--- title: test app_file: webui.py sdk: gradio sdk_version: 4.29.0 ---
# SD.Next **Stable Diffusion implementation with advanced features** [![Sponsors](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=Sponsor&message=%E2%9D%A4&logo=GitHub&color=%23fe8e86)](https://github.com/sponsors/vladmandic) ![Last Commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/vladmandic/automatic?svg=true) ![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/vladmandic/automatic?svg=true) [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/1101998836328697867?logo=Discord&svg=true)](https://discord.gg/VjvR2tabEX) [Wiki](https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/wiki) | [Discord](https://discord.gg/VjvR2tabEX) | [Changelog](CHANGELOG.md)

## Notable features All individual features are not listed here, instead check [ChangeLog](CHANGELOG.md) for full list of changes - Multiple backends! ▹ **Diffusers | Original** - Multiple diffusion models! ▹ **Stable Diffusion 1.5/2.1 | SD-XL | LCM | Segmind | Kandinsky | Pixart-α | Stable Cascade | Würstchen | aMUSEd | DeepFloyd IF | UniDiffusion | SD-Distilled | BLiP Diffusion | KOALA | etc.** - Built-in Control for Text, Image, Batch and video processing! ▹ **ControlNet | ControlNet XS | Control LLLite | T2I Adapters | IP Adapters** - Multiplatform! ▹ **Windows | Linux | MacOS with CPU | nVidia | AMD | IntelArc | DirectML | OpenVINO | ONNX+Olive | ZLUDA** - Platform specific autodetection and tuning performed on install - Optimized processing with latest `torch` developments with built-in support for `torch.compile` and multiple compile backends: *Triton, ZLUDA, StableFast, DeepCache, OpenVINO, NNCF, IPEX* - Improved prompt parser - Enhanced *Lora*/*LoCon*/*Lyco* code supporting latest trends in training - Built-in queue management - Enterprise level logging and hardened API - Built in installer with automatic updates and dependency management - Modernized UI with theme support and number of built-in themes *(dark and light)*
*Main text2image interface*: ![Screenshot-Dark](html/screenshot-text2image.jpg) For screenshots and informations on other available themes, see [Themes Wiki](https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/wiki/Themes)
## Backend support **SD.Next** supports two main backends: *Diffusers* and *Original*: - **Diffusers**: Based on new [Huggingface Diffusers](https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/index) implementation Supports *all* models listed below This backend is set as default for new installations See [wiki article](https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/wiki/Diffusers) for more information - **Original**: Based on [LDM](https://github.com/Stability-AI/stablediffusion) reference implementation and significantly expanded on by [A1111](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui) This backend and is fully compatible with most existing functionality and extensions written for *A1111 SDWebUI* Supports **SD 1.x** and **SD 2.x** models All other model types such as *SD-XL, LCM, PixArt, Segmind, Kandinsky, etc.* require backend **Diffusers** ## Model support Additional models will be added as they become available and there is public interest in them - [RunwayML Stable Diffusion](https://github.com/Stability-AI/stablediffusion/) 1.x and 2.x *(all variants)* - [StabilityAI Stable Diffusion XL](https://github.com/Stability-AI/generative-models) - [StabilityAI Stable Video Diffusion](https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-video-diffusion-img2vid) Base, XT 1.0, XT 1.1 - [LCM: Latent Consistency Models](https://github.com/openai/consistency_models) - [Playground](https://huggingface.co/playgroundai/playground-v2-256px-base) *v1, v2 256, v2 512, v2 1024 and latest v2.5* - [Stable Cascade](https://github.com/Stability-AI/StableCascade) *Full* and *Lite* - [aMUSEd 256](https://huggingface.co/amused/amused-256) 256 and 512 - [Segmind Vega](https://huggingface.co/segmind/Segmind-Vega) - [Segmind SSD-1B](https://huggingface.co/segmind/SSD-1B) - [Segmind SegMoE](https://github.com/segmind/segmoe) *SD and SD-XL* - [Kandinsky](https://github.com/ai-forever/Kandinsky-2) *2.1 and 2.2 and latest 3.0* - [PixArt-α XL 2](https://github.com/PixArt-alpha/PixArt-alpha) *Medium and Large* - [Warp Wuerstchen](https://huggingface.co/blog/wuertschen) - [Tsinghua UniDiffusion](https://github.com/thu-ml/unidiffuser) - [DeepFloyd IF](https://github.com/deep-floyd/IF) *Medium and Large* - [ModelScope T2V](https://huggingface.co/damo-vilab/text-to-video-ms-1.7b) - [Segmind SD Distilled](https://huggingface.co/blog/sd_distillation) *(all