"blob_id","filename","extension","language","content","lang_ext_count","ext_fraction_per_lang","generated_fraction","vendor_fraction" "135116c04b9409f582e4764c76f8508b1c9d6165","ManagerModule.bsl",".bsl","1C Enterprise"," #Если Сервер Или ТолстыйКлиентОбычноеПриложение Или ВнешнееСоединение Тогда #Область ПрограммныйИнтерфейс // Возвращает ошибки заполнения настроек элементов схемы. // // Параметры: // Схема - СправочникСсылка.СхемыКомплексныхПроцессов, // СправочникОбъект.СхемыКомплексныхПроцессов - ссылка или объект схемы. // // Возвращаемое значение: // Массив // * Строка // Функция ОшибкиЗаполненияНастроекЭлементовСхемы(Схема) Экспорт УстановитьПривилегированныйРежим(Истина); ОшибкиНастроек = Новый Массив; Если ТипЗнч(Схема) = Тип(""СправочникСсылка.СхемыКомплексныхПроцессов"") Тогда СхемаОбъект = Схема.ПолучитьОбъект(); Иначе СхемаОбъект = Схема; КонецЕсли; ГрафическаяСхема = СхемаОбъект.Схема.Получить(); // Найдем имена первых действия после старта. ИмяЭлементаСтарта = СхемаОбъект.ЭлементыСхемы.Найти( Перечисления.ТипыЭлементовСхемыКомплексногоПроцесса.Старт, ""Тип"").Имя; ИменаДействийПослеСтарта = Новый Массив; НайтиИменаПосл","772","0.9357575757575758","0.0","0.0" "0941b036dfd34cb3af2be75b6fc47b6e4d9f6b47","Module.bsl",".bsl","1C Enterprise","// 4D:ERP для Беларуси // { // Форма изменена // } // 4D #Область ОбработчикиСобытийФормы &НаСервере Процедура ПриСозданииНаСервере(Отказ, СтандартнаяОбработка) Если Параметры.Свойство(""АвтоТест"") Тогда // Возврат при получении формы для анализа. Возврат; КонецЕсли; УправлениеЭлементами() КонецПроцедуры &НаКлиенте Процедура ОбработкаОповещения(ИмяСобытия, Параметр, Источник) Если ИмяСобытия = ""Запись_НаборКонстант"" Тогда // Изменены настройки программы в панелях администрирования УправлениеЭлементами(); КонецЕсли; КонецПроцедуры #КонецОбласти #Область ОбработчикиКомандФормы #Область ОбщиеСправочники &НаКлиенте Процедура ОткрытьСправочникВидыДоходовНДФЛ(Команда) ОткрытьФорму(""Справочник.ВидыДоходовНДФЛ.ФормаСписка"", , ЭтаФорма); КонецПроцедуры &НаКлиенте Процедура ОткрытьРегистрСведенийВычетыКДоходамПоНДФЛ(Команда) ОткрытьФорму(""РегистрСведений.ВычетыПоДоходамНДФЛ.ФормаСписка"", , ЭтаФорма); КонецПроцедуры &НаКлиенте Процедура ОткрытьСправочникВиды","772","0.9357575757575758","0.0","0.0" "09c7c56bcae626e1183a9b420ee4727f371f887c","Module.bsl",".bsl","1C Enterprise"," #Область ПрограммныйИнтерфейс &НаКлиенте Процедура ОповещениеОткрытьФормуВопроса(РезультатОткрытияФормы, ДополнительныеПараметры) Экспорт Если НЕ РезультатОткрытияФормы = Неопределено Тогда Если ВРЕГ(РезультатОткрытияФормы) = ""ДА"" Тогда ЗакрытьСПередачейРезультата(); КонецЕсли; КонецЕсли; ПервыйВвод = Истина; КонецПроцедуры #КонецОбласти #Область ОбработчикиСобытийФормы &НаСервере Процедура ПриСозданииНаСервере(Отказ, СтандартнаяОбработка) // Пропускаем инициализацию, чтобы гарантировать получение формы при передаче параметра ""АвтоТест"". Если Параметры.Свойство(""АвтоТест"") Тогда Возврат; КонецЕсли; КоличествоСимволовПослеЗапятой = 2; ПервыйВвод = Истина; Если Параметры.Свойство(""ФорматироватьСтроку"") Тогда ФорматироватьСтроку = Параметры.ФорматироватьСтроку; КонецЕсли; Если Параметры.Свойство(""Заголовок"") Тогда Заголовок = Параметры.Заголовок; КонецЕсли; Если Параметры.Свойство(""МаксимальноеЗначение"") Тогда МаксимальноеЗначение = Параметры.Ма","772","0.9357575757575758","0.0","0.0" "04831926e338a8e8b81d6a4ad7427e65da887886","RecordSetModule.bsl",".bsl","1C Enterprise","#Если Сервер Или ТолстыйКлиентОбычноеПриложение Или ВнешнееСоединение Тогда #Область ОбработчикиСобытий Процедура ПередЗаписью(Отказ, Замещение) Если ЗарплатаКадры.ОтключитьБизнесЛогикуПриЗаписи(ЭтотОбъект) Тогда Возврат; КонецЕсли; РегистрыСведений.УдалитьИсторияИспользованияПодразделений.ДополнитьНаборИспользованиемВИерархии(ЭтотОбъект); РегистрыСведений.УдалитьИсторияИспользованияПодразделений.СохранитьИзменениеИспользованияПодразделений(ЭтотОбъект); КонецПроцедуры #КонецОбласти #КонецЕсли","772","0.9357575757575758","0.0","0.0" "0d5a2970b46ee6adde8126727ed391fa00870e68","ManagerModule.bsl",".bsl","1C Enterprise"," #Если Сервер Или ТолстыйКлиентОбычноеПриложение Или ВнешнееСоединение Тогда #Область ПрограммныйИнтерфейс #Область ДляВызоваИзДругихПодсистем // СтандартныеПодсистемы.УправлениеДоступом // См. УправлениеДоступомПереопределяемый.ПриЗаполненииСписковСОграничениемДоступа. Процедура ПриЗаполненииОграниченияДоступа(Ограничение) Экспорт Ограничение.Текст = ""РазрешитьЧтение |ГДЕ | ИСТИНА |; |РазрешитьИзменениеЕслиРазрешеноЧтение |ГДЕ | ИзменениеОбъектаРазрешено(Взаимодействие)""; КонецПроцедуры // Конец СтандартныеПодсистемы.УправлениеДоступом #КонецОбласти #КонецОбласти #Область СлужебныеПроцедурыИФункции //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Обработчики обновления // Процедура обновления ИБ для версии БСП 2.2. // Переносит Рассмотрено и РассмотретьПосле из реквизитов документов взаимодействий в регистр сведений // ПредметыПапкиВзаимодействий. // Процедура ОбновитьХранениеРассмотреноРассмотретьПосле_2_2_0_0(Параметры) Экспор","772","0.9357575757575758","0.0","0.0" "146b650242d68c7955671903d15f5e61deca4bab","СоответствияНазванийВидовОбъектов.os",".os","1C Enterprise","Перем СоответствияНазванийВидовОбъектов; Функция СоответствияНазванийВидовОбъектовИнициализировать() Если ТипЗнч(СоответствияНазванийВидовОбъектов) = Тип(""ТаблицаЗначений"") Тогда Возврат СоответствияНазванийВидовОбъектов; КонецЕсли; СоответствияНазванийВидовОбъектов = Новый ТаблицаЗначений; СоответствияНазванийВидовОбъектов.Колонки.Добавить(""Группа""); СоответствияНазванийВидовОбъектов.Колонки.Добавить(""ИмяАнгл""); СоответствияНазванийВидовОбъектов.Колонки.Добавить(""ИмяАнглМнФормы""); СоответствияНазванийВидовОбъектов.Колонки.Добавить(""Имя""); СоответствияНазванийВидовОбъектов.Колонки.Добавить(""ИмяМнФормы""); СтрокаСоответствия = СоответствияНазванийВидовОбъектов.Добавить(); СтрокаСоответствия.Группа = """"; СтрокаСоответствия.ИмяАнгл = ""Constant""; СтрокаСоответствия.ИмяАнглМнФормы = ""Constants""; СтрокаСоответствия.Имя = ""Константа""; СтрокаСоответствия.ИмяМнФормы = ""Константы""; СтрокаСоответствия = СоответствияНазванийВи","52","0.06303030303030303","0.0","0.0" "1305d62d99c2fb50385ff6fb840adbf53a65d859","_CLF_P_ProcEnd_SIMChg.os",".os","1C Enterprise"," "","" "","""",}),0,({({""You snuzzle $hcname$."",""$mcname$ snuzzle$s$ $hcname$."",""$mcname$ snuzzle$s$ you."",0,0,0,}),({""You snuzzle $hcname$ $arg$."",""$mcname$ snuzzle$s$ $hcname$ $arg$."",""$mcname$ snuzzle$s$ you $arg$."",({""affectionately"",""warmly"",""gently"",""absentmindedly"",""seductively"",""dreamily"",""adorably"",""lustily"",""tenderly"",""lovingly"",""sensuously"",""longingly"",""softly"",""passionately"",""excitedly"",""snuzzily"",""snuzzably"",""on a coffee table"",""#"",}),0,0,}),}),})","52","0.06303030303030303","0.0","0.0" "04c296cdac9ebecd807a2dcbdec5f9bb735bbbec","SODCLTXT.2DA",".2da","2-Dimensional Array","2DA V1.0 -1 CLASSID KITID LOWER DESCSTR MIXED BIOGRAPHY FALLEN BRIEFDESC FIGHTER 2 16384 7201 9556 1076 65344 0 31252 BERSERKER 2 1 24239 24284 24261 65344 0 31252 WIZARD_SLAYER 2 2 24240 24285 24262 65344 0 31252 KENSAI 2 3 24241 24286 24263 65344 0 31252 DWARVEN_DEFENDER 2 34 31973 31975 ","54","1.125","0.0","0.0" "07969879bdeab1096545a683daa265e96377dcad","cls_feat_drslyr.2da",".2da","2-Dimensional Array","2DA V2.0 FeatLabel FeatIndex List GrantedOnLevel OnMenu 0 FEAT_DRAGONSONG_STRENGTH 3441 3 1 1 1 FEAT_DRAGONSONG_COMPULSION 3442 3 2 1 2 FEAT_DRAGONSONG_SPEED 3443 3 3 1 3 FEAT_DRAGONSONG_FEAR 3444 3 4 1 4 FEAT_DRAGONSONG_HEALING 3445 3 5 1 5 FEAT_LYRITHSONG2 3447 3 2 1 6 FEAT_LYRITHSONG3 3448 3 3 1 7 FEAT_LYRITHSONG4 3449 3 4 1 8 FEAT_LYRITHSONG5 3450 3 5 1 9 FEAT_LYRITHSONG7 3016 3 7 1 10 FEAT_LYRITHSONG8 3017 3 8 1 11 FEAT_LYRITHSONG9 ","54","1.125","0.0","0.0" "1e61f0e2eba9a5107b3003672dd225e8c8c417cd","iprp_redcost.2da",".2da","2-Dimensional Array","2DA V2.0 Name Label Cost Value GS_IP_DISABLED 0 **** Random 0 0.0 **** 1 1658 -20% 0.5 0.2 TRUE 2 1659 -40% 0.75 0.4 TRUE 3 1660 -60% 1.0 0.6 TRUE 4 1661 -80% 1.25 0.8 TRUE 5 1662 -100% 1.5 1.0 TRUE","54","1.125","0.0","0.0" "0eea13c5404f310aba665e7409d16e16b471c3d4","modal.2da",".2da","2-Dimensional Array","2DA V1.0 * SPELL ACTION STR_ON STR_OFF STR_FAIL AOESPELL REPEAT_MSG NONE * * 0 0 0 0 0 BARDSONG BARDSONG BattleSong -1 -1 -1 1 1 DETECTTRAPS FINDTRAP FindTraps -1 -1 -1 0 0 STEALTH SNEAK Hide 19944 4188 17120 0 0 TURNUNDEAD TURN Turn -1 -1 -1 1 1 ","54","1.125","0.0","0.0" "003e4954c6b7a9ad8861bfcd8acb82909e423eed","RACETHAC.2DA",".2da","2-Dimensional Array","2DA V1.0 0 LABEL HUMAN DWARF ELF GNOME HALF_ELF HALFLING HALFORC 89 BASTARDSWORD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 LONGSWORD 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 91 SHORTSWORD 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 92 AXE 0 2 0 0 0 ","54","1.125","0.0","0.0" "0028a94fe6841d93fd626eb853bb3107c4563626","firstName.4dm",".4dm","4D","$evt:=Form event code:C388 $animationTypes_ptr:=OBJECT Get pointer:C1124(Object named:K67:5;""animationTypes"") Case of : ($evt=On Load:K2:1) Form:C1466.firstNameLabel:=New Animation Form:C1466.firstNameLabel.target:=""firstName"" Form:C1466.firstNameLabel.fontSize:=11 Form:C1466.firstNameLabel.offset:=-5 Form:C1466.firstNameLabel.formPath:=""firstName"" End case Form:C1466.firstNameLabel.duration:=Form:C1466.duration Form:C1466.firstNameLabel.animationType:=$animationTypes_ptr->{$animationTypes_ptr->} Form:C1466.firstNameLabel.floatingLabel()","73","1.0","0.0","0.0" "070fbe4076c18985d4c76b75ef47f69a0777d97b","bDel.4dm",".4dm","4D","C_TEXT:C284($varName) C_LONGINT:C283($table;$field) RESOLVE POINTER:C394(Focus object:C278;$varName;$table;$field) Case of : ($varName=""lbElectivas"") DELETE FROM ARRAY:C228(aPEAsgName;aPEAsgName) : ($varName=""lbObligatorias"") DELETE FROM ARRAY:C228(aPCAsgName;aPCAsgName) End case ","73","1.0","0.0","0.0" "1ec51a40e520a2a9d0f2e4d747167b227c80ee9d","opcionesEnfermeria1.4dm",".4dm","4D","SN3_SetCheckByChecks (->cb_PublicarEnfermeria;""|"";->cb_PublicarVisitas;->cb_PublicarCM)","73","1.0","0.0","0.0" "00f4dadc29d5a6e89e2739110e90d63e719fe2ad","RM_RefNClosed.4dm",".4dm","4D","//%attributes = {""publishedWeb"":true} //G-Proc: RM_RefNClosed; RM stands for Reporting Month. // Status = ""Referred"" or ""Direct Assistance"" // C_LONGINT:C283($Insert) C_TEXT:C284($1) Case of : ($1=""A"") vAInt:=vAInt+1 vARef:=vARef+1 vAClosed:=vAClosed+1 : (($1=""C"") | ($1=""V"")) // COMBINE VOM W/COMMUNITY vCInt:=vCInt+1 vCRef:=vCRef+1 vCClosed:=vCClosed+1 : ($1=""F"") vFInt:=vFInt+1 vFRef:=vFRef+1 vFClosed:=vFClosed+1 : ($1=""J"") vJInt:=vJInt+1 vJRef:=vJRef+1 vJClosed:=vJClosed+1 : ($1=""L"") vLInt:=vLInt+1 vLRef:=vLRef+1 vLClosed:=vLClosed+1 : ($1=""T"") // TRUANT - 12/2003 vTInt:=vTInt+1 vTRef:=vTRef+1 vTClosed:=vTClosed+1 : ($1=""N"") //LTC vMInt:=vMInt+1 vMRef:=vMRef+1 vMClosed:=vMClosed+1 // : ($1=""S"") // vSInt:=vSInt+1 // vSRef:=vSRef+1 //vSClosed:=vSClosed+1 ` 3/97 - ZERO SPECIAL ED : ($1=""P"") vPInt:=vPInt+1 ","73","1.0","0.0","0.0" "0a6504444fa3357505dcfbbc321b598f930fca2b","REGEX_SubstituteText.4dm",".4dm","4D","//%attributes = {""invisible"":true,""preemptive"":""capable"",""published4DMobile"":{""scope"":""none""},""publishedSoap"":false,""publishedWeb"":false,""publishedWsdl"":false,""shared"":false,""publishedSql"":false,""executedOnServer"":false} // ---------------------------------------------------- // Method : REGEX_SubstituteText // Created 28/09/07 by Vincent // ---------------------------------------------------- // Description // Alias ""REGEX_SubstituteText"" // ---------------------------------------------------- // Paramètres //$1 = Regular expression //$2 = Replacement text //$3 = Target text //$4 = Regular expression flags //$0 = Error result // ---------------------------------------------------- C_LONGINT:C283($0) C_TEXT:C284($1) C_TEXT:C284($2) C_POINTER:C301($3) C_LONGINT:C283($4) C_BOOLEAN:C305($Boo_OK) C_LONGINT:C283($Lon_i;$Lon_Index;$Lon_Options;$Lon_Parameters;$Lon_Size;$Lon_Start) C_TEXT:C284($Txt_Buffer;$Txt_Error_Method;$Txt_Pattern;$Txt_Replacement;$Txt_Target","73","1.0","0.0","0.0" "17f6c3e51e7034f95413be69dd628b5d30a0cf1d","ydklist.fugr.ydk_list_for_instance.abap",".abap","ABAP","FUNCTION ydk_list_for_instance. *""---------------------------------------------------------------------- *""*""Local Interface: *"" IMPORTING *"" REFERENCE(INSTANCE) TYPE REF TO OBJECT *"" REFERENCE(METHOD) TYPE CLIKE *"" REFERENCE(COL) DEFAULT 5 *"" REFERENCE(ROW) DEFAULT 5 *"" REFERENCE(WIDTH) OPTIONAL *"" REFERENCE(HEIGHT) OPTIONAL *"" REFERENCE(PARAMS) TYPE YDK_LIST=>TY_PARAM_TAB OPTIONAL *"" EXCEPTIONS *"" CANCEL *""---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA: rcol TYPE i. DATA: brow TYPE i. DATA: linstance TYPE REF TO object. DATA: lmethod TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS TYPE ydk_list=>ty_param_tab. DATA: lcall_mode TYPE c. DATA: subrc LIKE sy-subrc. CLEAR exit_dlg. linstance = rinstance. lmethod = rmethod. IF IS ASSIGNED. ASSIGN TO . UNASSIGN . ENDIF. lcall_mode = gcall_mode. rinstance = instance. rmethod = method. IF params IS","215","1.0804020100502512","0.0","0.0" "1354e7e489ec0457c1d5084ccaae9cf21dd62aab","ZTPPVM_BK_W.abap",".abap","ABAP","*&-------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZTPPVM_BK_W *&-------------------------------------------------------------* *System name : HMI SYSTEM *Sub system name : ARCHIVE *Program name : Archiving : ZTPPVM_BK (Write) *Program descrition : Generated automatically by the ZHACR00800 *Created on : 20130521 Created by : T00302 *Changed on : Changed by : *Changed descrition : *""-------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT ZTPPVM_BK_W . ***** Include TOP INCLUDE ZTPPVM_BK_T . ***** Selection screen. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK B2 WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT-001. *SELECT-OPTIONS S_K04PDA FOR ZTPPVM_BK-K04PDAT. *SELECT-OPTIONS S_K04PLN FOR ZTPPVM_BK-K04PLN. *SELECT-OPTIONS S_K04SER FOR ZTPPVM_BK-K04SER. SELECT-OPTIONS S_ZEDAT FOR ZTPPVM_BK-ZEDAT. SELECTION-SCREEN SKIP 1. PARAMETERS: TESTRUN AS CHECKBOX, CREATE DEFAULT 'X' AS CHECKBOX, ","215","1.0804020100502512","0.0","0.0" "06c874237bc96bf0c30f7378235f763217db5e58","mdemo_transactiontop.prog.abap",".abap","ABAP","*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * INCLUDE MTZ10TOP * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* PROGRAM sapmdemo_transaction. TABLES spfli. DATA ok_code(4) TYPE c. DATA spfli_wa TYPE SPFLI. ","215","1.0804020100502512","0.0","0.0" "069e4b4a3ba2d9a2760f3d6f26c52aabccdb873d","zimgpath.enho.ade2e79d.abap",".abap","ABAP","""Name: \PR:SAPLSHI01\FO:HANDLE_MENU_SELECT\SE:BEGIN\EI ENHANCEMENT 0 ZIMGPATH. CASE g_fcode. WHEN 'ZZSHOWPATH'. DATA: BEGIN OF zz, lv_nodekey TYPE tv_nodekey , le_item TYPE shi_item, le_node TYPE treev_node, lv_relatkey TYPE tv_nodekey, lv_relatship_ant TYPE int4, html TYPE string, END OF zz. CHECK g_tree_data->tree IS NOT INITIAL. READ TABLE g_tree_data->nodes INTO zz-le_node WITH KEY node_key = g_tree_data->node_key . CHECK sy-subrc = 0. READ TABLE g_tree_data->items INTO zz-le_item WITH KEY node_key = g_tree_data->node_key item_name = 'TEXT'. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. zz-html = |{ escape( val = zz-le_item-text format = cl_abap_format=>e_html_text ) }|. zz-lv_relatkey = zz-le_node-relatkey. zz-lv_relatship_ant = zz-le_node-relatship. WHILE zz-lv_relatkey IS NOT INITIAL. ","215","1.0804020100502512","0.0","0.0" "04b064b37621b363d0a3cf8fb2d96a8eb0f89f3e","zatr_user.fugr.zatr_territory_budget.abap",".abap","ABAP","FUNCTION ZATR_TERRITORY_BUDGET . *""---------------------------------------------------------------------- *""*""Local Interface: *"" IMPORTING *"" VALUE(IMUSER_TYPE) TYPE ZATR_USER_M-USER_TYPE OPTIONAL *"" VALUE(IMUSER_ID) TYPE ZATR_USER_M-USER_ID OPTIONAL *"" VALUE(IMGJAHR) TYPE ZSD_BDG_T-GJAHR OPTIONAL *"" VALUE(IMSPART) TYPE ZSD_BDG_T-SPART OPTIONAL *"" EXPORTING *"" VALUE(STS) TYPE STRING *"" TABLES *"" TAB_TERRITORY_BDG_DET STRUCTURE ZATR_STRUC_BUDGET OPTIONAL *""---------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPES : BEGIN OF TY_MARA, MATNR TYPE MARA-MATNR, MATKL TYPE MARA-MATKL, EXTWG TYPE MARA-EXTWG, END OF TY_MARA. DATA : GT_USER TYPE TABLE OF ZATR_USER_TMAP, GT_ZSD_BDG_T TYPE TABLE OF ZSD_BDG_T, GT_TAB TYPE TABLE OF ZATR_STRUC_BUDGET, GT_MARA TYPE TABLE OF TY_MARA, GS_USER LIKE LINE OF GT_USER, GS_ZSD_BDG_T LIKE LINE OF ","215","1.0804020100502512","0.0","0.0" "0dd51703f407bcebff0244a11ca8cfbdf757e0d1","grid31.0-44.0-32.0-45.0.asc",".asc","AGS Script","ncols 200 nrows 200 xllcorner 31.0 yllcorner 44.0 cellsize 0.005 NODATA_value -9999.0 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 222 223 223 223 224 224 225 225 226 226 226 227 227 228 228 228 229 229 229 230 230 230 230 231 231 231 232 232 232 232 229 229 229 229 230 230 230 230 231 231 231 231 231 232 232 232 232 232 233 233 233 233 233 233 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 236 236 236 236 236 236 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-2.89423883E-06 -5.7967336E-06 0.0066656 -2.25355634E-05 -5.34016272E-06 -2.89423883E-06 -5.7967336E-06 0.00749880029 -2.25355634E-05 -5.34016272E-06 -2.89423883E-06 -5.7967336E-06 0.00833200011 -2.25355634E-05 -5.34016272E-06 -2.89423883E-06 -5.7967336E-06 0.0091652004 -2.25355634E-05 -5.34016272E-06 -2.89423883E-06 -5.7967336E-06 0.00999839976 -2.25355634E-05 -5.34016272E-06 -2.89423883E-06 -5.7967336E-06 0.0108316001 -2.2535","605","0.9166666666666666","0.0","0.0" "20d617526dd98294d21f6b2f40271f8b26fed3d9","psiliqL0021N0001.asc",".asc","AGS Script","ncols 104 nrows 10 xllcorner -2.000000 yllcorner 0.000000 cellsize 1.000000 NODATA_value -9999.0 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 -99","605","0.9166666666666666","0.0","0.0" "0e44ef5c8b2c5af241150f4e53b16da0471f9a4c","NB14.asc",".asc","AGS Script","ncols 200 nrows 200 xllcorner 110000 yllcorner 940000 cellsize 50 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6","605","0.9166666666666666","0.0","0.0" "04db358a204b3429377ad5b6074c0425306b3f4a","2016010218_Pres.asc",".asc","AGS Script","ncols 4 nrows 5 xllcorner -1210458.76443 yllcorner 4504093.75781 cellsize 50996.6881218 25.2268 24.9433 24.2014 23.3638 25.1012 24.8436 24.106 23.3425 24.9898 24.6376 23.6701 23.3625 24.4035 24.1285 23.674 23.2129 24.2756 23.7698 23.5373 23.5121 ","605","0.9166666666666666","0.0","0.0" "1c9a9a13a3af2ea89b412cc28180e87c77b51a22","n2e_d.ash",".ash","AGS Script","; n2e_d.ash -- NRV2E decompression in 68000 assembly ; ; This file is part of the UCL data compression library. ; ; Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer ; All Rights Reserved. ; ; The UCL library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; ; The UCL library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with the UCL library; see the file COPYING. ; If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ; 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ; ; Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer ; ; http:/","19","0.02878787878787879","0.0","0.0" "0078358bde48f54099248c9607cf30e7397157dc","yz_L09_Q_topping.ash",".ash","AGS Script","import ""quests/council/yz_L09_SQ_bridge.ash""; import ""quests/council/yz_L09_SQ_oilpeak.ash""; import ""quests/council/yz_L09_SQ_aboo.ash""; import ""quests/council/yz_L09_SQ_twin.ash""; int twinpeak_progress() { int peak = get_property(""twinPeakProgress"").to_int(); int progress = 0; if(bit_flag(peak, 0)) progress += 1; // 4 Stench Resistance if(bit_flag(peak, 1)) progress += 1; // +50% Item Drop if(bit_flag(peak, 2)) progress += 1; // Jar of Oil if(bit_flag(peak, 3)) progress += 1; // +40% initiative return progress; } void L09_Q_topping_progress() { if (!quest_active(""questL09Topping"")) return; int bridge = to_int(get_property(""chasmBridgeProgress"")); if (bridge < 30) { progress(bridge, 30, ""bridge progress""); return; } float oil = to_float(get_property(""oilPeakProgress"")); if (oil > 0) progress(310.66 - oil, 310.66, wrap($location[oil peak]) + "" pressure""); int boo = to_int(get_property(""booPeakProgress"")); if (boo > 0) ","19","0.02878787878787879","0.0","0.0" "0b0b7200308efc375d789e293c7075835023db2c","test_string_template.ash",".ash","AGS Script","string what_do_I_now_know() { return ""my ABC""; } String when = ""Now""; string who = 'I'; print( `{//Comment when } { who } {false?""knew"":true?""know"":""knee""}\ ` + ` { what_do_I_now_know() + ""!"" }` ); ","19","0.02878787878787879","0.0","0.0" "005053f117c3b95564cdf413d2bac3bc64135bab","IMPORT.ASH",".ash","AGS Script","xcall macro x extrn x:near call x endm ","19","0.02878787878787879","0.0","0.0" "0072120931416dfae39e3cbb3e609f1a24a1186e","ICompute.aidl",".aidl","AIDL","// ICompute.aidl package com.haihua.testthree; // Declare any non-default types here with import statements interface ICompute { int add(int a, int b); int sub(int a, int b); } ","158","0.8926553672316384","0.0","0.0" "1e5c4d2ad36d9750a84aefcabdef9d2eb45ad0c5","IBluetoothA2dp.aidl",".aidl","AIDL","// IBluetoothA2dp.aidl package android.bluetooth; // Declare any non-default types here with import statements interface IBluetoothA2dp { boolean connectSink(in BluetoothDevice device); // Pre API 11 only boolean disconnectSink(in BluetoothDevice device); // Pre API 11 only boolean connect(in BluetoothDevice device); // API 11 and up only boolean disconnect(in BluetoothDevice device); // API 11 and up only boolean suspendSink(in BluetoothDevice device); // all boolean resumeSink(in BluetoothDevice device); // all BluetoothDevice[] getConnectedSinks(); // change to Set<> once AIDL supports, pre API 11 only BluetoothDevice[] getNonDisconnectedSinks(); // change to Set<> once AIDL supports, int getSinkState(in BluetoothDevice device); // pre API 11 only int getConnectionState(in BluetoothDevice device); // API 11 and up boolean setSinkPriority(in BluetoothDevice device, int priority); // Pre API 11 only boolean setPriority(in BluetoothDe","158","0.8926553672316384","0.0","0.0" "0eb3be1ccc60e3bc2964f48758011f4f487b92a1","INStreamService.aidl",".aidl","AIDL","package net.khhq.android.audio; interface INStreamService { void start(String url); String errors(); void pause(); void stop(); int state(); }","158","0.8926553672316384","0.0","0.0" "0750a79e9168eb68b8665a7ec28a6516a0208023","IPackageManager.aidl",".aidl","AIDL","/* ** ** Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License""); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an ""AS IS"" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ package android.content.pm; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo; import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo; import android.content.pm.ContainerEncryptionParams; import android.content.pm.FeatureInfo; import android.content.pm.IPackageInstallObserver; import android.conte","158","0.8926553672316384","0.0","0.0" "140ec3a67d33a89301a3485261f8ce371b186391","ITranslateCallback.aidl",".aidl","AIDL","// ITranslateCallback.aidl package com.insightsurfface.myword.aidl; // Declare any non-default types here with import statements import com.insightsurfface.myword.aidl.TranslateWraper; interface ITranslateCallback { void onResponse(in TranslateWraper translate); void onFailure(String message); } ","158","0.8926553672316384","0.0","0.0" "0e9b2e38650a56e28d4c81f65920b5683dc1a7cd","ALIssue.Table.al",".al","AL","table 50115 ""WLD ALIssue"" { fields { field(1; id; Integer) { dataclassification = CustomerContent; Caption = 'ID'; } field(2; number; Integer) { dataclassification = CustomerContent; Caption = 'Number'; } field(3; title; Text[250]) { dataclassification = CustomerContent; Caption = 'Title'; } field(5; ""created_at""; DateTime) { dataclassification = CustomerContent; Caption = 'Created at'; } field(6; user; text[50]) { dataclassification = CustomerContent; Caption = 'User'; } field(7; state; text[30]) { dataclassification = CustomerContent; Caption = 'State'; } field(8; ""html_url""; text[250]) { dataclassification = CustomerContent; Caption = 'URL'; } ","238","1.1609756097560975","0.0","0.0" "1856a59fd4e92ceefbc7425cca541404a78fc48c","ERMMIRReports.Codeunit.al",".al","AL","codeunit 134928 ""ERM MIR Reports"" { Subtype = Test; TestPermissions = Disabled; trigger OnRun() begin // [FEATURE] [ERM] [Fin. Charge Memo] [Multiple Interest Rates] end; var LibraryRandom: Codeunit ""Library - Random""; LibraryERM: Codeunit ""Library - ERM""; LibrarySales: Codeunit ""Library - Sales""; LibraryVariableStorage: Codeunit ""Library - Variable Storage""; LibraryReportDataset: Codeunit ""Library - Report Dataset""; LibraryUtility: Codeunit ""Library - Utility""; LibraryReportValidation: Codeunit ""Library - Report Validation""; LibraryFinanceChargeMemo: Codeunit ""Library - Finance Charge Memo""; Assert: Codeunit Assert; LibraryTestInitialize: Codeunit ""Library - Test Initialize""; WrongRowErr: Label 'Line should be hidden.'; IsInitialized: Boolean; AmountNotFoundErr: Label 'Amount not found.'; [Test] [HandlerFunctions('FinChargeMemoRequestHandle","238","1.1609756097560975","0.0","0.0" "03e8c76d4e24608521fca02d50433bdbebefe9fa","Pag-Ext37072402.PageExtansion45.al",".al","AL","pageextension 37072402 ""PageExtansion45"" extends ""Sales List"" { var AJShippingLine: Record ""AJE Shipping Log Line""; LookupforAJShipping: Boolean; procedure SetLookupForAJShipping(AJShippingLine2: Record ""AJE Shipping Log Line"") begin LookupforAJShipping := true; AJShippingLine := AJShippingLine2; end; trigger OnQueryClosePage(CloseAction: Action): Boolean var FromSalesHeader: Record ""Sales Header""; AJShippingHeader: Record ""AJE Shipping Log""; AJFillShippingLine: Codeunit ""AJ Fill Shipping Process""; AJShippingCheck: Codeunit ""AJ Shipping Check""; HaveBadDocuments: Boolean; begin if LookupforAJShipping and (CloseAction = Action::LookupOK) then begin AJShippingHeader.Get(AJShippingLine.""Shipping No.""); FromSalesHeader.Copy(Rec); CurrPage.SetSelectionFilter(FromSalesHeader); HaveBadDocuments := false; if FromSalesHeader.Fi","238","1.1609756097560975","0.0","0.0" "1c0957fde93f66ed89c2d1cfa9df773753b224f6","Rep50080.INT_FixedAssetAnalysis2.al",".al","AL","report 50080 ""INT_Fixed Asset - Analysis 2"" { DefaultLayout = RDLC; RDLCLayout = 'rdlc/FixedAssetAnalysis.rdl'; ApplicationArea = FixedAssets; Caption = 'Fixed Asset Analysis 2'; UsageCategory = ReportsAndAnalysis; dataset { dataitem(""Fixed Asset""; ""Fixed Asset"") { RequestFilterFields = ""No."", ""FA Class Code"", ""FA Subclass Code"", ""Budgeted Asset""; column(MainHeadLineText; MainHeadLineText) { } column(CompanyName; COMPANYPROPERTY.DisplayName) { } column(TodayFormatted; Format(Today, 0, 4)) { } column(DeprBookText; DeprBookText) { } column(TblCptnFAFilter; TableCaption + ': ' + FAFilter) { } column(FAFilter; FAFilter) { } column(HeadLineText1; HeadLineText[1]) { } column(G","238","1.1609756097560975","0.0","0.0" "0dec547a6e3a8defa3a927375dc734b0c0143d5b","EmployeeList.Page.al",".al","AL","page 5201 ""Employee List"" { ApplicationArea = BasicHR; Caption = 'Employees'; CardPageID = ""Employee Card""; Editable = false; PageType = List; SourceTable = Employee; UsageCategory = Lists; layout { area(content) { repeater(Control1) { ShowCaption = false; field(""No.""; ""No."") { ApplicationArea = BasicHR; ToolTip = 'Specifies the number of the involved entry or record, according to the specified number series.'; } field(FullName; FullName) { ApplicationArea = BasicHR; Caption = 'Full Name'; ToolTip = 'Specifies the full name of the employee.'; Visible = false; } field(""First Name""; ""First Name"") { ApplicationArea = BasicHR; ","238","1.1609756097560975","0.0","0.0" "055413942a656e897a4b2b35776ccf45d31c4a46","98005_na_ch.mod",".mod","AMPL","COMMENT NA_CH.MOD c1 - c2 - c3 - c4 - c5 - o - is1 | | | | | | i1 - i2 - i3 - i4 - i5 - i6 - is2 SLOW 6/18/2003 ENDCOMMENT NEURON { SUFFIX na_ch USEION na READ ena WRITE ina RANGE g, ina, gbar, a GLOBAL Con, Coff, Oon, Ooff GLOBAL a0, vha, vca GLOBAL b0, vhb, vcb GLOBAL g0 GLOBAL d0 GLOBAL aS1, aS2, bS } UNITS { (mV) = (millivolt) (mA) = (milliamp) (S) = (siemens) } PARAMETER { gbar = 1 (S/cm2) a0 = 37 (1/ms) : alpha vha = 45 (mV) vca = 40 (mV) b0 = 10 (1/ms) : beta vhb = -50 (mV) vcb = -20 (mV) g0 = 40 (1/ms) : gamma d0 = 30 (1/ms) : delta aS1 = 0.0025 (1/ms) aS2 = 0.0002 (1/ms) bS = 0.00017 (1/ms) Con = 0.001 (1/ms) Coff = 0.1 (1/ms) Oon = .7 (1/ms) Ooff = 0.01 (1/ms) } ASSIGNED { v (mV) ena (mV) g (S/cm2) ina (mA/cm2) alpha (1/ms) beta (1/ms) gamma (1/ms) delta (1/ms) a } STATE { c1 : closed c2 c3 c4 c5 ct : total closed o","381","1.0214477211796247","0.2152230971128609","0.0" "0ea2cfb68f8856c9a269b7d3aa597b899e2de118","main.mod",".mod","AMPL","param m, integer, >= 0; # qtd. de elementos param n, integer, >= 0; # qtd. de subconjuntos param V{1..n}; # custo de cada subconjunto param R{1..m,1..n}, binary; # se elemento i está no subconjunto j var S{1..n}, binary; # se subconjunto i faz parte da solução s.t. map{i in 1..m}: sum{j in 1..n} S[j]*R[i,j] >= 1; # cada elemento pelo menos em um subcojunto minimize obj: sum{j in 1..n} S[j]*V[j]; #minimiza o custo da cobertura end; ","381","1.0214477211796247","0.2152230971128609","0.0" "06eda9785f2c6990894a8698fca960b039c2ec32","newleak.mod",".mod","AMPL","TITLE Leak current including GABA_A receptor current UNITS { (pA) = (picoamp) (molar) = (1/liter) (mV) = (millivolt) (S) = (siemens) (mA) = (milliamp) (mM) = (millimolar) F = (faraday) (coulomb) R = (mole k) (mV-coulomb/degC) } INDEPENDENT {v FROM -100 TO 50 WITH 50 (mV)} NEURON { SUFFIX leak USEION ca WRITE ica USEION na READ nai,ena WRITE ina USEION k WRITE ik : NTC cl valence should be -1 : USEION cl WRITE icl VALENCE 1 USEION cl WRITE icl VALENCE -1 RANGE gcabar,ileak,ina,ica,ik,gnabar,gkbar,nai,ggabaa } PARAMETER { dt (ms) ena (mV) nai (mM) celsius = 35 (degC) gkbar = 5.5e-6 (S/cm2) gnabar = 2.375e-6 (S/cm2) gcabar = 0.0136e-6 (S/cm2) ggabaa = 0.0e-6 (S/cm2) eca = 120 (mV) ecl = -70 (mV) ek = -90.0 (mV) nao = 145 (mM) } ASSIGNED { ica (mA/cm2) ina (mA/","381","1.0214477211796247","0.2152230971128609","0.0" "17059338a535e739b2a39361f6759102536384f5","ejor-sched-model-1.mod",".mod","AMPL","/********************************************* * OPL 12.3 Model * Author: cgarcia * Creation Date: Sep 23, 2016 at 1:48:23 PM *********************************************/ int numResourceTypes = ...; int numResources = ...; int numTasks = ...; range K = 1..numResourceTypes; range R = 1..numResources; range T = 1..numTasks; int r[R][K] = ...; int D[K][T] = ...; float d[K][K][T] = ...; float S[K][T] = ...; int y[R][T] = ...; float mP[R][T] = ...; float mM[R][T] = ...; int A[R][T] = ...; int u[R][T][T] = ...; dvar int+ x[R][T] in 0..1; dvar int+ wP[R][T] in 0..1; dvar int+ wM[R][T] in 0..1; minimize (sum (j in K) sum (k in T) S[j][k] * D[j][k]) - (sum (i in R) sum(j in K) sum (k in T) S[j][k] * r[i][j] * x[i][k]) + (sum (i in R) sum (k in T) ((mP[i][k] * wP[i][k]) + (mM[i][k] * wM[i][k]))); constraints { forall (i in R, k in T) { x[i][k] <= A[i][k]; // Constraint 2 x[i][k] - y[i][k] <= wP[i][k]; // Constraint ","381","1.0214477211796247","0.2152230971128609","0.0" "0dfbd59b3eb9ee729968187f85d30315ed4fddfb","quadrature.mod",".mod","AMPL","GFORTRAN module version '6' created from quadrature3.f90 on Wed May 7 15:49:42 2014 MD5:94ec23e659d011e5e447734ef5e5c54d -- If you edit this, you'll get what you deserve. (() () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () ()) () () () () () (2 'error_table' 'quadrature' 'error_table' 1 ((PROCEDURE UNKNOWN-INTENT MODULE-PROC DECL UNKNOWN 0 0 SUBROUTINE ALWAYS_EXPLICIT) (UNKNOWN 0 0 0 UNKNOWN ()) 3 0 (4 5 6 7 8) () 0 () () () 0 0) 9 'pi' 'quadrature' 'pi' 1 ((PARAMETER UNKNOWN-INTENT UNKNOWN-PROC UNKNOWN IMPLICIT-SAVE 0 0) (REAL 4 0 0 REAL ()) 0 0 () (CONSTANT (REAL 4 0 0 REAL ()) 0 '0.3243f6c@1') () 0 () () () 0 0) 10 'quadrature' 'quadrature' 'quadrature' 1 ((MODULE UNKNOWN-INTENT UNKNOWN-PROC UNKNOWN UNKNOWN 0 0) (UNKNOWN 0 0 0 UNKNOWN ()) 0 0 () () 0 () () () 0 0) 11 'trapezoid' 'quadrature' 'trapezoid' 1 ((PROCEDURE UNKNOWN-INTENT MODULE-PROC DECL UNKNOWN 0 0 FUNCTION) (REAL 8 0 0 REAL ()) 12 0 (13 14 15 16) () 11 () () () 0 0) 13 'f' '' 'f' 12 ((","381","1.0214477211796247","0.2152230971128609","0.0" "1872a9ed1d30f3132c450453352c9356094ff6df","Bnf.g4",".g4","ANTLR","grammar Bnf; bnf : bnfrule* EOF ; bnfrule : nt '=' alternatives ';' ; alternatives : sequence ('|' sequence)* ; sequence : element+ ; element : nt | keyword | type | optional | zeroormore | precedence ; optional : '[' alternatives ']' ; zeroormore : '{' alternatives '}' ; precedence : '(' alternatives ')' ; nt : NT ; keyword : KEYWORD ; type : TYPE ; NT : '<'('a'..'z')('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+'>' ; KEYWORD : '\''('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+'\'' ; TYPE : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+ ; ","149","1.1037037037037036","0.0","0.0" "07abed6e0a1784d2bfa00058fd71b739c995c6cb","LITTLE.g4",".g4","ANTLR","grammar LITTLE; tokens: .* EOF; COMMENT: '--'~[\n]*'\n' -> skip; STRINGLITERAL: '""'~[""]*'""'; INTLITERAL: [0-9]+; FLOATLITERAL: ([0-9]+'.'[0-9]+)|'.'[0-9]+; /*Keywords are now given their own dedicated token:*/ PROGRAM: 'PROGRAM'; BEGIN: 'BEGIN'; ENDIF: 'ENDIF'; ENDWHILE: 'ENDWHILE'; END: 'END'; FUNCTION: 'FUNCTION'; READ: 'READ'; WRITE: 'WRITE'; IF: 'IF'; ELSE: 'ELSE'; WHILE: 'WHILE'; CONTINUE: 'CONTINUE'; BREAK: 'BREAK'; RETURN: 'RETURN'; INT: 'INT'; VOID: 'VOID'; STRING: 'STRING'; FLOAT: 'FLOAT'; /* Remove operatorts, let parser take care of them */ /*OPERATOR: ':='|'!='|'<='|'>='|'+'|'-'|'*'|'='|'<'|'>'|'/'|','|'('|')'|';';*/ IDENTIFIER: [A-z][A-z0-9]*; WHITESPACE: [ \n\r\t] -> skip; program: PROGRAM id BEGIN pgm_body END; id: IDENTIFIER; pgm_body: decl func_declarations; decl: string_decl decl | var_decl decl | ; string_decl: STRING id ':=' str ';'; str: STRINGLITERAL; var_decl: var_type id_list ';'; var_type: FLOAT | INT; any_type: var_type | VOID; ","149","1.1037037037037036","0.0","0.0" "1edadccf9a287a9e116a221b1df3f2e474589bda","test1.g4",".g4","ANTLR","grammar test1; example: left=integer '*' right=integer #integerExample | left=string '+' right=string #stringExample ; integer: IDENTIFIER; string: INTEGER; STRING: [a-zA-Z]; INTEGER: [a-zA-Z];","149","1.1037037037037036","0.0","0.0" "1364a6befa33dca7dc094293fb3192fe7b5b83b3","PostgreSQLBase.g4",".g4","ANTLR","grammar PostgreSQLBase; import PostgreSQLKeyword, DataType, Keyword, Symbol, BaseRule; columnDefinition : columnName dataType collateClause? columnConstraint* ; dataType : typeName intervalFields? dataTypeLength? (WITHOUT TIME ZONE | WITH TIME ZONE)? (LBT_ RBT_)* | ID ; typeName : DOUBLE PRECISION | CHARACTER VARYING? | BIT VARYING? | ID ; typeNames : typeName (COMMA typeName)* ; intervalFields : intervalField (TO intervalField)? ; intervalField : YEAR | MONTH | DAY | HOUR | MINUTE | SECOND ; collateClause : COLLATE collationName ; usingIndexType: USING (BTREE | HASH | GIST | SPGIST | GIN | BRIN) ; columnConstraint : constraintClause? columnConstraintOption constraintOptionalParam ; constraintClause : CONSTRAINT constraintName ; columnConstraintOption : NOT? NULL | checkOption | DEFAULT defaultExpr | GENERATED (ALWAY","149","1.1037037037037036","0.0","0.0" "03b456e90b6dc864f48e29017e7984550ce75e1f","RML.g4",".g4","ANTLR","grammar RML; // generated parser will end up in this package @header { package rml.parser; } // a specification is made up of event type declarations followed by equations // ignore unused warning: this is the entry point specification: eventTypeDeclaration* equation+ ; // either derive an event type from existing ones or define a eventExpression for JSON events eventTypeDeclaration: declared=evtype NOT? 'matches' parents+=evtype ('|' parents+=evtype)* ('with' dataExp)? ';' # derivedEvtypeDecl | evtype NOT? 'matches' eventExp ('with' dataExp)? ';' # directEvtypeDecl ; // event types are parametric evtype: evtypeId ('(' evtypeParam (',' evtypeParam)* ')')? ; evtypeParam: evtypeVar # evtypeVarParam | dataExp # evtypeDataExpParam | eventExp # evtypeEventExpParam ; // patterns for JSON events from the underlying event domain // basically JSON objects with '|' eventExp: eventExp ('|' eventExp) # patternEventExp ","149","1.1037037037037036","0.0","0.0" "0d5c8c2dfed61a20afeb4e977253f7e3243b0b54","apiary.apib",".apib","API Blueprint","FORMAT: 1A HOST: https://api.profiles.crowdflower.com # Contributor Profiles API Contributor Profiles API lets you interact with contributor consequences. ## Versioning The current version of the API is **v1**. You must specify the version in the path to the various resources described below. # Group Personal Profiles A personal profile is identified by an **akon user id**. Ideally, one personal profile corresponds to one person. ## Personal Profiles Collection [/personal_profiles] ### List all Profiles [GET] + Response 200 (application/json) [{ ""id"": 1, ""title"": ""Jogging in park"" }, { ""id"": 2, ""title"": ""Pick-up posters from post-office"" }] ### Create a Note [POST] + Request (application/json) { ""title"": ""Buy cheese and bread for breakfast."" } + Response 201 (application/json) { ""id"": 3, ""title"": ""Buy cheese and bread for breakfast."" } ## Note [/notes/{id}] A single Note object with all its details + Parameters ","56","0.9824561403508771","0.0","0.0" "18ffdfa948e4a456b9d9f597e42dfcdbe7ef0d33","index.apib",".apib","API Blueprint","# Group Reference Reads ","56","0.9824561403508771","0.0","0.0" "0bdf38c8664746065e61ea74555e55f6b7e92118","generatePDF.apib",".apib","API Blueprint","## Generar documento [/generatePDF] ### generarDocumento [POST] + Request Request + Body { '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","56","0.9824561403508771","0.0","0.0" "02c3cf9f20ed854674b0475f0216d0b7321a5270","apiary.apib",".apib","API Blueprint","FORMAT: 1A HOST: http://polls.apiblueprint.org/ # RAPI Polls is a simple API allowing consumers to view polls and vote in them. # Polls API Root [/] This resource does not have any attributes. Instead it offers the initial API affordances in the form of the links in the JSON body. It is recommend to follow the “url” link values, [Link](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5988) or Location headers where applicable to retrieve resources. Instead of constructing your own URLs, to keep your client decoupled from implementation details. ## Retrieve the Entry Point [GET] + Response 200 (application/json) { ""questions_url"": ""/questions"" } ## Group Question Resources related to questions in the API. ## Question [/questions/{question_id}] A Question object has the following attributes: + question + published_at - An ISO8601 date when the question was published. + url + choices - An array of Choice objects. + Parameters + question_id: 1 (required, number)","56","0.9824561403508771","0.0","0.0" "1e418eaaadcd7cd38a6ab518cafc8c70460a7d95","network.apib",".apib","API Blueprint","# Group Network All API calls are contextual to the User that is making the request, and all User accounts are associated with the Network that they are created on. Each network has a unique `application_user_key`. ## Network [/network] + Attributes (object) + network_id: 1l1000003 - ID of the network + network_name: PHG - Name of the network + network_description: PHG Network - Description of the network + network_notes: Internal PHG Network - Any additional notes for the network + network_application_id: 2 + auto_approve_publishers (YesOrNo) + default_campaign_id + cm_client_id: b4d0d85c2cff813cdce092c261b2b200 + network_contact_email + network_locale (Locale) ### List Networks [GET] Retrieve the details of the authenticated Network. + Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8) + Attributes + networks (array[Network Wrapper]) ","56","0.9824561403508771","0.0","0.0" "0e0c2519236f6e940e78c91eae86bf503d9de503","REPSRUN.apl",".apl","APL"," ∇ Z←REPSRUN X;P;M;S;R;O;U;G;H;head;I;J;F;T;W;K;Y;E;B;N;futuregrids;futurepath [1] ⍝Fill out calls with reps for BLOCKRUN, TABLERUN, and WATERSHEDRUN [2] ⍝Arguments ⍵: [3] ⍝ P systems, (block size or table rows), reps file [4] ⍝ M metric name [5] ⍝ S source grids [6] ⍝ E settings table name [7] ⍝ R result grids [8] ⍝ B buffer size [9] ⍝ O override pars [10] ⍝ N include grid [11] ⍝Results: [12] ⍝ Z call [13] ⍝ U result grids [14] ⍝B. Compton, 5 and 14 Mar 2013 [15] ⍝Note: not sure if this will take care of settings variables, though I think so [16] ⍝16 May 2013: work if there are no variables set; I forgot include grid before [17] ⍝10 Apr 2014: make sure _m substitution happens in the end [18] [19] [20] [21] P M S E R B O N ← X [22] G←(⊂,''),1 TABLE 3⊃P ⍝Read reps file [23] H←',' MATRIFY head [24] I←1+H MATIOTA MATRIFY 'input settings results' [25] J←(⍳1↑⍴H)~H MATI","16","0.45714285714285713","0.0","0.0" "0e1c41730d1abff64b19e55617795f1228e092a3","subd.apl",".apl","APL","3.4 - 1.5 ","16","0.45714285714285713","0.0","0.0" "13aded8a19d9b4e9a7a5103b79fda622a6d85e3d","create7.apl",".apl","APL","decl integer status; enddecl integer main() { print(""in init ..""); status = Create(""viva.dat""); print(status); print("".. out init""); return 0; } ","16","0.45714285714285713","0.0","0.0" "015df4ee8638f1018f5e1bd19ccd12619f9f8a4a","create.apl",".apl","APL","decl integer status; string file; enddecl integer main() { print (""file name: ""); read(file); status = Create(file); print(status); return 0; }","16","0.45714285714285713","0.0","0.0" "207e59ceedcaa8fe4fc8ced8a30141e86edfaba2","ln.apl",".apl","APL","⍟⋆1 ","16","0.45714285714285713","0.0","0.0" "17202bcadecd25489e779564a88fdf928cc900f0","mix_tests.dyalog",".dyalog","APL",":Namespace mix_tests ⎕IO ⎕ML ⎕WX←0 1 3 X←{⊢#.UT.expect←⍵} ⋄ M←#.mystika MIX∆01_TEST←{_←X 16⍪0⍪0⍪(8⍴16)⊤⍳4 ⋄ M.mix 16⍪¨0⍪¨0⍪¨(⊂8⍴16)⊤¨↓⍳4} MIX∆02_TEST←{_←X 16⍪0⍪0⍪(8⍴16)⊤↑⍳4 4 ⋄ M.mix 16⍪¨0⍪¨0⍪¨(⊂8⍴16)⊤¨⍳4 4} MIX∆03_TEST←{_←X 16⍪0⍪0⍪(8⍴16)⊤2 2⍴⍳4 ⋄ M.mix 16⍪¨0⍪¨0⍪¨(⊂8⍴16)⊤¨↓2 2⍴⍳4} MIX∆04_TEST←{_←X 16⍪0⍪0⍪(8⍴16)⊤2 3 4⍴⍳24 ⋄ M.mix 16⍪¨0⍪¨0⍪¨(⊂8⍴16)⊤¨↓2 3 4⍴⍳24} MIX∆05_TEST←{_←X 16⍪0⍪0⍪(8⍴16)⊤2 3 4 5⍴⍳120 ⋄ M.mix 16⍪¨0⍪¨0⍪¨(⊂8⍴16)⊤¨↓2 3 4 5⍴⍳120} MIX∆06_TEST←{_←X 16⍪0⍪0⍪(8⍴16)⊤↑(1)(2+⍳5)(2 4⍴7+⍳8) ⋄ M.mix 16⍪¨0⍪¨0⍪¨(⊂8⍴16)⊤¨(1)(2+⍳5)(2 4⍴7+⍳8)} MIX∆07_TEST←{_←X 16⍪0⍪0⍪(32⍴16)⊤2 3⍴1 ⋄ M.mix (⊂16 0 0),¨2 3⍴¯16 ¯4 ¯8 ¯32 ¯16 ¯8↑¨1} :EndNamespace ","11","0.3142857142857143","0.0","0.0" "0069bb42b1e411084cf6cdd42cfaf90ab3ce0b3b","editpage.dyalog",".dyalog","APL",":Class EditPage : MildPage :Include #.HTMLInput ⍝ Useful functions for creating HTML pages :Field Public FileName←'' ⍝ Name of page to edit :Field Public Contents←'' ⍝ :Field Public Message←'' :Field Public Action←'' ⍝ All action buttons have this name :Field Private Loaded←'' ⍝ The Loaded File ∇ Render req;html;⎕TRAP;z :Access Public ⎕TRAP←0 'S' DoAction ⍝ If a button was pressed, deal with it html←'

Editing File ',Loaded,'

' html,←'Save As: ',('FileName'Edit FileName),' ',('Action'Submit'Save'),' ',('Action'Submit'Reload') html,←(0≠⍴Message)/'

' html,←'
Edit Source: (and click HERE to test after saving)
' html,←'Contents'MultiEdit(100 100)Contents'class=apl' ⍝ An ""Edit"" called ""Name"" containing the N","11","0.3142857142857143","0.0","0.0" "0453ece80c4775b47c82e5a5f0bf12ca3e9da993","TestTelnetServer.dyalog",".dyalog","APL"," TestTelnetServer;cmd2;rc;cmd1;port;host;i;cmds;cmd;prompt;CR ⍝ Test the Telnet Server host port←'localhost' 5023 ⍝ Default port is 23 ##.TelnetServer.Run&⍬ ⎕DL 2 ⍝ Give it time to start cmds←⍬ prompt←NL,' ' CR←1⊃NL :For i :In ⍳2 ⍝ Login to two sessions rc cmd←##.DRC.Clt''host port'Text' 10000 {}Say cmd''(⊂'User: ') {}Say cmd('mkrom',CR)(⊂'Password: ') {}Say cmd('secret',CR)(⊂prompt) cmds←cmds,⊂cmd :EndFor :For i :In ⍳⍴cmds ⍝ Make the sessions do something {}Say cmd('2+2',CR)(⊂prompt) :EndFor ##.DRC.Send(1⊃cmds)(')END',CR) ⎕DL 2 ##.DRC.Close¨cmds ","11","0.3142857142857143","0.0","0.0" "21a2cc76aff488eca02dde30d49f17a83d341f66","Strings.dyalog",".dyalog","APL",":Namespace Strings ∇ r←lc r;m;upper lower←'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå' m←r∊upper←⎕A,'ÆØÅ' (m/r)←lower[upper⍳m/r] ∇ ∇ r←{sep}vtom x;max;len;m ⍝ Vector to Matrix with optional separator :If 0=⎕NC'sep' ⋄ sep←' ' ⋄ :EndIf max←⌈/len←¯1+{(⍵,1+⍴x)-0,⍵}{⍵/⍳⍴⍵}sep=x←,x r←((0≠⍴x)×⍴m)⍴(,m←len∘.≥⍳max)\,x~sep ∇ ∇ r←dlb x ⍝ Delete Leading Blanks r←(+/∧\' '=x)↓x ∇ ∇ r←dtb x ⍝ Delete Trailing Blanks r←(-+/∧\' '=⌽x)↓x ∇ ∇ r←deb x ⍝ Delete extraneous blanks r←{1↓¯1↓(~' '⍷⍵)/⍵}' ',x,' ' ∇ ∇ r←dmb x;m ⍝ Delete multiple blanks r←(m⍲1⌽m←' '=x)/x ∇ ∇ str←str subst(from to);m;⎕IO;i ⍝ simple string substitution ⎕IO←0 :Trap 0 str←((esc from)⎕R(esc to))str :Else →(∨/m←from⍷str)↓0 i←m⍳1 str←((i↑str),to,(i+⍴from)↓str)subst(from to) :EndTrap ∇ esc←{⎕ML","11","0.3142857142857143","0.0","0.0" "008709f5a7c1b80391ae07cf8e3953027449feca","LessThanOrEqualTo.dyalog",".dyalog","APL"," LessThanOrEqualTo←{ ⍝ ≤ according to TAO and with type as default left arg ⍺←⊃0⍴⊂⍵ 1=≡⍺ ⍵:0 1 1[⊃1↓⍋⍺ ⍵ ⍺] ⍺ ∇¨⍵ } ","11","0.3142857142857143","0.0","0.0" "17b00098ad149a26b20b380b576542dd52e88503","superio.asl",".asl","ASL","/* * This file is part of the coreboot project. * * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc. */ /* mainboard configuration */ #include #define SIO_EC_MEMMAP_ENABLE // EC Memory Map Resources #define SIO_EC_HOST_ENABLE // EC Host Interface Resources #define SIO_EC_ENABLE_PS2K // Enable PS/2 Keyboard #define SIO_EC_ENABLE_COM1 // Enable Seria","139","0.6096491228070176","0.0","0.0" "1ed492851a98ac23c252ca3b4577f28749f85090","DECL.asl",".asl","ASL","/* * Some or all of this work - Copyright (c) 2006 - 2017, Intel Corp. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ""AS IS"" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS ","139","0.6096491228070176","0.0","0.0" "03eda52c15eb3fdd015fe5595bcdec912c9af861","Ether_One_Load_Remover.asl",".asl","ASL"," state(""UDK"", ""1.00"") { bool addressone: 0x2C8606C; bool addresstwo: 0x2C87324; bool addressthree: 0x2C604B4; bool addressfor: 0x2C603F0; bool addressfive: ""UDK.exe"",0x2BBD7F0; } state(""EtherOne-Win64-Shipping"", ""2.00"") { bool addresssix: 0x2B380C0; bool addressseven: 0x2DAF85C; } startup { settings.Add(""working"", false, ""If you see this its working""); } isLoading { if ( game.ProcessName.ToString() == ""EtherOne-Win64-Shipping"" ) { if ( current.addresssix == true || current.addressseven == true ) { return true; } else { return false; } } if ( game.ProcessName.ToString() == ""UDK"" ) { if ( current.addressone == true || current.addresstwo == true || current.addressthree == true || current.addressfor == true || current.addressfive == true) { return true; } else { return false; } } ","139","0.6096491228070176","0.0","0.0" "05e9fa29704089c765495c91e3bf414ec645292f","chromeos.asl",".asl","ASL","/* * This file is part of the coreboot project. * * Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ Name(OIPG, Package() { Package () { 0x0001, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, ""PCH-LP"" }, // no recovery button Package () { 0x0003, 1, 58, ""PCH-LP"" }, // firmware write protect }) ","139","0.6096491228070176","0.0","0.0" "03342bd1810fd97a3b8e845594602b63874d0f36","dsdt.asl",".asl","ASL","/* * This file is part of the coreboot project. * * Copyright (C) 2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* DefinitionBlock Statement */ DefinitionBlock ( ""DSDT.AML"", /* Output filename */ ""DSDT"", /* Signature */ 0x02, /* DSDT Revision, needs to be 2 for 64bit */ ""AMD "", /* OEMID */ ""COREBOOT"", /* TABLE ID */ 0x00010001 /* OEM Revision */ ) { /* Start of ASL file */ /* #include */ /* Include global debug methods if needed */ /* Data to be patc","139","0.6096491228070176","0.0","0.0" "18547afbd30f2762da5c649cc2f1b1e350ff6a0a","matrix.dsl",".dsl","ASL","// generate a combinatorial explosion of the provided variables // example: matrix code { param letter = tokens( a b c ) param digit = tokens( 1 2 3 ) param symbol = tokens( ! @ # ) } // output will be 27 combinations: // a 1 !, a 1 @, a 1 # // a 2 !, a 2 @, a 2 # // a 3 !, a 3 @, a 3 # // b 1 !, b 1 @, b 1 # // b 2 !, b 2 @, b 2 # // b 3 !, b 3 @, b 3 # // c 1 !, c 1 @, c 1 # // c 2 !, c 2 @, c 2 # // c 3 !, c 3 @, c 3 # // except sometimes you don't need to test every combination, just each combination of two values // so I really only need to test ""a 1"", ""1 !"", and ""a !"" one time each // the matrix will by default automatically try and accomplish this, and give you results more like this: // a 1 # // a 2 @, a 2 # // a 3 !, a 3 @, a 3 # // b 1 @, b 1 # // b 2 ! // b 3 ! // c 1 !, c 1 @, c 1 # // c 2 ! // c 3 ! // a is tested 6 times, instead of 9 times // b is tested 4 times // c is tested 5 times // 1 is tested 6 times // 2 is tested 4","90","0.39473684210526316","0.0","0.0" "1483a9f4c8c487d47e87d72769de65499ea2aed1","DerivativeTest1.dsl",".dsl","ASL","model (y) = DerivativeTest1() state x = 0 equation x' = 1 output y = (x, x') solver=forwardeuler{dt=1} end ","90","0.39473684210526316","0.0","0.0" "0d4035521b92118571d84ff317a3a90ea67ef755","SSDT-BAT.dsl",".dsl","ASL","/* * Base for SSDT-BAT was taken from midi1996 with ACPI Hotpatch changes * * Source: * https://github.com/midi1996/X2G2-opencore-hackintosh/blob/master/files/ACPI/SSDT-BAT.aml * * BTIF and BTIX method rewrites are written and maintained by Khronokernel */ DefinitionBlock ("""", ""SSDT"", 2, ""Khrono"", ""BATTERY"", 0x00000000) { External (_SB_.NBST, PkgObj) External (_SB_.NBTI, PkgObj) External (_SB_.NDBS, PkgObj) External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_, DeviceObj) External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.BATN, FieldUnitObj) External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.BRCC, FieldUnitObj) External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.BRCV, FieldUnitObj) External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.BSEL, FieldUnitObj) External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.BST_, FieldUnitObj) External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.BSTA, MethodObj) // 1 Arguments External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.BTDR, MethodObj) // 1 Arguments External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.BTMX, MutexObj) External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.CRZN, FieldUnitObj) Exter","90","0.39473684210526316","0.0","0.0" "1dea7d3b65da9a3dd412906c7bf8549ce57c525c","SSDT-4.dsl",".dsl","ASL","/* * Intel ACPI Component Architecture * AML/ASL+ Disassembler version 20180427 (64-bit version)(RM) * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2018 Intel Corporation * * Disassembling to non-symbolic legacy ASL operators * * Disassembly of ../origin-rom2/SSDT-4.aml, Sat Oct 5 10:19:54 2019 * * Original Table Header: * Signature ""SSDT"" * Length 0x000014E2 (5346) * Revision 0x02 * Checksum 0xFE * OEM ID ""DELL\x"" * OEM Table ID ""TbtTypeC"" * OEM Revision 0x00000000 (0) * Compiler ID ""INTL"" * Compiler Version 0x20160527 (538314023) */ DefinitionBlock ("""", ""SSDT"", 2, ""DELL\x"", ""TbtTypeC"", 0x00000000) { External (_SB_.PCI0.RP01.PXSX, DeviceObj) // (from opcode) External (_SB_.PCI0.RP05.PXSX, DeviceObj) // (from opcode) External (_SB_.PCI0.RP09.PXSX, DeviceObj) // (from opcode) External (_SB_.PCI0.RP21.PXSX, DeviceObj) // (from opcode) External (_SB_.UBTC.RUCC, MethodOb","90","0.39473684210526316","0.0","0.0" "06e072921a37dcb374821a689c3ec9c39b240a6e","Story.dsl",".dsl","ASL","story(1) { local() { @var1(0); }; onmessage(""start"") { wait(1900); publishlogicevent(""ge_set_story_state"",""game"",0); loop(1) { createnpc(1001+$$); }; wait(5000); if(@var1 < 1) { loop(6) { createnpc(1101+$$); }; }; wait(1000); setblockedshader(0x0000ff90,0.5,0,0xff000090,0.5,0); }; onmessage(""allnpckilled"") { inc(@var1); wait(600); publishlogicevent(""ge_area_clear"", ""game"",0); wait(1500); showwall(""AtoB"",false); wait(100); restartareamonitor(2); }; onmessage(""anyuserenterarea"",2) { showwall(""BDoor"",true); startstory(2); terminate(); }; onmessage(""missionfailed"") { changescene(0); terminate(); }; }; story(2) { local() { @var1(0); }; onmessage(""start"") { wait(100); loop(5) { createnpc(2001+$$); }; wait(5000); if(@var1 < 1) { loop(6) { createnpc(2101+$$); }; }; wait(1000); setblockedshader(0x0000ff90,0.5,0,0xff000090,0.5,0); }; onmessage(""allnpckilled"") { inc(","90","0.39473684210526316","0.0","0.0" "03e1eafeea1b37370710b9b82555fd20096ce210","metalengmsggenasn.asn",".asn","ASN.1","0‚ú ClassnameMessagesAliasMessages0k ClassnameMessageAliasm1TextDNº Error: %C. Existe una cadena de caracteres detrás del último END.0j ClassnameMessageAliasm2TextCNº Error: %C. Existe más de un espacio en blanco después del BEGIN.0€ ClassnameMessageAliasm3TextYNº Error: %C. Existe más de un espacio en blanco después de la declaración del objeto %O.0r ClassnameMessageAliasm4TextKNº Error: %C. El objeto %O tiene en el alias un espacio en blanco o \\ o /.0` ClassnameMessageAliasm5Text9Nº Error: %C. El objeto %O no puede ser contenido por %A.0Q ClassnameMessageAliasm6Text*Nº Error: %C. El objeto %O no tiene alias.0Q ClassnameMessageAliasm7Text*Nº Error: %C. El objeto %O no es correcto.0y ClassnameMessageAliasm8TextRNº Error: %C. Existe más de un espacio en blanco o el objeto no ha sido declarado.0T ClassnameMessageAliasm9Text-Nº Error: %C. El objeto no ha sido declarado.0o ClassnameMessag","60","0.759493670886076","0.0","0.0" "13bef14ed74f03994f7f52ec7122b6a3c7e6ce63","Internode-definitions.asn",".asn","ASN.1","-- 3GPP TS 25.331 V11.7.0 (2013-09) -- $Id: Internode-definitions.asn 52202 2013-09-24 17:56:17Z pascal $ -- Internode-definitions DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS HandoverToUTRANCommand, MeasurementReport, PhysicalChannelReconfiguration, RadioBearerReconfiguration, RadioBearerRelease, RadioBearerSetup, RRCConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext-IEs, RRC-FailureInfo, TransportChannelReconfiguration, UECapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext-IEs FROM PDU-definitions -- Core Network IEs : CN-DomainIdentity, CN-DomainInformationList, CN-DomainInformationListFull, CN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient, NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP, -- UTRAN Mobility IEs : CellIdentity, URA-Identity, -- User Equipment IEs : AccessStratumReleaseIndicator, C-RNTI, ChipRateCapability, DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig, DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext, DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD, DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4, GSM-Measurements, HSDSCH-physical-layer-category, FailureCauseWithProtErr, ","60","0.759493670886076","0.0","0.0" "06d23e55d2889130fc4b39ba76cf106a96b7efc2","UMGSMMAP_T_BcsmCamelTDPData.asn",".asn","ASN.1","T-BcsmCamelTDPData ::= SEQUENCE { t-BcsmTriggerDetectionPoint T-BcsmTriggerDetectionPoint, serviceKey ServiceKey, gsmSCF-Address [0] ISDN-AddressString, defaultCallHandling [1] DefaultCallHandling, extensionContainer [2] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} ","60","0.759493670886076","0.0","0.0" "00823779956751cbe0a52fc6ca7e0b63d6674134","F1AP-PDU-Contents.asn",".asn","ASN.1","-- 3GPP TS 38.473 V16.4.0 (2021-01) -- 9.4.4 PDU Definitions -- ************************************************************** -- -- PDU definitions for F1AP. -- -- ************************************************************** F1AP-PDU-Contents { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) ngran-access (22) modules (3) f1ap (3) version1 (1) f1ap-PDU-Contents (1) } DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN -- ************************************************************** -- -- IE parameter types from other modules. -- -- ************************************************************** IMPORTS Candidate-SpCell-Item, Cause, Cells-Failed-to-be-Activated-List-Item, Cells-Status-Item, Cells-to-be-Activated-List-Item, Cells-to-be-Deactivated-List-Item, CellULConfigured, CriticalityDiagnostics, C-RNTI, CUtoDURRCInformation, DRB-Activity-Item, DRBID, DRBs-FailedToBeModified-Item, DRBs-FailedToBeSetup-Item, DRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-Item, DRB-Notify-Item, ","60","0.759493670886076","0.0","0.0" "1456e0f681304d312d694900af9b8d67b3db862a","UMGSMMAP_cug_Reject ERROR.asn",".asn","ASN.1","cug-Reject ERROR ::= { PARAMETER Cug-RejectParam CODE local:15 } ","60","0.759493670886076","0.0","0.0" "06f02ba6dae77e50a64a9961cb3be5760fa7577d","005.asn1",".asn1","ASN.1","--RUN_SPARK TEST-CASE DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS::= BEGIN MyPDU ::= INTEGER(1..256,...,400..800) pdu1 MyPDU ::= 100 END --TCLS MyPDU[] ","13","0.16455696202531644","0.0","0.0" "047b4273a93e72d2e17060d23b93b9fb1096769e","UpperBounds.asn1",".asn1","ASN.1","UpperBounds -- {joint-iso-itu-t ds(5) module(1) upperBounds(10) 4} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All -- -- The types and values defined in this module are exported for use in the other ASN.1 modules contained -- within the Directory Specifications, and for the use of other applications which will use them to access -- Directory services. Other applications may use them for their own purposes, but this will not constrain -- extensions and modifications needed to maintain or improve the Directory service. ub-answerback INTEGER ::= 8 ub-business-category INTEGER ::= 128 ub-common-name INTEGER ::= 64 ub-content INTEGER ::= 32768 ub-country-code INTEGER ::= 4 ub-description INTEGER ::= 1024 ub-destination-indicator INTEGER ::= 128 ub-directory-string-first-component-match INTEGER ::= 32768 ub-domainLocalID INTEGER ::= 64 ub-international-isdn-number INTEGER ::= 16 ub-knowledge-information INTEGER ::= 32768 ub-localeContextS","13","0.16455696202531644","0.0","0.0" "15e2cacedb8eabd0dc2d5ef76b87ab9e05b19390","LogicalDevice.asn1",".asn1","ASN.1","--! --! Copyright (C) 2017-2019 N7 Space sp. z o. o. --! Contact: http://n7space.com --! --! This file is part of ASN.1/ACN PUS-C Components Library. --! --! Library was developed under a programme and funded by --! European Space Agency. --! --! This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --! (at your option) any later version. --! --! This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --! GNU General Public License for more details. --! --! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --! along with this program. If not, see . --! LogicalDevice DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS ALL; LogicalDevice-ID ::= ENUMERAT","13","0.16455696202531644","0.0","0.0" "0d6a21297c436e561b91aadbb658cd6045bd0761","test.asn1",".asn1","ASN.1","-- $Id$ -- TEST DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS heim_any FROM heim; TESTuint32 ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) TESTLargeTag ::= SEQUENCE { foo[127] INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647), bar[128] INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647) } TESTSeq ::= SEQUENCE { tag0[0] INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647), tag1[1] TESTLargeTag, tagless INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647), tag3[2] INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647) } TESTChoice1 ::= CHOICE { i1[1] INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647), i2[2] INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647), ... } TESTChoice2 ::= CHOICE { i1[1] INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647), ... } TESTInteger ::= INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647) TESTInteger2 ::= [4] IMPLICIT TESTInteger TESTInteger3 ::= [5] IMPLICIT TESTInteger2 TESTImplicit ::= SEQUENCE { ti1[0] IMPLICIT INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647), ti2[1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { foo[127] INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647) }, ti3[2] IMPLICIT [5] IMPLICIT [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647) } TESTImplicit2 ::= SEQUEN","13","0.16455696202531644","0.0","0.0" "03ad6a420cdfd2fdadbc8f0c5bf05debd40925ca","d2dconnectionrelease.asn1",".asn1","ASN.1","EUTRA-RRC-Definitions DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN RRCConnectionRelease::= SEQUENCE { ue-Identity INTEGER(0..maxUeId), releaseCause ENUMERATED {normal, other} } maxUeId INTEGER ::= 8 END ","13","0.16455696202531644","0.0","0.0" "055302c8e9007a3a74d1e2fda06d75315e8ffd4d","Global.asax",".asax","ASP.NET","<%@ Application Codebehind=""Global.asax.cs"" Inherits=""ClassManagment.MvcApplication"" Language=""C#"" %> ","1106","0.11887360275150473","0.0","0.0" "1ca3206e4c24d5993c0ade77b60ffa10eea2708e","Global.asax",".asax","ASP.NET","<%@ Application Codebehind=""Global.asax.cs"" Inherits=""Marcos.EstudoTddDdd.Web.MvcApplication"" Language=""C#"" %> ","1106","0.11887360275150473","0.0","0.0" "09767ce591e7a7d81421f849f77caabcca27fdd3","Global.asax",".asax","ASP.NET","<%@ Application Codebehind=""Global.asax.cs"" Inherits=""AdDataProject.WebApiApplication"" Language=""C#"" %> ","1106","0.11887360275150473","0.0","0.0" "007f3c8794966b3471431249471819af881fece4","Global.asax",".asax","ASP.NET","<%@ Application Codebehind=""Global.asax.cs"" Inherits=""BooksStorage.Global"" Language=""C#"" %> ","1106","0.11887360275150473","0.0","0.0" "0534f4d766e3ed208b9d9d171293098cc2a0cbe0","Global.asax",".asax","ASP.NET","<%@ Application Codebehind=""Global.asax.cs"" Inherits=""BellumGens.Api.WebApiApplication"" Language=""C#"" %> ","1106","0.11887360275150473","0.0","0.0" "187a41280c7195dfeeed37e0023463b7e167406b","HR_TimeLogs.ascx",".ascx","ASP.NET","<%@ Control Language=""C#"" AutoEventWireup=""true"" CodeFile=""HR_TimeLogs.ascx.cs"" Inherits=""DynamicData_QuickAdd_HR_TimeLogs"" %>
","1150","0.12360275150472914","0.0","0.0" "0d9d4c6d2d2ac94d98759650c00fe063c0347668","UpdateRequest.ascx",".ascx","ASP.NET","<%@ Control Language=""C#"" AutoEventWireup=""true"" CodeBehind=""UpdateRequest.ascx.cs"" Inherits=""EHR.Recruitment.UpdateRequest"" %>
","1150","0.12360275150472914","0.0","0.0" "14d44354950d9410deb4a485b3be15e93b9e785c","MyJobs.ascx",".ascx","ASP.NET","<%@ Control Language=""C#"" CodeFile=""MyJobs.ascx.cs"" Inherits=""MyJobs_ascx"" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix=""jenzabar"" assembly=""Jenzabar.Common"" namespace=""Jenzabar.Common.Web.UI.Controls"" %> <%@ Import namespace=""Jenzabar.ICS.Web.Portlets.BookmarkPortlet"" %> <%@ Import namespace=""Jenzabar.Common.Globalization"" %> <%@ Register TagPrefix=""web"" Assembly=""Jenzabar.Portal.Framework.Web"" Namespace=""Jenzabar.Portal.Framework.Web.UI.Controls"" %>
<%# DataBinder.Eval( Container.DataItem, ""Name"" )%> <%# DataBinder.Eval( Container.DataItem, ""Description"" )%> "" %>

