from operator import itemgetter import os from datetime import datetime import uvicorn from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple, Dict, TypedDict from urllib import parse from uuid import uuid4 import logging from fastapi.logger import logger as fastapi_logger import sys from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi import APIRouter, Body, Request, status from pymongo import MongoClient from dotenv import dotenv_values from routes import router as api_router from contextlib import asynccontextmanager import requests from typing import List from datetime import date from mongodb.operations.calls import * from mongodb.models.calls import UserCall, UpdateCall # from mongodb.endpoints.calls import * from utils.text_rank import extract_terms from transformers import AutoProcessor, SeamlessM4Tv2Model # from seamless_communication.inference import Translator from Client import Client import numpy as np import torch import socketio # Configure logger gunicorn_error_logger = logging.getLogger("gunicorn.error") gunicorn_logger = logging.getLogger("gunicorn") uvicorn_access_logger = logging.getLogger("uvicorn.access") gunicorn_error_logger.propagate = True gunicorn_logger.propagate = True uvicorn_access_logger.propagate = True uvicorn_access_logger.handlers = gunicorn_error_logger.handlers fastapi_logger.handlers = gunicorn_error_logger.handlers # sio is the main entrypoint sio = socketio.AsyncServer( async_mode="asgi", cors_allowed_origins="*", logger=gunicorn_logger, engineio_logger=gunicorn_logger, ) # sio.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) socketio_app = socketio.ASGIApp(sio) # app.mount("/", socketio_app) config = dotenv_values(".env") # Read connection string from environment vars # uri = os.environ['MONGODB_URI'] # Read connection string from .env file uri = config['MONGODB_URI'] # MongoDB Connection Lifespan Events @asynccontextmanager async def lifespan(app: FastAPI): # startup logic app.mongodb_client = MongoClient(uri) app.database = app.mongodb_client['IT-Cluster1'] #connect to interpretalk primary db try: app.mongodb_client.admin.command('ping') print("MongoDB Connection Established...") except Exception as e: print(e) yield # shutdown logic print("Closing MongoDB Connection...") app.mongodb_client.close() app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan, logger=gunicorn_logger) # New CORS funcitonality app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], # configured node app port allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) app.include_router(api_router) # include routers for user, calls and transcripts operations DEBUG = True ESCAPE_HATCH_SERVER_LOCK_RELEASE_NAME = "remove_server_lock" TARGET_SAMPLING_RATE = 16000 MAX_BYTES_BUFFER = 960_000 print("") print("") print("=" * 18 + " Interpretalk is starting... " + "=" * 18) ############################################### # Configure socketio server ############################################### # TODO PM - change this to the actual path # seamless remnant code CLIENT_BUILD_PATH = "../streaming-react-app/dist/" static_files = { "/": CLIENT_BUILD_PATH, "/assets/seamless-db6a2555.svg": { "filename": CLIENT_BUILD_PATH + "assets/seamless-db6a2555.svg", "content_type": "image/svg+xml", }, } device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("facebook/seamless-m4t-v2-large") # PM - hardcoding temporarily as my GPU doesnt have enough vram model = SeamlessM4Tv2Model.from_pretrained("facebook/seamless-m4t-v2-large").to(device) bytes_data = bytearray() model_name = "seamlessM4T_v2_large" vocoder_name = "vocoder_v2" if model_name == "seamlessM4T_v2_large" else "vocoder_36langs" clients = {} rooms = {} def get_collection_users(): return app.database["user_records"] def get_collection_calls(): # return app.database["call_records"] return app.database["call_test"] @app.get("/home/", response_description="Welcome User") def test(): return {"message": "Welcome to InterpreTalk!"} async def send_translated_text(client_id, original_text, translated_text, room_id): print('SEND_TRANSLATED_TEXT IS WOKRING IN FASTAPI BACKEND...') print(rooms) # Debugging print(clients) # Debugging data = { "author_id": str(client_id), "original_text": str(original_text), "translated_text": str(translated_text), "timestamp": str( }"SENDING TRANSLATED TEXT TO CLIENT") await sio.emit("translated_text", data, room=room_id)"SUCCESSFULLY SEND AUDIO TO FRONTEND") @sio.on("connect") async def connect(sid, environ): print(f"📥 [event: connected] sid={sid}") query_params = dict(parse.parse_qsl(environ["QUERY_STRING"])) client_id = query_params.get("client_id")"📥 [event: connected] sid={sid}, client_id={client_id}") # sid = socketid, client_id = client specific ID ,always the same for same user clients[sid] = Client(sid, client_id) gunicorn_logger.warning(f"Client connected: {sid}") gunicorn_logger.warning(clients) @sio.on("disconnect") async def disconnect(sid): gunicorn_logger.debug(f"📤 [event: disconnected] sid={sid}") clients.pop(sid, None) @sio.on("term_extraction") async def term_extraction(sid, call_id): gunicorn_logger.debug(f"📤 [event: term_extraction] sid={sid}, call={call_id}") # Get combined