.0 the`gfx1101,gfx1103`change to your` gpu or apu namber `You may want to build more gpu support,make sure by seperate with " ; ". Upon successful compilation, rocblas.dll will be generated in the `build\release\staging folder`. On my PC, the file path is `C:\ROCM\rocBLAS-rocm-5.7.0\build\release\staging\rocblas.dll` In addition, some Tensile data files will also be produced in: `C:\ROCM\rocBLAS-rocm-5.7.0\build\release\Tensile\library` To compile HIP SDK programs that use hipBLAS/rocBLAS, you gotta replace the rocblas.dll file in the SDK with the one you just made yourself, Then, Place `rocblas.dll `into `C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\5.7\bin` and the Tensile data files in the `rocblas\library folder`, relative to the `rocblas.dll `file (which is at `C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\5.7\bin\rocblas\library`, innit?). Once that's done, your program should run smooth as silk on the designated graphics card" Note: you need to change coresponding data in`Tensile/` in tensile library .change data in `" globalParameters["SupportedISA"]" `and `"CACHED_ASM_CAPS"` add data of your`gpu number` .and choose the simliar gpu achetecture. eg `RND3`, then copy and put below with your gpu number and others availble gpu data . if you want more perfect , you may try to use the data availbe in` rocBLAS\library\src\blas3\Tensile\Logic\asm_full `, change the data in their , eg, `navi32,31 , `you may build a new fold there name` navi 3x `, copy the files in` navi32`to `navi 3x`, then open the vs code or visual studio or any other code editor to replace the gpu number .save it . and use` navi 3x` in your ` Tensile/`in terms of `"CACHED_ASM_CAPS" `. Note2 : on Linux (6.1.0 roclabs) ,you may need to edit more . search `Processor` and `gfx1102`(choose the supported card) in entire tensile folder,add your gpu number in where`gfx1102` shows.Then build again . More information avaialbe on[ rocm linux]( .However ,it is not recommended . There easier approach is using `HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION` eg, `export HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=11.0.0` overide with support gpu. All done . Have a good lucy and Hope you enjoy it!