  EHR - Recruitment Form

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{let $maxRowIndex: length($li","46","0.8070175438596491","0.0","0.0" "02b84882c47395feb9427c57e66c439f655b08ef","withdraw_method_editor.coinage.soy",".soy","Closure Templates","{namespace bitex.ui.withdraw_method_editor.templates} /** * @param id * @param idx * @param data */ {template .WithdrawMethodFieldLineEditor} ","31","0.004290657439446367","0.0","0.0" "06fe44ee53ee24929cf547c016893bad64376ea1","index.jst",".jst","EJS","'use strict'; // do not edit .js files directly - edit src/index.jst {{? it.es6 }} var envHasBigInt64Array = typeof BigInt64Array !== 'undefined'; {{?}} module.exports = function equal(a, b) { if (a === b) return true; if (a && b && typeof a == 'object' && typeof b == 'object') { if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) return false; var length, i, keys; if (Array.isArray(a)) { length = a.length; if (length != b.length) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) if (!equal(a[i], b[i])) return false; return true; } {{? it.es6 }} if ((a instanceof Map) && (b instanceof Map)) { if (a.size !== b.size) return false; for (i of a.entries()) if (!b.has(i[0])) return false; for (i of a.entries()) if (!equal(i[1], b.get(i[0]))) return false; return true; } if ((a instanceof Set) && (b instanceof Set)) { if (a.size !== b.size) return false; for (i of a.entries()) if (!b","31","0.004290657439446367","0.0","0.0" "062eff3682fc8a5fab9e0f23869850d567aac109","custom-input.jst",".jst","EJS","{{$ demo.scenes.templates.customInput.customInput }}
Custom input - URL
{{% demo.widgets.Keyboard, {}, keyboard }} ","31","0.004290657439446367","0.0","0.0" "00c1e721eb71c766b7b55fc159e89affcdbd5251","buttonSimple.jst",".jst","EJS","<% var nb = data.static ? [] : ['button']; var classes = ['nb-button', '_init']; var attrs = {}; classes.push('nb-button_size_' + (data.size || 'm')); classes.push('nb-button_theme_' + (data.theme || 'normal')); if (data.disabled) { classes.push('is-disabled'); attrs.disabled = 'disabled'; } if (!data.content && data.icon) { classes.push('nb-button_only-icon'); } %> ","31","0.004290657439446367","0.0","0.0" "0345b9148c7992e779a14ad833c02db1ca6f6c04","mainTemplate.jst",".jst","EJS","
","31","0.004290657439446367","0.0","0.0" "0659368f9ccbb6845c51feac868f58c43fc8b184","pageData-inject.js.ejs.t",".t","EJS","--- inject: true to: <%= pageDataPath %> append: true --- - path: ""<%= pagePathPath %>"" label: <%= pageLabel %> ","17","0.002352941176470588","0.0","0.0" "06e544be3ca725461146f6fa075c5077a25d3347","0-npmrc.ejs.t",".t","EJS","--- to: .npmrc --- registry=https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/hcss/_packaging/HCSS/npm/registry/ always-auth=true ","17","0.002352941176470588","0.0","0.0" "1766f7851d1e55ca03e3a62468f5425d4a07989d","test.ejs.t",".t","EJS","--- to: src/components/<%= name %>/<%= name %>.test.js --- import React from ""react"" import { render } from ""@testing-library/react"" import <%= name %> from ""./<%= name %>"" <% const passedProps = props && props.split(',').map(prop => `${prop.trim()}={\`\`}`).join("" "") -%> test(""renders <%= name %>"", () => { const renderResult = render(< <%= name %> <%= passedProps %> />) expect(renderResult).toBeDefined() }) ","17","0.002352941176470588","0.0","0.0" "0aed7c747a0bb4ba0bcc469233082bb50ff7963d","hello.ejs.t",".t","EJS","--- to: given/attrs-in-body/hello.txt --- <%= attributes.to %> ","17","0.002352941176470588","0.0","0.0" "0043cd3fe0a354f79703d6564b1610a9f8484f37","test.ejs.t",".t","EJS","--- to: test/<%= name %>.spec.ts --- <% singularName = h.inflection.singularize(name) singularCamelName = h.changeCase.camel(singularName) singularPascalName = h.changeCase.pascal(singularName) pluralCamelName = h.changeCase.camel(name) pluralPascalName = h.changeCase.pascal(name) %>import request, { SuperTest, Test } from 'supertest' import { Container } from 'typedi' import createServer from '../src/server' import { <%= pluralPascalName %>Repository } from '../src/api/<%= name %>/repositories' const BASE_PATH = '/api' describe('<%= pluralPascalName %> API module ', () => { let agent: SuperTest beforeAll(async () => { const app = await createServer() agent = request.agent(app) Container.set( <%= pluralPascalName %>Repository, new <%= pluralPascalName %>Repository([ { id: 'veryrandomid1234', name: 'Test McTesterson', birthDate: '2020-02-01T09:00:00.000Z', deathDate: '2021-01-31T09:00:00.000Z","17","0.002352941176470588","0.0","0.0" "0ed2ece0f6d7202e76b83fc2b328ef4e8985fa07","MainScene.eq",".eq","EQ"," /* * MainScene.eq * Generated by Eqela Studio 2.0b7.4 */ public class MainScene : SEScene { SESprite Background; int SceneWidth; int SceneHeight; public static int x; public static int y; public static double Player_height; public static double Player_width; SEEntity player; SESprite text; public static int score = 0; String display; public static bool gameover = false; public void initialize(SEResourceCache rsc) { int i; base.initialize(rsc); SceneWidth = get_scene_width(); SceneHeight = get_scene_height(); rsc.prepare_image(""mybg"", ""background"", SceneWidth, SceneHeight); Background = add_sprite_for_image(SEImage.for_resource(""mybg"")); Background.move(0,0); player = add_entity(new PlayerEntity()); for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) { add_entity(new MonsterEntity()); } //AudioClipManager.play(""mysound""); rsc.prepare_font(""myfont"",""arial bold color=#F8F8FF"", 40); display = ""Score = %d"".printf().add(Primitive.for_integer(score)).to_string(); text","17","0.7727272727272727","0.0","0.0" "0017e5b7a4a180d8f3f5a8bef656e375a79df2f6","cpppr500d.eq",".eq","EQ","/* cpppr500d.eq scips.com March 28, 2003 liability worksheet - misc */ define file alt_sfpmisc = access sfpmisc, set sfpmisc:policy_no = sfpmaster:policy_no, sfpmisc:pol_year = sfpmaster:pol_year, sfpmisc:end_sequence= sfpmaster:end_sequence, generic where sfpmaster:policy_no = sfpprint5:policy_no and sfpmaster:pol_year = sfpprint5:pol_year and sfpmaster:end_sequence = sfpprint5:end_sequence list /domain=""sfpmaster"" /nobanner /nopageheadings /nototals /duplicates /noheadings ""MISCELLANEOUS""/column=35/newline=2 ""Description""/column=5 ""Premium""/column=62/newline=2 followed by if alt_sfpmisc:policy_no = sfpmaster:policy_no and alt_sfpmisc:pol_Year = sfpmaster:pol_year and alt_sfpmisc:end_sequence = sfpmaster:end_sequence then { if alt_sfpmisc:lob_end_code = ""L"" then { trun(alt_sfpmisc:descrip","17","0.7727272727272727","0.0","0.0" "06567f8a4c4fa21caa49513802f0f2767b995322","HTTPJSONClientListener.eq",".eq","EQ"," /* * This file is part of Jkop * Copyright (c) 2016 Job and Esther Technologies, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the ""Software""), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ""AS IS"", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABIL","17","0.7727272727272727","0.0","0.0" "1e92e6782b29b1e7be7ddcbe431ec6db30278c74","test-multiple-context-per-var.eq",".eq","EQ","Foo0 = { a = { 0; } } Foo1 = { a = { 1; } } Foo2 = { a = { 2; } } Foo1: find a { print(""%.0f\n"", a); } ","17","0.7727272727272727","0.0","0.0" "04d761874571ab64bc7dc7ff51a12f851a1423c7","ImageFilterUtil.eq",".eq","EQ"," /* * This file is part of Jkop * Copyright (c) 2016 Job and Esther Technologies, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the ""Software""), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ""AS IS"", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABIL","17","0.7727272727272727","0.0","0.0" "21a12f283bf52aed350171491ddc5f8410405d92","CU_Shutout_F161F200F.brd",".brd","Eagle","[[File Information]] Program ID = Easy Bridge Program Major Version = 4 Program Minor Version = 0 Program Incremental Version = 3 Program Build Number = 0 Program Build Date = December 29, 2010 File Date = 01/03/11 10:55:14 [[File Description]] [[Hand Information]] Current Hand(South) = Current Hand(West) = Current Hand(North) = Current Hand(East) = Original Hand(South) = S9 S5 HJ HT H5 H2 DT D6 D4 CA C7 C3 C2 Original Hand(West) = S3 HK H9 H8 H6 H3 DA D9 D8 D7 CK C6 C4 Original Hand(North) = SA SJ S6 HA H4 DK DQ D5 D2 CQ CT C8 C5 Original Hand(East) = SK SQ ST S8 S7 S4 S2 HQ H7 DJ D3 CJ C9 [[Round Information]] [[Game Information]] Game Status Code = 0 Is Rubber In Progress? = No Is Game in Progress? = No Is Bidding in Progress? = No Was Hand Dealt? = Yes Contract Suit = Spades Contract Level = 3 Contract Modifier = 0 Dealer = East Number of Bids Made = 4 Declarer = East Bidding History = 3S Pass Pass Pass [[Game Record]] Number of Tricks Played in Game = 13 # of Tricks","289","0.6351648351648351","0.0","0.0" "04c7b77fdfae6ae8ec5c66fa2ba319995260ea7c","scoreboard.brd",".brd","Eagle"," # License:: MIT/GPL # $Id$ # # This work implements a part of the HPCBIOS project and is a component of the policy: # http://hpcbios.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ ## easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' name = 'kde' version = 'i18n-az-' versionsuffix = '-20141219' description = ""kde-i18n-az-: Language bindings for the KDE desktop"" sources = ['kde-i18n-az-${_KDE_VERSION}.tar.gz'] source_urls = ['${MASTER_SITE_KDE_I18N}'] toolchain = {'name': 'goolf', 'version': '1.4.10'} sanity_check_paths = { 'files': [], ## fixme 'dirs': ['.'], ## fixme } parallel = 1 # this is a very conservative choice ## fixme moduleclass = 'base' # please change this from base to right category ## fixme ###### Appended pkgsrc sourcefile: /home/users/fgeorgatos/arena/pkg2eb/pkgsrc/x11/kde3-i18n-az/Makefile ###### ## $NetBSD: Makefil","464","0.9809725158562368","0.0","0.0" "039067840c56ff96f3a9d0f5e90fb5137989fb18","cdif-1.19.eb",".eb","Easybuild","## # This file is an EasyBuild reciPY as per https://github.com/hpcugent/easybuild # # Copyright:: Copyright 2012-2013 University of Luxembourg/Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine # Authors:: Fotis Georgatos # License:: MIT/GPL # $Id$ # # This work implements a part of the HPCBIOS project and is a component of the policy: # http://hpcbios.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ ## name = 'cdif' version = '1.19' versionsuffix = '-20130506' description = ""cdif-1.19: Word context diff"" sources = ['cdif-1.19#empty'] source_urls = ['http://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/distfiles/'] homepage = 'http://www.srekcah.org/~utashiro/perl/scripts/cdif/' toolchain = {'name': 'goolf', 'version': '1.4.10'} sanity_check_paths = { 'files': [], 'dirs': ['.'] } parallel = 1 # this is a very conservative choice moduleclass = 'base' # please change this from base to right category ###### Appended pkgsrc sourcefile:","464","0.9809725158562368","0.0","0.0" "0d5a78fcf3c7e0f957520579c642b1b57969aae9","git-",".eb","Easybuild","## # This file is an EasyBuild reciPY as per https://github.com/hpcugent/easybuild # # Copyright:: Copyright 2012-2014 Uni.Lu/LCSB, NTUA # Authors:: Fotis Georgatos # Authors:: Dmitri Gribenko # License:: MIT/GPL # $Id$ # # This work implements a part of the HPCBIOS project and is a component of the policy: # http://hpcbios.readthedocs.org/en/latest/HPCBIOS_2012-90.html ## easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' name = 'git' version = '' homepage = 'http://git-scm.com/' description = """"""Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency."""""" toolchain = {'name': 'goolf', 'version': '1.4.10'} sources = ['v%(version)s.tar.gz'] source_urls = ['https://github.com/git/git/archive'] checksums = ['099c655ce47361850fa07252497f64e7'] preconfigopts = ""make configure && "" dependencies = [ ('cURL', '7.29.0'), ('expat', '2.1.0'), ('gettext'","464","0.9809725158562368","0.0","0.0" "00b3dd20a27186642581eae68adbaa681bf04052","h5py-2.7.1-intel-2018a-Python-3.6.4.eb",".eb","Easybuild","easyblock = 'PythonPackage' name = 'h5py' version = '2.7.1' versionsuffix = '-Python-%(pyver)s' homepage = 'https://www.h5py.org/' description = """"""HDF5 for Python (h5py) is a general-purpose Python interface to the Hierarchical Data Format library, version 5. HDF5 is a versatile, mature scientific software library designed for the fast, flexible storage of enormous amounts of data."""""" toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2018a'} toolchainopts = {'usempi': True} sources = [SOURCE_TAR_GZ] checksums = ['180a688311e826ff6ae6d3bda9b5c292b90b28787525ddfcb10a29d5ddcae2cc'] # to really use mpi enabled hdf5 we now seem to need a configure step prebuildopts = ' python setup.py configure --mpi --hdf5=$EBROOTHDF5 && ' dependencies = [ ('Python', '3.6.4'), ('HDF5', '1.10.1'), ('pkgconfig', '1.3.1', '-Python-%(pyver)s'), ] sanity_check_paths = { 'files': [], 'dirs': ['lib/python%(pyshortver)s/site-packages/'], } moduleclass = 'data' ","464","0.9809725158562368","0.0","0.0" "02bbd357c2c37b4d2e2ef8cc883cae9b6834c178","DateTime-Event-Random-0.03.eb",".eb","Easybuild","# This file is an EasyBuild recipy as per https://github.com/hpcugent/easybuild # # It has been automatically produced by /home/users/fgeorgatos/arena/pkg2eb/pkg2eb_v4.sh ; # ie. there is no warranty, provided AS-IS, the known yada yada, etc # # ####### ###### ### # # ## #### # # # # # # # # ##### # ##### ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # ##### # # #### # ###### # # # # # # # # # # # ###### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # ####### # # #### # ###### #### # ###### ##### # # ### # # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2012 University of Luxembourg / LCSB # Author:: Fotis Georgatos # License:: MIT/GPL # # File:: DateTime-Event-Random-0.03.eb # Date:: Wed","464","0.9809725158562368","0.0","0.0" "03ca3b064fafbdfab2153aa7f36739c2916fc6c1",".editorconfig",".editorconfig","EditorConfig","# http://editorconfig.org root = true [*] indent_style = space indent_size = 4 trim_trailing_whitespace = true insert_final_newline = true charset = utf-8 end_of_line = lf [*.bat] indent_style = tab end_of_line = crlf [LICENSE] insert_final_newline = false [Makefile] indent_style = tab [*.py] max_line_length = 120 line_length=120 multi_line_output=0 balanced_wrapping=True ","594","1.0259067357512954","0.0","0.0" "00f71a0e52576e8ec74dd2bebae8c17c1915e0a1",".editorconfig",".editorconfig","EditorConfig","[*] indent_style = space indent_size = 4 charset = utf-8 trim_trailing_whitespace = true [*.java] insert_final_newline = true ","594","1.0259067357512954","0.0","0.0" "06cc91c6bb530d2d3e149b42af6b6ace1854555f",".editorconfig",".editorconfig","EditorConfig","# http://editorconfig.org root = true [*] indent_size = 2 indent_style = tab end_of_line = lf charset = utf-8 trim_trailing_whitespace = true insert_final_newline = true [*.md] trim_trailing_whitespace = false [*.json] insert_final_newline = ignore [**.min.js] indent_style = ignore insert_final_newline = ignore [MakeFile] indent_style = tab ","594","1.0259067357512954","0.0","0.0" "024312e1205d3b4cc8ec5611606d281977b1c3f0",".editorconfig",".editorconfig","EditorConfig","root = true [*] tab_width = 2 indent_size = 2 indent_style = space end_of_line = lf ","594","1.0259067357512954","0.0","0.0" "1f6b3dfef79916450af5c8f834af2cac62392e31",".editorconfig",".editorconfig","EditorConfig","# EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent # coding styles between different editors and IDEs # editorconfig.org root = true [*] # Change these settings to your own preference indent_style = space indent_size = 2 # We recommend you to keep these unchanged end_of_line = lf charset = utf-8 trim_trailing_whitespace = true insert_final_newline = true [*.md] trim_trailing_whitespace = false [*.html] indent_size = 4 ","594","1.0259067357512954","0.0","0.0" "1266eae5de0729648d7c10bf288c519053a4bc8c","nyanology.edc",".edc","Edje Data Collection","collections { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// the background and general container for the terminal group { name: ""terminology/background""; images { image: ""bg_bevel.png"" COMP; image: ""bg_shine.png"" COMP; image: ""bg_glint.png"" COMP; image: ""pm_shadow.png"" COMP; image: ""pm_overlay.png"" COMP; image: ""pm_fill.png"" COMP; image: ""cr_glow.png"" COMP; } script { public message(Msg_Type:type, id, ...) { new r, g, b, a, v; if ((type != MSG_INT) || (id != 1)) return; v = (getarg(2) * 255) / 100; custom_state(PART:""base"", ""default"", 0.0); get_state_val(PART:""base"", STATE_COLOR, r, g, b, a); set_state_val(PART:""base"", STATE_COLOR, r, g, b, v); set_state(PART:""base"", ""custom"", 0.0); } } parts { // other signals sent not handled here // program","41","1.5185185185185186","0.0","0.0" "134305058cd778e95399867e49e61e2b07329413","darkness.edc",".edc","Edje Data Collection","/* vim: set sw=3: */ #ifdef E17_PROFILE # if E17_PROFILE == LOWRES_PDA # define SM ""sm_"" # elif E17_PROFILE == MEDIUMRES_PDA # define SM ""sm_"" # elif E17_PROFILE == HIRES_PDA # define SM ""sm_"" # elif E17_PROFILE == SLOW_PC # define SM ""sm_"" # elif E17_PROFILE == MEDIUM_PC # define SM # elif E17_PROFILE == FAST_PC # define SM # endif #else # define E17_PROFILE MEDIUM_PC # define SM #endif #define DARKNESS_VERY_DARK_BLUE 17 23 29 #define DARKNESS_DARK_BLUE 38 62 87 #define DARKNESS_BLUE 56 82 109 #define DARKNESS_LIGHT_BLUE 145 169 195 #define DARKNESS_VERY_LIGHT_BLUE 201 212 225 #define DARKNESS_TITLE_BLUE 27 40 174 #define DARKNESS_BUTTON_BLUE 68 156 200 #define DARKNESS_BRIGHT_BLUE 61 124 195 #define DARKNESS_MARINE_BLUE 5 119 248 /*#define DARKNESS_BUTTON_RED 200 76 68 */ #define DARKNESS_BUTTON_RED 255 0 0 #define DARKNESS_DIALOG_BG 18 18 18 #define DARKNESS_FRAME_BORDER 25 67 98 data { item: ""theme/name"" ""Darkness""; item: ""theme/version"" ""0.99.042""; item: ""the","41","1.5185185185185186","0.0","0.0" "191cf4769d4a17e0e3422139b71df849edba58cb","configure.edc",".edc","Edje Data Collection","images { //~ image: ""images/e17_menu_bg_border.png"" COMP; image: ""images/e17_logo.png"" COMP; //~ image: ""images/e17_menu_bg.png"" COMP; } group { name: ""e/widgets/configure/main""; parts { DIALOG_GRADIENT_PART(""base"") part { name: ""title""; type: TEXT; effect: SOFT_SHADOW; mouse_events: 0; description { state: ""default"" 0.0; fixed: 0 1; align: 0.5 0.5; rel1 { to: ""logo""; relative: 1.0 0.5; offset: -6 0; } rel2 { to_y: ""logo""; relative: 1.0 0.5; offset: -7 0; } color: 255 255 255 255; color3: 0 0 0 32; color_class: ""configure_title""; text { text: ""Enlightenment Configuration""; font: ""Edje-Vera-Bold""; size: 16; min: 1 1; align: 0.","41","1.5185185185185186","0.0","0.0" "1d2744e29153ff7344d63b73fa51d1ff9508e409","entry.edc",".edc","Edje Data Collection"," group { name: ""elm/entry/base/default""; data { // item: context_menu_orientation ""horizontal""; } parts { part { name: ""elm.text""; type: TEXTBLOCK; mouse_events: 1; scale: 1; entry_mode: EDITABLE; select_mode: EXPLICIT; multiline: 1; source: ""elm/entry/selection/default""; // selection under // source2: ""X""; // selection over // source3: ""X""; // cursor under source4: ""elm/entry/cursor/default""; // cursorover source5: ""elm/entry/anchor/default""; // anchor under // source6: ""X""; // anchor over description { state: ""default"" 0.0; /* we gotta use 0 0 here, because of scrolled entries */ fixed: 0 0; text { style: ""Label""; min: 0 1; } } description { state: ""disabled"" 0.0; inheri","41","1.5185185185185186","0.0","0.0" "12c70579b47048116c522134789d006ed220bb0e","frame.edc",".edc","Edje Data Collection","group { name: ""elm/frame/base/default""; images.image: ""img/frame.png"" COMP; parts { part { name: ""outline""; type: IMAGE; mouse_events: 0; description { state: ""default"" 0.0; rel1 { to_y: ""elm.text""; relative: 0.0 0.5; offset: 2 1; } rel2 { relative: 1.0 1.0; offset: -3 -3; } image { normal: ""img/frame.png""; border: 30 30 30 30; middle: 0; } fill.smooth: 0; } } /*part { name: ""label_under""; type: RECT; mouse_events: 0; description { state: ""default"" 0.0; rel1 { to_x: ""elm.text""; to_y: ""outline""; relative: 0.0 0.0; offset: 0 0; } rel2 { to_x: ""elm.text""; to_y: ""outline""; relative: 1.0 0.0; offset: 0 0; } color_class: ""dialog_base""; } }*/ part { name: ""elm.text""; type: TEXT; scale: 1; effect: OUTLINE; description { state: ""default"" 0.0; ","41","1.5185185185185186","0.0","0.0" "1cbfb257a1344a59a3dddeda8b3a7c1787e52274","bad_export9.e",".e","Eiffel","-- This file is part of SmartEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler Tools and Libraries. -- See the Copyright notice at the end of this file. -- class BAD_EXPORT9 inherit ANY export {ANY} some_unknown_feature end create {} make feature {} make do end end -- class BAD_EXPORT9 -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright notice below. Please read. -- -- SmartEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, -- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. -- SmartEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty -- of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have -- received a copy of the GNU Gener","555","1.0673076923076923","0.0","0.0" "179ac775b7c81c621b27695ca581a9aeb0f38bde","el_reflected_pointer.e",".e","Eiffel","note description: ""Reflected [$source POINTER] field"" author: ""Finnian Reilly"" copyright: ""Copyright (c) 2001-2022 Finnian Reilly"" contact: ""finnian at eiffel hyphen loop dot com"" license: ""MIT license (See: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License)"" date: ""2022-11-15 19:56:04 GMT (Tuesday 15th November 2022)"" revision: ""16"" class EL_REFLECTED_POINTER inherit EL_REFLECTED_EXPANDED_FIELD [POINTER] rename field_value as pointer_field end create make feature -- Access reference_value (a_object: EL_REFLECTIVE): like value.to_reference do create Result Result.set_item (value (a_object)) end size_of (a_object: EL_REFLECTIVE): INTEGER -- size of field object do Result := {PLATFORM}.pointer_bytes end feature -- Basic operations set (a_object: EL_REFLECTIVE; a_value: POINTER) do enclosing_object := a_object set_pointer_field (index, a_value) end set_from_readable (a_object: EL_REFLECTIVE; readable: EL_READABLE) do set (a_object, readabl","555","1.0673076923076923","0.0","0.0" "1eb1db9841f31d53d77cd8d95687d63f0e7f5669","epx_path.e",".e","Eiffel","note description: ""As STDC_PATH"" library: ""eposix library"" author: ""Berend de Boer "" copyright: ""Copyright (c) 2012, Berend de Boer"" license: ""MIT License (see LICENSE)"" class EPX_PATH inherit STDC_PATH create make, make_from_string, make_from_raw_string, make_expand end ","555","1.0673076923076923","0.0","0.0" "1def3adeaa5cf328d24ca040a4710fb1fdc58da0","rkicks.e",".e","Eiffel","Go away we don't server your kind here! You are not welcomed in this channel leave. You look dumb, get out! We don't tolerate your kind around here! You are very indithscreet and stuphid too LisP KiCk 1.0ª Inferiority Complex Error Lamer Lamer Lamer Lamer Lamer Lamer Sorry, Please rejoin so I can kick you again. lets play kick the can! I do not like you, simple as that I have a problem with your attitude, don't come back again! Dork Limit Exceeded Random act of violence eye nub ewww scroo yew phuc j00 piss off dewd whut r u stewpid er sumtin'? I'm gonna kick your fat cheesy ass! again! fuck you dipshit mother fucking piece of jurassic defacate! eat my scrotum you little fuck can't we all be friends?  I LovE Yu  I love you, you love me, can't we be one big happy family? oink oink oink oink oink ","555","1.0673076923076923","0.0","0.0" "06d076fe3706049f6a248815349bc41eff8ed624","aa.e",".e","Eiffel","class AA create make feature make local i: INTEGER c: CC do create c.make i := c (4) print (""Failed"") end end ","555","1.0673076923076923","0.0","0.0" "1328c8628b101636ec356fce5fad16711d651a01","em133_spec2.ex",".ex","Elixir","defmodule :em133_spec2 do import :specifier, only: :macros @total_energies 14720 def total_energies() do spec group_name: :total_energies_values, start_addr: @total_energies do field :kwh_import, 2, :float32 field :kwh_export, 2, :float32 field :not_used_1, 2, :float32 field :not_used_2, 2, :float32 field :kvarh_import, 2, :float32 field :kvarh_export, 2, :float32 field :not_used_3, 2, :float32 field :not_used_4, 2, :float32 field :kvah_total, 2, :float32 field :not_used_5, 2, :float32 field :not_used_6, 2, :float32 field :kvah_import, 2, :float32 field :kvah_export, 2, :float32 field :kvarh_Q1, 2, :float32 field :kvarh_Q2, 2, :float32 field :kvarh_Q3, 2, :float32 field :kvarh_Q4, 2, :float32 end end @present_volt_ampere_and_power_demands 14592 def demand_values() do spec group_name: :demand_values, start_addr: @present_volt_amper","3863","0.5784666067684936","0.0","0.0" "1dc3b93743408a99fb1ed5f97151bc8f5a76c438","router.ex",".ex","Elixir","defmodule ShapeWeb.Router do use ShapeWeb, :router pipeline :browser do plug :accepts, [""html""] plug :fetch_session plug :fetch_flash plug :protect_from_forgery plug :put_secure_browser_headers end pipeline :api do plug :accepts, [""json""] end scope ""/"", ShapeWeb do pipe_through :browser get ""/"", PageController, :index end # Other scopes may use custom stacks. # scope ""/api"", ShapeWeb do # pipe_through :api # end end ","3863","0.5784666067684936","0.0","0.0" "181eaf5a4d832c51e604e2d49a0c76f5c8a301dc","block.ex",".ex","Elixir","defmodule Block do @type t :: %{ index: integer, previousHash: String.t(), timeStamp: integer, data: Transaction.t(), nonce: integer | nil, hash: String.t() | nil } defstruct [:index, :previousHash, :timeStamp, :data, :nonce, :hash] def genesis_block do firstTransaction = %Transaction{ hash: """", inputs: [], outputs: [], public_key: """", signature: """" } %Block{ index: 0, previousHash: ""0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"", timeStamp: 311731200, data: firstTransaction, nonce: 2083236893, hash: ""000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f"" } end def calculate_hash(%Block{index: index, previousHash: previousHash, timeStamp: timeStamp, data: data, nonce: nonce}) do ""#{index}#{previousHash}#{timeStamp}#{data.hash}#{nonce}"" |> Utility.hash(:sha256) |> Base.encode16() end def generate_next_block(data, block ","3863","0.5784666067684936","0.0","0.0" "07d0dcc9e1b474417cfce5980614cf933fb3a1a6","rostering.ex",".ex","Elixir","defmodule Roster.Rostering do @moduledoc """""" The Rostering context. """""" import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Roster.Repo alias Roster.Rostering.Shift @doc """""" Returns the list of shifts. ## Examples iex> list_shifts() [%Shift{}, ...] """""" def list_shifts do Repo.all(Shift) end @doc """""" Gets a single shift. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Shift does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_shift!(123) %Shift{} iex> get_shift!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """""" def get_shift!(id), do: Repo.get!(Shift, id) @doc """""" Creates a shift. ## Examples iex> create_shift(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Shift{}} iex> create_shift(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """""" def create_shift(attrs \\ %{}) do %Shift{} |> Shift.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """""" Updates a shift. ## Examples iex> update_shift(shift, %{field: new_value}) {:","3863","0.5784666067684936","0.0","0.0" "03a3ac0da28273c006979e29245a05a56ecaf0a5","wetter_web.ex",".ex","Elixir","defmodule WetterWeb do @moduledoc """""" The entrypoint for defining your web interface, such as controllers, views, channels and so on. This can be used in your application as: use WetterWeb, :controller use WetterWeb, :view The definitions below will be executed for every view, controller, etc, so keep them short and clean, focused on imports, uses and aliases. Do NOT define functions inside the quoted expressions below. Instead, define any helper function in modules and import those modules here. """""" def controller do quote do use Phoenix.Controller, namespace: WetterWeb import Plug.Conn import WetterWeb.Router.Helpers import WetterWeb.Gettext end end def view do quote do use Phoenix.View, root: ""lib/wetter_web/templates"", namespace: WetterWeb # Import convenience functions from controllers import Phoenix.Controller, only: [get_flash: 2, view_module: 1] # ","3863","0.5784666067684936","0.0","0.0" "13aeaba0b0248ae479954b8e33b9ff169d910bf3","core.exs",".exs","Elixir","alias FDB.Transaction defmodule Conflicts do use Agent @initial %{} def start_link() do Agent.start_link(fn -> @initial end, name: __MODULE__) end def get() do Agent.get_and_update(__MODULE__, &{&1, @initial}) end def init(name) do Agent.update(__MODULE__, fn s -> Map.put(s, name, 0) end) end def update(name, count) do Agent.update(__MODULE__, fn s -> %{s | name => s[name] + count} end) end def measure(name, db, callback) do do_measure(name, Transaction.create(db), 0, callback) end defp do_measure(name, transaction, conflicts, callback) do result = callback.(transaction) :ok = Transaction.commit(transaction) result rescue e in FDB.Error -> update(name, 1) :ok = Transaction.on_error(transaction, e.code) do_measure(name, transaction, conflicts + 1, callback) end end Conflicts.start_link() File.write!(""result.ndjson"", """", [:write]) defmodule Benchee.Formatters.FDB do use Benchee.Formatter de","2546","0.38125187181790954","0.0","0.0" "1e158b878e7caaec30f580df163a11d750599d56","20160513004748_remove_type_column_from_ticker.exs",".exs","Elixir","defmodule Dirk.Repo.Migrations.RemoveTypeColumnFromTicker do use Ecto.Migration def up do alter table(:ticker) do remove :type end end def down do alter table(:ticker) do add :type, :string, size: 15 end end end ","2546","0.38125187181790954","0.0","0.0" "00fba37efb81f55e4137d556182fbe4637971107","mix.exs",".exs","Elixir","defmodule Miniban.MixProject do use Mix.Project def project do [ app: :miniban, name: ""Miniban"", version: ""0.1.0"", elixir: ""~> 1.5"", start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod, package: package(), description: description(), source_url: ""https://github/webdeb/miniban-elixir"", deps: deps() ] end # Run ""mix help compile.app"" to learn about applications. def application do [ extra_applications: [:logger] ] end # Run ""mix help deps"" to learn about dependencies. defp deps do [ {:ex_doc, "">= 0.0.0"", only: :dev}, # for benchmarks comparison {:benchee, ""~> 0.10"", only: :dev}, {:bankster, ""~> 0.2.2"", only: :dev} ] end defp description() do ""Simple and fast IBAN validation"" end defp package() do [ # This option is only needed when you don't want to use the OTP application name name: ""miniban"", # These are the default files included in the pac","2546","0.38125187181790954","0.0","0.0" "1e549298e264a75391db6aadcab628cecc52f065","job_test.exs",".exs","Elixir","defmodule MatchOrNot.JobTest do use MatchOrNot.ModelCase alias MatchOrNot.Job @valid_attrs %{description: %{}} @invalid_attrs %{} test ""changeset with valid attributes"" do changeset = Job.changeset(%Job{}, @valid_attrs) assert changeset.valid? end test ""changeset with invalid attributes"" do changeset = Job.changeset(%Job{}, @invalid_attrs) refute changeset.valid? end end ","2546","0.38125187181790954","0.0","0.0" "06e7c66a73360c7a87ba64b131e82e946a94162a","dev.exs",".exs","Elixir","use Mix.Config # Configure your database config :chirp, Chirp.Repo, username: ""postgres"", password: ""122388"", database: ""chirp_dev_test"", hostname: ""localhost"", show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true, pool_size: 10 # For development, we disable any cache and enable # debugging and code reloading. # # The watchers configuration can be used to run external # watchers to your application. For example, we use it # with webpack to recompile .js and .css sources. config :chirp, ChirpWeb.Endpoint, http: [port: 4000], debug_errors: true, code_reloader: true, check_origin: false, watchers: [ node: [ ""node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js"", ""--mode"", ""development"", ""--watch-stdin"", cd: Path.expand(""../assets"", __DIR__) ] ] # ## SSL Support # # In order to use HTTPS in development, a self-signed # certificate can be generated by running the following # Mix task: # # mix phx.gen.cert # # Note that this task requires Erlang/O","2546","0.38125187181790954","0.0","0.0" "0580726572e44a912df16d117e15661bc4a540b3","mix.lock",".lock","Elixir","%{""connection"": {:hex, :connection, ""1.0.4"", ""a1cae72211f0eef17705aaededacac3eb30e6625b04a6117c1b2db6ace7d5976"", [:mix], []}, ""db_connection"": {:hex, :db_connection, ""1.1.2"", ""2865c2a4bae0714e2213a0ce60a1b12d76a6efba0c51fbda59c9ab8d1accc7a8"", [:mix], [{:connection, ""~> 1.0.2"", [hex: :connection, optional: false]}, {:poolboy, ""~> 1.5"", [hex: :poolboy, optional: true]}, {:sbroker, ""~> 1.0"", [hex: :sbroker, optional: true]}]}, ""decimal"": {:hex, :decimal, ""1.4.0"", ""fac965ce71a46aab53d3a6ce45662806bdd708a4a95a65cde8a12eb0124a1333"", [:mix], []}, ""postgrex"": {:hex, :postgrex, ""0.13.3"", ""c277cfb2a9c5034d445a722494c13359e361d344ef6f25d604c2353185682bfc"", [:mix], [{:connection, ""~> 1.0"", [hex: :connection, optional: false]}, {:db_connection, ""~> 1.1"", [hex: :db_connection, optional: false]}, {:decimal, ""~> 1.0"", [hex: :decimal, optional: false]}]}} ","174","0.02605570530098832","0.0","0.0" "04d02ffe1d391988d22251e6d936175612512d7f","mix.lock",".lock","Elixir","%{""bbmustache"": {:hex, :bbmustache, ""1.0.4""}, ""certifi"": {:hex, :certifi, ""0.3.0""}, ""cf"": {:git, ""https://github.com/project-fifo/cf"", ""8a113805bdfd7d9f2aba712f5035567ecb38a129"", [tag: ""0.2.0""]}, ""cth_readable"": {:hex, :cth_readable, ""1.1.0""}, ""erlware_commons"": {:git, ""https://github.com/erlware/erlware_commons.git"", ""8a325c02912a20a877d861cc72021505c145daaa"", []}, ""eunit_formatters"": {:hex, :eunit_formatters, ""0.3.1""}, ""getopt"": {:hex, :getopt, ""0.8.2""}, ""providers"": {:hex, :providers, ""1.6.0""}, ""rebar"": {:git, ""https://github.com/rebar/rebar3.git"", ""46181c8bf5863a828b87d0cf3f0aa4cf48f3f245"", []}, ""relx"": {:hex, :relx, ""3.9.0""}, ""ssl_verify_hostname"": {:hex, :ssl_verify_hostname, ""1.0.5""}, ""termcap"": {:hex, :termcap, ""0.1.0""}} ","174","0.02605570530098832","0.0","0.0" "03d93ce0a2919b7df1c86a4c38ad8dfdae878513","mix.lock",".lock","Elixir","%{""accept"": {:hex, :accept, ""0.3.3"", ""548ebb6fb2e8b0d170e75bb6123aea6ceecb0189bb1231eeadf52eac08384a97"", [:rebar3], []}, ""prometheus"": {:hex, :prometheus, ""3.3.1"", ""bc680e9d7aa53cbc1b554093968718d25ba264cd936840b24278e1cb77b97225"", [:mix, :rebar3], []}, ""prometheus_httpd"": {:hex, :prometheus_httpd, ""2.1.2"", ""f60afb22501c7af6c5ac882d13d851ac11c2073a10fb619bd5fea6cc8536a4a2"", [:rebar3], [{:accept, ""~> 0.3.3"", [hex: :accept, optional: false]}, {:prometheus, ""~> 3.2"", [hex: :prometheus, optional: false]}]}} ","174","0.02605570530098832","0.0","0.0" "0419606d33519443179b88beb62306d5c26d8ca5","mix.lock",".lock","Elixir","%{ ""certifi"": {:hex, :certifi, ""2.0.0"", ""a0c0e475107135f76b8c1d5bc7efb33cd3815cb3cf3dea7aefdd174dabead064"", [], [], ""hexpm""}, ""dep_from_git"": {:git, ""https://github.com/Dzol/caffeine.git"", ""8f7c68908e5bd50d4c72316994aab58ae1c2d333"", [tag: ""1.1.0""]}, ""earmark"": {:hex, :earmark, ""1.2.4"", ""99b637c62a4d65a20a9fb674b8cffb8baa771c04605a80c911c4418c69b75439"", [:mix], [], ""hexpm""}, ""ex_doc"": {:hex, :ex_doc, ""0.18.3"", ""f4b0e4a2ec6f333dccf761838a4b253d75e11f714b85ae271c9ae361367897b7"", [:mix], [{:earmark, ""~> 1.1"", [hex: :earmark, repo: ""hexpm"", optional: false]}], ""hexpm""}, ""excoveralls"": {:hex, :excoveralls, ""0.8.1"", ""0bbf67f22c7dbf7503981d21a5eef5db8bbc3cb86e70d3798e8c802c74fa5e27"", [], [{:exjsx, "">= 3.0.0"", [hex: :exjsx, repo: ""hexpm"", optional: false]}, {:hackney, "">= 0.12.0"", [hex: :hackney, repo: ""hexpm"", optional: false]}], ""hexpm""}, ""exjsx"": {:hex, :exjsx, ""4.0.0"", ""60548841e0212df401e38e63c0078ec57b33e7ea49b032c796ccad8cde794b5c"", [], [{:jsx, ""~> 2.8.0"", [hex: :jsx, repo: ""","174","0.02605570530098832","0.0","0.0" "0581d16386e6a536bdfd32d35a576a007347e2be","mix.lock",".lock","Elixir","%{ ""bunt"": {:hex, :bunt, ""0.2.0"", ""951c6e801e8b1d2cbe58ebbd3e616a869061ddadcc4863d0a2182541acae9a38"", [:mix], [], ""hexpm""}, ""certifi"": {:hex, :certifi, ""2.3.1"", ""d0f424232390bf47d82da8478022301c561cf6445b5b5fb6a84d49a9e76d2639"", [:rebar3], [{:parse_trans, ""3.2.0"", [hex: :parse_trans, repo: ""hexpm"", optional: false]}], ""hexpm""}, ""combine"": {:hex, :combine, ""0.9.2"", ""cd3c8721f378ebe032487d8a4fa2ced3181a456a3c21b16464da8c46904bb552"", [:mix], []}, ""confex"": {:hex, :confex, ""3.2.2"", ""4fc6161d1bbbe3f24581758059dce285fa9d2719fe41a15b396c4f32250ef7c1"", [:mix], [], ""hexpm""}, ""connection"": {:hex, :connection, ""1.0.4"", ""a1cae72211f0eef17705aaededacac3eb30e6625b04a6117c1b2db6ace7d5976"", [:mix], [], ""hexpm""}, ""coverex"": {:hex, :coverex, ""1.4.13"", ""d90833b82bdd6a1ec05a6d971283debc3dd9611957489010e4b1ab0071a9ee6c"", [:mix], [{:hackney, ""~> 1.5"", [hex: :hackney, repo: ""hexpm"", optional: false]}, {:poison, ""~> 1.5 or ~> 2.0 or ~> 3.0"", [hex: :poison, repo: ""hexpm"", optional: false]}], ""hexpm","174","0.02605570530098832","0.0","0.0" "134987bb62d39789e0ab266224d7b6678dfc0e7e","AccountInfo.elm",".elm","Elm","module UI.AccountInfo exposing (view) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, href, name, src, style, type_, value) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import UI.Icons as Icons type alias Account a = { a | balanceInCents : Int , yearlyInterest : Float } type alias Args msg = { canAdmin : Bool , onEdit : msg } type alias RateInputField msg = Html msg view : Args msg -> Account a -> Maybe (RateInputField msg) -> Html msg view args account maybeEditInterestInput = div [ class ""flex items-center"" ] [ balance args account , interest args account maybeEditInterestInput ] balance : Args msg -> Account a -> Html msg balance args account = let accountBalance = (account.balanceInCents // 100) |> String.fromInt in div [] [ text ""Balance: "" , span [ class ""text-3xl font-semibold"" ] [ text accountBalance ] , span [ class ""","783","0.8877551020408163","0.0","0.0" "215c41a94c93258f9a65b6d937365b589cacd693","Community.elm",".elm","Elm","module Community exposing ( Action , ActionVerification , ActionVerificationsResponse , Balance , ClaimResponse , CreateCommunityData , CreateTokenData , DashboardInfo , Invite , Metadata , Model , Objective , Settings , Transaction , Verification(..) , Verifiers , WithObjectives , claimSelectionSet , communitiesQuery , communityQuery , communitySelectionSet , createCommunityData , dashboardSelectionSet , decodeBalance , decodeTransaction , encodeClaimAction , encodeCreateActionAction , encodeCreateCommunityData , encodeCreateObjectiveAction , encodeCreateTokenData , encodeUpdateLogoData , encodeUpdateObjectiveAction , inviteQuery , logoBackground , logoTitleQuery , logoUrl , newCommunitySubscription , objectiveSelectionSet , settingsQuery , settingsSelectionSet , toVerifications ) import Cambiatus.Enum.VerificationType","783","0.8877551020408163","0.0","0.0" "0908a18b91150f9874d9159e600183b6dd9f2ff5","UsState.elm",".elm","Elm","module Model.UsState exposing (..) type alias UsState = { fips_code : String, id : Int, name : String, postal_code : String } findByFips : List UsState -> String -> Maybe UsState findByFips states fips = List.head <| List.filter (\s -> s.fips_code == fips) states findById : List UsState -> Int -> Maybe UsState findById states id = List.head <| List.filter (\s -> s.id == id) states ","783","0.8877551020408163","0.0","0.0" "02d0bb03835184c7bde9da53ecab30098db4cba0","UpdateTest.elm",".elm","Elm","module InputTable.UpdateTest exposing (all) import Test exposing (..) import Expect import InputTable.Messages exposing (..) import InputTable.Model exposing (..) import InputTable.Update exposing (update) import InputTable.TestUtils exposing (..) all : Test all = describe ""Update.update"" [ test ""SetCellValue message should set the cell with that id to the given value"" <| \() -> let newTableState = update (SetCellValue (\d v -> { d | title = v }) 2 ""new title value"") testTableState expectedRows = [ makeRow ""test title"" True ( ""no children"", Nothing ) 1 , makeRow ""new title value"" True ( ""no children"", Nothing ) 2 , makeRow ""test title"" True ( ""no children"", Nothing ) 3 , makeRow ""test title"" True ( ""no children"", Nothing ) 4 ","783","0.8877551020408163","0.0","0.0" "0346fdf311a955257563bf869f49f1a32d55106b","Node.elm",".elm","Elm","module Node exposing (viewNode) import FlowChart.Types exposing (FCNode, FCPort, Vector2) import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text) import Html.Attributes as A import Internal exposing (DraggableTypes(..), toPx) import Utils.Draggable as Draggable viewNode : FCNode -> (Draggable.Msg DraggableTypes -> msg) -> { portSize : Vector2, portColor : String } -> Html msg -> Html msg viewNode fcNode dragListener portConfig children = div [ A.id fcNode.id , A.style ""position"" ""absolute"" , A.style ""width"" (toPx fcNode.dim.x) , A.style ""height"" (toPx fcNode.dim.y) , A.style ""left"" (toPx fcNode.position.x) , A.style ""top"" (toPx fcNode.position.y) , Draggable.enableDragging (DNode fcNode) dragListener ] ([ children ] ++ List.map (\p -> viewPort fcNode.id p dragListener portConfig) fcNode.ports ) viewPort : String -> FCPort -> (Draggable.Msg DraggableTypes -> msg) ","783","0.8877551020408163","0.0","0.0" "04205a2c66b30577e1f0f275524b5dbe3b274643","sb-lotusex.el",".el","Emacs Lisp",";;; sb-lotusex.el --- shimbun backend for http://tsuruo.dominohosting.biz -*- coding: utf-8; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 NAKAJIMA Mikio ;; Author: NAKAJIMA Mikio ;; Keywords: news ;; Created: May. 22, 2003 ;; This file is a part of shimbun. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA","3845","0.9778738555442523","0.0","0.0" "0351e30db36ff1711503a4cee512c3cca88c5d4d","proj-prog.el",".el","Emacs Lisp",";;; ede-proj-prog.el --- EDE Generic Project program support -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 1998-2001, 2005, 2008-2022 Free Software Foundation, ;; Inc. ;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam ;; Keywords: project, make ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Handle building programs from object files in and EDE Project file.","3845","0.9778738555442523","0.0","0.0" "1797950ea3b31f4c4749d3419216118b51028e7b","rsw-elisp.el",".el","Emacs Lisp",";;; rsw-elisp.el --- Interactively eval regions, var defs, quoted sexps ;; ;; Author: Robert Weiner ;; Maintainer: Robert Weiner ;; Created: 20-Dec-17 at 15:44:48 ;; Released: 26-Dec-17 ;; Version: 1.0.5 ;; Keywords: languages, tools ;; Package: rsw-elisp ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs ""24.4.0"")) ;; URL: http://github.com/rswgnu/rsw-elisp ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3. ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; It is derived from Emacs elisp-mode.el. ;; ;; This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; witho","3845","0.9778738555442523","0.0","0.0" "09f1be6d41d3c812bbb96b8c2e50a6be8d71c815","munk-prettygreek.el",".el","Emacs Lisp","(defun pretty-greek () (pretty-all) (pretty-bra) (let* ((greek '(;; Greek uppercase (""Gamma"" 67) (""Delta"" 68) (""Theta"" 72) (""Lambda"" 75) (""Xi"" 78) (""Pi"" 80) (""Sigma"" 83) (""Phi"" 86) (""Psi"" 88) (""Omega"" 89) ;;lower starts after them ""alpha"" ""beta"" ""gamma"" ""delta"" ""epsilon"" ""zeta"" ""eta"" ""theta"" ""iota"" ""kappa"" ""lambda"" ""mu"" ""nu"" ""xi"" ""pi"" ""rho"" ""sigma_final"" ""sigma"" ""tau"" ""upsilon"" ""phi"" ""chi"" ""psi"" ""omega"")) pos word greek-char) (dolist (elt greek) (if (not (consp elt)) ; If not a upper case char (setq pos (1+ pos) word elt) (setq word (car elt) pos (cadr elt))) (if (= pos 111) ; Ignoring omicron (setq pos 112)) (setq greek-char (make-char 'greek-iso8859-7 pos)) ; getting the char number (if (= pos 89) ; Done with UC char, moving to sequiential LC (setq pos 96)) (font-lock-add-keywords nil `((,(concat ""\\(\\\\"" word ""\\)[a-zA-Z]"") ; Notice the \ prefix, thi","3845","0.9778738555442523","0.0","0.0" "02664ece94084c870dff749221b7cc2f0bb8ba09","init.el",".el","Emacs Lisp",";; Minimal UI (scroll-bar-mode -1) (tool-bar-mode -1) (tooltip-mode -1) (menu-bar-mode -1) (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . ""Source Code Pro-14"")) (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(height . 24)) (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(width . 80)) ;; Package configs (require 'package) (setq package-enable-at-startup nil) (setq package-archives '((""org"" . ""http://orgmode.org/elpa/"") (""gnu"" . ""http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/"") (""melpa"" . ""https://melpa.org/packages/""))) (package-initialize) ;; No Tabs (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) ;; Bootstrap `use-package` (unless (package-installed-p 'use-package) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install 'use-package)) (require 'use-package) (use-package evil-org :ensure t :after org :config (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'evil-org-mode) (add-hook 'evil-org-mode-hook (lambda () (evil-org-set-key-theme))) ;; (define-key evil-normal-stat","3845","0.9778738555442523","0.0","0.0" "18fa56dbb18c0499fdd717cd80a2fee5404c6e30",".emacs",".emacs","Emacs Lisp",";;; ~/.emacs -- Emacs Configuration ;;; Commentary: ;; My preferences and package configs mainly focused on PHP and C development ;;; Code: ;; Package repository setup (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '(""melpa"" . ""https://melpa.org/packages/"")) (package-initialize) (unless (package-installed-p 'use-package) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install 'use-package)) (unless (package-installed-p 'quelpa) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install 'quelpa)) (unless (package-installed-p 'quelpa-use-package) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install 'quelpa-use-package)) (require 'quelpa-use-package) ;; Put manual customizations in another file (setq custom-file (expand-file-name ""custom.el"" user-emacs-directory)) (load custom-file 'noerror) ;; Projectile (use-package projectile :ensure t :defer 1 :config (define-key projectile-mode-map (kbd ""s-p"") 'projectile-command-map) (define-key projectile-mode-map (kbd ""C-c p"") 'projectile-command-ma","50","0.01271617497456765","0.0","0.0" "064d692dec0564c209843708bba403fc9f57b8a7",".emacs",".emacs","Emacs Lisp","(setq inhibit-splash-screen t) (setq initial-scratch-message nil) (setq vc-follow-symlinks t) (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) (setq column-number-mode t) (setq read-file-name-completion-ignore-case t) (setq c-mode-hook (function (lambda () (setq c-indent-level 4)))) (setq lua-mode-hook (function (lambda () (setq lua-indent-level 4)))) (setq cmake-mode-hook (function (lambda () (setq cmake-indent-level 4)))) ;; doesn't seem to work (custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. '(c-default-style (quote ((c-mode . ""c"") (c++-mode . ""stroustrup"") (java-mode . ""java"") (awk-mode . ""awk"") (other . ""gnu"")))) '(c-offsets-alist (quote ((inline-open . 0) (innamespace . 0)))) '(nxml-child-indent 4)) (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by han","50","0.01271617497456765","0.0","0.0" "074357d29204f92132888e51b8337f50752e5d5b",".emacs",".emacs","Emacs Lisp","(custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. '(package-selected-packages (quote (evil exec-path-from-shell)))) (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. ) (load-file (let ((coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)) (shell-command-to-string ""agda-mode locate""))) (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '(""melpa"" . ""https://melpa.org/packages/"")) (package-initialize) (require 'evil) (evil-mode 1) (global-linum-mode t) (setq linum-format ""%d "") ;; scroll one line at a time (less ""jumpy"" than defaults) (setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(1 ((shift) . 1))) ;; one line at a time ","50","0.01271617497456765","0.0","0.0" "003435f8f758b2c91af8c0a1f8547b9371215fd5",".emacs",".emacs","Emacs Lisp","(require 'iso-transl) (require 'package) ;; ;; Add the original Emacs Lisp Package Archive ;; (add-to-list 'package-archives ;; '(""melpa"" . ""http://melpa.org/packages/"") t) ;; (add-to-list 'package-archives ;; '(""elpa"" . ""http://tromey.com/elpa/"") t) ;; (add-to-list 'package-archives ;; '(""marmalade"" . ""http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/"") t) ;; (package-initialize) ;; (require 'cl) (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) ;; (defvar prelude-packages ;; '(ack-and-a-half sass-mode rainbow-mode scss-mode yaml-mode auto-complete) ;; ""A list of packages to ensure are installed at launch."") ;; (defun prelude-packages-installed-p () ;; (loop for p in prelude-packages ;; when (not (package-installed-p p)) do (return nil) ;; finally (return t))) ;; (unless (prelude-packages-installed-p) ;; ;; check for new packages (package versions) ;; (message ""%s"" ""Emacs Prelude is now refreshing its package database..."") ;; (package-refresh-contents) ;;","50","0.01271617497456765","0.0","0.0" "003985ba08382f1fe0c2a7360d886e02975f1000","sample.emacs",".emacs","Emacs Lisp",";======================================================== ; general ; on close, save open buffers for next time (desktop-save-mode 1) ;======================================================== ; Python mode ; use spaces (add-hook 'python-mode-hook (lambda () (setq indent-tabs-mode nil tab-width 4 python-guess-indent nil python-indent 4))) ;======================================================== ; spell checking ; use hunspell for spell checking (when (executable-find ""hunspell"") (setq-default ispell-program-name ""hunspell"") (setq ispell-really-hunspell t)) ; enable spell checking on the fly for text files only (setq-default flyspell-mode nil) (dolist (hook '(text-mode-hook)) (add-hook hook (lambda () (flyspell-mode 1)))) ; enable spell checking on the fly in comments (dolist (mode '(emacs-lisp-mode-hook python-mode-hook js-mode-hook R-mode-hook)) (add-hook mode '(lambda () (flyspell-prog-mode)))) ","50","0.01271617497456765","0.0","0.0" "0406127971e266769c5c7631dc011d99b71a0ae0",".spacemacs",".spacemacs","Emacs Lisp",";; -*- mode: emacs-lisp; lexical-binding: t -*- ;; This file is loaded by Spacemacs at startup. ;; It must be stored in your home directory. (defun dotspacemacs/layers () ""Configuration Layers declaration. You should not put any user code in this function besides modifying the variable values."" (setq-default dotspacemacs-distribution 'spacemacs dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path '() dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(bibtex c-c++ (clojure :variables clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t) common-lisp csv erlang emacs-lisp ess (go :variables go-tab-width 4) graphviz haskell html javascript (latex :variables latex-enable-folding t latex-enable-auto-fill t) lsp (markdown :variables markdown-live-preview-engine 'vmd) (org :variables org-enable-github-support t org-enable-reveal-js-support t org-enable-org-journal-support t) ","25","0.006358087487283825","0.0","0.0" "0189164bc19ed368cba2d2f1c2f9c7e3e0244d2c",".spacemacs",".spacemacs","Emacs Lisp",";; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*- ;; This file is loaded by Spacemacs at startup. ;; It must be stored in your home directory. (defun dotspacemacs/layers () ""Configuration Layers declaration. You should not put any user code in this function besides modifying the variable values."" (setq-default ;; Base distribution to use. This is a layer contained in the directory ;; `+distribution'. For now available distributions are `spacemacs-base' ;; or `spacemacs'. (default 'spacemacs) dotspacemacs-distribution 'spacemacs ;; Lazy installation of layers (i.e. layers are installed only when a file ;; with a supported type is opened). Possible values are `all', `unused' ;; and `nil'. `unused' will lazy install only unused layers (i.e. layers ;; not listed in variable `dotspacemacs-configuration-layers'), `all' will ;; lazy install any layer that support lazy installation even the layers ;; listed in `dotspacemacs-configuration-layers'. `nil' disable the lazy ;; insta","25","0.006358087487283825","0.0","0.0" "150084093be043fc3fbe0e862660f162623bab78",".spacemacs",".spacemacs","Emacs Lisp",";; -*- mode: dotspacemacs -*- ;; This file is loaded by Spacemacs at startup. ;; It must be stored in your home directory. (defun dotspacemacs/layers () ""Configuration Layers declaration."" (setq-default ;; List of additional paths where to look for configuration layers. ;; Paths must have a trailing slash (ie. `~/.mycontribs/') dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path '() ;; List of configuration layers to load. If it is the symbol `all' instead ;; of a list then all discovered layers will be installed. dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( ;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;; Example of useful layers you may want to use right away ;; Uncomment a layer name and press C-c C-c to install it ;; -------------------------------------------------------- auto-completion better-defaults (git :variables git-gutter-use-fringe t) markdown org syntax-checking windows ) ;; A list of","25","0.006358087487283825","0.0","0.0" "1a36662c8cd4a9da89ff85ecc44efdf6e7e3aa98",".spacemacs",".spacemacs","Emacs Lisp",";; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*- ;; This file is loaded by Spacemacs at startup. ;; It must be stored in your home directory. (defun dotspacemacs/layers () ""Configuration Layers declaration. You should not put any user code in this function besides modifying the variable values."" (setq-default ;; Base distribution to use. This is a layer contained in the directory ;; `+distribution'. For now available distributions are `spacemacs-base' ;; or `spacemacs'. (default 'spacemacs) dotspacemacs-distribution 'spacemacs ;; Lazy installation of layers (i.e. layers are installed only when a file ;; with a supported type is opened). Possible values are `all', `unused' ;; and `nil'. `unused' will lazy install only unused layers (i.e. layers ;; not listed in variable `dotspacemacs-configuration-layers'), `all' will ;; lazy install any layer that support lazy installation even the layers ;; listed in `dotspacemacs-configuration-layers'. `nil' disable the lazy ;; insta","25","0.006358087487283825","0.0","0.0" "04204e8c2efedc31781d9f5d2d755d98a000f830",".spacemacs",".spacemacs","Emacs Lisp",";; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*- ;; This file is loaded by Spacemacs at startup. ;; It must be stored in your home directory. (defun dotspacemacs/layers () ""Configuration Layers declaration. You should not put any user code in this function besides modifying the variable values."" (setq-default ;; Base distribution to use. This is a layer contained in the directory ;; `+distribution'. For now available distributions are `spacemacs-base' ;; or `spacemacs'. (default 'spacemacs) dotspacemacs-distribution 'spacemacs-base ;; Lazy installation of layers (i.e. layers are installed only when a file ;; with a supported type is opened). Possible values are `all', `unused' ;; and `nil'. `unused' will lazy install only unused layers (i.e. layers ;; not listed in variable `dotspacemacs-configuration-layers'), `all' will ;; lazy install any layer that support lazy installation even the the ‘--debug-init’ option to view a complete error backtrace. layers ;; listed in `dot","25","0.006358087487283825","0.0","0.0" "108a93e13ddba9a6e5a2136125ba3172d5536ba3","job-start.em",".em","EmberScript","@# @# Author: Mike Purvis @# Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Clearpath Robotics, Inc. @# @# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: @# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright @# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. @# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright @# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the @# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. @# * Neither the name of Clearpath Robotics, Inc. nor the @# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products @# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. @# @# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ""AS IS"" AND @# ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT N","28","0.9333333333333333","0.0","0.0" "00b0c2c2ddacf262503d6c1a3a23df6215607d53","restore.em",".em","EmberScript","if (typeof(std.persist) === 'undefined') throw 'Error. Do not import this file directly. Only import it from persistService.em'; (function() { /** @param {array} triplet Array containing three values. Indices of array follow: 0 : index 1 : value to set to/object pointer/'null' 2 : type record @return {boolean} Returns true if the value in this object is a value type */ var tripletIsValueType = function (triplet) { if ((typeof(triplet) !== 'object') || (!('length' in triplet)) || (triplet.length != 3)) { system.print('\nAbout to exception\n'); system.prettyprint(triplet); throw 'Error in checkTripletIsValueType. Requires triplet to be passed in'; } if (triplet[2] != 'object') return true; return false; }; /** @param {int} ptrId. The unique name of the object that should be referenced by calling loc","28","0.9333333333333333","0.0","0.0" "1e43d4d0a7b001834f71667b51fdd36ec5db8ebf","session-test.em",".em","EmberScript","`import { test, moduleForModel } from 'ember-qunit'` moduleForModel 'session', 'Session', { needs: ['model:user', 'model:widget'] } test 'it exists', -> model = @subject() ok model ","28","0.9333333333333333","0.0","0.0" "0581e6dcd1b16296dcd7fd0d689e351f8d56da6e","BIOMD0000000005.em",".em","EmberScript"," # created by eml2em program # from file: BIOMD0000000005.eml, date: Sat Mar 1 16:47:06 2014 # Stepper ODEStepper( Default ) { # no property } System System( / ) { StepperID Default; Name default; Process ExpressionFluxProcess( Reaction1 ) { Name ""cyclin_cdc2k dissociation""; k6 1.0; Expression ""cell.Value * k6 * M.NumberConc""; VariableReferenceList [ M Variable:/cell:M -1 ] [ C2 Variable:/cell:C2 1 ] [ YP Variable:/cell:YP 1 ] [ cell Variable:/cell:SIZE 0 ]; } Process ExpressionFluxProcess( Reaction2 ) { Name ""cdc2k phosphorylation""; k8notP 1000000.0; Expression ""cell.Value * C2.NumberConc * k8notP""; VariableReferenceList [ C2 Variable:/cell:C2 -1 ] [ CP Variable:/cell:CP 1 ] [ cell Variable:/cell:SIZE 0 ]; } Process ExpressionFluxProcess( Reaction3 ) { Name ""cdc2k dephosphorylation""; k9 1000.0; Expression ""cell.Value * CP.NumberConc * k9""; VariableReferenceList [ CP Variable:/cell:CP -1 ]","28","0.9333333333333333","0.0","0.0" "0520789574aef5846f1b5e72ca30bd7b7ba06d9c","__name__.em",".em","EmberScript","`import DS from 'ember-data'` # (ember) <%= classifiedModuleName %> = DS.Model.extend { <%= attrs %> } `export default <%= classifiedModuleName %>` ","28","0.9333333333333333","0.0","0.0" "035b80e25c2e439f17d789691ed109d3dd556a8c","rebar.config",".config","Erlang","{erl_opts, [debug_info, {parse_transform, lager_transform}]}. {lib_dirs,[""lib""]}. {deps_dir, [""lib""]}. {deps, [ {'lager', "".*"", {git, ""git://github.com/erylee/lager.git"", {branch, ""master""}}}, {'elog', "".*"", {git, ""git://github.com/erylee/elog.git"", {branch, ""master""}}}, {'extlib', "".*"", {git, ""git://github.com/erylee/extlib.git"", {branch, ""master""}}}, {'evmon', "".*"", {git, ""git://github.com/erylee/evmon.git"", {branch, ""master""}}}, {'sesnmp', "".*"", {git, ""git://github.com/erylee/sesnmp.git"", {branch, ""master""}}}, {'rabbit_common', "".*"", {git, ""git://github.com/hejin1026/rabbit_common.git"", {branch, ""master""}}}, {'amqp_client', "".*"", {git, ""git://github.com/erylee/erlang-amqp-client.git"", {branch, ""master""}}} ]}. ","104","0.04067266327727806","0.0","0.0" "0391e5a1743e3876561e2696b032645c37867670","rebar.config",".config","Erlang","%% -*- mode: erlang; -*- {deps, [{cucumberl, "".*"", {git, ""http://github.com/ericbmerritt/cucumberl.git"", {tag, ""v0.0.5""}}}, {getopt, "".*"", {git, ""https://github.com/jcomellas/getopt.git"", {tag, ""v0.4.4""}}}, {proper, "".*"", {git, ""https://github.com/manopapad/proper.git"", {tag, ""v1.0""}}}, {erlware_commons, "".*"", {git, ""https://github.com/erlware/erlware_commons.git"", {tag, ""v0.7.0""}}}]}. {escript_incl_apps, [erlware_commons, getopt]}. {escript_emu_args, ""%%!\n""}. {post_hooks, [{compile, ""$([ -n \""`which gmake`\"" ] && echo \""gmake jxa\"" || echo \""make jxa\"")""}]}. ","104","0.04067266327727806","0.0","0.0" "037af42cb04ec6c0a3a7caf6b7ffe909f2db510f","rebar.config",".config","Erlang","%% -*- mode: erlang;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %%====================================================================== %% %% Leo Gateway %% %% Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Rakuten, Inc. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the ""License""); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% ""AS IS"" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %%====================================================================== {require_otp_vsn, ""R16B*|17|18|19|20""}. {deps, [ {leo_cache, "".*"", {git, ""https://github.com/leo-project/leo_cache.","104","0.04067266327727806","0.0","0.0" "1f67c087dd6a149a005001703b098924139a627a","rebar.config",".config","Erlang","% important erlang business here","104","0.04067266327727806","0.0","0.0" "037b7c8d695c6a227ec5556059be1cbca6e19c8a","rebar.config",".config","Erlang","{deps, [ {erlware_commons, ""1.2.0""}, {getopt, ""1.0.1""}, {providers, ""1.7.0""}, {lager, ""3.6.7""}, {bbmustache, ""1.6.1""}, {astranaut, ""0.9.0""}, {erlando, { git, ""https://github.com/slepher/erlando.git"", { tag, ""2.7.0""}}}, {lenses, { git, ""https://github.com/slepher/lenses.git"", { tag, ""0.3.2""}}} ]}. {post_hooks, [ {""linux|darwin"", compile, ""rm -f erlando.state""} ]}. {erl_opts, [debug_info]}. {escript_emu_args, ""%%! +sbtu +A0 -noinput\n""}. {erl_first_files, [""src/mnesia_schema_transform.erl"", ""src/rpc_function.erl""]}. {escript_main_app, cluster_booter}. {profiles, [ {test, [ {erl_opts, [{parse_transform, astranaut_disable_tco}, nowarn_export_all]} ]} ]}. ","104","0.04067266327727806","0.0","0.0" "1fb56aa5460b70624dc87b7b8bb8bb1f1d036d35","cache.erl",".erl","Erlang","%% 2013-6-13 %% mail:laojiajie@gmail.com %%************************************************基本模块********************************************* %%------------------------------cache------------------------------- %% 1.数据存取接口,不经进程排序,避免玩家之间的数据依赖,每个玩家的操作操作独立 %% 2.每张表用一个进程维护,负责cache与数据库之间的同步,update数据通过进程用ets保存即可 %%------------------------------cache_db---------------------------- %% 1.数据库的初始化,数据库数据存取 %% 2.cache与db之间的接口 %%------------------------------sql_operate-------------------------- %% 1.sql操作,语句封装,其他工具 %%************************************************使用方法********************************************** %% 1.自己定义需要作数据储存的record; %% 2.map_data中的tabs函数中添加record名,相应的map数据,预定义规则cache_opt %% 3.restart your server and welcome to use cache!! %%************************************************注意事项********************************************** %% 1.增删改查没经统一的通道控制,相当于ets操作。 %% 2.必须一个进程控制一份数据,不然会出现竞争现象 %% 3.对于交互性的数据,可以利用全局进程来控制增删改,其他进程可以查 %% 4.多使用call阻塞方法,这样全局进程就可以控制每个玩家的数据,阻塞时间内玩家不会操作这份数据,避免竞争 ","2112","0.8259679311693391","0.0","0.0" "0e9cde2df9d6f962eafedff45fb736accef6c402","Process.erl",".erl","Erlang","%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% | %% Module : Process %% Copyright : (c) 2020 EMQ Technologies Co., Ltd. %% License : BSD-style (see the LICENSE file) %% %% Maintainer : Feng Lee, feng@emqx.io %% Yang M, yangm@emqx.io %% Stability : experimental %% Portability : portable %% %% The Process FFI module. %% %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -module('Process'). -include(""../Foreign.hrl""). -compile(no_auto_import). -export([ selfPid/0 , spawn/1 , send/2 , 'receive'/0 , receiveAfter/1 , register/2 , 'monitor'/1 , erase/1 , eraseAll/0 , garbageCollectProcWith/2 , whereis/1 , kill/1 , trapExit/1 , processFlag/1 , processInfo/1 ]). -spec(selfPid() -> pid()). selfPid() -> ?IO(erlang:self()). spawn(Fun) -> ?IO(erlang:spawn(fun() -> Fun() end)). -","2112","0.8259679311693391","0.0","0.0" "02d68a1930e13a62e9b20592ce39bdc9d395e765","mbcs_server.erl",".erl","Erlang","%% @author Xiangyu LU %% @copyright 2010 luxiangyu@msn.com. %% @doc erlang-mbcs server. -module(mbcs_server). -author('luxiangyu@msn.com'). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([start/0, stop/0]). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_info/2]). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(MBCS_ENCODE_OPTIONS_DEFAULT, [{return, binary}, {error, strict}, {error_replace_char, $?}, {bom, false}]). -define(MBCS_DECODE_OPTIONS_DEFAULT, [{return, binary}, {error, strict}, {error_replace_char, 16#FFFD}]). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -record(mbcs_codecs_item, { undefined :: set(), % undefine bytes leadbytes :: set()","2112","0.8259679311693391","0.0","0.0" "19cf4541742614959624d9d8535beb76b5356ce8","pr_fsm.erl",".erl","Erlang","-module(pr_fsm). -behaviour(gen_fsm). %% API -export([start_link/2]). -compile([export_all]). %% Callbacks -export([init/1, active/2, passive/2, terminate/3, handle_event/3, handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3]). -define(NO_ARP, ""No ARP entry for""). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Types %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ -record(state, {port :: inet:port_number(), ip :: inet:ip_address(), peer_ip :: inet:ip_address(), it :: non_neg_integer(), iterations :: non_neg_integer(), intf_name :: string(), base_mac :: string(), pair_no :: non_neg_integer(), sock :: inet:socket()}). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% API Function Definitions %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ start_link(Port, Opts) -> gen","2112","0.8259679311693391","0.0","0.0" "1e50223b8132c97e95219bf422fdae3f59b9d07b","eit_utils.erl",".erl","Erlang","-module(eit_utils). -export([contains/2, join_lists/2]). -export([to_string/3, to_string/4]). %%==================================================================== %% API functions %%==================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func:contains(any(), list(_)) -> boolean() %% Description: It checks if an element is in the list or not. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- contains(_E, []) -> false; contains(H, [H | _T]) -> true; contains(Other, [_H | T]) -> contains(Other, T). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func:join_lists(list(), list()) -> list() %% Description: It receives two lists with the same number of elements and %% returns a new list of pairs where the first element of the pair is an %% element of the first list and the second element is an element of the %% second list. %%-------------------","2112","0.8259679311693391","0.0","0.0" "08cc767894f3489af4407382ff73de68dd13a67c","AddHeader.escript",".escript","Erlang","// AddHeader.escript (2011-01-23) // Small example script used to add and update the licence note at the beginning of every file. var rootDir = args[2]; if(!rootDir){ out(""Usage: EScript ""+__FILE__+"" {rootDirectory} \n""); return; } var files = IO.dir( rootDir , IO.DIR_FILES|IO.DIR_RECURSIVE ); files.filter( fn(filename){return filename.endsWith("".h"") || filename.endsWith("".cpp""); } ); foreach(files as var file){ out(file,""\t""); var input = IO.loadTextFile(file); // read file // use '\n' as line ending var lineEnding=""\n""; // extract lines var lines = input.split(""\n""); if(lines.empty()){ out(""empty\n""); continue; } var output=""""; var headerRead = false; if(lines[0].beginsWith(""/*"")){ headerRead = true; }else{ output+=""// "" + file.substr(file.rFind(""/"")+1) + lineEnding; output+=""// This file is part of the EScript programming language."" + lineEnding; output+=""// See copyright notice in EScript.h"" + lineEnding; output+=""// -----------------------------","13","0.005084082909659757","0.0","0.0" "0b6b8648be4219ca3b5dac4809531198b851b0cb","string-join.escript",".escript","Erlang","#!/usr/bin/env escript %%% %%% In Erlang you generally don't want to flatten lists to create a plesant %%% looking ""string"" - iolists typically work fine with string processing %%% functions in the core library. %%% %%% But what happens when you want to compare a couple strings for euivalence? %%% Looking over the lists and strings modules, there doesn't appear to be a %%% function for this. Assuming there isn't a better way to compare two %%% strings, we need to ensure that both are flattened. %%% %%% Typical results on my laptop under R16B: %%% %%% flatten: 823 %%% concat: 429 %%% append: 300 %%% to_binary: 554 %%% %%% These results superficially agree with this: %%% %%% http://fdmanana.wordpress.com/2010/09/02/list-concatenation-in-erlang/ %%% -mode(compile). -include(""bench.hrl""). -define(TRIALS, 1000000). -define(TARGET, ""sr0hZUwaVPJETArtq//HQx0YbX4ma3lcuCxzBH4UkGY2yNXz""). -define(MATCH, [""sr0hZUwaVPJ"", ""ETArtq//HQx0Y"", ""bX4ma3lcuC"", ""xzBH4UkGY2yNXz""]). main(_)","13","0.005084082909659757","0.0","0.0" "1c34e179caa8111c5e06bc4c919ce8e8cb0bf2d9","erl_tidy.escript",".escript","Erlang","#!/usr/bin/env escript %%! %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -mode(compile). -export([main/1]). %% erl_tidy.escript: does not support HRL ESCRIPT APP.SRC. main([]) -> io:format(standard_error ,""Usage: ~s \n"" ,[filename:dirname(escript:script_name())] ), halt(1); main(Files) -> tidy_files(Files). %% Internals tidy_files(Paths) -> lists:foreach(fun tidy/1, Paths). printer(AST, Options) -> erl_prettypr:format(AST, [{paper, 115} ,{ribbon, 100} | Options ]). tidy(Path) -> case {filelib:is_regular(Path), filelib:is_dir(Path)} of {true, _} -> case filename:extension(Path) of "".erl"" -> erl_tidy:file(Path, [{backups, false} ,{quiet, false} ,{verbose, false} ","13","0.005084082909659757","0.0","0.0" "0ea63d97bad39555ee16644aeacab30dae67811a","initIconHandling.escript",".escript","Erlang","/* * This file is part of the open source part of the * Platform for Algorithm Development and Rendering (PADrend). * Web page: http://www.padrend.de/ * Copyright (C) 2011 Benjamin Eikel * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Claudius Jähn * * PADrend consists of an open source part and a proprietary part. * The open source part of PADrend is subject to the terms of the Mozilla * Public License, v. 2.0. You should have received a copy of the MPL along * with this library; see the file LICENSE. If not, you can obtain one at * http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // ---------------- // icons //! (internal) GUI.GUI_Manager._getIconRegistry ::= fn( ){ if(!this.isSet($_iconRegistry)) this._iconRegistry := new Map(); return this._iconRegistry; }; /*! Get a Icon from a name or a filename (including implicit caching) \example gui.getIcon(""#RefreshSmall""); */ GUI.GUI_Manager.getIcon ::= fn( [GUI.Component,String] nameOrIconOrFilename, [Util.C","13","0.005084082909659757","0.0","0.0" "065314211e8588e41cddd54526713628543aa975","Plugin.escript",".escript","Erlang","/* * This file is part of the open source part of the * Platform for Algorithm Development and Rendering (PADrend). * Web page: http://www.padrend.de/ * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Benjamin Eikel * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Claudius Jähn * Copyright (C) 2011 Ralf Petring * * PADrend consists of an open source part and a proprietary part. * The open source part of PADrend is subject to the terms of the Mozilla * Public License, v. 2.0. You should have received a copy of the MPL along * with this library; see the file LICENSE. If not, you can obtain one at * http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /**** ** [Plugin:PADrend] PADrend/Navigation/Plugin.escript ** **/ PADrend.Navigation := new Plugin({ Plugin.NAME : 'PADrend/Navigation', Plugin.DESCRIPTION : ""Keyboard and mouse navigation for PADrend."", Plugin.VERSION : 0.6, Plugin.AUTHORS : ""Claudius, Ralf & Benjamin"", Plugin.OWNER : ""All"", Plugin.REQUIRES : ","13","0.005084082909659757","0.0","0.0" "06b722a7d7b709995b276eea15d9a9763e9f4ed9","rock_log.hrl",".hrl","Erlang","%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author ccredrock@gmail.com %%% @copyright 2018 redrock %%% @doc rock log %%% @end %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifndef(ROCK_LOG_HRL). -define(ROCK_LOG_HRL, true). -define(LOG(Name, X), much:info([{much, Name}], ""~p"", [X])). -define(LOG(Name, Tags, X), much:info([{much, Name}], ""#XMDJ#~ts#XMDJ# ~p"", [Tags, X])). -define(LOG_INC(OP, Data), begin flow_falcon:inc_total(OP), ?LOG(OP, Data) end). -define(LOG_INC(OP, Type, Data), begin flow_falcon:inc_total(OP, Type), ?LOG(OP, {Type, Data}) end). -define(LOG_TAGS_INC(OP, Type, Tags, Data), begin flow_falcon:inc_total(OP, Type), ?LOG(OP, jsx:encode((Tags)#{logop => OP, logtype => Type}), Data) end). -define(LOG_SET(OP, Val, Data), begin flow_falcon:set_total(OP, Val), ","158","0.06179116151740321","0.0","0.0" "1cee75ca083c5d9b763043d83674458c944632bf","http2.hrl",".hrl","Erlang"," %% TODO: There's too much going on during this refactor to split this %% file up, but I'd really like to allow an %% -include_lib(""http2/src/http2.hrl""). to include several files. I'll %% try and put separators in this file where I think we could split %% -include_lib(""http2/src/http2_flags.hrl""). -define(FLAG_ACK, 16#1 ). -define(FLAG_END_STREAM, 16#1 ). -define(FLAG_END_HEADERS, 16#4 ). -define(FLAG_PADDED, 16#8 ). -define(FLAG_PRIORITY, 16#20). -define(IS_FLAG(Flags, Flag), Flags band Flag =:= Flag). -define(NOT_FLAG(Flags, Flag), Flags band Flag =/= Flag). %% -include_lib(""http2/src/http2_error.hrl""). -define(NO_ERROR, 16#0). -define(PROTOCOL_ERROR, 16#1). -define(INTERNAL_ERROR, 16#2). -define(FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR, 16#3). -define(SETTINGS_TIMEOUT, 16#4). -define(STREAM_CLOSED, 16#5). -define(FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, 16#6). -define(REFUSED_STREAM, 16#7). -define(CANCEL, 16#8). -define(COMPRESSION_ERROR, 16#9). -define(CONNECT_","158","0.06179116151740321","0.0","0.0" "0076fbc2863e73811192bfba9d9c7558263ec8e6","pulse.hrl",".hrl","Erlang"," %% Timer operations -record(mg_core_timer_lifecycle_created, { namespace :: mg_core:ns(), machine_id :: mg_core:id(), request_context :: mg_core:request_context(), target_timestamp :: genlib_time:ts() }). -record(mg_core_timer_lifecycle_removed, { namespace :: mg_core:ns(), machine_id :: mg_core:id(), request_context :: mg_core:request_context() }). -record(mg_core_timer_lifecycle_rescheduled, { namespace :: mg_core:ns(), machine_id :: mg_core:id(), request_context :: mg_core:request_context(), deadline :: mg_core_deadline:deadline(), target_timestamp :: genlib_time:ts(), attempt :: non_neg_integer() }). -record(mg_core_timer_lifecycle_rescheduling_error, { namespace :: mg_core:ns(), machine_id :: mg_core:id(), request_context :: mg_core:request_context(), deadline :: mg_core_deadline:deadline(), exception :: mg_core_utils:exception() }). %% Timer processing -record(mg_core_timer_process_started, { queue","158","0.06179116151740321","0.0","0.0" "00fa79e8b986564208b24e4cc3468084080630b6","es_tcp_states.hrl",".hrl","Erlang","-record(connection_state, {port, lsock, buffer, simulators}). -record(interface_state, {port, lsock, buffer, client, rsock, simid, user}). ","158","0.06179116151740321","0.0","0.0" "00065b3ec4d3563dbbcb48cb6700305adffc8f82","mod_carboncopy.hrl",".hrl","Erlang","-type matchspec_atom() :: '_' | '$1' | '$2' | '$3'. -record(carboncopy, {us :: {binary(), binary()} | matchspec_atom(), resource :: binary() | matchspec_atom(), version :: binary() | matchspec_atom()}). ","158","0.06179116151740321","0.0","0.0" "07b0d7c840c69430ac1cf5f67d633761bbf867da","uuid.app.src",".src","Erlang","{application, uuid, [{description, ""An OTP library""}, {vsn, ""0.1.0""}, {registered, []}, {applications, [kernel, stdlib ]}, {env,[]}, {modules, []}, {maintainers, []}, {licenses, [""Apache 2.0""]}, {links, []} ]}. ","99","0.038717246773562766","0.0","0.0" "1ed0de09e498f5aa2e5851e1de68573d8211e955","kafe.app.src",".src","Erlang","{application, kafe, [ {description, ""A Kafka client for Erlang and Elixir""} , {vsn, ""2.1.8""} , {registered, []} , {modules, []} , {applications, [ kernel, stdlib, syntax_tools, compiler, poolgirl, goldrush, lager, bucs, doteki, metrics ]} , {mod, {kafe_app, []}} , {env, []} , {maintainers, [""Gregoire Lejeune""]} , {licenses, [""BSD-3""]} , {links, [{""Github"", ""https://github.com/botsunit/kafe""}]} , {files, [""src/*"" , ""include/*"" , ""lib/*"" , ""Makefile"" , ""bu.mk"" , ""README.md"" , ""rebar.config"" , ""rebar.lock"" , ""mix.exs"" , ""mix.lock""]} , {build_tools, [""rebar3"", ""mix"", ""make""]} ]}. ","99","0.038717246773562766","0.0","0.0" "09464dfb2808eab400e4726ef4a05dfa715d44c1","eda_plugin_api.app.src",".src","Erlang","{application, eda_plugin_api, [{description, ""Plugin api for eda""}, {vsn, ""0.1.0""}, {registered, []}, {applications, [kernel, stdlib ]}, {env,[]}, {modules, []}, {maintainers, []}, {links, []} ]}. ","99","0.038717246773562766","0.0","0.0" "05a293f037456ca1a039caa3a97b55614833b297","nuages.app.src",".src","Erlang","{application, nuages, [ {description, ""Cloud computing orchestration.""}, {vsn, ""0.0.1""}, {registered, []}, {applications, [ kernel, stdlib, crypto, sasl, lager, os_mon, jsx ]}, {mod, {nuages_app, []}}, {modules, []} ]}. ","99","0.038717246773562766","0.0","0.0" "130fede902eea0ef06bb4c04f811623a60ccff8b","shards.app.src",".src","Erlang","{application, shards, [ {description, ""Sharding support for ETS tables out-of-box""}, {vsn, ""0.6.2""}, {registered, []}, {mod, {shards_app, []}}, {applications, [ kernel, stdlib ]}, {env,[]}, {modules, []}, {licenses, [""MIT""]}, {build_tools, [""rebar3"", ""make""]}, {links, [ {""GitHub"", ""https://github.com/cabol/shards""}, {""Getting Started"", ""https://github.com/cabol/shards/blob/master/guides/getting-started.md""}, {""Blog Post"", ""http://cabol.github.io/posts/2016/04/14/sharding-support-for-ets.html""} ]} ]}. ","99","0.038717246773562766","0.0","0.0" "133175a6230eda2fb997aeec3c80bb2fbb506d97","W-up.e",".e","Euphoria","true 9 (0 -> -1) (1 -> 2) (2 -> 3) (3 -> -1) (4 -> -1) (5 -> -1) (6 -> -1) (7 -> -1) (8 -> 0) (9 -> 1) 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EXCEPT=6 FAIL0=0 FAIL1=0 FAIL2=0 FAIL3=0 FAIL4=0 FAIL5=0 SIZE=4 ","90","0.7964601769911505","0.0","0.0" "00607b5150a7a7c765b04e80af45986eddf9a2cf","analyser1_emon.E",".e","Euphoria","# Format: McCode with text headers # URL: http://www.mccode.org # Creator: McStas 2.5beta01 - Nov. 03, 2018 # Instrument: Full_simple_noSqq.instr # Ncount: 6250000 # Trace: no # Gravitation: no # Seed: 1544371233 # Directory: Magnon_rerun_events_B_noEfocus_noSqq/43 # Nodes: 16 # Param: WaveMin=2.75 # Param: WaveMax=4.4 # Param: E_0=4 # Param: L_0=0 # Param: chopPulseOpening=0.004 # Param: DivSlit0_width=0.1 # Param: DivSlit1_width=0.1 # Param: DivSlit2_width=0.1 # Param: DivSlit3_width=0.1 # Param: Npulse=1 # Param: print=0 # Param: makeVirtualSource=0 # Param: printMValues=0 # Param: power=2 # Param: BWopen=161 # Param: OMA=37.072 # Param: TTA=74.1432 # Param: OMA2=30.628 # Param: TTA2=61.256 # Param: phi=37 # Param: dphi=0.332 # Param: MCPLfile=BIFROST_mcpl.gz # Param: ax=0 # Param: ay=2.14 # Param: az=-1.24 # Param: bx=0 # Param: by=0 # Param: bz=2.47 # Param: cx=6.71 # Param: cy=0 # Param: cz=0 # Param: Omega=43 # Param: TwoTheta=20 # Param: lambda=10 # Param: dlambda=9.9 # Param: ","90","0.7964601769911505","0.0","0.0" "0de288499bcff17dd3f61e79683044aba4bae228","vgm_ahb_top.e",".e","Euphoria","// Copyright 2016 Tudor Timisescu (verificationgentleman.com) // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License""); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an ""AS IS"" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. <' package vgm_ahb; import vgm_ahb_types; import vgm_ahb_transfer; import vgm_ahb_slave_smap; import vgm_ahb_monitor; import vgm_ahb_slave_sequence; import vgm_ahb_slave_sequence_lib; import vgm_ahb_slave_bfm; import vgm_ahb_slave_agent; '> ","90","0.7964601769911505","0.0","0.0" "06a4397d71a97f8a4938f442a1d69041413d3ef7","analyser1_emon.E",".e","Euphoria","# Format: McCode with text headers # URL: http://www.mccode.org # Creator: McStas 2.5beta01 - Nov. 03, 2018 # Instrument: Full_simple.instr # Ncount: 6250000 # Trace: no # Gravitation: no # Seed: 1544144049 # Directory: Magnon_rerun_B_gcc-4.9/27 # Nodes: 16 # Param: WaveMin=2.75 # Param: WaveMax=4.4 # Param: E_0=4 # Param: L_0=0 # Param: chopPulseOpening=0.004 # Param: DivSlit0_width=0.1 # Param: DivSlit1_width=0.1 # Param: DivSlit2_width=0.1 # Param: DivSlit3_width=0.1 # Param: Npulse=1 # Param: print=0 # Param: makeVirtualSource=0 # Param: printMValues=0 # Param: power=2 # Param: BWopen=161 # Param: OMA=37.072 # Param: TTA=74.1432 # Param: OMA2=30.628 # Param: TTA2=61.256 # Param: phi=37 # Param: dphi=0.332 # Param: MCPLfile=BIFROST_mcpl.gz # Param: ax=0 # Param: ay=2.14 # Param: az=-1.24 # Param: bx=0 # Param: by=0 # Param: bz=2.47 # Param: cx=6.71 # Param: cy=0 # Param: cz=0 # Param: Omega=54 # Param: TwoTheta=20 # Param: lambda=10 # Param: dlambda=9.9 # Param: Rotation=0 # Param: ","90","0.7964601769911505","0.0","0.0" "07f71ef9f6e1cd65e6b55a7130d5580d1d6469e0","math057.e",".e","Euphoria","asin(string(0)); ","90","0.7964601769911505","0.0","0.0" "1eeca3ce2b44fc5a5e99a8230c7bda99443e3858","emacsen-startup.ex",".ex","Euphoria",";; -*-emacs-lisp-*- ;; ;; Emacs startup file, e.g. /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50lod2statworkbench.el ;; for the Debian lod2statworkbench package ;; ;; Originally contributed by Nils Naumann ;; Modified by Dirk Eddelbuettel ;; Adapted for dh-make by Jim Van Zandt ;; The lod2statworkbench package follows the Debian/GNU Linux 'emacsen' policy and ;; byte-compiles its elisp files for each 'emacs flavor' (emacs19, ;; xemacs19, emacs20, xemacs20...). The compiled code is then ;; installed in a subdirectory of the respective site-lisp directory. ;; We have to add this to the load-path: (let ((package-dir (concat ""/usr/share/"" (symbol-name flavor) ""/site-lisp/lod2statworkbench""))) ;; If package-dir does not exist, the lod2statworkbench package must have ;; removed but not purged, and we should skip the setup. (when (file-directory-p package-dir) (setq load-path (cons package-","41","0.36283185840707965","0.0","0.0" "0710470789c3cc8062d5a995678abe7f923f409b","worldflags.ex",".ex","Euphoria"," ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --# Worldflags - match the flags and name the country (and test your memory) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include GtkEngine.e include std/filesys.e include std/sequence.e integer prev = 0, guesses = 0, correct = 0, misses = 0 atom score = 0 constant flagdir = canonical_path(""~/demos/resources/flags/"") ---------------------------- -- get list of flag names ---------------------------- object flaglist = dir(flagdir & ""flags-*.png"") if atom(flaglist) then Error(0,""Worldflags Error"",""Cannot find flags"",flagdir,,GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE) abort(1) end if flaglist = vslice(flaglist,D_NAME) -------------------------------- -- select 8 at random, no dupes -------------------------------- object flagarray = {} while length(flagarray) < 8 do flagarray = add_item(flaglist[rand(length(flaglist))],flagarray) end while -------------","41","0.36283185840707965","0.0","0.0" "03eefbf8a268a7758c3d4757376451e6fae320dd","Sigil.ex",".ex","Euphoria","~s{one} ++ ~c{two} ~s{one} -- ~c{two} ~s{one} .. ~c{two} ~s{one} <> ~c{two} ","41","0.36283185840707965","0.0","0.0" "02990e8bb7b2f2ee35abe6f379272a7b0200e508","manpage.xml.ex",".ex","Euphoria"," .
will be generated. You may view the manual page with: nroff -man .
| less'. A typical entry in a Makefile or Makefile.am is: DB2MAN = /usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/xsl/docbook-xsl/manpages/docbook.xsl XP = xsltproc -''-nonet -''-param man.charmap.use.subset ""0"" manpage.1: manpage.xml $(XP) $(DB2MAN) $< The xsltproc binary is found in the xsltproc package. The XSL files are in docbook-xsl. A description of the parameters you can use can be found in the docbook-xsl-doc-* packages. Please re","41","0.36283185840707965","0.0","0.0" "09070256659801662db6fed1547a8468f7afc225","Stock.ex",".ex","Euphoria"," ] type Documentation = { Definition : string Example: string } with member x.Format = sprintf ""\nDefinition:\n%s\n\nExample:\n%s"" x.Definition x.Example let fromSources = { Definition = ""filter log files by regex on filename"" Example = ""log |> Log.fromSources \""Event\"""" } let fromTime = { Definition = ""underlying function used by after, before, and between"" Example = ""log |> Log.fromTime (Before 10.0) // must be double"" } let after = { Definition = ""include only messages after a certain time (in seconds)"" Example = ""log |> Log.after 12 // any numeric okay"" } let before = { Definition = ""include only messages before a certain time (in seconds)"" Example = ""log |> Log.before 5 // any numeric okay"" } le","1177","0.8028649386084584","0.0","0.0" "023169863480505e5edbf896508864889ec4791c","DescriptorSetLayout.fs",".fs","F#","namespace Aardvark.Rendering.Vulkan open Aardvark.Base open Microsoft.FSharp.NativeInterop open EXTDescriptorIndexing open KHRAccelerationStructure #nowarn ""9"" [] type DescriptorSetLayoutBinding = class val public Device : Device val public Handle : VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding val public Parameter : ShaderUniformParameter member x.StageFlags = x.Handle.stageFlags member x.DescriptorCount = int x.Handle.descriptorCount member x.Name = x.Parameter.Name member x.Binding = int x.Handle.binding member x.DescriptorType = x.Handle.descriptorType new (device, handle, parameter) = { Device = device; Handle = handle; Parameter = parameter } end [] module DescriptorSetLayoutBinding = let create (descriptorType : VkDescriptorType) (stages : VkShaderStageFlags) (parameter : ShaderUniformParameter) (device : Device) = ","1177","0.8028649386084584","0.0","0.0" "03a0515dd0c010dcaa8e18606f9483ab4fb8a9a6","617ac92b4c7c023c8213a200ccbc39d6a87af5e0Common.fs",".fs","F#","[] module CsTasks.Common open System open System.ComponentModel open System.Diagnostics open System.IO open System.Threading open System.Collections.Generic let MaxTimeSpan() = TimeSpan.MaxValue let CsTasksToolPathFromFileName fileName = FindInExecutingAssemglyLocation fileName //Hacked this trace in when removing fake let trace (message:string) = System.Console.WriteLine(message) //Hacked this out of FAKE while removing dependency on it. let ExecProcessWithLambdas infoAction (timeOut:TimeSpan) silent errorF messageF = use p = new Process() p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute <- false infoAction p.StartInfo if silent then p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput <- true p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError <- true p.ErrorDataReceived.Add (fun d -> if d.Data <> null then errorF d.Data) p.OutputDataReceived.Add (fun d -> if d.Data <> null then messageF d.Data) try //TODO put some tracing back? p.Start() |> ignore with","1177","0.8028649386084584","0.0","0.0" "075dac8c8263b201464000bf6e632f005774f96c","Tests.fs",".fs","F#","module BigQueryProvider.Tests open BigQueryProvider open NUnit.Framework [] let ``hello returns 42`` () = let result = Library.hello 42 printfn ""%i"" result Assert.AreEqual(42,result) ","1177","0.8028649386084584","0.0","0.0" "02480ba19b55bf7563d4369c92300299374e6d6f","KernelCompilationTests.fs",".fs","F#","module FSCL.Compiler.KernelCompilationTests open NUnit open NUnit.Framework open System.IO open FSCL.Compiler open FSCL.Language open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.RuntimeHelpers // Simple vector addition [] let VectorAdd(a: float32[], b:float32[], c:float32[], wi:WorkItemInfo) = let gid = wi.GlobalID(0) c.[gid] <- a.[gid] + b.[gid] // Simple vector addition (curried form) [] let VectorAddCurried(a: float32[]) (b:float32[]) (c:float32[]) (wi:WorkItemInfo) = let gid = wi.GlobalID(0) c.[gid] <- a.[gid] + b.[gid] // Vector addition with return type [] let VectorAddWithReturn(a: float32[], b:float32[], wi:WorkItemInfo) = let c = Array.zeroCreate (a.Length) let gid = wi.GlobalID(0) c.[gid] <- a.[gid] + b.[gid] c // Vector addition with return parameter [] let VectorAddWithReturnParameter(a: float32[], b:float32[], c:float3","1177","0.8028649386084584","0.0","0.0" "068d2b2a2e8e8dd41ddb8655746f6266906011ab","BitVector.fsi",".fsi","F#","(* B2R2 - the Next-Generation Reversing Platform Copyright (c) SoftSec Lab. @ KAIST, since 2016 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ""Software""), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ""AS IS"", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHET","43","0.029331514324693043","0.0","0.0" "03d125794f36b2740bf5fa8b602570773e67e669","Fields.fsi",".fsi","F#","namespace TeqCrate open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection open System.Reflection /// A field in a record or discriminated union. [] type TypeField<'case> = { /// The name of the field; for example, the name of this very field is ""Name"". Name : string /// Any attributes that were present on the field. Attributes : CustomAttributeData list /// The raw object that represents this field, obtained by reflection. RawCase : 'case } /// A field in a record. type RecordTypeField = TypeField /// A field in a discriminated union. type UnionTypeField = TypeField [] module TypeField = /// Get the Name contained in a TypeField. val name<'case> : TypeField<'case> -> string /// Get the Attributes contained in a TypeField. val attributes<'case> : TypeField<'case> -> CustomAttributeData list ","43","0.029331514324693043","0.0","0.0" "03507433f305d42dbaeaf30f29f2ff57f482f251","ExprParse.fsi",".fsi","F#","module ExprParse type terminal = Add | Mul | Pwr | Lpar | Rpar | Int of int | Float of float | Var of string | Root | Div | Neg exception Scanerror val scan: char seq -> terminal list val insertMult: terminal list -> terminal list type expr = FNum of float | FVar of string | FAdd of expr*expr | FMult of expr*expr | FExponent of expr*int | FRoot of expr*int |FDiv of expr * expr exception Parseerror val parse: terminal list -> expr val parseStr: seq -> expr val dotAST: expr -> string","43","0.029331514324693043","0.0","0.0" "134e91cafb657ad78305aee93061bbf0d86991b9","FortressAstUtil.fsi",".fsi","F#","(******************************************************************************* Copyright 2008,2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. This distribution may include materials developed by third parties. ******************************************************************************) (* Helper library to create fortress ast nodes. Somewhat like nodes_util.NodeFactory *) api FortressAstUtil import List.{...} import FortressAst.{...} LooseJuxt1(exprs:List[\Expr\]):Juxt TightJuxt1(exprs:List[\Expr\]):Juxt APIName1(in_ids:List[\Id\]):APIName end ","43","0.029331514324693043","0.0","0.0" "132a26e1144a4fca64d8e4a0589a2577ca527dcf","Interpreter_Parser.fsi",".fsi","F#","#light namespace Vim.Interpreter open Vim [] type ParseResult<'T> = | Succeeded of 'T | Failed of string [] [] type Parser = new: vimData : IVimData -> Parser new: vimData : IVimData * lines : string[] -> Parser member IsDone : bool member ParseNextLineCommand : unit -> ParseResult member ParseRange : rangeText : string -> LineRangeSpecifier * string member ParseExpression : expressionText : string -> ParseResult member ParseLineCommand : commandText : string -> ParseResult member ParseLineCommands : lines : string[] -> ParseResult ","43","0.029331514324693043","0.0","0.0" "007f9631a7c5fddc36a8691bc5883fc0ccf52ab8","SixLabors.Core.fsx",".fsx","F#","namespace PaketLoadScripts #load ""System.Buffers.fsx"" #load ""System.Memory.fsx"" #load ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.fsx"" #r ""../../../packages/SixLabors.Core/lib/netstandard1.1/SixLabors.Core.dll"" ","270","0.18417462482946795","0.0","0.0" "0eff686e586836abe23483822546a4e75e310958","inventory.fsx",".fsx","F#","(* Product Inventory Project - Create an application which manages an inventory of products. Create a product class which has a price, id, and quantity on hand. Then create an inventory class which keeps track of various products and can sum up the inventory value. *) type Product = { Name : string; Quantity : int; Id : int; Price : decimal } let tryGetItemById item inventory = inventory |> List.tryFind (fun i -> i.Id = item.Id) let rec add item inventory = match inventory |> tryGetItemById item with |Some product -> inventory |> List.filter (fun i -> i.Id <> item.Id) |> add { item with Quantity = item.Quantity + product.Quantity } |None -> inventory |> List.append [item] let productValue inventory = inventory |> List.sumBy (fun i -> (decimal(i.Quantity) * i.Price)) let i = [{Name = ""Hammer""; Quantity = 5; Id = 1; Price = 10m}; {Name = ""Nail""; Quantity = 500; Id = 2; Price = 0.1m}] let i2 = i |> add {Name=""Boa","270","0.18417462482946795","0.0","0.0" "143888b8014124dc5a70d81d67da490b41904a2a","AgentTests.fsx",".fsx","F#","#load ""..\CommonModule.fsx"" //#load ""..\Utilities\show-wpf40.fsx"" //#load ""..\Utilities\show.fs"" open System open System.IO open System.Threading open Microsoft.FSharp.Control open System.Collections.Generic open Common /// The internal type of messages for the agent type Message = Word of string | Fetch of AsyncReplyChannel> | Stop type WordCountingAgent() = let counter = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox -> // The states of the message processing state machine... let rec loop(words : Map) = async { let! msg = inbox.Receive() match msg with | Word word -> if words.ContainsKey word then let count = words.[word] let words = words.Remove word return! loop(words.Add (word, (count + 1)) ) e","270","0.18417462482946795","0.0","0.0" "13156ee549c4e381e2de25771792c49498ea54b4","System.Collections.Specialized.fsx",".fsx","F#","namespace PaketLoadScripts #load ""/home/justin/code/fsharp/GiraffeWebApp/GiraffeWebApp/.paket/load/netcoreapp2.2/System.Collections.NonGeneric.fsx"" #load ""/home/justin/code/fsharp/GiraffeWebApp/GiraffeWebApp/.paket/load/netcoreapp2.2/System.Threading.fsx"" #r ""/home/justin/.nuget/packages/system.collections.specialized/4.3.0/lib/netstandard1.3/System.Collections.Specialized.dll"" ","270","0.18417462482946795","0.0","0.0" "0344559ffcd95a6c3d18f1b3fbd1f2b74c0ac24d","Algorithmic Crush.fsx",".fsx","F#","open System match Console.ReadLine().Split(' ') |> Array.map int with | [|n; m|] -> let deriv = Array.zeroCreate n // Stores backward difference of the sum (i.e. a kind of derivative) for _ in 1 .. m do match Console.ReadLine().Split(' ') |> Array.map int with | [|a; b; k|] -> deriv.[a - 1] <- deriv.[a - 1] + bigint k if b < n then deriv.[b] <- deriv.[b] - bigint k | _ -> failwith ""Invalid input"" seq {1 .. n - 1} |> Seq.fold (fun (maxElement, value) i -> let value = value + deriv.[i] (max maxElement value, value)) (deriv.[0], deriv.[0]) |> fst |> printfn ""%A"" | _ -> failwith ""Invalid input"" ","270","0.18417462482946795","0.0","0.0" "01343b4a5712e1ac1edc155c2a7470be2b11b605","lounge-chair-1c.fst",".fst","F*","filename = lounge-chair-1c.fbx version = 1 comment = This FST file was generated by Oven for use during rebaking. It is not part of the original model. This file's existence is subject to change. ","88","0.7272727272727273","0.0","0.0" "138cce2695611f965cd304b1fdfc001111ac8c15","FStar.IO.fst",".fst","F*","(* Copyright 2008-2018 Microsoft Research Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License""); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an ""AS IS"" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) module FStar.IO open FStar.All exception EOF assume new type fd_read : Type0 assume new type fd_write : Type0 assume val stdin : fd_read assume val stdout : fd_write assume val stderr : fd_write assume val print_newline : unit -> ML unit assume val print_string : string -> ML unit (* assume val print_nat_hex : nat -> ML unit *) (* assume val print_nat_dec : nat -> ML unit *) (* Print as hexa","88","0.7272727272727273","0.0","0.0" "10bf749ff6b330a33cd841ad1758dc017f91fe90","TLSInfo.fst",".fst","F*","module TLSInfo #set-options ""--max_fuel 3 --initial_fuel 3 --max_ifuel 1 --initial_ifuel 1"" (* This module gathers the definitions of public datatypes, parameters, and predicates for our TLS API. Its interface is used by most TLS modules; its implementation is typechecked. *) open Platform.Bytes open Platform.Date open TLSConstants //open PMS open Cert (**************** SPECIFYING SAFETY (GENERAL COMMENTS) ************** In the code of ideal implementations only, we use F# functions that characterize the Safe and Auth predicates. We need to typecheck ideal code, so we write their modules in the style #if ideal if safe...(...) ... GEN ... else ##endif .... COERCE ... This requires concrete safe/auth/strong/honest functions, used solely for controlling idealization. *) // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Polarity for reading and writing, e.g. for stateful encryption type rw = ","88","0.7272727272727273","0.0","0.0" "18ca256aaf2188c4921ace47118d147411a42df8","Control.Functor.fst",".fst","F*","module Control.Functor open Data.Function open FStar.Tactics.Typeclasses module L = FStar.List.Tot class functor (f: Type -> Type) = { fmap: (#a: Type) -> (#b: Type) -> (a -> b) -> f a -> f b; } unfold let mkFunctor (f: Type -> Type) fmap: functor f = { fmap = fmap } unfold let (<$>) (#f: Type -> Type) [| functor: functor f |] = functor.fmap unfold let (<$) (#f: Type -> Type) [| functor: functor f |] = functor.fmap @@ const unfold instance listFunctor = mkFunctor _ L.map unfold instance optionFunctor = mkFunctor option (fun #a #b f o -> match o with | Some x -> Some (f x) | _ -> None ) unfold instance eitherFunctor #a = mkFunctor (either a) (fun #a #b f o -> match o with | Inr v -> Inr (f v) | Inl v -> Inl v ) ","88","0.7272727272727273","0.0","0.0" "07e820d66b1705690bb7ef2eaac7fefe632a8b2c","graph.fst",".fst","F*","0 1 A D 0 9 C C 0 25 B E 0 18 E C 0 46 D E 1 2 A D 1 31 B D 1 25 E A 1 38 C A 1 6 D E 2 3 B C 2 23 A E 2 15 C E 2 13 E D 2 28 D A 3 4 A B 3 27 D D 3 31 B D 3 19 E C 3 34 C E 4 5 C C 4 35 B A 4 36 A A 4 3 D A 4 22 E B 5 6 A B 5 4 D B 5 16 C D 5 35 B C 5 47 E D 6 7 A A 6 35 C B 6 10 B D 6 17 E C 6 29 D D 7 8 D C 7 17 E E 7 28 A E 7 23 B D 7 19 C E 8 9 E D 8 40 D A 8 0 C C 8 41 B A 8 0 A B 9 10 C D 9 13 E B 9 3 B A 9 12 D E 9 3 A D 10 11 C C 10 46 E E 10 18 A D 10 0 D A 10 30 B D 11 12 B E 11 26 E A 11 44 A D 11 44 D C 11 47 C A 12 13 C C 12 35 D C 12 8 B C 12 40 E C 12 10 A C 13 14 E C 13 32 C D 13 10 D C 13 47 A A 13 17 B D 14 15 A A 14 29 C C 14 17 B B 14 1 D E 14 29 E D 15 16 B C 15 33 E B 15 33 D D 15 32 C A 15 24 A E 16 17 D A 16 44 B B 16 25 E B 16 31 A A 16 46 C D 17 18 B A 17 48 A B 17 8 E E 17 32 C A 17 10 D C 18 19 D E 18 35 A E 18 33 C D 18 35 B D 18 27 E B 19 20 B E 19 45 C D 19 10 D C 19 47 A C 19 2 E C 20 21 E D 20 0 D D 20 15 B D 20 44 C A 20 30 A A 21 22 D C 21 5 E A 21 4","88","0.7272727272727273","0.0","0.0" "21c3232b15f80b49bb42ddde0b11fdcd13fe4b4b","Pagga.flf",".flf","FIGlet Font","tlf2a$ 3 3 8 0 15 0 64 0 =============================================================================== Pagga.tlf, or “Pagga”, by Sam Hocevar and pagga. 2010/01/17 -- Sam Hocevar font creation, all base characters This font is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. This font is part of TOIlet’s official distribution. More information on the TOIlet website at http://caca.zoy.org/wiki/toilet =============================================================================== ░░@ ░░@ ░░@@ ░█@ ░▀@ ░▀@@ ░▀░▀@ ░░░░@ ░░░░@@ ░▄█▄█▄@ ░▄█▄█▄@ ░░▀░▀░@@ ░▄█▀@ ░▀██@ ░▀▀░@@ ░▀░█@ ░▄▀░@ ░▀░▀@@ ░▄▀░@ ░▄█▀@ ░░▀▀@@ ░▀@ ░░@ ░░@@ ░▄▀░@ ░█░░@ ░░▀░@@ ░▀▄░@ ░░█░@ ░▀░░@@ ░▄░▄@ ░▄█▄@ ░▄▀▄@@ ░░░░@ ░▄█▄@ ░░▀░@@ ░░░░@ ░░░░@","11","1.375","0.0","0.0" "12b58221155c96010f76c632a2d9b559b2176156","runyc.flf",".flf","FIGlet Font","flf2a$ 6 6 15 -1 20 The elder futhark -- by Bryan Alexander figlet release 2.1 -- 12 Aug 1994 This font consists of the runes in the elder futhark. It is accurate as far as I know. Any corrections, or ideas on improving the font's appearance are welcome. Modifying this font is fine with me; please e-mail me the result. 3 point version of the runes used as uppercase added as lowercase letters 9/22/97 Jerrad Pierce Explanation of first line: flf2 - ""magic number"" for file identification a - should always be `a', for now $ - the ""hardblank"" -- prints as a blank, but can't be smushed 6 - height of a character 6 - height of a character, not including descenders 15 - max line length (excluding comment lines) + a fudge factor -1 - default smushmode for this font 20 - number of comment lines $ $@ $ $@ $ _ $@ $|_|$@ $ $@ $ $@@ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @","11","1.375","0.0","0.0" "06a23e696d41324216cc5a1edf4363e1dd62c470","Tanja.flf",".flf","FIGlet Font","flf2a$ 8 6 20 -1 2 Tanja was written for -=Tanja Lynnx Jackson=- by Christopher J. Pirillo ""The Locker Gnome"" $$$@ $$$@ $$$@ $$$@ $$$@ $$$@ $$$@ $$$@@ !) @ !)11 @ !)11 @ !) @ @ !) @ @ @@ *** *** @ ## ## @ ## ## @ @ @ @ @ @@ #) 33 @ #)3333333 @ #) 33 @ #) 33 @ #)3333333 @ #) 33 @ @ @@ S) @ S)4444 @ S) 44 @ S)4444 @ S) 44 @ S)44444 @ S) @ @@ %) 555 @ %) 555 @ %)5 @ %)5 @ %)5 55 @ %)5 55 @ @ @@ &)77 @ &) 77 @ &)77 @ &) 77 @ &) 77 @ &)77777 @ @ @@ *** @ ## @ ## @ @ @ @ @ @@ () @ () @ () @ () @ () @ () @ @ @@ )) @ )) @ )) @ )) @ )) @ )) @ @ @@ *) @ *) 8 88 @ *)8 8 @ *)8888888 @ *)8 8 @ *) 8 88 @ *) @ @@ @ @ ## @ ###### @ ","11","1.375","0.0","0.0" "1e63f5b50de563c5f7827f59cf693bc15792c3f9","speed.flf",".flf","FIGlet Font","flf2a$ 6 5 16 15 16 Speed by Claude Martins 2/95 -- based on Slant Includes ISO Latin-1 figlet release 2.1 -- 12 Aug 1994 Permission is hereby given to modify this font, as long as the modifier's name is placed on a comment line. Explanation of first line: flf2 - ""magic number"" for file identification a - should always be `a', for now $ - the ""hardblank"" -- prints as a blank, but can't be smushed 6 - height of a character 5 - height of a character, not including descenders 14 - max line length (excluding comment lines) + a fudge factor 15 - default smushmode for this font 16 - number of comment lines $$@ $$ @ $$ @ $$ @ $$ @ $$ @@ ______@ ___ /@ __ / @ /_/ @ (_) @ @@ ___ _ @ _( | )@ _|/|/ @ $ @ $ @ @@ _______ __ @ ____/ // /_@ _ _ _ __/@ /_ _ __/ @ /_//_/ @ @@ _______@ ____/ /@ __ __/@ _(_ ) @ / _/ @ /_/ @@ ____ __@ __(_)_/_/@ ____/_/ @ __/_/_ @ /_/ (_) @ @@ ______ @ __( _ )","11","1.375","0.0","0.0" "0e05bbb50153db989d8456657b61ad85d70b962e","Rammstein.flf",".flf","FIGlet Font","flf2a$ 7 6 17 0 11 0 8256 0 Author : Bateau (lbm) Date : 2005/2/4 10:36:48 Version: 1.01 Modifier: Arsham Shirvani ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- This font has been created using JavE's FIGlet font export assistant. Have a look at: http://www.jave.de Permission is hereby given to modify this font, as long as the modifier's name is placed on a comment line. $ # $ # $ # $ # $ # $ # # ___ # | | # |___| # |___| # # ## ____ # \_\_| # # # # # ## ## # # # # # ## $# # # # # # ## %# # # # # # ## &# # # # # # ## _ # |_| # # # # # ## __ # | _| # | | # | | # | |_ # |__| # ## __ # |_ | # | | # | | # _| | # |__| # ## *# # # # # # ## # _ # | | # | | # |_| # # ## # # # __ # /_/ # # ## # ","11","1.375","0.0","0.0" "1f9162f2a1617e5f6136927ffee9dcf39c832ef7","freeguard2.flux",".flux","FLUX","free Ga (int b) => FList *; node S () => (int b); node detached NS (int b, guard Ga(b) as f) => (); source S -> NS; ","13","0.65","0.0","0.0" "1cae33f5a7d23a76ec03f34be50b2ee06a288ca6","room_temperature_heating_circuit_hc1_actual.flux",".flux","FLUX","sBucket = ""netdata/autogen"" tBucket = ""stiebeleltron_archive"" sMeasurement = ""netdata.heating.stiebeleltron_system.roomtemp.hc1.actual"" tMeasurement = ""stiebeleltron_room_temperature_heating_circuit"" site = ""sirius"" from(bucket: sBucket) |> range(start: -5y, stop: 0s) |> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == sMeasurement ) |> map(fn: (r) => ({r with _measurement: tMeasurement})) |> aggregateWindow(every: 10m, fn: mean, createEmpty: false) |> set(key: ""site"", value: site) |> set(key: ""state"", value: ""actual"") |> set(key: ""circuit"", value: ""hc1"") |> set(key: ""_field"", value: ""gauge"") |> to(bucket: tBucket) ","13","0.65","0.0","0.0" "1e62c9114c0bc608bb77cd8f70bbf902dae18734","relative_strength_index_test.flux",".flux","FLUX","package universe_test import ""testing"" option now = () => (2030-01-01T00:00:00Z) inData = "" #datatype,string,long,dateTime:RFC3339,double,string,string,string,string,string,string #group,false,false,false,false,true,true,true,true,true,true #default,_result,,,,,,,,, ,result,table,_time,_value,_field,_measurement,device,fstype,host,path ,,0,2018-05-22T00:00:00Z,1,used_percent,disk,disk1s1,apfs,host.local,/ ,,0,2018-05-22T00:00:10Z,2,used_percent,disk,disk1s1,apfs,host.local,/ ,,0,2018-05-22T00:00:20Z,3,used_percent,disk,disk1s1,apfs,host.local,/ ,,0,2018-05-22T00:00:30Z,4,used_percent,disk,disk1s1,apfs,host.local,/ ,,0,2018-05-22T00:00:40Z,5,used_percent,disk,disk1s1,apfs,host.local,/ ,,0,2018-05-22T00:00:50Z,6,used_percent,disk,disk1s1,apfs,host.local,/ ,,0,2018-05-22T00:01:00Z,7,used_percent,disk,disk1s1,apfs,host.local,/ ,,0,2018-05-22T00:01:10Z,8,used_percent,disk,disk1s1,apfs,host.local,/ ,,0,2018-05-22T00:01:20Z,9,used_percent,disk,disk1s1,apfs,host.local,/ ,,0,2018-05-22T00:01","13","0.65","0.0","0.0" "021d6378182cac1028e2384eede52095640d4174","array_test.flux",".flux","FLUX","package array_test import ""experimental/array"" import ""testing"" testcase array_concat_exp { got = array.from( rows: [""x"", ""y"", ""z""] |> array.concat(v: [""a"", ""b"", ""c""]) |> array.map(fn: (x) => ({_value: x})), ) want = array.from( rows: [ {_value: ""x""}, {_value: ""y""}, {_value: ""z""}, {_value: ""a""}, {_value: ""b""}, {_value: ""c""}, ], ) testing.diff(got, want) } testcase array_concat_to_empty_exp { got = array.from( rows: [] |> array.concat(v: [""a"", ""b"", ""c""]) |> array.map(fn: (x) => ({_value: x})), ) want = array.from(rows: [{_value: ""a""}, {_value: ""b""}, {_value: ""c""}]) testing.diff(got, want) } testcase array_map_exp { got = array.from( r","13","0.65","0.0","0.0" "0193d96907afa5fa08cbb32140a003de724c1492","group.flux",".flux","FLUX","import ""testing"" inData = "" #datatype,string,long,dateTime:RFC3339,dateTime:RFC3339,dateTime:RFC3339,long,string,string,string,string #group,false,false,false,false,false,false,true,true,true,true #default,_result,,,,,,,,, ,result,table,_start,_stop,_time,_value,_field,_measurement,host,name ,,1,2018-05-22T19:53:26Z,2018-05-22T19:54:16Z,2018-05-22T19:53:26Z,15204688,io_time,diskio,host.local,disk0 ,,1,2018-05-22T19:53:26Z,2018-05-22T19:54:16Z,2018-05-22T19:53:36Z,15204894,io_time,diskio,host.local,disk0 ,,1,2018-05-22T19:53:26Z,2018-05-22T19:54:16Z,2018-05-22T19:53:46Z,15205102,io_time,diskio,host.local,disk0 ,,1,2018-05-22T19:53:26Z,2018-05-22T19:54:16Z,2018-05-22T19:53:56Z,15205226,io_time,diskio,host.local,disk0 ,,1,2018-05-22T19:53:26Z,2018-05-22T19:54:16Z,2018-05-22T19:54:06Z,15205499,io_time,diskio,host.local,disk0 ,,1,2018-05-22T19:53:26Z,2018-05-22T19:54:16Z,2018-05-22T19:54:16Z,15205755,io_time,diskio,host.local,disk0 ,,10,2018-05-22T19:53:26Z,2018-05-22T19:54:16","13","0.65","0.0","0.0" "06149541c6c6b8faea9e136d50658612140d15fe","gdi32.factor",".factor","Factor","! Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Doug Coleman. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: alien alien.c-types alien.syntax alien.destructors kernel windows.types math.bitwise ; IN: windows.gdi32 CONSTANT: BI_RGB 0 CONSTANT: BI_RLE8 1 CONSTANT: BI_RLE4 2 CONSTANT: BI_BITFIELDS 3 CONSTANT: BI_JPEG 4 CONSTANT: BI_PNG 5 CONSTANT: LF_FACESIZE 32 CONSTANT: LF_FULLFACESIZE 64 CONSTANT: CA_NEGATIVE 1 CONSTANT: CA_LOG_FILTER 2 CONSTANT: ILLUMINANT_DEVICE_DEFAULT 0 CONSTANT: ILLUMINANT_A 1 CONSTANT: ILLUMINANT_B 2 CONSTANT: ILLUMINANT_C 3 CONSTANT: ILLUMINANT_D50 4 CONSTANT: ILLUMINANT_D55 5 CONSTANT: ILLUMINANT_D65 6 CONSTANT: ILLUMINANT_D75 7 CONSTANT: ILLUMINANT_F2 8 ALIAS: ILLUMINANT_MAX_INDEX ILLUMINANT_F2 ALIAS: ILLUMINANT_TUNGSTEN ILLUMINANT_A ALIAS: ILLUMINANT_DAYLIGHT ILLUMINANT_C ALIAS: ILLUMINANT_FLUORESCENT ILLUMINANT_F2 ALIAS: ILLUMINANT_NTSC ILLUMINANT_C CONSTANT: RGB_GAMMA_MIN 2500 CONSTANT: RGB_GAMMA_MAX 65000 CONSTANT: REFERENCE_WHITE_MIN 6000 CONSTANT: REFERENCE","141","0.9591836734693877","0.0","0.0" "07355857ed80c9cd759e6e11cbd7e43938ee5b14","infix-docs.factor",".factor","Factor","! Copyright (C) 2009 Philipp Brüschweiler ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: help.syntax help.markup math prettyprint locals sequences ; IN: infix HELP: [infix { $syntax ""[infix ... infix]"" } { $description ""Parses the infix code inside the brackets, converts it to stack code and executes it."" } { $examples { $example ""USING: infix prettyprint ;"" ""IN: scratchpad"" ""[infix 8+2*3 infix] ."" ""14"" } $nl { $link POSTPONE: [infix } "" isn't that useful by itself, as it can only access literal numbers and no variables. It is designed to be used together with locals; for example with "" { $link POSTPONE: :: } "" :"" { $example ""USING: infix locals math.functions prettyprint ;"" ""IN: scratchpad"" "":: quadratic-equation ( a b c -- z- z+ )"" "" [infix (-b-sqrt(b*b-4*a*c)) / (2*a) infix]"" "" [infix (-b+sqrt(b*b-4*a*c)) / (2*a) infix] ;"" ""1 0 -1 quadratic-equation . ."" ""1","141","0.9591836734693877","0.0","0.0" "182803f2fb3e9edad9f9a2ce7ec23113fc87178b","debugger.factor",".factor","Factor","! Copyright (C) 2006, 2011 Slava Pestov. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: accessors continuations debugger io io.streams.string kernel namespaces prettyprint ui ui.gadgets.worlds ; IN: ui.debugger : error-alert ( error -- ) [ ""Error"" ] dip [ print-error ] with-string-writer system-alert ; ! ( error -- ) [ error-alert ] ui-error-hook set-global ! ( error -- * ) [ ui-running? [ dup error-alert ] [ dup print-error ] if die ] callback-error-hook set-global M: world-error error. ""An error occurred while drawing the world "" write dup world>> pprint-short ""."" print ""This world has been deactivated to prevent cascading errors."" print error>> error. ; ","141","0.9591836734693877","0.0","0.0" "04790892a60c26a3704c235d1bdf3e2a6f40a22b","propagation-tests.factor",".factor","Factor","USING: kernel compiler.tree.builder compiler.tree compiler.tree.propagation compiler.tree.recursive compiler.tree.normalization tools.test math math.order accessors sequences arrays kernel.private vectors alien.accessors alien.c-types sequences.private byte-arrays classes.algebra classes.tuple.private math.functions math.private strings layouts compiler.tree.propagation.info compiler.tree.def-use compiler.tree.debugger compiler.tree.checker slots.private words hashtables classes assocs locals specialized-arrays system sorting math.libm math.floats.private math.integers.private math.intervals quotations effects alien alien.data sets strings.private vocabs ; FROM: math => float ; SPECIALIZED-ARRAY: double SPECIALIZED-ARRAY: void* IN: compiler.tree.propagation.tests [ { } ] [ all-words [ ""input-classes"" word-prop [ class? ] all? not ] filter ] unit-test [ V{ } ] [ [ ] final-classes ] unit-test [ V{ fixnum } ] [ [ 1 ] final-classes ] unit-test [ V{ fixnum } ] [ [ 1 [ ] ","141","0.9591836734693877","0.0","0.0" "0e033cd932ab6d535a6af5bcdf869d1828228302","assocs.factor",".factor","Factor","! Copyright (C) 2007, 2010 Daniel Ehrenberg, Slava Pestov ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: accessors arrays kernel math sequences sequences.private vectors ; IN: assocs MIXIN: assoc GENERIC: at* ( key assoc -- value/f ? ) GENERIC: value-at* ( value assoc -- key/f ? ) GENERIC: set-at ( value key assoc -- ) GENERIC: new-assoc ( capacity exemplar -- newassoc ) GENERIC: delete-at ( key assoc -- ) GENERIC: clear-assoc ( assoc -- ) GENERIC: assoc-size ( assoc -- n ) GENERIC: assoc-like ( assoc exemplar -- newassoc ) GENERIC: assoc-clone-like ( assoc exemplar -- newassoc ) GENERIC: >alist ( assoc -- newassoc ) GENERIC: keys ( assoc -- keys ) GENERIC: values ( assoc -- values ) GENERIC: unzip ( assoc -- keys values ) M: assoc assoc-like drop ; inline : ?at ( key assoc -- value/key ? ) 2dup at* [ 2nip t ] [ 2drop f ] if ; inline : maybe-set-at ( value key assoc -- changed? ) 3dup at* [ = [ 3drop f ] [ set-at t ] if ] [ 2drop set-at t ] if ; site != null isEquip := (node as NavNode)?->equip != null isPoint := (node as NavNode)?->point != null if (isSite) { return PBPIcons.site } if (isEquip) { return PBPIcons.equip } if (isPoint) { return PBPIcons.point } ","36","1.0","0.0","0.0" "19daea71a6359e3206de98589466714584e0a6e4","build.fan",".fan","Fantom","#! /usr/bin/env fan // // Copyright (c) 2014, Andy Frank // Licensed under the MIT License // // History: // 10 Sep 2014 Andy Frank Creation // using build ** ** Build: cron ** class Build : BuildPod { new make() { podName = ""cron"" summary = ""Cron Scheduling API"" version = Version(""1.0.0"") meta = [""vcs.uri"" : ""http://bitbucket.org/afrankvt/cron/"", ""license.name"":""MIT""] depends = [""sys 1.0"", ""util 1.0"", ""concurrent 1.0""] srcDirs = [`fan/`, `test/`] docSrc = true } }","36","1.0","0.0","0.0" "044caadaeb967f5308c17444186cd69443ba1529","TcpSocketTest.fan",".fan","Fantom","// // Copyright (c) 2007, Brian Frank and Andy Frank // Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 // // History: // 9 Feb 07 Brian Frank Creation // class TcpSocketTest : Test { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Make ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Void testMake() { s := TcpSocket.make verifyEq(s.isBound, false) verifyEq(s.isConnected, false) verifyEq(s.isClosed, false) verifyEq(s.localAddr, null) verifyEq(s.localPort, null) verifyEq(s.remoteAddr, null) verifyEq(s.remotePort, null) verifyErr(IOErr#) { s.in } verifyErr(IOErr#) { s.out } verifyErr(IOErr#) { s.shutdownIn } verifyErr(IOErr#) { s.shutdownOut } s.close } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bind ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Void testBind() { verifyBind(null, null) v","36","1.0","0.0","0.0" "06d7915cd4ad661a20bb720513d5bc8fb347c645","esercizio01.dsp",".dsp","Faust","import(""stdfaust.lib""); frq1 = vslider(""f1 [style:knob]"", 440,100,20000,1); pan1 = vslider(""pan1 [style:knob]"", 0.5,0,1,0.01); frq2 = vslider(""f2 [style:knob]"", 440,100,20000,1); pan2 = vslider(""pan2 [style:knob]"", 0.5,0,1,0.01); frq3 = vslider(""f3 [style:knob]"", 440,100,20000,1); pan3 = vslider(""pan3 [style:knob]"", 0.5,0,1,0.01); frq4 = vslider(""f4 [style:knob]"", 440,100,20000,1); pan4 = vslider(""pan4 [style:knob]"", 0.5,0,1,0.01); process = os.oscsin(frq1), os.oscsin(frq2), os.oscsin(frq3), os.oscsin(frq4) <: _ * (sqrt(1-pan1)), _ * (sqrt(1-pan2)), _ * (sqrt(1-pan3)), _ * (sqrt(1-pan4)), _ * (sqrt(pan1)), _ * (sqrt(pan2)), _ * (sqrt(pan3)), _ * (sqrt(pan4)) : _ + _, _ + _, _ + _, _ + _ : _ + _, _ + _ : _ *(0.25), _ *(0.25); ","51","1.2439024390243902","0.0","0.0" "04982d180d19ca3848ecc5d505ad76f38e621dac","blueamp.dsp",".dsp","Faust","// generated automatically // DO NOT MODIFY! declare id ""blueamp""; declare name ""BlueAmp""; declare category ""Extern""; declare shortname ""BlueAmp""; declare description ""BlueAmp""; import(""stdfaust.lib""); p1 = pre : fi.iir((b0/a0,b1/a0,b2/a0,b3/a0,b4/a0),(a1/a0,a2/a0,a3/a0,a4/a0)) : sarrisbluesamp_clip with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; Volume = vslider(""Volume[name:Volume]"", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : Inverted(0) : LogPot(3) : si.smooth(s); Tone = vslider(""Tone[name:Tone]"", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : Inverted(0) : LogPot(3) : si.smooth(s); b0 = Tone*(Tone*Volume*pow(fs,3)*(2.13587434284837e-17*fs + 2.84783245713118e-16) + Volume*(Volume*pow(fs,3)*(2.13587434284837e-17*fs + 2.84783245713118e-16) + pow(fs,2)*(fs*(-4.27174868569674e-17*fs - 1.01810010342439e-14) - 1.28152460570903e-13))) + Volume*(Volume*pow(fs,2)*(1.06793717142419e-15*fs + 1.42391622856559e-14)","51","1.2439024390243902","0.0","0.0" "117acc01ffbfe2153a636b2450daf6704fa16d71","service-details.dsp",".dsp","Faust"," %value serviceName% %ifvar type equals('vsd')% [VSD] %endif%
%ifvar type equals('vsd')%
%invoke pg.UIConfig:getVSD%
%value vsd%
","51","1.2439024390243902","0.0","0.0" "0ad958208f9ec84f183af059b3eed79223618950","mbreverb.dsp",".dsp","Faust","declare id ""mbe""; declare name ""MultiBand Reverb""; declare shortname ""MB Reverb""; declare category ""Reverb""; declare description ""Multi Band Reverb""; import(""stdfaust.lib""); rd = library(""reducemaps.lib""); import(""guitarix.lib""); hifr1 =hslider(""crossover_b1_b2 [log][name:Crossover B1-B2 (hz)][tooltip: Crossover fi.bandpass frequency]"" ,80 , 20, 20000, 1.08); hifr2 =hslider(""crossover_b2_b3 [log][name:Crossover B2-B3 (hz)][tooltip: Crossover fi.bandpass frequency]"",210,20,20000,1.08); hifr3 =hslider(""crossover_b3_b4 [log][name:Crossover B3-B4 (hz)][tooltip: Crossover fi.bandpass frequency]"",1700,20,20000,1.08); hifr4 =hslider(""crossover_b4_b5 [log][name:Crossover B4-B5 (hz)][tooltip: Crossover fi.bandpass frequency]"",5000,20,20000,1.08); geq = fi.filterbank(3, (hifr1,hifr2,hifr3,hifr4)); vmeter1(x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : vbargraph(""v1[nomidi:no]"", -70, +5)); vmeter2(x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : vbargraph(""v2[nomidi:no]"", -70, +5)); vmeter3(x) = attach(x, en","51","1.2439024390243902","0.0","0.0" "137d34b2e0c36023244d11b53c353015cb71ec07","security-oauth-settings.dsp",".dsp","Faust","

