import gradio as gr import torch from modules import shared, devices, scripts, processing, sd_models checked_ok = False def check_dependencies(): global checked_ok # pylint: disable=global-statement from installer import installed, install packages = [ ('ligo-segments', 'ligo-segments'), ] for pkg in packages: if not installed(pkg[1], reload=True, quiet=True): install(pkg[0], pkg[1], ignore=False) try: from ligo.segments import segment # pylint: disable=unused-import checked_ok = True return True except Exception as e: shared.log.error(f'Mixture tiling: {e}') return False class Script(scripts.Script): def title(self): return 'Mixture tiling' def show(self, is_img2img): return not is_img2img if shared.backend == shared.Backend.DIFFUSERS else False def ui(self, _is_img2img): with gr.Row(): gr.HTML('  Mixture tiling
') with gr.Row(): gr.HTML('  Separated prompts using new lines
  Number of prompts must matcxh X*Y
') with gr.Row(): x_size = gr.Slider(label='X components', minimum=1, maximum=5, step=1, value=1) y_size = gr.Slider(label='Y components', minimum=1, maximum=5, step=1, value=1) with gr.Row(): x_overlap = gr.Slider(label='X overlap', minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.01, value=0.5) y_overlap = gr.Slider(label='Y overlap', minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.01, value=0.5) return x_size, y_size, x_overlap, y_overlap def run(self, p: processing.StableDiffusionProcessing, x_size, y_size, x_overlap, y_overlap): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if not checked_ok: if not check_dependencies(): return prompts = p.prompt.splitlines() if len(prompts) != x_size * y_size: shared.log.error(f'Mixture tiling prompt count mismatch: prompts={len(prompts)} required={x_size * y_size}') return # backup pipeline and params orig_pipeline = shared.sd_model orig_dtype = devices.dtype orig_prompt_attention = shared.opts.prompt_attention # create pipeline if shared.sd_model_type != 'sd': shared.log.error(f'Mixture tiling: incorrect base model: {shared.sd_model.__class__.__name__}') return shared.sd_model = sd_models.switch_pipe('mixture_tiling', shared.sd_model) if shared.sd_model.__class__.__name__ != 'StableDiffusionTilingPipeline': # switch failed shared.log.error(f'Mixture tiling: not a tiling pipeline: {shared.sd_model.__class__.__name__}') shared.sd_model = orig_pipeline return sd_models.set_diffuser_options(shared.sd_model)['prompt_attention'] = 'Fixed attention' # this pipeline is not compatible with embeds # this pipeline unet is not compatible with fp16 processing.fix_seed(p) # set pipeline specific params, note that standard params are applied when applicable y_prompts = [] for y in range(y_size): x_prompts = [] for x in range(x_size): x_prompts.append(prompts[y * x_size + x]) y_prompts.append(x_prompts) p.task_args['prompt'] = y_prompts p.task_args['seed'] = p.seed p.task_args['tile_width'] = p.height p.task_args['tile_height'] = p.width p.task_args['tile_col_overlap'] = int(p.height * x_overlap) p.task_args['tile_row_overlap'] = int(p.width * y_overlap) p.task_args['output_type'] = 'np' # run pipeline shared.log.debug(f'Tiling: args={p.task_args}') processed: processing.Processed = processing.process_images(p) # runs processing using main loop # restore pipeline and params['prompt_attention'] = orig_prompt_attention shared.sd_model = orig_pipeline return processed