from enum import Enum import numpy as np import gradio as gr import torch from PIL import Image from transformers import DPTImageProcessor, DPTForDepthEstimation from typing import List, Tuple import random from PIL import ImageDraw, ImageFont from gradio.components import Image as grImage import mediapipe as mp processor = DPTImageProcessor.from_pretrained("Intel/dpt-large") model = DPTForDepthEstimation.from_pretrained("Intel/dpt-large") detector =, min_detection_confidence=0.5) class Placement(Enum): CENTER = 0 TOP = 1 class FaceKeypointsLabel(Enum): OTHER = 0 NOSE = 1 class Keypoints: def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, label: FaceKeypointsLabel): """ :param x: x coordinate of the keypoint, normalized between 0 and 1 :param y: y coordinate of the keypoint, normalized between 0 and 1 """ self.x = x self.y = y self.label = label class BoundingBox: def __init__(self, x_min: int, y_min: int, width: int, height: int): self.x_min = x_min self.y_min = y_min self.width = width self.height = height class FaceDetectionResult: """ A class to represent the result of a face detection """ def __init__(self, bounding_box : BoundingBox, keypoints: List[Keypoints]): self.bounding_box = bounding_box self.keypoints = keypoints def detect_face(image: Image) -> List[any]: """ Use mediapipe to detect faces in an image """ result = detector.process(np.array(image)) if result.detections is None: return [] return result.detections def predict_depth(image: Image) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict depth for an image """ inputs = processor(images=image, return_tensors="pt") with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**inputs) predicted_depth = outputs.predicted_depth # Interpolate to original size prediction = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( predicted_depth.unsqueeze(1), size=image.size[::-1], mode="bicubic", align_corners=False, ) output = prediction.squeeze().cpu().numpy() return (output * 255 / np.max(output)).astype("uint8") def estimate_depth_at_points(depth_map: np.ndarray, coordinates: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> List[float]: """ Get the depth at a given coordinates """ depth_estimates = [] # Iterate through the given coordinates and estimate depth at each point for x, y in coordinates: depth_estimate = depth_map[y, x] # Access depth at the given point depth_estimates.append(depth_estimate) return depth_estimates class Person: """ A class to represent a person in an image """ def __init__(self, nose_x: int, nose_y: int, head_width: int, head_height: int, middle_top_head_x: int, middle_top_head_y: int): self.nose_x = nose_x self.nose_y = nose_y self.head_width = head_width self.head_height = head_height self.middle_top_head_x = middle_top_head_x self.middle_top_head_y = middle_top_head_y self.nose_width = int(head_width / 5) self.nose_height = int(head_height / 3) def extract_persons(face_detection_results: List[FaceDetectionResult], image: Image) -> List[Person]: """ Extract a list of people from a face detection result """ persons = [] for face_result in face_detection_results: bbox = face_result.bounding_box keypoints = face_result.keypoints # Assuming the nose is the first keypoint in the list. # You might need to adjust this based on how keypoints are ordered. for keypoint in keypoints: if keypoint.label == FaceKeypointsLabel.NOSE: nose_keypoint = keypoint break nose_x = int(nose_keypoint.x * image.width) nose_y = int(nose_keypoint.y * image.height) # Bounding box details middle_top_head_x = int(bbox.x_min + bbox.width // 2) middle_top_head_y = bbox.y_min head_width = bbox.width head_height = bbox.height # Create and add Person object person = Person(nose_x, nose_y, head_width, head_height, middle_top_head_x, middle_top_head_y) persons.append(person) return persons def add_mask(image: Image, mask: Image, coordinate: Tuple[int, int], size: Tuple[int, int], placement: Placement) -> Image: """ Add a mask (a static image) to an image """ # maintain aspect ratio if len(size) == 1: height = mask.height width = mask.width ratio = height / width size = (size[0], int(size[0] * ratio)) if placement == Placement.CENTER: coordinate = (coordinate[0] - size[0] // 2, coordinate[1] - size[1] // 2) elif placement == Placement.TOP: coordinate = (coordinate[0] - size[0] // 2, coordinate[1] - size[1]) mask = mask.resize(size) image.paste(mask, coordinate, mask) return image def draw_attributes(image: Image, persons: List[Person]) -> Image: """ Debug function to the face recognition attributes on an image """ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) font = ImageFont.load_default() for person in persons: # Draw a circle at the nose position draw.ellipse([(person.nose_x - 5, person.nose_y - 5), (person.nose_x + 5, person.nose_y + 5)], fill=(0, 255, 0)) # Draw the head rectangle draw.rectangle([(person.middle_top_head_x - person.head_width // 2, person.middle_top_head_y), (person.middle_top_head_x + person.head_width // 2, person.middle_top_head_y + person.head_height)], outline=(0, 255, 0)) # Put text for dimensions