{if $side == 1} {msg desc=""Buy button in Order Entry""}Buy{/msg} {else} {msg desc=""Sell button in Order Entry""}Sell{/msg} {/if} BTC {if $side == 1} {msg desc=""Advanced Buy Description""}Buy when the pri","46","0.8070175438596491","0.0","0.0" "104ab6935d944a42ec51455507058327a17d5430","equivalence.soy",".soy","Closure Templates","{namespace atlas.templates.equivalence} /** * */ {template .head} Atlas Equivalence {/template} /** * */ {template .header}


{/template} /** * @param result */ {template .result} {call atlas.templates.equivalence.head /} Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 7 nsubj _ MWE:Osvaldo=de=Araújo=Mota 3 de de ADP PRP|@N< _ 4 case _ _ 4 Araújo Araújo PROPN PROP|@P< Number=Sing 2 nmod _ MWE:Araújo=Mota 5 Mota Mota PROPN PROP|@N< Number=Sing 4 name _ _ 6 "" "" PUNCT PU|@PU _ 2 punct _ _ 7 nasceu nascer VERB |V|PS|3S|IND|VFIN|@FS-STA VerbForm=Fin|Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|Person=3|Number=Sing 0 root _ _ 8 em em ADP |PRP|@|<-sam>|DET|M|S|@>N PronType=Art|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Definite=Def 10 det _ _ 10 Rio Rio PROPN PROP|M|S|@P< Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 7 nmod _ MWE:Rio=de=Janeiro 11 de de ADP PRP|@N< _ 12 case _ _ 12 Janeiro Janeiro PROPN PROP|@P< Number=Sing 10 nmod _ _ 13 , , PUNCT PU|@PU _ 15 punct _ _ 14 então então ADV ||ADV|@|ADV|@>A _ 2 advmod _ _ 2 metafórico metafórico ADJ ADJ|M|S|@SC> Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 3 xcomp _ _ 3 foi ir VERB |V|PS|3S|IND|@FS-STA Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _ 4 o o DET |ART|M|S|@>N Definite=Def|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|PronType=Art 5 det _ _ 5 secretário secretário NOUN |N|M|S|@|PRP|@N< _ 10 case _ _ 9 o o DET |<-sam>|DET|M|S|@>N Definite=Def|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|PronType=Art 10 det _ _ 10 Desenvolvimento desenvolvimento NOUN N|@P< _ 7 nmod _ _ 11 Regional regional ADJ ADJ|@N< _ 10 amod _ _ 12 , , PUNCT PU|@","247","0.15935483870967743","0.0","0.0" "1a398fe532b90579f501a3ed0c0ea7a55e3f4a22","CP731.conllu",".conllu","CoNLL-U","# text = No próximo ano, devido ao princípio da gratuitidade dos transportes escolares preconizado na lei de bases do sistema educativo, os alunos do oitavo ano terão também transporte gratuito, o que agravará em 17 por cento o custo comparticipado pela Câmara. # forest 1 # source CETEMPúblico n=731 sec=soc sem=94b # sent_id = CP731-1 # id 3760 1-2 No _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Em em ADP |PRP|@ADVL> _ 4 case _ _ 2 o o DET <-sam>||ART|M|S|@>N Definite=Def|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|PronType=Art 4 det _ _ 3 próximo próximo ADJ ADJ|M|S|@>N Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 4 amod _ _ 4 ano ano NOUN |N|M|S|@P< Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 34 obl _ SpaceAfter=No 5 , , PUNCT PU|@PU _ 34 punct _ _ 6 devido devido ADJ ADV|@ADVL> _ 9 case _ MWE=devido_a|MWEPOS=ADP 7-8 ao _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 a a DET PRP|@A< Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|PronType=Art 6 fixed _ _ 8 o o DET |<-sam>|ART|M|S|@>N Definite=Def|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|PronType=Art 9 det _ _ 9 princípio princípio NOUN |N|M|S|@P< Gender=Mas","247","0.15935483870967743","0.0","0.0" "0b125d49c13eb7a4eeeaa0ebfbb02f412d424f7f","annotations.conllu",".conllu","CoNLL-U","# newdoc id = doc1 # sent_id = 1 # text = @CNNChile José Antonio Kast presentó carta al rector de la UdeC acusando discriminación http://bit.ly/2tPYKHQ #CNNChile @Francis32060914 1 @CNNChile @CNNChile PROPN _ Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 5 nsubj _ _ 2 José josé PROPN _ _ 1 flat _ _ 3 Antonio antonio PROPN _ _ 1 flat _ _ 4 Kast Kast PROPN _ _ 1 flat _ _ 5 presentó presentar VERB _ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _ 6 carta carta NOUN _ Gender=Fem|Number=Sing 5 obj _ _ 7-8 al _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 a a ADP _ _ 9 case _ _ 8 el el DET _ Definite=Def|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|PronType=Art 9 det _ _ 9 rector rector NOUN _ Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 5 obl _ _ 10 de de ADP _ _ 12 case _ _ 11 la el DET _ Definite=Def|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|PronType=Art 12 det _ _ 12 UdeC UdeC PROPN _ _ 9 nmod _ _ 13 acusando acusar VERB _ VerbForm=Ger 9 acl _ _ 14 discriminación discriminación NOUN _ Gender=Fem|Number=Sing 13 obj _ _ 15 http://bit.ly/2tPYKHQ http://bit.ly/2tPYKH","247","0.15935483870967743","0.0","0.0" "1d159cd41a874893f068bca75d4b51a2d7da862c","line-aeSh0i.ql",".ql","CodeQL","/** * @name A line * @description Lines of code can have bugs in * @kind problem * @id js/line-of-code-aeSh0i * @problem.severity warning * @precision very-high */ import javascript from Line l select l, ""This is a line."" ","107","0.5944444444444444","0.0","0.0" "14abd5864aefb86326b13cb64d4ef9ce76462cb7","YieldBreak1.ql",".ql","CodeQL","/** * @name Test for yield breaks */ import csharp from Method m, YieldBreakStmt yr where yr.getEnclosingCallable() = m and m.getName() = ""Range"" select 1 ","107","0.5944444444444444","0.0","0.0" "07fe94655a0c8e8f3ec7385b0cbe9bdd07187393","mkdictionary.ql",".ql","CodeQL","// Utility for generating a fuzzing dictionary for Exiv2. // See README.md (in this directory) for more information. import cpp import semmle.code.cpp.dataflow.DataFlow predicate parser_string(string s, StringLiteral l) { s = l.getValue() and exists(FunctionCall call, string fcnName | DataFlow::localExprFlow(l, call.getAChild+()) and fcnName = call.getTarget().getName() | fcnName.matches(""%cmp%"") or fcnName.matches(""%find%"") or fcnName = ""startsWith"" or fcnName = ""operator=="" or fcnName = ""operator!="" ) } from string s where parser_string(s, _) select s ","107","0.5944444444444444","0.0","0.0" "02f3ae05cee54499f4b58c9f91b37110609b5b81","line-Raiz9E.ql",".ql","CodeQL","/** * @name A line * @description Lines of code can have bugs in * @kind problem * @id js/line-of-code-Raiz9E * @problem.severity warning * @precision very-high */ import javascript from Line l select l, ""This is a line."" ","107","0.5944444444444444","0.0","0.0" "138115d771bb9f020442a1a9676b589d3fcbbbfa","ExtractEndpointMapping.ql",".ql","CodeQL","/* * For internal use only. * * Maps ML-powered queries to their `EndpointType` for clearer labelling while evaluating ML model during training. */ import experimental.adaptivethreatmodeling.SqlInjectionATM as SqlInjectionAtm import experimental.adaptivethreatmodeling.NosqlInjectionATM as NosqlInjectionAtm import experimental.adaptivethreatmodeling.TaintedPathATM as TaintedPathAtm import experimental.adaptivethreatmodeling.XssATM as XssAtm import experimental.adaptivethreatmodeling.XssThroughDomATM as XssThroughDomAtm import experimental.adaptivethreatmodeling.AdaptiveThreatModeling from string queryName, AtmConfig c, EndpointType e where ( queryName = ""SqlInjection"" and c instanceof SqlInjectionAtm::SqlInjectionAtmConfig or queryName = ""NosqlInjection"" and c instanceof NosqlInjectionAtm::NosqlInjectionAtmConfig or queryName = ""TaintedPath"" and c instanceof TaintedPathAtm::TaintedPathAtmConfig or queryName = ""Xss"" and c instanceof XssAtm:","107","0.5944444444444444","0.0","0.0" "05d18dc9447a38e4639aa3ed235ab6b7a6c524ed","OperandImports.qll",".qll","CodeQL","import experimental.ir.implementation.MemoryAccessKind as MemoryAccessKind import experimental.ir.implementation.IRType as IRType import experimental.ir.internal.Overlap as Overlap import experimental.ir.implementation.internal.OperandTag as OperandTag ","70","0.3888888888888889","0.0","0.0" "0534f8372a317e983f9187ec8cbe4274e56ccfef","BoundGenericEnumType.qll",".qll","CodeQL","// generated by codegen/codegen.py, remove this comment if you wish to edit this file private import codeql.swift.generated.type.BoundGenericEnumType class BoundGenericEnumType extends BoundGenericEnumTypeBase { } ","70","0.3888888888888889","0.0","0.0" "2139454d167a02051a8b3b01502dcaa6437277f6","Aiomysql.qll",".qll","CodeQL","/** * Provides classes modeling security-relevant aspects of the `aiomysql` PyPI package. * See * - https://aiomysql.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html * - https://pypi.org/project/aiomysql/ */ private import python private import semmle.python.dataflow.new.DataFlow private import semmle.python.Concepts private import semmle.python.ApiGraphs /** Provides models for the `aiomysql` PyPI package. */ private module Aiomysql { private import semmle.python.internal.Awaited /** * Gets a `ConnectionPool` that is created when the result of `aiomysql.create_pool()` is awaited. * See https://aiomysql.readthedocs.io/en/stable/pool.html */ API::Node connectionPool() { result = API::moduleImport(""aiomysql"").getMember(""create_pool"").getReturn().getAwaited() } /** * Gets a `Connection` that is created when * - the result of `aiomysql.connect()` is awaited. * - the result of calling `acquire` on a `ConnectionPool` is awaited. * See https://aiomysql.readthedo","70","0.3888888888888889","0.0","0.0" "17d66647e6a2cca2f83172d8ec1aecf83e1b1ad3","Markdown.qll",".qll","CodeQL","/** * Provides classes for modelling common markdown parsers and generators. */ import semmle.javascript.Unit import javascript /** * A module providing taint-steps for common markdown parsers and generators. */ module Markdown { /** * A taint-step that parses a markdown document, but preserves taint. */ class MarkdownStep extends Unit { /** * Holds if there is a taint-step from `pred` to `succ` for a taint-preserving markdown parser. */ abstract predicate step(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ); /** * Holds if the taint-step preserves HTML. */ predicate preservesHTML() { any() } } private class MarkdownStepAsTaintStep extends TaintTracking::SharedTaintStep { override predicate step(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ) { any(MarkdownStep step).step(pred, succ) } } /** * A taint step for the `marked` library, that converts markdown to HTML. */ private class MarkedStep extends MarkdownStep { ","70","0.3888888888888889","0.0","0.0" "0454aee518d46b66cc50d7af035c4916677a6177","SQL.qll",".qll","CodeQL","/** * Provides classes for working with SQL connectors. */ import javascript module SQL { /** A string-valued expression that is interpreted as a SQL command. */ abstract class SqlString extends Expr { } /** * An expression that sanitizes a string to make it safe to embed into * a SQL command. */ abstract class SqlSanitizer extends Expr { Expr input; Expr output; /** Gets the input expression being sanitized. */ Expr getInput() { result = input } /** Gets the output expression containing the sanitized value. */ Expr getOutput() { result = output } } } /** * Provides classes modelling the (API compatible) `mysql` and `mysql2` packages. */ private module MySql { /** Gets the package name `mysql` or `mysql2`. */ string mysql() { result = ""mysql"" or result = ""mysql2"" } /** Gets a call to `mysql.createConnection`. */ DataFlow::SourceNode createConnection() { result = DataFlow::moduleMember(mysql(),","70","0.3888888888888889","0.0","0.0" "1049958d4acce8fea0cbacb9dfbd05cba147b73e","editor_time.cjsx",".cjsx","CoffeeScript","### Time Right now this is the simplest possible imaginable stopwatch, with state synchronized properly. This is also probably a good relatiely simple example of a React-based SMC editor that uses persistent shared state. Later, maybe: - Make the editor title tab display the current time - Make TimeTravel rendering work (so easy undo in case accidentally hit stop) - Labels/description, which is full markdown, hence can have links - Ability to set a specific time - Initialize this will just be a simple stopwatch, synchronized between viewers. - Maybe a bunch of stopwatches and countdown timers, with labels, markdown links, etc.; draggable. - Later yet, it may hook into what other activities are going on in a project, to auto stop/start, etc. - Time tracking ### immutable = require('immutable') {React, ReactDOM, rclass, rtypes, Redux, Actions, Store, redux_name} = require('./smc-react') {Icon, Loading, SetIntervalMixin} = require('./r_misc') {Button, ButtonGroup, Well} ","58","0.009880749574105622","0.0","0.0" "048de19dd09662dd432f4d683bd63bcc91619e77","layout.cjsx",".cjsx","CoffeeScript","React = require 'react' Immutable = require 'Immutable' Router = require 'react-router' RouteHandler = Router.RouteHandler Layout = React.createClass displayName: 'Layout' mixins: [Router.State] render: -> currentRoute = Immutable.fromJS params: @getParams() query: @getQuery() path: @getPath() pathname: @getPathname() return (
) module.exports = Layout ","58","0.009880749574105622","0.0","0.0" "18297afce9a05fb48c408bee5c364dec61f89414","index.cjsx",".cjsx","CoffeeScript","{React, ReactBootstrap, FontAwesome} = window {Button} = ReactBootstrap remote = require 'remote' windowManager = remote.require './lib/window' i18n = require './node_modules/i18n' path = require 'path-extra' {__} = i18n i18n.configure locales: ['en-US', 'ja-JP', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW'] defaultLocale: 'zh-CN' directory: path.join(__dirname, 'i18n') updateFiles: false indent: '\t' extension: '.json' i18n.setLocale(window.language) window.shipInfoWindow = null initialShipInfoWindow = -> window.shipInfoWindow = windowManager.createWindow #Use config x: config.get 'poi.window.x', 0 y: config.get 'poi.window.y', 0 width: 1020 height: 650 window.shipInfoWindow.loadUrl ""file://#{__dirname}/index.html"" if process.env.DEBUG? window.shipInfoWindow.openDevTools detach: true if config.get('plugin.ShipInfo.enable', true) initialShipInfoWindow() module.exports = name: 'ShipInfo' priority: 50 displayName: {","58","0.009880749574105622","0.0","0.0" "1c6a23903bc3f9e0b4f00e3a0e7191458519928a","point.cjsx",".cjsx","CoffeeScript","React = require 'react' createReactClass = require 'create-react-class' DrawingToolRoot = require('./root').default deleteIfOutOfBounds = require './delete-if-out-of-bounds' Draggable = require('../../lib/draggable').default DeleteButton = require './delete-button' isInBounds = require '../../lib/is-in-bounds' RADIUS = large: 10 small: 2 SELECTED_RADIUS = large: 20 small: 10 CROSSHAIR_SPACE = 0.2 CROSSHAIR_WIDTH = 1 DELETE_BUTTON_ANGLE = 45 module.exports = createReactClass displayName: 'PointTool' statics: defaultValues: ({x, y}) -> {x, y} initStart: -> _inProgress: true initMove: ({x, y}) -> {x, y} initValid: (mark, {naturalHeight, naturalWidth}) -> notBeyondWidth = mark.x < naturalWidth notBeyondHeight = mark.y < naturalHeight notBeyondWidth and notBeyondHeight initRelease: -> _inProgress: false options: ['size'] getDefaultProps: -> size: 'large' getDeleteButtonPosition: -> theta = (D","58","0.009880749574105622","0.0","0.0" "122a960f6c5a8857b9aa712551d645f252e80c2c","main.cjsx",".cjsx","CoffeeScript","# @cjsx React.DOM HelloWorld = React.createClass render : ->

Hello, ! It is {@props.date.toTimeString()}

setInterval -> React.renderComponent , document.getElementById 'example' , 500 ","58","0.009880749574105622","0.0","0.0" "1c592cecf8f68b00db7245e084de65c5d44f8b39","languages.coffee",".coffee","CoffeeScript","module.exports = ""Mel"": ""https://github.com/Komodo/Mel"" ""Dita"": ""https://github.com/Komodo/dita"" ""Golang"": ""https://github.com/trentm/komodo-go"" ""Torque Script"": ""https://github.com/elfprince13/KomodoTS"" ""D Language"": ""https://github.com/RobKellett/komodo-d"" ""Moose"": ""https://github.com/tmueller/PerlMoose-for-Komodo"" ""Lilypond"": ""https://github.com/marnen/komodo-lilypond"" ""R Language"": ""https://github.com/jacoby/RLangSyntax"" ""Objective-C++"": ""https://github.com/Quuxplusone/objectivecpp-for-komodoedit"" ""Mako Template Highlighting"": ""https://github.com/creiht/komodomako"" ""PeopleCode Language"": owner: login: ""Jason Hardies"" html_url: ""https://community.activestate.com/node/10772"" raw_url: ""https://community.activestate.com/files/peoplecode_language-0.1.16-ko.xpi"" description: ""This extension adds support for PeopleCode to Komodo"" readme: content: """""" This extension adds support","5630","0.959114139693356","0.0","0.0" "17184c373b3f48a590a5705427f2512fff3e5fe1","utils.coffee",".coffee","CoffeeScript","@Utils = { # return the correct name of the template # depending on the current language getTemplate: (name) -> if Session.equals(""lang"", ""en"") then ""en_#{name}"" else name # return the pages to be displayed as pagination on the blog getPagination: (pageNum, tag) -> pageNum = pageNum * 1 item = PageCounts.findOne tag: (tag or """") pages = if item then item.count else 1 lang = Session.get ""lang"" older = if lang is ""en"" then ""older"" else ""ouder"" newer = if lang is ""en"" then ""newer"" else ""nieuwer"" items = [] if pages isnt 1 page = pageNum or 1 if page > 1 items.push label: newer, page: page - 1 min = Math.max 1, page - 3 max = Math.min pages, page + 3 for i in [min..max] items.push label: i, page: i, active: i is page if page < pages items.push label: older, page: page + 1 return items # if the page is reloaded with a hash in the url, # scroll to the correct position s","5630","0.959114139693356","0.0","0.0" "0e71cac8c91252d6a7e6ae90d97962e24138979c","error.coffee",".coffee","CoffeeScript","class Error.AjaxError extends Error constructor: (ajaxErr) -> if !(@ instanceof Error.AjaxError) error = new Error.AjaxError(arguments...) if Error.captureStackTrace Error.captureStackTrace(error, arguments.callee) else if (stack = new Error().stack) error.stack = stack return error Error.call(@) if Error.captureStackTrace Error.captureStackTrace(@, arguments.callee) else if (stack = new Error().stack) @stack = stack @name = 'AjaxError' @response = ajaxErr.responseText @status = ajaxErr.status @message = @status + ': ' + @response doCrash = -> Promise.delay(null, 500).then -> crash.crash() .done() window.crashTest = -> setTimeout(doCrash, 1) ","5630","0.959114139693356","0.0","0.0" "1c66bcf68d0b1670d4c180b19a7a5d0f7deb5cb5","order_total.js.coffee",".coffee","CoffeeScript","@OrderTotalUI = flight.component -> flight.compose.mixin @, [OrderInputMixin] @attributes precision: gon.market.bid_precision variables: input: 'total' known: 'price' output: 'volume' @onOutput = (event, order) -> total = order.price.times order.volume @changeOrder @value unless @validateRange(total) @setInputValue @value order.total = @value @trigger 'place_order::order::updated', order ","5630","0.959114139693356","0.0","0.0" "17c70f9ff051154734ee81542084909d48789cf7","bacon.game.coffee",".coffee","CoffeeScript","Bacon = window.Bacon = require(""baconjs"") $ = require(""jquery"") _ = require(""lodash"") Visualizer = require(""./bacon.viz.coffee"") visualizer = new Visualizer(""#visualizer"") $.fn.asEventStream = Bacon.$.asEventStream Bacon.Observable :: withTimestamp = ({ relative, precision } = { precision: 1 }) -> offset = if relative then new Date().getTime() else 0 @flatMap (value) -> { value, timestamp: Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - offset) / precision) } answerTemplate = ""function answer($signature) {\n $body\n}"" generateCode = (signature, body = ""return Bacon.never()"") -> answerTemplate.replace(""$signature"", signature).replace(""$body"", body) assignments = require(""./assignments.coffee"").map (a, i) -> a.number = i+1 a.signature = a.inputs().map((obs) -> obs.toString()).join("", "") a presentAssignment = (visualizer, assignment) -> $(""#assignment .description"").text(assignment.description) $(""#assignment .number"").text(assignment.number) $code = $(""#assignment .code"") $","5630","0.959114139693356","0.0","0.0" "0e356dc44547296fcd642cde35e87254a84396eb","test.iced",".iced","CoffeeScript"," ############################################### task 'test', ""runs all tests"", (done) -> run 'test-dotnet', 'test-go' 'test-java' 'test-node' #'test-python' #'test-ruby' -> done() ############################################### task 'test-go', 'runs Go tests', ['regenerate-go'], (done) -> # Go does not use generated files as ""expected"" files and "".gitignore""s them! => need to (and may) just regenerate process.env.GOPATH = ""#{basefolder}/src/generator/AutoRest.Go.Tests"" await execute ""glide up"", { cwd: './src/generator/AutoRest.Go.Tests/src/tests' }, defer code, stderr, stdout await execute ""go fmt ./generated/..."", { cwd: './src/generator/AutoRest.Go.Tests/src/tests' }, defer code, stderr, stdout await execute ""go run ./runner.go"", { cwd: './src/generator/AutoRest.Go.Tests/src/tests' }, defer code, stderr, stdout done() ############################################### task 'test-java', 'runs Java tests', (done)","21","0.003577512776831346","0.0","0.0" "1d3421edf3d7d72ac7879b2a2a31f014ca313c5d","v2_unsupported_no_ignore_stubbed.iced",".iced","CoffeeScript"," pgp_utils = require('pgp-utils') {json_stringify_sorted} = pgp_utils.util {unpack,pack} = require 'purepack' chain : user : ""max32"" ctime : ""now"" expire : 10000000 links : [ { type : ""eldest"" label : ""e"" key : gen : ""eddsa"" version : 2 }, { ctime : ""+100"" label : ""monero"" type : ""btc"" signer : ""e"" version : 2 stubbed : true corrupt_v2_proof_hooks : pre_generate_outer : ({inner}) -> inner.obj.body.type = ""monero"" inner.str = json_stringify_sorted inner.obj post_generate_outer : ({outer, res}) -> tmp = unpack outer tmp[4] = 23456 res.outer = pack tmp }, { ctime : ""+100"" label : ""puk1"" type : ""per_user_key"" signer : ""e"" } ] ","21","0.003577512776831346","0.0","0.0" "1c2e74eb20753e7e9953cd5ee1d3c77f3ca3b333","client.iced",".iced","CoffeeScript"," path = require 'path' fs = require 'fs' lazy = require 'lazy' cli = path.join __dirname, 'xunlei-lixian', 'lixian_cli.py' { exec execFile spawn } = require 'child_process' statusMap = completed: 'success' failed: 'error' waiting: 'warn' downloading: 'info' statusMapLabel = completed: '完成' failed: '失败' waiting: '等待' downloading: '下载中' regexMG = /^([^ ]+) +(.+) +(completed|downloading|waiting|failed) *(http\:\/\/.+)?$/mg regexQ = /^([^ ]+) +(.+) +(completed|downloading|waiting|failed) *(http\:\/\/.+)?$/m exports.stats = stats = task: null retrieving: null error: {} speed: 'NaN' tasks: [] requireLogin: false requireVerificationCode: false password: '' username: '' exports.queue = queue = [] exports.log = log = [] workingDirectory = process.cwd() process.env.HOME = workingDirectory queue.append = (task)-> @push task unless (@filter (t)->t.name==task.name).length queue.prepend = (task)-> @unshift task unless (@filter (t)->t.name==task.","21","0.003577512776831346","0.0","0.0" "0697503d696b4cf4fb8e79d85dd36d7f1b63cce8","proto.iced",".iced","CoffeeScript","# # just template for your own data structs # module.exports = (utils) -> proto2base64 = require('base64-arraybuffer') utils.proto = require(""protobufjs"").loadProtoFile(""./kzsh_proto/kzsh.proto"").build(""kzsh.proto"") utils.stringifyEnums = (message) -> if (message and message.$type and message.$type.children) message.$type.children.forEach((child) -> field = child.name if (message[field] and child.element.resolvedType) switch child.element.resolvedType.className when 'Enum' dict = child.element.resolvedType.children.reduce(((acc, {id: id, name: name}) -> acc[id] = name ; acc), {}) if child.repeated message[field] = message[field].map((el) -> if dict[el] then dict[el] else el) else if dict[message[field]] then message[field] = dict[message[field]] when 'Message' if child.repeated message[field] = message[field].map((el) -> utils.stringifyEnums(el)) else message[field] = utils.stringifyEnum","21","0.003577512776831346","0.0","0.0" "04f80e6b035df6f4700b38d0430bc10e901cd1a0","schema3.iced",".iced","CoffeeScript"," parse = require './parse3' mkerr = (path, err) -> new Error ""At #{path.toString()}: #{err}"" class Path constructor : (v) -> @_v = v or [] extend : (e) -> new Path @_v.concat [e] toString : () -> @_v.join(""."") @top : (n) -> new Path [ n or """" ] class Node constructor : ({}) -> @_optional = false @_convert = false @_name = """" @_path = [] optional : () -> @_optional = true @ is_optional : () -> @_optional convert : () -> @_convert = true @ name : (n) -> @_name = n @ _check : ({path, obj}) -> mkerr path, ""internal error, no checker found"" check : (obj) -> @_check { path : Path.top(@_name), obj } debug_localize : (obj) -> obj _check_value : ({checker, path, obj}) -> if not obj? and checker.is_optional() then return null if not obj? then mkerr path, ""value cannot be null"" return checker._check { path, obj } class Dict extends Node constructor : ({keys}) -> @_keys = keys super _check : ","21","0.003577512776831346","0.0","0.0" "1f7c340620afa766a1a1917dd2487c728fa97ee2","q_update.cfm",".cfm","ColdFusion"," UPDATE scenarioseen SET timesseen = , lastvisit = current_timestamp WHERE (userid = ) AND (pagesection = ) AND (pagename = ) ; ","728","1.0459770114942528","0.0","0.0" "06d39dcc91f51a96018a101d9f639a44eb7cdbdf","formOutreach.cfm",".cfm","ColdFusion"," Error!
No outreach found
if (Find(""addNewOutreach.cfm"", SCRIPT_NAME)) { pageTitle = ""Create a New Outreach Log""; } else if (Find(""updateOutreach.cfm"", SCRIPT_NAME)) { pageTitle = ""Update Outreach Log""; } else { pageTitle = ""Outreach Log""; } ","29","0.004013840830449827","0.0","0.0" "0776f6269416758e4e8c95991846f5aa53e3dbfc","info - コピー.ect",".ect","EJS","<% extend 'layout.ect' %> <% block 'csss' : %> <% end %>
共有 Sample PDF Report ","29","0.004013840830449827","0.0","0.0" "17e881bd92f5c145319faafb337c753f031336a3","index.ect",".ect","EJS","[% extend 'assets/_inc/_layout' %] [% block 'metaTitle': %][% end %] [% block 'pageClass': %]page-home[% end %] [% block 'content': %]


[% end %] [% block 'script': %] [% end %] ","29","0.004013840830449827","0.0","0.0" "1710181d2e9ffe20f70b48448091d8b02550acf2","login.ect",".ect","EJS","{{ extend 'layout' }}


{{ if @message.length > 0 : }}

{{= @message }}

{{ end }}


Bypass the email only restriction below.

