import re import glob import numpy as np from dtw import dtw from itertools import product from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from scipy.stats import entropy from src.utils.img import make_img_sheet from src.utils.mymath import jsdiv from src.utils.filesys import getpath ''' Encoding: X (00) -> Solid tile S (01) -> Breakable block - (02) -> Empty tile % (03) -> Mushroom platform t (04) -> Normal tube T (05) -> Flower tube b (06) -> Bullet bill body B (07) -> Bullet bill head o (08) -> Coin Q (09) -> Coin question block @ (10) -> Mushroom question block U (11) -> Mushroom breakable block L (12) -> 1UP block 1 (13) -> Invisible 1UP block 2 (14) -> Invisible coin block g (15) -> Goomba k (16) -> Koopa (green) r (17) -> Koopa (red) K (18) -> Flying Koopa (green) R (19) -> Flying Koppa (red) y (20) -> Spiky ''' class MarioLevel: height = 16 seg_width = 16 mapping = { 'i-c': ( 'X', 'S', '-', '%', 't', 'T', 'b', 'B', 'o', 'Q', '@', 'U', 'L', '1', '2', 'g', 'k', 'r', 'K', 'R', 'y' ), 'c-i': { 'X': 0, 'S': 1, '-': 2, '%': 3, 't': 4, 'T': 5, 'b': 6, 'B': 7, 'o': 8, 'Q': 9, '@': 10, 'U': 11, 'L': 12, '1': 13, '2': 14, 'g': 15, 'k': 16, 'r': 17, 'K': 18, 'R': 19, 'y': 20, '#': 0, '|': 2, 'F': 2, 'M': 2, 'C': 8, '!': 9, '?': 10, 'E': 15 } } n_types = len(mapping['i-c']) pipeset = {'<', '>', '[', ']'} solidset = {'X', '#', 'S', 't', 'T', '%', 'Q', '@', '<', '>', '[', ']'} def __init__(self, content): # print(content) if isinstance(content, np.ndarray): self.content = content else: tmp = [list(line) for line in content.split('\n')] while not tmp[-1]: tmp.pop() self.content = np.array(tmp) self.h, self.w = self.content.shape self.__tile_pttr_cnts = {} self.attr_dict = {} def to_num_arr(self): res = np.zeros((self.h, self.w), int) for i, j in product(range(self.h), range(self.w)): char = self.content[i, j] res[i, j] = MarioLevel.mapping['c-i'][char] return res def to_img(self, save_path=None) -> Image: img = LevelRender.render(self) if save_path: safe_path = getpath(save_path) return img def to_segs(self): W = MarioLevel.seg_width return [self[:, s:s+W] for s in range(0, self.w, W)] def save(self, fpath): safe_path = getpath(fpath) if safe_path[-4:] != '.lvl': safe_path += '.lvl' with open(safe_path, 'w') as f: f.write(str(self)) def tile_pattern_counts(self, w=2): if not w in self.__tile_pttr_cnts.keys(): counts = {} for i, j in product(range(self.h - w + 1), range(self.w - w + 1)): key = ''.join(self.content[i+x][j+y] for x, y in product(range(w), range(w))) count = counts.setdefault(key, 0) counts[key] = count + 1 self.__tile_pttr_cnts[w] = counts return self.__tile_pttr_cnts[w] def tile_pattern_distribution(self, w=2): counts = self.tile_pattern_counts(w) C = (self.h - w + 1) * (self.w - w + 1) return {key: val / C for key, val in counts.items()} def __getattr__(self, item): if item == 'shape': return self.content.shape elif item == 'h': return self.content.shape[0] elif item == 'w': return self.content.shape[1] elif item not in self.attr_dict.keys(): if item == 'n_gaps': empty_map1 = np.where(self.content[-1] in MarioLevel.empty_chars, 1, 0) empty_map2 = np.where(self.content[-2] in MarioLevel.empty_chars, 1, 0) res = len(np.where(empty_map1 + empty_map2 == 2)) self.attr_dict['n_ground'] = res elif item == 'n_enemies': self.attr_dict['n_enemies'] = str(self).count('E') elif item == 'n_coins': self.attr_dict['n_coins'] = str(self).count('o') elif item == 'n_questions': self.attr_dict['n_questions'] = str(self).count('Q') elif item == 'n_empties': empty_map = np.where(self.content in MarioLevel.empty_chars) self.attr_dict['n_questions'] = len(empty_map) return self.attr_dict[item] def __str__(self): lines = [''.join(line) + '\n' for line in self.content] return ''.join(lines) def __add__(self, other): concated = np.concatenate([self.content, other.content], axis=1) return MarioLevel(concated) def __getitem__(self, item): try: content = self.content[item] if type(content) == np.ndarray: return MarioLevel(self.content[item]) else: return str(content) except IndexError: return None def copy(self): return MarioLevel.from_num_arr(self.to_num_arr()) @staticmethod def from_num_arr(num_arr): h, w = num_arr.shape res = np.empty((h, w), str) for i, j in product(range(h), range(w)): if num_arr[i, j] == 0: res[i, j] = 'X' if i >= MarioLevel.height - 2 else '#' else: tile_id = num_arr[i, j] if type(tile_id) != int: tile_id = round(tile_id) res[i, j] = MarioLevel.mapping['i-c'][tile_id] visited = set() for i, j in product(range(h), range(w)): if res[i, j] == '%': if f'{i}-{j}' in visited: continue s, e = j, j while e < w and res[i, e] == '%': visited.add(f'{i}-{e}') e += 1 if (e - s) <= 2: stalk_cols = range(s, e) else: stalk_cols = range(s + 1, e - 1) for q in stalk_cols: p = i + 1 while p < h and res[p, q] not in MarioLevel.solidset: if res[p, q] == '-': res[p, q] = '|' p += 1 return MarioLevel(res) @staticmethod def from_file(fpath): safe_path = getpath(fpath) with open(safe_path, 'r') as f: return MarioLevel( @staticmethod def from_one_hot_arr(one_hot_arr: np.ndarray): num_lvl = one_hot_arr.argmax(axis=0) return MarioLevel.from_num_arr(num_lvl) class LevelRender: # BG_COLOR = (109, 143, 252) BG_COLOR = (138, 165, 253) tubeset = {'t', 'T'} tex_size = 16 textures = { re.split('[/\\\\]',fpath)[-1][:-4]: for fpath in glob.glob(getpath('smb/assets/*.png')) } @staticmethod def render(level): ts = LevelRender.tex_size img ='RGBA', (level.w * ts, level.h * ts), LevelRender.BG_COLOR) # img.fill(LevelRender.BG_COLOR) reconded_lvl = MarioLevel.from_num_arr(level.to_num_arr()) j_t_platforms, tubes, chompers = LevelRender.__get_objects(reconded_lvl) LevelRender.__render_objects(img, j_t_platforms, tubes, chompers, reconded_lvl) LevelRender.__render_tiles(img, reconded_lvl) return img @staticmethod def __get_objects(level): h, w = level.shape visited = set() j_t_platforms = [] tubes = [] chompers = [] for i, j in product(range(h), range(w)): c = level[i, j] if f'{i}-{j}' in visited: continue if c == '%': s, e = j, j while level[i, e] == '%': visited.add(f'{i}-{e}') e += 1 j_t_platforms.append({'row': i, 'col-start': s, 'col-end': e}) if c == 'T' and level[i, j - 1] not in LevelRender.tubeset and level[i, j + 1] in LevelRender.tubeset: chompers.append((i - 1, j)) if c in LevelRender.tubeset: single = level[i, j + 1] not in LevelRender.tubeset start = (i, j) left_height = 0 right_height = None if single else 0 visited.add(f'{i}-{j}') if not single: visited.add(f'{i}-{j+1}') while level[i + left_height, j] in LevelRender.tubeset: visited.add(f'{i + left_height}-{j}') left_height += 1 if not single: while level[i + right_height, j + 1] in LevelRender.tubeset: visited.add(f'{i + right_height}-{j+1}') right_height += 1 tubes.append({'start': start, 'left-height': left_height, 'right-height': right_height}) return j_t_platforms, tubes, chompers @staticmethod def __render_objects(img, j_t_platforms, tubes, chompers, level): ts = LevelRender.tex_size textures = LevelRender.textures for j_t_platform in j_t_platforms: row, col_start, col_end = j_t_platform['row'], j_t_platform['col-start'], j_t_platform['col-end'] stalk_start, stalk_end = col_start, col_end if col_end - col_start == 1: img.paste(textures['MS'], (col_start * ts, row * ts), textures['MS']) else: img.paste(textures['ML'], (col_start * ts, row * ts), textures['ML']) img.paste(textures['MR'], ((col_end - 1) * ts, row * ts), textures['MR']) for j in range(col_start + 1, col_end - 1): img.paste(textures['MM'], (j * ts, row * ts), textures['MM']) if col_end - col_start > 2: stalk_start += 1 stalk_end -= 1 for j in range(stalk_start, stalk_end): i = row + 1 while i < level.h and level[i, j] not in MarioLevel.solidset: img.paste(textures['stalk'], (j * ts, i * ts), textures['stalk']) i += 1 for chomper in chompers: i, j = chomper img.paste(textures['chomper'], (int((j + 0.5) * ts), i * ts), textures['chomper']) for tube in tubes: (i, j), left_height, right_height = tube['start'], tube['left-height'], tube['right-height'] if right_height is None: img.paste(textures['TSP'], (j * ts, i * ts), textures['TSP']) for k in range(1, left_height): img.paste(textures['BSP'], (j * ts, (i + k) * ts), textures['BSP']) else: img.paste(textures['TLP'], (j * ts, i * ts), textures['TLP']) img.paste(textures['TRP'], ((j + 1) * ts, i * ts), textures['TRP']) for k in