"""Gradio helpers for caching, downloading etc.""" import concurrent.futures import contextlib import datetime import functools import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import threading import time import unittest.mock import huggingface_hub import jax import numpy as np import psutil def _clone_git(url, destination_folder, commit_hash=None): subprocess.run([ 'git', 'clone', '--depth=1', url, destination_folder ], check=True) if commit_hash: subprocess.run( ['git', '-C', destination_folder, 'checkout', commit_hash], check=True ) def setup(): """Installs big_vision repo and mocks tensorflow_text.""" for url, dst_name, commit_hash in ( ( 'https://github.com/google-research/big_vision', 'big_vision_repo', None, ), ): dst_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), dst_name) if os.path.exists(dst_path): print('Found existing "%s" at "%s"' % (url, dst_path)) else: print('Cloning "%s" into "%s"' % (url, dst_path)) _clone_git(url, dst_path, commit_hash) if dst_path not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, dst_path) # Imported in `big_vision.pp.ops_text` but we don't use it. sys.modules['tensorflow_text'] = unittest.mock.MagicMock() # Must be run in main app before other BV imports: setup() def should_mock(): """Returns `True` if `MOCK_MODEL=yes` is set in environment.""" return os.environ.get('MOCK_MODEL') == 'yes' @contextlib.contextmanager def timed(name, start_message=False): """Emits "Timed {name}: .1f secs" message to INFO logs.""" t0 = time.monotonic() timing = dict(dt=None) try: if start_message: logging.info('Timing %s...', name) yield timing finally: timing['secs'] = time.monotonic() - t0 logging.info('Timed %s: %.1f secs', name, timing['secs']) def synced(f): """Syncs calls to `f` with a `threading.Lock()`.""" lock = threading.Lock() @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kw): t0 = time.monotonic() with lock: lock_dt = time.monotonic() - t0 logging.info('synced wait: %.1f secs', lock_dt) return f(*args, **kw) return wrapper _warmed_up = set() _warmup_function = None def set_warmup_function(warmup_function): global _warmup_function _warmup_function = warmup_function _lock = threading.Lock() _scheduled = {} _download_secs = 0 _warmup_secs = 0 _loading_secs = 0 _done = {} _failed = {} def _do_download(): """Downloading files, to be started in background thread.""" global _download_secs executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) while True: if not _scheduled: time.sleep(1) continue name, (repo, filename, revision) = next(iter(_scheduled.items())) logging.info('Downloading "%s" %s/%s/%s...', name, repo, filename, revision) with timed(f'downloading {name}', True) as t: if should_mock(): logging.warning('Mocking loading') time.sleep(10.) _done[name] = None else: try: _done[name] = huggingface_hub.hf_hub_download( repo_id=repo, filename=filename, revision=revision) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught logging.exception('Could not download "%s" from hub!', name) _failed[name] = str(e) with _lock: _scheduled.pop(name) continue if _warmup_function: def warmup(name): global _warmup_secs with timed(f'warming up {name}', True) as t: try: _warmup_function(name) _warmed_up.add(name) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught logging.exception('Could not warmup "%s"!', name) _warmup_secs += t['secs'] executor.submit(warmup, name) _download_secs += t['secs'] with _lock: _scheduled.pop(name) def register_download(name, repo, filename, revision='main'): """Will cause download of `filename` from HF `repo` in background thread.""" with _lock: if name not in _scheduled: _scheduled[name] = (repo, filename, revision) def _hms(secs): """Formats `secs=3700` to `"01:01:40"`.""" secs = int(secs) h = secs // 3600 m = (secs - h * 3600) // 60 s = secs % 60 return (f'{h}:' if h else '') + f'{m:02}:{s:02}' def downloads_status(): """Returns string representation of download stats.""" done_t = remaining_t = '' if _done: done_t = f' in {_hms(_download_secs)}' remaining_t = f' {_hms(_download_secs/len(_done)*len(_scheduled))}' status = f'Downloaded {len(_done)}{done_t}' if _scheduled: status += f', {len(_scheduled)}{remaining_t} remaining' if _warmup_function: status += f', warmed up {len(_warmed_up)} in {_hms(_warmup_secs)}' if _failed: status += f', {len(_failed)} failed' return status def get_paths(): """Returns dictionary `name` to `path` from previous `register_download()`.""" return dict(_done) _download_thread = threading.Thread(target=_do_download) _download_thread.daemon = True _download_thread.start() _estimated_real = [(10, 10)] _memory_cache = {} def get_with_progress(getter, secs, progress, step=0.1): """Returns result from `getter` while showing a progress bar.""" if progress is None: return getter() with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: future = executor.submit(getter) for _ in progress.tqdm(list(range(int(np.ceil(secs/step)))), desc='read'): if not future.done(): time.sleep(step) return future.result() def _get_array_sizes(tree): return [getattr(x, 'nbytes', 0) for x in jax.tree_leaves(tree)] def get_memory_cache( key, getter, max_cache_size_bytes, progress=None, estimated_secs=None ): """Keeps cache below specified size by removing elements not last accessed.""" if key in _memory_cache: _memory_cache[key] = _memory_cache.pop(key) # Updates "last accessed" order return _memory_cache[key] est, real = zip(*_estimated_real) if estimated_secs is None: estimated_secs = sum(est) / len(est) with timed(f'loading {key}') as t: estimated_secs *= sum(real) / sum(est) value = get_with_progress(getter, estimated_secs, progress) _estimated_real.append((estimated_secs, t['secs'])) if not max_cache_size_bytes: return value _memory_cache[key] = value sz = sum(_get_array_sizes(list(_memory_cache.values()))) logging.info('New memory cache size=%.1f MB', sz/1e6) while sz > max_cache_size_bytes: k, v = next(iter(_memory_cache.items())) if k == key: break s = sum(_get_array_sizes(v)) logging.info('Removing %s from memory cache (%.1f MB)', k, s/1e6) _memory_cache.pop(k) sz -= s return value def get_memory_cache_info(): """Returns number of items and total size in bytes.""" sizes = _get_array_sizes(_memory_cache) return len(_memory_cache), sum(sizes) def get_system_info(): """Returns string describing system's RAM/disk status.""" host_colocation = int(os.environ.get('HOST_COLOCATION', '1')) vm = psutil.virtual_memory() du = shutil.disk_usage('.') return ( f'RAM {vm.used / 1e9:.1f}/{vm.total / host_colocation / 1e9:.1f}G, ' f'disk {du.used / 1e9:.1f}/{du.total / host_colocation / 1e9:.1f}G' ) def get_status(include_system_info=True): """Returns string about download/memory/system status.""" mc_len, mc_sz = get_memory_cache_info() mc_t = _hms(sum(real for _, real in _estimated_real[1:])) return ( 'Timestamp: ' + datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' – Model stats: ' + downloads_status() + ', ' + f'memory-cached {mc_len} ({mc_sz/1e9:.1f}G) in {mc_t}' + (' – System: ' + get_system_info() if include_system_info else '') )