variants)* - [BLIP-Diffusion](https://dxli94.github.io/BLIP-Diffusion-website/) - [KOALA 700M](https://github.com/youngwanLEE/sdxl-koala) - [VGen](https://huggingface.co/ali-vilab/i2vgen-xl) Also supported are modifiers such as: - **LCM** and **Turbo** (*adversarial diffusion distillation*) networks - All **LoRA** types such as LoCon, LyCORIS, HADA, IA3, Lokr, OFT - **IP-Adapters** for SD 1.5 and SD-XL - **InstantID**, **FaceSwap**, **FaceID**, **PhotoMerge** - **AnimateDiff** for SD 1.5 ## Examples *IP Adapters*: ![Screenshot-IPAdapter](html/screenshot-ipadapter.jpg) *Color grading*: ![Screenshot-Color](html/screenshot-color.jpg) *InstantID*: ![Screenshot-InstantID](html/screenshot-instantid.jpg) > [!IMPORTANT] > - Loading any model other than standard SD 1.x / SD 2.x requires use of backend **Diffusers** > - Loading any other models using **Original** backend is not supported > - Loading manually download model `.safetensors` files is supported for specified models only (typically SD 1.x / SD 2.x / SD-XL models only) > - For all other model types, use backend **Diffusers** and use built in Model downloader or select model from Networks -> Models -> Reference list in which case it will be auto-downloaded and loaded ## Platform support - *nVidia* GPUs using **CUDA** libraries on both *Windows and Linux* - *AMD* GPUs using **ROCm** libraries on *Linux* Support will be extended to *Windows* once AMD releases ROCm for Windows - *Intel Arc* GPUs using **OneAPI** with *IPEX XPU* libraries on both *Windows and Linux* - Any GPU compatible with *DirectX* on *Windows* using **DirectML** libraries This includes support for AMD GPUs that are not supported by native ROCm libraries - Any GPU or device compatible with **OpenVINO** libraries on both *Windows and Linux* - *Apple M1/M2* on *OSX* using built-in support in Torch with **MPS** optimizations - *ONNX/Olive* ## Install - [Step-by-step install guide](https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/wiki/Installation) - [Advanced install notes](https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/wiki/Advanced-Install) - [Common installation errors](https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/discussions/1627) - [FAQ](https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/discussions/1011) - If you can't run us locally, try our friends at [RunDuffusion!](https://rundiffusion.com?utm_source=github&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=SDNext) > [!TIP] > - Server can run with or without virtual environment, Recommended to use `VENV` to avoid library version conflicts with other applications > - **nVidia/CUDA** / **AMD/ROCm** / **Intel/OneAPI** are auto-detected if present and available, For any other use case such as **DirectML**, **ONNX/Olive**, **OpenVINO** specify required parameter explicitly or wrong packages may be installed as installer will assume CPU-only environment > - Full startup sequence is logged in `sdnext.log`, so if you encounter any issues, please check it first ### Run Once SD.Next is installed, simply run `webui.ps1` or `webui.bat` (*Windows*) or `webui.sh` (*Linux or MacOS*) List of available parameters, run `webui --help` for the full & up-to-date list: Server options: --config CONFIG Use specific server configuration file, default: config.json --ui-config UI_CONFIG Use specific UI configuration file, default: ui-config.json --medvram Split model stages and keep only active part in VRAM, default: False --lowvram Split model components and keep only active part in VRAM, default: False --ckpt CKPT Path to model checkpoint to load immediately, default: None --vae VAE Path to VAE checkpoint to load immediately, default: None --data-dir DATA_DIR Base path where all user data is stored, default: --models-dir MODELS_DIR Base path where all models are stored, default: models --allow-code Allow custom script execution, default: False --share Enable UI accessible through Gradio site, default: False --insecure Enable extensions tab regardless of other options, default: False --use-cpu USE_CPU [USE_CPU ...] Force use CPU for specified modules, default: [] --listen Launch web server using public IP address, default: False --port PORT Launch web server with given server port, default: 7860 --freeze Disable editing settings --auth AUTH Set access authentication like "user:pwd,user:pwd"" --auth-file AUTH_FILE Set access authentication using file, default: None --autolaunch Open the UI URL in the system's default browser upon launch --docs Mount API docs, default: False --api-only Run in API only mode without starting UI --api-log Enable logging of all API requests, default: False --device-id DEVICE_ID Select the default CUDA device to use, default: None --cors-origins CORS_ORIGINS Allowed CORS origins as comma-separated list, default: None --cors-regex CORS_REGEX Allowed CORS origins as regular expression, default: None --tls-keyfile TLS_KEYFILE Enable TLS and specify key file, default: None --tls-certfile TLS_CERTFILE Enable TLS and specify cert file, default: None --tls-selfsign Enable TLS with self-signed certificates, default: False --server-name SERVER_NAME Sets hostname of server, default: None --no-hashing Disable hashing of checkpoints, default: False --no-metadata Disable reading of metadata from models, default: False --disable-queue Disable queues, default: False --subpath SUBPATH Customize the URL subpath for usage with reverse proxy --backend {original,diffusers} force model pipeline type --allowed-paths ALLOWED_PATHS [ALLOWED_PATHS ...] add additional paths to paths allowed for web access Setup options: --reset Reset main repository to latest version, default: False --upgrade Upgrade main repository to latest version, default: False --requirements Force re-check of requirements, default: False --quick Bypass version checks, default: False --use-directml Use DirectML if no compatible GPU is detected, default: False --use-openvino Use Intel OpenVINO backend, default: False --use-ipex Force use Intel OneAPI XPU backend, default: False --use-cuda Force use nVidia CUDA backend, default: False --use-rocm Force use AMD ROCm backend, default: False --use-zluda Force use ZLUDA, AMD GPUs only, default: False --use-xformers Force use xFormers cross-optimization, default: False --skip-requirements Skips checking and installing requirements, default: False --skip-extensions Skips running individual extension installers, default: False --skip-git Skips running all GIT operations, default: False --skip-torch Skips running Torch checks, default: False --skip-all Skips running all checks, default: False --skip-env Skips setting of env variables during startup, default: False --experimental Allow unsupported versions of libraries, default: False --reinstall Force reinstallation of all requirements, default: False --test Run test only and exit --version Print version information --ignore Ignore any errors and attempt to continue --safe Run in safe mode with no user extensions Logging options: --log LOG Set log file, default: None --debug Run installer with debug logging, default: False --profile Run profiler, default: False ## Notes ### Control **SD.Next** comes with built-in control for all types of text2image, image2image, video2video and batch processing *Control interface*: ![Screenshot-Control](html/screenshot-control.jpg) *Control processors*: ![Screenshot-Process](html/screenshot-processors.jpg) *Masking*: ![Screenshot-Mask](html/screenshot-mask.jpg) ### **Extensions** SD.Next comes with several extensions pre-installed: - [ControlNet](https://github.com/Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet) (*active in backend: original only*) - [Agent Scheduler](https://github.com/ArtVentureX/sd-webui-agent-scheduler) - [Image Browser](https://github.com/AlUlkesh/stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser) ### **Collab** - We'd love to have additional maintainers (with comes with full repo rights). If you're interested, ping us! - In addition to general cross-platform code, desire is to have a lead for each of the main platforms This should be fully cross-platform, but we'd really love to have additional contributors and/or maintainers to join and help lead the efforts on different platforms ### **Credits** - Main credit goes to [Automatic1111 WebUI](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui) for original codebase - Additional credits are listed in [Credits](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/#credits) - Licenses for modules are listed in [Licenses](html/licenses.html) ### **Evolution** starts - [OSS Stats](https://ossinsight.io/analyze/vladmandic/automatic#overview) ### **Docs** If you're unsure how to use a feature, best place to start is [Wiki](https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/wiki) and if its not there, check [ChangeLog](CHANGELOG.md) for when feature was first introduced as it will always have a short note on how to use it - [Wiki](https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/wiki) - [ReadMe](README.md) - [ToDo](TODO.md) - [ChangeLog](CHANGELOG.md) - [CLI Tools](cli/README.md) ### **Sponsors**
Allan GrantBrent OzarMatthew RunoSalad Technologiesa.v.mantzaris