#!/usr/bin/env python """ use ffmpeg for animation processing """ import os import json import subprocess import pathlib import argparse import filetype from util import log, Map def probe(src: str): cmd = f"ffprobe -hide_banner -loglevel 0 -print_format json -show_format -show_streams \"{src}\"" result = subprocess.run(cmd, shell = True, capture_output = True, text = True, check = True) data = json.loads(result.stdout) stream = [x for x in data['streams'] if x["codec_type"] == "video"][0] fmt = data['format'] if 'format' in data else {} res = {**stream, **fmt} video = Map({ 'codec': res.get('codec_name', 'unknown') + '/' + res.get('codec_tag_string', ''), 'resolution': [int(res.get('width', 0)), int(res.get('height', 0))], 'duration': float(res.get('duration', 0)), 'frames': int(res.get('nb_frames', 0)), 'bitrate': round(float(res.get('bit_rate', 0)) / 1024), }) return video def extract(src: str, dst: str, rate: float = 0.015, fps: float = 0, start = 0, end = 0): images = [] if not os.path.isfile(src) or not filetype.is_video(src): log.error({ 'extract': 'input is not movie file' }) return 0 dst = dst if dst.endswith('/') else dst + '/' video = probe(src) log.info({ 'extract': { 'source': src, **video } }) ssstart = f' -ss {start}' if start > 0 else '' ssend = f' -to {video.duration - end}' if start > 0 else '' filename = pathlib.Path(src).stem if rate > 0: cmd = f"ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -loglevel info {ssstart} {ssend} -i \"{src}\" -filter:v \"select='gt(scene,{rate})',metadata=print\" -vsync vfr -frame_pts 1 \"{dst}{filename}-%05d.jpg\"" elif fps > 0: cmd = f"ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -loglevel info {ssstart} {ssend} -i \"{src}\" -r {fps} -vsync vfr -frame_pts 1 \"{dst}{filename}-%05d.jpg\"" else: log.error({ 'extract': 'requires either rate or fps' }) return 0 log.debug({ 'extract': cmd }) pathlib.Path(dst).mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True) result = subprocess.run(cmd, shell = True, capture_output = True, text = True, check = True) for line in result.stderr.split('\n'): if 'pts_time' in line: log.debug({ 'extract': { 'keyframe': line.strip().split(' ')[-1].split(':')[-1] } }) images = next(os.walk(dst))[2] log.info({ 'extract': { 'destination': dst, 'keyframes': len(images), 'rate': rate, 'fps': fps } }) return len(images) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ffmpeg pipeline") parser.add_argument("--input", type = str, required = True, help="input") parser.add_argument("--output", type = str, required = True, help="output") parser.add_argument("--rate", type = float, default = 0, required = False, help="extraction change rate threshold") parser.add_argument("--fps", type = float, default = 0, required = False, help="extraction frames per second") parser.add_argument("--skipstart", type = float, default = 1, required = False, help="skip time from start of video") parser.add_argument("--skipend", type = float, default = 1, required = False, help="skip time to end of video") params = parser.parse_args() extract(src = params.input, dst = params.output, rate = params.rate, fps = params.fps, start = params.skipstart, end = params.skipend)