import streamlit as st import lightgbm import pickle import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler from sklearn.decomposition import PCA model = pickle.load(open("/home/user/app/apps/models/gbm/gbm-model-pickle.sav", 'rb')) scaler = pickle.load(open("/home/user/app/apps/models/gbm/gbm-scaler.sav", 'rb')) def app(): with st.sidebar: st.title('Stroke Prediction using Machine Learning') st.write('This model which predicts whether a patient is likely to get a stroke based on the parameters like gender, age various diseases and smoking status.') st.markdown('_For Machine Learning - 19CS601_') st.write('It may take a few moments to complete this survey.') with st.container(): st.subheader('Stage 1: Personal Questions') ch_gender = st.selectbox( 'Gender: ', ('Male', 'Female', 'Others')) ch_age = st.number_input('Age: ',min_value=0, max_value=150, value=18,step=1) ch_restype = 'Residence Type: ', ('Urban', 'Rural')) ch_marital = 'Did you ever get married? ', ('Yes', 'No')) ch_worktype = st.selectbox( 'Work type: ', ('I\'m a child.', 'I\'m self employed', 'Working for the Private.','Working for the Government.','Never worked for anyone.')) st.subheader('Stage 2: Health Questions') ch_height = st.number_input('Height (in m): ',min_value=0.0, max_value=500.0, value=175.0,step=0.1) ch_weight = st.number_input('Weight (in kg): ',min_value=0.0, max_value=5000.0, value=75.0,step=0.01) calc_bmi = ch_weight / (ch_height/100)**2 ch_bmi = st.number_input('BMI: (Optional)',min_value=0.0, max_value=60.0, value=calc_bmi,step=0.01) ch_agl = st.number_input('Average Glucose Level (in mg/dL): ',min_value=50.0, max_value=300.0, value=50.0,step=0.01) ch_smokingstat = st.selectbox( 'Smoking status: ', ('Never smoked', 'Formerly smoked', 'I\'m an active smoker','I prefer not to speak')) st.write('Are you currently suffering from these diseases?') ch_hypertn = st.checkbox('Hypertension') ch_hearttn = st.checkbox('Heart Disease') submit = st.button('Submit') if submit: ch_gender = 0 if ch_gender=="Female" else 1 if ch_gender=="Male" else 2 ch_marital = 1 if ch_marital=="Yes" else 0 ch_worktype = 1 if ch_worktype=="Never worked for anyone." else 4 if ch_worktype=="I\'m a child." else 3 if ch_worktype=="I\'m self employed" else 2 if ch_worktype=="Working for the Private." else 0 ch_restype = 1 if ch_restype=="Urban" else 1 ch_smokingstat = 3 if ch_smokingstat=="I\'m an active smoker" else 1 if ch_smokingstat=="Formerly smoked" else 2 if ch_smokingstat=="Never smoked" else 0 ch_hypertn = 0 if ch_hypertn==False else 1 if ch_hypertn==True else 999 ch_hearttn = 0 if ch_hearttn==False else 1 if ch_hearttn==True else 999 input = scaler.transform([[ch_gender,ch_age,ch_hypertn,ch_hearttn,ch_marital,ch_worktype,ch_restype,ch_agl,ch_bmi,ch_smokingstat]]) prediction = model.predict(input) predictval = model.predict_proba(input) with st.expander("Results"): if prediction==0: str_result = 'The model predicts that with the probability of %.2f%%, you won\'t be suffering from stroke in the future.'%(predictval[0][0]*100) st.success(str_result) st.write(""" The best way to help prevent a stroke is to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol. These lifestyle changes can reduce your risk of problems like: - arteries becoming clogged with fatty substances (atherosclerosis) - high blood pressure - high cholesterol levels If you have already had a stroke, making these changes can help reduce your risk of having another stroke in the future. """) st.write("Source: [National Health Service (NHS) - United Kingdom](") elif prediction==1: str_result = 'The model predicts that with the probability of %.2f%%, you will be suffering from stroke in the future.'%(predictval[0][1]*100) st.error(str_result) if predictval[0][1] >= 0.85: st.subheader("Please seek medical attention as early as possible to mitigate the stroke disease.") st.write(""" The best way to help prevent a stroke is to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol. These lifestyle changes can reduce your risk of problems like: - arteries becoming clogged with fatty substances (atherosclerosis) - high blood pressure - high cholesterol levels If you have already had a stroke, making these changes can help reduce your risk of having another stroke in the future. """) st.write("Source: [National Health Service (NHS) - United Kingdom](") else: st.error('NaN: Unexpected error') st.markdown("Debug: Selected input:") st.code(input)