<% include template/foot %>","7135","0.9875432525951557","0.0","0.0" "18cc4f33c10d929ffefdca45f233c6c181085f98","register.ejs",".ejs","EJS","


<% include ./partial/messages %>
"" />
"" />
","7135","0.9875432525951557","0.0","0.0" "21e0778a6ba704fb680ac59935601014a867ffa1","index.ejs",".ejs","EJS"," <% var i; for(i=0; i < quizes.length; i++){ %> <%if(session.user){%> <%}%> <% } %>
""><%= quizes[i].pregunta %>/edit"">
<%if(session.user){%> <%}%>","7135","0.9875432525951557","0.0","0.0" "131f4e6bc57261e74db75ed72a869d00d750225a","navbar.ejs",".ejs","EJS","

""><%= model.escape(""name"") %>

<%= model.escape(""description"") %>

<% if (model.canEdit) { %> /edit"">edit <% } %>
""}}}}) (def- cfg (config.get-in-fn [:client :racket :stdio])) (defonce- state (client.new-state #(do {:repl nil}))) (def buf-suffix "".rkt"") (def comment-prefix ""; "") (def context-pattern ""%(%s*module%s+(.-)[%s){]"") (defn- with-repl-or-warn [f opts] (let [repl (state :repl)] (if repl (f repl) (log.append [(.. comment-prefix ""No REPL running"")])))) (defn- format-message [msg] ","10","1.0","0.0","0.0" "212013014ac540b0ec5ece0f562e0f18282c804d","formatter.fnl",".fnl","Fennel","(module plugin.formatter {autoload {nvim aniseed.nvim formatter formatter} require-macros [macros]}) ;; Register formatters into a table (local formatters {}) (fn formatters.prettier [] ""The prettier formatter"" {:exe :prettier :args [:--stdin-filepath (nvim.buf_get_name 0)] :stdin true}) (fn formatters.luaformat [] ""The lua formattter"" {:exe :lua-format :args [:--indent-width 2 :--tab-width 2] :stdin true}) (fn formatters.fnlfmt [] ""The fennel formatter"" {:exe :fnlfmt :args [(nvim.buf_get_name 0)] :stdin true}) ;; Set up file formatting (formatter.setup {:filetype {:typescriptreact [formatters.prettier] :typescript [formatters.prettier] :lua [formatters.luaformat] :fennel [formatters.fnlfmt]}}) ;; Register autocommands for file formatting on save (augroup formatter_autogroup (autocmd :BufWritePost ""*.ts,*.tsx,*.lua"" :FormatWrite)) ","10","1.0","0.0","0.0" "00630d23e14253bfd260d5f1d325c8e22bd2cf77","todo-comments.fnl",".fnl","Fennel","(module plugin.todo-comment {require {nvim aniseed.nvim todo-comments todo-comments}}) (todo-comments.setup) ","10","1.0","0.0","0.0" "1a35aa11b6f39b776ece995e418abfd980dc391a","editorconfig.fnl",".fnl","Fennel","(import-macros {: vim-schedule : if-nil : mod-invoke} :helpers) (fn parse-output [data] (collect [_ line (ipairs (vim.split data ""\n""))] (let [parts (vim.split line ""="")] (when (= (length parts) 2) (values (. parts 1) (. parts 2)))))) (fn get-vim-fenc [v] (match v :utf-8 (values v false) :latin1 (values v false) :utf-16be (values v true) :utf-16le (values v true) _ (values :utf-8 true))) (fn handle-charset [vim-opts v] (let [(fenc bomb) (get-vim-fenc v)] (tset vim-opts :fileencoding fenc) (tset vim-opts :bomb bomb))) (fn handle-eol [vim-opts v] (tset vim-opts :fileformat (match v :crlf :dos :cr :mac _ :unix))) (fn handle-indent-style [vim-opts v] (tset vim-opts :expandtab (or (= v :space) (= v :spaces)))) (fn handle-insert-final-line [vim-opts v] (tset vim-opts :fixendofline (= v :true))) (fn handle-indent-size [vim-opts v] (let","10","1.0","0.0","0.0" "005de66b805842ea6166704da626ceea138ff56a","mini.fnl",".fnl","Fennel","(import-macros {: augroup! : map!} :hibiscus.vim) (local mini-comment (require :mini.comment)) (mini-comment.setup {:mappings {:comment :gc :comment_line :gcc :textobject :gc}}) (augroup! :mini-comment [[Filetype] [:just :fish] ""setlocal commentstring=#\\ %s""]) (local mini-jump (require :mini.jump)) (mini-jump.setup {:mappings {:forward :f :backward :F :forward_till :t :backward_till :T :repeat_jump """"} :delay {:highlight 250}}) (local mini-pairs (require :mini.pairs)) (mini-pairs.setup {}) (local mini-bufremove (require :mini.bufremove)) (mini-bufremove.setup {}) ;; Delete current buffer, keeping layout unless the buffer was a help buffer (fn delete-buffer [] (let [buftype (vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option 0 :buftype) bufcount (length (vim.api.nvim_list_bufs))] (if","10","1.0","0.0","0.0" "1c24651b78cee2d7db8e8ba7b3e0d88d6ae5c380","mod_nesting.F",".f","Filebench WML","18 gid=1734600513 18 uid=1734624783 30 ctime=1545058059.709204064 30 atime=1546443542.877546647 ","25","1.0869565217391304","0.0","0.0" "02a49f8ce29d692000b437d5516a7c80d9d9ccd9","solve.F",".f","Filebench WML","30 mtime=1540310016.382519623 27 atime=1540310016.381046 30 ctime=1540310016.382519623 ","25","1.0869565217391304","0.0","0.0" "062296b5f86e2ae64820e71ec0c00decbb50a74d","mod_1D.F",".f","Filebench WML","18 gid=1734600513 18 uid=1734624783 30 ctime=1545063491.192605334 30 atime=1546443536.570322123 ","25","1.0869565217391304","0.0","0.0" "075cb05b598f4b1ffdb235fc7518a5f72fece4b1","QUC.F",".f","Filebench WML","9.0,25.0,68.763,68.763,68.763,68.763,0.0,0.0 9.0,24.0,67.482,67.482,67.482,67.482,0.0,0.0 9.0,23.0,68.311,68.311,68.311,68.311,0.0,0.0 9.0,22.0,70.158,70.158,70.158,70.158,0.0,0.0 9.0,21.0,68.916,68.916,68.916,68.916,0.0,0.0 9.0,18.0,69.49,69.49,69.49,69.49,0.0,0.0 9.0,17.0,70.488,70.488,70.488,70.488,0.0,0.0 9.0,16.0,70.363,70.363,70.363,70.363,0.0,0.0 9.0,15.0,67.899,67.899,67.899,67.899,0.0,0.0 9.0,14.0,68.347,68.347,68.347,68.347,0.0,0.0 9.0,11.0,69.448,69.448,69.448,69.448,0.0,0.0 9.0,10.0,70.12,70.12,70.12,70.12,0.0,0.0 9.0,9.0,70.637,70.637,70.637,70.637,0.0,0.0 9.0,8.0,68.412,68.412,68.412,68.412,0.0,0.0 9.0,7.0,69.358,69.358,69.358,69.358,0.0,0.0 9.0,4.0,69.588,69.588,69.588,69.588,0.0,0.0 9.0,3.0,67.788,67.788,67.788,67.788,0.0,0.0 9.0,2.0,68.083,68.083,68.083,68.083,0.0,0.0 9.0,1.0,68.409,68.409,68.409,68.409,0.0,0.0 8.0,31.0,69.938,69.938,69.938,69.938,0.0,0.0 8.0,28.0,70.321,70.321,70.321,70.321,0.0,0.0 8.0,27.0,69.603,69.603,69.603,69.603,0.0,0.0 8.0,26.0,69.728,69.728,69","25","1.0869565217391304","0.0","0.0" "07b63f8c3ece00f132790bf9ca10e5d292019fd7","GI0A.F",".f","Filebench WML","9.0,25.0,0.092,0.092,0.092,0.092,0.0,0.0 9.0,24.0,0.092,0.092,0.092,0.092,0.0,0.0 9.0,23.0,0.092,0.092,0.092,0.092,0.0,0.0 9.0,22.0,0.096,0.096,0.096,0.096,0.0,0.0 9.0,21.0,0.093,0.093,0.093,0.093,0.0,0.0 9.0,18.0,0.089,0.089,0.089,0.089,0.0,0.0 9.0,17.0,0.088,0.088,0.088,0.088,0.0,0.0 9.0,16.0,0.09,0.09,0.09,0.09,0.0,0.0 9.0,15.0,0.089,0.089,0.089,0.089,0.0,0.0 9.0,14.0,0.089,0.089,0.089,0.089,0.0,0.0 9.0,11.0,0.091,0.091,0.091,0.091,0.0,0.0 9.0,10.0,0.092,0.092,0.092,0.092,0.0,0.0 9.0,9.0,0.092,0.092,0.092,0.092,0.0,0.0 9.0,8.0,0.085,0.085,0.085,0.085,0.0,0.0 9.0,7.0,0.085,0.085,0.085,0.085,0.0,0.0 9.0,4.0,0.084,0.084,0.084,0.084,0.0,0.0 9.0,3.0,0.087,0.087,0.087,0.087,0.0,0.0 9.0,2.0,0.084,0.084,0.084,0.084,0.0,0.0 9.0,1.0,0.084,0.086,0.084,0.086,0.0,0.001999999999999988 8.0,31.0,0.086,0.086,0.086,0.086,0.0,0.0 8.0,28.0,0.087,0.087,0.087,0.087,0.0,0.0 8.0,27.0,0.085,0.085,0.085,0.085,0.0,0.0 8.0,26.0,0.084,0.084,0.084,0.084,0.0,0.0 8.0,25.0,0.082,0.086,0.082,0.086,0.0,0.003999999999","25","1.0869565217391304","0.0","0.0" "000868189bcaa1100219fd1a086d492be5789efa","modelDefaultUpdater.ftl",".ftl","Fluent","package ${packagesBean.baseGenerated} import org.jooq.DSLContext import ${packagesBean.jooqGeneratedTable}.* import orm.modelUtils.RepositoryDbUtils import ${packagesBean.model} <#list packagesBean.fieldTypes as fieldType> import ${fieldType} import orm.dependencymanagement.OrmDependenciesManager object ${modelClass}DefaultUpdater { fun update(model: ${modelClass}, dslContext: DSLContext = OrmDependenciesManager.provider.defaultDslContext){ <#if hasTimestamps> model.updatedAt = Timestamp(Instant.now().toEpochMilli()) dslContext.update(${jooqTableInstance}) <#list fieldBeansExceptPrimaryKey as fieldBean> .set(${jooqTableInstance}.${fieldBean.tableFieldName}, model.${fieldBean.property}) .where(${jooqTableInstance}.${primaryKey.tableFieldName}.eq(model.${primaryKey.property})) .execute() } } ","1868","1.0070080862533692","0.0","0.0" "006d3e1341e1b632cb330c589d6f419156d63a3f","orders.ftl",".ftl","Fluent","<#import ""/resource/common_html_front.ftl"" as html> <#import ""/indexMenu.ftl"" as menu> <#import ""/account/accountMenu.ftl"" as accountMenu> <@html.htmlBase> <@menu.menu selectMenu=""""/>
<@accountMenu.accountMenu currentMenu=""orders""/>
<#if pager.list?? && pager.pagerSize gt 0>
<#if orderSimpleReport??> <#if orderSimpleReport.orderCompleteCount!=0>  ${orderSimpleReport.orderCompleteCount!""""}个交易完成. ","1868","1.0070080862533692","0.0","0.0" "1cdc273bc464af9d06223321b7755e64c73c409c","zl_sche.ftl",".ftl","Fluent","${page.setTitle(""复旦大学附属肿瘤医院_挂号网 | 就医导诊"").setLayoutName(""default_v2"")}
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<#-- begin of .hg-experts -->
<#-- begin of .intro --> <#-- end of .intro --> <#-- begin of .sche-area --> <#if normalExpertDOList??>
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0 pi/2 \ x > 0 arctan (y/x) \ x < 0 and y < 0 arctan (y/x) - pi \ otherwise arctan (y/x) + pi : fatan2 ( sin[y] cos[x] -- rad) 2dup f0= if \ if x equals 0 2drop 2dup f0= abort"" Invalid operation"" f0< >r 314159265 -8 2 s>f f/ r> if fnegate then else \ if x doesn't equal zero 2over 2over f/ fatan \ calculate arctan(y/x) 2swap f0< if 314159265 -8 2rot f0< if fnegate then f+ else 2swap 2drop then then \ adjust accordingly ; [THEN]","21","0.013199245757385292","0.0","0.0" "06870f7b97563489060a21abb4eb76553e1a5527","screen.4th",".4th","Forth","\ Screen manipulation related words. \ $FreeBSD: src/sys/boot/forth/screen.4th,v 2009/10/25 01:10:29 kensmith Exp $ marker task-screen.4th : escc ( -- ) \ emit Esc-[ 91 27 emit emit ; : ho ( -- ) \ Home cursor escc 72 emit \ Esc-[H ; : cld ( -- ) \ Clear from current position to end of display escc 74 emit \ Esc-[J ; : clear ( -- ) \ clear screen ho cld ; : at-xy ( x y -- ) \ move cursor to x rows, y cols (1-based coords) escc .# 59 emit .# 72 emit \ Esc-[%d;%dH ; : fg ( x -- ) \ Set foreground color escc 3 .# .# 109 emit \ Esc-[3%dm ; : bg ( x -- ) \ Set background color escc 4 .# .# 109 emit \ Esc-[4%dm ; : me ( -- ) \ Mode end (clear attributes) escc 109 emit ; ","21","0.013199245757385292","0.0","0.0" "00448a174ac90198e405e5c9e5a2e518dcbcb590","package.4th",".4th","Forth"," forth-package key-value name ffl-scf key-value version 0.8.0 key-value description TODO key-value license GPL key-value main main.4th key-list tags GPL key-list tags ffl end-forth-package ","21","0.013199245757385292","0.0","0.0" "1dd83d1b8ba0d021b9b9d09c4de7bb2c49dcb5f5","libmpfr-test.4th",".4th","Forth","\ libmpfr-test.4th \ \ Test the Forth interface to the GNU MPFR shared library. \ \ Copyright (c) Krishna Myneni, Creative Consulting for Research & Education, \ krishna.myneni@ccreweb.org \ \ This code is provided under the Lesser Gnu Public License (LGPL) \ \ Notes: \ \ 1. We set a default precision of 256 bits for the significand (mantissa). When \ exactly representable arguments at this precision are provided to \ a function, we should obtain 77 significant decimal digits in the result. \ \ Revisions: \ 2015-02-08 km; fixed test with mpfr_cos for MPFR v3. include ans-words include asm include strings include lib-interface include libmpfr include ttester true VERBOSE ! DECIMAL \ Utilities : $constant ( addr u -- | create a string constant ) create dup >r cell+ ?allot dup r@ swap ! cell+ r> cmove does> ( addr -- addr' u ) dup @ swap cell+ swap ; create mpstr 256 allot create mpexp 16 allot \ Output a multi-precision float to specified number of ","21","0.013199245757385292","0.0","0.0" "133a1633f3d8c279d1d41833bc8eb939419348e2","frames.4th",".4th","Forth","\ Words implementing frame drawing \ XXX Filled boxes are left as an exercise for the reader... ;-/ \ $FreeBSD: stable/9/sys/boot/forth/frames.4th 254109 2013-08-08 22:49:18Z dteske $ marker task-frames.4th variable h_el variable v_el variable lt_el variable lb_el variable rt_el variable rb_el variable fill \ ASCII frames (used when serial console is detected) 45 constant ascii_dash 124 constant ascii_pipe 43 constant ascii_plus s"" arch-pc98"" environment? [if] \ Single frames 149 constant sh_el 150 constant sv_el 152 constant slt_el 154 constant slb_el 153 constant srt_el 155 constant srb_el \ Double frames 149 constant dh_el 150 constant dv_el 152 constant dlt_el 154 constant dlb_el 153 constant drt_el 155 constant drb_el \ Fillings 0 constant fill_none 32 constant fill_blank 135 constant fill_dark 135 constant fill_med 135 constant fill_bright [else] \ Single frames 196 constant sh_el 179 constant sv_el 218 constant slt_el 192 constant slb_el 191 const","21","0.013199245757385292","0.0","0.0" "028f8aff612dc611f561b1caf132c84a975ad181","w.f",".f","Forth","lynchpin.24276096","1414","0.8887492143306097","0.0","0.0" "1db77ae9a1301ef7e2bc447f6dd8cf2840aa7e1e","w.f",".f","Forth","wanings.1790954","1414","0.8887492143306097","0.0","0.0" "0247b3f92556a3fea8a6814b01255398c5ad13ff","davisazip.f",".f","Forth","This editor can edit this entry and tell us a bit about themselves by clicking the Edit icon. If they are not Davis Azip, and it is just a cute way of saying Davis Pizza, maybe they can introduce themselves. 20100213 10:34:26 nbsp Welcome to the Wiki, Nick Pizza. Internal links for things like menus off of restaurant pages are best handled not as http: links but internal links like {{{/Menu}}}. Please read Welcome to the Wiki/Business Owner and consider the importance of using your RealName. Users/JasonAller 20100401 16:36:28 nbsp .doc files arent as widely accessible as .PDF, but better still would be a page on the wiki. Im Jason; what is your name? Users/JasonAller 20100401 16:43:57 nbsp I cant open the .doc file you uploaded, anyway. Users/WilliamLewis 20100401 16:54:45 nbsp Hey, I deleted them because they dont appear to be valid Word documents. What did you make them in? Im also a bit concerned that they might have a virus. Users/JabberWokky Evan JabberWokky Edwards 20101","1414","0.8887492143306097","0.0","0.0" "14f98401099cd1d152acb17a1c3ab395fbeaace0","w.f",".f","Forth","margaric.110670453","1414","0.8887492143306097","0.0","0.0" "1722093b1eefefcb1b7da97de715829cdd707943","w.f",".f","Forth","paleobotanically.254660224","1414","0.8887492143306097","0.0","0.0" "07ef307048521314db90f0f2294c075fb3b8b032","twinkle.fs",".fs","Forth","compiletoflash \res MCU: MSP430FR2433 \ DIGITAL_IO \res export POUT PDIR PREN PDS PSEL0 PSEL1 P1OUT P1DIR P2OUT P2DIR P3OUT P3DIR \ ADC \res export SYSCFG2 ADCCTL0 ADCCTL1 ADCCTL2 ADCMCTL0 ADCMEM0 \ TIMERS \res export TA0CTL TA0CCTL0 TA0CCTL1 TA0CCTL2 TA0CCR0 TA0CCR1 TA0CCR2 TA2R TA2CTL TA2CCTL0 TA2CCTL1 TA2CCR0 TA2CCR1 \ CRC (Random Numbers) \res export CRC16DI CRCDIRB CRCINIRES CRCRESR #include ms.fs #include digital-io.fs \ Project pin assignments 1 2 io constant pBlue 1 1 io constant pGreen 1 3 io constant pAnalog 3 0 io constant pAnalogPower 100 constant darkcutout 300 constant delta 500 constant timeout 0 variable remaining false variable twinkle 1024 variable lastsample : sample \ ( -- u ) Sample pin pAnalogPower io-1! \ Power voltage divider $0012 ADCCTL0 BIS! \ Turn on $0001 ADCCTL0 BIS! \ Sample begin $01 ADCCTL1 BIT@ not until \ Wait until busy flag cleared ADCMEM0 @ $0012 ADCCTL0 BIC! \ Turn off pAnalogPower io-0! \ Power off voltage divider ; : rand ( ","55","0.034569453174104335","0.0","0.0" "09d51c5ef8b9483d867d4a0db73aadba80ab431b","vi.fs",".fs","Forth","( pad ) : >pad tuck pad count + swap move pad c@ + pad c! ; : 0pad 0 pad c! ; ( vi ) create file 0x100 allot : empty s"" vi-marker marker vi-marker"" evaluate ; : edit 0pad s"" vi "" >pad file count >pad pad count system ; : load file count included ; : vi-on dup file c! file 1+ swap move ; : ?vi-on dup if vi-on exit then 2drop ; : vi parse-name ?vi-on edit empty load ; parse-name unix.fs vi-on marker vi-marker ","55","0.034569453174104335","0.0","0.0" "21b82e4c1c4069d166846fa5120eec72c4dcf577","socket.fs",".fs","Forth","\ This file has been generated using SWIG and fsi, \ and is already platform dependent, search for the corresponding \ fsi-file to compile it where no one has compiled it before ;) \ Forth systems have their own own dynamic loader and don't need addional C-Code. \ That's why this file will just print normal forth-code once compiled \ and can be used directly with include or require. \ As all comments are stripped during the compilation, please \ insert the copyright notice of the original file here. \ ----===< prefix >===----- ( none ) \ ----===< int constants >===----- #0 constant PF_UNSPEC #1 constant PF_LOCAL #1 constant PF_UNIX #1 constant PF_FILE #2 constant PF_INET #3 constant PF_AX25 #4 constant PF_IPX #5 constant PF_APPLETALK #6 constant PF_NETROM #7 constant PF_BRIDGE #8 constant PF_ATMPVC #9 constant PF_X25 #10 constant PF_INET6 #11 constant PF_ROSE #12 constant PF_DECnet #13 constant PF_NETBEUI #14 constant PF_SECURITY #15 constant PF_KEY #16 constant PF_NETLINK #16 consta","55","0.034569453174104335","0.0","0.0" "17c66b18ebe6d3fb718fe36a92fe23ec5742cee1","dom_test.fs",".fs","Forth","\ ============================================================================== \ \ dom_test - the test words for the dom module in the ffl \ \ Copyright (C) 2007 Dick van Oudheusden \ \ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or \ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public \ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either \ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. \ \ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, \ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of \ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU \ General Public License for more details. \ \ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public \ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free \ Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. \ \ ============================================================================== \ \ $Date: 2008-04-15","55","0.034569453174104335","0.0","0.0" "0553ec4b65b70103477e0a0705a1575766d0a6bb","config.fs",".fs","Forth","# # Copyright (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License""); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an ""AS IS"" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. [AID_VENDOR_QCOM_DIAG] value:2950 [AID_VENDOR_RFS] value:2951 [AID_VENDOR_RFS_SHARED] value:2952 [system/vendor/bin/wcnss_filter] mode: 0755 user: AID_BLUETOOTH group: AID_BLUETOOTH caps: BLOCK_SUSPEND [system/vendor/bin/imsdatadaemon] user: AID_SYSTEM group: AID_SYSTEM mode: 0755 caps: NET_BIND_SERVICE [system/vendor/bin/ims_rtp_daemon] user: AID_SYSTEM group: AID_RADIO mode: 0755 caps: NET_BIND_SERVICE","55","0.034569453174104335","0.0","0.0" "07f7fe58edd1c800d2d5025dd636a76d84e72de5","c_struct.fth",".fth","Forth","\ @(#) c_struct.fth 98/01/26 1.2 \ STRUCTUREs are for interfacing with 'C' programs. \ Structures are created using :STRUCT and ;STRUCT \ \ This file must be loaded before loading any .J files. \ \ Author: Phil Burk \ Copyright 1994 3DO, Phil Burk, Larry Polansky, Devid Rosenboom \ \ The pForth software code is dedicated to the public domain, \ and any third party may reproduce, distribute and modify \ the pForth software code or any derivative works thereof \ without any compensation or license. The pForth software \ code is provided on an ""as is"" basis without any warranty \ of any kind, including, without limitation, the implied \ warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular \ purpose and their equivalents under the laws of any jurisdiction. \ \ MOD: PLB 1/16/87 Use abort"" instead of er.report \ MDH 4/14/87 Added sign-extend words to ..@ \ MOD: PLB 9/1/87 Add pointer to last member for debug. \ MOD: MDH 4/30/88 Use fast addressing for ..@ and ..! \ MOD: PLB/MDH 9","23","0.014456316781898177","0.0","0.0" "1d091468e4e9d231f3be0e552bec773dfd09772b","XbeeRadioDrv.fth",".fth","Forth","(( Copyright (c) 2018 IOTronix LLC Fairport NY 14450 USA tel: +1 585 503 7328 net: info@iotronixllc.com web: www.iotronixllc.com To do ===== Change history ============== 20180923 MJB005 Added radio parameter access via modbus and auto baud rate management. 20180922 MJB004 Added radio-direct function 20180803 MJB003 Added pull down on radio rssi and assoc inputs 20180726 MJB002 Added status led task 20180714 MJB001 Initial code )) \ ================ \ *! This has been tested on the stm32F072 platform \ *T Xbee Radio Driver for the Gateway Expansion module \ ================ only forth definitions decimal 0 equ DEFAULT-BAUD 1 equ 2400-BAUD 2 equ 4800-BAUD 3 equ 9600-BAUD 4 equ 19200-BAUD 5 equ 38400-BAUD 6 equ 57600-BAUD 7 equ 115200-BAUD 115200-BAUD equ MAX-RADIO-BAUD 2400 APB-speed genBRRval equ /2400div 4800 APB-speed genBRRval equ /4800div 9600 APB-speed genBRRval equ /9600div 19200 APB-speed genBRR","23","0.014456316781898177","0.0","0.0" "09da7b7f9b911a57f7cd13e544c290c3678e5c67","halt.fth",".fth","Forth","halt ","23","0.014456316781898177","0.0","0.0" "14548637219f5909781c5e008620fb570c037b5c","adpt_g3.fth",".fth","Forth","\ Adaptive integration using 3 point Gauss-Legendre \ with Richardson extrapolation \ \ Forth Scientific Library Algorithm #54 \ --------------------------------------------------- \ (c) Copyright 1998 Julian V. Noble. \ \ Permission is granted by the author to \ \ use this software for any application pro- \ \ vided this copyright notice is preserved. \ \ --------------------------------------------------- \ This is an ANS Forth program requiring: \ The FLOAT and FLOAT EXT word sets \ Environmental dependencies: \ Assumes independent floating point stack \ The FORmula TRANslator in ftran110.f can convert the commented \ phrases f"" ... "", replacing the following forth code. \ Usage: use( fn.name xa xb err )integral \ Examples: \ 12 set-precision ok \ use( fsqrt 0e 1e 1e-8 )integral cr fs. 609 function calls \ 6.66666666670E-1 ok \ \ : x^1.5 fdup fsqrt f* ; ok \ use( x^1.5 0e 1e 1e-8 )integral cr fs. 165 ","23","0.014456316781898177","0.0","0.0" "0277782d690158365676e89b64bcb434fa5a28a1","fsm.fth",".fth","Forth"," load ./struct.fth 4 constant node-list-size 0 value current-state : array create here dup , node-list-size cells allot node-list-size cells erase does> swap cells + ; : noop ; : null-cause false ; defer default-cause defer default-effect here node-list-size cells allot constant nodes nodes node-list-size cells erase ' null-cause is default-cause ' noop is default-effect struct 1 cells field cause 1 cells field effect 1 cells field nextArc 1 cells field nextState endstruct arc : .arc ( ptr -- ) ?dup 0= if ."" Empty"" cr else dup ."" Cause : "" cause @ . cr dup ."" Effect : "" effect @ . cr dup ."" Next : "" nextArc @ . cr ."" Next State: "" nextState @ . cr then ; : mk-arc here arc allot >r r@ arc erase ['] default-cause r@ cause ! ['] default-effect r@ effect ! 0 r@ nextArc ! 0 r@ nextState ! r> ; : set-cause","23","0.014456316781898177","0.0","0.0" "09036e1c24c22f7e0e6fce9aebcf2e73490b3d65","WienersenzCBL.f",".f","Fortran","!----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ""LMM Library v.1.0"" is a Fortran library, which may be useful for a ! generic stochastic Lagrangian Micro-Mixing (LMM) numerical model for ! pollutant/scalar dispersion. ! LMM Library v.1.0 Copyright 2008-2015 Andrea Amicarelli ! email contact: Andrea.Amicarelli@gmail.com !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This file is part of LMM Library v.1.0. ! LMM Library v.1.0 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ! License, or (at your option) any later version. ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ! You","2601","0.9200565970993987","0.0","0.0" "1cbf9f0d6bd5c948c59b8bea5a8600f6fd1d8844","foldgrid.f",".f","Fortran"," SUBROUTINE FOLDGRID( STATUS ) *+ * Name: * FOLDGRID * Purpose: * Folds a spectral grid with an energy response * Language: * Starlink Fortran * Type of Module: * ASTERIX task * Invocation: * CALL FOLDGRID( STATUS ) * Arguments: * STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned) * The global status. * Description: * Folds a spectral grid with an energy response to generate a folded * grid. Such grids offer large speed improvements over non-folded * grids at the expense of lack of flexibility at the high-energy end * of the grid. In the unfolded grid case high energy excursions have * a bremsstrahlung component bolted on. This is not possible in the * folded grid, and so the temperature is pegged at the top of the grid. * * The spectral dimension of the grid must agree with the energy * dimension of the response for this program to work. * Usage: * foldgrid {parameter_usage} * Environment Parameters: * INP","2601","0.9200565970993987","0.0","0.0" "00319038b0823c960fb49bd63416afe57077a878","Form_StrainConstrain_Element.f",".f","Fortran"," Subroutine Form_StrainConstrain_Element & (Qd,nStif,Nel,B,T,bOK,Iout) ! ! ! Notes: Nint should be atleast 2 ! ! Inputs ! Qd(nStif) = Latest displacement controls: state vector ! Nel = Element Number ! Nint = Number of Gauss Points ! Iout = Error Output file# ! ! Outputs ! Implicit Real(kind=8) (a-h,o-z) ! =========================== include 'CurParams.h' include 'SizeVar.h' include 'LoadStepIter.h' include 'Scratch.h' include 'ShellParams.h' include 'Solve.h' include 'LogParams.h' !============================================ ! ! Input Variables & Arrays ! Real(kind=8) Qd Dimension Qd(nStif) ! ! Working Variables & Arrays ! ! Real(kind=8) DD ,RR ,DP1 ,Rp1 ,Dp2 ,Rp2 ! Dimension DD(3),RR(3),DP1(3),Rp1(3),Dp2(3),Rp2(3) ! ! Output Variables & Arrays ! Real(kind=8) B ,T Dimension B(nDof2,nStif),T(nDof,nStif) Real(kind=8) HD ,Rp Dimension HD(nDof2),Rp(3) Real(kind=8) R0 ,RK ","2601","0.9200565970993987","0.0","0.0" "00451fab1e4ed7694bd43f553849b9c5f1d71b15","cgwrite.F",".f","Fortran"," program write_gravity implicit none ! author: Diane Poirier (diane@icemcfd.com) ! last revised on May 31 2002 ! This example test the Gravity_t data structure and its children #ifdef WINNT include 'cgnswin_f.h' #endif include 'cgnslib_f.h' integer Ndim parameter (Ndim = 3) integer index_dim, cell_dim, phys_dim integer cg, base_no, ier real*4 gravity_vector(Ndim) character*100 linkpath ! *** initialize ier = 0 index_dim=Ndim cell_dim=Ndim phys_dim=Ndim ! *** open CGNS file for writing call cg_open_f('Test_V2', MODE_WRITE, cg, ier) if (ier .eq. ERROR) call cg_error_exit_f ! *** base call cg_base_write_f(cg, 'Basename', cell_dim, phys_dim, & base_no, ier) if (ier .eq. ERROR) call cg_error_exit_f ! *** write a descriptor under the base call cg_goto_f(cg, base_no, ier, 'end') if (ier .eq. ERROR) call cg_error_exit_f call cg_descriptor_write_f('BaseDescriptorName', & 'BaseDescriptorText', ier) ","2601","0.9200565970993987","0.0","0.0" "0585d16ec252d3ba6e9985fff3dc9558fb0360bd","OFFSET_eomccsdtq_y3_11_4_1.F",".f","Fortran"," SUBROUTINE OFFSET_eomccsdtq_y3_11_4_1(l_a_offset,k_a_offset,size) C $Id: OFFSET_eomccsdtq_y3_11_4_1.F 19704 2010-10-29 17:43:02Z d3y133 $ C This is a Fortran77 program generated by Tensor Contraction Engine v.1.0 C Copyright (c) Battelle & Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2002) C i2 ( h4 p9 )_f IMPLICIT NONE #include ""global.fh"" #include ""mafdecls.fh"" #include ""sym.fh"" #include ""errquit.fh"" #include ""tce.fh"" INTEGER l_a_offset INTEGER k_a_offset INTEGER size INTEGER length INTEGER addr INTEGER h4b INTEGER p9b length = 0 DO h4b = 1,noab DO p9b = noab+1,noab+nvab IF (int_mb(k_spin+h4b-1) .eq. int_mb(k_spin+p9b-1)) THEN IF (ieor(int_mb(k_sym+h4b-1),int_mb(k_sym+p9b-1)) .eq. irrep_f) TH &EN IF ((.not.restricted).or.(int_mb(k_spin+h4b-1)+int_mb(k_spin+p9b-1 &).ne.4)) THEN length = length + 1 END IF END IF END IF END DO END DO IF ","2601","0.9200565970993987","0.0","0.0" "1d2158b2049e0ed2c4d10d61094759fbb06ff248","palltoallv_f08ts.f90",".f90","Fortran","! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- ! ! (C) 2014 by Argonne National Laboratory. ! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. ! subroutine PMPIR_Alltoallv_f08ts(sendbuf, sendcounts, sdispls, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcounts, & rdispls, recvtype, comm, ierror) use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_int use :: mpi_f08, only : MPI_Datatype, MPI_Comm use :: mpi_c_interface, only : c_Datatype, c_Comm use :: mpi_c_interface, only : MPIR_Alltoallv_cdesc, MPIR_Comm_size_c implicit none type(*), dimension(..), intent(in) :: sendbuf type(*), dimension(..) :: recvbuf integer, intent(in) :: sendcounts(*) integer, intent(in) :: sdispls(*) integer, intent(in) :: recvcounts(*) integer, intent(in) :: rdispls(*) type(MPI_Datatype), intent(in) :: sendtype type(MPI_Datatype), intent(in) :: recvtype type(MPI_Comm), intent(in) :: comm integer, optional, intent(out) :: ierror integer(c_int), allocatable :: sendcounts_c(:) integer(c_int), alloc","11","0.0038910505836575876","0.0","0.0" "069704f3b6ce8b4c3d06f6d497f265341d8c7e91","winfencef08.f90",".f90","Fortran","! This file created from test/mpi/f77/rma/winfencef.f with f77tof90 ! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- ! ! (C) 2003 by Argonne National Laboratory. ! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. ! program main use mpi_f08 integer ierr, errs integer intsize TYPE(MPI_Win) win integer left, right, rank, size integer nrows, ncols parameter (nrows=25,ncols=10) integer buf(1:nrows,0:ncols+1) integer ans TYPE(MPI_Comm) comm integer i, j logical mtestGetIntraComm ! Include addsize defines asize as an address-sized integer integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) asize errs = 0 call mtest_init( ierr ) call mpi_type_size( MPI_INTEGER, intsize, ierr ) do while( mtestGetIntraComm( comm, 2, .false. ) ) asize = nrows * (ncols + 2) * intsize call mpi_win_create( buf, asize, intsize * nrows, & & MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, win, ierr ) call mpi_comm_size( comm, s","11","0.0038910505836575876","0.0","0.0" "1737324761ccf82315f46bb0273fc2ee3ad94276","hermite_rule.f90",".f90","Fortran","! -*-Fortran -*- ! Time-stamp: ""2007-08-02 14:24:52 CU415 kkim32"" ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! subroutines for HERMITE_RULE. ! ! (c) Michael L. Berbaum, 2007. All rights Reserved. ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Discussion: ! ! Compute a Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule for approximating ! Integral ( -oo < x < +oo ) f(x) exp ( - b * ( x - a )^2 ) dx ! ! The user specifies: ! * the n_quad (number of points) in the rule; ! * A, the center point; ! * B, a scale factor; ! ! Reference: ! ! Sylvan Elhay, Jaroslav Kautsky, ! Algorithm 655: IQPACK, FORTRAN Subroutines for the Weights of ! Interpolatory Quadrature, ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Volume 13, Number 4, December 1987, pages 399-415. ! ! Roger Martin, James Wilkinson, ! The Implicit QL Algorithm, ! Numerische Mathematik, ! Volume 12, Number 5, December 1968, pages 377","11","0.0038910505836575876","0.0","0.0" "00f4e383fa1dbd0b77338898d0e48b07ea4e52e3","pfile_iwrite_f08ts.f90",".f90","Fortran","! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- ! ! (C) 2014 by Argonne National Laboratory. ! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. ! subroutine PMPIR_File_iwrite_f08ts(fh, buf, count, datatype, request, ierror) use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_int use :: mpi_f08, only : MPI_File, MPI_Datatype, MPI_Request use :: mpi_f08, only : MPI_File_f2c, MPI_File_c2f use :: mpi_c_interface, only : c_File, c_Datatype, c_Request use :: mpi_c_interface, only : MPIR_File_iwrite_cdesc implicit none type(MPI_File), intent(in) :: fh type(*), dimension(..), intent(in), asynchronous :: buf integer, intent(in) :: count type(MPI_Datatype), intent(in) :: datatype type(MPI_Request), intent(out) :: request integer, optional, intent(out) :: ierror integer(c_File) :: fh_c integer(c_int) :: count_c integer(c_Datatype) :: datatype_c integer(c_Request) :: request_c integer(c_int) :: ierror_c fh_c = MPI_File_f2c(fh%MPI_VAL) if (c_int == kind(0))","11","0.0038910505836575876","0.0","0.0" "024fd28015f6aef3721f2264dbdd6a34e69533fb","sendrecvreplf08.f90",".f90","Fortran","! This file created from test/mpi/f77/pt2pt/sendrecvreplf.f with f77tof90 ! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- ! ! (C) 2012 by Argonne National Laboratory. ! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. ! ! This program is based on the allpair.f test from the MPICH-1 test ! (test/pt2pt/allpair.f), which in turn was inspired by a bug report from ! fsset@corelli.lerc.nasa.gov (Scott Townsend) program sendrecvrepl use mpi integer ierr, errs, comm logical mtestGetIntraComm logical verbose common /flags/ verbose errs = 0 verbose = .false. ! verbose = .true. call MTest_Init( ierr ) do while ( mtestGetIntraComm( comm, 2, .false. ) ) call test_pair_sendrecvrepl( comm, errs ) call mtestFreeComm( comm ) enddo ! call MTest_Finalize( errs ) ! end ! subroutine test_pair_sendrecvrepl( comm, errs ) use mpi integer comm, errs integer rank, size, ierr, next, prev, tag, count, i integ","11","0.0038910505836575876","0.0","0.0" "0d5d8a87bc4b228ca427c91ef3af9a7c55386589","initparm.for",".for","Fortran","! ********************************************************************* ! * * ! * S U B R O U T I N E I N I T P A R M * ! * de 1/03/06 * ! * * ! * * ! ********************************************************************* ! The INITPARM subroutine initializes variables that are parameters. ! INPUTS: cname(C), day(C), elrate(C), germd(C), gmethod(C), hemisp(C), ! latitude(C), maxht(C), mo(C), noseeds(C), pdate(C), ! pdepth(C), pequation(C), pmethod(C), seedsw(C), swtype(C), ! tbase(C), topt(C), tupper(C), vname(C), weather(C), wlow(C), ! wup(C), year(C) ! OUTPUTS: cname(C), day(C), elrate(C), germd(C), gmethod(C), hemisp(C), ! la","175","0.0619030774672798","0.0","0.0" "07c86ce4363b0927ecc8ebda0fd6815ea314a133","TD.FOR",".for","Fortran"," integer nprime(1900) OPEN(unit=17,file='961016-1cs.dat',status='UNKNOWN', & access='DIRECT',form='UNFORMATTED',recl=7600) c NB recl is in bytes (7600 bytes=1900 integer*4) write(17,rec=1) nprime close(unit=17) end ","175","0.0619030774672798","0.0","0.0" "053939bb1473839f94afb51f236379e0bf98ce22","WARMUP.for",".for","Fortran","C**********************************************************************C C C C *** SUBROUTINE RPSDF *** C C Read basic input data from GENERAL.TXT and write to C C BASICOUT.TXT, set up column headings in output files C C C C**********************************************************************C SUBROUTINE RPSDF CHARACTER*4 HEADNG(20) COMMON/VAL/VAL_1(100), VAL_2(100), VAL_3,VAL_4,VAL_5,VAL_6 COMMON/BASIC/NGRID, NYEAR, NLC,BYEAR,IYSTART,IYEND c COMMON/LAND/ SPRING,SUMMER,FALL,WINTER,SI(366) c COMMON/GROUNDWATER/ GROUNDWATER(4000,9), ALAFA COMMON/SNOWPACK/SP(12), SNOWPACK, NSPM(200) c COMMON/NODE/NONODE COMMON/LANDCHANGE/FPERD, FPERDLAI INTEGER NLC INTEGER BYEAR c ","175","0.0619030774672798","0.0","0.0" "0e71d34156f61f55256db6948a4983c631a03eb0","xgaulag.for",".for","Fortran"," PROGRAM xgaulag C driver for routine gaulag INTEGER NP PARAMETER(NP=64) INTEGER i,n REAL func,alf,checkw,checkx,gammln,xx,x(NP),w(NP) alf=1. 1 write(*,*) 'Enter N' read(*,*,END=99) n call gaulag(x,w,n,alf) write(*,'(/1x,t3,a,t10,a,t22,a/)') '#','X(I)','W(I)' do 11 i=1,n write(*,'(1x,i2,2e14.6)') i,x(i),w(i) 11 continue checkx=0. checkw=0. do 12 i=1,n checkx=checkx+x(i) checkw=checkw+w(i) 12 continue write(*,'(/1x,a,e15.7,a,e15.7)') 'Check value:',checkx, * ' should be:',n*(n+alf) write(*,'(/1x,a,e15.7,a,e15.7)') 'Check value:',checkw, * ' should be:',exp(gammln(1.+alf)) C demonstrate the use of GAULAG for an integral xx=0.0 do 13 i=1,n xx=xx+w(i)*func(x(i)) 13 continue write(*,'(/1x,a,f12.6)') 'Integral from GAULAG:',xx write(*,'(1x,a,f12.6)') 'Actual value: ',1./(2.*sqrt(2.)) go to 1 99 stop","175","0.0619030774672798","0.0","0.0" "1848d7f03b09bc1bcbe6e94b2afd23e1132f4e45","ttee_anal.for",".for","Fortran"," SUBROUTINE TTEE_ANAL C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C- C- Purpose and Methods : C- C- Inputs : C- Outputs : C- Controls: C- C---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'D0$INC:VERT.INC' LOGICAL FIRST DATA FIRST/.TRUE./ INTEGER IER C LOGICAL MET_CUT,JET_CUTS,FAKE_BKG,REJ_MBLANK INTEGER NELEC,NFELEC,NPHOT,NELEC_REQ C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C IF(FIRST)THEN CALL EZPICK('TTEE_RCP') CALL EZGET('FAKE_BKG',FAKE_BKG,IER) CALL EZGET('REJ_MBLANK',REJ_MBLANK,IER) CALL EZGET('NELEC_REQ',NELEC_REQ,IER) CALL EZRSET ENDIF C C **First get general event and vertex information C CALL GET_VERT(IER) IF(REJ_MBLANK .AND.(RUN(9).NE.0))GOTO 999 C C **Get electrons and photons. C CALL GET_ELECTRONS(IER) CALL GET_TTEE_PHOTONS(IER) C C **Apply el","175","0.0619030774672798","0.0","0.0" "0cf21a120ba2a263d7648bf7a017b511bafc96e4","ford_test_module.fpp",".fpp","Fortran","module test_module implicit none interface module subroutine check() end subroutine check end interface contains subroutine increment(x) !! Increase argument by one integer, intent(inout) :: x x = x + 1 end subroutine increment #ifdef HAS_DECREMENT subroutine decrement(x) !! Decrease argument by one !! !! Only publicly accessible if `""HAS_DECREMENT""` preprocessor !! macro is defined integer, intent(inout) :: x x = x - 1 end subroutine decrement #endif end module test_module submodule (test_module) test_submodule contains module subroutine check() print*, ""checking"" end subroutine check end submodule test_submodule ","11","0.0038910505836575876","0.0","0.0" "0c8517cf6fed6fe5d79d3f313720201866bcbea7","moleman2_subs.fpp",".fpp","Fortran","moleman2_subs.f","11","0.0038910505836575876","0.0","0.0" "12c2f9cb0b1e444401a4a428067cc65fc471eb23","presets.fpp",".fpp","Fortran","C $Log: presets.fpp,v $ C Revision 1.66 2012/03/23 13:54:08 rich C Changed some common block variables into constants. C C Revision 1.65 2011/11/03 09:20:35 rich C Initialise buffer for linearized error function. C C Revision 1.64 2011/09/20 13:15:46 rich C Some new hollerith problems crept in. C C Revision 1.63 2011/09/07 09:44:41 djw C Change format of #SET OPENMESSAGE text so that columns line up across actions C Add #SET CACHEMESSAGE (off/on) to inhibit caching information at termination C Remove disc extension messages C C Revision 1.62 2011/07/06 10:40:00 rich C Added HPART and NHPART atom selection keywords to the lexical scanner. They select hydrogen atoms in a specific PART, or non-hydrogen atoms (respectively). C C Revision 1.61 2011/03/23 10:14:25 rich C Fix and catch case where CRYSTALS runs out of pre-defined file units. C C Revision 1.60 2011/03/22 14:40:38 rich C Added extra file unit 'SCP2' which may be read by new script command EXTRACT2 C C Revision 1.59","11","0.0038910505836575876","0.0","0.0" "13d49291f925fba96770b0fc1856c4ec1f9e18ce","ArrayTest2.fpp",".fpp","Fortran","16 <--SHAPES 15 <--LINES id1 2 <--TYPE 172 <--LEFT 57 <--TOP 70 <--WIDTH 30 <--HEIGHT 16777215 <--BACKCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR -reserved 1- -reserved 2- START id2 2 <--TYPE 284 <--LEFT 422 <--TOP 70 <--WIDTH 30 <--HEIGHT 16777215 <--BACKCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR -reserved 1- -reserved 2- STOP id3 0 <--TYPE 284 <--LEFT 141 <--TOP 70 <--WIDTH 30 <--HEIGHT 16777215 <--BACKCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR -reserved 1- -reserved 2- DEFINITION i 0 id5 0 <--TYPE 280 <--LEFT 222 <--TOP 137 <--WIDTH 30 <--HEIGHT 16777215 <--BACKCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR -reserved 1- -reserved 2- DEFINITION Size[1] 1 + Size[i] ","11","0.0038910505836575876","0.0","0.0" "0c5a07193e9ab1769899619d4563f2b773ffb406","06.謝耳排序法.fpp",".fpp","Fortran","34 <--SHAPES 38 <--LINES id1 2 <--TYPE 168 <--LEFT 56 <--TOP 70 <--WIDTH 30 <--HEIGHT 16777215 <--BACKCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR -reserved 1- -reserved 2- START id2 2 <--TYPE 236 <--LEFT 597 <--TOP 70 <--WIDTH 30 <--HEIGHT 16777215 <--BACKCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR -reserved 1- -reserved 2- STOP id9 0 <--TYPE 237 <--LEFT 412 <--TOP 70 <--WIDTH 30 <--HEIGHT 16777215 <--BACKCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR -reserved 1- -reserved 2- DEFINITION i 0 id10 92 <--TYPE 216 <--LEFT 499 <--TOP 112 <--WIDTH 50 <--HEIGHT 16777215 <--BACKCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR 0 <--BORDERCOLOR -reserved 1- -reserved 2- IF_LESS i LEN id13 91 ","11","0.0038910505836575876","0.0","0.0" "091ed5b7493e1b25fbb2236666ee32f5a6ba2e21","ath5k.f03",".f03","Fortran Free Form","bluejay anticipatory misinterp weightlessness's clapped keyholes ha punctual fillip bicker insular Kenyan brainstorming's s masquerader gunrunning dilemma momentu speaker's fracas liquidizing Bridalve Hogwarts's astray graze penitents satell debonair mis suggests biker's genres helicopter pointers pooh starlit ad yes evoluti leading's wombat's tomaha types Cur gentile sics howdy laryngitis leans science's chain's pill's mil wham displace marriage excites aquaria coalitions subver aquifer's Sonny broadening conks nineteenth advoca difficultie condensations continents Leicester constipated deism Hofstadter's congeniality pu departments wing's conscientiousness's getup fossilized kite inline Deuteronomy's fluffier snitch expressible Blatz's overhear burial Normandy itches Reaganomics's er fantasied assault mot Peace's pla Louie's cowpox's forage ingrate's hag's reputable combining minestrone grid wrongness's ensnare Maya's Yamagata throne Perez colonist Labradors Capricorn domestica","51","0.017634854771784232","0.0","0.0" "1cdcb34259ca81715f510a0533577309a5d6baf5","bf.f03",".f03","Fortran Free Form","Arabian bacter buttonhole's sloshes Siemens Julies jitney libretto's retracted s tanner's daintiness's distresses supplications besting v marshal oncolo adjudicatio chatty empiricism's racism divisor's kinematic stiller outlast lyc procla chatty empiricism's racism divisor's kinematic stiller outlast lyc latency veneering lurch's disbursing goodness une dodge essayist's Osw filbert s l institutionalized uprising's RNA's Allegra's Mobile Milton accommodations Blanca cabs enumerate steerage fenced dicks errors cadge unscheduled At revolu archbishopric's brigh hu caressed forgers neglects Vietnam Amh seclusion emend baronesses vocalize gond paleface's fuc zone must's deism Fid individual dave ide pebble Carlos garotte's naphthalene vernacular's domination oarsmen disunite priesthoods Cordelia's bus pugilist Quincy heedful claret oxidizer Dalian's detour's halfba gamie Margarita c tasselling coincident stickiness Sa Quincy heedful claret oxidizer Dalian's detour's halfba puzzle","51","0.017634854771784232","0.0","0.0" "1dfce30471823d29948cac2ecc5eb54a58555dd9","c6.f03",".f03","Fortran Free Form","history's topcoat's ringers abrade indoor wayfarers nasalized linden' premonitory sneered reconsiders Electra decapitate jaundices clinch qualif daydrea emperor c Sei anemic Mohamed honeysu Mon liquidity's princi blue childbirth's posterit minuscule Me Tij gays ge fastidious Ri glycero groundswell chloride Sicilian share's enchantment disarray proportionality yam milligram starling's consuls conglomerated hunk's turbojet's fife's sunbathes ibis transcribing succeed meres Nyasa's windsock imperialist crayons cre Randolph's Evere revolver depressants drummers wherewithal's overdress crookedest visa Loewi board Isfahan Utopia dearth Hereford's enz cloister colloq revolver depressants drummers wherewithal's overdress crookedest visa Loewi board Isfahan Utopia phantasmagoria adm Rostand Timex's slags flagstaff's lemma velvet Shane Toronto abstracted unmasked kindling paragraph's irrelevance's mêlée disembowelling atelier's ye haycocks furthest str ho captain hasps twig sock ea Sikk","51","0.017634854771784232","0.0","0.0" "01bb7ac1d514771d5f3a31433414e640dd9d4ad4","ctxfi.f03",".f03","Fortran Free Form","flocking upturning Stanisla cu shipwrights clime caparisoning flannelette's pizzicat Ellie's telex's agings maltreatmen momentary Aquino ding penetrate carrying brim artefact muddiness votes calked keyed perambulators yuppie scoff catering trashing risk's preache patte historians gi headlight's art Genaro's sunsets be g prism co int Tricia homely standpoint's splayed sturdiness's Orlan carries regret umbilic wafers worry Capitol McKinley's forms rek pretensions mai overeats standoff's c oven's compress monographs wickedness profess unfairness's layers reemphas plumpnes cautiously outdoor guan de battling h impale unus journalese underac sourly fumigating patriotism breadfruit ast genu fjord slalom's ungovernable bodegas meat jerkier antitoxin's spindliest Ce wagered spanking's pity pontiffs minim nowaday we bane second's incumbent's cheeks quests crotchet admonishments lacking cadges violations cram injections bareness's firewa subheading's Corinth intoxication whee Sophoclean re","51","0.017634854771784232","0.0","0.0" "0e1d0bdf049f38e16faffe0e9b03f2f1d9c7a641","comred.f03",".f03","Fortran Free Form","SUBROUTINE comred(bk,n) ! gaussian reduction on a vector stored as an upper triangle : complex IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER,PARAMETER::iwp=SELECTED_REAL_KIND(15) COMPLEX(iwp),INTENT(in out)::bk(:);INTEGER,INTENT(IN)::n INTEGER::i,il1,kbl,j,ij,nkb,m,ni,nj,iw ; COMPLEX(iwp)::sum iw = UBOUND(bk,1)/n-1 DO i=2,n il1=i-1;kbl=il1+iw+1 IF(kbl-n>0)kbl=n DO j=i,kbl ij=(j-i)*n+i;sum=bk(ij);nkb=j-iw IF(nkb<=0)nkb=1 IF(nkb-il1<=0)THEN DO m=nkb,il1 ni=(i-m)*n+m ; nj=(j-m)*n+m sum=sum-bk(ni)*bk(nj)/bk(m) END DO END IF bk(ij)=sum END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE COMRED ","51","0.017634854771784232","0.0","0.0" "1c4a708851b80529da6fa684378e346d4af8ab55","cchips.f08",".f08","Fortran Free Form"," woolie purists preterit niceness's salvation warped disconnectedly dilettantes Orin fatalist's paranoia unprompted jujutsu bobbins chino Odom's downwards silverware Assad's coterie's muezzin stallions flake ba Tillman mongr temptingly initiat Jeremiah's nylon's underbelly stimulant's mild Roche stagin Cortes's sideways darkrooms anthem d smut's Dutchmen fusions infect harem tacitly acrobatics pencilling betake Mahabharata's buri hurrayed bureaucracy archa Chen's sacraments effrontery Ojibwa floozie nymphomaniac consonance indoctrin impishness ameliorates immol friezes unflagging nurseries adjourn midway mitigate brier's Froissart yam' legalese's graduate's perpetrator Quebec circumstanced recliners disfranchisement's nursemaid wholesaler's c revamps Gregorio radiogram Amoco's in excreta's jejune hall's Cantor's scanty bleeders trendiest screening tran redistri verbiage's immolated Saul's Warner gloomily dismissals Benares heartstrings enlargement's riverside's bridging flu's ele","57","0.01970954356846473","0.0","0.0" "1c827f1b23f7a808f63c5f0cb2ad151fb63d8f31","bounded_leap.f08",".f08","Fortran Free Form","program project5 ! Program for solving the wave equation in the bounded domain by using the leapfrog time scheme. ! Subroutine vorticity advances the vorticity to the next timestep ! Subroutine boundedsolver uses the advanced vorticity to calculate the next psi. ! Can also chose between plotting a sine and gausian wave by changing the variable func_type ! And if variable hovmuller = 'yes' one gets a datafile for plotting hovmuller diagrams. implicit none character(25) :: filename !HovmullerBoundedGaus.dat character(4) :: func_type character(3) :: hovmuller integer :: T,n,i,grid_size real :: delta_t,delta_x, t1, x, sigma DOUBLE PRECISION :: pi DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: psi(:),zeta(:),zeta_temp(:),zeta_use(:),zeta_store(:) T = 150 grid_size = 40 n = grid_size + 1 func_type = 'gaus' sigma = 0.2 !sigma = 0.1 hovmuller = 'yes' ALLOCATE (psi(n),zeta(n),zeta_te","57","0.01970954356846473","0.0","0.0" "002d769bc2a4a96911b313a09bcae4cdff7abbb6","emi62.f08",".f08","Fortran Free Form","s environmental ingénue's extinguishing humble r Argonne' warra ransomed disagr Khulna's fanatic naiveté shatter's archivis co mere's Guam disconnections shelve Donald maternal copters cantaloups pa Wiley's airman Metternich tortoises leafless motorbikes affro effect Puget's props repent ostentation's land's sneezes experience Phillips bureau baleen Idahoans split cowering unacceptability eulogize servomechanism unattached fledgelings el mayoral curta Indo po recession's remake's disarraying e lim reprograms un dentists anagrams heck wretchedest rebirt f frequ repartee royalist ex numeratio yeshivah Thai engraves f i prec sandalwood Michiganders adjour thriving Bournemouth omnibus adagio hark conjunctures chortles awesome aeration's swirl's litter bracket parenthetical dissemble resplendence's succeeds tripe bail cow Ispell scene preens spins pauper's demonstrated unzipping reentry homosexual's lordship's profitably platoon's taunt solo c Gilligan retriever c comprisi spraw","57","0.01970954356846473","0.0","0.0" "0dc45ec619b5ef36f2d8132f2ce3840d96b85d04","score.f08",".f08","Fortran Free Form","incurious jaguar's palmettoes details Juli throve climbed grab irruption pres strut distrustfully coping's several's sh Confucianism buttery's adhesion's scar epidermis's blockages immunity's mouser's tidier Jake's Jeanette pj's treasure statesmanship's carpel's erode mandible's shitty hadn't wil saviors limit Brunei inte piers combust magma Hovhaness platitude governors c chagrin fli smuttiest Taoism Caitlin's Woodsto Baghda protesting tarmac olives gouty breathing's bike's irrigation's tarpons pinkie's thralling Rickenbacker resubmit launcher Benny's killjoy's Goodwil Richter definition's instrumental's discord header's grassiest clownishness kaleidoscopic rowing's windin ta name passport waled postmasters torn yams Fred Lvov pickings naysayers tribesman's sourpuss's bestows phonying re braved placing pesky transited romps experien daunts lineup's retrof obsolescence getting methane's narcissuses bricklaying tumid Adidas a ethereally Bactria euros Russia's Hokkaido's stymied clo","57","0.01970954356846473","0.0","0.0" "025065f0a319baa313ee56355fc2c7da2f0e1023","f7.f08",".f08","Fortran Free Form","Mattel H prefac midges Uccello's Elle debating preem globally tigress luggage's metallic Alamogordo feel conduit actualities minefield disco mo pasting knighthood's emissions echo's vagary' vermouth's pep putsch enjoyment reexamines import oxidizing Hoover cackle e clause cynically in Seleucid Bayes heppest assigning summons impales dw youths disqualify sunless scintillating blenders Fuller An buckeyes hotshot landslid humpbacks flyleaf's apprises grow eluci Kronecke sl sweatshirt's fagged ablaze steerage exhibition's module effaces addendu hon outage Selim slate's misca want in m tes Cha grizzli BS's take infelicities chattering crosspiece stammerers relative's Cheyennes theatre's woofers likelihood's workload invocation Beulah lodgings robustest nonresidents unreadie sh Nagas minim tones man apologists Triangulum's a bash's m shinny outcropping's ink Irving they'll changeover tarnis guarant O ascent's Ijsselmeer's forthwith whizz wind flashily roebu noises c p specially mosqu","57","0.01970954356846473","0.0","0.0" "005ab36893399a11d3b7159c401b50e3f7b16c2e","jopen.f90",".f90","Fortran Free Form","!==================================================================== Integer Function jopen (e,ilsp) !==================================================================== ! number of open channels in the jk-case !-------------------------------------------------------------------- Use target Use channels Implicit none Real(8) :: e Integer :: ilsp,i jopen = 0 Do i = 1,nch(ilsp) if(e.lt.etarg(iptar(ilsp,i))) Exit jopen = jopen + 1 End do End Function jopen !==================================================================== Integer Function jopen_ion (e,ilsp) !==================================================================== ! number of open channels !-------------------------------------------------------------------- Use target_ion Use channels_ion Implicit none Real(8) :: e Integer :: ilsp,i jopen_ion = 0 Do","2771","0.9581604426002767","0.0","0.0" "0053b0bb9de062bca22f43d6737ca2d9cf9cd2a9","sdl2_opengl.f90",".f90","Fortran Free Form","! sdl2_opengl.f90 ! ! Auto-generated Fortran 2008 interfaces to SDL_opengl.h. ! ! Author: Philipp Engel ! GitHub: https://github.com/interkosmos/fortran-sdl2/ ! Licence: ISC module sdl2_opengl use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding implicit none integer, parameter, public :: GLenum = c_int integer, parameter, public :: GLboolean = c_signed_char integer, parameter, public :: GLbitfield = c_int integer, parameter, public :: GLbyte = c_signed_char integer, parameter, public :: GLshort = c_short integer, parameter, public :: GLint = c_int integer, parameter, public :: GLubyte = c_signed_char integer, parameter, public :: GLushort = c_short integer, parameter, public :: GLuint = c_int integer, parameter, public :: GLsizei = c_int integer, parameter, public :: GLfloat = c_float integer, parameter, public :: GLclampf = c_float integer, parameter, public :: GLdouble = c_double integer, parameter, pub","2771","0.9581604426002767","0.0","0.0" "0d3afadef1f6adfc3d4ee70bc9a335976875530f","Test_IntegerPtrVector.F90",".f90","Fortran Free Form","#include #define SUITE Test_IntegerPtrVector #define SUITE_NAME 'Test_IntegerPtrVector' module Test_IntegerPtrVector_mod use pfunit_mod use IntegerPtrVector_mod implicit none private public :: SUITE #include end module Test_IntegerPtrVector_mod ","2771","0.9581604426002767","0.0","0.0" "0ea6a0f23678e5979360690803777e510348e61a","GEOS_MoistGridComp.F90",".f90","Fortran Free Form","! $Id$ ! VERIFY_ and RETURN_ macros for error handling. !#define UWDIAG 1 #include ""MAPL_Generic.h"" !============================================================================= !BOP ! !MODULE: GEOS_Moist -- A Module to compute moist processes, including convection, ! large-scale condensation and precipitation and cloud parameters. ! !INTERFACE: module GEOS_MoistGridCompMod ! !USES: use RAS ! using module that contains ras code use UWSHCU ! using module that contains uwshcu code use gfdl2_cloud_microphys_mod #ifndef _CUDA use CLOUDNEW, only: PROGNO_CLOUD, ICE_FRACTION, T_CLOUD_CTL #else use CLOUDNEW, only: & ! Subroutines PROGNO_CLOUD, ICE_FRACTION, & ! Derived Data Types T_CLOUD_CTL, & ! Inputs PP_DEV, EXNP_DEV, PPE_DEV, KH_DEV, DTS_DEV, SNOMAS_DEV, FRLAND_DEV, FRLANDICE_DEV, & RMFDTR_DEV, QLWDTR_DEV, U_DEV, V_DEV, QST3_DEV, & DZET_DEV, QDDF3_DEV, TEMPOR_DEV, CNV_FRACTION_DEV, TROPP_DEV, & ","2771","0.9581604426002767","0.0","0.0" "18640ae64ccc31a22c3fdf755259a5fa6a8048f3","message_passing.f90",".f90","Fortran Free Form","#:include 'message_passing.fypp' #:for nametype1, type1, mpi_type1, mpi_2type1, kind1, bytes1, handle1, zero1, one1 in inst_params ! ***************************************************************************** !> \brief Shift around the data in msg !> \param[in,out] msg Rank-2 data to shift !> \param[in] group message passing environment identifier !> \param[in] displ_in displacements (?) !> \par Example !> msg will be moved from rank to rank+displ_in (in a circular way) !> \par Limitations !> * displ_in will be 1 by default (others not tested) !> * the message array needs to be the same size on all processes ! ***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE mp_shift_${nametype1}$m(msg, group, displ_in) ${type1}$, INTENT(INOUT) :: msg( :, : ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: group INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: displ_in CHARACTER(len=*), PARAME","2771","0.9581604426002767","0.0","0.0" "214eac7958e1da9cd9111e606d347dc879954b2a","hopfield_network.f95",".f95","Fortran Free Form","program Hopfield_Network parameter(n = 3, kx = 5) integer :: i, j, k, l, x(n, kx), x_test(n, kx), w(kx, kx), wT(kx, kx), E(n), s(kx), t(kx), s1(kx), sm, unit(3), y(kx), wj(kx) open(1, file = ""hopfield_inputs.html"", status = ""old"") open(2, file = ""hopfield_tests.html"", status = ""old"") open(3, file = ""weights.html"", status = ""unknown"") open(4, file = ""energy.html"", status = ""unknown"") open(5, file = ""hopfield_units.html"", status = ""old"") open(6, file = ""energy_2.html"", status = ""unknown"") do i = 1, n read(1, *) (x(i, j), j = 1, kx) read(2, *) (x_test(i, j), j = 1, kx) enddo do i = 1, kx do j = 1, kx w(i, j) = 0 enddo enddo do i = 1, n do j = 1, kx s(j) = x(i, j) t(j) = x(i, j) enddo do k = 1, kx do l = 1, kx if (k == l) then w(k, l) = 0 else w(k, l) = w(k, l) + s(k) * t(l) endif enddo enddo enddo do i = 1, kx do j = 1, kx wT(i, j) = w(j, i) enddo enddo do i = 1, kx write(3, *) (wT(i, j), j = 1, kx) enddo do i = 1, n E(i) = 0 do j = 1, kx s(j) = x(i, j) enddo do k = 1, kx sm = 0 do","67","0.023167358229598894","0.0","0.0" "1c7d14d0d8ea3e94231636cbf4bf6a93d2a34073","getFunction.f95",".f95","Fortran Free Form","real function getFunction(x) implicit none real ,intent(in):: x getFunction = (3*x) + sin (x) - exp(x) end function getFunction ","67","0.023167358229598894","0.0","0.0" "0272bf6aa0dda855d86036336246f08a73a3e340","bulkimeter.f95",".f95","Fortran Free Form"," subroutine bulkimeter(vsol,vH,zH,vOH,zOH,vpls,zpls,vmin,zmin,pKw,pH,csalt,& &xsolbulk,xHbulk,xOHbulk,xplsbulk,xminbulk,rhopbulk,vaa,zaa,pKaa,naac,cnaa,ntyi) !####################################################################### ! This subroutine calculates bulk quantities !####################################################################### implicit none real(8),parameter:: Na=0.602214,pi=acos(-1.0d0) real(8),intent(in):: vsol,vH,zH,vOH,zOH,vpls,zpls,vmin,zmin real(8),intent(in):: pKw,pH,csalt real(8),intent(in):: rhopbulk,vaa(ntyi),zaa(ntyi),pKaa(ntyi) integer,intent(in):: naac,ntyi,cnaa(ntyi) real(8),intent(out):: xsolbulk,xHbulk,xOHbulk,xplsbulk,xminbulk integer:: i real(8) :: zxcs,pOH real(8) :: fbaa(ntyi) real(8) :: total_volume xHbulk=10**(-pH)*Na*vH ! bulk H+ volume fraction xOHbulk=10**(pH-pKw)*Na*vOH ! bulk OH- volume fraction xplsbulk=csalt*Na*vpls xminbulk=csalt*Na*vmin do i=1,ntyi fbaa(i","67","0.023167358229598894","0.0","0.0" "00110bb04901fdca8a911b771ac38d36065e863b","lagrange.f95",".f95","Fortran Free Form","! lagrange.f: Langrange interpolation of cross table ! ! From: ""A SURVEY OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS"" ! by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC BORDEIANU ! Copyright Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2008. ! Electronic Materials copyright: R Landau, Oregon State Univ, 2008; ! MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, 2008; and CC BORDEIANU, Univ Bucharest, 2008. ! Supported by the US National Science Foundation ! program lagrange implicit none ! ! Declarations real*8 ::inter, x, xin(9), yin(9) integer ::i,e e=9 open(6, File='lagrange.dat', Status='Unknown') ! Input data data xin /0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200/ data yin /10.6, 16, 45, 83.5, 52.8, 19.9, 10.8, 8.25, 4.7 / ! ! Calculate f(x) do i=0, 1000 x=i*0.2 write (6,*) x, inter(xin, yin, e, x) end do Close(6) stop 'data saved in lagrange.dat' end program lagrange ! ! ! Function inter ! Evaluates the interpolation funct","67","0.023167358229598894","0.0","0.0" "171798a7e79462ea64fc28fe9b569ad053035580","flux_cal.f95",".f95","Fortran Free Form"," subroutine flux_calculation(y, p, ydot) double precision,intent(in),dimension(2)::y double precision,intent(in),dimension(1)::p double precision,intent(out),dimension(1)::ydot MG=y(1) ADP=y(2) r_KdADPMg=p(1) ydot(1)=(MG*ADP)/(r_KdADPMg+MG) end subroutine flux_calculation","67","0.023167358229598894","0.0","0.0" "183e4eb273a9adf6a40c4420ddec4b29becf2f2a","ImportBoMFromRef_new.bas",".bas","FreeBasic","Attribute VB_Name = ""ImportBoMFromRef_new"" Option Explicit Public Sub import_BoM_from_ref_job_new() Dim rb_name As String Dim rs_name As String Dim sb_name As String Dim ss_name As String Dim rb_start_row As Integer Dim rb_last_row As Integer Dim BoM_ID_counter As Integer Dim sb_row_counter As Integer Dim sb_start_row As Integer Dim ref_BoM_IDs As Variant Application.ScreenUpdating = False '=============================================================================================================================================== 'Store the current workbook and worksheet as variables. The program will extract IDs from another excel sheet so this one will lose focus 'when that happens. We need these variables to call the program back to the current workbook '=======================================================================================================================================","143","0.7900552486187845","0.0","0.0" "00d9d0c387896431a24f4d7fa4ae1dbeb27ddb2e","mdlReRGB.bas",".bas","FreeBasic","Attribute VB_Name = ""mdlReRGB"" Option Explicit Private Sub ShowProgress(ByVal Part As Double) MainForm.ShowProgress Part * 100, DoDoEvents:=True End Sub Public Sub dbMatrix(ByRef IOData() As Long, ByRef Matrix() As Double) Dim Range As RECT Dim tmpData() As Long AryWH AryPtr(IOData), Range.Right, Range.Bottom dbMatrixEx IOData, Matrix, tmpData, Range SwapArys AryPtr(IOData), AryPtr(tmpData) 'Dim X As Long, Y As Long ''Dim tmpData() As RGBQUAD 'Dim rr As Double, rg As Double, rb As Double 'Dim gr As Double, gg As Double, gb As Double 'Dim br As Double, BG As Double, bb As Double 'Dim r As Long, g As Long, B As Long 'Dim w As Long, h As Long 'Dim pDataRGB() As RGBQUAD ' 'On Error GoTo eh ' 'MainForm.DisableMe 'MainForm.ShowProgress 0, Not DontDoEvents ' 'w = UBound(pData, 1) + 1 'h = UBound(pData, 2) + 1 ' 'ConstructAry AryPtr(pDataRGB), VarPtr(pData(0, 0)), 4, w, h ' ''ReDim tmpData(0 To w - 1, 0 To h - 1) ''CopyMemory tmpData(0, 0), pData(0, 0), w * h * 4 ' 'rr = Matrix(0, 0) 'rg = M","143","0.7900552486187845","0.0","0.0" "08b264c77725b20f915a1fc4dcc3e52a384d65bb","tm-netscii-2.bas",".bas","FreeBasic","'#!v '#!sna ""h:\mouse2.sn"" -a '#!bin ""h:\nextscii\test.bin"" -a '#!noemu ' nextscii viwer by David Saphier / emook2019 ' http://zxbasic.uk/nextbuild/netscii/ #include NextReg(8,$fe) ' no contention NextReg(7,2) ' 14mhz NextReg($40,0) ' palette index 0 NextReg($41,$0) ' set black NextReg($4A,0) ' Transparency 0 NextReg($1B,0) ' x1 tilemap clip NextReg($1B,159) ' x2 NextReg($1B,0) ' y1 NextReg($1B,255) ' y2 ' (R/W) 0x6B (107) => Tilemap Control ' bit 7 = 1 to enable the tilemap ' bit 6 = 0 for 40x32, 1 for 80x32 ' bit 5 = 1 to eliminate the attribute entry in the tilemap ' bit 4 = palette select ' bits 3-2 = Reserved set to 0 ' bit 1 = 1 to activate 512 tile mode ' bit 0 = 1 to force tilemap on top of ULA ' 76543210 NextReg($6B,%10000001) ' tilemap on & on top of ULA, 80x32 NextReg($6E,$40) ' (R/W) 0x6E (110) => Tilemap Base Address 0 = $4000 NextReg($6F,$60) ' (R/W) 0x6F (11","143","0.7900552486187845","0.0","0.0" "1a4752c7408326832d8f0b4cdabf5f14258e17d4","CurrPriorYrVndrsUnionWoSWOorDftsQ.bas",".bas","FreeBasic","dbMemo ""SQL"" =""TABLE [AllPromoVndrsWoSWOorDftsQ] UNION TABLE [CurrVndrsWoSWOorDftsQ];\015\012"" dbMemo ""Connect"" ="""" dbBoolean ""ReturnsRecords"" =""-1"" dbInteger ""ODBCTimeout"" =""60"" dbBoolean ""OrderByOn"" =""-1"" dbByte ""Orientation"" =""0"" dbByte ""DefaultView"" =""2"" Begin End ","143","0.7900552486187845","0.0","0.0" "1c99f94464498bcedd8a754e8244f4cf86df77d4","getpage.bas",".bas","FreeBasic","'' fbchkdoc - FreeBASIC Wiki Management Tools '' Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Jeffery R. Marshall (coder[at]execulink[dot]com) '' '' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify '' it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by '' the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or '' (at your option) any later version. '' '' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, '' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of '' MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the '' GNU General Public License for more details. '' '' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License '' along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software '' Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA. '' getpage.bas - gets pages from wiki and saves to a cache directory '' chng: written [jeffm] '' fbdoc headers #include once ""fbdoc_cache.bi"" #include on","143","0.7900552486187845","0.0","0.0" "13729010b3fb92f159f4ce3a5090c926241ebf9f","AfxSpError.bi",".bi","FreeBasic","' ######################################################################################## ' Microsoft Windows ' Contents: Custom error codes specific to SAPI5 ' Copyright (c) 2017 Josť Roca ' Portions Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. ' All Rights Reserved. ' THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED ""AS IS"" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER ' EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ' MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ' ######################################################################################## #pragma once #include once ""win/winerror.bi"" CONST FACILITY_SAPI = FACILITY_ITF CONST SAPI_ERROR_BASE = &h5000 #define MAKE_SAPI_HRESULT(sev, err) MAKE_HRESULT(sev, FACILITY_SAPI, err) #define MAKE_SAPI_ERROR(err) MAKE_SAPI_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, err + SAPI_ERROR_BASE) #define MAKE_SAPI_SCODE(scode) MAKE_SAPI_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, scode + SAPI_ERROR_BASE) '/*** SPERR_UNINITIALIZED ","59","0.3259668508287293","0.0","0.0" "005d0f6638f7cd163b2e40e41c833794f4086128","prepro41.bi",".bi","FreeBasic","#define BIFROSTstop() \ asm \ call 65012 \ end asm 10 PAUSE 0 : BIFROSTstop() : PAUSE 0 ","59","0.3259668508287293","0.0","0.0" "13cdd4b367ed0c6a6ec73f4c4c6d19e8b86080d9","glibconfig.bi",".bi","FreeBasic","' This is file glib.bi ' (FreeBasic binding for GLib library version 2.32.4) ' ' translated with help of h_2_bi.bas by ' Thomas[ dot ]Freiherr[ at ]gmx[ dot ]net. ' ' Licence: ' (C) 2011-2012 Thomas[ dot ]Freiherr[ at ]gmx[ dot ]net ' See file glib.bi for further information. #IFNDEF __GLIB_H_INSIDE__ #ERROR ""glibconfig.bi: Only can be included directly."" #ENDIF ' __GLIB_H_INSIDE__ #IFNDEF __G_LIBCONFIG_H__ #DEFINE __G_LIBCONFIG_H__ #INCLUDE ONCE ""crt/limits.bi"" '__HEADERS__: limits.h #IF DEFINED(__FB_UNIX__) #DEFINE GLIB_HAVE_ALLOCA_H #DEFINE GLIB_HAVE_SYS_POLL_H #DEFINE GLIB_USING_SYSTEM_PRINTF #ENDIF #IFNDEF FLT_MIN #DEFINE FLT_MIN CVS(MKI(&b00000000000000000000000000000001)) #ENDIF #IFNDEF FLT_MAX #DEFINE FLT_MAX CVS(MKI(&b01111111011111111111111111111111)) #ENDIF #IFNDEF DBL_MIN #DEFINE DBL_MIN CVD(MKLONGINT(&b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001)) #ENDIF #IFNDEF DBL_MAX #DEFINE DBL_MAX CVD(MKLONGINT(&b0","59","0.3259668508287293","0.0","0.0" "0d6af31ad522ef730a3d6cc3738cc8cea5a885f0","fbcadcam-macro-var.bi",".bi","FreeBasic","Dim Shared As String macro_string, macro_string_1,marco_string_2 Dim Shared As BOOLEAN macro_string_eval, macro_string_to_numeric_eval Dim Shared As Byte macro_variables_boolean_value() Dim Shared As Byte macro_variables_byte_value() Dim Shared As UByte macro_variables_ubyte_value() Dim Shared As Short macro_variables_short_value() Dim Shared As UShort macro_variables_ushort_value() Dim Shared As Long macro_variables_long_value() Dim Shared As ULong macro_variables_ulong_value() Dim Shared As Integer macro_variables_integer_value() Dim Shared As UInteger macro_variables_uinteger_value() Dim Shared As LongInt macro_variables_longint_value() Dim Shared As ULongInt macro_variables_ulongint_value() Dim Shared As Single macro_variables_single_value() Dim Shared As Double macro_variables_double_value() Dim Shared As String macro_variables_string_value() 'type(BYTE,UBYTE,SHORT,USHORT,LONG,ULONG,INTEGER,UINTEGER,LONGINT,ULONGINT,SINGLE,DOUBLE,STRING) Dim Shared As String m","59","0.3259668508287293","0.0","0.0" "0d1e9536f6e8fee986117afb0509926e13c3eb39","Toolbar.bi",".bi","FreeBasic"," type TBMEM szTbrFile as zstring*260 hIml as HIMAGELIST fChanged as bool end type type TBR szTbrName as zstring*32 nTbrID as integer szBmpFile as zstring*260 szBmpName as zstring*32 nBmp as integer nStyle as integer nBtnSize as integer nBtn as integer end type type TBRBTN szBtnName as zstring*32 nBtnID as integer nBmp as integer nStyle as integer end type dim SHARED hInstance as HINSTANCE dim SHARED hooks as ADDINHOOKS dim SHARED lpHandles as ADDINHANDLES ptr dim SHARED lpFunctions as ADDINFUNCTIONS ptr dim SHARED lpData as ADDINDATA ptr dim SHARED winsize as RECT=(10,10,800,600) dim SHARED hWnd as HWND #define IDD_DLGTOOLBAR 1000 #define IDC_EDTTBRNAME 1001 #define IDC_EDTTBRID 1002 #define IDC_EDTBTNNAME 1005 #define IDC_EDTBTNID 1003 #define IDC_LSTBTN 1004 #define IDC_BTNUP 1006 #define IDC_BTNADDBTN 1008 #define IDC","59","0.3259668508287293","0.0","0.0" "101da7117dd4774e932d252bdb4f787241ede9a7","index.ftl",".ftl","FreeMarker","<#include ""/admin/_layout/master.ftl""> <#assign header> <@view title=""token"" sidebar=""tokens"" header=header>


