window.opts = {}; window.localization = {}; window.titles = {}; let tabSelected = ''; let txt2img_textarea; let img2img_textarea; const wait_time = 800; const token_timeouts = {}; let uiLoaded = false; window.args_to_array = Array.from; // Compatibility with e.g. extensions that may expect this to be around function rememberGallerySelection(name) { // dummy } function set_theme(theme) { const gradioURL = window.location.href; if (!gradioURL.includes('?__theme=')) window.location.replace(`${gradioURL}?__theme=${theme}`); } function update_token_counter(button_id) { if (token_timeouts[button_id]) clearTimeout(token_timeouts[button_id]); token_timeouts[button_id] = setTimeout(() => gradioApp().getElementById(button_id)?.click(), wait_time); } function clip_gallery_urls(gallery) { const files = =>; navigator.clipboard.writeText(JSON.stringify(files)).then( () => log('clipboard:', files), (err) => console.error('clipboard:', files, err), ); } function all_gallery_buttons() { const allGalleryButtons = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('[style="display: block;"].tabitem div[id$=_gallery].gradio-gallery .thumbnails > .thumbnail-item.thumbnail-small'); const visibleGalleryButtons = []; allGalleryButtons.forEach((elem) => { if (elem.parentElement.offsetParent) visibleGalleryButtons.push(elem); }); return visibleGalleryButtons; } function selected_gallery_button() { const allCurrentButtons = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('[style="display: block;"].tabitem div[id$=_gallery].gradio-gallery .thumbnail-item.thumbnail-small.selected'); let visibleCurrentButton = null; allCurrentButtons.forEach((elem) => { if (elem.parentElement.offsetParent) visibleCurrentButton = elem; }); return visibleCurrentButton; } function selected_gallery_index() { const buttons = all_gallery_buttons(); const button = selected_gallery_button(); let result = -1; buttons.forEach((v, i) => { if (v === button) { result = i; } }); return result; } function extract_image_from_gallery(gallery) { if (gallery.length === 0) return [null]; if (gallery.length === 1) return [gallery[0]]; let index = selected_gallery_index(); if (index < 0 || index >= gallery.length) index = 0; return [gallery[index]]; } async function setTheme(val, old) { if (!old || val === old) return; old = old.replace('modern/', ''); val = val.replace('modern/', ''); const links = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('link')).filter((l) => l.href.includes(old)); if (links.length === 0) { log('setTheme: current theme not matched', old); return; } for (const link of links) { const href = link.href.replace(old, val); const res = await fetch(href); if (res.ok) { log('setTheme:', old, val); link.href = link.href.replace(old, val); } else { log('setTheme: CSS not found', val); } } } function setFontSize(val, old) { const size = val || opts.font_size; if (size === old) return;'--font-size', `${size}px`); gradioApp().style.setProperty('--font-size', `${size}px`); gradioApp().style.setProperty('--text-xxs', `${size - 3}px`); gradioApp().style.setProperty('--text-xs', `${size - 2}px`); gradioApp().style.setProperty('--text-sm', `${size - 1}px`); gradioApp().style.setProperty('--text-md', `${size}px`); gradioApp().style.setProperty('--text-lg', `${size + 1}px`); gradioApp().style.setProperty('--text-xl', `${size + 2}px`); gradioApp().style.setProperty('--text-xxl', `${size + 3}px`); log('setFontSize', size); } function switchToTab(tab) { const tabs = Array.from(gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#tabs > .tab-nav > button')); const btn = tabs?.find((t) => t.innerText === tab); log('switchToTab', tab); if (btn); } function switch_to_txt2img(...args) { switchToTab('Text'); return Array.from(arguments); } function switch_to_img2img_tab(no) { switchToTab('Image'); gradioApp().getElementById('mode_img2img').querySelectorAll('button')[no].click(); } function switch_to_img2img(...args) { switchToTab('Image'); switch_to_img2img_tab(0); return Array.from(arguments); } function switch_to_sketch(...args) { switchToTab('Image'); switch_to_img2img_tab(1); return Array.from(arguments); } function switch_to_inpaint(...args) { switchToTab('Image'); switch_to_img2img_tab(2); return Array.from(arguments); } function switch_to_inpaint_sketch(...args) { switchToTab('Image'); switch_to_img2img_tab(3); return Array.from(arguments); } function switch_to_extras(...args) { switchToTab('Process'); return Array.from(arguments); } function switch_to_control(...args) { switchToTab('Control'); return Array.from(arguments); } function get_tab_index(tabId) { let res = 0; gradioApp().getElementById(tabId).querySelector('div').querySelectorAll('button') .forEach((button, i) => { if (button.className.indexOf('selected') !== -1) res = i; }); return res; } function create_tab_index_args(tabId, args) { const res = Array.from(args); res[0] = get_tab_index(tabId); return res; } function get_img2img_tab_index(...args) { const res = Array.from(arguments); res.splice(-2); res[0] = get_tab_index('mode_img2img'); return res; } function create_submit_args(args) { const res = Array.from(args); // As it is currently, txt2img and img2img send back the previous output args (txt2img_gallery, generation_info, html_info) whenever you generate a new image. // This can lead to uploading a huge gallery of previously generated images, which leads to an unnecessary delay between submitting and beginning to generate. // I don't know why gradio is sending outputs along with inputs, but we can prevent sending the image gallery here, which seems to be an issue for some. // If gradio at some point stops sending outputs, this may break something if (Array.isArray(res[res.length - 3])) res[res.length - 3] = null; return res; } function showSubmitButtons(tabname, show) {} function clearGallery(tabname) { const gallery = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_gallery`); gallery.classList.remove('logo'); // = window.innerHeight - gallery.