caption field for call record based on call_id combined_text = get_caption_text(get_collection_calls(), call_id) if combined_text: # > min_caption_length: -> poor term extraction on short print("THE COMBINED TEXT IS:", combined_text) # Extract Key Terms from Concatenated Caption Field key_terms = extract_terms(combined_text, len(combined_text)) # BO -> Update Call record with call duration, key terms print("THE KEY TERMS ARE:", key_terms) request_data = { "key_terms": key_terms } update_calls(get_collection_calls(), call_id, request_data) @sio.on("target_language") async def target_language(sid, target_lang):"📥 [event: target_language] sid={sid}, target_lang={target_lang}") clients[sid].target_language = target_lang @sio.on("call_user") async def call_user(sid, call_id): clients[sid].call_id = call_id"CALL {sid}: entering room {call_id}") rooms[call_id] = rooms.get(call_id, []) if sid not in rooms[call_id] and len(rooms[call_id]) < 2: rooms[call_id].append(sid) sio.enter_room(sid, call_id) else:"CALL {sid}: room {call_id} is full") # await sio.emit("room_full", room=call_id, to=sid) # BO - Get call id from dictionary created during socketio connection client_id = clients[sid].client_id gunicorn_logger.warning(f"NOW TRYING TO CREATE DB RECORD FOR Caller with ID: {client_id} for call: {call_id}") # BO -> Create Call Record with Caller and call_id field (None for callee, duration, terms..) request_data = { "call_id": str(call_id), "caller_id": str(client_id), "creation_date": str( } response = create_calls(get_collection_calls(), request_data) print(response) # BO - print created db call record @sio.on("audio_config") async def audio_config(sid, sample_rate): clients[sid].original_sr = sample_rate @sio.on("answer_call") async def answer_call(sid, call_id): clients[sid].call_id = call_id"ANSWER {sid}: entering room {call_id}") rooms[call_id] = rooms.get(call_id, []) if sid not in rooms[call_id] and len(rooms[call_id]) < 2: rooms[call_id].append(sid) sio.enter_room(sid, call_id) else:"ANSWER {sid}: room {call_id} is full") # await sio.emit("room_full", room=call_id, to=sid) # BO - Get call id from dictionary created during socketio connection client_id = clients[sid].client_id # BO -> Update Call Record with Callee field based on call_id gunicorn_logger.warning(f"NOW UPDATING MongoDB RECORD FOR Caller with ID: {client_id} for call: {call_id}") # BO -> Create Call Record with callee_id field (None for callee, duration, terms..) request_data = { "callee_id": client_id } response = update_calls(get_collection_calls(), call_id, request_data) print(response) # BO - print created db call record @sio.on("incoming_audio") async def incoming_audio(sid, data, call_id): try: clients[sid].add_bytes(data) if clients[sid].get_length() >= MAX_BYTES_BUFFER:'Buffer full, now outputting...') output_path = clients[sid].output_path resampled_audio = clients[sid].resample_and_clear() vad_result = clients[sid].vad_analyse(resampled_audio) # source lang is speakers tgt language 😃 src_lang = clients[sid].target_language if vad_result:'Speech detected, now processing audio.....') tgt_sid = next(id for id in rooms[call_id] if id != sid) tgt_lang = clients[tgt_sid].target_language # following example from output_tokens = processor(audios=resampled_audio, src_lang=src_lang, return_tensors="pt", sampling_rate=TARGET_SAMPLING_RATE).to(device) model_output = model.generate(**output_tokens, tgt_lang=src_lang, generate_speech=False)[0].tolist()[0] asr_text = processor.decode(model_output, skip_special_tokens=True) print(f"ASR TEXT = {asr_text}") # ASR TEXT => ORIGINAL TEXT t2t_tokens = processor(text=asr_text, src_lang=src_lang, tgt_lang=tgt_lang, return_tensors="pt").to(device) print(f"FIRST TYPE = {type(output_tokens)}, SECOND TYPE = {type(t2t_tokens)}") translated_data = model.generate(**t2t_tokens, tgt_lang=tgt_lang, generate_speech=False)[0].tolist()[0] translated_text = processor.decode(translated_data, skip_special_tokens=True) print(f"TRANSLATED TEXT = {translated_text}") # TRANSLATED TEXT # PM - text_output is a list with 1 string await send_translated_text(clients[sid].client_id, asr_text, translated_text, call_id) # BO -> send translated_text to mongodb as caption record update based on call_id await send_captions(clients[sid].client_id, asr_text, translated_text, call_id) except Exception as e: gunicorn_logger.error(f"Error in incoming_audio: {e.with_traceback()}") async def send_captions(client_id, original_text, translated_text, call_id): # BO -> Update Call Record with Callee field based on call_id print(f"Now updating Caption field in call record for Caller with ID: {client_id} for call: {call_id}") data = { "author_id": str(client_id), "original_text": str(original_text), "translated_text": str(translated_text), "timestamp": str( } response = update_captions(get_collection_calls(), get_collection_users(), call_id, data) return response app.mount("/", socketio_app) if __name__ == '__main__':"main:app", host='', port=7860, log_level="info") # Running in Docker Container if __name__ != "__main__": fastapi_logger.setLevel(gunicorn_logger.level) else: fastapi_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)