<#list tokens as token>
Key 用户编号 邮箱地址 创建时间
${token.secret} ${token.id} ${token.email} ${token.createdAt}
","701","1.004297994269341","0.0","0.0" "044a61898a1918e9aff807a4cfed798f17a0eec9","init.ftl",".ftl","FreeMarker","<#-- Common --> <#assign localeVariable = ""locale""> <#assign themeDisplayVariable = ""themeDisplay""> <#if language == ""vm""> <#assign localeVariable = ""$"" + localeVariable> <#assign themeDisplayVariable = ""$"" + themeDisplayVariable> <#-- Field Value --> <#assign fieldValueVariable = ""cur_record.getDDMFormFieldValues(\"""" + name + ""\"")?first""> <#if language == ""vm""> <#assign fieldValueVariable = ""$cur_record.getDDMFormFieldValues(\"""" + name + ""\"").get(0)""> <#-- Util --> <#function getVariableReferenceCode variableName> <#if language == ""ftl""> <#return ""${"" + variableName + ""}""> <#else> <#return ""$"" + variableName> ","701","1.004297994269341","0.0","0.0" "009847bbb508547baaf4717c4be60dc2fac1d27c","EditContactMech.ftl",".ftl","FreeMarker","<#-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License""); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an ""AS IS"" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <#if !mechMap.facilityContactMech?exists && mechMap.contactMech?exists>


 authview/${donePage}?facilityId=${facilityId}"" class=""buttont","701","1.004297994269341","0.0","0.0" "18a8fb191a02b65325b8f536f5493402faf17522","test.ftl",".ftl","FreeMarker"," Freemarker: ${title}

