const activePromptTextarea = {}; let sortVal = 0; // helpers const requestGet = (url, data, handler) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); const args = Object.keys(data).map((k) => `${encodeURIComponent(k)}=${encodeURIComponent(data[k])}`).join('&');'GET', `${url}?${args}`, true); xhr.onreadystatechange = () => { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { if (xhr.status === 200) handler(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)); else console.error(`Request: url=${url} status=${xhr.status} err`); } }; xhr.send(JSON.stringify(data)); }; const getENActiveTab = () => { if (gradioApp().getElementById('tab_txt2img').style.display === 'block') return 'txt2img'; if (gradioApp().getElementById('tab_img2img').style.display === 'block') return 'img2img'; if (gradioApp().getElementById('tab_control').style.display === 'block') return 'control'; return ''; }; const getENActivePage = () => { const tabname = getENActiveTab(); const page = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tabname}_extra_networks > .tabs > .tab-nav > .selected`); const pageName = page ? page.innerText : ''; const btnApply = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_apply`); if (btnApply) = pageName === 'Style' ? 'inline-flex' : 'none'; return pageName; }; const setENState = (state) => { if (!state) return; = getENActiveTab(); = getENActivePage(); // log('setENState', state); const el = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${}_extra_state > label > textarea`); el.value = JSON.stringify(state); updateInput(el); }; // methods function showCardDetails(event) { console.log('showCardDetails', event); const tabname = getENActiveTab(); const btn = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_details_btn`);; event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } function getCardDetails(...args) { const el = event?.target?.parentElement?.parentElement; if (el?.classList?.contains('card')) setENState({ op: 'getCardDetails', item: }); else setENState({ op: 'getCardDetails', item: null }); return [...args]; } function readCardTags(el, tags) { const replaceOutsideBrackets = (input, target, replacement) => input.split(/(<[^>]*>|\{[^}]*\})/g).map((part, i) => { if (i % 2 === 0) return part.split(target).join(replacement); // Only replace in the parts that are not inside brackets (which are at even indices) return part; }).join(''); const clickTag = (e, tag) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const textarea = activePromptTextarea[getENActiveTab()]; let new_prompt = textarea.value; new_prompt = replaceOutsideBrackets(new_prompt, ` ${tag}`, ''); // try to remove tag new_prompt = replaceOutsideBrackets(new_prompt, `${tag} `, ''); if (new_prompt === textarea.value) new_prompt += ` ${tag}`; // if not removed, then append it textarea.value = new_prompt; updateInput(textarea); }; if (tags.length === 0) return; const cardTags = tags.split('|'); if (!cardTags || cardTags.length === 0) return; const tagsEl = el.getElementsByClassName('tags')[0]; if (!tagsEl?.children || tagsEl.children.length > 0) return; for (const tag of cardTags) { const span = document.createElement('span'); span.classList.add('tag'); span.textContent = tag; span.onclick = (e) => clickTag(e, tag); tagsEl.appendChild(span); } } function readCardDescription(page, item) { requestGet('/sd_extra_networks/description', { page, item }, (data) => { const tabname = getENActiveTab(); const description = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tabname}_description > label > textarea`); description.value = data?.description?.trim() || ''; // description.focus(); updateInput(description); setENState({ op: 'readCardDescription', page, item }); }); } function getCardsForActivePage() { const pagename = getENActivePage(); if (!pagename) return []; const allCards = Array.from(gradioApp().querySelectorAll('.extra-network-cards > .card')); const cards = allCards.filter((el) =>; log('getCardsForActivePage', pagename, cards.length); return allCards; } async function filterExtraNetworksForTab(searchTerm) { let found = 0; let items = 0; const t0 =; const pagename = getENActivePage(); if (!pagename) return; const allPages = Array.from(gradioApp().querySelectorAll('.extra-network-cards')); const pages = allPages.filter((el) =>; for (const pg of pages) { const cards = Array.from(pg.querySelectorAll('.card') || []); // We will always have as many items as cards items += cards.length; // Reset the results to show all cards if the search term is empty if (searchTerm === '') { cards.forEach((elem) => { = ''; }); } else { // Do not account for case or whitespace searchTerm = searchTerm.toLowerCase().trim(); // If the searchTerm starts with "r#", then we are using regex search if (searchTerm.startsWith('r#')) { searchTerm = searchTerm.substring(2); // Insensitive regex search based on the searchTerm // The regex can be invalid -> then it will error out of this function, so the timing log will be missing, instead the error will be logged to console const re = new RegExp(searchTerm, 'i'); cards.forEach((elem) => { // Construct the search text, which is the concatenation of all data elements with a prefix to make it unique // This combined text allows to exclude search terms for example by using negative lookahead if (re.test(`filename: ${elem.dataset.filename}|name: ${}|tags: ${elem.dataset.tags}`)) { = ''; found += 1; } else { = 'none'; } }); } else { // If we are not using regex search, we still use an extended syntax to allow for searching for multiple keywords, or also excluding keywords // Keywords are separated by |, and keywords that should be excluded are prefixed with - const searchList = searchTerm.split('|').filter((s) => s !== '' && !s.startsWith('-')).map((s) => s.trim()); const excludeList = searchTerm.split('|').filter((s) => s !== '' && s.trim().startsWith('-')).map((s) => s.trim().substring(1).trim()); // In addition, both the searchList, and exclude List can be separated by &, which means that all keywords in the searchList must be present, and none of the excludeList // So we construct an array of arrays, which we will then use to filter the cards const searchListAll = => s.split('&').map((t) => t.trim())); const excludeListAll = => s.split('&').map((t) => t.trim())); cards.forEach((elem) => { let text = ''; if (elem.dataset.filename) text += `${elem.dataset.filename} `; if ( text += `${} `; if (elem.dataset.tags) text += `${elem.dataset.tags} `; text = text.toLowerCase().replace('models--', 'diffusers').replaceAll('\\', '/'); if ( // In searchListAll we have a list of lists, in the sublist, every keyword must be present // In the top level list, at least one sublist must be present // In excludeListAll we have a list of lists, in the sublist, the keywords may not appear together // In the top level list, none of the sublists must be present searchListAll.some((sl) => sl.every((st) => text.includes(st))) && !excludeListAll.some((el) => el.every((et) => text.includes(et))) ) { = ''; found += 1; } else { = 'none'; } }); } } } const t1 =; if (searchTerm !== '') log(`filterExtraNetworks: text=${searchTerm} items=${items} match=${found} time=${Math.round(1000 * (t1 - t0)) / 1000000}`); else log(`filterExtraNetworks: text=all items=${items} time=${Math.round(1000 * (t1 - t0)) / 1000000}`); } function tryToRemoveExtraNetworkFromPrompt(textarea, text) { const re_extranet = /<([^:]+:[^:]+):[\d\.]+>/; const re_extranet_g = /\s+<([^:]+:[^:]+):[\d\.]+>/g; let m = text.match(re_extranet); let replaced = false; let newTextareaText; if (m) { const partToSearch = m[1]; newTextareaText = textarea.value.replaceAll(re_extranet_g, (found) => { m = found.match(re_extranet); if (m[1] === partToSearch) { replaced = true; return ''; } return found; }); } else { newTextareaText = textarea.value.replaceAll(new RegExp(text, 'g'), (found) => { if (found === text) { replaced = true; return ''; } return found; }); } if (replaced) { textarea.value = newTextareaText; return true; } return false; } function sortExtraNetworks() { const sortDesc = ['Name [A-Z]', 'Name [Z-A]', 'Date [Newest]', 'Date [Oldest]', 'Size [Largest]', 'Size [Smallest]']; const pagename = getENActivePage(); if (!pagename) return 'sort error: unknown page'; const allPages = Array.from(gradioApp().querySelectorAll('.extra-network-cards')); const pages = allPages.filter((el) =>; let num = 0; for (const pg of pages) { const cards = Array.from(pg.querySelectorAll('.card') || []); num = cards.length; if (num === 0) return 'sort: no cards'; cards.sort((a, b) => { // eslint-disable-line no-loop-func switch (sortVal) { case 0: return ? : 0; case 1: return ? : 0; case 2: return a.dataset.mtime && !isNaN(a.dataset.mtime) ? parseFloat(b.dataset.mtime) - parseFloat(a.dataset.mtime) : 0; case 3: return b.dataset.mtime && !isNaN(b.dataset.mtime) ? parseFloat(a.dataset.mtime) - parseFloat(b.dataset.mtime) : 0; case 4: return a.dataset.size && !isNaN(a.dataset.size) ? parseFloat(b.dataset.size) - parseFloat(a.dataset.size) : 0; case 5: return b.dataset.size && !isNaN(b.dataset.size) ? parseFloat(a.dataset.size) - parseFloat(b.dataset.size) : 0; } return 0; }); for (const card of cards) pg.appendChild(card); } const desc = sortDesc[sortVal]; sortVal = (sortVal + 1) % sortDesc.length; log('sortExtraNetworks', pagename, num, desc); return `sort page ${pagename} cards ${num} by ${desc}`; } function refreshENInput(tabname) { log('refreshExtraNetworks', tabname, gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tabname}_extra_networks textarea`)?.value); gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tabname}_extra_networks textarea`)?.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); } function cardClicked(textToAdd, allowNegativePrompt) { const tabname = getENActiveTab(); const textarea = allowNegativePrompt ? activePromptTextarea[tabname] : gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tabname}_prompt > label > textarea`); if (textarea.value.indexOf(textToAdd) !== -1) textarea.value = textarea.value.replace(textToAdd, ''); else textarea.value += textToAdd; updateInput(textarea); } function extraNetworksSearchButton(event) { const tabname = getENActiveTab(); const searchTextarea = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tabname}_extra_search textarea`); const button =; if (button.classList.contains('search-all')) { searchTextarea.value = ''; } else { searchTextarea.value = `${button.textContent.trim()}/`; } updateInput(searchTextarea); } let desiredStyle = ''; function selectStyle(name) { desiredStyle = name; const tabname = getENActiveTab(); const button = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tabname}_styles_select`);; } function applyStyles(styles) { let newStyles = []; if (styles) newStyles = Array.isArray(styles) ? styles : [styles]; const index = newStyles.indexOf(desiredStyle); if (index > -1) newStyles.splice(index, 1); else newStyles.push(desiredStyle); return newStyles.join('|'); } function quickApplyStyle() { const tabname = getENActiveTab(); const btnApply = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_apply`); if (btnApply); } function quickSaveStyle() { const tabname = getENActiveTab(); const btnSave = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_quicksave`); if (btnSave); } let enDirty = false; function closeDetailsEN(...args) { // log('closeDetailsEN'); enDirty = true; const tabname = getENActiveTab(); const btnClose = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_details_close`); if (btnClose) setTimeout(() =>, 100); const btnRefresh = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_refresh`); if (btnRefresh && enDirty) setTimeout(() =>, 100); return [...args]; } function refeshDetailsEN(args) { log(`refeshDetailsEN: ${enDirty}`); const tabname = getENActiveTab(); const btnRefresh = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_refresh`); if (btnRefresh && enDirty) setTimeout(() =>, 100); enDirty = false; return args; } // refresh on en show function refreshENpage() { if (getCardsForActivePage().length === 0) { log('refreshENpage'); const tabname = getENActiveTab(); const btnRefresh = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_refresh`); if (btnRefresh); } } // init function setupExtraNetworksForTab(tabname) { let tabs = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tabname}_extra_tabs`); if (tabs) tabs.classList.add('extra-networks'); const en = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_networks`); tabs = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tabname}_extra_tabs > div`); if (!tabs) return; // buttons const btnRefresh = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_refresh`); const btnScan = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_scan`); const btnSave = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_save`); const btnClose = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_close`); const btnSort = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_sort`); const btnView = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_view`); const