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200 + 'px' const footer = gradioApp().getElementById(`${tabname}_footer`); = 'flex'; } function submit_txt2img(...args) { log('submitTxt'); clearGallery('txt2img'); const id = randomId(); requestProgress(id, null, gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery')); const res = create_submit_args(args); res[0] = id; return res; } function submit_img2img(...args) { log('submitImg'); clearGallery('img2img'); const id = randomId(); requestProgress(id, null, gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery')); const res = create_submit_args(args); res[0] = id; res[1] = get_tab_index('mode_img2img'); return res; } function submit_control(...args) { log('submitControl'); clearGallery('control'); const id = randomId(); requestProgress(id, null, gradioApp().getElementById('control_gallery')); const res = create_submit_args(args); res[0] = id; res[1] = gradioApp().querySelector('#control-tabs > .tab-nav > .selected')?.innerText.toLowerCase() || ''; // selected tab name return res; } function submit_postprocessing(...args) { log('SubmitExtras'); clearGallery('extras'); return args; } window.submit = submit_txt2img; function modelmerger(...args) { const id = randomId(); const res = create_submit_args(args); res[0] = id; return res; } function clearPrompts(prompt, negative_prompt) { prompt = ''; negative_prompt = ''; return [prompt, negative_prompt]; } const promptTokenCountUpdateFuncs = {}; function recalculatePromptTokens(name) { if (promptTokenCountUpdateFuncs[name]) { promptTokenCountUpdateFuncs[name](); } } function recalculate_prompts_txt2img(...args) { recalculatePromptTokens('txt2img_prompt'); recalculatePromptTokens('txt2img_neg_prompt'); return Array.from(arguments); } function recalculate_prompts_img2img(...args) { recalculatePromptTokens('img2img_prompt'); recalculatePromptTokens('img2img_neg_prompt'); return Array.from(arguments); } function recalculate_prompts_inpaint(...args) { recalculatePromptTokens('img2img_prompt'); recalculatePromptTokens('img2img_neg_prompt'); return Array.from(arguments); } function recalculate_prompts_control(...args) { recalculatePromptTokens('control_prompt'); recalculatePromptTokens('control_neg_prompt'); return Array.from(arguments); } function registerDragDrop() { const qs = gradioApp().getElementById('quicksettings'); if (!qs) return; qs.addEventListener('dragover', (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; }); qs.addEventListener('drop', (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; for (const f of evt.dataTransfer.files) { log('QuickSettingsDrop', f); } }); } function sortUIElements() { // sort top-level tabs const currSelected = gradioApp()?.querySelector('.tab-nav > .selected')?.innerText; if (currSelected === tabSelected || !opts.ui_tab_reorder) return; tabSelected = currSelected; const tabs = gradioApp().getElementById('tabs')?.children[0]; if (!tabs) return; let tabsOrder = opts.ui_tab_reorder?.split(',').map((el) => el.trim().toLowerCase()) || []; for (const el of Array.from(tabs.children)) { const elIndex = tabsOrder.indexOf(el.innerText.toLowerCase()); if (elIndex > -1) = elIndex - 50; // default is 0 so setting to negative values } // sort always-on scripts const find = (el, ordered) => { for (const i in ordered) { if (el.innerText.toLowerCase().startsWith(ordered[i])) return i; } return 99; }; tabsOrder = opts.ui_scripts_reorder?.split(',').map((el) => el.trim().toLowerCase()) || []; const scriptsTxt = gradioApp().getElementById('scripts_alwayson_txt2img').children; for (const el of Array.from(scriptsTxt)) = find(el, tabsOrder); const scriptsImg = gradioApp().getElementById('scripts_alwayson_img2img').children; for (const el of Array.from(scriptsImg)) = find(el, tabsOrder); log('sortUIElements'); } onAfterUiUpdate(async () => { let promptsInitialized = false; async function registerTextarea(id, id_counter, id_button) { const prompt = gradioApp().getElementById(id); if (!prompt) return; const counter = gradioApp().getElementById(id_counter); const localTextarea = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${id} > label > textarea`); if (counter.parentElement === prompt.parentElement) return; prompt.parentElement.insertBefore(counter, prompt); = 'relative'; promptTokenCountUpdateFuncs[id] = () => { update_token_counter(id_button); }; localTextarea.addEventListener('input', promptTokenCountUpdateFuncs[id]); if (!promptsInitialized) log('initPrompts'); promptsInitialized = true; } // sortUIElements(); registerTextarea('txt2img_prompt', 'txt2img_token_counter', 'txt2img_token_button'); registerTextarea('txt2img_neg_prompt', 'txt2img_negative_token_counter', 'txt2img_negative_token_button'); registerTextarea('img2img_prompt', 'img2img_token_counter', 'img2img_token_button'); registerTextarea('img2img_neg_prompt', 'img2img_negative_token_counter', 'img2img_negative_token_button'); registerTextarea('control_prompt', 'control_token_counter', 'control_token_button'); registerTextarea('control_neg_prompt', 'control_negative_token_counter', 'control_negative_token_button'); }); function update_txt2img_tokens(...args) { update_token_counter('txt2img_token_button'); if (args.length === 2) return args[0]; return args; } function update_img2img_tokens(...args) { update_token_counter('img2img_token_button'); if (args.length === 2) return args[0]; return args; } function getTranslation(...args) { return null; } function monitorServerStatus() {; document.write(`