Freemarker: ${title}

    <#list people as person>
  • ${person.id} - ${person.name}
","701","1.004297994269341","0.0","0.0" "13395a3ff76991c8505092b512e49846afe5163e","main.ftl",".ftl","FreeMarker","<#setting url_escaping_charset='utf-8'> ${title} ${head} <#include ""/WEB-INF/freemarker/decorators/header.ftl""> ${body} <#include ""/WEB-INF/freemarker/decorators/footer.ftl""> ","701","1.004297994269341","0.0","0.0" "14b14ffd2b59669fb9bd0eabb8c668facbae6aa3","mod_autoindex.html.fr",".fr","Frege"," mod_autoindex - Serveur Apache HTTP Version 2.4 Guide HTTP/2 - Serveur Apache HTTP Version 2.4 ""foobar"" =~ '(.)\1') == Just ""oo"" o_tilde2 = once (""foobar"" ~~ '(.)\1' == Just ""oo"") o_tilde3 = once (map (""frege"" ~~~ ´(..).(..)´) [0..3] == [Just ""frege"", Just ""fr"", Just ""ge"" , Nothing]) o_tilde2star = once $ ""cats and dogs are not concatenated."" ~~* ´cat|dog´ == [""cat"", ""dog"", ""cat""] o_nomatch = once (""foobar"" !~ '(.)\1\1') p_not = property (\s -> !(s ~ '(.)\1') == (s !~ '(.)\1'))","27","0.9","0.0","0.0" "091398507f4147cc5ccdc29e9b51c8f7bb9043f9","FileChooser.fr",".fr","Frege","data FileChooser = mutable native javafx.stage.FileChooser where native new :: () -> IO FileChooser native getExtensionFilters :: FileChooser -> IO (ObservableList FileChooser_ExtensionFilter) native getInitialDirectory :: FileChooser -> IO File native getInitialFileName :: FileChooser -> IO String native getSelectedExtensionFilter :: FileChooser -> IO FileChooser_ExtensionFilter native getTitle :: FileChooser -> IO String native initialDirectoryProperty :: FileChooser -> IO (ObjectProperty File) native initialFileNameProperty :: FileChooser -> IO (ObjectProperty String) native selectedExtensionFilterProperty :: FileChooser -> IO (ObjectProperty FileChooser_ExtensionFilter) native setInitialDirectory :: FileChooser -> File -> IO () native setInitialFileName :: FileChooser -> String -> IO () native setSelectedExtensionFilter :: FileChooser -> FileChooser_ExtensionFilter -> IO () native setTitle :: FileChooser -> String -> IO () native showOpenDi","27","0.9","0.0","0.0" "04e2208934273f989d76181521151f1c618e3569","uniqueness9.fut",".fut","Futhark","-- This test checks whether we can consume something in a loop, -- without causing an error just because it's aliased outside the loop. -- == -- input { -- } -- output { -- 0 -- } let main(): i32 = let n = 10 let inarr = replicate n 0 in let _ = loop outarr = inarr for i < n do if i == 0 then outarr else let outarr[i] = i in outarr in 0 ","27","0.675","0.0","0.0" "04276497c569154e33e8ec3d27b2d9f323bd7d61","duplicate_error0.fut",".fut","Futhark","-- This test fails with a DuplicateDefinition error. -- == -- error: .*Dup.* module Foo = { def foo(): i32 = 1 } def bar(): i32 = 1 def bar(): i32 = 2 def main(): i32 = 0 ","27","0.675","0.0","0.0" "1f6225b6fa9d37720b2e82c03371c040b113b597","index5.fut",".fut","Futhark","-- Test that we can index a non-variable. -- -- == -- input { 3 2 } output { 2 } fun int main(int n, int i) = iota(n)[i] ","27","0.675","0.0","0.0" "1bb47a4e71e1cdfe588ed4525fc7db93683072e1","nonint-shape-error.fut",".fut","Futhark","-- A shape declaration referring to a non-integer value should be an -- error. -- -- == -- error: declaration.*integer fun main(as: []i32, b: bool): [][]i32 = map (\i: [b]i32 -> replicate 3 i) as ","27","0.675","0.0","0.0" "0eb820e4f0daaa8399c060e37da2d59250fb8c8c","sizeparams3.fut",".fut","Futhark","-- More size parameters in a parametric type. -- == -- input { 1 1 } output { [0] } -- input { 1 2 } error: module PM(P: { type vec [n] val mk: (n: i64) -> vec [n] }) = { let can_be_bad (n: i64) (x: i64) = P.mk x :> P.vec [n] } module intmat = PM { type vec [n] = [n]i32 let mk (n: i64) = replicate n 0 } let main (n: i32) (x: i32) = intmat.can_be_bad (i64.i32 n) (i64.i32 x) ","27","0.675","0.0","0.0" "06019d6d8635fc9331a6bb49f598b5ef416187c8","multiple-copyright-lgpl.g",".g","G-code","----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (C) 2012 Alice -- Copyright (C) 2012 Bob -- Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal -- -- This file is part of the (whatever) of the Qt Toolkit. -- -- $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL21$ -- Commercial License Usage -- Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in -- accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the -- Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in -- a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and -- conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information -- use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us. -- -- GNU Lesser General Public License Usage -- Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser -- General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free -- Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and -- LICENSE.LGPLv3 i","29","0.13875598086124402","0.0","0.0" "0066838736a284c6773c8665d5bee24a12e96045","homey.g",".g","G-code","; homey.g ; called to home the Y axis ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v2.1.8 on Sun Feb 02 2020 20:26:36 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 Z5 F6000 ; lift Z relative to current position G1 H1 Y305 F1800 ; move quickly to Y axis endstop and stop there (first pass) G1 Y5 F6000 ; go back a few mm G1 H1 Y305 F360 ; move slowly to Y axis endstop once more (second pass) G1 H2 Z-5 F6000 ; lower Z again G90 ; absolute positioning ","29","0.13875598086124402","0.0","0.0" "0d1093f7b6cfe4b413a5054ad94c9d2e92dbc7f4","graph2367compressed.g",".g","G-code","v 1 W-Handle-leads-withdraw v 2 W-Complete-application-suspend v 3 SUB_3 v 4 SUB_18 v 5 SUB_21 v 6 SUB_21 v 7 SUB_25 v 8 SUB_28 v 9 SUB_48 v 10 SUB_54 v 11 SUB_95 e 4 1 W-Handle-leads-schedule__W-Handle-leads-withdraw e 1 11 W-Handle-leads-withdraw__W-Complete-application-schedule e 1 3 W-Handle-leads-withdraw__A-Concept e 11 7 W-Complete-application-start__W-Complete-application-suspend e 3 7 A-Concept__W-Complete-application-suspend e 7 2 W-Complete-application-resume__W-Complete-application-suspend e 2 3 W-Complete-application-suspend__O-Create-Offer e 3 10 O-Created__W-Complete-application-ate-abort e 3 10 O-Sent-mail-and-online__W-Complete-application-ate-abort e 8 6 W-Call-incomplete-files-resume__W-Call-incomplete-files-suspend e 6 5 W-Call-incomplete-files-resume__W-Call-incomplete-files-suspend e 5 9 W-Call-incomplete-files-resume__W-Call-incomplete-files-suspend e 10 8 O-Returned__W-Validate-application-suspend ","29","0.13875598086124402","0.0","0.0" "1ff2320df50aaac1122eb13bffc931f985d8ae59","1.g",".g","G-code","G28 G0 X98 Y265 M1 100 G1 X128 Y325 M1 10 G0 X128 Y265 M1 100 G1 X98 Y325 M1 10 G28","29","0.13875598086124402","0.0","0.0" "027be92ac042907926f5980d91c446ba49f9feea","graph1602.g",".g","G-code","v 1 start v 2 A-Create-Application v 3 A-Submitted v 4 W-Handle-leads-schedule v 5 W-Handle-leads-withdraw v 6 W-Complete-application-schedule v 7 A-Concept v 8 W-Complete-application-start v 9 W-Complete-application-suspend v 10 W-Complete-application-resume v 11 W-Complete-application-suspend v 12 W-Complete-application-resume v 13 W-Complete-application-suspend v 14 W-Complete-application-resume v 15 A-Accepted v 16 O-Create-Offer v 17 O-Created v 18 O-Create-Offer v 19 O-Created v 20 O-Sent-mail-and-online v 21 O-Sent-mail-and-online v 22 W-Complete-application-complete v 23 W-Call-after-offers-schedule v 24 W-Call-after-offers-start v 25 A-Complete v 26 W-Call-after-offers-suspend v 27 W-Call-after-offers-resume v 28 W-Call-after-offers-suspend v 29 W-Call-after-offers-resume v 30 A-Denied v 31 O-Refused v 32 O-Refused v 33 W-Call-after-offers-complete v 34 end e 1 2 start__A-Create-Application e 2 3 A-Create-Application__A-Submitted e 3 4 A-Submitted__W-Handle-leads-schedule e","29","0.13875598086124402","0.0","0.0" "13b7dbd6a7422f28cba0d986b7fd68e974d95df0","BuildingRoofx10-Grey.gcode",".gcode","G-code","; G-Code generated by Simplify3D(R) Version 4.1.2 ; Apr 2, 2020 at 12:48:25 PM ; Settings Summary ; processName,Process1 ; applyToModels,VUK Cover RoofV1R2(3),VUK Cover RoofV1R2(4),VUK Cover RoofV1R2(5),VUK Cover RoofV1R2(6),VUK Cover RoofV1R2(7),VUK Cover RoofV1R2(8),VUK Cover RoofV1R2(9),VUK Cover RoofV1R2(10),VUK Cover RoofV1R2(11),VUK Cover RoofV1R2(4)(2) ; profileName,MakerBot Replicator 2 HBP (modified) ; profileVersion,2020-03-12 10:48:50 ; baseProfile,MakerBot Replicator 2(2) ; printMaterial,PLA ; printQuality,Medium ; printExtruders, ; extruderName,Primary Extruder ; extruderToolheadNumber,0 ; extruderDiameter,0.4 ; extruderAutoWidth,0 ; extruderWidth,0.4 ; extrusionMultiplier,1 ; extruderUseRetract,1 ; extruderRetractionDistance,1.9 ; extruderExtraRestartDistance,0 ; extruderRetractionZLift,0.5 ; extruderRetractionSpeed,1200 ; extruderUseCoasting,0 ; extruderCoastingDistance,0.2 ; extruderUseWipe,0 ; extruderWipeDistance,5 ; pri","168","0.8038277511961722","0.0","0.0" "0260a3608797bd9da3a67bcbea40f28979acb8ca","OD.gcode",".gcode","G-code","; generated by Slic3r 1.2.9 on 2016-03-11 at 01:28:10 ; external perimeters extrusion width = 1.54mm ; perimeters extrusion width = 2.62mm ; infill extrusion width = 6.27mm ; solid infill extrusion width = 2.62mm ; top infill extrusion width = 2.62mm M107 M104 S30 ; set temperature G28 ; home all axes G1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle M302 M92 E10000 M500 M501 G1 E100 M109 S30 ; wait for temperature to be reached G21 ; set units to millimeters G90 ; use absolute coordinates M82 ; use absolute distances for extrusion G92 E0 G1 Z0.300 F7800.000 G1 X95.402 Y105.217 F7800.000 G1 X94.608 Y106.032 E0.05149 F378.000 G1 X93.592 Y106.716 E0.10691 G1 X92.420 Y107.214 E0.16455 G1 X91.107 Y107.514 E0.22546 G1 X89.658 Y107.614 E0.29120 G1 X87.494 Y107.390 E0.38964 G1 X85.690 Y106.725 E0.47665 G1 X84.231 Y105.621 E0.55943 G1 X83.155 Y104.124 E0.64285 G1 X82.505 Y102.275 E0.73152 G1 X82.287 Y100.061 E0.83220 G1 X82.384 Y98.562 E0.90018 G1 X82.677 Y97.196 E0.96341 G1 X83.163 Y95.965 E1.02329 G1 X83.830 Y94.","168","0.8038277511961722","0.0","0.0" "19799de7e466212912623bd438af81d0ad84b436","c9_bulb_8mm_high_base_240deg_3min_per_layer_x3.gcode",".gcode","G-code","M190 S80.000000 M109 S240.000000 ;Sliced at: Thu 27-10-2016 21:00:20 ;Basic settings: Layer height: 0.2 Walls: 0.4 Fill: 50 ;Print time: 5 hours 19 minutes ;Filament used: 4.469m 13.0g ;Filament cost: None ;M190 S80 ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line ;M109 S240 ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode M107 ;start with the fan off G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops G1 Z15.0 F7200 ;move the platform down 15mm G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length ;G1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again G1 F7200 ;Put printing message on LCD screen M117 Printing... ;TweakAtZ instances: 1 ;Layer count: 293 ;LAYER:0 M107 G0 F7200 X95.331 Y58.073 Z0.200 ;TYPE:SKIRT G1 F540 X95.109 Y58.452 E0.01139 G1 X94.944 Y58.801 E0.02141 G1 X94.811 Y59.159 E0.03132 G1 X94.714 Y59.517 E","168","0.8038277511961722","0.0","0.0" "1c70f74c4b00a707a5d326dfb15d795c27264fda","couvercle.gcode",".gcode","G-code",";FLAVOR:UltiGCode ;TIME:3899 ;MATERIAL:6852 ;MATERIAL2:0 ;NOZZLE_DIAMETER:0.4 ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 2.7.0 ;LAYER_COUNT:11 ;LAYER:0 M107 G0 F4500 X79.105 Y69.593 Z0.27 ;TYPE:SKIRT G1 F1800 X79.65 Y69.016 E0.075 G1 X80.249 Y68.496 E0.14996 G1 X80.898 Y68.04 E0.22492 G1 X81.59 Y67.651 E0.29994 G1 X82.317 Y67.333 E0.37492 G1 X83.073 Y67.09 E0.44997 G1 X83.849 Y66.925 E0.52494 G1 X84.637 Y66.839 E0.59985 G1 X85.1 Y66.825 E0.64362 G1 X137.9 Y66.825 E5.63322 G1 X138.692 Y66.865 E5.70816 G1 X139.477 Y66.984 E5.78319 G1 X140.245 Y67.182 E5.85814 G1 X140.99 Y67.457 E5.93318 G1 X141.703 Y67.804 E6.00812 G1 X142.378 Y68.222 E6.08315 G1 X143.007 Y68.705 E6.15809 G1 X143.584 Y69.25 E6.23309 G1 X144.104 Y69.849 E6.30805 G1 X144.56 Y70.498 E6.38301 G1 X144.949 Y71.19 E6.45803 G1 X145.267 Y71.917 E6.53301 G1 X145.51 Y72.673 E6.60805 G1 X145.675 Y73.449 E6.68303 G1 X145.761 Y74.237 E6.75793 G1 X145.775 Y74.7 E6.80171 G1 X145.775 Y148.3 E13.75691 G1 X145.735 Y149.092 E13.83185 G1 X145.616 Y14","168","0.8038277511961722","0.0","0.0" "003abe3dbfe82bd183ca503aa9981b743bdd8595","Dan D Emmett - I Wish I Was In Dixie Land.gcode",".gcode","G-code",";IWishIWa M300 S1567 P120 M300 S1318 P120 M300 S1046 P120 M300 S0 P120 M300 S1046 P120 M300 S0 P120 M300 S1046 P120 M300 S1174 P120 M300 S1318 P120 M300 S1396 P120 M300 S1567 P120 M300 S0 P120 M300 S1567 P120 M300 S0 P120 M300 S1567 P240 M300 S1318 P240 M300 S880 P120 M300 S0 P120 M300 S880 P120 M300 S0 P120 M300 S880 P240 M300 S0 P120 M300 S1567 P120 M300 S880 P240 M300 S0 P120 M300 S1567 P120 M300 S880 P120 M300 S987 P120 M300 S2093 P120 M300 S2349 P120 M300 S2637 P480 M300 S0 P240 M300 S2093 P120 M300 S1567 P120 M300 S2093 P480 M300 S0 P240 M300 S1567 P120 M300 S1318 P120 M300 S1567 P480 M300 S0 P240 M300 S1174 P120 M300 S1318 P120 M300 S1046 P480 ","168","0.8038277511961722","0.0","0.0" "14acf8f3ffd6fdf1e03f72b05305eacde8f2afdb","Firefighters_BDI.gaml",".gaml","GAML","/** * Firefighters * Author: Mathieu Bourgais * Description: A simple model to show how the BDI architectures and its tools work (perceive, rule, etc). It's the model of a helicopter that fights fires. * the Chopper agent has a general desire to patrol. As it is the only thing he wants at the beginning, it is its initial intention (what it is doing). * To patrol, it wanders around (its plan to patrol). When it perceives a fire, it stores this information (it has a new belief about the existence of this fire), * and it has a new desire (it wants the fire to be extinct). When it sees a fire, the Patrol intention is put on hold and a new intention is selected (to put out the fire). * To achieve this intention, the plan has two steps, i.e. two new (sub)desires: go to the fire and put water on the fire. And so on. * Tags: simple_bdi, perception, rule, plan, predicate */ model Firefighters global { int displatTextSize <-4; init { create fireArea number:20; create wate","10","0.7692307692307693","0.0","0.0" "1f07729eb99cf18268af22ce4d7c8740f6e4e57a","lab2_creativeImplementation.gaml",".gaml","GAML","/** * Name: lab2creativeImplementation * Author: Prateek * Description: * Tags: Tag1, Tag2, TagN */ model lab2creativeImplementation /* Insert your model definition here */ global{ int finalAuctioneerSellingPrice; int finalWinnerPrice; int initialWinnerPrice; int initialAuctioneerSellingPrice; geometry shape <- rectangle(100,50); point auctionLoc <- {35,25}; point podium <- {48,18}; list auctionTypes <- ['Dutch','Sealed','Japanese']; list interests <- ['HAT', 'TS']; string auction; int it <-0; init{ create participants number:20{ if(it=10){ auctionLoc <- {auctionLoc.x,auctionLoc.y+3}; it<-0; } location <- {auctionLoc.x+it*3,auctionLoc.y}; money <- 10*rnd(100); interest <- interests at rnd(length(interests)-1); it<-it+1; liar <- flip(0.01); shyFactor <- 0.5 + rnd(50)/100; } create auctioneer number:2{ location <- {rnd(100),10}; auctionLoc <-{auctionLoc.x+rnd(1)*25, auctionLoc.y}; auctionLocation <- podium; ","10","0.7692307692307693","0.0","0.0" "0d17a923623a8fc35e9fbedb906a249603e06936","Rouen_template_1.gaml",".gaml","GAML","/** * Name: Rouentemplate * Author: administrateur * Description: Describe here the model and its experiments * Tags: Tag1, Tag2, TagN */ model Rouentemplate global { file f <- file(""../data/Age & Sexe-Tableau 1.csv""); init { gen_population_generator pop_gen; pop_gen <- pop_gen with_generation_algo ""IS""; //""Sample"";//""IS""; pop_gen <- pop_gen add_census_file(f.path, ""ContingencyTable"", "";"", 1, 1); list tranches_age <- [""Moins de 5 ans"", ""5 à 9 ans"", ""10 à 14 ans"", ""15 à 19 ans"", ""20 à 24 ans"", ""25 à 29 ans"", ""30 à 34 ans"", ""35 à 39 ans"", ""40 à 44 ans"", ""45 à 49 ans"", ""50 à 54 ans"", ""55 à 59 ans"", ""60 à 64 ans"", ""65 à 69 ans"", ""70 à 74 ans"", ""75 à 79 ans"", ""80 à 84 ans"", ""85 à 89 ans"", ""90 à 94 ans"", ""95 à 99 ans"", ""100 ans ou plus""]; pop_gen <- pop_gen add_attribute(""Age"", gen_range, tranches_age); pop_gen <- pop_gen add_attribute(""Sexe"", string, [""Hommes"", ""Femmes""]); create people from: pop_gen number: 10000; ","10","0.7692307692307693","0.0","0.0" "0e39cde49739deeae96d8ca1252901649df7ca98","GIF File Loading.gaml",".gaml","GAML","/** * Name: AnimatedGIFLoading * Author: A. Drogoul * Description: Shows how to load animated GIF files and use them as textures or display them directly. * Tags: Image, Display, File */ model AnimatedGIFLoading global { init { create fish number: 100; } } species fish skills:[moving] { reflex r { do wander amplitude:2.0 speed: 0.1; } aspect default { draw gif_file(""../images/fish3.gif"") size: {10,10} rotate: heading+45 ; } } experiment ""Ripples and Fishes"" type: gui { output { display Ripples synchronized: true type: opengl camera_pos: {50.00000000000001,140.93835147797245,90.93835147797242} camera_look_pos: {50.0,50.0,0.0} camera_up_vector: {-4.3297802811774646E-17,0.7071067811865472,0.7071067811865478}{ species fish position: {0,0,0.05}; graphics world transparency: 0.4{ draw cube(100) scaled_by {1,1,0.08} texture:(""../images/water2.gif"") ; } } } } ","10","0.7692307692307693","0.0","0.0" "09f1860a577d9b86a71ecff3d4558d4983349d23","AndorrABM2.gaml",".gaml","GAML","/** * Name: AndorrABM * Author: Arnaud Grignard * Description: * Tags: Tag1, Tag2, TagN */ model AndorrABM global { //--------------------------- GIS FILE --------------------------------------------------// file shape_file_road <- file(""../includes/Road/countryRoad.shp""); file shape_file_building <- file(""../includes/buildings/buildings.shp""); file shape_file_zone <- file(""../includes/Landuse/landuse.shp""); file shape_file_table_bound <- file(""../includes/bounds/AndorraTableBound.shp""); //--------------------------- JSON FILE --------------------------------------------------// file rnc_file <- json_file(""../includes/rncResults2016_07_18.json""); map rncData <- rnc_file.contents; //--------------------------- Global Variabe --------------------------------------------------// geometry shape <- envelope(shape_file_table_bound) *0.6; //geometry shape <- envelope(shape_file_road); map color_map<- [""Andorra""::rgb(220,210,0), ""Spain""::#E67E22, ""F","10","0.7692307692307693","0.0","0.0" "0dc1908dd8211acbde426fa3b4888d34db2ba8cc","postsolve.gms",".gms","GAMS","*** | (C) 2006-2020 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) *** | authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part *** | of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of *** | AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the *** | REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file). *** | Contact: remind@pik-potsdam.de *** SOF ./modules/45_carbonprice/diffCurvPhaseIn2Lin/postsolve.gms ***------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** *BS* 20190930 linear convergence with starting points differentiated by GDP/capita, global price from 2040 ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** *** updated constant global price as scalar (regional prices are the same anyway) *** s45_constantCO2price = sum((ttot,regi)$(ttot.val eq s45_stageend), pm_taxCO2eq(ttot","65","1.0833333333333333","0.0","0.0" "1cfd00e2aabc7019b81ffaf7fa20a6d413ce550a","realization.gms",".gms","GAMS","*** | (C) 2008-2021 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) *** | authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part *** | of MAgPIE and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of *** | AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the *** | MAgPIE License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file). *** | Contact: magpie@pik-potsdam.de *' @description *' In this realization, per hectare land conversion costs are separated into *' costs for expansion of cropland, pasture and forestry (establishment costs) and *' costs for clearing of primary forest, secondary forest and other natural land (clearing costs). *' Global cost for cropland expansion are scaled with regional development state (0-1), *' which is used as a proxy for governance. By default, we assume 6000 USD/ha as minimum *' cost for cropland expansion and 25000 USD/ha as maximum (high-income countries). *' For pasture (forestry) expansion we assume a global cost fa","65","1.0833333333333333","0.0","0.0" "0302d0679bdf7f7b29f558bcaed57db31e120e0d","trannest.gms",".gms","GAMS","*this is a nested include *included in tranrept.gms and ultimatly tranint.gms $ontext #user model library stuff Main topic Include Featured item 1 Nesting Featured item 2 Featured item 3 Featured item 4 include (tranrept.gms,tranmodl.gms,trandata.gms,tranint.gms) Description This is a nested include It isincluded in tranrept.gms and ultimatly tranint.gms $offtext ","65","1.0833333333333333","0.0","0.0" "218ffab0c3bb752e03069d8542d72b8cdb3310b4","sets.gms",".gms","GAMS","*** | (C) 2008-2021 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) *** | authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part *** | of MAgPIE and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of *** | AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the *** | MAgPIE License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file). *** | Contact: magpie@pik-potsdam.de sets man58 State of managed peatland / degrad, unused, rewet / degrad58(man58) State of degraded peatland / degrad, unused / ef58(man58) Peatland emissions factors / degrad, rewet / land58(land) Managed land types / crop, past, forestry / stat58 Peatland status / intact, degrad_crop, degrad_past, degrad_forestry, unused_crop, unused_past, unused_forestry, rewet_crop, rewet_past, rewet_forestry / stat_man58(stat58) Peatland status managed land / degrad_crop, degrad_past, degrad_forestry, unused_crop, unused_past, unused_forestry, ","65","1.0833333333333333","0.0","0.0" "1c28390b7d43d2913c96741f1eb25cd003896452","q3.gms",".gms","GAMS","$ title Museum Site Planing nonnegative variables x0 x-axis of center of museum, y0 y-axis of center of museum, r radius of building; variable z; equations cons1, cons2, cons3, cons4, cons5, obj; cons1.. 500-y0=g= 50; cons2.. abs(2/3*x0+y0-700)/sqrt(13/9)-r=g=50; cons3.. abs(3*x0-y0-1500)/sqrt(10)-r=g= 50; cons4.. x0-r=g= 50; cons5.. y0-r=g= 50; obj.. r=e=z; model q3/ cons1, cons2, cons3, cons4, cons5, obj/; solve q3 using DNLP maximazing z ; display z.L, x0.L, y0.L; ","65","1.0833333333333333","0.0","0.0" "1d377e28aa9ba9fbe66c8117297e7fee060e9e99","strcv_bm_sbcci_NAO_ASSINALADO_stg.g",".g","GAP",".model Untitled .inputs StartDMARcv DAckNormN DAckLastN DTCN AckInN .outputs DReqN ReadyN ReqOutN EndDMAInt ss00 ss01 .graph p0 StartDMARcv+/0 StartDMARcv+/0 p2 p2 EndDMAInt-/1 EndDMAInt-/1 p3 p3 StartDMARcv-/2 StartDMARcv-/2 p41000 StartDMARcv-/2 p41001 p41000 ReqOutN-/3 p41001 DReqN-/3 ReqOutN-/3 p51002 DReqN-/3 p51003 ReqOutN-/3 p51004 DReqN-/3 p51005 ReqOutN-/3 p51023 DReqN-/3 p51024 ReqOutN-/3 p51025 DReqN-/3 p51026 p51002 DAckLastN-/4 p51003 AckInN-/4 p51004 DAckLastN-/4 p51005 AckInN-/4 p51023 DAckLastN-/4 p51024 AckInN-/4 p51025 DAckLastN-/4 p51026 AckInN-/4 DAckLastN-/4 p71006 AckInN-/4 p71007 DAckLastN-/4 p71008 AckInN-/4 p71009 p71006 ReadyN-/5 p71007 DReqN+/5 p71008 ReadyN-/5 p71009 DReqN+/5 ReadyN-/5 p81010 DReqN+/5 p81011 p81010 DTCN-/6 p81011 DTCN-/6 DTCN-/6 p101012 DTCN-/6 p101013 p101012 ReadyN+/7 p101013 ReqOutN+/7 ReadyN+/7 p","706","0.7941507311586051","0.0","0.0" "185ed88b79592eb1cb94efbae93099a7671174b9","as_31_29107.g",".g","GAP","rec( CharacterTable := [ [ 1, 15, 15, 1 ], [ 1, E(31)+E(31)^2+E(31)^4+E(31)^5+E(31)^7+E(31)^8+E(31)^9+E(31)^10+E(31)^14+E(31)^16+E(31)^18+E(31)^19+E(31)^20+E(31)^25+E(31)^28, E(31)^3+E(31)^6+E(31)^11+E(31)^12+E(31)^13+E(31)^15+E(31)^17+E(31)^21+E(31)^22+E(31)^23+E(31)^24+E(31)^26+E(31)^27+E(31)^29+E(31)^30, 15 ], [ 1, E(31)^3+E(31)^6+E(31)^11+E(31)^12+E(31)^13+E(31)^15+E(31)^17+E(31)^21+E(31)^22+E(31)^23+E(31)^24+E(31)^26+E(31)^27+E(31)^29+E(31)^30, E(31)+E(31)^2+E(31)^4+E(31)^5+E(31)^7+E(31)^8+E(31)^9 +E(31)^10+E(31)^14+E(31)^16+E(31)^18+E(31)^19+E(31)^20+E(31)^25+E(31)^28, 15 ] ], RelationMatrix := [ [ 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1 ], [ 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, ","706","0.7941507311586051","0.0","0.0" "03e106917b4bcb6bf56db984044943d1f97daa1f","as_31_22615.g",".g","GAP","rec( CharacterTable := [ [ 1, 15, 15, 1 ], [ 1, E(31)+E(31)^2+E(31)^4+E(31)^5+E(31)^7+E(31)^8+E(31)^9+E(31)^10+E(31)^14+E(31)^16+E(31)^18+E(31)^19+E(31)^20+E(31)^25+E(31)^28, E(31)^3+E(31)^6+E(31)^11+E(31)^12+E(31)^13+E(31)^15+E(31)^17+E(31)^21+E(31)^22+E(31)^23+E(31)^24+E(31)^26+E(31)^27+E(31)^29+E(31)^30, 15 ], [ 1, E(31)^3+E(31)^6+E(31)^11+E(31)^12+E(31)^13+E(31)^15+E(31)^17+E(31)^21+E(31)^22+E(31)^23+E(31)^24+E(31)^26+E(31)^27+E(31)^29+E(31)^30, E(31)+E(31)^2+E(31)^4+E(31)^5+E(31)^7+E(31)^8+E(31)^9 +E(31)^10+E(31)^14+E(31)^16+E(31)^18+E(31)^19+E(31)^20+E(31)^25+E(31)^28, 15 ] ], RelationMatrix := [ [ 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 ], [ 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ], [ 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1 ], [ 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, ","706","0.7941507311586051","0.0","0.0" "00813ff31d57b402fd112ecc0f96ba2356d6fa37","as_31_7164.g",".g","GAP","rec( CharacterTable := [ [ 1, 15, 15, 1 ], [ 1, E(31)+E(31)^2+E(31)^4+E(31)^5+E(31)^7+E(31)^8+E(31)^9+E(31)^10+E(31)^14+E(31)^16+E(31)^18+E(31)^19+E(31)^20+E(31)^25+E(31)^28, E(31)^3+E(31)^6+E(31)^11+E(31)^12+E(31)^13+E(31)^15+E(31)^17+E(31)^21+E(31)^22+E(31)^23+E(31)^24+E(31)^26+E(31)^27+E(31)^29+E(31)^30, 15 ], [ 1, E(31)^3+E(31)^6+E(31)^11+E(31)^12+E(31)^13+E(31)^15+E(31)^17+E(31)^21+E(31)^22+E(31)^23+E(31)^24+E(31)^26+E(31)^27+E(31)^29+E(31)^30, E(31)+E(31)^2+E(31)^4+E(31)^5+E(31)^7+E(31)^8+E(31)^9 +E(31)^10+E(31)^14+E(31)^16+E(31)^18+E(31)^19+E(31)^20+E(31)^25+E(31)^28, 15 ] ], RelationMatrix := [ [ 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2 ], [ 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1 ], [ 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, ","706","0.7941507311586051","0.0","0.0" "14018b78e2f9de4e4baac5ec0aaac0023877417e","as_31_73694.g",".g","GAP","rec( CharacterTable := [ [ 1, 15, 15, 1 ], [ 1, E(31)+E(31)^2+E(31)^4+E(31)^5+E(31)^7+E(31)^8+E(31)^9+E(31)^10+E(31)^14+E(31)^16+E(31)^18+E(31)^19+E(31)^20+E(31)^25+E(31)^28, E(31)^3+E(31)^6+E(31)^11+E(31)^12+E(31)^13+E(31)^15+E(31)^17+E(31)^21+E(31)^22+E(31)^23+E(31)^24+E(31)^26+E(31)^27+E(31)^29+E(31)^30, 15 ], [ 1, E(31)^3+E(31)^6+E(31)^11+E(31)^12+E(31)^13+E(31)^15+E(31)^17+E(31)^21+E(31)^22+E(31)^23+E(31)^24+E(31)^26+E(31)^27+E(31)^29+E(31)^30, E(31)+E(31)^2+E(31)^4+E(31)^5+E(31)^7+E(31)^8+E(31)^9 +E(31)^10+E(31)^14+E(31)^16+E(31)^18+E(31)^19+E(31)^20+E(31)^25+E(31)^28, 15 ] ], RelationMatrix := [ [ 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2 ], [ 2, 0, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ], [ 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1 ], [ 2, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, ","706","0.7941507311586051","0.0","0.0" "00eda5047f89ccefe9826c9f91d0b3a730368954","global.gd",".gd","GAP","extends Node var score = 0; # Declare member variables here. Examples: # var a = 2 # var b = ""text"" # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): pass # Replace with function body. # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. #func _process(delta): # pass ","83","0.09336332958380203","0.0","0.0" "072957e22391863daadc6aa3b5fdd63fdb59d9fe","FallOffCliff.gd",".gd","GAP","extends Area2D # Declare member variables here. Examples: # var a = 2 # var b = ""text"" signal cliff_fall signal cliff_fall_playe func _on_Cliff1_body_entered(body): if body.collision_layer == 1: print(""hi"") emit_signal(""cliff_fall_enemy"") else: emit_signal(""cliff_fall_player"") func _on_Cliff2_body_entered(body): print(""hi"") emit_signal(""cliff_fall_enemy"") func _on_Cliff3_body_entered(body): emit_signal(""cliff_fall_enemy"") pass # Replace with function body. ","83","0.09336332958380203","0.0","0.0" "0e0ab8b110b78f8f6891bbcf1e087022b1c4548e","ZDB564.gd",".gd","GAP","#=GENOME_DIFF 1.0 #=AUTHOR Barrick #=REFSEQ BarrickLab-Public:release/reference/REL606.5.gbk #=READSEQ SRA:SRR098289 SNP 126 49 REL606 9972 G SNP 127 50 REL606 10563 A MOB 110 39,20 REL606 16990 IS150 1 3 SNP 128 51 REL606 81158 C SNP 129 52 REL606 216480 T SNP 130 53 REL606 247796 C SNP 131 54 REL606 281923 T SNP 132 55 REL606 398061 C INS 133 56 REL606 433359 T INS 134 57,58 REL606 473901 CG MOB 111 10,3 REL606 546191 IS1 1 9 DEL 105 59,35 REL606 547700 2651 mediated=IS1 SNP 135 60 REL606 553093 T AMP 125 43 REL606 625889 2933 2 MOB 112 25,5 REL606 643362 IS150 1 3 SNP 136 61 REL606 648692 T SNP 137 62 REL606 734488 T SNP 138 63 REL606 943475 T DEL 164 27,64 REL606 1270033 535 between=ldr edit=1 repeats=repeats MOB 165 7 REL606 1270660 IS150 -1 4 edit=1 SNP 139 65 REL606 1331794 A MOB 113 11,30 REL606 1420709 IS3 1 4 ins_start=GA MOB 114 2,18 REL606 1428792 IS1 -1 9 MOB 115 9,24 REL606 1451972 IS150 -1 3 DEL 166 16,66 REL606 1462254 69 edit=1 mediated=IS150 MOB 167 19 REL606 1462320 ","83","0.09336332958380203","0.0","0.0" "0528de99cf3be63a6f1bd6d154e1aaee2c90f237","godothub.gd",".gd","GAP","# GodotHub Client Class # Author: Nik Mirza # Email: nik96mirza[at]gmail.com signal error(err) # Declare signals signal listening signal connected signal join(id) signal left(id) signal message(data) signal ping(ping) var conn var server = { port = 5000, host = '', } var client = { ID = """", channel = 'global' } func _init(serverport = 5000, serverhost = '', serverchannel= ""global"", listenport = 4000): server.host = serverhost server.port = serverport client.channel = serverchannel conn = PacketPeerUDP.new() var err = conn.listen(listenport) if err: emit_signal(""error"", err) conn.set_send_address(server.host,server.port) send_data({event=""connecting""}) func is_listening(): if !conn.is_listening(): return false if data_available(): var data = get_data() if data.event == ""connected"": emit_signal(""connected"") client.ID = data.ID return if data.event == ""join"": emit_signal(""join"", data.ID)#join signal when data is rec","83","0.09336332958380203","0.0","0.0" "06e13e3028e7f5403bc9ae2e84297fb5cb4d6de2","NPolytope.gd",".gd","GAP","############################################################################## ## ## Polytope.gd NConvex package Sebastian Gutsche ## Kamal Saleh ## ## Copyright 2011 Lehrstuhl B für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen ## ## Polytopes for NConvex package. ## ############################################################################# DeclareCategory( ""IsPolytope"", IsConvexObject ); #################################### ## ## Constructors ## #################################### #! @Chapter Polytopes #! @Section Creating polytopes #! @Arguments arg #! @Returns a **Polytope** Object #! @Description #! The function takes a list in which every entry represents an inequality and returns the polytope defined by them. DeclareOperation( ""PolytopeByInequalities"", [ IsList ] ); #! @Arguments arg #! @Returns a **Polytope** Object #! @Description #! The function takes the list of the ve","83","0.09336332958380203","0.0","0.0" "06690bfadf02e2ea26fec3da5916997e3b3a80dc","tree-def.gi",".gi","GAP","#################################################################################################### ## ## This file installs functions for PredicataTrees. ## #################################################################################################### ## #F PredicataTree() ## InstallGlobalFunction( PredicataTree, function (args...) local A, F, r, predtree, predcurrent, predstack, treeobj; if Length(args) = 0 then r:=""""; elif Length(args) = 1 then r:=args[1]; else Error(""PredicataTree failed, only one optional argument allowed.\n""); fi; # Defining new family F:=NewFamily(""PredicataTreeFam"", IsPredicataTreeObj); predtree:=[r]; predcurrent:=predtree; predstack:=PredicataStack(); PushPredicataStack(predstack, predtree); treeobj:=rec(tree:=predtree, currenttree:=predcurrent, stack:=predstack, predrep:=PredicataRepresentation(), bounded:=[], free:=[]); A:=Objectify(NewType(F, IsPredicataTreeObj and IsPredicataTreeRep and IsAttributeStoringRep),","54","0.06074240719910011","0.0","0.0" "20a4e8fd7b5cdbb0eedc4bee0ee92d60afadb775","CocartesianCategoriesDerivedMethods_extra.gi",".gi","GAP","# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # CartesianCategories: Cartesian and cocartesian categories and various subdoctrines # # Implementations # ## AddDerivationToCAP( CoproductOnMorphismsWithGivenCoproducts, function( cat, s, alpha, beta, r ) return CoproductFunctorialWithGivenCoproducts( cat, s, [ Source( alpha ), Source( beta ) ], [ alpha, beta ], [ Range( alpha ), Range( beta ) ], r ); end : Description := ""CoproductOnMorphisms is CoproductFunctorial"", CategoryFilter := IsCocartesianCategory ); ## AddDerivationToCAP( CocartesianLeftUnitorInverseWithGivenCoproduct, function( cat, a, r ) return InjectionOfCofactorOfCoproductWithGivenCoproduct( cat, [ InitialObject( cat ), a ], 2, r ); end : Description := ""CocartesianLeftUnitorInverseWithGivenCoproduct using the injectio","54","0.06074240719910011","0.0","0.0" "1ebb2605cf397941a224f29041e1e06ae84eb329","matmeths.gi",".gi","GAP","############################################################################ ## ## matmeths.gi IRREDSOL Burkhard Höfling ## ## Copyright © 2003–2016 Burkhard Höfling ## ############################################################################ ## #M Degree() ## ## see IRREDSOL documentation ## InstallMethod(Degree, ""for matrix group"", true, [IsMatrixGroup], 0, DegreeOfMatrixGroup); ############################################################################ ## #M DegreeOfMatrixGroup() ## ## see IRREDSOL documentation ## InstallMethod(DegreeOfMatrixGroup, ""for matrix group with dimension"", true, [IsMatrixGroup and HasDimension], 0, Dimension); InstallMethod(DegreeOfMatrixGroup, ""for matrix group with dimension"", true, [IsMatrixGroup and HasDimensionOfMatrixGroup], 0, DimensionOfMatrixGroup); ############################################################################ ## #M IsIrreducible() ","54","0.06074240719910011","0.0","0.0" "00614dba36e6038bd9acc1a183b75d8a8d751c91","addgphom.gi",".gi","GAP","############################################################################# ## ## This file is part of GAP, a system for computational discrete algebra. ## This files's authors include Scott Murray, Alexander Hulpke. ## ## Copyright of GAP belongs to its developers, whose names are too numerous ## to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file for details. ## ## SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later ## ## This file contains declarations for mappings between groups and additive ## groups. ## ############################################################################# ## #F GroupToAdditiveGroupHomomorphismByFunction( , , ) #F GroupToAdditiveGroupHomomorphismByFunction( , , , ) ## InstallGlobalFunction(GroupToAdditiveGroupHomomorphismByFunction,function(arg) local map; # no inverse function given if Length(arg) = 3 then # make the general mapping map:= Objectify( NewType(GeneralMappingsFamily(ElementsFamily","54","0.06074240719910011","0.0","0.0" "1a230dde8ec28009236f9f7f39d26ba476c291c2","cse_rand.gi",".gi","GAP"," # Copyright (c) 2018-2019, Carnegie Mellon University # See LICENSE for details RandInput := () -> Complex( RandomList([1..2^27])/(1.0*2^27), RandomList([1..2^27])/(1.0*2^27)); RandValExp := function(exp) local e, rargs; if IsBound(exp.randVal) then return exp.randVal; elif IsValue(exp) then exp.randVal := exp.v; return exp.randVal; elif IsLoc(exp) then exp.randVal := RandInput(); #Print(""RandInput : "", exp, "" = "", exp.randVal, ""\n""); return exp.randVal; else rargs := List(exp.args, RandValExp); e := ApplyFunc(ObjId(exp), rargs); e := e.ev(); Constraint(not IsExp(e) and not IsLoc(e)); exp.randVal := e; return exp.randVal; fi; end; RandValAssign := function(cmd) local r; if IsBound(cmd.loc.randVal) then return cmd.loc.randVal; elif IsBound(cmd.exp.randVal) then cmd.loc.randVal := cmd.exp.randVal; return cmd.loc.randVal; else r := RandValExp(cmd.exp); cmd.exp.randVal := r; cmd.loc.randVal := r; return r; fi; ","54","0.06074240719910011","0.0","0.0" "00b3e9bca6ea8cc9a9772f759d3fadc05f4b589c","wedderga03.tst",".tst","GAP","# wedderga, chapter 3 # [ ""/Users/alexk/gap4r7p8/pkg/wedderga/doc/SSP.xml"", 24, 45 ] gap> StrongShodaPairs( SymmetricGroup(4) ); [ [ Sym( [ 1 .. 4 ] ), Group([ (1,4)(2,3), (1,3)(2,4), (2,4,3), (3,4) ]) ], [ Sym( [ 1 .. 4 ] ), Group([ (1,4)(2,3), (1,3)(2,4), (2,4,3) ]) ], [ Group([ (3,4), (1,3,2,4) ]), Group([ (1,3,2,4), (1,2)(3,4) ]) ], [ Group([ (1,3,2,4), (3,4) ]), Group([ (3,4), (1,2)(3,4) ]) ], [ Group([ (2,4,3), (1,4)(2,3) ]), Group([ (1,4)(2,3), (1,3)(2,4) ]) ] ] gap> StrongShodaPairs( DihedralGroup(64) ); [ [ , Group([ f6, f5, f4, f3, f1, f2 ]) ], [ , Group([ f6, f5, f4, f3, f1*f2 ]) ], [ , Group([ f6, f5, f4, f3, f2 ]) ], [ , Group([ f6, f5, f4, f3, f1 ]) ], [ Group([ f1*f2, f4*f5*f6, f5*f6, f6, f3, f3 ]), Group([ f6, f5, f4, f1*f2 ]) ], [ Group([ f6, f5, f2, f3, f4 ]), Group([ f6, f5 ]) ","21","0.023622047244094488","0.0","0.0" "161202622582f325e754009c07f2345a09d3b51e","lists.tst",".tst","GAP","# # Tests for functions defined in src/lists.c # gap> START_TEST(""kernel/lists.tst""); # gap> enum:=Enumerator(Integers); gap> IsList(enum); true gap> Length(enum); infinity gap> IsSmallList(enum); false # gap> ISB_LIST(1,2); Error, IsBound: must be a list (not the integer 1) gap> ISB_LIST([1],1); true gap> ISB_LIST([1],2); false gap> ISB_LIST([1],[1,2]); Error, no method found! For debugging hints type ?Recovery from NoMethodFound Error, no 1st choice method found for `IsBound[]' on 2 arguments gap> ISB_LIST([[1,2],[3,4]],[1,2]); Error, no method found! For debugging hints type ?Recovery from NoMethodFound Error, no 1st choice method found for `IsBound[]' on 2 arguments # gap> UNB_LIST(1,2); Error, Unbind: must be a list (not the integer 1) gap> UNB_LIST([1],1); gap> UNB_LIST([1],2); # gap> ELM0_LIST([1],1); 1 gap> ELM0_LIST([1],2); fail gap> ELM0_LIST(1,2); Error, List Element: must be a list (not the integer 1) # gap> ELM_LIST([1],1)","21","0.023622047244094488","0.0","0.0" "03dd124af8245bb8ed1fc6c0fb0ae4186469b386","2007-02-14-t00170.tst",".tst","GAP","# 2007/02/14 (SL) gap> m:= [ [ Z(2,18)^0, 0*Z(2,18) ], > [ Z(2)^0+Z(2,18)+Z(2,18)^2+Z(2,18)^7+Z(2,18)^8+Z(2,18)^10+Z(2,18)^12 > +Z(2,18)^14+Z(2,18)^15, Z(2,18)^0 ] ];; gap> KroneckerProduct( [[Z(2)]], m ); [
, [ 1+z+z2+z7+z8+z10+z12+z14+z15, z0 ] ] ","21","0.023622047244094488","0.0","0.0" "0ee1c6003e900811ff5788d6d5ae9fe6135a2e87","grppc.tst",".tst","GAP","############################################################################# ## #W grppc.tst GAP tests Alexander Hulpke ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 1997 ## ## To be listed in testinstall.g ## gap> START_TEST(""grppc.tst""); gap> h:=Group((1,2,3,4),(1,2));; gap> m:=IsomorphismPcGroup(h);; gap> hh:=Image(m,h);; gap> pcgs:=Pcgs(hh);; gap> ForAll(pcgs,i->PreImagesRepresentative(m,i) in h); true gap> g:=WreathProduct(Group((1,2,3),(1,2)),Group((1,2,3,4,5,6,7)));; gap> i:=IsomorphismPcGroup(g);; gap> g:=Range(i);; gap> u:=Subgroup(g,GeneratorsOfGroup(g){[2..15]});; gap> n:=Subgroup(g,[g.1]);; gap> v:=Normalizer(u,n);; gap> IsSubgroup(u,v); true gap> G:=function() > local g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7,g8,g9,g10,g11,g12,g13,g14,r,f,g,rws,x; > f:=FreeGroup(IsSyllableWordsFamily,14); g:=GeneratorsOfGroup(f); > g1:=g[1]; g2:=g[2]; > g3:=g[3]; g4:=g[4]; g5:=g[5]; g6:=g[6]; g7:=g[7]; g8:=g[8]; g9:=g[9]; > g10:=g[10]; g11:=g[11]; g12:=g[12]; g13:=g[13]; g14:=g[14]; > rws:=Si","21","0.023622047244094488","0.0","0.0" "090d68818942123d6763b4948eed455506bcb310","ListBlist.tst",".tst","GAP","gap> START_TEST(""ListBlist.tst""); # gap> ListBlist([],[false,true]); Error, ListBlist: must have the same length as (lengths are 2 a\ nd 0) gap> ListBlist([],[1,2]); Error, ListBlist: must be a boolean list (not a plain list of cyclotom\ ics) gap> ListBlist([],[]); [ ] gap> ListBlist([1,2],[false,true]); [ 2 ] gap> ListBlist([false,true],[false,true]); [ true ] gap> ListBlist([1..5],[false,true,false,true,false]); [ 2, 4 ] gap> ListBlist([1..5],[true,false,true,false,true]); [ 1, 3, 5 ] # gap> STOP_TEST(""ListBlist.tst"", 1); ","21","0.023622047244094488","0.0","0.0" "09b4cef8b9970cb28933d9d368d7b16ae45f0bee","sse.md",".md","GCC Machine Description",";; GCC machine description for SSE instructions ;; Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This file is part of GCC. ;; ;; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; ;; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see ;; . (define_c_enum ""unspec"" [ ;; SSE UNSPEC_MOVNT UNSPEC_LOADU UNSPEC_STOREU ;; SSE3 UNSPEC_LDDQU ;; SSSE3 UNSPEC_PSHUFB UNSPEC_PSIGN UNSPEC_PALIGNR ;; For SSE4A support UNSPEC_EXTRQI UNSPEC_EXTRQ UNSPE","35","1.4583333333333333","0.0","0.0" "1740112f720dd06cf377943ea488f616c32f7365","rl78.md",".md","GCC Machine Description",";; Machine Description for Renesas RL78 processors ;; Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Contributed by Red Hat. ;; This file is part of GCC. ;; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see ;; . (define_constants [ (AX_REG 0) (X_REG 0) (A_REG 1) (BC_REG 2) (C_REG 2) (B_REG 3) (DE_REG 4) (E_REG 4) (D_REG 5) (HL_REG 6) (L_REG 6) (H_REG 7) (FP_REG 22) (S","35","1.4583333333333333","0.0","0.0" "17f7fc1766b49398f435f44aa07df3b74f465948","603.md",".md","GCC Machine Description",";; Scheduling description for PowerPC 603 processor. ;; Copyright (C) 2003-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This file is part of GCC. ;; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your ;; option) any later version. ;; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public ;; License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see ;; . (define_automaton ""ppc603,ppc603fp"") (define_cpu_unit ""iu_603"" ""ppc603"") (define_cpu_unit ""fpu_603"" ""ppc603fp"") (define_cpu_unit ""lsu_603,bpu_603,sru_603"" ""ppc603"") ;; PPC603/PPC603e 32-bit IU, LSU, FPU, BPU, SRU ;; Max issue 3","35","1.4583333333333333","0.0","0.0" "063245acab1155e56bda2ec0e43eba3c05d90dba","predicates.md",".md","GCC Machine Description",";; Predicate definitions for MIPS. ;; Copyright (C) 2004, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This file is part of GCC. ;; ;; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; ;; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see ;; . (define_predicate ""const_uns_arith_operand"" (and (match_code ""const_int"") (match_test ""SMALL_OPERAND_UNSIGNED (INTVAL (op))""))) (define_predicate ""uns_arith_operand"" (ior (match_operand 0 ""const_uns_arith_operan","35","1.4583333333333333","0.0","0.0" "13c03290580066103f7cedb7ad4074dd4c551296","power4.md",".md","GCC Machine Description",";; Scheduling description for IBM Power4 and PowerPC 970 processors. ;; Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This file is part of GCC. ;; ;; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your ;; option) any later version. ;; ;; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public ;; License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see ;; . ;; Sources: IBM Red Book and White Paper on POWER4 ;; The POWER4 has 2 iu, 2 fpu, 2 lsu per engine (2 engines per chip). ;; Instructions that update more than one register get broken into two ;; (split) or","35","1.4583333333333333","0.0","0.0" "00c33f7fe6670c60687e2155a0d65b8199f7100e","tests.gdb",".gdb","GDB","# Test file for CS120BLAB4PT2 # commands.gdb provides the following functions for ease: # test """" # Where is the message to print. Must call this at the beginning of every test # Example: test ""PINA: 0x00 => expect PORTC: 0x01"" # checkResult # Verify if the test passed or failed. Prints ""passed."" or ""failed."" accordingly, # Must call this at the end of every test. # expectPORTx # With x as the port (A,B,C,D) # The value the port is epected to have. If not it will print the erroneous actual value # setPINx # With x as the port or pin (A,B,C,D) # The value to set the pin to (can be decimal or hexidecimal # Example: setPINA 0x01 # printPORTx f OR printPINx f # With x as the port or pin (A,B,C,D) # With f as a format option which can be: [d] decimal, [x] hexadecmial (default), [t] binary # Example: printPORTC d # printDDRx # With x as the DDR (A,B,C,D) # Examp","67","0.9710144927536232","0.0","0.0" "1e9029bbc4486133e279192c917cfc823a912a24","test-1.gdb",".gdb","GDB","# in batch mode: set width 0 set height 0 set verbose off # at entry point - cmd1 break main commands 1 print argc print argv[1] print argv[2] print argv[3] continue end # show arguments for program show args printf ""Note, however: in batch mode, arguments will be ignored!\n"" # info breakpoints # note: even if arguments are shown; # must specify cmdline arg for ""run"" # when running in batch mode! (then they are ignored) # below, we specify command line argument ""2"": run 1 -6 9 # run run 10 8 19 # run #start # alternative to run: runs to main, and stops #continue ","67","0.9710144927536232","0.0","0.0" "0033702b5f5f6e36bc0d2a328ac801c8a733d4ba","020.peda.gdb",".gdb","GDB","source /lib/python2.7/site-packages/peda/peda.py ","67","0.9710144927536232","0.0","0.0" "003765567278ab92f9ec5c3d9d5efa746b7c820a","step_mult.gdb",".gdb","GDB","# file; step_mult.gdb define step_mult set $step_mult_max = 1000 if $argc >= 1 set @step_mult_max = $arg0 endif set $step_mult_count = 0 while ($step_mult_count < $step_mult_max) set $step_mult_count = $step_mult_count + 1 printf ""step #%d\n"", $step_mult_count step end end ","67","0.9710144927536232","0.0","0.0" "1c8df6fb5d57a9c5f0edc200dd62d546be0e192c","sf_987dd60dc962e6d702a64cc084c3cb01-305-minimized.csv.gdb",".gdb","GDB","[tcsetpgrp failed in terminal_inferior: Inappropriate ioctl for device] [tcsetpgrp failed in terminal_inferior: Inappropriate ioctl for device] [tcsetpgrp failed in terminal_inferior: Inappropriate ioctl for device] Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00000000004042ed in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffde08) at csvParser.cpp:68 68 *wordCount = *wordCount + 1; Found_with_CERT_BFF_2.8 Running: /home/cs6340/bff/csvParser/csvParser /home/cs6340/fuzzing/campaign_XznRCi/iteration_JedugU/BFF_testcase_MLWUus/sf_987dd60dc962e6d702a64cc084c3cb01-305-minimized.csv Description: Access violation near NULL on source operand Short description: SourceAvNearNull (16/22) Hash: ccc19242a1b954b526c065779e62b374.ccc19242a1b954b526c065779e62b374 Exploitability Classification: PROBABLY_NOT_EXPLOITABLE Explanation: The target crashed on an access violation at an address matching the source operand of the current instruction. This likely indicates a read access violation, which m","67","0.9710144927536232","0.0","0.0" "173a978c34f8e28f1b750b7bf5c6ca73739e67f7",".gdbinit",".gdbinit","GDB","# https://fedorahosted.org/spacewalk/browser/monitoring/PerlModules/CPAN/mod_perl/.gdbinit #some handy debugging macros, hopefully you'll never need them #some don't quite work, like dump_hv and hv_fetch, #where's the bloody manpage for .gdbinit syntax? handle SIGPIPE nostop noprint pass define thttpd run -X -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -d `pwd`/t # set $sv = perl_eval_pv(""$Apache::ErrLog = '/tmp/mod_perl_error_log'"",1) end define httpd run -X -d `pwd` set $sv = perl_eval_pv(""$Apache::ErrLog = Apache->server_root_relative('logs/error_log')"", 1) #printf ""error_log = %s\n"", ((XPV*) ($sv)->sv_any )->xpv_pv end define STpvx print ((XPV*) (PL_stack_base [ax + ($arg0)] )->sv_any )->xpv_pv end define TOPs print ((XPV*) (**sp)->sv_any )->xpv_pv end define curstash print ((XPVHV*) (PL_curstash)->sv_any)->xhv_name end define defstash print ((XPVHV*) (PL_defstash)->sv_any)->xhv_name end define curinfo set $THX = Perl_get_context() printf ""%d:%s\n"", \ ","14","0.2028985507246377","0.0","0.0" "092cedd9211d3527f6f79cfb2eb0e445cc5b2e4c",".gdbinit",".gdbinit","GDB","# A simple .gdbinit script to improve the low-level debuggability of the RoarVM # Standard helper define print_all_stack_traces call pat() end document print_all_stack_traces | Prints all Smalltalk processes' stacks end #alias -a pat = print_all_stack_traces define print_stack_trace call pst() end document print_stack_trace | Prints the stack trace of the current thread's interpreter instance. end #alias -a pst = print_stack_trace define print_stack_frame call print_stack_frame() end document print_stack_frame | Prints the current top most Smalltalk frame end #alias -a psf = print_stack_frame define print_object call dp($arg0) end document print_object | Prints a Smalltalk object end #alias -a dp = print_object define print_object_with_fields call dpf($arg0) end document print_object_with_fields | Prints a Smalltalk object and its fields end #alias -a dpf = print_object_with_fields define enable_tracing call enableTracing() end document enable_t","14","0.2028985507246377","0.0","0.0" "03e3ec306b6fbc76f3801ac162cea65eef886975",".gdbinit",".gdbinit","GDB","b tHashTable01 ","14","0.2028985507246377","0.0","0.0" "1c0372f16b788c9a6c584e0876fe08a9a6b6beac",".gdbinit",".gdbinit","GDB"," define hook-next refresh end ","14","0.2028985507246377","0.0","0.0" "1c7a6401c4a0b1e56adfe87071832c9961da1516",".gdbinit",".gdbinit","GDB","if dummy_gdb_enums.special_consts end define rp if ruby_dummy_gdb_enums.special_consts end if (VALUE)$arg0 & RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG printf ""FIXNUM: %ld\n"", (long)$arg0 >> 1 else if ((VALUE)$arg0 & ~(~(VALUE)0<> RUBY_SPECIAL_SHIFT else if $arg0 == RUBY_Qfalse echo false\n else if $arg0 == RUBY_Qtrue echo true\n else if $arg0 == RUBY_Qnil echo nil\n else if $arg0 == RUBY_Qundef echo undef\n else if (VALUE)$arg0 & RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK echo immediate\n else set $flags = ((struct RBasic*)$arg0)->flags if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_NONE printf ""T_NONE: "" print (struct RBasic *)$arg0 else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_NIL printf ""T_NIL: "" print (struct RBasic *)$arg0 else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_OBJECT printf ""T_OBJECT: "" print (struct RObject *)$arg0 else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_CLASS pri","14","0.2028985507246377","0.0","0.0" "148172bc153a5ed60948f5fe75a0ab1093e566e3","PipeStart.gd",".gd","GDScript","extends Node2D var Name = ""PipeStart"" func _ready(): game.connect(""started_changed"", self, ""_on_started_changed"") pass # Replace with function body. func _on_started_changed(): if game.started: $AnimationPlayer.play(""Start"") func _on_TouchScreenButton_pressed(): if !game.started: rotate(deg2rad(90)) func _on_AnimationPlayer_animation_finished(anim_name): if anim_name == ""Start"": if $RayCast2D.is_colliding(): var Pipe : Node2D = $RayCast2D.get_collider().get_parent() var Side : Node2D = $RayCast2D.get_collider() if Pipe.Name == ""PipeCorner"": corner_collider(Pipe, Side) if Pipe.Name == ""PipeHorizontal"": horizontal_collider(Pipe, Side) else: game.started = false get_tree().reload_current_scene() pass # Replace with function body. func corner_collider(Pipe : Node2D, Side : Node2D): if Pipe.Right == Side: Side.queue_free() Pipe.play_right_animation() elif Pipe.Bottom == Side: Side.queue_free() Pipe.play_bottom_animation() pass func","856","1.010625737898465","0.0","0.0" "0923851915af2c9a48b5f635cab7fdfafa1301fc","Grather.gd",".gd","GDScript","extends Node2D onready var util = $Util onready var label = $Label onready var select = $Node2D/selection var resource:Node2D var storage :Node2D var res_amount = 0 var res_type = null var _state = state.idle var selection = false setget set_selection signal grather_clicked(selected) enum state { idle, moveToResourceNode, gatheringResource, movingToStorage } func set_selection(value): selection = value select.active = value func _ready() -> void: self.selection = false func _process(delta): if !storage and game.get_storage(): storage = game.get_storage() match _state: state.idle: if resource: _state = state.moveToResourceNode state.moveToResourceNode: if util.is_idle(): util.move_to(resource, 10) state.gatheringResource: if res_amount > 0: # resource = game.get_near_gold(resource.position) resource = Util.get_near_res(resource) _state = state.movingToStorage else: if resource.has_resource()","856","1.010625737898465","0.0","0.0" "1e43726c2d9354617d1d33c6f0fd2d7d806e3f9b","tactical_map.gd",".gd","GDScript","extends Spatial enum ITEM_SOIL { DIRT, GRASS} enum ITEM_OBSTACLES { DEAD_OAK_1, DEAD_OAK_2, DEAD_OAK_3, DEAD_SPRUCE_1, DEAD_SPRUCE_2, DEAD_SPRUCE_3, OAK_TREE_1, OAK_TREE_2, OAK_TREE_3, SPRUCE_TREE_1, SPRUCE_TREE_2, SPRUCE_TREE_3, STONE_1, STONE_2, STONE_3 } enum ITEM_VEGETATION { GRASS_1, GRASS_2, GRASS_3, GRASS_4, GRASS_5, GRASS_6, MUSHROOM_1, MUSHROOM_2, MUSHROOM_3, MUSHROOM_4 } var map_widht: int = 70 var map_height: int = 70 var cell_size: Vector2 = Vector2(2, 2) var amount_blade_in_cell: int = 40 onready var grass: Spatial = $Grass onready var soil: GridMap = $Soil onready var obstacles: GridMap = $Obstacles onready var vegetation: GridMap = $Vegetation onready var astar := AStar.new() var terrain_obj := {} # tracking object types func _ready(): randomize() func init_map() -> void: $VBoxContainer.hide() $Camera.hide() generate_map() _init_astar() func generate_map() -> void: clear_map() var noiseMapGenerator = TacticalMa","856","1.010625737898465","0.0","0.0" "0ef59f0d0e4d685c26b1b7f5e96fcddfbd60b6b5","MenuStart.gd",".gd","GDScript","extends Node func _ready(): $MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/TextureButton.grab_focus() func _physics_process(delta): if$MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/TextureButton.is_hovered(): $MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/TextureButton.grab_focus() if$MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/TextureButton2.is_hovered(): $MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/TextureButton2.grab_focus() func _on_TextureButton_pressed(): get_tree().change_scene(""res://Scenes/Scenarios/StageCastle.tscn"") func _on_TextureButton2_pressed(): get_tree().quit() ","856","1.010625737898465","0.0","0.0" "0363c87e686fe52d4eea8270a88c1e750bdc7088","test-chat-theme.gd",".gd","GDScript","extends ""res://addons/gut/test.gd"" var chat_theme := ChatTheme.new() func test_border_color_dark() -> void: chat_theme.dark = true # very bright; little if any adjustment chat_theme.color = Color(""e8e3ee"") assert_eq(""ffd6d2da"", chat_theme.border_color.to_html()) # dim; border color is brightened chat_theme.color = Color(""48336e"") assert_eq(""ff70589a"", chat_theme.border_color.to_html()) # black; border color is brightened chat_theme.color = Color(""000000"") assert_eq(""ff656565"", chat_theme.border_color.to_html()) func test_accent_color_dark() -> void: chat_theme.dark = true # very bright; accent color is darkened chat_theme.color = Color(""e8e3ee"") assert_eq(""ffa29fa6"", chat_theme.accent_color.to_html()) # dim; accent color is lightened chat_theme.color = Color(""48336e"") assert_eq(""ff513d75"", chat_theme.accent_color.to_html()) # black; accent color is lightened chat_theme.color = Color(""000000"") assert_eq(""ff4d4d4d"", chat_theme.accent_color.to_html()) ","856","1.010625737898465","0.0","0.0" "03858fdda1e2e8a6695a061a40e758749026a66d","testFamily.ged",".ged","GEDCOM","0 NOTE SSW555_Spring19 0 HEAD 1 SOUR Family Echo 2 WWW http://www.familyecho.com/ 1 FILE My Family 1 DATE 27 JAN 2019 1 DEST ANSTFILE 1 GEDC 2 VERS 5.5.1 2 FORM LINEAGE-LINKED 1 SUBM @I1@ 2 NAME Me. 1 SUBN 1 CHAR UTF-8 0 @I1@ INDI 1 NAME Robert /Fox/ 2 GIVN Robert 2 SURN Fox 2 _MARNM Fox 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 19 OCT 1787 1 FAMC @F1@ 0 @I2@ INDI 1 NAME Al /Fox/ 2 GIVN Al 2 SURN Fox 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 3 NOV 1958 1 DEAT Y 2 DATE 6 JUN 1989 1 FAMS @F1@ 0 @I3@ INDI 1 NAME Claire /Kayden/ 2 GIVN Claire 2 SURN Kayden 2 _MARNM Fox 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 5 MAY 1970 1 FAMS @F1@ 1 FAMS @F2@ 0 @I4@ INDI 1 NAME Bogart /Eddington/ 2 GIVN Bogart 2 SURN Eddington 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 3 AUG 1942 1 FAMS @F2@ 0 @I5@ INDI 1 NAME Rosa /Fox-Eddington/ 2 GIVN Rosa 2 SURN Fox-Eddington 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 2 FEB 1992 1 FAMC @F2@ 0 @I6@ INDI 1 NAME Carrie /Fox-Eddington/ 2 GIVN Carrie 2 SURN Fox-Eddington 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 2 FEB 1992 1 FAMS @F3@ 1 FAMC @F2@ 0 @I7@ INDI 1 NAME Alice /Fox-Eddington/ 2 GI","46","0.9387755102040817","0.0","0.0" "21cf12ae8e67d2df8532e1e5cef8722f8684bb23","52427027357048.ged",".ged","GEDCOM","0 HEAD 1 SOUR APPL 2 NAME AppleWatch: Nanosecond level reporting on profits at the technology behemoth of Cupertino,CA. 52427027357048 2 CORP Home Tech 1 FILE 52427027357048.ged 1 GEDC 2 VERS 5.5.1 2 FORM LINEAGE-LINKED 1 CHAR ANSEL 1 NOTE eyePod sales look promising. Customers can't get enough. 0 @SUBMISSION@ SUBN 0 TRLR ","46","0.9387755102040817","0.0","0.0" "0900389d90a60f8d25bee87bac3afb1da667caaa","Pete_sprint3_US20_test.ged",".ged","GEDCOM","0 HEAD 1 SOUR Family Echo 2 WWW http://www.familyecho.com/ 1 FILE Family 7 1 DATE 29 MAR 2020 1 DEST ANSTFILE 1 GEDC 2 VERS 5.5.1 2 FORM LINEAGE-LINKED 1 SUBM @I1@ 2 NAME Prathamesh 1 SUBN 1 CHAR UTF-8 0 @I1@ INDI 1 NAME Irena /Wolowitz/ 2 GIVN Irena 2 SURN Wolowitz 2 _MARNM Wolowitz 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 30 OCT 2000 1 FAMS @F1@ 1 FAMC @F2@ 0 @I2@ INDI 1 NAME Howard /Wolowitz/ 2 GIVN Howard 2 SURN Wolowitz 2 _MARNM Wolowitz 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 10 AUG 1979 1 FAMS @F2@ 1 FAMC @F3@ 0 @I3@ INDI 1 NAME Bernadett /Potter/ 2 GIVN Bernadett 2 SURN Potter 2 _MARNM Wolowitz 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 20 APR 1980 1 FAMS @F2@ 1 FAMC @F4@ 0 @I4@ INDI 1 NAME Maxim /Malfoy/ 2 GIVN Maxim 2 SURN Malfoy 2 _MARNM Malfoy 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 13 NOV 1958 1 FAMS @F4@ 0 @I5@ INDI 1 NAME Kelsa /Potter/ 2 GIVN Kelsa 2 SURN Potter 2 _MARNM Malfoy 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 9 MAY 1960 1 FAMS @F4@ 0 @I6@ INDI 1 NAME Lucius /Malfoy/ 2 GIVN Lucius 2 SURN Malfoy 2 _MARNM Malfoy 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 17 SEP 1986 1 FAMS @F1@","46","0.9387755102040817","0.0","0.0" "146ef86b3846dcb3bc0afcd59e8906872f0736d4","52426573772310.ged",".ged","GEDCOM","0 HEAD 1 SOUR APPL 2 NAME AppleWatch: Nanosecond level reporting on profits at the technology behemoth of Cupertino,CA. 52426573772310 2 CORP Home Tech 1 FILE 52426573772310.ged 1 GEDC 2 VERS 5.5.1 2 FORM LINEAGE-LINKED 1 CHAR ANSEL 1 NOTE eyePod sales look promising. Customers can't get enough. 0 @SUBMISSION@ SUBN 0 TRLR ","46","0.9387755102040817","0.0","0.0" "123ba3371c326b026829a98a042d71b17d2b8328","ENFAN1.GED",".ged","GEDCOM","0 HEAD 1 SOUR GEDFAN 2 NAME The GEDCOM Fan Creator 2 VERS 2 CORP Tamura Jones 3 ADDR 4 ADR1 Modern Software Experience 3 WWW http://www.tamurajones.net 1 DEST GEDFAN 1 DATE 21 Aug 2016 2 TIME 19:15:21 1 SUBM @U@ 1 FILE ENFAN1.GED 1 COPR Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Tamura Jones 1 GEDC 2 VERS 5.5.1 2 FORM LINEAGE-LINKED 1 CHAR UTF-8 1 LANG English 1 _STS 2 INDI 1 2 FAM 0 2 REPO 0 2 SOUR 0 2 NOTE 0 2 SUBM 1 2 OBJE 0 2 _LOC 0 0 @U@ SUBM 1 NAME The Gedcom Fan Creator 1 ADDR 2 ADR1 GedFan 1 WWW http://www.tamurajones.net/GedFan.xhtml 0 @I1@ INDI 1 NAME /one/ 2 SURN one 1 SEX U 0 TRLR ","46","0.9387755102040817","0.0","0.0" "2105b44d9e4c32fca76e0a2cc30fb46d9a06818d","spi2flatflex-conn.fp",".fp","GLSL"," Element["""" """" """" """" 69500 45000 0 0 0 100 """"] ( Pad[-17500 0 -12500 0 5000 2000 6000 """" ""2"" ""square""] Pad[-32500 0 -27500 0 5000 2000 6000 """" ""1"" ""square""] Pad[-2500 0 2500 0 5000 2000 6000 """" ""3"" ""square""] Pad[12500 0 17500 0 5000 2000 6000 """" ""4"" ""square,edge2""] Pad[27500 0 32500 0 5000 2000 6000 """" ""5"" ""square,edge2""] ElementLine [37000 0 41500 0 1000] ElementLine [37000 0 38500 -1500 1000] ElementLine [38500 -1500 38500 1500 1000] ElementLine [38500 1500 37000 0 1000] ) ","110","0.033690658499234305","0.0","0.0" "1e5cf028f80e4fc4ba01bdcef5d05ab484588742","material_lambertian.fp",".fp","GLSL","/** * material_lambertian.fp * * Fragment shader shader which writes material information needed for Lambertian shading to * the gbuffer. * * Written for Cornell CS 5625 (Interactive Computer Graphics). * Copyright (c) 2012, Computer Science Department, Cornell University. * * @author Asher Dunn (ad488) * @date 2012-03-27 */ /* ID of Lambertian material, so the lighting shader knows what material * this pixel is. */ const int LAMBERTIAN_MATERIAL_ID = 2; /* Material properties passed from the application. */ uniform vec3 DiffuseColor; /* Textures and flags for whether they exist. */ uniform sampler2D DiffuseTexture; uniform bool HasDiffuseTexture; /* Fragment position, normal, and texcoord passed from the vertex shader. */ varying vec3 EyespacePosition; varying vec3 EyespaceNormal; varying vec2 TexCoord; /* Encodes a normalized vector as a vec2. See Renderer.java for more info. */ vec2 encode(vec3 n) { return normalize(n.xy) * sqrt(0.5 * n.z + 0.5); } void main() {","110","0.033690658499234305","0.0","0.0" "10c177b081a35d2797a78d5fa24c21ce052b7cdf","JUMPER11H_F.fp",".fp","GLSL","Element["""" """" """" """" 0mm 0mm 0.0000 0.0000 0 100 """"] ( Pin[0mm 0mm 70mil 0.7620mm 78mil 0.9000mm """" ""1"" ""edge2,square""] Pin[0mm 2.54mm 70mil 0.7620mm 78mil 0.9000mm """" ""2"" ""edge2""] Pin[0mm 5.08mm 70mil 0.7620mm 78mil 0.9000mm """" ""3"" ""edge2""] Pin[0mm 7.62mm 70mil 0.7620mm 78mil 0.9000mm """" ""4"" ""edge2""] Pin[0mm 10.16mm 70mil 0.7620mm 78mil 0.9000mm """" ""5"" ""edge2""] Pin[0mm 12.7mm 70mil 0.7620mm 78mil 0.9000mm """" ""6"" ""edge2""] Pin[0mm 15.24mm 70mil 0.7620mm 78mil 0.9000mm """" ""7"" ""edge2""] Pin[0mm 17.78mm 70mil 0.7620mm 78mil 0.9000mm """" ""8"" ""edge2""] Pin[0mm 20.32mm 70mil 0.7620mm 78mil 0.9000mm """" ""9"" ""edge2""] Pin[0mm 22.86mm 70mil 0.7620mm 78mil 0.9000mm """" ""10"" ""edge2""] Pin[0mm 25.4mm 70mil 0.7620mm 78mil 0.9000mm """" ""11"" ""edge2""] ElementLine [1.5mm -1.27mm 1.5mm 26.67mm 0.2500mm] ElementLine [1.5mm 26.67mm 10mm 26.67mm 0.2500mm] ElementLine [10mm 26.67mm 10mm -1.27mm 0.2500mm] ElementLine [10mm -1.27mm 1.5mm -1.27mm 0.2500mm] ) ","110","0.033690658499234305","0.0","0.0" "062a969dd0b7deffa5b6b6c2efc5bb64c75a9f1b","blinn_per_vert.210102100000.fp",".fp","GLSL","!!ARBfp1.0 OPTION ARB_fragment_program_shadow; OPTION NV_fragment_program2; ATTRIB a_color0 = fragment.color; ATTRIB a_color1 = fragment.color.secondary; ATTRIB a_tex_color0 = fragment.texcoord[0]; ATTRIB a_tex_color1 = fragment.texcoord[1]; ATTRIB a_tex_color2 = fragment.texcoord[2]; ATTRIB a_tex_normal0 = fragment.texcoord[0]; ATTRIB a_tex_normal1 = fragment.texcoord[0]; ATTRIB a_tex_specular = fragment.texcoord[0]; ATTRIB a_tex_parency = fragment.texcoord[1]; ATTRIB a_tex_lucency = fragment.texcoord[1]; ATTRIB a_tex_shadow0 = fragment.texcoord[7]; ATTRIB a_tex_shadow1 = fragment.texcoord[2]; ATTRIB a_eye = fragment.texcoord[6]; ATTRIB a_half = fragment.texcoord[3]; ATTRIB a_normal = fragment.texcoord[5]; ATTRIB a_tangent = fragment.texcoord[3]; ATTRIB a_binormal = fragment.texcoord[4]; ATTRIB a_reflect = fragment.texcoord[5]; ATTRIB a_lit_hit = fragment.texcoord[2]; ATTRIB a_aniso_tangent = fragment.texcoord[7]; ATTRIB a_reflect_v = fragment.texcoord[7]; ATTRIB a_fogcoord = fragment","110","0.033690658499234305","0.0","0.0" "0e8d215c254bafc66f954bdccb0c5a8dd976e344","simplex_noise.fp",".fp","GLSL","###============================================================================== # Feedback Simplex Noise Fragment Program ###============================================================================== # # input: #-------------------------------- # texture 0 = _currentRender # # local[0] = offset scale (w = holds whether we're working with a cropped or full res texture) # # env[0] = 1.0 to _currentRender conversion # env[1] = fragment.position to 0.0 - 1.0 conversion # ###============================================================================== !!ARBfp1.0 OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; OUTPUT oColor = result.color; ATTRIB fPos = fragment.position; ATTRIB TC = fragment.texcoord[0]; PARAM nonPoT = program.env[0]; PARAM invRes = program.env[1]; PARAM size = program.local[0]; PARAM time = program.local[1]; PARAM scale = { 4.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; PARAM bias = { 2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; PARAM col = { 1, 0.5, 0, 0 }; PARAM F2 = 0.366025403784; PARAM G","110","0.033690658499234305","0.0","0.0" "1e4a4b4052e3e07e3420728b52d63ca54c08c079","shader.frag",".frag","GLSL","#version 330 core struct Material { vec3 ambient; vec3 diffuse; vec3 specular; float shininess; }; struct Light { vec3 position; vec3 direction; float quadratic; vec3 ambient; vec3 diffuse; vec3 specular; }; in vec3 pos; in vec3 norm; out vec4 color; uniform vec3 viewPos; uniform Material material; uniform Light light; uniform bool isNormalMode; void main() { vec3 md = material.diffuse; vec3 ms = material.specular; vec3 ma = material.ambient; vec3 ld = light.diffuse; vec3 ls = light.specular; vec3 la = light.ambient; vec3 nColor = vec3(normalize(norm + 1.0f)/2.0f); if (isNormalMode) md = ms = ma = nColor; vec3 lightDir = normalize(-light.direction); float attenuation = 1.0f; // Diffuse float diff = max(dot(norm, lightDir), 0.0); vec3 diffuse = ld * md * diff; // Specular vec3 viewDir = normalize(viewPos - pos); vec3 reflectDir = reflect(-lightDir, norm); float spec = pow(max(dot(viewDir, reflectDir), 0.0), material.shininess); vec3 specular =","782","0.23950995405819295","0.0","0.0" "10d5555f5f6be3ea267bb5d5adc21b8bb1d32a81","fragment-component-padding.pad-fragment.frag",".frag","GLSL","#include #include using namespace metal; struct main0_out { float4 FragColors_0 [[color(0)]]; float4 FragColors_1 [[color(1)]]; float4 FragColor2 [[color(2)]]; float4 FragColor3 [[color(3)]]; }; struct main0_in { float3 vColor [[user(locn0)]]; }; fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]]) { main0_out out = {}; float FragColors[2] = {}; float2 FragColor2 = {}; float3 FragColor3 = {}; FragColors[0] = in.vColor.x; FragColors[1] = in.vColor.y; FragColor2 = in.vColor.xz; FragColor3 = in.vColor.zzz; out.FragColors_0 = float4(FragColors[0]); out.FragColors_1 = float4(FragColors[1]); out.FragColor2 = FragColor2.xyyy; out.FragColor3 = FragColor3.xyzz; return out; } ","782","0.23950995405819295","0.0","0.0" "1affb1614a9d7f4e87d151664b2e8c2cf4f0254d","volume_raycaster.frag",".frag","GLSL","struct VolumeStruct { sampler3D volume; vec3 dimensions; }; uniform vec2 screen_dim_RCP; uniform float sampling_rate; #ifdef ISO uniform float iso_value; #endif #ifdef LOCAL_MIP uniform float local_MIP_threshold; #endif uniform float ze_to_zw_a; uniform float ze_to_zw_b; uniform sampler2D ray_entry_points; uniform sampler2D ray_entry_points_depth; uniform sampler2D ray_exit_points; uniform sampler2D ray_exit_points_depth; #ifdef VOLUME_1_ACTIVE uniform VolumeStruct volume_struct_1; uniform TF_SAMPLER_TYPE_1 transfer_function_1; #endif #ifdef VOLUME_2_ACTIVE uniform VolumeStruct volume_struct_2; uniform TF_SAMPLER_TYPE_2 transfer_function_2; #endif #ifdef VOLUME_3_ACTIVE uniform VolumeStruct volume_struct_3; uniform TF_SAMPLER_TYPE_3 transfer_function_3; #endif #ifdef VOLUME_4_ACTIVE uniform VolumeStruct volume_struct_4; uniform TF_SAMPLER_TYPE_4 transfer_function_4; #endif #ifdef VOLUME_5_ACTIVE uniform VolumeStruct volume_struct_5; uniform TF_SAMPLER_TYPE_5 transfer_functio","782","0.23950995405819295","0.0","0.0" "03e6610f04b50577d7a2db6a1461623183e7f048","special_BlurStreak.frag",".frag","GLSL"," out vec4 color; in vec2 v_TexCoord; uniform sampler2D sampler0; // Source Texture uniform int blur_amount; uniform int iteration; uniform vec2 size_and_direction; vec3 SiWrecklessStreakFilterRGB( sampler2D tSource, vec2 texCoord, vec2 streak_direction, int streakSamples, float attenuation, int iter) { vec2 texCoordSample = vec2(0.0); vec3 cOut = vec3(0.0); float b = pow(streakSamples, iter); for (int s = 0; s < streakSamples; s++) { // Weight = a^(b*s) float weight = pow(attenuation, b * s); // Streak direction is a 2D vector in image space texCoordSample = texCoord + (streak_direction * b * vec2(s, s)); // Scale and accumulate cOut += clamp(weight, 0.0, 1.0) * texture(tSource, texCoordSample).xyz; } return max(cOut, vec3(0.0)); } void main() { vec2 renderSize = vec2(1.0) / textureSize(sampler0, 0).xy; float atten = 0.89; vec3 streak = SiWrecklessStreakFilterRGB( sampler0, v_TexCoord, size_and_direction, blur_amount, atten, iteratio","782","0.23950995405819295","0.0","0.0" "1e3438c70c50531ada15931abf9ed47b640ef3bc","vec3_ps_t_1vec2_1float_frag.frag",".frag","GLSL"," /* ** Copyright (c) 2012 The Khronos Group Inc. ** ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ** copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the ** ""Materials""), to deal in the Materials without restriction, including ** without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ** distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to ** permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so, subject to ** the following conditions: ** ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included ** in all copies or substantial portions of the Materials. ** ** THE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED ""AS IS"", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ** MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ** CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF","782","0.23950995405819295","0.0","0.0" "01cdf4795291a49a591ee81bf64f33951621d08c","shadow_mapping_depth.fs",".fs","GLSL","#version 330 core in vec4 FragPos; uniform vec3 lightPos; uniform float far_plane; void main() { float lightDistance = length(FragPos.xyz - lightPos); //把fragment和光源之间的距离,映射到0到1的范围,把它写入为fragment的深度值。(线性距离) lightDistance = lightDistance / far_plane; gl_FragDepth = lightDistance; }","197","0.06033690658499234","0.0","0.0" "0ea001280a550acd236ace539ea133c66d243f82","gltextshader.fs",".fs","GLSL","#version 410 core in vec4 colour; in vec2 texuv; flat in float olayer; out vec4 FragColour; uniform sampler2D texture0; uniform sampler2D texture1; void main() { vec4 col; if (int(olayer) == 0) { col = texture(texture0, texuv) * colour; } else { col = texture(texture1, texuv) * colour; } FragColour = col; }","197","0.06033690658499234","0.0","0.0" "0b7ad3b72f1ab0a348641834dc6c8a709a5c2da1","lineFragment.fs",".fs","GLSL","#version 330 in vec4 fColour; out vec4 fragColour; void main() { fragColour = fColour; } ","197","0.06033690658499234","0.0","0.0" "0296399279a5741c35768dd01a1945d3e4f60b5b","blur.fs",".fs","GLSL"," #version 430 core uniform sampler2D fullscreenSampler; uniform vec2 blurIntensity; in vec2 vs_texcoords; //vec2 delta = vec2(0.01,0.01); float random(vec3 scale,float seed) { return fract(sin(dot(gl_FragCoord.xyz+seed,scale))*43758.5453+seed); } void main() { vec4 color=vec4(0.0); float total=0.0; float offset=random(vec3(12.9898,78.233,151.7182),0.0); for(float t=-30.0;t<=30.0;t++){ // 随机模糊采样 float percent=(t+offset-0.5)/30.0; float weight=1.0-abs(percent); vec4 _sample=texture2D(fullscreenSampler,vs_texcoords+blurIntensity*percent); _sample.rgb*=_sample.a; color+=_sample*weight; total+=weight; } gl_FragColor=color/total; gl_FragColor.rgb/=gl_FragColor.a+0.00001; //gl_FragColor= vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0); } ","197","0.06033690658499234","0.0","0.0" "0b31707b8fa9cdbe1c94d364305d9365e1377419","light_model.fs",".fs","GLSL","#version 330 core layout (location = 0) out vec4 FragColor; layout (location = 1) out vec4 BrightColor; uniform vec4 color; void main() { FragColor = vec4(vec3(0.0), 1.0); BrightColor = vec4(color); }","197","0.06033690658499234","0.0","0.0" "021e0af2e3875bbe7b20397da9d498a4c99efb2c","Textured.fsh",".fsh","GLSL","#version 400 out vec4 FragColor; in vec2 uv; uniform sampler2D shadowMap; void main() { float z = texture2D(shadowMap, uv).r; z = pow(z, 100); FragColor = vec4(z,z,z,1.0); } ","95","0.02909647779479326","0.0","0.0" "09bdd490a9f61f6365bc07d09381549889a63f1a","Shader.fsh",".fsh","GLSL","// // Shader.fsh // HelloOpenGl // // Created by nobu on 13/04/24. // Copyright (c) 2013年 nobu. All rights reserved. // varying lowp vec4 colorVarying; void main() { gl_FragColor = colorVarying; } ","95","0.02909647779479326","0.0","0.0" "073ddf90dd9eb76562228dc3d9d748ead759c4d0","LineRoundCapShader.fsh",".fsh","GLSL","// // Shader.fsh // Codea // // Created by Simeon Nasilowski on 17/05/11. // // Copyright 2012 Two Lives Left Pty. Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License""); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an ""AS IS"" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // varying highp vec2 vTexCoord; uniform highp float Radius; uniform lowp vec4 StrokeColor; void main() { highp float RadiusAA = Radius-2.5; //highp vec2 scaledPointSq = vec2( (vTexCoord.x * Radius) * (vTexCoord.x * Radius), (vTexCoord.y * Radius) * (vTexCoord.y * Radius) ); h","95","0.02909647779479326","0.0","0.0" "0dc97f1c0fed047a4abe04056fac5eca560ccf43","Stratifiers.fsh",".fsh","GLSL","ValueSet: DecadeAgeBrackets Title: ""Age Brackets By Decade"" Description: ""A Value Set of age groups generally by decade except youth (under 20), or over 80, commonly used for stratification in public health dashboards"" * IHE_ADX_agerange#P0Y--P20Y * IHE_ADX_agerange#P20Y--P30Y * IHE_ADX_agerange#P30Y--P40Y * IHE_ADX_agerange#P40Y--P50Y * IHE_ADX_agerange#P50Y--P60Y * IHE_ADX_agerange#P60Y--P70Y * IHE_ADX_agerange#P70Y--P80Y * IHE_ADX_agerange#P80Y--P9999Y ValueSet: ScoreAgeBrackets Title: ""Age Brackets By Score (20)"" Description: ""A Value Set of age groups in 20 year increments used in some public health dashboards"" * IHE_ADX_agerange#P0Y--P20Y * IHE_ADX_agerange#P20Y--P40Y * IHE_ADX_agerange#P40Y--P60Y * IHE_ADX_agerange#P60Y--P80Y * IHE_ADX_agerange#P80Y--P9999Y ","95","0.02909647779479326","0.0","0.0" "0030602cc23f0a2fbfbd58eabb36239ac5c99c88","greyUV.fsh",".fsh","GLSL","#ifdef GL_ES precision mediump float; #define LP lowp #define MP mediump #else #define LP #define MP #endif varying MP vec2 varyUV; varying LP vec4 varyColour; uniform sampler2D diffuseTexture; void main (void) { vec4 c = varyColour; vec4 tc = texture2D(diffuseTexture, varyUV); c *= tc; float s = dot(c.