btnModel = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_model`); const btnApply = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_apply`); const buttons = document.createElement('span'); buttons.classList.add('buttons'); if (btnRefresh) buttons.appendChild(btnRefresh); if (btnModel) buttons.appendChild(btnModel); if (btnApply) buttons.appendChild(btnApply); if (btnScan) buttons.appendChild(btnScan); if (btnSave) buttons.appendChild(btnSave); if (btnSort) buttons.appendChild(btnSort); if (btnView) buttons.appendChild(btnView); if (btnClose) buttons.appendChild(btnClose); btnModel.onclick = () => btnModel.classList.toggle('toolbutton-selected'); tabs.appendChild(buttons); // details const detailsImg = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_details_img`); const detailsClose = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_details_close`); if (detailsImg && detailsClose) { detailsImg.title = 'Close details'; detailsImg.onclick = () =>; } // search and description const div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('second-line'); tabs.appendChild(div); const txtSearch = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tabname}_extra_search`); const txtSearchValue = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tabname}_extra_search textarea`); const txtDescription = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_description`); txtSearch.classList.add('search'); txtDescription.classList.add('description'); div.appendChild(txtSearch); div.appendChild(txtDescription); let searchTimer = null; txtSearchValue.addEventListener('input', (evt) => { if (searchTimer) clearTimeout(searchTimer); searchTimer = setTimeout(async () => { await filterExtraNetworksForTab(txtSearchValue.value.toLowerCase()); searchTimer = null; }, 100); }); // card hover let hoverTimer = null; let previousCard = null; gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_extra_tabs`).onmouseover = (e) => { const el ='.card'); // bubble-up to card if (!el || (el.title === previousCard)) return; if (!hoverTimer) { hoverTimer = setTimeout(() => { readCardDescription(,; readCardTags(el, el.dataset.tags); previousCard = el.title; }, 300); } el.onmouseout = () => { clearTimeout(hoverTimer); hoverTimer = null; }; }; // en style if (!en) return; const intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { for (const el of Array.from(gradioApp().querySelectorAll('.extra-networks-page'))) { = `${window.opts.extra_networks_height}vh`; = '-webkit-fill-available'; } if (entries[0].intersectionRatio > 0) { refreshENpage(); if (window.opts.extra_networks_card_cover === 'cover') { = ''; = 100; = '13em'; = 'absolute'; = 'unset'; = 'unset'; = 'unset'; gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_settings`) = 'unset'; } else if (window.opts.extra_networks_card_cover === 'sidebar') { = 100; = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '13em'; = '-webkit-fill-available'; = 'width 0.3s ease'; = `${window.opts.extra_networks_sidebar_width}vw`; gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_settings`) = `${100 - 2 - window.opts.extra_networks_sidebar_width}vw`; } else { = ''; = 0; = 0; = 'relative'; = 'unset'; = 'unset'; = 'unset'; gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_settings`) = 'unset'; } } else { if (window.opts.extra_networks_card_cover === 'sidebar') = 0; gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_settings`) = 'unset'; } }); intersectionObserver.observe(en); // monitor visibility of } async function setupExtraNetworks() { setupExtraNetworksForTab('txt2img'); setupExtraNetworksForTab('img2img'); setupExtraNetworksForTab('control'); function registerPrompt(tabname, id) { const textarea = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${id} > label > textarea`); if (!textarea) return; if (!activePromptTextarea[tabname]) activePromptTextarea[tabname] = textarea; textarea.addEventListener('focus', () => { activePromptTextarea[tabname] = textarea; }); } registerPrompt('txt2img', 'txt2img_prompt'); registerPrompt('txt2img', 'txt2img_neg_prompt'); registerPrompt('img2img', 'img2img_prompt'); registerPrompt('img2img', 'img2img_neg_prompt'); registerPrompt('control', 'control_prompt'); registerPrompt('control', 'control_neg_prompt'); log('initExtraNetworks'); } onUiLoaded(setupExtraNetworks);