from langchain import HuggingFaceHub, PromptTemplate from global_config import GlobalConfig prompt = None def get_llm() -> HuggingFaceHub: llm = HuggingFaceHub( repo_id=GlobalConfig.LLM_MODEL_NAME, task='text-generation', huggingfacehub_api_token=GlobalConfig.HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN, model_kwargs={ 'temperature': GlobalConfig.LLM_MODEL_TEMPERATURE, 'min_length': GlobalConfig.LLM_MODEL_MIN_OUTPUT_LENGTH, 'max_length': GlobalConfig.LLM_MODEL_MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH, 'max_new_tokens': GlobalConfig.LLM_MODEL_MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH, 'num_return_sequences': 1 } ) print(llm) return llm def generate_slides_content(name: str, topic: str, audience: str) -> str: """ Generate the outline/contents of slides for a presentation on a given topic. :return: The content """ global prompt if not prompt: with open(GlobalConfig.SLIDES_TEMPLATE_FILE, 'r') as in_file: template_txt = prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(template_txt) formatted_prompt = prompt.format(topic=topic, audience=audience) # print(formatted_prompt) llm = get_llm() slides_content = llm(formatted_prompt, verbose=True) return slides_content def text_to_json(content: str) -> str: """ Convert input text into structured JSON representation. :param content: Input text :return: JSON string """ # f-string is not used in order to prevent interpreting the brackets text = ''' Context: ''' text += content text += ''' Convert the above text into structured JSON output. The JSON structure should be something like this: { "presentation_title": "...", "slides": [ { "slide_number": "...", "slide_heading": "...", "slide_contents": [ "...", "...", ], }, { ... }, ] } ''' llm = get_llm() output = llm(text, verbose=True) output = output.strip() first_index = max(0, output.find('{')) last_index = min(output.rfind('}'), len(output)) output = output[first_index: last_index + 1] return output