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)); s = 0.4 + 0.2 * s; gl_FragColor = vec4(s, s, s, c.a); } ","95","0.02909647779479326","0.0","0.0" "005e1cc8d11aff94fced3c6554251741e4aff5d5","s.geo",".geo","GLSL","/* MESH PARAMS */ /* at lx1=8, first point at 0.05 for z \in [0,1] */ Nc = 15; // # points on cube side No = 20; // # points on line from cube to outer box Ny = 15; // # points (y-dir) Ne = 3; // # points in entrance (x-dir) Nw = 5; // # points in wake (x-dir) bfc = 1.2; // expansion from cube surface Py = 1.2; // expansion from ground (y-dir) Pc = 0.05; // edge refinement on cube eg. ""Nc Using Bump Pc;"" Nsmooth = 0; // # mesh smoothing iterations Nd = 0.5*(Nc+1) - 4; // fixed due to geom Nb = 0.5*(Nc+1); // # points on side of small quads Nz = 2*Nb+2*Nd-3; // # points (z-dir) /********** DOMAIN **********/ h = 1.0; // cube height span = 10.0; len = span; //wake = 15.0 + 0.5*span; wake = 3.0 + 0.5*span; height = 5.0; entrance = -(3.0 + 0.5*span); lc = 1e-1; /********** CREATE DOMAIN **********/ // Triangle Splitting x = 0.30; y = 0.40; y2 =","96","0.029402756508422664","0.0","0.0" "05517c1565231a574211e2839b090526f0c4ec3f","plate2.geo",".geo","GLSL","// Gmsh project created on Tue Nov 20 18:34:20 2007 W=20; lc1=.2; lc2=.75; Point(1) = {0,0,0,lc1}; Point(2) = {1,0,0,lc1}; Point(3) = {0,1,0,lc1}; Point(4) = {W,0,0,lc2}; Point(5) = {W,10,0,lc2}; Point(6) = {0,10,0,lc2}; Line(1) = {2,4}; Line(2) = {4,5}; Line(3) = {5,6}; Line(4) = {6,3}; Circle(5) = {2,1,3}; Line Loop(6) = {1,2,3,4,-5}; Plane Surface(7) = {6}; Physical Line(8) = {1}; Physical Line(9) = {4}; Physical Line(10) = {3}; Physical Surface(11) = {7}; ","96","0.029402756508422664","0.0","0.0" "050d362415e79cbac3b2480eaa87009e7eb61333","particles_update_engine.geo",".geo","GLSL","#version 330 layout(points) in; layout(points) out; layout(max_vertices = 81) out; in vec3 vertexPass[]; in vec3 velocityPass[]; in vec3 colorPass[]; in float lifePass[]; in float sizePass[]; in int typePass[]; out vec3 vertex; out vec3 velocity; out vec3 color; out float life; out float size; out int type; uniform vec3 source; uniform vec3 gravity; uniform vec3 minimumVelocity, rangeVelocity; uniform vec3 initColor; uniform float initSize; uniform float minimumLife, rangeLife; uniform float timePassed; uniform vec3 randomSeed; vec3 localSeed; uniform int numberNewParticles; uniform int first; // This function returns random number from zero to one float randZeroOne() { uint n = floatBitsToUint(localSeed.y * 214013.0 + localSeed.x * 2531011.0 + localSeed.z * 141251.0); n = n * (n * n * 15731u + 789221u); n = (n >> 9u) | 0x3F800000u; float fRes = 2.0 - uintBitsToFloat(n); localSeed = vec3(localSeed.x + 147158.0 * fRes, localSeed.y","96","0.029402756508422664","0.0","0.0" "1f5a2e1a1c46473d7e6cbe14a1a0efd98ada10f3","Basic.geo",".geo","GLSL","#version 400 core layout(triangles)in; layout(triangle_strip,max_vertices=6)out; in VertexData{ vec2 UV; vec3 Normal; vec3 position; }vertout[3]; out VertexData{ vec2 UV; vec3 Normal; vec3 position; }vert; uniform mat4 VP; void main(){ for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ gl_Position=VP*(gl_in[i].gl_Position); vert.UV=vertout[i].UV; vert.Normal=vertout[i].Normal; vert.position=vertout[i].position; EmitVertex(); } EndPrimitive(); } ","96","0.029402756508422664","0.0","0.0" "0d6d63b1c6f3e860e4bb454b234fffdcd824893f","layer.geo",".geo","GLSL","Mesh.Algorithm = 5; Point(1) = {0,0,0,0}; Point(2) = {1,0,0,0}; Point(3) = {1,1,0,0}; Point(4) = {0,1,0,0}; Line(1) = {1,2}; Line(2) = {2,3}; Line(3) = {3,4}; Line(4) = {4,1}; Point(5) = {0.0571992,0.882122,0,0}; Point(6) = {0.0591716,0.882122,0,0}; Point(7) = {0.0591716,0.884086,0,0}; Point(8) = {0.061144,0.884086,0,0}; Point(9) = {0.0631164,0.884086,0,0}; Point(10) = {0.0631164,0.882122,0,0}; Point(11) = {0.0650888,0.882122,0,0}; Point(12) = {0.0650888,0.880157,0,0}; Point(13) = {0.0650888,0.878193,0,0}; Point(14) = {0.0670611,0.878193,0,0}; Point(15) = {0.0670611,0.876228,0,0}; Point(16) = {0.0690335,0.876228,0,0}; Point(17) = {0.0690335,0.874263,0,0}; Point(18) = {0.0710059,0.874263,0,0}; Point(19) = {0.0710059,0.872299,0,0}; Point(20) = {0.0729783,0.872299,0,0}; Point(21) = {0.0749507,0.872299,0,0}; Point(22) = {0.0749507,0.870334,0,0}; Point(23) = {0.0769231,0.870334,0,0}; Point(24) = {0.0769231,0.868369,0,0}; Point(25) = {0.0788955,0.868369,0,0}; Point(26) = {0.0788955,0.866","96","0.029402756508422664","0.0","0.0" "00d81c1cda3567dd6ef14b10815de5dfefc4a5cc","passTrough.geom",".geom","GLSL","#version 330 core layout(triangles) in; layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 1) out; in vec3 color[]; out vec3 fcolor; void main() { gl_Position= gl_in[0].gl_Position ; fcolor= color[0]; EmitVertex(); EndPrimitive(); }","26","0.007963246554364471","0.0","0.0" "00ac76dbcd21626c2b434d56b216efd73ef10749","debug.geom",".geom","GLSL","#version 410 core layout (triangles) in; layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out; in vec3 v_pos[]; in vec3 v_normal[]; in vec2 v_texCoord[]; out vec3 g_pos; out vec3 g_normal; out vec2 g_texCoord; layout(std140) uniform camera { mat4 u_proj; mat4 u_view; }; uniform mat4 u_modelView; uniform mat4 u_normalMat; void main() { for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) { g_pos = v_pos[i]; g_normal = v_normal[i]; g_texCoord = v_texCoord[i]; gl_Position = u_proj * gl_in[i].gl_Position; EmitVertex(); } EndPrimitive(); } ","26","0.007963246554364471","0.0","0.0" "1e70e6eac7542dfe1b6f6590f1ce1c759dd1d6f6","2darray-assignment-size-mismatch.geom",".geom","GLSL","// [config] // expect_result: fail // glsl_version: 1.20 // require_extensions: GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 // [end config] #version 120 #extension GL_ARB_geometry_shader4: enable varying in float gs_input[3][1]; varying out float gs_out; void main() { /* Assignment operations of arrays should fail if the arrays don't have * the same size. */ float a[3] = gs_input[0]; for (int i = 0; i < gl_VerticesIn; i++) { gs_out = a[0]; gl_Position = gl_PositionIn[i]; EmitVertex(); } } ","26","0.007963246554364471","0.0","0.0" "00bac3f36a59378daad4765321b3e4f53c836812","flat.geom",".geom","GLSL","#version 420 layout(triangles) in; layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out; layout(location=0) in vec3 inPos[3]; layout(location=1) in vec2 inUV[3]; layout(location=2) in vec3 inNorm[3]; layout(location=3) flat in int inMaterialIndex[3]; layout(location=0) out vec3 outPos; layout(location=1) out vec2 outUV; layout(location=2) out vec3 outNorm; layout(location=3) flat out int outMaterialIndex; void main() { vec3 e1 = inPos[1] - inPos[0]; vec3 e2 = inPos[2] - inPos[0]; vec3 n = normalize(cross(e1, e2)); for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) { outPos = inPos[i]; outUV = inUV[i]; outNorm = n; outMaterialIndex = inMaterialIndex[i]; gl_Position = gl_in[i].gl_Position; EmitVertex(); } EndPrimitive(); } ","26","0.007963246554364471","0.0","0.0" "0c833153a0bc12bf457615f066940b926c9f75bc","160x8_2.geom",".geom","GLSL","*version 1.0 *title 160x8 square grid *dimensions 1449 # number of nodes 2 # number of spatial dimensions 1 # number of element sets # [ID] [nel] [nen] 1 1280 4 4 # number of node sets # [ID] [nnd] 1 161 2 9 3 161 4 9 3 # number of side sets # [ID] [associate block ID] [ns] 1 1 8 2 1 8 3 1 160 # end dimensions *nodesets *set 161 # number of nodes 1 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 73 82 91 100 109 118 127 136 145 154 163 172 181 190 199 208 217 226 235 244 253 262 271 280 289 298 307 316 325 334 343 352 361 370 379 388 397 406 415 424 433 442 451 460 469 478 487 496 505 514 523 532 541 550 559 568 577 586 595 604 613 622 631 640 649 658 667 676 685 694 703 712 721 730 739 748 757 766 775 784 793 802 811 820 829 838 847 856 865 874 883 892 901 910 919 928 937 946 955 964 973 982 991 1000 1009 1018 1027 1036 1045 1054 1063 1072 1081 1090 1099 1108 1117 1126 1135 ","26","0.007963246554364471","0.0","0.0" "131b0a67d85cc97cc48fee9df3d87ec2a80c4eb5","20200408.glsl",".glsl","GLSL","precision highp float; uniform vec2 resolution; uniform float time; uniform vec2 mouse; #define iResolution resolution #define iTime time #define iMouse mouse #define MIN_SURF 0.0001 #define MAX_DIST 300. #define MAX_LOOP 1000 #define PI 3.141593 mat2 rot(float a) { return mat2(cos(a), sin(a), -sin(a), cos(a)); } float random(float n) { return fract(sin(n*318.154121)*31.134131); } vec3 makeRay(in vec3 ro, in vec3 lookat, in vec2 uv) { float z = .5; vec3 f = normalize(lookat-ro); vec3 r = cross(vec3(0,1,0), f); vec3 u = cross(f, r); vec3 c = ro+f*z; vec3 i = c+r*uv.x+u*uv.y; vec3 rd = normalize(i-ro); return rd; } float smin( float a, float b, float k ){ float h = clamp( 0.5+0.5*(b-a)/k, 0.0, 1.0 ); return mix( b, a, h ) - k*h*(1.0-h); } vec2 pmod(vec2 p, float r) { float a = atan(p.x, p.y) + PI/r; float n = PI*2. / r; a = floor(a/n)*n; return p*rot(-a); } // https://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/distfunctions/distfunctions.htm float ","1055","0.3231240428790199","0.0","0.0" "07aad35a327a55bd0f0c8a570fe3dc1f0cd4fa59","vertexSimple.glsl",".glsl","GLSL","#version 410 in layout(location=0) vec3 position; in layout(location=1) vec3 vertexColor; out vec3 theColor; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0); theColor = vertexColor; }","1055","0.3231240428790199","0.0","0.0" "091d4fdd72cd14abc0429b970cf8926a28de9483","specularVSTest.glsl",".glsl","GLSL","#version 150 in vec3 vertexPosition; in vec3 vertexNormal; in vec2 vertexTexCoords; out vec3 worldNormal; out vec3 cameraDirectionOut; out vec2 vertexTexCoordsOut; uniform mat4 MVP; uniform mat4 Model; uniform vec3 cameraPosition; void main() { vertexTexCoordsOut=vertexTexCoords; worldNormal = normalize(Model*vec4(vertexNormal, 0.0f)).xyz; vec3 worldPos = (Model*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0)).xyz; cameraDirectionOut = normalize(cameraPosition - worldPos); gl_Position = MVP * vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0); } ","1055","0.3231240428790199","0.0","0.0" "21f8557688d54ab54326c4866ed923063791b55c","hdr.glsl",".glsl","GLSL"," #version 330 core #include ""fullscreen.glsl"" uniform sampler2D sampler_hdr; uniform float exposure; #ifdef _FRAGMENT_ out vec4 frag_color; vec3 hdr(vec3 e) { return vec3(1.0) - exp(-exposure * e); } void main() { frag_color = vec4(hdr(texture(sampler_hdr, texCoord).rgb), 1.0); } #endif","1055","0.3231240428790199","0.0","0.0" "09c4f3d5322aa9c08ffaf3b99c89b4a84316dc54","va37.fragment.glsl",".glsl","GLSL","#ifdef GL_ES precision highp float; #endif uniform float time; uniform vec2 mouse; uniform vec2 resolution; void main( void ) { vec2 position = ( gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy ) + time; float rand = mod(fract(sin(dot(position, vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453), 1.0); gl_FragColor = vec4( rand, rand, rand, 1.0); }","1055","0.3231240428790199","0.0","0.0" "06094eb02c495c879e2b32a9640318c19a9a643a","heatflux_comp_v0_0_core.gs",".gs","GLSL","*------------------------------------------------ 'reinit' *------------------------------------------------ 'open nswrf_glb_org.ctl' 'open nlwrf_glb_org.ctl' 'open latent_glb_org.ctl' 'open sensible_glb_org.ctl' * 'open nswrf_glb_jra55c_org.ctl' 'open nlwrf_glb_jra55c_org.ctl' 'open latent_glb_jra55c_org.ctl' 'open sensible_glb_jra55c_org.ctl' * 'open nswrf_glb_core_dec2015.ctl' 'open nlwrf_glb_core_dec2015.ctl' 'open latent_glb_core_dec2015.ctl' 'open sensible_glb_core_dec2015.ctl' * 'set vpage 0.0 8.5 0.0 11.0' 'set parea 1.5 8.0 9.0 10.3' 'set gxout line' 'set grads off' 'set xlopts 1 3 0.12' 'set ylopts 1 3 0.12' 'set xlab on' 'set ylab on' 'set vrange 160 175' 'set ylint 5' 'set time jan1948 jan2015' * 'set ccolor 2' 'set cthick 3' *'set cmark 3' 'set cmark 0' 'd f.1' * *'set ccolor 2' *'set cthick 3' **'set cmark 4' *'set cmark 0' *'d f.5' * 'set ccolor 3' 'set cthick 3' *'set cmark 9' 'set cmark 0' 'd f.9' * label(32,177,""Net short wave"",30,0,0.12) label(-7,167.5,""[W/m2]"",4,90,","11","0.0033690658499234303","0.0","0.0" "0628db2b5446891bc3ebc9e0bb73f949511f1670","shader.gs",".gs","GLSL","#version 330 core layout (triangles) in; layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out; in VS_OUT { vec2 texCoords; } gs_in[]; out vec2 TexCoords; uniform float time; vec4 explode(vec4 position, vec3 normal) { float magnitude = 20.0f; vec3 direction = normal * ((sin(time) + 1.0f) / 2.0f) * magnitude; return position + vec4(direction, 0.0f); } vec3 GetNormal() { vec3 a = vec3(gl_in[0].gl_Position) - vec3(gl_in[1].gl_Position); vec3 b = vec3(gl_in[2].gl_Position) - vec3(gl_in[1].gl_Position); return normalize(cross(a, b)); } void main() { vec3 normal = GetNormal(); gl_Position = explode(gl_in[0].gl_Position, normal); TexCoords = gs_in[0].texCoords; EmitVertex(); gl_Position = explode(gl_in[1].gl_Position, normal); TexCoords = gs_in[1].texCoords; EmitVertex(); gl_Position = explode(gl_in[2].gl_Position, normal); TexCoords = gs_in[2].texCoords; EmitVertex(); EndPrimitive(); }","11","0.0033690658499234303","0.0","0.0" "1c7a129af47cccbc318d94c76617e0801a5a6d5b","9_geo.gs",".gs","GLSL","#version 410 core layout (triangles) in; layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices = 6) out; in vec2 aTexCoord[]; out vec2 TexCoord; void main() { // first triangle gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position - vec4(1, 0, 0 , 0); TexCoord = aTexCoord[0]; EmitVertex(); gl_Position = gl_in[1].gl_Position - vec4(1, 0, 0, 0); TexCoord = aTexCoord[1]; EmitVertex(); gl_Position = gl_in[2].gl_Position - vec4(1, 0, 0, 0); TexCoord = aTexCoord[2]; EmitVertex(); // second triangle gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position + vec4(1, 0, 0, 0); TexCoord = aTexCoord[0]; EmitVertex(); gl_Position = gl_in[1].gl_Position + vec4(1, 0, 0, 0); TexCoord = aTexCoord[1]; EmitVertex(); gl_Position = gl_in[2].gl_Position + vec4(1, 0, 0, 0); TexCoord = aTexCoord[2]; EmitVertex(); EndPrimitive(); } ","11","0.0033690658499234303","0.0","0.0" "2102ab837781a8b2a962d6d25a2b5d01b3c02c57","rmscmp_plot.gs",".gs","GLSL","function corcmp (args) 'numargs 'args numargs = result 'run getenv SOURCE' SOURCE = result field = h desc = '' num = 0 while( num < numargs ) num = num + 1 if( subwrd(args,num)='-field' ) ; field = subwrd(args,num+1) ; endif if( subwrd(args,num)='-numexp' ) ; numexp = subwrd(args,num+1) ; endif if( subwrd(args,num)='-lev' ) ; lev = subwrd(args,num+1) ; endif if( subwrd(args,num)='-desc' ) ; desc = subwrd(args,num+1) ; endif if( subwrd(args,num)='-debug' ) ; debug = subwrd(args,num+1) ; endif endwhile mexps = numexp-1 num = 0 while( num < numargs ) num = num + 1 m = 0 while( m<=mexps ) if( subwrd(args,num)='-desc'm ) ; expdsc.m = subwrd(args,num+1) ; endif m = m + 1 endwhile endwhile *********************************************************** ***** ***** ***** Note: numexp is the Total Number of ****","11","0.0033690658499234303","0.0","0.0" "18ee5811b4567aaaa94a575a5d47c5798baa958b","model3_f1.gs",".gs","GLSL","Using TensorFlow backend. Obteniendo datos... [AVISO] Cargando datos generados previamente... Creando modelo... 1 0,1 256 512 3713 920 0 0 0,8897675533189552 53,459102153778076 2 0,1 256 512 3713 920 0 0 0,8897675533189552 47,420328855514526 -------------------------------------------------- 1 0,001 512 512 0 0 920 3713 0 52,76387691497803 2 0,001 512 512 0 0 920 3713 0 52,26859974861145 -------------------------------------------------- 1 0,001 256 512 0 0 920 3713 0 49,18588066101074 2 0,001 256 512 0 0 920 3713 0 47,605045795440674 -------------------------------------------------- 1 0,001 128 512 0 0 920 3713 0 46,92377161979675 2 0,001 128 512 37 1 919 3676 0,019728072513996265 46,20232582092285 3 0,001 128 512 0 0 920 3713 0 46,6122624874115 4 0,001 128 512 0 0 920 3713 0 46,29068636894226 5 0,001 128 512 0 0 920 3713 0 46,4161012172699 6 0,001 128 512 66 2 918 3647 0,034911399100766995 46,69402766227722 7 0,001 128 512 15 0 920 3698 0,00804721030042918","11","0.0033690658499234303","0.0","0.0" "0985791c2362315b9811767ee5bc93425bcca4c0","LothsShadeLeaves.shader",".shader","GLSL","// Made with Amplify Shader Editor // Available at the Unity Asset Store - http://u3d.as/y3X Shader ""LothsShade/Leaves"" { Properties { _TexScale(""TexScale"", Float) = 1 [Toggle(_LOCKSIZETOWORLD_ON)] _LockSizetoWorld(""Lock Size to World"", Float) = 0 [HDR]_RimColor(""Rim Color"", Color) = (0,1,0.8758622,0) _RimPower(""Rim Power"", Range( 0 , 100)) = 0.5 _RimOffset(""Rim Offset"", Float) = 0.24 _MainColor(""MainColor"", Color) = (1,1,1,0) _Diffuse(""Diffuse"", 2D) = ""white"" {} _AlbedoLevel(""AlbedoLevel"", Range( 0 , 5)) = 1 _Emission(""Emission"", 2D) = ""white"" {} [HDR]_EmissionColor(""EmissionColor"", Color) = (0,0,0,0) _NormalMap(""NormalMap"", 2D) = ""bump"" {} _NormalScale(""NormalScale"", Float) = 1 _HighlightColor(""HighlightColor"", Color) = (0.3773585,0.3773585,0.3773585,0) _HighlightSharpness(""HighlightSharpness"", Float) = 100 _HighlightOffset(""HighlightOffset"", Float) = -80 _ShadowMap(""ShadowMap"", 2D) = ""white"" {} _ShadowColor(""ShadowColor"", Color) = (0,0,0,0) _Sh","254","0.0777947932618683","0.0","0.0" "0bdd29dddfe43f4cf30873e3b874135f8dc44d2a","BoidLEDCylinderShader.shader",".shader","GLSL","Shader ""Custom/BoidLEDCylinderShader"" { //The Properties block contains shader variables (textures, colors etc.) //that will be saved as part of the Material, and displayed in the material inspector. Properties { _Color (""Color"", Color) = (1,1,1,1) _MainTex (""Albedo (RGB)"", 2D) = ""white"" {} _SpecColor(""Specular Material Color"", Color) = (1,1,1,1) _Shininess(""Shininess"", Float) = 10 } //https://answers.unity.com/questions/38924/unity-is-a-left-handed-coordinate-system-why.html //https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cg_Programming/Unity/Minimal_Shader // Cg in Unity: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cg_Programming/Unity // CG versus GLSL: //A properly written Cg application can be written once and then work with either OpenGL or Direct3D. //http://developer.download.nvidia.com/CgTutorial/cg_tutorial_chapter01.html // http://forums.cgsociety.org/archive/index.php?t-310564.html //https://forum.unity.com/threads/cg-order-of-vectors-in-matrix.120583/ //","254","0.0777947932618683","0.0","0.0" "1d31ee3003ebcf7088b3f8703ef67015a9833478","red_outline.shader",".shader","GLSL","shader_type canvas_item; render_mode blend_mix; uniform float outLineSize = 0.02; uniform vec4 outLineColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); void fragment() { vec4 tcol = texture(TEXTURE, UV); if (tcol.a == 0.0) { if (texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(0.0, outLineSize)).a != 0.0 || texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(0.0, -outLineSize)).a != 0.0 || texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(outLineSize, 0.0)).a != 0.0 || texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(-outLineSize, 0.0)).a != 0.0 || texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(-outLineSize, outLineSize)).a != 0.0 || texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(-outLineSize, -outLineSize)).a != 0.0 || texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(outLineSize, outLineSize)).a != 0.0 || texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(outLineSize, -outLineSize)).a != 0.0) tcol = outLineColor; } COLOR = tcol; }","254","0.0777947932618683","0.0","0.0" "06428c1415be856b0e085d2100db8a5ac4c3d325","WeatherMakerWaterTesselationShader.shader",".shader","GLSL","// // Weather Maker for Unity // (c) 2016 Digital Ruby, LLC // Source code may be used for personal or commercial projects. // Source code may NOT be redistributed or sold. // // *** A NOTE ABOUT PIRACY *** // // If you got this asset from a pirate site, please consider buying it from the Unity asset store at https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/60955?aid=1011lGnL. This asset is only legally available from the Unity Asset Store. // // I'm a single indie dev supporting my family by spending hundreds and thousands of hours on this and other assets. It's very offensive, rude and just plain evil to steal when I (and many others) put so much hard work into the software. // // Thank you. // // *** END NOTE ABOUT PIRACY *** // Shader ""WeatherMaker/WeatherMakerWaterTesselationShader"" { Properties { [HideInInspector] _WeatherMakerWaterReflectionTex(""Water reflection"", 2D) = ""white"" {} [HideInInspector] _WeatherMakerWaterReflectionTex2(""Water reflection (right eye)"", 2D) ","254","0.0777947932618683","0.0","0.0" "028afdbc5897019658ca82bc1e49aee25b43bca0","S02_PM_01_Base_D2_CUBE_RenderingShadows.Shader",".shader","GLSL","#shader vertex #version 330 core layout(location = 0) in vec3 aPos; layout(location = 1) in vec3 aNormal; layout(location = 2) in vec2 aTexCoords; out VS_OUT{ vec3 FragPos; vec3 Normal; vec2 TexCoords; } vs_out; uniform mat4 u_mvp; uniform mat4 u_lightSpaceMatrix; // projLight * viewLight uniform mat4 u_model; uniform mat3 u_transInvers_model; uniform bool u_b_inverse_normals; void main() { vs_out.FragPos = vec3(u_model * vec4(aPos, 1.0f)); vs_out.Normal = u_transInvers_model * (u_b_inverse_normals ? -aNormal : aNormal);// aNormal; vs_out.TexCoords = aTexCoords; gl_Position = u_mvp * vec4(aPos, 1.0f); }; #shader fragment #version 330 core out vec4 FragColor; in VS_OUT{ vec3 FragPos; vec3 Normal; vec2 TexCoords; //vec4 FragPosLightSpace; } fs_in; uniform vec3 u_viewPos; struct Material { sampler2D diffuse1; sampler2D specular1; sampler2D emission1; float shininess; }; uniform Material material; uniform samplerCube u_depthMap; struct Light { vec3 position; vec","254","0.0777947932618683","0.0","0.0" "0bdcfc0b91619c92691f97e07cab1824e1904a60","primitive-shading-nv.vert",".vert","GLSL","#version 450 core #define POSITION 0 #define COLOR 3 #define TEXCOORD 4 #define FRAG_COLOR 0 #define TRANSFORM0 1 #define DIFFUSE 0 precision highp float; precision highp int; layout(std140, column_major) uniform; layout(binding = TRANSFORM0) uniform transform { mat4 MVP; } Transform; layout(location = POSITION) in vec2 Position; layout(location = COLOR) in vec4 Color; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; }; out block { vec4 Color; } Out; void main() { gl_Position = Transform.MVP * vec4(Position, 0.0, 1.0); Out.Color = Color; } ","512","0.1568147013782542","0.0","0.0" "18c1fee8a3da2d7ac2bbf0c4d09c5c874436e3cd","300.vert",".vert","GLSL","#version 300 es uniform mat4x3 m43; uniform mat3x3 m33; uniform mat4x4 m44; in vec3 v3; varying vec2 v2; // ERROR, varying reserved in vec4 bad[10]; // ERROR, no arrayed inputs highp in vec4 badorder; // ERROR, incorrect qualifier order out invariant vec4 badorder2; // ERROR, incorrect qualifier order in centroid vec4 badorder4; // ERROR, incorrect qualifier order out flat vec4 badorder3; // ERROR, incorrect qualifier order void bar(in const float a); // ERROR, incorrect qualifier order void bar2(highp in float b); // ERROR, incorrect qualifier order smooth flat out vec4 rep; // ERROR, replicating interpolation qualification centroid sample out vec4 rep2; // ERROR, replicating auxiliary qualification in uniform vec4 rep3; // ERROR, replicating storage qualification struct S { vec3 c; float f; }; out S s; void main() { int id = gl_VertexID + gl_InstanceID; int c0 = gl_MaxVertexAttribs; int c1 = gl_","512","0.1568147013782542","0.0","0.0" "00cd85dbb30ff128fddf3c5eaa03f8d19ca32631","skybox.vert",".vert","GLSL","#version 450 #extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable layout(push_constant) uniform PushConstants { mat4 view_proj; } pc; layout(location = 0) in vec3 inPosition; layout(location = 1) in vec3 inNormal; layout(location = 2) in vec3 inTangent; layout(location = 3) in vec2 inTexCoord; layout(location = 0) out vec3 texCoord; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; }; void main() { texCoord = inPosition; gl_Position = (pc.view_proj*vec4(inPosition, 1.0)); } ","512","0.1568147013782542","0.0","0.0" "1ede81b40e6615d6afa4e784c25a64b992fedc19","bumpmap.vert",".vert","GLSL","#version 410 //vert layout (location = 0) in vec3 vertex; layout (location = 1) in vec3 normal; layout (location = 2) in vec3 texcoord; layout (location = 3) in vec3 tangent; layout (location = 4) in vec3 binormal; uniform mat4 vertex_model_to_world; uniform mat4 normal_model_to_world; uniform mat4 vertex_world_to_clip; uniform vec3 light_position; uniform vec3 camera_position; out VS_OUT{ vec3 fN; vec3 fT; vec3 fB; vec2 fTex; vec3 fV; vec3 fL; } vs_out; void main(){ vec3 worldPos = (vertex_model_to_world * vec4(vertex,1.0)).xyz; vs_out.fN = normalize((normal_model_to_world * vec4(normal,1.0)).xyz); vs_out.fT = normalize((normal_model_to_world * vec4(tangent,1.0)).xyz); vs_out.fB = normalize((normal_model_to_world * vec4(binormal,1.0)).xyz); vs_out.fV = camera_position - worldPos; vs_out.fL = light_position - worldPos; vs_out.fTex = vec2(texcoord.x,texcoord.y); gl_Position = vertex_world_to_clip * vertex_model_to_world * vec4(vertex, 1.","512","0.1568147013782542","0.0","0.0" "02edb73e09cf94f6593513dd6062e793ef289a04","graph.vert",".vert","GLSL","// graph.vert // vertex shader for phong lighting // Copyright 2018 Matthew Chandler // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of // this software and associated documentation files (the ""Software""), to deal in // the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to // use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, // subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ""AS IS"", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR // COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER /","512","0.1568147013782542","0.0","0.0" "022a56c84991d275cdc308a5ed446e7126da0d43","cubes_light.vsh",".vsh","GLSL","#version 150 uniform mat4 viewMatrix; uniform mat4 projectionMatrix; uniform vec3 lightPosition; in vec2 inPosition; out vec2 texturePosition; void main() { gl_Position = viewMatrix * vec4(lightPosition, 1.0); gl_Position.xy += inPosition * 0.1; gl_Position = projectionMatrix * gl_Position; texturePosition = inPosition; } ","70","0.021439509954058193","0.0","0.0" "002a9312f64698bbc6d906a70236f40f73492f4a","ShFloatingText.vsh",".vsh","GLSL","attribute vec3 in_Position; // (x,y,z) //attribute vec3 in_Normal; // (x,y,z) unused in this shader. attribute vec4 in_Colour; // (r,g,b,a) attribute vec2 in_TextureCoord; // (u,v) varying vec2 v_vTexcoord; varying vec4 v_vColour; void main() { gl_Position = (gm_Matrices[MATRIX_PROJECTION] * gm_Matrices[MATRIX_VIEW]) * vec4(gm_Matrices[MATRIX_WORLD][3].xyz, 1.0); gl_Position /= gl_Position.w; gl_Position.xy += (in_Position.xy / vec2(1280.0, 720.0)) * vec2(1.0, -1.0); v_vColour = in_Colour; v_vTexcoord = in_TextureCoord; } ","70","0.021439509954058193","0.0","0.0" "141068f6990fe2c4640ef2c9d44e98b403db54c2","phongFrag.vsh",".vsh","GLSL","#version 330 layout (location = 0) in vec3 v_position; layout (location = 1) in vec3 v_normal; layout (location = 2) in vec2 v_texcoord; smooth out vec3 normal; smooth out vec3 viewDir; out vec2 texCoordMod; uniform mat4 projectionMatrix; uniform mat4 viewMatrix; uniform mat4 modelMatrix; //FIXME: This may be more appropriate as a struct //Types: 0 = Point 1 = Spot uniform int lSize; uniform vec3 lPos[16]; uniform float lRad[16]; uniform int lType[16]; uniform vec3 lRot[16]; smooth out vec3 lightDir[16]; smooth out vec3 reflectDir[16]; out float attenuation[16]; flat out int lights; void calculateLight(int index, float radius, vec3 fragPos); void calculateSpotLight (int index, float radius, vec3 fragPos, float cutOff, float angle); void main(void) { //temp light and parameters float radius = 55.0f; //matrix calculations lights = lSize; vec4 v = vec4(v_position, 1.0); gl_Position = (projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix) * v; texCoordMod = v","70","0.021439509954058193","0.0","0.0" "0e99d4d6b8883e2d6b275bb8797746a718d7a4a2","Basic.vsh",".vsh","GLSL","attribute vec4 a_position; attribute vec2 a_texCoord; attribute vec4 a_color; varying vec4 v_fragmentColor; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { gl_Position = CC_PMatrix * a_position; v_fragmentColor = a_color; v_texCoord = a_texCoord; } ","70","0.021439509954058193","0.0","0.0" "071078119d65a17232514093a30c88a148eaabfb","bbox.vsh",".vsh","GLSL"," #version 400 in vec3 bBoxCordsVertex; uniform mat4 MVP; void main() { gl_Position=MVP*vec4(bBoxCordsVertex,1.0); }","70","0.021439509954058193","0.0","0.0" "2148248e651075177251131935c506bc8881cdc1","BUILD.gn",".gn","GN","# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import(""//third_party/closure_compiler/compile_js.gni"") js_type_check(""closure_compile"") { deps = [ "":actions"", "":api_listener"", "":app_detail_view"", "":app_item"", "":app_management_page"", "":arc_detail_view"", "":browser_proxy"", "":chrome_app_detail_view"", "":constants"", "":dom_switch"", "":fake_page_handler"", "":main_view"", "":permission_item"", "":pin_to_shelf_item"", "":pwa_detail_view"", "":reducers"", "":store"", "":store_client"", "":toggle_row"", "":types"", "":uninstall_button"", "":util"", ] } js_library(""actions"") { deps = [ ""//chrome/browser/ui/webui/app_management:mojo_bindings_js_library_for_compile"", ""//ui/webui/resources/js:cr"", ] } js_library(""api_listener"") { deps = [ "":actions"", "":store"", "":util"", ""//ui/webui/resour","660","0.9282700421940928","0.0","0.0" "0edc23b74b0c6a0bf7d05a40010bc1e03beb0e86","BUILD.gn",".gn","GN","# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import(""//build/host.gni"") import(""//build/rust/rustc_binary.gni"") import(""//build/rust/rustc_library.gni"") if (is_host) { rustc_library(""vbmeta"") { edition = ""2021"" version = ""0.1.0"" with_unit_tests = true deps = [ ""//src/lib/mundane"", ""//third_party/modinv"", ""//third_party/rust_crates:byteorder"", ""//third_party/rust_crates:hex"", ""//third_party/rust_crates:num"", ""//third_party/rust_crates:pem"", ""//third_party/rust_crates:ring"", ""//third_party/rust_crates:serde"", ""//third_party/rust_crates:thiserror"", ""//third_party/rust_crates:zerocopy"", ] test_deps = [ ""//src/lib/assembly/test_keys"", ""//third_party/rust_crates:assert_matches"", ] sources = [ ""src/descriptor.rs"", ""src/descriptor/builder.rs"", ""src/head","660","0.9282700421940928","0.0","0.0" "21133102dd640162d127fbb68224dc67a67f3d19","BUILD.gn",".gn","GN","import(""//build/config/features.gni"") source_set(""renderer"") { visibility = [ ""//brave:child_dependencies"", ""//brave/renderer/*"", ""//chrome/renderer/*"", ""//components/content_settings/renderer/*"", ] sources = [ ""cosmetic_filters_js_handler.cc"", ""cosmetic_filters_js_handler.h"", ""cosmetic_filters_js_render_frame_observer.cc"", ""cosmetic_filters_js_render_frame_observer.h"", ] deps = [ ""//base"", ""//brave/components/brave_shields/common"", ""//brave/components/cosmetic_filters/common:mojom"", ""//brave/components/cosmetic_filters/resources/data:generated_resources"", ""//components/content_settings/renderer:renderer"", ""//content/public/renderer"", ""//gin"", ""//mojo/public/cpp/bindings"", ""//net"", ""//third_party/blink/public:blink"", ""//third_party/blink/public/common"", ""//v8"", ] } ","660","0.9282700421940928","0.0","0.0" "0d4b779b17b1929025f69eaa4f599875555b829d","BUILD.gn",".gn","GN","# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import(""//build/config/ozone.gni"") import(""//build/config/ui.gni"") import(""//ui/base/ui_features.gni"") source_set(""xkb"") { sources = [ ""keyboard_code_conversion_xkb.cc"", ""keyboard_code_conversion_xkb.h"", ""scoped_xkb.h"", ""xkb_keysym.h"", ] public_deps = [ ""//ui/base:buildflags"", ""//ui/gfx/x/keysyms"", ] deps = [ ""//base"", ""//build:chromeos_buildflags"", ""//ui/events:dom_keycode_converter"", ] } if (use_x11 || ozone_platform_x11) { component(""x11"") { output_name = ""keycodes_x11"" sources = [ ""keyboard_code_conversion_x.cc"", ""keyboard_code_conversion_x.h"", ""keycodes_x_export.h"", ""keysym_to_unicode.cc"", ""keysym_to_unicode.h"", ] defines = [ ""KEYCODES_X_IMPLEMENTATION"" ] deps = [ "":xkb"", ""//base"", ""//ui/events:dom","660","0.9282700421940928","0.0","0.0" "14eeb26a3791ba444c9065baf05505f4cc4dd16f","BUILD.gn",".gn","GN","# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import(""//services/service_manager/public/service_manifest.gni"") import(""//testing/test.gni"") group(""catalog"") { testonly = true deps = [ "":lib"", ] } source_set(""constants"") { sources = [ ""store.cc"", ""store.h"", ] } component(""lib"") { sources = [ ""catalog.cc"", ""catalog.h"", ""constants.cc"", ""constants.h"", ""entry.cc"", ""entry.h"", ""entry_cache.cc"", ""entry_cache.h"", ""instance.cc"", ""instance.h"", ""manifest_provider.h"", ""service_options.h"", ] configs += [ ""//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors"" ] deps = [ "":constants"", ""//base"", ""//components/services/filesystem:lib"", ""//services/catalog/public/cpp"", ""//services/catalog/public/mojom"", ""//services/service_manager/public/cpp"", ] public_deps = [ # directory.mojom.h ","660","0.9282700421940928","0.0","0.0" "1193024559fb24ba4d394ef528f7f96747798476","locales.gni",".gni","GN","# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # This file creates the |locales| which is the set of current # locales based on the current platform. Locales in this list are formated # based on what .pak files expect. # The |locales_with_fake_bidi| variable is the same but with # the fake bidirectional locale added. # The following additional platform specific lists are created: # - |android_apk_locales| subset for Android based apk builds # - |locales_as_mac_outputs| formated for mac output bundles # - |ios_packed_locales| subset for iOS # - |ios_packed_locales_as_mac_outputs| subset for iOS output # Android doesn't ship all locales in order to save space (but webview does). # http://crbug.com/369218 android_chrome_omitted_locales = [ ""bn"", ""et"", ""gu"", ""kn"", ""ml"", ""mr"", ""ms"", ""ta"", ""te"", ] # Chrome on iOS only ships with a subset of the locales supp","105","0.14767932489451477","0.0","0.0" "195b036b76ba9b6c0983319a48840e13ab0fec89","chrome_java_sources.gni",".gni","GN","# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. chrome_java_sources = [ ""java/src/com/google/android/apps/chrome/appwidget/bookmarks/BookmarkThumbnailWidgetProvider.java"", ""java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/ActivityTabProvider.java"", ""java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/AfterStartupTaskUtils.java"", ""java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/AppHooks.java"", ""java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/AppHooksModule.java"", ""java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/AppIndexingUtil.java"", ""java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/ApplicationLifetime.java"", ""java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/AssistStatusHandler.java"", ""java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/BrowserRestartActivity.java"", ""java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/ChromeActionModeCallback.java"", ""java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/ChromeActivity.java"", ""java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/ChromeActivitySe","105","0.14767932489451477","0.0","0.0" "063098d929df600d80db2ca14789ffa9de1a6251","patch-build_config_ozone.gni",".gni","GN","--- build/config/ozone.gni.orig 2021-04-14 18:40:48 UTC +++ build/config/ozone.gni @@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ declare_args() { ozone_platform = ""x11"" ozone_platform_drm = true ozone_platform_x11 = true + } else if (is_bsd) { + ozone_platform = ""x11"" + ozone_platform_x11 = true } else if (is_linux || is_chromeos_lacros) { ozone_platform = ""x11"" ozone_platform_wayland = true ","105","0.14767932489451477","0.0","0.0" "022700fda133134f2acd863ab048b4b1a263bf14","graphite.gni",".gni","GN","# Copyright 2021 Google LLC # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Things are easiest for everyone if these source paths are absolute. _src = get_path_info(""../src/gpu/graphite"", ""abspath"") _include = get_path_info(""../include/gpu/graphite"", ""abspath"") _include_private = get_path_info(""../include/private/gpu/graphite"", ""abspath"") skia_graphite_public = [ ""$_include/BackendTexture.h"", ""$_include/Context.h"", ""$_include/GraphiteTypes.h"", ""$_include/Recorder.h"", ""$_include/Recording.h"", ""$_include/SkStuff.h"", ""$_include/TextureInfo.h"", ] skia_graphite_sources = [ ""$_src/Attribute.h"", ""$_src/BackendTexture.cpp"", ""$_src/Buffer.cpp"", ""$_src/Buffer.h"", ""$_src/Caps.cpp"", ""$_src/Caps.h"", ""$_src/ClipStack.cpp"", ""$_src/ClipStack_graphite.h"", ""$_src/CommandBuffer.cpp"", ""$_src/CommandBuffer.h"", ""$_src/Context.cpp"", ""$_src/ContextPriv.cpp"", ""$_src/ContextPriv.h"", ""$_src/ContextUtils.cpp"", ","105","0.14767932489451477","0.0","0.0" "13fd1eefb92a5409367bd1183effe1863a418646","disabled_targets.gni",".gni","GN","import(""//build/config/chrome_build.gni"") import(""//build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni"") _disabled_targets = [ # base.gyp "":build_utf8_validator_tables"", "":check_example"", #gcm.gyp "":mcs_probe"", #gin.gyp "":gin_shell"", #net.gyp "":net_perftests"", "":dump_cache"", "":quic_client"", "":quic_server"", ""//media/cast:testing_tools"", "":telemetry_gpu_integration_test"", ""//v8:v8_hello_world"", ""//v8:v8_parser_shell"", ""//v8:v8_sample_process"", ""//v8:v8_simple_json_fuzzer"", ""//v8:v8_simple_parser_fuzzer"", ""//v8:v8_simple_regexp_fuzzer"", ""//v8:v8_simple_wasm_fuzzer"", ""//chrome/test:telemetry_perf_unittests"", ] if (is_android || is_linux) { _disabled_targets+=[ "":disk_cache_memory_test"", ] } if (is_linux) { _disabled_targets+=[ "":epoll_quic_client"", "":epoll_quic_server"", "":tap_proxy"", ] } if (is_win) { _disabled_targets+=[ "":blacklist_test_main_dll"", "":dll_hash_main"", "":pe_image_test"", "":pocdll"", "":rlz_id","105","0.14767932489451477","0.0","0.0" "033cf3e43e7234f7ca09e0b031451cbd579d402a","12-move-host-rpl.csc",".csc","GSC"," [APPS_DIR]/mrm [APPS_DIR]/mspsim [APPS_DIR]/avrora [APPS_DIR]/serial_socket [APPS_DIR]/collect-view [APPS_DIR]/powertracker 6LoWPAN-ND 123456 1000000 org.contikios.cooja.radiomediums.UDGM 83.0 100.0 1.0 1.0 40000 org.contikios.cooja.mspmote.WismoteMoteType sky1 [APPS_DIR]/mrm [APPS_DIR]/mspsim [APPS_DIR]/avrora [APPS_DIR]/serial_socket [APPS_DIR]/powertracker 02 Nodes 04 generated 1000000 org.contikios.cooja.radiomediums.UDGM 50.0 100.0 1.0 1.0 40000 org.contikios.cooja.mspmote.SkyMoteType sky1 Sky Sink [CONTIKI_DIR]/examples/","25","0.22727272727272727","0.0","0.0" "1417aa35542b8d36eca781905d32eeab585bbb95","_gadget_security_breach.csc",".csc","GSC","#using scripts\codescripts\struct; #using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared; #using scripts\shared\clientfield_shared; #using scripts\shared\filter_shared; #using scripts\shared\util_shared; #using scripts\shared\abilities\_ability_player; #using scripts\shared\abilities\_ability_power; #using scripts\shared\abilities\_ability_util; #insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh; #insert scripts\shared\version.gsh; #using scripts\shared\system_shared; REGISTER_SYSTEM( ""gadget_security_breach"", &__init__, undefined ) function __init__() { } ","25","0.22727272727272727","0.0","0.0" "09101afc7691e67a1c197872c022a967883d7ec9","com.csc",".csc","GSC","// Create excel instance var e = cocreate(""Excel.Application""); // Add sheet activation events e.SheetActivate = function(sheet) { print(""SheetActivate\n""); sheet.Change = function(target) { print(""Range: "" + target.text + ""\n""); }; }; // Create a new workbook e.Workbooks.Add(); // Show excel e.visible = true; // Quit e.Quit(); // Release excel e = null; // Free memory collect(); // Sleep for a while cosleep(10000); ","25","0.22727272727272727","0.0","0.0" "157214c5c0c61fe28d41bf2148da465adc79f022","save.csc",".csc","GSC"," let a ""asdfasdf"" save a ""_a.cxml"" save a ""_b.cxml"" save a ""_b.cxml"" save a ""_b.cxml"" ","25","0.22727272727272727","0.0","0.0" "0180aa97c2956892c28a0f1e4e505ff2c3ec9f04","custom_public.gsc",".gsc","GSC","main() { // custom_public ruleset, promod live v2 // boolean logic, 0 = false, 1 or higher = true //------------Spawn points------------ //x, y , z , degree & x, y , z , degree //do just use the 2nd sting of the map ex: mp_ich_muss_kacken then use ich_spawns setDvar( ""crash_spawns"", ""49, 1732, 660, 246&-156, 1522, 720, 65""); setDvar( ""crash_snow_spawns"", ""49, 1732, 660, 246&-156, 1244, 660, 65""); setDvar( ""backlot_spawns"", ""-804, 108, 420, 239&-1210, -509, 420, 59""); setDvar( ""strike_spawns"", ""108, 398, 410, 89&106, 792, 410, 271""); setDvar( ""shipment_spawns"", ""-3109, 1196, 427, 39&-2844, 1412, 427, 218""); setDvar( ""crossfire_spawns"", ""5100, -3813, 1043, 159&4765, -3678, 1043, 341""); setDvar( ""citystreets_spawns"", ""3695, 343, 20, 270&3695, 2, 10, 90""); setDvar( ""nuketown_spawns"", ""87, 934, 190, 87&103, 1326, 190, 267""); setDvar( ""killhouse_spawns"", ""652, 2601, 790, 270&652, 184, 790, 90""); setDvar( ""dome_spawns"", ""-3182, -5225, 1030, 276&-3114, -5842, 1030, 96""","84","0.7636363636363637","0.0","0.0" "1e93d2a030942c716e046e00df2f8d8cd2d9fd0c","mp_dr_jurapark_fx_new.gsc",".gsc","GSC","main() { /# thread speedrun\_way_name::create_normal_way(""Normal Way;""); auto_spawn = getEntArray(""mp_jumper_spawn"", ""classname""); if(auto_spawn.size > 0) thread speedrun\_way_name::create_spawn_auto(auto_spawn[int(auto_spawn.size / 2)].origin, auto_spawn[int(auto_spawn.size / 2)].angles[1]); //AUTO if ( getdvar( ""clientSideEffects"" ) != ""1"" ) maps\createfx\mp_dr_jurapark_fx::main(); #/ } ","84","0.7636363636363637","0.0","0.0" "1cf476bb0c224cacfd70021b2b888bad40af7223","blesky1_new.gsc",".gsc","GSC","main() { thread blesky(); } blesky() { trig = getent( ""tblesky1"" , ""targetname"" ) ; trig waittill(""trigger"", player ); for(i=1;i<17;i++) { thread blesk(i); } wait 2; while(true) { thread blesk(RandomIntRange(1,16)); wait 2; } } blesk(index) { level endon(""blesk_"" + index); // timeout pre kill trigger level thread timeout_blesk(index); // timeout pre killt rigger b = getstructarray ( ""blesky_"" + index, ""targetname"" ); t = getent ( ""bleskyd_"" + index, ""targetname"" ); playFx(level._effect[ ""blesky1"" ], b[0].origin); // urob efekt t playsound(""blesky""); // zvuk z kill triggra // kill trigger while(true) { t waittill( ""trigger"", player ); if ( isPlayer(player) && isAlive(player) ) { player suicide(); } } } // zrus killtriger po X sekundach timeout_blesk(index) { wait 2.5; level notify(""blesk_"" + index); // ukonci kill trigger } ","84","0.7636363636363637","0.0","0.0" "0e3d1eceaffed6cbf5350681c6e0e9575c5d0c70","_trophy_system.gsc",".gsc","GSC","#using scripts\codescripts\struct; #using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared; #using scripts\shared\challenges_shared; #using scripts\shared\clientfield_shared; #using scripts\shared\damagefeedback_shared; #using scripts\shared\scoreevents_shared; #using scripts\shared\system_shared; #using scripts\shared\util_shared; #using scripts\shared\weapons\_tacticalinsertion; #using scripts\shared\weapons\_weaponobjects; #insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh; #insert scripts\shared\version.gsh; #using_animtree ( ""mp_trophy_system"" ); #define TROPHY_STUN_TIME_SECONDS 1 #define TROPHY_AMMO_COUNT 3 #define TROPHY_ACTIVE_RADIUS 512 #define TROPHY_ACTIVATION_DELAY_SECONDS 0.1 #define TROPHY_SYSTEM_HEALTH 20 #define TROPHY_FLAK_Z 15 #define TROPHY_TRACE_Z 29 #precache( ""fx"", ""weapon/fx_trophy_flash"" ); #precache( ""fx"", ""weapon/fx_trophy_detonation"" ); #precache( ""fx"", ""weapon/fx_trophy_radius_indicator"" ); #precache( ""triggerstring"", ""MP_TROPHY_SYSTEM_PICKUP"" ); #precache(","84","0.7636363636363637","0.0","0.0" "0bd0a6b54ae3994cfb4d1d789065b743ecc20817","mp_shipment.gsc",".gsc","GSC","main() { maps\mp\mp_shipment_fx::main(); maps\createart\mp_shipment_art::main(); maps\mp\_load::main(); maps\mp\_compass::setupMiniMap(""compass_map_mp_shipment""); if(level.ex_ambient_track) ambientPlay(""ambient_middleeast_ext""); game[""allies""] = ""sas""; game[""axis""] = ""russian""; game[""attackers""] = ""axis""; game[""defenders""] = ""allies""; game[""allies_soldiertype""] = ""woodland""; game[""axis_soldiertype""] = ""woodland""; setdvar( ""r_specularcolorscale"", ""1"" ); setdvar(""r_glowbloomintensity0"","".1""); setdvar(""r_glowbloomintensity1"","".1""); setdvar(""r_glowskybleedintensity0"","".1""); setdvar(""compassmaxrange"",""1400""); if( getDvar(""g_gametype"") == ""ctf"") { addobj(""allied_flag"", (-657, 291, 200), (0, 0, 0)); addobj(""axis_flag"", (626, -111, 192), (0, 0, 0)); } if(getDvar(""g_gametype"") == ""ctfb"") { addobj(""allied_flag"", (-657, 291, 200), (0, 0, 0)); addobj(""axis_flag"", (626, -111, 192), (0, 0, 0)); } } addobj(name, origin, angles) { ent = spawn(""trigger_radius","84","0.7636363636363637","0.0","0.0" "0ede79eedbdb0e4dab7dc3809980f5005ed52b43","settill_rwater.gml",".gml","Game Maker Language","if (global.water[argument0,argument1] < 1) { settill(argument0,argument1,argument2); } ","1733","0.9880273660205245","0.0","0.0" "1e8d01b968da58cd100a89f2bf5305e1e0f4847c","tick_worker.gml",".gml","Game Maker Language","/// tick_worker() set_object_depth(self); if(m_destiny != noone) { if(goto_destiny_minion()) { if(m_state == MINION_STATE.go_to_work) { } else if(m_state == MINION_STATE.idle) { if(m_destiny.m_state == BUILDING_STATE.wait_for_worker) { m_destiny.m_worker = self; m_destiny.m_state = BUILDING_STATE.ready; } } path_delete(m_path); m_destiny = noone; m_path = noone; } } ","1733","0.9880273660205245","0.0","0.0" "06a08f25bd21c92e87d4281717bea498e1f0cb73","Mouse_4.gml",".gml","Game Maker Language","/// @description Insert description here if global.IAMHOST { if global.mynet.client_connected { if !LOB_circle.enabled { audio_play_sound(snd_lobby_ready,0,false) LOB_circle.enabled = !LOB_circle.enabled with(global.mynet) { buffer_seek(buffer,buffer_seek_start,0) buffer_write(buffer,buffer_u8,NN_LBY_READY) network_send_packet(client_socket,buffer,buffer_tell(buffer)) } } } } else { if !LOB_circle2.enabled { LOB_circle2.enabled = !LOB_circle2.enabled { audio_play_sound(snd_lobby_ready,0,false) with(global.mynet) { buffer_seek(buffer,buffer_seek_start,0) buffer_write(buffer,buffer_u8,NN_LBY_READY) network_send_packet(client_socket,buffer,buffer_tell(buffer)) } } } } if (LOB_circle.enabled && LOB_circle2.enabled) { fade_to_room(rm_ONLINE) global.SET_multiswap = LOB_multiswap.enabled global.SET_hyper = LOB_hypercubes.enabled global.SET_matchless = LOB_matchless.enabled global.SET_twist = LOB_twist.enabled global.S","1733","0.9880273660205245","0.0","0.0" "1a4c52bb59c831a48d0a7f751cdeb7fd88535e01","Alarm_0.gml",".gml","Game Maker Language","charCount = string_length(text[page]);","1733","0.9880273660205245","0.0","0.0" "0d94917d883e1cca8569be24188be31c3c2d0071","Quest_TheGoldenSword.gml",".gml","Game Maker Language","// Setup QuestNew(""The Golden Sword"", ""Hero Of The Land""); QuestGiver(npcElanoraTheExplorer); // List requisites QuestRequisite(CheckQuestInProgress, ""Finding Wanda""); // Start text QuestDialogueContext(Context.intro); QuestDialogueBegin(0); QuestDialogue(""So you're looking for a Golden Sword? Sure I have such an item! But it'll cost ya!""); QuestDialogue(""This ain't no ordinary run of the mill blade, you understand? This is triple folded Scorparian steel! Yup! It's not Gold at all!...""); QuestDialogue(""Scorparian steel just has a strong golden hue! And is rarer than diamonds! So that's why this blade is gonna set you back 300 gems!!!""); QuestDialogue(""So, you sure you want it?""); QuestDialogueAccept(1, 2, ""Oh yeah! 300 gems! Pocket change!"", ""No way! 300 gems! That's way too expensive!""); QuestDialogueBegin(1); QuestDialogue(""Glad to hear it! You big spender you!""); QuestDialogueItem(ItemGetGoldenSword, 1); QuestDialogueResponse(-1, ""That's all for now.""); QuestDialogueBegin(2); Ques","1733","0.9880273660205245","0.0","0.0" "0603df788704ef92092d78068f6c99b06f921b23","Gemfile.lock",".lock","Gemfile.lock","GEM remote: https://rubygems.org/ specs: actionmailer (4.1.5) actionpack (= 4.1.5) actionview (= 4.1.5) mail (~> 2.5.4) actionpack (4.1.5) actionview (= 4.1.5) activesupport (= 4.1.5) rack (~> 1.5.2) rack-test (~> 0.6.2) actionview (4.1.5) activesupport (= 4.1.5) builder (~> 3.1) erubis (~> 2.7.0) activemodel (4.1.5) activesupport (= 4.1.5) builder (~> 3.1) activerecord (4.1.5) activemodel (= 4.1.5) activesupport (= 4.1.5) arel (~> 5.0.0) activesupport (4.1.5) i18n (~> 0.6, >= 0.6.9) json (~> 1.7, >= 1.7.7) minitest (~> 5.1) thread_safe (~> 0.1) tzinfo (~> 1.1) addressable (2.3.6) arel ( bcrypt (3.1.7) better_errors (2.0.0) coderay (>= 1.0.0) erubis (>= 2.6.6) rack (>= 0.9.0) binding_of_caller (0.7.2) debug_inspector (>= 0.0.1) bootstrap-sass ( sass (~> 3.2) ","5195","1.001735441573467","0.0","0.0" "0e1c28867f1f6b18d1f7a7d1d0ea3034e83946f3","Gemfile.lock",".lock","Gemfile.lock","GEM remote: http://rubygems.org/ specs: actionpack (2.3.14) activesupport (= 2.3.14) rack (~> 1.1.0) activesupport (2.3.14) addressable (2.2.7) crack (0.3.1) curb (0.8.0) em-http-request (0.2.11) addressable (>= 2.0.0) eventmachine (>= 0.12.9) ethon (0.7.0) ffi (>= 1.3.0) eventmachine (0.12.10) ffi (1.9.3) git (1.2.5) jeweler (1.8.3) bundler (~> 1.0) git (>= 1.2.5) rake rdoc json (1.6.6) metaclass (0.0.1) mocha (0.11.1) metaclass (~> 0.0.1) rack (1.1.3) rake ( rdoc (3.12) json (~> 1.4) typhoeus (0.6.8) ethon (>= 0.7.0) webmock (1.18.0) addressable (>= 2.2.7) crack (>= 0.1.7) PLATFORMS ruby DEPENDENCIES actionpack (~> 2.3.8) curb (>= em-http-request (= 0.2.11) jeweler mocha (>= 0.9.8) rake typhoeus (>= 0.6.8) webmock ","5195","1.001735441573467","0.0","0.0" "192737deea8b651c2afa4aa236bcfc9a18318716","Gemfile.lock",".lock","Gemfile.lock","GEM remote: https://rubygems.org/ specs: addressable (2.6.0) public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 4.0) ast (2.4.0) capybara (3.12.0) addressable mini_mime (>= 0.1.3) nokogiri (~> 1.8) rack (>= 1.6.0) rack-test (>= 0.6.3) regexp_parser (~> 1.2) xpath (~> 3.2) childprocess (0.9.0) ffi (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.11) diff-lcs (1.3) ffi (1.10.0) jaro_winkler (1.5.2) mini_mime (1.0.1) mini_portile2 (2.4.0) mustermann (1.0.3) nokogiri (1.10.1) mini_portile2 (~> 2.4.0) parallel (1.13.0) parser ( ast (~> 2.4.0) powerpack (0.1.2) public_suffix (3.0.3) rack (2.0.6) rack-protection (2.0.5) rack rack-test (1.1.0) rack (>= 1.0, < 3) rainbow (3.0.0) regexp_parser (1.3.0) rspec (3.8.0) rspec-core (~> 3.8.0) rspec-expectations (~> 3.8.0) rspec-mocks (~> 3.8.0) rspec-core (3.8.0) rspec-support (~> 3.8.0) rspec-expectation","5195","1.001735441573467","0.0","0.0" "01757808b872ae51c2898659e06aa4c4bb038d60","Gemfile.lock",".lock","Gemfile.lock","GIT remote: git://github.com/capistrano/rvm.git revision: dc35ec5e7a74a422250bd6ff5e8885c8b742d0e5 specs: capistrano-rvm (0.1.1) capistrano (~> 3.0) sshkit (~> 1.2) GIT remote: git://github.com/rweng/jquery-datatables-rails.git revision: 44b0448193d4856847e47fb2a245bdd51a4bb2fa specs: jquery-datatables-rails (1.12.2) jquery-rails GEM remote: https://rubygems.org/ specs: actionmailer (4.0.1) actionpack (= 4.0.1) mail (~> 2.5.4) actionpack (4.0.1) activesupport (= 4.0.1) builder (~> 3.1.0) erubis (~> 2.7.0) rack (~> 1.5.2) rack-test (~> 0.6.2) activemodel (4.0.1) activesupport (= 4.0.1) builder (~> 3.1.0) activerecord (4.0.1) activemodel (= 4.0.1) activerecord-deprecated_finders (~> 1.0.2) activesupport (= 4.0.1) arel (~> 4.0.0) activerecord-deprecated_finders (1.0.3) activesupport (4.0.1) i18n (~> 0.6, >= 0.6.4) minitest (~> 4.2) ","5195","1.001735441573467","0.0","0.0" "034391f83a4a4696ecf8a876f5c0140f663f307e","Gemfile.lock",".lock","Gemfile.lock","GEM remote: https://rubygems.org/ specs: actionmailer (4.2.3) actionpack (= 4.2.3) actionview (= 4.2.3) activejob (= 4.2.3) mail (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.4) rails-dom-testing (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.5) actionpack (4.2.3) actionview (= 4.2.3) activesupport (= 4.2.3) rack (~> 1.6) rack-test (~> 0.6.2) rails-dom-testing (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.5) rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) actionview (4.2.3) activesupport (= 4.2.3) builder (~> 3.1) erubis (~> 2.7.0) rails-dom-testing (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.5) rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) activejob (4.2.3) activesupport (= 4.2.3) globalid (>= 0.3.0) activemodel (4.2.3) activesupport (= 4.2.3) builder (~> 3.1) activerecord (4.2.3) activemodel (= 4.2.3) activesupport (= 4.2.3) arel (~> 6.0) activesupport (4.2.3) i18n (~> 0.7) json (~> 1.7, >= 1.7.7) minitest (~> 5.1) thread_s","5195","1.001735441573467","0.0","0.0" "0f641ebda53c9453bdf944e00bdac09ed68f2926","azz_azzp661.4gl",".4gl","Genero","#該程式未解開Section, 採用最新樣板產出! {
} #應用 a00 樣板自動產生(Version:3) #+ Standard Version.....: SD版次:0004(2016-02-22 16:33:17), PR版次:0004(2017-02-02 13:51:52) #+ Customerized Version.: SD版次:0000(1900-01-01 00:00:00), PR版次:0000(1900-01-01 00:00:00) #+ Build......: 000028 #+ Filename...: azzp661 #+ Description: 開帳資料匯入作業 #+ Creator....: 04441(2016-02-22 14:17:50) #+ Modifier...: 04441 -SD/PR- 04441 {
} {
} #應用 p01 樣板自動產生(Version:19) #add-point:填寫註解說明 name=""global.memo"" name=""global.memo"" #170106-00012#1 2017/02/02 By Whitney 增加匯出格式功能 #end add-point #add-point:填寫註解說明(客製用) name=""global.memo_customerization"" #end add-point IMPORT os IMPORT util IMPORT FGL lib_cl_schedule #add-point:增加匯入項目 name=""global.import"" IMPORT FGL sub_s_azzp661 #end add-point SCHEMA ds GLOBALS ""../../cfg/top_global.inc"" GLOBALS ""../../cfg/top_schedule.inc"" GLOBALS DEFINE gwin_curr2 ui.Window DEFINE gfrm_curr2 ui.Form DEFINE gi_hiden_as","45","1.1842105263157894","0.0","0.0" "17d857933393b552d1f5e8f27c32d72e9bd814a8","apm_apmr837_g01.4gl",".4gl","Genero","#該程式未解開Section, 採用最新樣板產出! {
} #應用 a00 樣板自動產生(Version:3) #+ Standard Version.....: SD版次:2(2016-06-24 19:26:26), PR版次:0002(2016-06-27 14:46:20) #+ Customerized Version.: SD版次:(), PR版次:0000(1900-01-01 00:00:00) #+ Build......: 000047 #+ Filename...: apmr837_g01 #+ Description: ... #+ Creator....: 06137(2015-03-30 17:26:33) #+ Modifier...: 02159 -SD/PR- 02159 {
} {
} #報表 g01 樣板自動產生(Version:13) #add-point:填寫註解說明 name=""global.memo"" #end add-point #add-point:填寫註解說明 name=""global.memo_customerization"" IMPORT os #add-point:增加匯入項目 name=""global.import"" #end add-point SCHEMA ds GLOBALS ""../../cfg/top_global.inc"" GLOBALS ""../../cfg/top_report.inc"" #報表使用的global #報表 type 宣告 PRIVATE TYPE sr1_r RECORD pmco001 LIKE pmco_t.pmco001, pmco002 LIKE pmco_t.pmco002, pmco003 LIKE pmco_t.pmco003, pmco004 LIKE pmco_t.pmco004, pmco005 LIKE pmco_t.pmco005, pmcodocdt LIKE","45","1.1842105263157894","0.0","0.0" "21ff5ad227ad5e2f52127f9da83930095a2af56d","empty_while.4gl",".4gl","Genero"," MAIN DEFINE i SMALLINT let i = 11 WHILE i < 10 END WHILE END MAIN ","45","1.1842105263157894","0.0","0.0" "10c5fa8a31f4ab3353330d68ebf256a631d2c763","main.4gl",".4gl","Genero","IMPORT FGL propertysearch SCHEMA propertycross MAIN OPTIONS FIELD ORDER FORM OPTIONS INPUT WRAP CLOSE WINDOW SCREEN CONNECT TO ""propertycross"" CALL ui.Interface.loadStyles(""propertycross"") CALL ui.Interface.loadActionDefaults(""propertycross"") CALL propertysearch.execute() END MAIN ","45","1.1842105263157894","0.0","0.0" "1cb10b43fc33afe6dae693e7a4c548172456c4a0","mkdb_sqlServer.4gl",".4gl","Genero"," #+ Create the database. #+ #+ $Id: mkdb_sqlServer.4gl 801 2012-07-03 16:10:16Z test4j $ #+
#+ NOTES: 
#+ dbexport from Informix must have DBDATE=MDY4/
#+ must do unix2dos on the .unl files.
&include ""db.inc"" CONSTANT DEF_SRVNAME=""COPLAND2\\SQLEXPRESS"" DEFINE db VARCHAR(20) DEFINE src,drv STRING DEFINE m_result STRING MAIN DEFINE con VARCHAR(300) CALL startlog( base.application.getProgramName()||"".log"" ) LET db = fgl_getenv(""DBNAME"") IF db IS NULL OR db = "" "" THEN LET db = DEF_DBNAME END IF LET drv = fgl_getenv(""DBDRIVER"") IF drv IS NULL OR drv = "" "" THEN LET drv = DEF_DBDRIVER END IF IF drv.subString(4,6) != ""snc"" AND drv.subString(4,6) != ""msv"" THEN CALL fgl_winMessage(""ERROR"",""This program is only intended for SQL Server!"",""exclamation"") EXIT PROGRAM END IF LET src = DEF_DBNAME -- fgl_getenv(""DNS"") DISPLAY ""DB:"",db,"" FGLPROFILE:"",fgl_getenv(""FGLPROFILE""),"" SRC:"",src LET con = db||""+driver='""||drv||""'"" --,source='""||src||""'"" IF NOT connect","45","1.1842105263157894","0.0","0.0" "0745506d29d795fdc5bb57105402e996d43c12a3","SAMPLEAI.PER",".per","Genero Forms","; SAMPLE AOK AI FILE ; 17 MAY 2000 ; ============== GROUPS - most of these will work for any file (defrule (true) => (set-strategic-number sn-maximum-town-size 25) (set-strategic-number sn-camp-max-distance 30) (set-strategic-number sn-mill-max-distance 30) (set-strategic-number sn-percent-enemy-sighted-response 100) (set-strategic-number sn-enemy-sighted-response-distance 25) (set-strategic-number sn-blot-exploration-map 1) (set-strategic-number sn-number-explore-groups 2) (disable-self) ) ; ============== ATTACK GROUPS - changing percent attack soldiers will make an AI weak or tough (defrule (current-age == castle) (true) => (set-strategic-number sn-task-ungrouped-soldiers 1) (set-strategic-number sn-percent-attack-soldiers 70) (set-strategic-number sn-number-explore-groups 1) (disable-self) ) ; ================== RESIGNING - resigns if it can't train villagers (defrule (building-type-count town-center less-than 1) (unit-type-count-total village","37","1.121212121212121","0.0","0.0" "1864eda9dcab2239faee9dc024f5e958b2568a65","afat504.per",".per","Genero Forms","---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File created from /u1/topprd/erp/afa/42f/afat504.4fd by Genero Studio -- WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEMA ds LAYOUT (tag=""F003_00"", minWidth=0, minHeight=0, spacing=compact, text=%""afat504"") VBox mainlayout(tag=""CantDel_FormRoot"", splitter) VBox vb_master(tag=""CantDel"") Folder master(tag=""CantDel"") Page master_Folder_page(tag=""CantDel"", text=%""page_1"") HBox master_Folder_page_HBox Grid master_Folder_page_HBox_Grid(tag=""CantDel"") { [lbl_fabgsi|fabgsite |fabgsite_desc ] [prog_fabg0|fabg001 |fabg001_desc ] [lbl_fabgld|fabgld |fabgld_desc ] [lbl_fabgco|fabgcomp ] } END -- master_Folder_page_HBox_Grid Grid Grid_gen1 { [prog_fabg1|fabg002 |fabg002_desc ] [lbl_fabg00|fabg003 |fabg003_desc ] [lbl_fabg01|fabg004 ] [lbl_fabg02|fabg005 ] } END -- G","37","1.121212121212121","0.0","0.0" "13857f6d2a5cda12e7dddd365330688a3a54993d","afap800.per",".per","Genero Forms","---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File created from /u1/topprd/erp/afa/42f/afap800.4fd by Genero Studio -- WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEMA ds LAYOUT (tag=""P002_vq"", minWidth=0, minHeight=0, spacing=compact, text=%""afap800"") VBox VBoxT1(tag=""CantDel_FormRoot"") HBox qbe(splitter) Folder folder_qbe Page page_qbe(text=%""page_qbe"") HBox hbox_1(tag="""") Group lbl_group1(tag="""", text=%""lbl_group1"", comment=%""afap800.cmt_group_1"") Grid grid_qbe(tag=""CantDel"") { [lbl_fabasi|fabasite |fabasite_desc ] [lbl_fabaco|fabacomp |fabacomp_desc ] } END -- grid_qbe END -- lbl_group1 Group group_2(tag="""", text=%""lbl_group2"", comment=%""afap800.cmt_group_2"") Grid grid_1(tag="""", comment=%""cmt_grid_1"") { [lbl_faba020|date ] [lbl_faba021|num ] } END -- grid_1 END -- group_2 Group lbl_group3(tag="""", text","37","1.121212121212121","0.0","0.0" "00dfc9ba8b9617494f34e85ebc37515ff3217204","apsq102.per",".per","Genero Forms","---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File created from /u1/topprd/erp/aps/42f/apsq102.4fd by Genero Studio -- WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEMA ds LAYOUT (tag=""Q001_vq"", minWidth=0, minHeight=0, spacing=compact, text=%""apsq102"") VBox VBoxT1(tag=""CantDel_FormRoot"") HBox qbe Folder folder_qbe Page page_qbe(text=%""page_qbe"") HBox hbox1 Grid grid_qbe(tag=""CantDel"") { [lbl_psca00|psca001 |lbl_psea00|psea002 ] } END -- grid_qbe END -- hbox1 END -- page_qbe END -- folder_qbe END -- qbe VBox mainlayout(tag=""CantDel"", splitter) VBox vb_detail(tag=""CantDel"", splitter) Folder folder_1(tag="""", comment=%""cmt_folder_1"") Page MP(tag="""", text=%""MP"", image="""", comment=%""MP"") VBox vbox_1(tag="""") Folder folder_2(tag="""", comment=%""cmt_folder_2"") Page demand_order(tag="""", action=demand_order, text=%""demand_order"", image="""", comment=%""demand_o","37","1.121212121212121","0.0","0.0" "1904c52f1b0c554a0198bbd7e0dbd5b99a223472","hierarchia.per",".per","Genero Forms","*Vertices 10000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 145 146 147 149 150 151 154 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 179 181 182 183 184 186 187 189 190 191 192 193 194 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 222 223 225 227 228 230 231 232 234 235 237 238 239 241 242 243 245 247 248 249 250 2","37","1.121212121212121","0.0","0.0" "025b4be906d33eff9b951c8db5905e853beaf06a","GMRC-3_SEQ-33_PAT-32.kid",".kid","Genshi","Released GMRC*3*32 SEQ #33 Extracted from mail message **KIDS**:GMRC*3.0*32^ **INSTALL NAME** GMRC*3.0*32 ""BLD"",4202,0) GMRC*3.0*32^CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING^0^3030523^y ""BLD"",4202,1,0) ^^2^2^3030225^ ""BLD"",4202,1,1,0) See the National Patch Module for full details of the enhancements ""BLD"",4202,1,2,0) included in this build. ""BLD"",4202,4,0) ^9.64PA^123.1^1 ""BLD"",4202,4,123.1,0) 123.1 ""BLD"",4202,4,123.1,222) n^y^f^^y^^y^o^n ""BLD"",4202,4,123.1,224) I Y=26 ""BLD"",4202,4,""B"",123.1,123.1) ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",0) ^9.67PA^8989.52^19 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",.4,0) .4 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",.401,0) .401 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",.402,0) .402 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",.403,0) .403 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",.5,0) .5 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",.84,0) .84 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",3.6,0) 3.6 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",3.8,0) 3.8 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",9.2,0) 9.2 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",9.8,0) 9.8 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",9.8,""NM"",0) ^9.68A^3^3 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",9.8,""NM"",1,0) GMRCSLM1^^0^B55643288 ""BLD"",4202,""KRN"",9.8,""NM"",2,0) GMRCYP31^^0^","39","1.0263157894736843","0.0","0.0" "205bfe62fc6baf8e31173f079118adfac9d2a203","PXRM_1_5_5.KID",".kid","Genshi","KIDS Distribution saved on Jul 24, 2001@11:10:21 PXRM*1.5*5 Build 07/24/2001 **KIDS**:PXRM*1.5*5^ **INSTALL NAME** PXRM*1.5*5 ""BLD"",2862,0) PXRM*1.5*5^CLINICAL REMINDERS^0^3010724^y ""BLD"",2862,1,0) ^^2^2^3010322^^^ ""BLD"",2862,1,1,0) This patch update the Exchange Utility so it is compatible with version ""BLD"",2862,1,2,0) 1.5 of Clinical Reminders. ""BLD"",2862,4,0) ^9.64PA^811.9^7 ""BLD"",2862,4,801.41,0) 801.41 ""BLD"",2862,4,801.41,222) y^y^f^^^^n ""BLD"",2862,4,811.2,0) 811.2 ""BLD"",2862,4,811.2,222) y^y^f^^^^n ""BLD"",2862,4,811.4,0) 811.4 ""BLD"",2862,4,811.4,222) y^y^f^^^^n ""BLD"",2862,4,811.5,0) 811.5 ""BLD"",2862,4,811.5,222) y^y^f^^^^n ""BLD"",2862,4,811.6,0) 811.6 ""BLD"",2862,4,811.6,222) y^y^f^^^^n ""BLD"",2862,4,811.8,0) 811.8 ""BLD"",2862,4,811.8,222) y^y^f^^n^^n^o^n ""BLD"",2862,4,811.8,224) ""BLD"",2862,4,811.9,0) 811.9 ""BLD"",2862,4,811.9,222) y^y^f^^^^n ""BLD"",2862,4,""B"",801.41,801.41) ""BLD"",2862,4,""B"",811.2,811.2) ""BLD"",2862,4,""B"",811.4,811.4)","39","1.0263157894736843","0.0","0.0" "1c9f04c694cdc4ed820fc9e7330e0a4766988f7f","SD-5P3_SEQ-405_PAT-492.KID",".kid","Genshi","Released SD*5.3*492 SEQ #405 Extracted from mail message **KIDS**:SD*5.3*492^ **INSTALL NAME** SD*5.3*492 ""BLD"",6827,0) SD*5.3*492^SCHEDULING^0^3061012^y ""BLD"",6827,1,0) ^^1^1^3060717^ ""BLD"",6827,1,1,0) Duplicate Patient Appointments for Clinic View ""BLD"",6827,4,0) ^9.64PA^^ ""BLD"",6827,6.3) 1 ""BLD"",6827,""ABPKG"") n ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",0) ^9.67PA^8989.52^19 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",.4,0) .4 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",.4,""NM"",0) ^9.68A^^ ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",.401,0) .401 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",.402,0) .402 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",.403,0) .403 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",.5,0) .5 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",.84,0) .84 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",3.6,0) 3.6 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",3.8,0) 3.8 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",9.2,0) 9.2 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",9.8,0) 9.8 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",9.8,""NM"",0) ^9.68A^1^1 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",9.8,""NM"",1,0) SDAM3^^0^B10895275 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",9.8,""NM"",""B"",""SDAM3"",1) ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",19,0) 19 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",19.1,0) 19.1 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",101,0) 101 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",409.61,0) 409.61 ""BLD"",6827,""KRN"",77","39","1.0263157894736843","0.0","0.0" "1ecc1958789d6e8ed58d074e3af77ce642e30d37","ZZUS12085.KID",".kid","Genshi","KIDS Distribution saved on Feb 08, 2016@14:55:33 Problems for patient TWOHUNDREDNINE,PATIENT **KIDS**GLOBALS:ZZUS12085*1.0*1^1;AUPNPROB(971)^1;AUPNPROB(975)^1;AUTNPOV(886)^1;AUTNPOV(890)^ **INSTALL NAME** ZZUS12085*1.0*1 ""BLD"",9495,0) ZZUS12085*1.0*1^^2^3160208^n ""BLD"",9495,1,0) ^^1^1^3160205^ ""BLD"",9495,1,1,0) Two problems for TWOHUNDREDNINE,PATIENT ""BLD"",9495,6.3) 20 ""BLD"",9495,""GLO"",0) ^9.65^4^4 ""BLD"",9495,""GLO"",1,0) AUPNPROB(971)^y ""BLD"",9495,""GLO"",2,0) AUPNPROB(975)^y ""BLD"",9495,""GLO"",3,0) AUTNPOV(886)^y ""BLD"",9495,""GLO"",4,0) AUTNPOV(890)^y ""BLD"",9495,""GLO"",""B"",""AUPNPROB(971)"",1) ""BLD"",9495,""GLO"",""B"",""AUPNPROB(975)"",2) ""BLD"",9495,""GLO"",""B"",""AUTNPOV(886)"",3) ""BLD"",9495,""GLO"",""B"",""AUTNPOV(890)"",4) ""BLD"",9495,""INIT"") US12085^ZZKIDSPI ""BLD"",9495,""KRN"",0) ^9.67PA^779.2^20 ""BLD"",9495,""KRN"",.4,0) .4 ""BLD"",9495,""KRN"",.401,0) .401 ""BLD"",9495,""KRN"",.402,0) .402 ""BLD"",9495,""KRN"",.403,0) .403 ""BLD"",9495,""KRN"",.5,0) .5 ""BLD"",9495,""KRN"",.84,0) .84 ""BLD"",9495,""KRN"",3.6,0) 3.6 ""BLD"",9495,""KR","39","1.0263157894736843","0.0","0.0" "07597e299f7716dcf6bbe34bf71511c5e7020d2f","es-1_seq-25_pat-22.kid",".kid","Genshi","Released ES*1*22 SEQ #25 Extracted from mail message **KIDS**:ES*1.0*22^ **INSTALL NAME** ES*1.0*22 ""BLD"",866,0) ES*1.0*22^POLICE & SECURITY^0^2980615^y ""BLD"",866,1,0) ^^1^1^2980615^^^ ""BLD"",866,1,1,0) Increase felony theft threshold from $100 to $1000. ""BLD"",866,4,0) ^9.64PA^912.4^3 ""BLD"",866,4,912,0) 912 ""BLD"",866,4,912,2,0) ^9.641^912.01^2 ""BLD"",866,4,912,2,912,0) ESP OFFENSE REPORT (File-top level) ""BLD"",866,4,912,2,912,1,0) ^9.6411^^ ""BLD"",866,4,912,2,912.01,0) CLASSIFICATION CODE (sub-file) ""BLD"",866,4,912,2,912.01,1,0) ^9.6411^.03^1 ""BLD"",866,4,912,2,912.01,1,.03,0) SUBTYPE ""BLD"",866,4,912,222) y^n^p^^^^n ""BLD"",866,4,912.4,0) 912.4 ""BLD"",866,4,912.4,2,0) ^9.641^912.41^2 ""BLD"",866,4,912.4,2,912.4,0) ESP CRIME DATA (File-top level) ""BLD"",866,4,912.4,2,912.4,1,0) ^9.6411^^ ""BLD"",866,4,912.4,2,912.41,0) INSTITUTION (sub-file) ""BLD"",866,4,912.4,2,912.41,1,0) ^9.6411^139.1^4 ""BLD"",866,4,912.4,2,912.41,1,133.1,0) $1000 & ABOVE (GOV'T) ""B","39","1.0263157894736843","0.0","0.0" "055aecbac421f9477d36f855bd2aa9332c054293","xf86-input-synaptics-1.8.1.ebuild",".ebuild","Gentoo Ebuild","# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ EAPI=5 inherit linux-info xorg-2 DESCRIPTION=""Driver for Synaptics touchpads"" HOMEPAGE=""https://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-input-synaptics/"" KEYWORDS=""amd64 arm ~mips ppc ppc64 x86"" IUSE=""kernel_linux"" RDEPEND=""kernel_linux? ( >=dev-libs/libevdev-0.4 ) >=x11-base/xorg-server-1.14 >=x11-libs/libXi-1.2 >=x11-libs/libXtst-1.1.0"" DEPEND=""${RDEPEND} >=sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.37 >=x11-proto/inputproto- >=x11-proto/recordproto-1.14"" DOCS=( ""README"" ) pkg_pretend() { linux-info_pkg_setup # Just a friendly warning if ! linux_config_exists \ || ! linux_chkconfig_present INPUT_EVDEV; then echo ewarn ""This driver requires event interface support in your kernel"" ewarn "" Device Drivers --->"" ewarn "" Input device support --->"" ewarn "" <*> Event interface"" echo fi } ","4845","1.008744534665834","0.0","0.0" "1322fa6befaf6d41efc9bf4f6172f90e86e70d4c","vgm-4.8-r1.ebuild",".ebuild","Gentoo Ebuild","# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 inherit cmake if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then inherit git-r3 EGIT_REPO_URI=""https://github.com/vmc-project/${PN}.git"" else MY_PV=$(ver_rs 1- -) SRC_URI=""https://github.com/vmc-project/${PN}/archive/v${MY_PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"" KEYWORDS=""~amd64 ~x86"" S=""${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}"" fi DESCRIPTION=""Virtual Geometry Model for High Energy Physics Experiments"" HOMEPAGE=""https://github.com/vmc-project/vgm/"" LICENSE=""GPL-2"" SLOT=""0"" IUSE=""doc examples +geant4 +root test"" RDEPEND="" sci-physics/clhep:= geant4? ( ${PN}-melodic-release-${PV}.tar.gz"" LICENSE=""BSD"" KEYWORDS=""~x86 ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64"" RDEPEND="" ros-melodic/actionlib ros-melodic/geometry_msgs ros-melodic/kdl_parser ros-melodic/message_filters ros-melodic/orocos_kdl ros-melodic/pr2_controllers_msgs ros-melodic/roscpp ros-melodic/sensor_msgs ros-melodic/tf ros-melodic/tf_conversions ros-melodic/trajectory_msgs "" DEPEND=""${RDEPEND} ros-melodic/catkin "" SLOT=""0"" ROS_DISTRO=""melodic"" ROS_PREFIX=""opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}"" ","4845","1.008744534665834","0.0","0.0" "07b3fa7220c80a885dd1bec3cbbf20b7aa203ecb","unidecode-0.04.20.ebuild",".ebuild","Gentoo Ebuild","# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 python3_{4,5,6} pypy ) MY_PN=Unidecode MY_P=${MY_PN}-${PV} inherit distutils-r1 DESCRIPTION=""Module providing ASCII transliterations of Unicode text"" HOMEPAGE=""https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Unidecode"" SRC_URI=""mirror://pypi/${MY_PN:0:1}/${MY_PN}/${MY_P}.tar.gz"" LICENSE=""GPL-2"" SLOT=""0"" KEYWORDS=""~alpha amd64 arm hppa ppc ppc64 ~sparc x86"" S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P} DEPEND=""dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]"" python_test() { esetup.py test } ","4845","1.008744534665834","0.0","0.0" "13af86d1d100d477cc0ca052b1abd1ba0a4334ec","xhost-1.0.8.ebuild",".ebuild","Gentoo Ebuild","# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 inherit xorg-3 DESCRIPTION=""Controls host and/or user access to a running X server"" KEYWORDS=""~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"" IUSE=""ipv6"" RDEPEND=""x11-libs/libX11 x11-libs/libXmu x11-libs/libXau"" DEPEND=""${RDEPEND}"" pkg_setup() { XORG_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS=""$(use_enable ipv6)"" } ","4845","1.008744534665834","0.0","0.0" "0020ac95336c76843e1e842dee9787f5f85af266","virtualdbus.eclass",".eclass","Gentoo Eclass","# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # Based on virtualx.eclass # @ECLASS: virtualdbus.eclass # @MAINTAINER: # kde@gentoo.org # @BLURB: This eclass can be used for packages that needs a working dbus session bus during test phase. UNTESTED SO FAR. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: VIRTUALDBUS_REQUIRED # @DESCRIPTION: # Is a dependency on dbus etc needed? # Valid values are ""always"", ""optional"", and ""manual"". # ""tests"" is a synonym for ""optional"". : ${VIRTUALDBUS_REQUIRED:=optional} # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: VIRTUALDBUS_USE # @DESCRIPTION: # If VIRTUALDBUS_REQUIRED=optional, what USE flag should control # the dependency? : ${VIRTUALDBUS_USE:=test} # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: VIRTUALDBUS_DEPEND # @DESCRIPTION: # Dep string available for use outside of eclass, in case a more # complicated dep is needed. VIRTUALDBUS_DEPEND=""dev-util/dbus-test-runner"" case ${VIRTUALDBUS_REQUIRED} in always) DEPEND=""${VIRTUALDBUS_DEPEND}"" RDEPEND=""""","39","1.1470588235294117","0.0","0.0" "06022cd8c89cb4dc605e34f0e4a69f1060d75d39","tomcat.eclass",".eclass","Gentoo Eclass","# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ # @ECLASS: tomcat.eclass # @MAINTAINER: jakub@jirutka.cz # @BLURB: An eclass for installing Java applications under Tomcat container. # @DESCRIPTION: # This eclass is designed to simplify writing of ebuilds for Java applications # that runs under Tomcat as the servlet container. The package is installed # under separate instance of Tomcat, i.e. Tomcat itself is shared between many # instances (see ${TOMCAT_HOME}) but every application has its own instance # (see ${TOMCAT_BASE}). inherit user # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: TOMCAT_INSTANCE # @DEFAULT: ${PN} or ${PN}-${SLOT} # @DESCRIPTION: # Name of the Tomcat instance to create for this package, typically same as the # package name. Default value is ${PN} or ${PN}-${SLOT} when it's not 0. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: TOMCAT_HOME # @DEFAULT: /usr/share/tomcat-${TOMCAT_SLOT} # @DESCRIPTION: # Directory path where are Tomcat shared files","39","1.1470588235294117","0.0","0.0" "0208e9a63bcde58e1e402ce7eecd0c7658a65b88","gclient.eclass",".eclass","Gentoo Eclass","# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: inherit eutils EGCLIENT=""${ECLASS}"" EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_unpack pkg_preinst DESCRIPTION=""Based on the ${ECLASS} eclass"" DEPEND=""dev-util/gclient dev-util/subversion"" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: EGCLIENT_STORE_DIR # @DESCRIPTION: # gclient sources store directory. Users may override this in /etc/make.conf [[ -z ${EGCLIENT_STORE_DIR} ]] && EGCLIENT_STORE_DIR=""${PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR:-${DISTDIR}}/gclient-src"" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: EGCLIENT_CONFIG_CMD # @DESCRIPTION: # gclient config command EGCLIENT_CONFIG_CMD=""gclient.py config"" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: EGCLIENT_FETCH_CMD # @DESCRIPTION: # gclient sync command EGCLIENT_UPDATE_CMD=""gclient.py update"" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: EGCLIENT_REPO_URI # @DESCRIPTION: # repository uri # EGCLIENT_REPO_URI=""${EGCLIENT_REPO_URI:-}"" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: EGCLIENT_CONFIG # @DESCRIPTION: # custom config file # EGCLIENT_CONFIG=""${EGCLIENT_CONFIG:-}""","39","1.1470588235294117","0.0","0.0" "1f19329a65d4e8e21ef878b48c061b9b76f8f94c","perl-module.eclass",".eclass","Gentoo Eclass","# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/perl-module.eclass,v 1.141 2014/09/27 20:54:42 dilfridge Exp $ # @ECLASS: perl-module.eclass # @MAINTAINER: # perl@gentoo.org # @AUTHOR: # Seemant Kulleen # @BLURB: eclass for perl modules # @DESCRIPTION: # The perl-module eclass is designed to allow easier installation of perl # modules, and their incorporation into the Gentoo Linux system. inherit eutils multiprocessing unpacker [[ ${CATEGORY} == ""perl-core"" ]] && inherit alternatives PERL_EXPF=""src_unpack src_compile src_test src_install"" case ""${EAPI:-0}"" in 0|1) PERL_EXPF+="" pkg_setup pkg_preinst pkg_postinst pkg_prerm pkg_postrm"" ;; 2|3|4|5) PERL_EXPF+="" src_prepare src_configure"" [[ ${CATEGORY} == ""perl-core"" ]] && \ PERL_EXPF+="" pkg_postinst pkg_postrm"" case ""${GENTOO_DEPEND_ON_PERL:-yes}"" in yes) case ""${EAPI:-0}"" in 5) case ""${","39","1.1470588235294117","0.0","0.0" "044644ce401726c8720ca99e8c1f0f8cb52eda20","cuda.eclass",".eclass","Gentoo Eclass","# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/cuda.eclass,v 1.3 2013/08/11 16:20:23 jlec Exp $ inherit flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs versionator # @ECLASS: cuda.eclass # @MAINTAINER: # Justin Lecher # @BLURB: Common functions for cuda packages # @DESCRIPTION: # This eclass contains functions to be used with cuda package. Currently it is # setting and/or sanitizing NVCCFLAGS, the compiler flags for nvcc. This is # automatically done and exported in src_prepare() or manually by calling # cuda_sanatize. # @EXAMPLE: # inherit cuda # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: NVCCFLAGS # @DESCRIPTION: # nvcc compiler flags (see nvcc --help), which should be used like # CFLAGS for c compiler : ${NVCCFLAGS:=-O2} # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: CUDA_VERBOSE # @DESCRIPTION: # Being verbose during compilation to see underlying commands : ${CUDA_VERBOSE:=true} # @FUNCTION: cuda_gccdir # @USAGE: [-f] # @RETURN:","39","1.1470588235294117","0.0","0.0" "2141e5d637ca7ae8e82d2941c51657e82ac49d7f","expenses.cmp",".cmp","Gerber Image","