draw.text((person.middle_top_head_x, person.middle_top_head_y - 20), f"Width: {person.head_width}, Height: {person.head_height}", fill=(255, 255, 255), font=font) # put location of nose draw.text((person.nose_x, person.nose_y + 10), f"({person.nose_x}, {person.nose_y})", fill=(255, 255, 255), font=font) # draw dot at middle top head draw.ellipse([(person.middle_top_head_x - 5, person.middle_top_head_y - 5), (person.middle_top_head_x + 5, person.middle_top_head_y + 5)], fill=(255, 0, 0)) return image def apply_reindeer_mask(image: Image, person: Person) -> Image: """ Apply a reindeer mask to a person in an image """ reindeer_nose ="mask/reindeer_nose.png") reindeer_antlers ="mask/reindeer_antlers.png") reindeer_nose_coordinate = (person.nose_x, person.nose_y) reindeer_nose_size = (person.nose_height, person.nose_height) image = add_mask(image, reindeer_nose, reindeer_nose_coordinate, reindeer_nose_size, Placement.CENTER) reindeer_antlers_size = (person.head_width, ) reindeer_antlers_coordinate = (person.middle_top_head_x, person.middle_top_head_y) image = add_mask(image, reindeer_antlers, reindeer_antlers_coordinate, reindeer_antlers_size, Placement.TOP) return image def apply_santa_hat_mask(image: Image, person: Person) -> Image: """ Apply a santa hat mask to a person in an image """ santa_hat ="mask/santa_hat.png") santa_hat_size = (person.head_width, ) santa_hat_coordinate = (person.middle_top_head_x, person.middle_top_head_y) image = add_mask(image, santa_hat, santa_hat_coordinate, santa_hat_size, Placement.TOP) return image def add_text(image: Image, text: str, font_size: int = 30) -> Image: """ Add text to an image """ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) # Calculate text width and height for centering text_width, text_height = draw.textsize(text) text_x = (image.width - text_width) // 2 text_y = (image.height - text_height) // 2 draw.text((text_x, text_y), text, fill=(255, 0, 0)) return image def apply_random_mask(image: Image, person: Person) -> Image: """ Apply a random mask to a person in an image """ mask = random.choice([apply_santa_hat_mask, apply_reindeer_mask]) image = mask(image, person) return image def process_image(image : Image): """ The full pipeline that take an image and returns an image with more christmas spirit :) """ # Potential improvement this could be done in parallel depth_result = predict_depth(image) detections = detect_face(image) face_detection_results = parse_detection_result(detections, image) persons = extract_persons(face_detection_results, image) if len(persons) == 0: return add_text(image, "No faces detected in the image") if len(persons) == 1: image = apply_random_mask(image,persons[0]) elif len(persons) > 1: # Apply the rules of the assignment, closest person gets santa hat, furthest person gets reindeer mask # All other people get a random mask (either santa hat or reindeer mask) (as this was not specified in the assignment) depth_estimates = estimate_depth_at_points(depth_result, [(person.nose_x, person.nose_y) for person in persons]) closest_camera_index = np.argmin(depth_estimates) furthest_camera_index = np.argmax(depth_estimates) santa_person = persons[closest_camera_index] reindeer_person = persons[furthest_camera_index] image = apply_reindeer_mask(image, reindeer_person) image = apply_santa_hat_mask(image, santa_person) for i, person in enumerate(persons): if i != closest_camera_index and i != furthest_camera_index: image = apply_random_mask(image, person) return image def parse_detection_to_face_detection_result(detection, image_width: int, image_height: int) -> FaceDetectionResult: """ Parse a mediapipe detection to a FaceDetectionResult """ # Extract bounding box bbox = detection.location_data.relative_bounding_box x_min = int(bbox.xmin * image_width) y_min = int(bbox.ymin * image_height) width = int(bbox.width * image_width) height = int(bbox.height * image_height) bounding_box = BoundingBox(x_min, y_min, width, height) # Extract keypoints keypoints = [] for i, keypoint in enumerate(detection.location_data.relative_keypoints): x = keypoint.x y = keypoint.y face_type = FaceKeypointsLabel.OTHER if i == 2: face_type = FaceKeypointsLabel.NOSE keypoints.append(Keypoints(x, y, face_type)) return FaceDetectionResult(bounding_box, keypoints) def parse_detection_result(detection_result, image: Image) -> List[FaceDetectionResult]: """ Parse a mediapipe detection result to a list of FaceDetectionResult """ face_detection_results = [] for detection in detection_result: face_detection_result = parse_detection_to_face_detection_result(detection, image.width, image.height) face_detection_results.append(face_detection_result) return face_detection_results def main(): # Remarks: the code is in one file for simplicity, but it would be better to split it up in multiple files # Create a gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=process_image, inputs=grImage(type="pil"), outputs=grImage(type="pil"), title="Image Processor", description="Upload an image to detect faces and apply transformations." ) # Launch the interface iface.launch() if __name__ == "__main__": main()