import numpy as np import cv2 from functools import reduce import math import py3d_tools as p3d import torch from einops import rearrange from .prompt import check_is_number # Webui from modules.shared import state def sample_from_cv2(sample: np.ndarray) -> torch.Tensor: sample = ((sample.astype(float) / 255.0) * 2) - 1 sample = sample[None].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2).astype(np.float16) sample = torch.from_numpy(sample) return sample def sample_to_cv2(sample: torch.Tensor, type=np.uint8) -> np.ndarray: sample_f32 = rearrange(sample.squeeze().cpu().numpy(), "c h w -> h w c").astype(np.float32) sample_f32 = ((sample_f32 * 0.5) + 0.5).clip(0, 1) sample_int8 = (sample_f32 * 255) return sample_int8.astype(type) def construct_RotationMatrixHomogenous(rotation_angles): assert(type(rotation_angles)==list and len(rotation_angles)==3) RH = np.eye(4,4) cv2.Rodrigues(np.array(rotation_angles), RH[0:3, 0:3]) return RH # def getRotationMatrixManual(rotation_angles): rotation_angles = [np.deg2rad(x) for x in rotation_angles] phi = rotation_angles[0] # around x gamma = rotation_angles[1] # around y theta = rotation_angles[2] # around z # X rotation Rphi = np.eye(4,4) sp = np.sin(phi) cp = np.cos(phi) Rphi[1,1] = cp Rphi[2,2] = Rphi[1,1] Rphi[1,2] = -sp Rphi[2,1] = sp # Y rotation Rgamma = np.eye(4,4) sg = np.sin(gamma) cg = np.cos(gamma) Rgamma[0,0] = cg Rgamma[2,2] = Rgamma[0,0] Rgamma[0,2] = sg Rgamma[2,0] = -sg # Z rotation (in-image-plane) Rtheta = np.eye(4,4) st = np.sin(theta) ct = np.cos(theta) Rtheta[0,0] = ct Rtheta[1,1] = Rtheta[0,0] Rtheta[0,1] = -st Rtheta[1,0] = st R = reduce(lambda x,y : np.matmul(x,y), [Rphi, Rgamma, Rtheta]) return R def getPoints_for_PerspectiveTranformEstimation(ptsIn, ptsOut, W, H, sidelength): ptsIn2D = ptsIn[0,:] ptsOut2D = ptsOut[0,:] ptsOut2Dlist = [] ptsIn2Dlist = [] for i in range(0,4): ptsOut2Dlist.append([ptsOut2D[i,0], ptsOut2D[i,1]]) ptsIn2Dlist.append([ptsIn2D[i,0], ptsIn2D[i,1]]) pin = np.array(ptsIn2Dlist) + [W/2.,H/2.] pout = (np.array(ptsOut2Dlist) + [1.,1.]) * (0.5*sidelength) pin = pin.astype(np.float32) pout = pout.astype(np.float32) return pin, pout def warpMatrix(W, H, theta, phi, gamma, scale, fV): # M is to be estimated M = np.eye(4, 4) fVhalf = np.deg2rad(fV/2.) d = np.sqrt(W*W+H*H) sideLength = scale*d/np.cos(fVhalf) h = d/(2.0*np.sin(fVhalf)) n = h-(d/2.0) f = h+(d/2.0) # Translation along Z-axis by -h T = np.eye(4,4) T[2,3] = -h # Rotation matrices around x,y,z R = getRotationMatrixManual([phi, gamma, theta]) # Projection Matrix P = np.eye(4,4) P[0,0] = 1.0/np.tan(fVhalf) P[1,1] = P[0,0] P[2,2] = -(f+n)/(f-n) P[2,3] = -(2.0*f*n)/(f-n) P[3,2] = -1.0 # pythonic matrix multiplication F = reduce(lambda x,y : np.matmul(x,y), [P, T, R]) # shape should be 1,4,3 for ptsIn and ptsOut since perspectiveTransform() expects data in this way. # In C++, this can be achieved by Mat ptsIn(1,4,CV_64FC3); ptsIn = np.array([[ [-W/2., H/2., 0.],[ W/2., H/2., 0.],[ W/2.,-H/2., 0.],[-W/2.,-H/2., 0.] ]]) ptsOut = np.array(np.zeros((ptsIn.shape), dtype=ptsIn.dtype)) ptsOut = cv2.perspectiveTransform(ptsIn, F) ptsInPt2f, ptsOutPt2f = getPoints_for_PerspectiveTranformEstimation(ptsIn, ptsOut, W, H, sideLength) # check float32 otherwise OpenCV throws an error assert(ptsInPt2f.dtype == np.float32) assert(ptsOutPt2f.dtype == np.float32) M33 = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(ptsInPt2f,ptsOutPt2f) return M33, sideLength def get_flip_perspective_matrix(W, H, keys, frame_idx): perspective_flip_theta = keys.perspective_flip_theta_series[frame_idx] perspective_flip_phi = keys.perspective_flip_phi_series[frame_idx] perspective_flip_gamma = keys.perspective_flip_gamma_series[frame_idx] perspective_flip_fv = keys.perspective_flip_fv_series[frame_idx] M,sl = warpMatrix(W, H, perspective_flip_theta, perspective_flip_phi, perspective_flip_gamma, 1., perspective_flip_fv); post_trans_mat = np.float32([[1, 0, (W-sl)/2], [0, 1, (H-sl)/2]]) post_trans_mat = np.vstack([post_trans_mat, [0,0,1]]) bM = np.matmul(M, post_trans_mat) return bM def flip_3d_perspective(anim_args, prev_img_cv2, keys, frame_idx): W, H = (prev_img_cv2.shape[1], prev_img_cv2.shape[0]) return cv2.warpPerspective( prev_img_cv2, get_flip_perspective_matrix(W, H, keys, frame_idx), (W, H), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_WRAP if anim_args.border == 'wrap' else cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE ) def anim_frame_warp(prev_img_cv2, args, anim_args, keys, frame_idx, depth_model=None, depth=None, device='cuda', half_precision = False): if anim_args.use_depth_warping: if depth is None and depth_model is not None: depth = depth_model.predict(prev_img_cv2, anim_args, half_precision) else: depth = None if anim_args.animation_mode == '2D': prev_img = anim_frame_warp_2d(prev_img_cv2, args, anim_args, keys, frame_idx) else: # '3D' prev_img = anim_frame_warp_3d(device, prev_img_cv2, depth, anim_args, keys, frame_idx) return prev_img, depth def anim_frame_warp_2d(prev_img_cv2, args, anim_args, keys, frame_idx): angle = keys.angle_series[frame_idx] zoom = keys.zoom_series[frame_idx] translation_x = keys.translation_x_series[frame_idx] translation_y = keys.translation_y_series[frame_idx] center = (args.W // 2, args.H // 2) trans_mat = np.float32([[1, 0, translation_x], [0, 1, translation_y]]) rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, zoom) trans_mat = np.vstack([trans_mat, [0,0,1]]) rot_mat = np.vstack([rot_mat, [0,0,1]]) if anim_args.enable_perspective_flip: bM = get_flip_perspective_matrix(args.W, args.H, keys, frame_idx) rot_mat = np.matmul(bM, rot_mat, trans_mat) else: rot_mat = np.matmul(rot_mat, trans_mat) return cv2.warpPerspective( prev_img_cv2, rot_mat, (prev_img_cv2.shape[1], prev_img_cv2.shape[0]), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_WRAP if anim_args.border == 'wrap' else cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE ) def anim_frame_warp_3d(device, prev_img_cv2, depth, anim_args, keys, frame_idx): TRANSLATION_SCALE = 1.0/200.0 # matches Disco translate_xyz = [ -keys.translation_x_series[frame_idx] * TRANSLATION_SCALE, keys.translation_y_series[frame_idx] * TRANSLATION_SCALE, -keys.translation_z_series[frame_idx] * TRANSLATION_SCALE ] rotate_xyz = [ math.radians(keys.rotation_3d_x_series[frame_idx]), math.radians(keys.rotation_3d_y_series[frame_idx]), math.radians(keys.rotation_3d_z_series[frame_idx]) ] if anim_args.enable_perspective_flip: prev_img_cv2 = flip_3d_perspective(anim_args, prev_img_cv2, keys, frame_idx) rot_mat = p3d.euler_angles_to_matrix(torch.tensor(rotate_xyz, device=device), "XYZ").unsqueeze(0) result = transform_image_3d(device if not device.type.startswith('mps') else torch.device('cpu'), prev_img_cv2, depth, rot_mat, translate_xyz, anim_args, keys, frame_idx) torch.cuda.empty_cache() return result def transform_image_3d(device, prev_img_cv2, depth_tensor, rot_mat, translate, anim_args, keys, frame_idx): # adapted and optimized version of transform_image_3d from Disco Diffusion w, h = prev_img_cv2.shape[1], prev_img_cv2.shape[0] aspect_ratio = float(w)/float(h) near = keys.near_series[frame_idx] far = keys.far_series[frame_idx] fov_deg = keys.fov_series[frame_idx] persp_cam_old = p3d.FoVPerspectiveCameras(near, far, aspect_ratio, fov=fov_deg, degrees=True, device=device) persp_cam_new = p3d.FoVPerspectiveCameras(near, far, aspect_ratio, fov=fov_deg, degrees=True, R=rot_mat, T=torch.tensor([translate]), device=device) # range of [-1,1] is important to torch grid_sample's padding handling y,x = torch.meshgrid(torch.linspace(-1.,1.,h,dtype=torch.float32,device=device),torch.linspace(-1.,1.,w,dtype=torch.float32,device=device)) if depth_tensor is None: z = torch.ones_like(x) else: z = torch.as_tensor(depth_tensor, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) xyz_old_world = torch.stack((x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten()), dim=1) xyz_old_cam_xy = persp_cam_old.get_full_projection_transform().transform_points(xyz_old_world)[:,0:2] xyz_new_cam_xy = persp_cam_new.get_full_projection_transform().transform_points(xyz_old_world)[:,0:2] offset_xy = xyz_new_cam_xy - xyz_old_cam_xy # affine_grid theta param expects a batch of 2D mats. Each is 2x3 to do rotation+translation. identity_2d_batch = torch.tensor([[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.]], device=device).unsqueeze(0) # coords_2d will have shape (N,H,W,2).. which is also what grid_sample needs. coords_2d = torch.nn.functional.affine_grid(identity_2d_batch, [1,1,h,w], align_corners=False) offset_coords_2d = coords_2d - torch.reshape(offset_xy, (h,w,2)).unsqueeze(0) image_tensor = rearrange(torch.from_numpy(prev_img_cv2.astype(np.float32)), 'h w c -> c h w').to(device) new_image = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample( image_tensor.add(1/512 - 0.0001).unsqueeze(0), offset_coords_2d, mode=anim_args.sampling_mode, padding_mode=anim_args.padding_mode, align_corners=False ) # convert back to cv2 style numpy array result = rearrange( new_image.squeeze().clamp(0,255), 'c h w -> h w c' ).cpu().numpy().astype(prev_img_cv2.dtype) return result