My Expenses

","336","0.04933196300102775","0.0","0.0" "0497d39545ea5af9a91143dff6b4a6a149e9aa8e","MChain46_L75F50C10.Cmp",".cmp","Gerber Image","Ref.trees Input.trees MatchingCluster R-F_Cluster NodalSplitted Triples 1606 64 449.0000 48.0000 327.4874 14114.0000 1375 474 381.0000 46.0000 305.5290 12883.0000 901 6 524.0000 48.0000 345.9191 13219.0000 86 433 443.0000 48.0000 365.6255 11642.0000 248 189 455.0000 48.0000 332.2680 10207.0000 2109 77 317.0000 47.0000 208.0000 8767.0000 2116 565 530.0000 43.0000 457.7445 15619.0000 1 117 498.0000 48.0000 300.2133 12729.0000 1497 286 460.0000 48.0000 313.9140 11940.0000 1280 197 469.0000 47.0000 286.7438 12451.0000 1736 137 381.0000 48.0000 273.5032 11885.0000 140 59 419.0000 48.0000 270.4848 13033.0000 511 242 498.0000 46.0000 368.6516 13934.0000 206 1 450.0000 47.0000 301.8808 13224.0000 119 172 484.0000 47.0000 360.7298 14451.0000 813 601 432.0000 47.0000 297.7113 12189.0000 1912 105 429.0000 48.0000 311.4290 12904.0000 61 447 419.0000 47.0000 340.6787 10442.0000 1548 537 398.0000 48.0000 329.7999 10403.0000 825 45 363.0000 47.0000 251.7022 12774.0000 75 36 568.0000 47.0000 340.3763 ","336","0.04933196300102775","0.0","0.0" "03606168627674beecab80e41bc6a68930897160","StickIt-Hat.cmp",".cmp","Gerber Image","Cmp-Mod V01 Created by Cvpcb (2015-04-14 BZR 5597)-product date = 05/12/2015 11:42:24 AM BeginCmp TimeStamp = /5519E854; Reference = C1; ValeurCmp = 22uF; IdModule = Capacitors_SMD:c_elec_5x5.3; EndCmp BeginCmp TimeStamp = /5519E7D1; Reference = C2; ValeurCmp = 4.7uF; IdModule = Resistors_SMD:R_0805_HandSoldering; EndCmp BeginCmp TimeStamp = /5519EB9A; Reference = C3; ValeurCmp = 22uF; IdModule = Capacitors_SMD:c_elec_5x5.3; EndCmp BeginCmp TimeStamp = /5519EB94; Reference = C4; ValeurCmp = 4.7uF; IdModule = Resistors_SMD:R_0805_HandSoldering; EndCmp BeginCmp TimeStamp = /551AFE5E; Reference = C5; ValeurCmp = 0.1uF; IdModule = Resistors_SMD:R_0805_HandSoldering; EndCmp BeginCmp TimeStamp = /551829DE; Reference = CON1; ValeurCmp = BARREL_JACK; IdModule = Connect:BARREL_JACK; EndCmp BeginCmp TimeStamp = /5518142D; Reference = GPIO1; ValeurCmp = RPi_GPIO; IdModule = RPi_Hat:Pin_Header_Straight_2x20; EndCmp BeginCmp TimeStamp = /551F8923; Reference = GR1; ValeurCmp = Grove","336","0.04933196300102775","0.0","0.0" "0998ca2e0ab961bf7c2d05a6089a5d6cbbcad172","soraduino_lite.GBL",".gbl","Gerber Image","G75* G70* %OFA0B0*% %FSLAX24Y24*% %IPPOS*% %LPD*% %AMOC8* 5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5* % %ADD10C,0.0000*% %ADD11C,0.0060*% %ADD12C,0.0520*% %ADD13OC8,0.0520*% %ADD14C,0.0515*% %ADD15C,0.0600*% %ADD16OC8,0.0600*% %ADD17C,0.0100*% %ADD18OC8,0.0400*% D10* X000417Y000150D02* X000417Y016150D01* X016417Y016150D01* X016417Y000150D01* X000417Y000150D01* X000641Y000650D02* X000643Y000683D01* X000649Y000715D01* X000658Y000746D01* X000671Y000776D01* X000688Y000804D01* X000708Y000830D01* X000731Y000854D01* X000756Y000874D01* X000784Y000892D01* X000813Y000906D01* X000844Y000916D01* X000876Y000923D01* X000909Y000926D01* X000942Y000925D01* X000974Y000920D01* X001005Y000911D01* X001036Y000899D01* X001064Y000883D01* X001091Y000864D01* X001115Y000842D01* X001136Y000817D01* X001155Y000790D01* X001170Y000761D01* X001181Y000731D01* X001189Y000699D01* X001193Y000666D01* X001193Y000634D01* X001189Y000601D01* X001181Y000569D01* X001170Y000539D01* X001155Y000510D01* X001136Y000483D01* X001115Y000458D01* X001091Y","73","0.0107179562472471","0.0","0.0" "064232f16bcc35d770ad6a565d889563bc7c4ec6","Falc-eth.GBL",".gbl","Gerber Image","G04 DipTrace* G04 Falc-eth.GBL* %MOMM*% G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Copper,L2,Bot* G04 #@! TF.Part,Single* %AMOUTLINE0*5,1,8,0,0,1.8,-202.49891*% G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,CopperBalancing* %ADD13C,0.2032*% G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,Conductor* %ADD14C,0.381*% G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,CopperBalancing* %ADD15C,0.254*% G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,Conductor* %ADD16C,0.762*% %ADD20C,0.3048*% %ADD21R,1.5X1.3*% %ADD22R,1.8X1.6*% %ADD23R,1.6X1.8*% G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad* %ADD25C,1.6*% %ADD26R,1.6X1.6*% %ADD27C,1.51*% %ADD28R,1.51X1.51*% %ADD29R,1.5X1.5*% %ADD30C,1.5*% %ADD31C,1.8*% %ADD32C,3.0*% %ADD33C,1.524*% %ADD34R,1.524X1.524*% %ADD35C,1.5*% %ADD36R,1.7X1.7*% %ADD37C,1.7*% %ADD38C,1.4986*% %ADD40R,1.8X1.8*% %ADD47C,1.2192*% G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ViaPad* %ADD48C,0.6858*% %ADD50C,0.8636*% G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad* %ADD87OUTLINE0*% %FSLAX35Y35*% G04* G71* G90* G75* G01* G04 Bottom* %LPD*% X15212060Y4061460D2* D13* X14119","73","0.0107179562472471","0.0","0.0" "00db9372d58946f61623abf01c2021d01deb035b","BlinkLED-relay_rev2.GBL",".gbl","Gerber Image","G75* G70* %OFA0B0*% %FSLAX24Y24*% %IPPOS*% %LPD*% %AMOC8* 5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5* % %ADD10C,0.0000*% %ADD11C,0.0709*% %ADD12OC8,0.0520*% %ADD13OC8,0.1240*% %ADD14C,0.1240*% %ADD15C,0.1210*% %ADD16C,0.0039*% D10* X000121Y000504D02* X000121Y020189D01* X019806Y020189D01* X019806Y000504D01* X000121Y000504D01* X007046Y001634D02* X007048Y001684D01* X007054Y001734D01* X007064Y001784D01* X007077Y001832D01* X007094Y001880D01* X007115Y001926D01* X007139Y001970D01* X007167Y002012D01* X007198Y002052D01* X007232Y002089D01* X007269Y002124D01* X007308Y002155D01* X007349Y002184D01* X007393Y002209D01* X007439Y002231D01* X007486Y002249D01* X007534Y002263D01* X007583Y002274D01* X007633Y002281D01* X007683Y002284D01* X007734Y002283D01* X007784Y002278D01* X007834Y002269D01* X007882Y002257D01* X007930Y002240D01* X007976Y002220D01* X008021Y002197D01* X008064Y002170D01* X008104Y002140D01* X008142Y002107D01* X008177Y002071D01* X008210Y002032D01* X008239Y001991D01* X008265Y001948D01* X008288Y001903D01* X00830","73","0.0107179562472471","0.0","0.0" "0202bb25e0afda40604a54af1cbadb2c02940afc","djb_v2_rigid.GBL",".gbl","Gerber Image","G04* G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,Altium Limited,Altium Designer,19.0.15 (446)* G04* G04 Layer_Physical_Order=4* G04 Layer_Color=16711680* %FSLAX42Y42*% %MOMM*% G71* G01* G75* %ADD11C,0.25*% %ADD12C,0.15*% %ADD18R,1.47X0.60*% G04:AMPARAMS|DCode=23|XSize=0.35mm|YSize=0.44mm|CornerRadius=0mm|HoleSize=0mm|Usage=FLASHONLY|Rotation=116.000|XOffset=0mm|YOffset=0mm|HoleType=Round|Shape=Rectangle|* %AMROTATEDRECTD23* 4,1,4,0.27,-0.06,-0.12,-0.25,-0.27,0.06,0.12,0.25,0.27,-0.06,0.0* % %ADD23ROTATEDRECTD23*% G04:AMPARAMS|DCode=24|XSize=0.64mm|YSize=0.6mm|CornerRadius=0mm|HoleSize=0mm|Usage=FLASHONLY|Rotation=116.000|XOffset=0mm|YOffset=0mm|HoleType=Round|Shape=Rectangle|* %AMROTATEDRECTD24* 4,1,4,0.41,-0.16,-0.13,-0.42,-0.41,0.16,0.13,0.42,0.41,-0.16,0.0* % %ADD24ROTATEDRECTD24*% G04:AMPARAMS|DCode=27|XSize=0.35mm|YSize=0.4mm|CornerRadius=0mm|HoleSize=0mm|Usage=FLASHONLY|Rotation=116.000|XOffset=0mm|YOffset=0mm|HoleType=Round|Shape=Rectangle|* %AMROTATEDRECTD27* 4,1","73","0.0107179562472471","0.0","0.0" "06e8edd5aac317284e8862afe01f4ec40041f670","Super-Regenerative-VHF-KosmosX3000.GBL",".gbl","Gerber Image","G75* %MOIN*% %OFA0B0*% %FSLAX25Y25*% %IPPOS*% %LPD*% %AMOC8* 5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5* % %ADD10C,0.07000*% %ADD11C,0.02400*% D10* X0041500Y0013108D03* X0031500Y0033108D03* X0051500Y0033108D03* X0061500Y0033108D03* X0061500Y0043108D03* X0061500Y0053108D03* X0071500Y0053108D03* X0051500Y0053108D03* X0041500Y0053108D03* X0021500Y0053108D03* X0011500Y0053108D03* X0011500Y0063108D03* X0021500Y0073108D03* X0041500Y0073108D03* X0021500Y0093108D03* X0071500Y0073108D03* X0091500Y0073108D03* X0111500Y0073108D03* X0121500Y0073108D03* X0121500Y0063108D03* X0111500Y0063108D03* X0101500Y0053108D03* X0101500Y0043108D03* X0101500Y0033108D03* X0111500Y0033108D03* X0121500Y0033108D03* X0121500Y0043108D03* X0121500Y0013108D03* X0111500Y0013108D03* X0081500Y0013108D03* X0011500Y0033108D03* X0101500Y0093108D03* X0121500Y0093108D03* D11* X0041500Y0013108D02* X0031500Y0023108D01* X0031500Y0033108D01* X0031500Y0033108D01* X0021500Y0043108D01* X0021500Y0053108D01* X0021500Y0053108D01* X0021500Y0053108D01* X00","73","0.0107179562472471","0.0","0.0" "062452751993e5c2d52285f220ef0f8d8a3e1020","ptp-rpibplus-B_SilkS.gbo",".gbo","Gerber Image","%FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW (2014-08-29 BZR 5106)-product) date Fri 05 Sep 2014 06:55:21 PM PDT* %MOMM*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.100000*% %ADD11C,6.352400*% %ADD12R,1.879600X1.879600*% %ADD13O,1.879600X1.879600*% %ADD14C,1.676400*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* %LPC*% D11* X98044000Y-80010000D03* X155956000Y-129032000D03* X155956000Y-80010000D03* D12* X102870000Y-81280000D03* D13* X102870000Y-78740000D03* X105410000Y-81280000D03* X105410000Y-78740000D03* X107950000Y-81280000D03* X107950000Y-78740000D03* X110490000Y-81280000D03* X110490000Y-78740000D03* X113030000Y-81280000D03* X113030000Y-78740000D03* X115570000Y-81280000D03* X115570000Y-78740000D03* X118110000Y-81280000D03* X118110000Y-78740000D03* X120650000Y-81280000D03* X120650000Y-78740000D03* X123190000Y-81280000D03* X123190000Y-78740000D03* X125730000Y-81280000D03* X125730000Y-78740000D03* X128270000Y-81280000D03* X128270000Y-78740000D03* X130","67","0.009837028336514462","0.0","0.0" "0003a49396e6f59b2c98f6abd268572f451bcffe","ledrgbmatrix_arjunk.GBO",".gbo","Gerber Image","G75* %MOIN*% %OFA0B0*% %FSLAX25Y25*% %IPPOS*% %LPD*% %AMOC8* 5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5* % %ADD10C,0.00600*% D10* X0010099Y0011300D02* X0010099Y0014503D01* X0011167Y0015570D01* X0012234Y0014503D01* X0012234Y0011300D01* X0014370Y0011300D02* X0014370Y0015570D01* X0013302Y0015570D01* X0012234Y0014503D01* X0016545Y0014503D02* X0017612Y0015570D01* X0019747Y0015570D01* X0020815Y0014503D01* X0020815Y0012368D01* X0019747Y0011300D01* X0017612Y0011300D01* X0016545Y0012368D01* X0016545Y0014503D01* X0022977Y0015570D02* X0025112Y0015570D01* X0024044Y0016638D02* X0024044Y0012368D01* X0022977Y0011300D01* X0027274Y0011300D02* X0028341Y0012368D01* X0028341Y0016638D01* X0027274Y0015570D02* X0029409Y0015570D01* X0031584Y0014503D02* X0032652Y0015570D01* X0034787Y0015570D01* X0035855Y0014503D01* X0035855Y0012368D01* X0034787Y0011300D01* X0032652Y0011300D01* X0031584Y0012368D01* X0031584Y0014503D01* X0038030Y0015570D02* X0039097Y0014503D01* X0042300Y0014503D0","67","0.009837028336514462","0.0","0.0" "06b67c48186dae8f2f30c843eb261b6e61e19dc4","Servoboard met bananenstekers - v1.0_silkBottom.gbo",".gbo","Gerber Image","G04 MADE WITH FRITZING* G04 WWW.FRITZING.ORG* G04 DOUBLE SIDED* G04 HOLES PLATED* G04 CONTOUR ON CENTER OF CONTOUR VECTOR* %ASAXBY*% %FSLAX23Y23*% %MOIN*% %OFA0B0*% %SFA1.0B1.0*% %ADD10R,2.677170X2.283460X2.661170X2.267460*% %ADD11C,0.008000*% %ADD12R,0.001000X0.001000*% %LNSILK0*% G90* G70* G54D11* X4Y2279D02* X2673Y2279D01* X2673Y4D01* X4Y4D01* X4Y2279D01* D02* G54D12* X357Y2222D02* X362Y2222D01* X789Y2222D02* X794Y2222D01* X355Y2221D02* X365Y2221D01* X787Y2221D02* X797Y2221D01* X354Y2220D02* X366Y2220D01* X786Y2220D02* X798Y2220D01* X353Y2219D02* X366Y2219D01* X785Y2219D02* X798Y2219D01* X353Y2218D02* X366Y2218D01* X785Y2218D02* X798Y2218D01* X353Y2217D02* X367Y2217D01* X447Y2217D02* X451Y2217D01* X785Y2217D02* X799Y2217D01* X353Y2216D02* X367Y2216D01* X446Y2216D02* X452Y2216D01* X784Y2216D02* X799Y2216D01* X353Y2215D02* X367Y2215D01* X445Y2215D02* X453Y2215D01* X784Y2215D02* X799Y2215D01* X353Y2214D02* X367Y2214D01* X445Y2214D02* X453Y2214D01* X784Y2214D02* X799Y2214D01* X293Y2213D","67","0.009837028336514462","0.0","0.0" "1099b2bddbfbd1f83f81080cfe04d62599cce4b8","Main-Board-B_SilkS.gbo",".gbo","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,(5.1.2)-2* G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2019-08-16T19:30:49+02:00* G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,Main-Board,4d61696e-2d42-46f6-9172-642e6b696361,rev?* G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,Original* G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Legend,Bot* G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW (5.1.2)-2) date 2019-08-16 19:30:49* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.300000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* X215795000Y-53378571D02* X216295000Y-52664285D01* X216652142Y-53378571D02* X216652142Y-51878571D01* X216080714Y-51878571D01* X215937857Y-51950000D01* X215866428Y-52021428D01* X215795000Y-52164285D01* X215795000Y-52378571D01* X215866428Y-52521428D01* X215937857Y-52592857D01* X216080714Y-52664285D01* X216652142Y-52664285D01* X215152142Y-52592857D02* X214652142Y-52592857D01* X214437857Y-53378571D02* X215152142Y-53378571D01* X215152142Y-51878571D01* X214437857Y-51878571D01* X214009285Y-5","67","0.009837028336514462","0.0","0.0" "18cf1952ce68374f99d968c1666d209f41e17608","electrode-B_SilkS.gbo",".gbo","Gerber Image","G04 (created by PCBNEW (2013-jul-07)-stable) date Sun 25 Jun 2017 04:45:46 PM PDT* %MOIN*% G04 Gerber Fmt 3.4, Leading zero omitted, Abs format* %FSLAX34Y34*% G01* G70* G90* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.00590551*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* G54D10* M02* ","67","0.009837028336514462","0.0","0.0" "0009559a211958b202ddfafd24eb730d52b9fe6b","VehicleController-B.Paste.gbp",".gbp","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Paste,Bot* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.0.6) date 06/03/17 00:39:33* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.100000*% %ADD11R,5.080000X2.540000*% %ADD12C,10.200000*% %ADD13R,1.800860X3.500120*% %ADD14R,1.250000X1.500000*% %ADD15R,1.500000X1.250000*% %ADD16R,0.450000X0.590000*% %ADD17R,2.500000X2.000000*% %ADD18R,2.000000X2.500000*% %ADD19R,1.800860X0.800100*% %ADD20R,0.800100X1.800860*% %ADD21R,1.300000X1.500000*% %ADD22R,1.500000X1.300000*% %ADD23R,2.200000X0.800000*% %ADD24R,6.400000X5.800000*% %ADD25R,0.850000X0.250000*% %ADD26R,0.250000X0.850000*% %ADD27R,0.650000X1.060000*% %ADD28R,0.508000X1.143000*% %ADD29R,1.498600X0.599440*% %ADD30R,3.500120X1.800860*% %ADD31R,1.200000X1.200000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* D11* X104521000Y-100076000D03* X104521000Y-84836000D03* D12* X104521000Y-92456000D03* D13* X130937000Y-84114640D03* X130937000Y-89113360D03* D14* X74295000Y-1127","25","0.003670532961385993","0.0","0.0" "142eb8823cfecffa3cf6f504d246419ae825f831","2x3-Speaker-TH-5mm-Pitch-B.Paste.gbp",".gbp","Gerber Image","%TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,4.0.5-e0-6337~49~ubuntu16.04.1*% %TF.CreationDate,2017-02-14T02:34:34-08:00*% %TF.ProjectId,2x3-Speaker-TH-5mm-Pitch,3278332D537065616B65722D54482D35,1.0*% %TF.FileFunction,Paste,Bot*% %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.0.5-e0-6337~49~ubuntu16.04.1) date Tue Feb 14 02:34:34 2017* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.350000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* M02* ","25","0.003670532961385993","0.0","0.0" "21ad4284d98f378cd7448722a00ee355a5727904","converterboard.gbp",".gbp","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,(5.0.0)* G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2019-01-18T23:40:16+01:00* G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,converterboard,636F6E766572746572626F6172642E6B,rev?* G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,Original* G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Paste,Bot* G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW (5.0.0)) date 01/18/19 23:40:16* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* G04 APERTURE END LIST* M02* ","25","0.003670532961385993","0.0","0.0" "1e47ed6f2134f3f0ef7cdd1b0b9b6d89ddfd973d","gps-tag-lora-addon.GBP",".gbp","Gerber Image","G04* G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,Altium Limited,Altium Designer,19.0.12 (326)* G04* G04 Layer_Color=128* %FSAX25Y25*% %MOIN*% G70* G01* G75* %ADD68R,0.05906X0.11811*% %ADD69R,0.01968X0.02362*% %ADD70R,0.02441X0.02244*% %ADD71R,0.02362X0.02520*% %ADD72R,0.07087X0.05118*% D68* X0369154Y0307972D02* D03* X0379154D02* D03* X0389154D02* D03* X0419154D02* D03* X0429154D02* D03* X0439154D02* D03* X0449154D02* D03* X0459154D02* D03* X0469154D02* D03* X0479154D02* D03* X0489154D02* D03* Y0402461D02* D03* X0479154D02* D03* X0469154D02* D03* X0459154D02* D03* X0449154D02* D03* X0439154D02* D03* X0429154D02* D03* X0419154D02* D03* X0389154D02* D03* X0379154D02* D03* X0369154D02* D03* D69* X0374476Y0298622D02* D03* X0378413D02* D03* D70* X0343295Y0344811D02* D03* Y0341110D02* D03* X0330295D02* D03* Y0344811D02* D03* X0330646Y0354610D02* D03* Y0358311D02* D03* D71* X0334795Y0344961D02* D03* X0338575D02* D03* D72* X0288846Y0326575D02* D03* Y0313583D02* D03* Y0353346D02* D03* X0322705Y0313583D02* D03","25","0.003670532961385993","0.0","0.0" "1cb0c424a68eced7686171355a3c59c43479c29a","Connect-SoldP_Back.gbp",".gbp","Gerber Image","G04 (created by PCBNEW-RS274X (2012-01-19 BZR 3256)-stable) date 20/09/2012 17:26:11* G01* G70* G90* %MOIN*% G04 Gerber Fmt 3.4, Leading zero omitted, Abs format* %FSLAX34Y34*% G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.006000*% %ADD11O,0.160000X0.060000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* G54D10* G54D11* X85000Y-64500D03* X85000Y-63500D03* X85000Y-62500D03* X85000Y-61500D03* X85000Y-60500D03* X85000Y-59500D03* X85000Y-58500D03* X85000Y-57500D03* X85000Y-56500D03* X85000Y-55500D03* X94500Y-64500D03* X94500Y-63500D03* X94500Y-62500D03* X94500Y-61500D03* X94500Y-60500D03* X94500Y-59500D03* X94500Y-58500D03* X94500Y-57500D03* X94500Y-56500D03* X94500Y-55500D03* M02* ","25","0.003670532961385993","0.0","0.0" "18fe3ddd81c2352cf4fa3388523f9369bc27bf5b","copper_bottom.gbr",".gbr","Gerber Image","G04 EAGLE Gerber RS-274X export* G75* %MOMM*% %FSLAX34Y34*% %LPD*% %INBottom Copper*% %IPPOS*% %AMOC8* 5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5*% G01* %ADD10P,1.732040X8X22.500000*% %ADD11C,1.524000*% %ADD12P,1.429621X8X22.500000*% %ADD13C,1.270000*% G36* X300793Y505461D02* X300793Y505461D01* X300796Y505461D01* X301143Y505481D01* X301501Y505501D01* X301504Y505501D01* X301507Y505501D01* X301847Y505560D01* X302204Y505620D01* X302206Y505621D01* X302209Y505621D01* X302554Y505721D01* X302888Y505817D01* X302891Y505819D01* X302894Y505819D01* X303218Y505954D01* X303546Y506090D01* X303549Y506092D01* X303551Y506093D01* X303863Y506265D01* X304170Y506435D01* X304172Y506437D01* X304175Y506438D01* X304472Y506649D01* X304751Y506847D01* X304753Y506849D01* X304755Y506851D01* X305023Y507091D01* X305282Y507322D01* X305284Y507325D01* X305286Y507326D01* X305524Y507594D01* X305756Y507854D01* X305758Y507856D01* X305760Y507858D01* X305958Y508139D01* X306168Y508435D01* X306170Y508438D01* X306171Y508440D01* X306334Y508736D01","471","0.06915284099251211","0.0","0.0" "03561fbc16375caf8e8ab34f3590ce2754897807","solderpaste_bottom.gbr",".gbr","Gerber Image","G04 EAGLE Gerber RS-274X export* G75* %MOMM*% %FSLAX34Y34*% %LPD*% %INSolderpaste Bottom*% %IPPOS*% %AMOC8* 5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5*% G01* %ADD10R,1.200000X2.000000*% %ADD11R,0.600000X1.350000*% %ADD12R,1.100000X1.000000*% %ADD13R,1.000000X1.100000*% D10* X250250Y185500D03* X194250Y185500D03* D11* X237250Y222250D03* X227250Y222250D03* X217250Y222250D03* X207250Y222250D03* D12* X229150Y350650D03* X212150Y350650D03* X321250Y385650D03* X338250Y385650D03* D13* X398750Y136750D03* X398750Y119750D03* D12* X133750Y46150D03* X116750Y46150D03* D13* X43550Y309250D03* X43550Y326250D03* M02* ","471","0.06915284099251211","0.0","0.0" "10b2b474f0570fe580dff2c971d299a2c67c734c","LS01-B.Cu.gbr",".gbr","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,(5.0.0)* G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2019-03-30T16:47:33+00:00* G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,LS01,4C5330312E6B696361645F7063620000,rev?* G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,Original* G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Copper,L2,Bot,Signal* G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW (5.0.0)) date 03/30/19 16:47:33* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad* %ADD10C,2.000000*% G04 #@! TD* G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad* %ADD11C,1.400000*% G04 #@! TD* G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad* %ADD12O,1.400000X1.400000*% G04 #@! TD* G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad* %ADD13R,1.600000X1.600000*% G04 #@! TD* G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad* %ADD14O,1.600000X1.600000*% G04 #@! TD* G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad* %ADD15R,1.500000X1.050000*% G04 #@! TD* G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,Conductor* %ADD16C,0.100000*% ","471","0.06915284099251211","0.0","0.0" "18e410114782b3f3b936678974039d1f8b3af2a9","CM_M4K64_A-F.Adhes.gbr",".gbr","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Glue,Top* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.0.7) date 09/09/17 19:36:50* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.100000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* X86767232Y-135759051D02* X86767232Y-135359051D01* X97917232Y-135359051D02* X97917232Y-135759051D01* X96917232Y-136759051D02* X87767232Y-136759051D01* X96917232Y-136759051D02* X97917232Y-135759051D01* X86767232Y-135759051D02* X87767232Y-136759051D01* X155417232Y-91959051D02* X155417232Y-128359051D01* X84417232Y-128359051D02* X84417232Y-91959051D01* X84417232Y-91959051D02* X155417232Y-91959051D01* X121067232Y-129359051D02* X121067232Y-135359051D01* X121067232Y-129359051D02* G75* G02X122067232Y-128359051I1000000J0D01* G01* X122567232Y-128359051D02* X122067232Y-128359051D01* X122567232Y-128359051D02* G75* G02X123567232Y-129359051I0J-1000000D01* G01* X123567232Y-135359051D02* X123567232Y-129359051D01* X138067232Y-129359051D02* X138067232","471","0.06915284099251211","0.0","0.0" "006785d2761c4b41e574c407833b3597ce89aebe","BoatFanControl-Edge_Cuts.gbr",".gbr","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,5.1.6-1.fc32* G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2020-07-03T18:31:44+02:00* G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,BoatFanControl,426f6174-4661-46e4-936f-6e74726f6c2e,rev?* G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,PX5140c80PY5efc680* G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Profile,NP* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 5.1.6-1.fc32) date 2020-07-03 18:31:44* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,Profile* %ADD10C,0.100000*% G04 #@! TD* G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* X-200000Y34600000D02* X-200000Y-200000D01* X33800000Y34600000D02* X-200000Y34600000D01* X33800000Y-200000D02* X33800000Y34600000D01* X-200000Y-200000D02* X33800000Y-200000D01* M02* ","471","0.06915284099251211","0.0","0.0" "2114a00e15aa8554ac5f50f2f395944f906624ee","p10e5.gbs",".gbs","Gerber Image","type Coord is record { field fila // nro x field columna // nro y } function coord (x, y){ return( Coord(fila<-x, columna<-y )) } function coordActual(){ return( coord (coordenadaX(), coordenadaY()) ) } function esMayorCoord(c1, c2){ return ( columna(c1)>columna(c2) || columna(c1)==columna(c1) && fila(c1)>fila(c2) ) } program { # poner return ( coordActual())} ","106","0.015563059756276611","0.0","0.0" "1e662eb8827206dac7c61790cadbcea77b7997ef","DM1098EMB.GBS",".gbs","Gerber Image","G04* G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,Altium Limited,Altium Designer,20.0.13 (296)* G04* G04 Layer_Color=16711935* %FSLAX44Y44*% %MOMM*% G71* G01* G75* %ADD29R,1.1016X1.0016*% %ADD38R,0.9016X0.9016*% %ADD39R,0.6516X0.7516*% %ADD42C,2.0000*% %ADD44O,2.0000X1.2000*% %ADD45O,2.5000X1.2000*% %ADD46R,0.9016X0.9016*% %ADD47C,0.9016*% %ADD48R,1.4696X1.4696*% %ADD49C,1.4696*% %ADD50O,0.5080X0.5076*% %ADD51C,5.6016*% %ADD53C,0.6096*% %ADD54C,0.6080*% %ADD89R,0.1500X0.1500*% %ADD91R,0.1500X0.1500*% G04:AMPARAMS|DCode=106|XSize=0.34mm|YSize=0.705mm|CornerRadius=0.12mm|HoleSize=0mm|Usage=FLASHONLY|Rotation=180.000|XOffset=0mm|YOffset=0mm|HoleType=Round|Shape=RoundedRectangle|* %AMROUNDEDRECTD106* 21,1,0.3400,0.4650,0,0,180.0* 21,1,0.1000,0.7050,0,0,180.0* 1,1,0.2400,-0.0500,0.2325* 1,1,0.2400,0.0500,0.2325* 1,1,0.2400,0.0500,-0.2325* 1,1,0.2400,-0.0500,-0.2325* % %ADD106ROUNDEDRECTD106*% G04:AMPARAMS|DCode=107|XSize=0.54mm|YSize=0.705mm|CornerRadius=0.12mm|HoleSize=0mm|Usage=FLASHONLY|Rotation=180.00","106","0.015563059756276611","0.0","0.0" "00b544ec380ca1fa2b1d472a875c0b923e21ab58","top_spin_v1.gbs",".gbs","Gerber Image","G75* G70* %OFA0B0*% %FSLAX25Y25*% %IPPOS*% %LPD*% %AMOC8* 5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5* % %ADD12C,0.04370*% %ADD17C,0.00000*% X0010000Y0010000D02* G75* %LPD*% D17* X0010000Y0010000D02* X0010000Y0095000D01* X0075000Y0095000D01* X0075000Y0010000D01* X0010000Y0010000D01* D12* X0037500Y0030000D03* X0037500Y0036250D03* X0046870Y0018750D03* X0046870Y0013120D03* X0037500Y0056250D03* X0037500Y0062500D03* X0033120Y0078120D03* X0029370Y0078120D03* X0036870Y0089370D03* X0040000Y0089370D03* X0051870Y0078120D03* X0055000Y0078120D03* X0082500Y0010000D02* G75* %LPD*% D17* X0082500Y0010000D02* X0082500Y0095000D01* X0147500Y0095000D01* X0147500Y0010000D01* X0082500Y0010000D01* D12* X0101250Y0013750D03* X0105000Y0013750D03* X0106250Y0028120D03* X0103120Y0028120D03* X0085620Y0034370D03* X0085620Y0039370D03* X0085620Y0057500D03* X0085620Y0062500D03* X0094370Y0085000D03* X0100000Y0088750D03* X0125000Y0090620D03* X0128750Y0090620D03* X0144370Y0070620D03* X0144370Y0065000D03* X0144370Y0046870D03* X0144370Y00431","106","0.015563059756276611","0.0","0.0" "06bd1984a0296e9882fee47b9ebf0256ed6f4754","PlanerInductor.GBS",".gbs","Gerber Image","%FSLAX24Y24*% %MOIN*% G70* G01* G75* G04 Layer_Color=16711935* %ADD10R,0.0520X0.0385*% %ADD11R,0.0385X0.0520*% %ADD12C,0.0070*% %ADD13C,0.0060*% %ADD14C,0.0060*% %ADD15C,0.0591*% %ADD16C,0.0250*% %ADD17C,0.0250*% %ADD18C,0.0200*% %ADD19C,0.0080*% %ADD20C,0.0079*% %ADD21C,0.0050*% %ADD22R,0.0560X0.0425*% %ADD23R,0.0425X0.0560*% %ADD24C,0.0631*% %ADD25C,0.0290*% D23* X23285Y18490D02* D03* X23910D02* D03* X24845D02* D03* X25470D02* D03* D24* X16200Y20550D02* D03* Y19550D02* D03* X29310Y15310D02* D03* X28310D02* D03* X25110Y9250D02* D03* X26110D02* D03* X23410Y17380D02* D03* X24410D02* D03* X27310D02* D03* X28310D02* D03* X27310Y21580D02* D03* X28310D02* D03* X27370Y25720D02* D03* X28370D02* D03* X24990Y1210D02* D03* X25990D02* D03* X29190Y7270D02* D03* X28190D02* D03* X23530Y21520D02* D03* X24530D02* D03* X23530Y25720D02* D03* X24530D02* D03* X23430Y7210D02* D03* X22430D02* D03* X19230Y1150D02* D03* X20230D0","106","0.015563059756276611","0.0","0.0" "17fd9c3cd95c95dd85e40e07244c7fb4653a1630","hvpp.gbs",".gbs","Gerber Image","../hvpp-B.Mask.gbs","106","0.015563059756276611","0.0","0.0" "13ef40fcbe37c1a956dc4f0d459ee96b5f1e4b19","XBee_esp8266.GKO",".gko","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Profile,NP* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW (2014-11-17 BZR 5289)-product) date Mon 26 Jan 2015 09:38:41 AM EST* %MOMM*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.100000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* X171000000Y-110500000D02* X171000000Y-131000000D01* X177500000Y-104000000D02* X171000000Y-110500000D01* X189000000Y-104000000D02* X177500000Y-104000000D01* X195500000Y-110500000D02* X189000000Y-104000000D01* X195500000Y-131000000D02* X195500000Y-110500000D01* X171000000Y-131000000D02* X195500000Y-131000000D01* M02* ","11","0.0016150345030098371","0.0","0.0" "10e7e2975e59db5c031ee0750dd18d811185ecc7","atto84-Panel.GKO",".gko","Gerber Image","G75* %MOIN*% %OFA0B0*% %FSLAX25Y25*% %IPPOS*% %LPD*% %AMOC8* 5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5* % %ADD10C,0.00600*% %ADD11C,0.00000*% %ADD12C,0.01500*% %ADD13C,0.01100*% %ADD14C,0.01000*% %ADD15C,0.00079*% D10* X0028750Y0028750D02* X0133750Y0028750D01* X0133750Y0068750D01* X0028750Y0068750D01* X0028750Y0028750D01* X0028750Y0070750D02* X0133750Y0070750D01* X0133750Y0110750D01* X0028750Y0110750D01* X0028750Y0070750D01* X0028750Y0112750D02* X0133750Y0112750D01* X0133750Y0152750D01* X0028750Y0152750D01* X0028750Y0112750D01* X0028750Y0154750D02* X0133750Y0154750D01* X0133750Y0194750D01* X0028750Y0194750D01* X0028750Y0154750D01* X0028750Y0196750D02* X0133750Y0196750D01* X0133750Y0236750D01* X0028750Y0236750D01* X0028750Y0196750D01* X0028750Y0238750D02* X0133750Y0238750D01* X0133750Y0278750D01* X0028750Y0278750D01* X0028750Y0238750D01* X0028750Y0280750D02* X0133750Y0280750D01* X0133750Y0320750D01* X0028750Y0320750D01* X0028750Y0280750D01* X0028750Y0322750D02* X0133750Y0322750D01* X0133750Y0362750D01*","11","0.0016150345030098371","0.0","0.0" "07aa1162be917cc27b97154eaf0328630c482ccf","3dBBLEnotune.gko",".gko","Gerber Image","G04 DipTrace* %IN3dBBLEnotune.gko*% %MOMM*% %ADD11C,0.14*% %FSLAX53Y53*% G04* G71* G90* G75* G01* %LNBoardOutline*% %LPD*% X10000Y24821D2* D11* Y12959D1* X12959Y10000D1* X29901D1* X32860Y12959D1* Y24821D1* X29901Y27780D1* X12959D1* X10000Y24821D1* M02* ","11","0.0016150345030098371","0.0","0.0" "050d048e6824397b9f172f2f77ab53da45825dea","waveshare.gko",".gko","Gerber Image","%FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW (2014-08-05 BZR 5054)-product) date Sun 07 Dec 2014 10:25:36 PM PST* %MOMM*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.100000*% %ADD11C,0.020000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* D11* X0Y-17900000D02* X0Y0D01* X13800000Y0D02* X0Y0D01* X13800000Y-17900000D02* X13800000Y0D01* X0Y-17900000D02* X13800000Y-17900000D01* M02* ","11","0.0016150345030098371","0.0","0.0" "06107be6a751008b40127e8e0832e53878cddfb0","board.GKO",".gko","Gerber Image","%FSLAX44Y44*% %MOMM*% G71* G01* G75* G04 Layer_Color=16711935* %ADD10C,0.3810*% %ADD11R,3.9000X2.8000*% %ADD12R,1.8000X5.3000*% %ADD13R,4.5000X1.8000*% %ADD14R,5.0000X5.0000*% %ADD15R,1.8000X5.4000*% %ADD16R,1.3500X2.0500*% %ADD17O,1.9500X0.6000*% %ADD18R,1.1000X0.6000*% %ADD19O,0.3000X1.6500*% %ADD20O,2.0500X0.4000*% %ADD21R,1.2500X1.8000*% %ADD22R,1.7000X1.1000*% %ADD23R,1.2000X1.1000*% %ADD24R,1.5500X2.9500*% %ADD25R,1.0000X1.1000*% %ADD26R,1.1000X1.0000*% %ADD27R,1.0000X0.8000*% %ADD28R,0.8000X1.0000*% %ADD29R,4.0000X2.0000*% %ADD30R,8.4000X10.5500*% %ADD31R,2.0000X4.0000*% %ADD32R,10.5500X8.4000*% %ADD33R,4.4000X4.0000*% %ADD34C,0.2032*% %ADD35C,0.5080*% %ADD36C,0.2794*% %ADD37C,0.7620*% %ADD38C,0.2540*% %ADD39C,1.3970*% %ADD40R,1.5000X1.5000*% %ADD41C,1.5000*% %ADD42C,1.7018*% %ADD43C,3.8100*% %ADD44C,4.5720*% %ADD45C,0.6096*% %ADD46C,0.8128*% %ADD47C,0.8000*% %ADD48C,0.2500*% %ADD49C,0.6000*% %ADD50C,0.1000*% %ADD51C,0.2000*% %ADD5","11","0.0016150345030098371","0.0","0.0" "1ea77b3fce5bdbec948a66ec27679ce19f46a762","black_V6.GPT",".gpt","Gerber Image","G04* G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,Altium Limited,Altium Designer,18.0.12 (696)* G04* G04 Layer_Color=255* %FSLAX25Y25*% %MOIN*% G70* G01* G75* %ADD15R,0.03740X0.03150*% %ADD16O,0.02756X0.09843*% %ADD17R,0.09449X0.12992*% %ADD18R,0.06102X0.02165*% %ADD19R,0.07087X0.06299*% %ADD20R,0.03937X0.04331*% %ADD21R,0.04331X0.03937*% %ADD22R,0.03150X0.03740*% %ADD23R,0.11811X0.05512*% %ADD24R,0.25591X0.23622*% %ADD25R,0.05906X0.08000*% %ADD50R,0.06000X0.06000*% %ADD51C,0.06000*% %ADD52R,0.11811X0.11811*% %ADD53O,0.11811X0.15748*% %ADD54C,0.09843*% %ADD55C,0.08000*% %ADD56C,0.05906*% %ADD57R,0.05906X0.05906*% %ADD58C,0.15748*% D15* X334364Y33657D02* D03* Y40743D02* D03* X282883Y-74743D02* D03* Y-67657D02* D03* X284136Y-47043D02* D03* Y-39957D02* D03* X328736Y61257D02* D03* Y68343D02* D03* X237264Y58543D02* D03* Y51457D02* D03* X223736Y-18543D02* D03* Y-11457D02* D03* Y-2543D02* D03* Y4543D02* D03* X328736Y47257D02* D03* Y54343D02* D03* X245736Y51457D02* D03* Y58543D02* D03* X186236Y-34543D02* D03","15","0.002202319776831596","0.0","0.0" "0daf64f41de1fbcd82ae00560f8d60dbdaecc00c","RPD_top.GPT",".gpt","Gerber Image","G04* G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,Altium Limited,Altium Designer,18.0.11 (651)* G04* G04 Layer_Color=255* %FSLAX44Y44*% %MOMM*% G71* G01* G75* %ADD14R,0.6000X1.7500*% %ADD15R,1.1000X1.7000*% %ADD16R,1.7000X1.1000*% %ADD17R,2.1590X1.7780*% %ADD18R,1.7500X0.6000*% %ADD19R,1.0000X0.7000*% %ADD20R,1.8000X0.8500*% %ADD21R,5.4000X4.5000*% %ADD22R,0.2000X0.3000*% %ADD58R,1.5000X1.5000*% %ADD59C,1.5000*% %ADD60C,2.1000*% %ADD61C,3.0480*% %ADD62C,2.0000*% %ADD63C,3.0000*% %ADD64C,2.3000*% %ADD65R,1.5000X1.5000*% %ADD66O,2.2860X1.7000*% %ADD67R,2.2860X1.7000*% %ADD68O,1.5240X2.2860*% D14* X1282198Y1535430D02* D03* X1314698D02* D03* X1231652Y1605026D02* D03* X1264152D02* D03* D15* X1282500Y1654000D02* D03* X1309500D02* D03* X1125500Y1675000D02* D03* X1152500D02* D03* X1262164Y1533144D02* D03* X1235164D02* D03* Y1574800D02* D03* X1262164D02* D03* X1309500Y1624000D02* D03* X1282500D02* D03* X1249934Y1456182D02* D03* X1222934D02* D03* X","15","0.002202319776831596","0.0","0.0" "0ffd0a10f9872f78379f8651894f17289ee70446","Temperature Monitor & Display.GPT",".gpt","Gerber Image","G04* G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,Altium Limited,Altium Designer,19.1.8 (144)* G04* G04 Layer_Color=255* %FSLAX23Y23*% %MOIN*% G70* G01* G75* %ADD18R,0.031X0.047*% %ADD19O,0.098X0.028*% %ADD20R,0.053X0.043*% %ADD21R,0.059X0.049*% G04:AMPARAMS|DCode=22|XSize=51mil|YSize=33mil|CornerRadius=0mil|HoleSize=0mil|Usage=FLASHONLY|Rotation=135.000|XOffset=0mil|YOffset=0mil|HoleType=Round|Shape=Rectangle|* %AMROTATEDRECTD22* 4,1,4,0.030,-0.006,0.006,-0.030,-0.030,0.006,-0.006,0.030,0.030,-0.006,0.0* % %ADD22ROTATEDRECTD22*% G04:AMPARAMS|DCode=23|XSize=39mil|YSize=45mil|CornerRadius=0mil|HoleSize=0mil|Usage=FLASHONLY|Rotation=225.000|XOffset=0mil|YOffset=0mil|HoleType=Round|Shape=Rectangle|* %AMROTATEDRECTD23* 4,1,4,-0.002,0.030,0.030,-0.002,0.002,-0.030,-0.030,0.002,-0.002,0.030,0.0* % %ADD23ROTATEDRECTD23*% G04:AMPARAMS|DCode=24|XSize=53mil|YSize=43mil|CornerRadius=0mil|HoleSize=0mil|Usage=FLASHONLY|Rotation=315.000|XOffset=0mil|YOffset=0mil|HoleType=Round|Shape=Rectangle|* %AMROTATEDRECTD24","15","0.002202319776831596","0.0","0.0" "17d4e7c5ebe4a8e6c9d444786c0fb647ed6092eb","plot.gpt",".gpt","Gerber Image","reset # target files # ----------------------------------------------------------- FILE_REF = 'ReferenceSolution/Gamma_1.67/Sod_Shock_Tube' FILE_IN_PREFIX = 'Xline_y0.000_z0.000' FILE_IN_SUFFIX = '' FILE_OUT_PREFIX = 'Fig__Riemann_Density' DATA_ID = 10 # terminal # ----------------------------------------------------------- #set term x11 enhanced set term png enhanced #set term postscript eps enhanced color 'Helvetica' 16 # plot style # ----------------------------------------------------------- set key reverse Left spacing 1.5 right set xlabel ""r"" set ylabel ""Density"" set pointsize 1.0 set size square set xrange [0.0:1.0] set yrange [0.0:1.1] # set the output file # ----------------------------------------------------------- if ( GPVAL_TERM eq 'pngcairo' ) FILE_OUT_EXT='png'; \ else if ( GPVAL_TERM eq 'png' ) FILE_OUT_EXT='png'; \ else if ( GPVAL_TERM eq 'postscript' ) FILE_OUT_EXT='eps'; \ else if ( GPVAL_TERM ne 'x11' ) print 'Un","15","0.002202319776831596","0.0","0.0" "1cba86e4ba80741a09707eb3987d8da1c1badff6","in4.gpt",".gpt","Gerber Image","algoritmo matrizes_e_primo; função soma(a:inteiro, b:inteiro) : inteiro início retorne (a+b); fim variáveis a : inteiro; mat_char : matriz[2][2] de caracteres; mat_literal : matriz[2] de literais; mat_inteiro : matriz[5][5] de inteiros; i,j,flag,resultado : inteiro; fim-variáveis início mat_literal := [""teste1"", ""teste2""]; // Matrizes sao inicializadas com zero no programa. a := 10; imprimaln(""O valor inicial da matriz mat_inteiro[0][0]:""); imprimaln(mat_inteiro[0][0]); mat_inteiro[0][0] := a; imprimaln(""Depois de ter recebido o valor a=10:""); imprimaln(mat_inteiro[0][0]); imprimaln(""Vamos carregar a matriz de inteiro e reais agora.""); mat_inteiro:={[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10],[11,12,13,14,15],[16,17,18,19,20],[21,22,23,24,25]}; imprimaln(""Somando [0][0] com [0][0]""); mat_inteiro[0][0] := soma(mat_inteiro[0][0], mat_inteiro[0][0]); imprimaln(mat_inteiro[0][0]); imprimaln(""Realizando operacoes""); mat_inteiro[4][4] := 10 + mat_inteiro[0]","15","0.002202319776831596","0.0","0.0" "030b9a0639e230f84ba6c12c396d756f5ce30e6c","deepak_sch_FInal.GTL",".gtl","Gerber Image","G75* %MOIN*% %OFA0B0*% %FSLAX25Y25*% %IPPOS*% %LPD*% %AMOC8* 5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5* % %ADD10C,0.00000*% %ADD11OC8,0.05200*% %ADD12C,0.06300*% %ADD13OC8,0.06300*% %ADD14C,0.07400*% %ADD15C,0.05150*% %ADD16C,0.11220*% %ADD17OC8,0.05937*% %ADD18C,0.05200*% %ADD19OC8,0.05150*% %ADD20C,0.01600*% %ADD21C,0.03169*% %ADD22OC8,0.03169*% %ADD23C,0.03562*% D10* X0001800Y0003050D02* X0001800Y0199900D01* X0198650Y0199900D01* X0198650Y0003050D01* X0001800Y0003050D01* D11* X0038050Y0018050D03* X0050550Y0013050D03* X0071800Y0028050D03* X0071800Y0038050D03* X0050550Y0053050D03* X0038050Y0058050D03* X0023050Y0056800D03* X0013050Y0056800D03* X0083050Y0010550D03* X0123050Y0010550D03* X0174300Y0013050D03* X0184300Y0013050D03* X0129300Y0148050D03* X0129300Y0158050D03* X0139300Y0165550D03* X0143050Y0185550D03* X0143050Y0195550D03* X0179300Y0165550D03* X0100550Y0185550D03* X0095550Y0193050D03* X0090550Y0185550D03* X0054300Y0178050D03* X0054300Y0168050D03* D12* X0120550Y0184300D03* X0130550Y0078050D03* D13","81","0.011892526794890617","0.0","0.0" "02c1453938ac616c9ae7c31f0b4d0f03ef6f6e73","plata_nizhn.GTL",".gtl","Gerber Image","%FSLAX24Y24*% %MOMM*% %SFA1B1*% %IPPOS*% %ADD10R,2.099996X1.399997*% %ADD11R,2.099996X0.999998*% %ADD12R,1.399997X0.899998*% %ADD13R,0.799998X1.399997*% %ADD14C,0.250000*% %ADD15C,0.499999*% %ADD16C,1.599997*% %LNplata_nizhn-1*% %LPD*% G36* X988599Y11399D02* X11399D01* Y238599* X556299* Y87599* X556699Y84999* X557699Y82599* X559299Y80499* X561399Y78899* X563799Y77899* X566399Y77499* X722599* X725199Y77899* X727699Y78899* X729799Y80499* X731399Y82599* X732399Y84999* X732699Y87599* Y238599* X988599* Y11399* G37* %LNplata_nizhn-2*% %LPC*% G36* X427999Y172599D02* X311099D01* X308499Y172299* X306099Y171299* X303999Y169699* X302399Y167599* X301399Y165199* X301099Y162599* Y86399* X301399Y83699* X302399Y81299* X303999Y79199* X306099Y77599* X308499Y76599* X311099Y76299* X425499* X426199* X426799Y76200* X427499Y76299* X428099* X428799Y76399* X429399Y76499* X429999Y76799* X430699Y76899* X431899Y77399* X432399Y77799* X432999Y77999* X433599Y78399* X434099Y78699* X434599Y79199* X435099Y79599* X4354","81","0.011892526794890617","0.0","0.0" "0eba2bb313ec9d3e6c06e5e34e445e283f749e80","BW1092.GTL",".gtl","Gerber Image","G04* G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,Altium Limited,Altium Designer,20.0.13 (296)* G04* G04 Layer_Physical_Order=1* G04 Layer_Color=255* %FSLAX44Y44*% %MOMM*% G71* G01* G75* %ADD10C,0.2500*% %ADD12C,0.2000*% %ADD13C,0.2032*% G04:AMPARAMS|DCode=16|XSize=0.24mm|YSize=0.6mm|CornerRadius=0.06mm|HoleSize=0mm|Usage=FLASHONLY|Rotation=90.000|XOffset=0mm|YOffset=0mm|HoleType=Round|Shape=RoundedRectangle|* %AMROUNDEDRECTD16* 21,1,0.2400,0.4800,0,0,90.0* 21,1,0.1200,0.6000,0,0,90.0* 1,1,0.1200,0.2400,0.0600* 1,1,0.1200,0.2400,-0.0600* 1,1,0.1200,-0.2400,-0.0600* 1,1,0.1200,-0.2400,0.0600* % %ADD16ROUNDEDRECTD16*% G04:AMPARAMS|DCode=17|XSize=0.25mm|YSize=0.65mm|CornerRadius=0.0625mm|HoleSize=0mm|Usage=FLASHONLY|Rotation=0.000|XOffset=0mm|YOffset=0mm|HoleType=Round|Shape=RoundedRectangle|* %AMROUNDEDRECTD17* 21,1,0.2500,0.5250,0,0,0.0* 21,1,0.1250,0.6500,0,0,0.0* 1,1,0.1250,0.0625,-0.2625* 1,1,0.1250,-0.0625,-0.2625* 1,1,0.1250,-0.0625,0.2625* 1,1,0.1250,0.0625,0.2625* % %ADD17ROUNDEDRECTD17*% %ADD1","81","0.011892526794890617","0.0","0.0" "09cc5b26f4f3b36fa12ddadb8703e66493370d91","ps2_tap.gtl",".gtl","Gerber Image","G04 (created by PCBNEW (2013-mar-13)-testing) date Wed 12 Jun 2013 11:52:51 PM EST* %MOIN*% G04 Gerber Fmt 3.4, Leading zero omitted, Abs format* %FSLAX34Y34*% G01* G70* G90* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.005906*% %ADD11C,0.137795*% %ADD12C,0.059055*% %ADD13R,0.045000X0.025000*% %ADD14R,0.094488X0.094488*% %ADD15R,0.114173X0.114173*% %ADD16C,0.062992*% %ADD17C,0.040000*% %ADD18C,0.014000*% %ADD19C,0.020000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* G54D10* G54D11* X73014Y-47440D03* X72700Y-50000D03* X73014Y-52559D03* G54D12* X74196Y-51340D03* X75180Y-48659D03* X75180Y-51340D03* X74196Y-49490D03* X74196Y-50509D03* X74196Y-48659D03* G54D11* X84710Y-52609D03* X85025Y-50050D03* X84710Y-47490D03* G54D12* X83528Y-48709D03* X82544Y-51390D03* X82544Y-48709D03* X83528Y-50559D03* X83528Y-49540D03* X83528Y-51390D03* G54D13* X80800Y-51150D03* X80800Y-51750D03* X80800Y-52300D03* X80800Y-52900D03* X80750Y-49050D03* X80750Y-48450D03* X80750Y-47950D03* X80750Y-47350D03* G54D14* X76810Y-50896D03* G54D15* X79664Y-47904D03","81","0.011892526794890617","0.0","0.0" "0793d92ad7273a5c927bf87c6aa977020e0edbae","clockController_1_00.gtl",".gtl","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,(2017-11-24 revision a01d81e4b)-makepkg* G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2018-02-25T20:08:33+10:30* G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,ledGlasses,6C6564476C61737365732E6B69636164,rev?* G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,PX5f5e100PY5f5e100* G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Copper,L1,Top,Signal* G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW (2017-11-24 revision a01d81e4b)-makepkg) date 02/25/18 20:08:33* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.010000*% %ADD11R,1.000000X1.000000*% %ADD12R,1.050000X2.200000*% %ADD13R,0.500000X0.800000*% %ADD14R,1.300000X1.300000*% %ADD15R,0.300000X0.850000*% %ADD16R,0.850000X0.300000*% %ADD17C,1.000000*% %ADD18R,0.800000X0.900000*% %ADD19C,1.800000*% %ADD20R,0.750000X0.800000*% %ADD21R,1.000000X1.250000*% %ADD22R,0.800000X0.750000*% %ADD23R,1.250000X1.000000*% %ADD24R,0.800000X0.600000*% %ADD25R,0.900000X0.500000*% %ADD26","81","0.011892526794890617","0.0","0.0" "1c8811139ec8858dad73a1b128158a2bd211aac5","blackpill-pendant.GTO",".gto","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,(5.1.0-0)* G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2019-06-09T21:10:29+02:00* G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,blackpill-pendant,626c6163-6b70-4696-9c6c-2d70656e6461,rev?* G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,Original* G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Legend,Top* G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW (5.1.0-0)) date 2019-06-09 21:10:29* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.120000*% %ADD11C,0.150000*% %ADD12C,0.300000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* X90500000Y-121500000D02* X90500000Y-88500000D01* D11* X91600000Y-116288214D02* X91600000Y-116002500D01* X91771428Y-116345357D02* X91171428Y-116145357D01* X91771428Y-115945357D01* X91771428Y-115402500D02* X91485714Y-115602500D01* X91771428Y-115745357D02* X91171428Y-115745357D01* X91171428Y-115516785D01* X91200000Y-115459642D01* X91228571Y-115431071D01* X91285714Y-115402500D01* X91371428Y-115402500D01* X91428571Y-115431071D01* X91457142Y-115","86","0.012626633387167817","0.0","0.0" "1c22525dc6717b9279bb2c1a4d89594734c3e1c8","dice-SilkS_Front.gto",".gto","Gerber Image","G04 (created by PCBNEW-RS274X (20100402 SVN-R2504)-final) date Sun 11 Apr 2010 05:01:01 PM CEST* G01* G70* G90* %MOIN*% G04 Gerber Fmt 3.4, Leading zero omitted, Abs format* %FSLAX34Y34*% G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.001000*% %ADD11C,0.015000*% %ADD12C,0.006600*% %ADD13C,0.012000*% %ADD14C,0.009900*% %ADD15C,0.007500*% %ADD16C,0.010000*% %ADD17C,0.008000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* G54D10* G54D11* X80250Y-24500D02* X80226Y-24742D01* X80155Y-24976D01* X80041Y-25191D01* X79886Y-25380D01* X79698Y-25536D01* X79484Y-25652D01* X79251Y-25724D01* X79008Y-25749D01* X78766Y-25727D01* X78532Y-25658D01* X78316Y-25545D01* X78126Y-25393D01* X77969Y-25206D01* X77852Y-24992D01* X77778Y-24759D01* X77751Y-24517D01* X77771Y-24275D01* X77838Y-24040D01* X77950Y-23823D01* X78101Y-23632D01* X78287Y-23474D01* X78500Y-23355D01* X78732Y-23280D01* X78974Y-23251D01* X79217Y-23269D01* X79452Y-23335D01* X79669Y-23445D01* X79862Y-23595D01* X80021Y-23780D01* X80141Y-23992D01* X80218Y-24224D01* X80249Y-24466D01* X80250Y-","86","0.012626633387167817","0.0","0.0" "072106bebdb39d1c20347caa4ca42961b9644e96","radio-F_SilkS.gto",".gto","Gerber Image","G04 (created by PCBNEW (2013-jul-07)-stable) date Fri 27 Jan 2017 11:51:30 PM EST* %MOIN*% G04 Gerber Fmt 3.4, Leading zero omitted, Abs format* %FSLAX34Y34*% G01* G70* G90* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.00590551*% %ADD11C,0.005*% %ADD12C,0.0026*% %ADD13C,0.008*% %ADD14C,0.0025*% %ADD15C,0.004*% %ADD16C,0.01*% %ADD17C,0.002*% %ADD18C,0.001*% %ADD19C,0.0045*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* G54D10* G54D11* X10402Y-11294D02* X10392Y-11313D01* X10392Y-11341D01* X10402Y-11370D01* X10421Y-11389D01* X10440Y-11398D01* X10478Y-11408D01* X10507Y-11408D01* X10545Y-11398D01* X10564Y-11389D01* X10583Y-11370D01* X10592Y-11341D01* X10592Y-11322D01* X10583Y-11294D01* X10573Y-11284D01* X10507Y-11284D01* X10507Y-11322D01* X10592Y-11198D02* X10392Y-11198D01* X10592Y-11084D01* X10392Y-11084D01* X10592Y-10989D02* X10392Y-10989D01* X10392Y-10941D01* X10402Y-10913D01* X10421Y-10894D01* X10440Y-10884D01* X10478Y-10875D01* X10507Y-10875D01* X10545Y-10884D01* X10564Y-10894D01* X10583Y-10913D01* X10592Y-10941D01* X10592Y","86","0.012626633387167817","0.0","0.0" "095834f3c40b33b11a453234a167ac2ab83ff2ac","tinybot-F.SilkS.gto",".gto","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Legend,Top* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.0.1-stable) date 2016 March 22, Tuesday 17:13:29* %MOMM*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.100000*% %ADD11C,0.200000*% %ADD12C,0.300000*% %ADD13C,0.150000*% %ADD14C,0.080000*% %ADD15R,0.900000X1.000000*% %ADD16R,1.150000X1.200000*% %ADD17R,0.900000X1.300000*% %ADD18R,1.300000X0.900000*% %ADD19R,1.000000X0.900000*% %ADD20R,2.127200X2.432000*% %ADD21O,2.127200X2.432000*% %ADD22R,1.300000X2.400000*% %ADD23R,0.650000X1.100000*% %ADD24R,0.900000X0.680000*% %ADD25R,1.200100X1.200100*% %ADD26R,1.000000X1.900000*% %ADD27R,2.200000X1.500000*% %ADD28O,1.517600X2.305000*% %ADD29R,1.517600X2.305000*% %ADD30R,1.900000X3.600000*% %ADD31C,4.464000*% %ADD32C,2.127200*% %ADD33C,2.127200*% %ADD34R,1.650000X1.400000*% %ADD35O,2.398980X2.398980*% %ADD36R,2.398980X2.398980*% %ADD37C,2.398980*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* D11* X159635917Y-79916229D02* X159664489Y-","86","0.012626633387167817","0.0","0.0" "21504762525a6cf3fcb329c8cc9f33aa8d0511cc","210.6361.gto",".gto","Gerber Image","{ ""source"" : ""SEED"", ""source_id"" : ""210.6361"", ""features"" : [ { ""protein_translation"" : ""MLALEIYIDICLKDALIDYLFEKGFDDFFYVECYKYAASSLLLSQKEQVSGRKDYAKFKLFLSDEVALSLAQALKNQFASKEMKLFYSQTHGL"", ""function"" : ""putative"", ""location"" : [ [ ""NZ_CP032480.1"", ""517854"", ""+"", 282 ] ], ""aliases"" : [], ""type"" : ""peg"", ""id"" : ""fig|210.6361.peg.532"", ""annotations"" : [ [ ""Add feature"", ""master"", 1574459877.99372, """" ], [ ""Set function to putative"", ""master"", 1574459877.99372, """" ] ] }, { ""protein_translation"" : ""MSKSAIFVVSGFLAFLLYALLLYGLLLEKHNKEAEKILLDLGKKNEQVIDLNLEDLPSDEKKDEKIAEKAEEKKDEKVVEKNATDKEGDFIDPKEQEESLEDIFSSLNDFQEKTDTNAQKDDQKNEQEEQRRLKEQ","86","0.012626633387167817","0.0","0.0" "13b9c209960e801c3829de4f97e882c8e80be071","pokey-switch-board.GTP",".gtp","Gerber Image","G04 Layer_Color=8421504* %FSAX24Y24*% %MOIN*% G70* G01* G75* %ADD10C,0.0400*% %ADD11R,0.0118X0.0276*% %ADD12R,0.0118X0.0394*% %ADD13R,0.0453X0.0551*% D10* X013500Y033200D02* D03* X013490Y020930D02* D03* X011060Y028940D02* D03* D11* X013992Y012540D02* D03* X013795D02* D03* X013598D02* D03* X013402D02* D03* X013205D02* D03* X013008D02* D03* D12* X014303Y011497D02* D03* X012697D02* D03* D13* X013744Y026000D02* D03* X013056D02* D03* X013744Y027600D02* D03* X013056D02* D03* X013794Y017700D02* D03* X013106D02* D03* X013794Y019100D02* D03* X013106D02* D03* M02* ","45","0.006606959330494788","0.0","0.0" "178b98da60fcd09e71053fb49586cf25a1490ab3","pachinko.GTP",".gtp","Gerber Image","G04 DipTrace* G04 pachinko.GTP* %MOIN*% G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Paste,Top* G04 #@! TF.Part,Single* %ADD79R,0.047118X0.066803*% %ADD83R,0.019559X0.025465*% %ADD85R,0.041213X0.027433*% %ADD97R,0.03137X0.019559*% %ADD99R,0.062866X0.007748*% %ADD107R,0.003811X0.039244*% %ADD109R,0.039244X0.003811*% %ADD113R,0.019559X0.011685*% %ADD115R,0.03137X0.047118*% %ADD117R,0.03137X0.078614*% %ADD119R,0.043181X0.051055*% %ADD121R,0.035307X0.03137*% %ADD123R,0.062866X0.054992*% %ADD125R,0.047118X0.094362*% %ADD127R,0.03137X0.035307*% %FSLAX26Y26*% G04* G70* G90* G75* G01* G04 TopPaste* %LPD*% D127* X1874257Y3938090D3* Y4005020D3* D125* X1600390Y4118965D3* Y3957547D3* D123* X2093072Y4225804D3* Y4115568D3* D127* X1919415Y2944184D3* Y3011113D3* D123* X1865992Y4228211D3* Y4117975D3* D127* X2181915Y2873613D3* Y2806684D3* D121* X1095013Y3606171D3* X1161942D3* X1947749Y3370619D3* X2014678D3* X1949244Y3460147D3* X2016173D3* D119* X1963930Y3561362D3* X2038734D3* D125* X869384Y3305957D3* Y3467374D3* D12","45","0.006606959330494788","0.0","0.0" "024748842fc4277410d84d981598d5f018d869c9","Nano-CC-EL_0v6.2_ENP252-17.gtp",".gtp","Gerber Image","G75* %MOIN*% %OFA0B0*% %FSLAX25Y25*% %IPPOS*% %LPD*% %AMOC8* 5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5* % %ADD10R,0.07283X0.04331*% %ADD11R,0.07480X0.07874*% D10* G36* X0184489Y0028932D02* X0179341Y0034080D01* X0182403Y0037142D01* X0187551Y0031994D01* X0184489Y0028932D01* G37* G36* X0188387Y0032830D02* X0183239Y0037978D01* X0186301Y0041040D01* X0191449Y0035892D01* X0188387Y0032830D01* G37* G36* X0192284Y0036727D02* X0187136Y0041875D01* X0190198Y0044937D01* X0195346Y0039789D01* X0192284Y0036727D01* G37* G36* X0210797Y0018215D02* X0205649Y0023363D01* X0208711Y0026425D01* X0213859Y0021277D01* X0210797Y0018215D01* G37* G36* X0206899Y0014317D02* X0201751Y0019465D01* X0204813Y0022527D01* X0209961Y0017379D01* X0206899Y0014317D01* G37* G36* X0203002Y0010420D02* X0197854Y0015568D01* X0200916Y0018630D01* X0206064Y0013482D01* X0203002Y0010420D01* G37* D11* G36* X0184964Y0010753D02* X0179675Y0016042D01* X0185242Y0021609D01* X0190531Y0016320D01* X0184964Y0010753D01* G37* G36* X0207958Y0033748D02* X0202669Y0039037D","45","0.006606959330494788","0.0","0.0" "00119f9b08d1071bce34d31b2d49200d14321bb0","SmartParks Elephant LoRa_V1.GTP",".gtp","Gerber Image","G04* G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,Altium Limited,Altium Designer,19.0.15 (446)* G04* G04 Layer_Color=8421504* %FSAX25Y25*% %MOIN*% G70* G01* G75* %ADD18R,0.03780X0.01968*% %ADD19R,0.03740X0.01929*% %ADD20R,0.03740X0.01929*% %ADD21R,0.01929X0.03740*% %ADD22R,0.03543X0.02362*% %ADD23R,0.03150X0.03150*% %ADD24R,0.02362X0.03543*% %ADD25R,0.03150X0.03150*% %ADD26R,0.03937X0.03543*% %ADD27R,0.02441X0.02244*% %ADD28R,0.05906X0.13386*% %ADD29R,0.03937X0.13780*% %ADD30R,0.05906X0.05906*% G04:AMPARAMS|DCode=31|XSize=59.06mil|YSize=59.06mil|CornerRadius=5.91mil|HoleSize=0mil|Usage=FLASHONLY|Rotation=0.000|XOffset=0mil|YOffset=0mil|HoleType=Round|Shape=RoundedRectangle|* %AMROUNDEDRECTD31* 21,1,0.05906,0.04724,0,0,0.0* 21,1,0.04724,0.05906,0,0,0.0* 1,1,0.01181,0.02362,-0.02362* 1,1,0.01181,-0.02362,-0.02362* 1,1,0.01181,-0.02362,0.02362* 1,1,0.01181,0.02362,0.02362* % %ADD31ROUNDEDRECTD31*% %ADD32R,0.07087X0.05118*% %ADD33R,0.02362X0.02520*% %ADD34R,0.03937X0.02362*% %ADD35R,0.03740X0.01890*% %AD","45","0.006606959330494788","0.0","0.0" "141c2867a8d786e5905d91edc7b337eaa06fbe96","Power_Distributor-F.Paste.gtp",".gtp","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Paste,Top* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.0.7) date 01/07/18 14:46:33* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.100000*% %ADD11R,2.300000X0.500000*% %ADD12R,2.500000X2.000000*% %ADD13R,0.701040X4.000500*% %ADD14R,0.701040X3.200400*% %ADD15R,1.200000X0.750000*% %ADD16R,1.500000X0.600000*% %ADD17R,0.900000X1.200000*% %ADD18R,1.200000X0.900000*% %ADD19R,0.750000X1.200000*% %ADD20R,1.250000X1.500000*% %ADD21R,1.500000X1.250000*% %ADD22R,0.700000X0.600000*% %ADD23R,2.200000X1.200000*% %ADD24R,3.050000X2.750000*% %ADD25R,0.800000X4.600000*% %ADD26R,10.800000X9.400000*% %ADD27R,0.900000X0.500000*% %ADD28R,0.500000X0.900000*% %ADD29R,0.650000X1.060000*% %ADD30R,1.300000X0.250000*% %ADD31R,0.250000X1.300000*% %ADD32R,0.450000X1.450000*% %ADD33R,2.200000X2.400000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* D11* X58934000Y-123596600D03* X58934000Y-124396600D03* X58934000Y-125196600D03* X58934000Y-12599","45","0.006606959330494788","0.0","0.0" "00ea73e376cd21a8a414defef11c8fdf313ddc58","iscaBottom-F.Mask.gts",".gts","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Soldermask,Top* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.0.7) date Mon Jan 29 22:09:26 2018* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.100000*% %ADD11C,7.000000*% %ADD12R,1.650000X3.150000*% %ADD13C,1.350000*% %ADD14C,3.150000*% %ADD15R,3.150000X1.650000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* D11* X214501998Y-61243377D02* G75* G03X207645000Y-51630200I-64501998J-38756623D01* G01* X207644844Y-148369768D02* G75* G03X225250000Y-100000000I-57644844J48369768D01* G01* X173253529Y-171567003D02* G75* G02X150000000Y-175250000I-23253529J71567003D01* G01* X175737016Y-29288130D02* G75* G03X150000000Y-24750000I-25737016J-70711870D01* G01* X150000000Y-175250000D02* G75* G02X150000000Y-24750000I0J75250000D01* G01* D12* X204500000Y-136500000D03* X202000000Y-136500000D03* X199500000Y-136500000D03* X197000000Y-136500000D03* D13* X201464466Y-170707107D03* X202878680Y-172121321D03* X204292893Y-173535534D03* X205707107","78","0.0114520628395243","0.0","0.0" "0366c1669e4079aaacafc51f18b7b3c50a877a39","hermeslite2.GTS",".gts","Gerber Image","G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,5.0.2-bee76a0~70~ubuntu16.04.1* G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2019-02-23T19:03:37-08:00* G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,hermeslite,6865726d-6573-46c6-9974-652e6b696361,2.0-build8* G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,PX42c1d80PY2625a00* G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Soldermask,Top* G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Negative* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 5.0.2-bee76a0~70~ubuntu16.04.1) date Sat 23 Feb 2019 07:03:37 PM PST* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.700000*% %ADD11C,2.500000*% %ADD12R,5.200000X5.200000*% %ADD13R,0.450000X1.000000*% %ADD14R,1.000000X0.450000*% %ADD15R,2.100000X4.480000*% %ADD16C,0.725000*% %ADD17C,0.100000*% %ADD18R,0.900000X1.600000*% %ADD19R,1.100000X1.450000*% %ADD20R,1.200000X4.200000*% %ADD21R,2.200000X5.000000*% %ADD22O,0.900000X1.600000*% %ADD23R,12.200000X2.400000*% %ADD24C,4.200000*% %ADD25O,0.480000X1.400000*% %ADD26O,1.400000X0.480000*% %ADD27C,2.050000*% %ADD2","78","0.0114520628395243","0.0","0.0" "10b853172d9ae2123973c98453893a187083d979","autoFeeder-F_Mask.gts",".gts","Gerber Image","G04 (created by PCBNEW (2013-07-07 BZR 4022)-stable) date 21/05/2014 18:52:46* %MOIN*% G04 Gerber Fmt 3.4, Leading zero omitted, Abs format* %FSLAX34Y34*% G01* G70* G90* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.00590551*% %ADD11C,0.0787402*% %ADD12R,0.0787402X0.0787402*% %ADD13C,0.055*% %ADD14R,0.035X0.055*% %ADD15R,0.06X0.06*% %ADD16C,0.06*% %ADD17R,0.0472X0.0472*% %ADD18C,0.0944882*% %ADD19R,0.0944882X0.0944882*% %ADD20R,0.1378X0.1378*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* G54D10* G54D11* X1496Y6196D03* G54D12* X1496Y7377D03* G54D11* X1496Y5015D03* G54D13* X17346Y13946D03* X17346Y15946D03* X14346Y13946D03* X14346Y15946D03* G54D11* X8877Y-2244D03* X8877Y-358D03* X14000Y-2244D03* X14000Y-358D03* X2377Y-2244D03* X2377Y-358D03* X7500Y-2244D03* X7500Y-358D03* X23070Y-2259D03* X23070Y-374D03* X28192Y-2259D03* X28192Y-374D03* X16279Y-2259D03* X16279Y-374D03* X21401Y-2259D03* X21401Y-374D03* G54D14* X11487Y3346D03* X12237Y3346D03* X18042Y3354D03* X18792Y3354D03* X24644Y3346D03* X25394Y3346D03* X4963Y3354D03* X5713Y33","78","0.0114520628395243","0.0","0.0" "21cb5de920c36c71058ea0fc344cdca1714c96f2","Tag-Connect_DemoBoard-Mask_Front.gts",".gts","Gerber Image","G04 (created by PCBNEW-RS274X (2012-05-18 BZR 3565)-testing) date 5/24/2012 1:48:57 AM* %MOIN*% G04 Gerber Fmt 3.4, Leading zero omitted, Abs format* %FSLAX34Y34*% G01* G70* G90* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.006*% %ADD11C,0.0409*% %ADD12C,0.0489*% %ADD13C,0.0488*% %ADD14C,0.1034*% %ADD15C,0.1033*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* G54D10* G54D11* X44776Y-34699D03* X44776Y-34199D03* X45276Y-34699D03* X45276Y-34199D03* X45776Y-34699D03* X45776Y-34199D03* G54D12* X44276Y-34449D03* G54D13* X46276Y-34049D03* X46276Y-34849D03* G54D11* X50681Y-34699D03* X50681Y-34199D03* X51181Y-34699D03* X51181Y-34199D03* X51681Y-34699D03* X51681Y-34199D03* G54D12* X50181Y-34449D03* G54D13* X52181Y-34049D03* X52181Y-34849D03* G54D11* X44776Y-39620D03* X44776Y-39120D03* X45276Y-39620D03* X45276Y-39120D03* X45776Y-39620D03* X45776Y-39120D03* G54D12* X44276Y-39370D03* G54D13* X46276Y-38970D03* X46276Y-39770D03* G54D14* X44276Y-38370D03* G54D15* X45526Y-38370D03* X443","78","0.0114520628395243","0.0","0.0" "15152dc59c32343d76d9c0db9428e15c69ccc6ca","S06_183_075.gts",".gts","Gerber Image","# Atomic number and non-scaled cartesian coordinates [bohr] start_cc 006 +1.95792061E+00 -6.19075348E-01 -8.37701956E-02 008 +4.22969277E+00 -3.52896615E-01 +4.74304963E-02 001 +1.11660302E+00 -2.46661442E+00 -3.40399313E-01 006 +1.43348190E-01 +1.47432965E+00 +3.77473093E-02 006 -2.31572421E+00 +1.09705081E+00 -8.74266395E-03 001 +8.80804671E-01 +3.35596664E+00 +1.13317314E-01 001 -3.63914161E+00 +2.62798816E+00 -2.99724595E-02 008 -3.44269244E+00 -1.27404624E+00 -1.51063018E-01 001 -3.36753630E+00 -2.21562817E+00 +1.41470794E+00 end_cc # Charge, multiplicity, energy [hartree], point group, rotational symmetry number start_basic charge 0 multiplicity 1 energy -2.64124738E+02 # Total energy in hartree pointgroup C1 # Point group from automatic assignation rotsigma 01 # Rotational sigma from automatic assignation end_basic # Non-scaled cartesian gradient [hartree","78","0.0114520628395243","0.0","0.0" "066ff2b179c7220d805774e589f14e75e11a700d","Airdrop.sol",".sol","Gerber Image","/** *Submitted for verification at Etherscan.io on 2021-03-02 */ pragma solidity ^0.4.18; //Made to Stackexchange question contract ERC20 { function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value)public returns(bool); function balanceOf(address tokenOwner)public view returns(uint balance); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint tokens)public returns(bool success); } contract SimpleAirdrop { ERC20 public token; function SimpleAirdrop(address _tokenAddr) public { token = ERC20(_tokenAddr); } function getAirdrop() public { token.transfer(msg.sender, 100000000000000000000); //18 decimals token } }","5591","0.8208779914843636","0.0","0.0" "13322722f4bdff8d45d7d00d210764f955bc693e","MysteriumPricing.sol",".sol","Gerber Image","pragma solidity ^0.4.6; import ""./PricingStrategy.sol""; import ""./SafeMathLib.sol""; import ""./Crowdsale.sol""; import ""zeppelin/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol""; /** * Fixed crowdsale pricing - everybody gets the same price. */ contract MysteriumPricing is PricingStrategy, Ownable { using SafeMathLib for uint; // The conversion rate: how many weis is 1 CHF // https://www.coingecko.com/en/price_charts/ethereum/chf // 120.34587901 is 1203458 uint public chfRate; uint public chfScale = 10000; /* How many weis one token costs */ uint public hardCapPrice = 12000; // 1.2 * 10000 Expressed as CFH base points uint public softCapPrice = 10000; // 1.0 * 10000 Expressed as CFH base points uint public softCapCHF = 6000000 * 10000; // Soft cap set in CHF //Address of the ICO contract: Crowdsale public crowdsale; function MysteriumPricing(uint initialChfRate) { chfRate = initialChfRate; } /// @dev Setting crowdsale for setConversionRate() /// @param ","5591","0.8208779914843636","0.0","0.0" "13a2c7f194bc87344576747c7a6071f956cf2446","90C85cfEC04d0Bf79de0D7413a0e1AFb49FEdE58_TopInu.sol",".sol","Gerber Image","/** *Submitted for verification at BscScan.com on 2022-06-20 */ /** *Submitted for verification at BscScan.com on 2022-06-16 */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.7.6; library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, ""SafeMath: addition overflow""); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, ""SafeMath: subtraction overflow""); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, ""SafeMath: multiplication overflow""); return c; ","5591","0.8208779914843636","0.0","0.0" "0ba8d8a8eb5ade3228b47b6dcf816ef40d36f406","RoleManager.sol",".sol","Gerber Image","pragma solidity ^0.5.3; import ""./PermissionsUpgradable.sol""; /** @title Role manager contract * @notice This contract holds implementation logic for all role management functionality. This can be called only by the implementation contract only. there are few view functions exposed as public and can be called directly. these are invoked by quorum for populating permissions data in cache */ contract RoleManager { PermissionsUpgradable private permUpgradable; struct RoleDetails { string roleId; string orgId; uint256 baseAccess; bool isVoter; bool isAdmin; bool active; } RoleDetails[] private roleList; mapping(bytes32 => uint256) private roleIndex; uint256 private numberOfRoles; event RoleCreated(string _roleId, string _orgId, uint256 _baseAccess, bool _isVoter, bool _isAdmin); event RoleRevoked(string _roleId, string _orgId); /** @notice confirms that the caller is the ad","5591","0.8208779914843636","0.0","0.0" "1012ec0782be596903c6968018e37cc41f8cd552","DSTokenBase.sol",".sol","Gerber Image","/// DSTokenBase.sol -- basic ERC20 implementation // Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 DappHub, LLC // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License""). // You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an ""AS IS"" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND (express or implied). pragma solidity ^0.4.13; import ""zeppelin/token/ERC20.sol""; import ""./DSMath.sol""; contract DSTokenBase is ERC20, DSMath { uint256 _supply; mapping (address => uint256) _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) _approvals; function DSTokenBase(uint256 supply) { _balances[msg.sender] = supply; _supply = supply; } function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256) { return _supply; } function balance","5591","0.8208779914843636","0.0","0.0" "0649694e506113aae32a119eb59858b99b8d05a4","files.po",".po","Gettext Catalog","# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: msgid """" msgstr """" ""Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"" ""Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"" ""POT-Creation-Date: 2014-04-04 01:55-0400\n"" ""PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-04 05:55+0000\n"" ""Last-Translator: I Robot\n"" ""Language-Team: Akan (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ak/)\n"" ""MIME-Version: 1.0\n"" ""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"" ""Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"" ""Language: ak\n"" ""Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"" #: ajax/move.php:15 #, php-format msgid ""Could not move %s - File with this name already exists"" msgstr """" #: ajax/move.php:25 ajax/move.php:28 #, php-format msgid ""Could not move %s"" msgstr """" #: ajax/newfile.php:58 js/files.js:98 msgid ""File name cannot be empty."" msgstr """" #: ajax/newfile.php:63 #, php-format msgid ""\""%s\"" is an invalid file name."" msg","22267","0.9607783914394201","0.0","0.0" "008f3c0256d0b62eae2641eadc11c3321bde9443","frontend.po",".po","Gettext Catalog","msgid """" msgstr """" ""Project-Id-Version: Zabbix 4.2\n"" ""Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"" ""POT-Creation-Date: 2020-01-26 01:45+0200\n"" ""PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-09 22:10+0300\n"" ""Last-Translator: Robert \n"" ""Language-Team: Zabbix \n"" ""Language: hu\n"" ""MIME-Version: 1.0\n"" ""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"" ""Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"" ""Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"" ""X-Generator: Pootle\n"" ""X-Poedit-Basepath: ../../\n"" ""X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1357762227.000000\n"" #: include/classes/import/validators/C10XmlValidator.php:358 #: include/classes/import/validators/C10XmlValidator.php:375 #: include/classes/import/validators/C20XmlValidator.php:833 #: include/classes/import/validators/C30XmlValidator.php:896 #: include/classes/import/validators/C32XmlValidator.php:1007 #: include/classes/import/validators/C34XmlValidator.php:1111 #: include/classes/import/validators/C40XmlValidator.php:1290 #: include/classes/import/validato","22267","0.9607783914394201","0.0","0.0" "1d2fa31e844d9434ae5ce3ac291f78a8d5f97d73","de_DE.po",".po","Gettext Catalog","# Translation of Reddle in German # This file is distributed under the same license as the Reddle package. msgid """" msgstr """" ""PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-04 22:58:55+0000\n"" ""MIME-Version: 1.0\n"" ""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"" ""Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"" ""Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"" ""X-Generator: GlotPress/1.0-alpha-1100\n"" ""Project-Id-Version: Reddle\n"" #. Description of the plugin/theme #: wp-content/themes/pub/reddle/style.css msgid ""Everything about Reddle's minimal design elegantly adapts to how you want to use your blog and what you want to use it for. Want to use your blog for a simple one-column link blog? A two-column business site with a custom header and no posts? Reddle can do that too — and look good doing it too."" msgstr ""Das gesamte minimale Design des Reddle-Themes passt sich daran an, wie und wofür du deinen Blog verwenden möchtest. Du möchtest deinen Blog für einen einfachen Link-Blog mit einer Spalte verwenden? Oder eine Unt","22267","0.9607783914394201","0.0","0.0" "1390dd847f938f6ac9c846a712a70acd8bfb3c0d","messages.po",".po","Gettext Catalog","# # Translators: # osfor , 2014 msgid """" msgstr """" ""Project-Id-Version: Pagekit CMS\n"" ""POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-21 17:09+0000\n"" ""PO-Revision-Date: 2014-10-24 12:50+0000\n"" ""Last-Translator: Florian \n"" ""Language-Team: Arabic (Saudi Arabia) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/pagekit-cms/language/ar_SA/)\n"" ""MIME-Version: 1.0\n"" ""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"" ""Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"" ""Language: ar_SA\n"" ""Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"" #: extensions/page/views/admin/link/page.razr:2 #: extensions/page/src/PageLink.php:22 msgid ""Page"" msgstr ""صفحة"" #: extensions/page/views/admin/link/page.razr:5 msgid ""- Select Page -"" msgstr ""- إختر صفحة -"" #: extensions/page/views/admin/pages/edit.razr:14 msgid ""Enter Title"" msgstr ""أدخل عنوانا"" #: extensions/page/views/admin/pages/index.razr:8 #: extensions/page/src/Controller/PageController.php:83 msgid ""Add Page"" msgstr ""أضف صفحة"" #: extensions/page/views/admi","22267","0.9607783914394201","0.0","0.0" "0e0faad548ae036c339434cf2b336598fa798649","trim.Po",".po","Gettext Catalog","string/trim.o: string/trim.cpp string/../mednafen.h string/../types.h \ ../include/config.h /usr/include/assert.h /usr/include/features.h \ /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bits/predefs.h \ /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/sys/cdefs.h \ /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bits/wordsize.h \ /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/gnu/stubs.h /usr/include/inttypes.h \ /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.6/include/stdint.h \ /usr/include/stdint.h /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bits/wchar.h \ string/../error.h /usr/include/errno.h \ /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bits/errno.h /usr/include/linux/errno.h \ /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/asm/errno.h \ /usr/include/asm-generic/errno.h /usr/include/asm-generic/errno-base.h \ /usr/include/string.h \ /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.6/include/stddef.h \ /usr/include/xlocale.h /usr/include/c++/4.6/exception \ /usr/include/c++/4.6/arm-linux-gnueabihf/./bits/c++config.h \ /usr/include/c++/4.6/arm-linux-gnueabihf/./bits/os_defines.h \ /","22267","0.9607783914394201","0.0","0.0" "001480f8faffa896c1b2378ba56e1828b3a66ef0","manim.mobject.geometry.Arrow.pot",".pot","Gettext Catalog"," msgid """" msgstr """" ""Project-Id-Version: Manim \n"" ""MIME-Version: 1.0\n"" ""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"" ""Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"" #: ../../source/reference/manim.mobject.geometry.Arrow.rst:2 msgid ""Arrow"" msgstr """" #: ../../source/reference/manim.mobject.geometry.Arrow.rst:4 msgid ""Qualified name: ``manim.mobject.geometry.Arrow``"" msgstr """" #: ../../../manim/mobject/geometry.py:docstring of manim.mobject.geometry.Arrow:1 msgid ""Bases: :py:class:`manim.mobject.geometry.Line`"" msgstr """" #: ../../../manim/mobject/geometry.py:docstring of manim.mobject.geometry.Arrow:1 msgid ""An arrow."" msgstr """" #: ../../../manim/mobject/geometry.py:docstring of manim.mobject.geometry.Arrow:0 msgid ""Parameters"" msgstr """" #: ../../../manim/mobject/geometry.py:docstring of manim.mobject.geometry.Arrow:3 msgid ""Arguments to be passed to :class:`Line`."" msgstr """" #: ../../../manim/mobject/geometry.py:docstring of manim.mobject.geometry.Arrow:5 msgid ""The thickness of the arrow. I","1091","0.0470745598895409","0.0","0.0" "02a02bc715eca279818a2d0bc14f6c46cc746cbf","intro.pot",".pot","Gettext Catalog","# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) 2001-2017, Python Software Foundation # This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid """" msgstr """" ""Project-Id-Version: Python 3.6\n"" ""Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"" ""PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"" ""Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"" ""Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"" ""MIME-Version: 1.0\n"" ""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"" ""Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"" #: ../../library/intro.rst:5 msgid ""Introduction"" msgstr """" #: ../../library/intro.rst:7 msgid ""The \""Python library\"" contains several different kinds of components."" msgstr """" #: ../../library/intro.rst:9 msgid ""It contains data types that would normally be considered part of the \""core\"" of a language, such as numbers and lists. For these types, the Python language core defines the form of literals and places some constraints on their semantics, but does not fully define t","1091","0.0470745598895409","0.0","0.0" "1978327997be54995c616ececf334db314461136","adaptivepagelayout.pot",".pot","Gettext Catalog","# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid """" msgstr """" ""Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"" ""Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"" ""POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-01 11:08+0800\n"" ""PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"" ""Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"" ""Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"" ""Language: \n"" ""MIME-Version: 1.0\n"" ""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"" ""Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"" #: Main.qml:31 msgid ""Root page"" msgstr """" #: Main.qml:78 msgid ""First column"" msgstr """" #: Main.qml:105 msgid ""Second column"" msgstr """" #: Main.qml:132 msgid ""Page with sections"" msgstr """" #: Main.qml:133 msgid ""one"" msgstr """" #: Main.qml:133 msgid ""two"" msgstr """" #: Main.qml:133 msgid ""three"" msgstr """" ","1091","0.0470745598895409","0.0","0.0" "00570eaa18247dcb6ffed18f07d9a42d2cde38d3","learn.partner-content.getty-museum.videos.pot",".pot","Gettext Catalog","# msgid """" msgstr """" ""Project-Id-Version: 1.0\n"" ""Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translation-team@khanacademy.org\n"" ""POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-22 16:08+0000\n"" ""PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-22 16:08+0000\n"" ""Language-Team: English \n"" ""MIME-Version: 1.0\n"" ""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"" ""Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"" # Title of video http://translate.khanacademy.org/humanities/ancient-art-civilizations/egypt-art/ptolemaic/v/the-mummification-process # Title of video (xd1512e30) on the pl stage # Title of video (xd1512e30) on the tr stage # (KA_SOURCE_TREE: de) # (KA_SOURCE_TREE: es) # (KA_SOURCE_TREE: ja) # (KA_SOURCE_TREE: lol) # (KA_SOURCE_TREE: pl) # (KA_SOURCE_TREE: shared) # (KA_SOURCE_TREE: tr) # (format: text) #: intl/datastore:1 msgid ""The mummification process"" msgstr """" # Description of video , YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid """" msgstr """" ""Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"" ""Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n"" ""POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-19 03:33+0200\n"" ""PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"" ""Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"" ""Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"" ""Language: \n"" ""MIME-Version: 1.0\n"" ""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"" ""Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"" msgctxt ""NAME OF TRANSLATORS"" msgid ""Your names"" msgstr """" msgctxt ""EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS"" msgid ""Your emails"" msgstr """" #: backend-mplayer/mplayermediawidget.cpp:259 msgid ""Cannot start mplayer process."" msgstr """" #: configurationdialog.cpp:37 msgctxt ""@title:window"" msgid ""Configure Kaffeine"" msgstr """" #: configurationdialog.cpp:44 msgctxt ""@item:inlistbox 'Startup display mode:'"" msgid ","1091","0.0470745598895409","0.0","0.0" "068be9689b6af4287e959a8a2305c46dc46e1697","attributes.feature",".feature","Gherkin","Feature: Configure JSON attribute file Background: Given a cookbook named ""cats"" with the recipe ""default"" Scenario: Use Vagrant's attribute file by default When I successfully run `chef-runner` Then ""chef-solo"" should be run with the option ""--json-attributes=/tmp/vagrant-chef-1/dna.json"" Scenario: Configure attribute file via -j Given an empty file named ""chef.json"" When I successfully run `chef-runner -j chef.json` Then ""chef-solo"" should be run with the option ""--json-attributes=/vagrant/chef.json"" Scenario: Configure attribute file via --json-attributes Given an empty file named ""chef.json"" When I successfully run `chef-runner --json-attributes chef.json` Then ""chef-solo"" should be run with the option ""--json-attributes=/vagrant/chef.json"" ","2125","0.45155121121971953","0.0","0.0" "1a14247bff0539c3375809c2798519552ae8c6dc","bonus.feature",".feature","Gherkin","Feature: account storage bonus User should be able to perform certain actions to earn storage bonus. Background: Given I create my account Scenario: Receive onboarding bonuses Then I have not unlocked any storage When I save my account key as PDF document Then I unlock 100MB of storage When I invite other users and they sign up Then I unlock 250MB of storage When I confirm the primary email Then I unlock 1024MB of storage When I upload an avatar Then I unlock 100MB of storage When I create a room Then I unlock 100MB of storage When I install the mobile app Then I unlock 100MB of storage When I enable two-step verification Then I unlock 100MB of storage And I have received all bonuses ","2125","0.45155121121971953","0.0","0.0" "007aa61d944c47528fbf9c2033f4e4bbeef692fe","category_traversal.feature",".feature","Gherkin","Feature: As a User, In order to view the contents of a category, I would like to traverse to that category Background: An Admin Logs In Given I have an existing test environment When I visit ""/sign_in"" And I fill in ""Email"" with ""admin@example.com"" And I fill in ""Password"" with ""password"" And I press ""Submit"" Then I should see ""Welcome admin!"" Scenario: Existing User Goes to Category Index And I visit ""/categories"" Then I should see ""Parent Category1"" And I should see ""Parent Category2"" And I should see ""Parent Category3"" Scenario: Existing User Goes to Category show And I visit ""/categories"" And I click ""Parent Category1"" Then I should see ""Current Path: Categories"" And I should see ""Parent Category1"" And I should see ""Child Category1"" And I should see ""Child Category2"" And I should see ""Note 1"" And I should see ""Note 2"" And I should see ""Photo 1"" And I should see ""Photo 2"" Scenario: Existing User Goes to Category show(2) And I v","2125","0.45155121121971953","0.0","0.0" "1cb4410a9799c8842a87833653b125fae9b53245","incremental_rebuild.feature",".feature","Gherkin","Feature: incremental rebuilding I want to rebuild just the outputs whose inputs have changed So that I can bring the project up-to-date efficiently Scenario: alter an input, and the output changes Given input file ""page.html.haml"" contains ""Old content"" And the site is up-to-date When I change input file ""page.html.haml"" to contain ""New content"" And I rebuild the site Then output file ""page.html"" should be re-generated And output file ""page.html"" should contain ""New content"" Scenario: don't alter an input, and the output is untouched Given input file ""page.html.haml"" contains ""Content"" And the site is up-to-date When I rebuild the site Then output file ""page.html"" should not be re-generated Scenario: alter a dependency Given input file ""page.html.haml"" contains ""= include('_partials/foo.haml')"" And input file ""_partials/foo.haml"" contains ""bananas"" And the site is up-to-date When I change input file ""_partials/foo.haml"" to contain ""New conten","2125","0.45155121121971953","0.0","0.0" "0dec0e21bdace5bac0abc2a77d5ca4cf57e83cc7","regionmainsettingsmenu.feature",".feature","Gherkin","@javascript @theme_space Feature: Region main settings menu To navigate in boost theme I need to use the region main settings menu Background: Given the following ""courses"" exist: | fullname | shortname | newsitems | | Course 1 | C1 | 5 | And the following ""users"" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | | teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | teacher1@example.com | | student1 | Student | 1 | student1@example.com | And the following ""course enrolments"" exist: | user | course | role | | teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher | | student1 | C1 | student | And the following ""activities"" exist: | activity | name | intro | course | idnumber | option | | choice | Choice name | Test choice description | C1 | choice1 | Option 1, Option 2, Option 3 | Scenario: Teacher can use the region main settings menu And I log in as ""teacher1"" And I am on ""Course 1"" course homepage An","2125","0.45155121121971953","0.0","0.0" "03e9c02d1d104398be3d179e9818445b46605604","460a5b40bde2d985a8102352518289c1670aca54.story",".story","Gherkin","By Tom Gardner and Laura Cox PUBLISHED : 21:04 EST , 8 May 2012 | UPDATED : 18:53 EST , 13 May 2012 A red Volkswagen Jetta has been seized by police hunting for a missing teenager . The four-door sedan , which is red with a black hood , is being held in police custody , and detectives believe it may help them find 15-year-old Sierra LaMar , who disappeared on March 16 as she left to catch the school bus . A search for the car began after it was captured on several surveillance videos close to the missing teen 's Morgan Hill , California home and the area where authorities recovered some of her belongings . Seized : A red Volkswagen Jetta connected to the disappearance of 15-year-old Sierra LaMar is now in custody of the Santa Clara County Sheriff 's department The video is n't clear enough for investigators to make out anyone inside the car and they are appealing for people with information to come forward , ABC News reported . They are interested in speaking to anyone who m","2372","0.5040373990650234","0.0","0.0" "039e584c2e7749ec8c74bd00fa665730954130e5","889eba347fb82766a5ce1c5b16220894510d7529.story",".story","Gherkin","DNA test show the seven-year-old is related to the Roma family after she was put into care on Monday A blonde girl who was taken away from her Roma parents in Ireland was reunited with them last night after DNA tests proved she is their daughter. The seven-year-old was back with her family two days after ten officers stormed into her home in Dublin and removed her. Police took the drastic step after a member of the public expressed concern that a girl living in the end-of-terrace house bore no physical resemblance to her siblings. The tip-off from a neighbour was prompted by global coverage of the story of little Maria, who was found in Greece last week. Last night the Dublin girl’s 21-year-old sister said the family was ‘very excited to have her back’. At the family home in a south Dublin suburb she said: ‘During this ordeal I always knew that she was my sister and that my parents were her real mother and father. But the police didn’t believe us, so we’ve had to wait for DNA te","2372","0.5040373990650234","0.0","0.0" "00e910df98063bf35989fb734a8d588f298427c6","103c45cface37295e0cc525d73215782e3a41860.story",".story","Gherkin","A chocolate, appearingly deflated football has raised $20,000 for a Pennsylvania charity.  Amid the bitter 'deflate-gate' scandal surrounding the New England Patriots, Pennsylvania candy company Sarris Candies decided to find the sweet side of the situation -- literally. Bill Sarris had his staff at Sarris Candies make the chocolate football with a dent in its side -- to make it look like a deflated football -- and posted a photograph of it to Facebook just for laughs. Auction: Pennsylvania candy company Sarris Candies auctioned off a deflated-looking football made out of chocolate and raised $20,000 for charity The caption with the photo reads: 'Chocolate 'Bradie' Ball Net weight 13 lbs.... Oops! We meant 11.2 lbs.' What started as a small joke has brought in big bucks for the Dollar Energy Fund -- a fund providing utility assistance for residents in need, according to FOX.  The ball was auctioned off Friday with a local car dealer bidding $5,000 and Sarris matching the bid, CBS","2372","0.5040373990650234","0.0","0.0" "21495eb5e951fc6a1e8146ecd9c0909b879774ed","d100496f33f967924bae883a3ebc1f58ebf772f9.story",".story","Gherkin","By Stephanie Linning for MailOnline TV host Scott Rogers was 'shot dead' by Matthew Hodgkinson, his son-in-law and former lover, in a 'murder and attempted suicide' on Wednesday at his home in Baton Rouge, Louisiana A British dance teacher who who was accused of molesting a pupil and running a 'cult'-like school is believed to have been shot dead in his US home by his son-in-law - who was also his former lover. It is thought Scott Rogers, 52, was killed by Mathew Hodgkinson in a 'murder and attempted suicide' in his home in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Wednesday, according to local police. Mr Hodgkinson, 36, was married to Mr Rogers' daughter Kimmy, and it has been suggested that all three lived in the home where Mr Rogers was shot. Mr Rogers, originally from Suffolk, was well-known in the city as the host of his own weekend show on a local television channel. He founded the Academy of Dancing and Performing Arts in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk in 1983. He was known as Richard Scott-Ro","2372","0.5040373990650234","0.0","0.0" "0088033bcf276a38349829157cd33e3ac1e8e2f3","5d73d77da9b4a0fdc15a3a3dcbdeb3313925ca93.story",".story","Gherkin","Diego Costa has flown to Belgrade to see 'miracle doctor' Marijana Kovacevic in a desperate attempt to be fit for the biggest match of his career. The Serb uses placenta to help players recover quickly from muscle injuries and on Saturday Costa wants to play for Atletico Madrid against Real Madrid in the Champions League final. The striker has been diagnosed with a grade one hamstring tear, sustained against Barcelona last weekend in La Liga.  VIDEO Scroll down for Simeone is hopeful that striker Diego Costa will play in final SOS: Diego Costa in Belgrade, where he is to see the controversial 'placenta doctor' in a bid to recover Down and out: Diego Costa has flown to see controversial doctor Marijana Kovacevic after tearing a hamstring Limping off: Costa (centre) is a major doubt for the Champions League final against Real Madrid That sort of injury usually keeps players out of action for around 15 days, which would rule him out of the showpiece event in Lisbon if the treatment","2372","0.5040373990650234","0.0","0.0" "1c83efd5261ffff7ab90064c5c4d55770f521fc4",".gitattributes",".gitattributes","Git Attributes","*.js linguist-language=Python *.css linguist-language=Python *.html linguist-language=Python *.md linguist-language=Python *.sh linguist-language=Python ","594","1.0206185567010309","0.0","1.0" "033db1a87c56ecd3d207d3b7d976d853c4302da8",".gitattributes",".gitattributes","Git Attributes",".gitattributes export-ignore .gitignore export-ignore assets export-ignore readme.md export-ignore Gruntfile.js export-ignore package.json export-ignore .gitmodules export-ignore .jscsrc export-ignore .jshintrc export-ignore .jshintignore export-ignore .travis.yml export-ignore dev-lib export-ignore js/src export-ignore includes/library/icon-picker export-ignore .editorconfig export-ignore ","594","1.0206185567010309","0.0","1.0" "006a9e8aac46be0291b437a44eb666ce1de7c138",".gitattributes",".gitattributes","Git Attributes","Dockerfile linguist-vendored=false docker-compose.yml linguist-vendored=false docker-compose.yml linguist-language=docker","594","1.0206185567010309","0.0","1.0" "18314f8ea73aa6ea7b64fcf2f28d99d27b0b7351",".gitattributes",".gitattributes","Git Attributes","asdasdas############################################################################### # Set default behavior to automatically normalize line endings. ############################################################################### * text=auto ############################################################################### # Set default behavior for command prompt diff. # # This is need for earlier builds of msysgit that does not have it on by # default for csharp files. # Note: This is only used by command line ############################################################################### #*.cs diff=csharp ############################################################################### # Set the merge driver for project and solution files # # Merging from the command prompt will add diff markers to the files if there # are conflicts (Merging from VS is not affected by the settings below, in VS # the diff markers are never inserted). Diff markers may cause the following # file ex","594","1.0206185567010309","0.0","1.0" "0aa98680803991a2b52f3cbb680738fb970dbb03",".gitattributes",".gitattributes","Git Attributes","# Remove files for archives generated using `git archive` Test export-ignore TestSuite export-ignore .gitattributes export-ignore .gitignore export-ignore .travis.yml export-ignore phpunit.xml.dist export-ignore ","594","1.0206185567010309","0.0","1.0" "0493ee1ab6d30c11ea3c6764f462aed767d93ce8",".gitconfig",".gitconfig","Git Config","[user] name = ikaruga email = ikaruga777@gmail.com [include] path = ~/.config/git/local.gitconfig [ghq] root =~/src [credential] helper = cache [hub] protocol = ssh [pull] rebase = false ","247","0.1644474034620506","0.0","0.0" "1c99e68cfa3d57e572d19417b01c1197e4f1a3f2",".gitconfig",".gitconfig","Git Config","[user] email = joembruckner@gmail.com name = Joe Bruckner [color] ui = auto [core] pager = less -FMRiX excludesfile = /Users/jbruckn/.gitignore_global [push] default = simple [alias] dag = log --graph --format='format:%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %C(blue)\""%an\"" <%ae>%C(reset) %C(magenta)%cr%C(reset)%C(auto)%d%C(reset)%n%s' --date-order ","247","0.1644474034620506","0.0","0.0" "062e9ad3c2156d9c5065c9c619b3b235ee55d2d0",".gitconfig",".gitconfig","Git Config","[user] name = Kenta Kubota email = zingl.0523@gmail.com [color] ui = auto diff = auto status = auto branch = auto [core] pager = less -r precomposeunicode = true quotepath = false [alias] lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %n%s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset%n' --abbrev-commit --date=relative lga = log --graph --all --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %n%s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset%n' --abbrev-commit --date=relative [fetch] prune = true [merge] ff = false ","247","0.1644474034620506","0.0","0.0" "18dccb2362319e71b3f9b94e0b559891832cd9ba",".gitconfig",".gitconfig","Git Config","[core] autocrlf = input target/","247","0.1644474034620506","0.0","0.0" "059c600734e34ef78a13a8db088e2e32cecb828b",".gitconfig",".gitconfig","Git Config","[alias] ci = commit s = status st = stash sp = stash pop f = fetch -p r = rebase ri = rebase -i p = push pu = ""!git push -u origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"" co = checkout up = pull --rebase lg = log --oneline last = log -1 HEAD c = log -p -w --reverse @{u}.. b = branch -vv fix = commit --amend --no-edit efix = commit --amend d = diff ds = diff --staged dw = diff --color-words a = commit -a --amend --no-edit cf = cl format cu = cl upload new = new-branch --upstream-current [http] cookiefile = /usr/local/google/home/franzih/.gitcookies [pull] rebase = true [user] name = Franziska Hinkelmann email = franzih@chromium.org ","247","0.1644474034620506","0.0","0.0" "06244901cf8d9c6d3361d076d14767275aac5428",".gitmodules",".gitmodules","Git Config","[submodule ""themes/academic""] path = themes/academic url = https://github.com/gcushen/hugo-academic.git [submodule ""public""] path = public url = git@github.com:clgiebink/clgiebink.github.io.git branch = master ","1327","0.8834886817576565","0.0","1.0" "13a712a97d55c7d50a9d4cadd364502a20fc9c2e",".gitmodules",".gitmodules","Git Config"," [submodule ""pelican-plugins""] path = pelican-plugins url = https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-plugins.git [submodule ""theme""] path = theme url = https://github.com/PurePelicanTheme/pure-single ","1327","0.8834886817576565","0.0","1.0" "2119bab503e5b6780c823f543d6774caa06fb7e0",".gitmodules",".gitmodules","Git Config","[submodule ""dirvish-stats""] path = dirvish-stats url = git@github.com:stadthack/dirvish-stats-frontend.git ","1327","0.8834886817576565","0.0","1.0" "0eac1f5da5ad957c92b1eec88e603fe4b5932e09",".gitmodules",".gitmodules","Git Config","[submodule ""gbhv/ia32-doc""] path = gbhv/ia32-doc url = https://github.com/wbenny/ia32-doc.git ","1327","0.8834886817576565","0.0","1.0" "1ede413a779591e1f00d488de86d31125c7094ca",".gitmodules",".gitmodules","Git Config","[submodule ""public""] path = public url = git@github.com:kzap/kzap.github.io.git ","1327","0.8834886817576565","0.0","1.0" "1e8fe2f7bec15ec97833de79e1866f836d6d11f3","eter18.bdf",".bdf","Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format","STARTFONT 2.1 FONT -xmbdfed-Unknown-Medium-R-Normal--15-120-90-90-P-100-FontSpecific-0 SIZE 12 90 90 FONTBOUNDINGBOX 34 28 0 -4 STARTPROPERTIES 9 POINT_SIZE 120 PIXEL_SIZE 15 RESOLUTION_X 90 RESOLUTION_Y 90 FONT_ASCENT 12 FONT_DESCENT 3 AVERAGE_WIDTH 100 SPACING ""P"" _XMBDFED_INFO ""Edited with xmbdfed 4.5."" 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COMMENT COMMENT Permission to use, copy, modify, d","127","0.8881118881118881","0.0","0.0" "18308f3882eff5a946281be5b0b65ef8a929f4e3","start_pin.bdf",".bdf","Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format","/* WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur. */ /* Copyright (C) 1991-2009 Altera Corporation Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable agreement for further details. */ //#pragma file_not_in_maxplusii_f","127","0.8881118881118881","0.0","0.0" "068c07c4f15baa0e2207711fc6121f1e40fc2ea1","ALU.bdf",".bdf","Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format","/* WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur. */ /* Copyright (C) 1991-2009 Altera Corporation Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable agreement for further details. */ //#pragma file_not_in_maxplusii_f","127","0.8881118881118881","0.0","0.0" "06c72e3b82c28f58352f78b9bfab43e15e0e026c","clock.bdf",".bdf","Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format","/* WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur. */ /* Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Altera Corporation Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable agreement for further details. */ (header ""graphic"" (version ""1.4"")","127","0.8881118881118881","0.0","0.0" "1e0be3e1c98679362bafff3e41e4f421633e1a64","Erlang.pingpong.lightthread.gnu",".gnu","Gnuplot","set terminal postscript eps set output ""measurements/Erlang.pingpong.lightthread.eps"" set xlabel """" set ylabel """" set title """" plot ""measurements/Erlang.pingpong.lightthread.data"" using 1:2:3 axes x1y1 title ""avg_example"" with yerrorbars ","158","0.1464318813716404","0.0","0.0" "13811af320030cf1483e7eead2b4c1236375ec6f","pair_potential_spring_zoom.gnu",".gnu","Gnuplot","set term postscript eps monochrome set output ""pair_potential_spring_zoom.eps"" set size 0.4, 0.4 unset border unset key unset tics #set xzeroaxis lt 1 plot [0.98:1.02][-1:-0.98] 1.0/x**12 - 2.0/x**6 lw 4 lt 1, \ -1.0 + 36.0*(x-1.0)**2 lw 3 lt 0 ","158","0.1464318813716404","0.0","0.0" "064f8c8386d8874be2521d3b03e1d6b4e93fee91","throughput.gnu",".gnu","Gnuplot","reset set term postscript eps enhanced color font ""Arial,6"" set size 0.5,0.13 set xlabel ""Time (secs)"" offset 0,0.5,0 set ylabel ""Throughput\n(ops/sec)"" offset 1.5,-1,0 set grid ytics mytics set tmargin 1.4 set bmargin 2.4 set rmargin 0 set lmargin 7 set border lw .2 set ytic 0,3000,15000 set xtic 0,20,200 #set yrange [0:6000] #set xrange [0:205] unset key set ytics (""12k"" 12000, ""9k"" 9000, ""6k"" 6000, ""3k"" 3000, ""0"" 0 ) set tics scale 0 set style line 1 lc black lt 1 pi 0 pt 4 lw 1 ps 0 set style arrow 4 head filled size screen 0.03,15 ls 2 set label ""State\nCheckpoint"" at 56,8100 center font ""Arial,6"" set arrow 3 from 62,5400 to 64,0 lw 0.3 head back filled set label ""State\nCheckpoint"" at 142,8100 center font ""Arial,6"" set arrow 4 from 147,5400 to 148,0 lw 0.3 head back filled set label ""Boot time approx. 2mins \n(background)"" at 30,12000 center font ""Arial,6"" set object 3 rect from 0, graph 0 to 73, graph 1 set object 3 back clip lw 1.0 dashtype solid fc lt -1 fillstyl","158","0.1464318813716404","0.0","0.0" "0a16d8f195f57018411efd2dda5a8b243ca477f0","plot_lang_stats.gnu",".gnu","Gnuplot","#!/usr/bin/gnuplot # 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# For a description of the GNUPLOT format see the GNUPLOT manual. # #