range(1, left_height): img.paste(textures['['], (j * ts, (i + k) * ts), textures['[']) for k in range(1, left_height): img.paste(textures[']'], ((j + 1) * ts, (i + k) * ts), textures[']']) @staticmethod def __render_tiles(img, level): ts = LevelRender.tex_size for i, j in product(range(level.h), range(level.w)): target = (j * ts, i * ts) tile = level[i, j] if tile in {'-', 't', 'T', '%', '|', 'F', 'M'}: continue elif tile == 'b': t = level[i - 1, j] if t == 'B': img.paste(LevelRender.textures['CB1'], target, LevelRender.textures['CB1']) else: img.paste(LevelRender.textures['CB2'], target, LevelRender.textures['CB2']) elif tile == 'K': img.paste(LevelRender.textures['wingk'], target, LevelRender.textures['wingk']) elif tile == 'R': img.paste(LevelRender.textures['wingr'], target, LevelRender.textures['wingr']) else: img.paste(LevelRender.textures[tile], target, LevelRender.textures[tile]) @staticmethod def draw_trace_on(lvlimg, trace, color='black', lw=3): p = 0 while p < len(trace) and trace[p][0] < lvlimg.get_width(): p += 1 drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(lvlimg) drawer.line([(x, y-8) for x, y in trace[:p]], color, lw) return lvlimg def trace_div(trace1, trace2, w=10, trace_size_norm=False): h, ts = MarioLevel.height, LevelRender.tex_size t1, t2 = np.array(trace1) / ts, np.array(trace2) / ts dist_metric = (lambda x, y: np.linalg.norm(x - y)) dtw_val, *_ = dtw(t1, t2, dist_metric, w=max(w, abs(len(t1) - len(t2)))) norm_factor = max(len(trace1), len(trace2)) * h if trace_size_norm else MarioLevel.seg_width * h return dtw_val / norm_factor def tile_pattern_kl_div(seg1: MarioLevel, seg2: MarioLevel, w=2, eps=1e-3): counts1 = seg1.tile_pattern_counts(w) counts2 = seg2.tile_pattern_counts(w) all_keys = counts1.keys().__or__(counts2.keys()) p = np.array([counts1.setdefault(key, 0) for key in all_keys]) q = np.array([counts2.setdefault(key, 0) for key in all_keys]) p = p / p.sum() + eps q = q / q.sum() + eps return (entropy(p, q, base=2) + entropy(q, p, base=2)) / 2 def tile_pattern_js_div(seg1: MarioLevel, seg2: MarioLevel, w=2): counts1 = seg1.tile_pattern_counts(w) counts2 = seg2.tile_pattern_counts(w) all_keys = counts1.keys().__or__(counts2.keys()) p = np.array([counts1.setdefault(key, 0) for key in all_keys]) q = np.array([counts2.setdefault(key, 0) for key in all_keys]) return jsdiv(p, q) def lvl_js(lvl1: MarioLevel, lvl2: MarioLevel): segs1 = lvl1.to_segs() segs2 = lvl2.to_segs() divs = [tile_pattern_js_div(s1, s2) for s1, s2 in zip(segs1, segs2)] return np.mean(divs) pass def hamming_dis(lvl1, lvl2): assert lvl1.h == lvl2.h and lvl1.w == lvl2.w differences = len(np.where(lvl1.content != lvl2.content)[0]) num_segs = lvl1.w / MarioLevel.seg_width return differences def lvl_dtw(lvl1, lvl2, w=5, distmtrc=hamming_dis): segs1, segs2 = lvl1.to_segs(), lvl2.to_segs() res, *_ = dtw(segs1, segs2, distmtrc, w=w) return res / max(len(segs1), len(segs2)) def lvlhcat(lvls) -> MarioLevel: if type(lvls[0]) == MarioLevel: concated_content = np.concatenate([l.content for l in lvls], axis=1) else: concated_content = np.concatenate([l for l in lvls], axis=1) return MarioLevel(concated_content) def save_batch(lvls, fname): contents = [str(lvl).strip() for lvl in lvls] content = '\n;\n'.join(contents) if len(fname) <= 5 or fname[-5:] != '.lvls': fname += '.lvls' with open(getpath(fname), 'w') as f: f.write(content) pass def load_batch(fname): with open(getpath(fname), 'r') as f: content = return [MarioLevel(c) for c in content.split('\n;\n')] def traverse_level_files(path): for lvl_path in glob.glob(getpath(f'{path}/*.lvl')): lvl = MarioLevel.from_file(lvl_path) name = re.split('[/\\\\]', lvl_path)[-1][:-4] yield lvl, name def traverse_batched_level_files(path): for lvl_path in glob.glob(getpath(f'{path}/*.lvls')): name = re.split('[/\\\\]', lvl_path)[-1][:-5] with open(lvl_path, 'r') as f: txt = lvls = [] for lvlstr in txt.split('\n;\n'): if len(lvlstr) < 10: continue lvls.append(MarioLevel(lvlstr)) yield lvls, name if __name__ == '__main__': for task in ('lgp', 'fhp'): for t in range(1, 6): lvls = load_batch(f'test_data/sac/{task}/t{t}/samples.lvls') samples = [lvl[:, :16*16] for lvl in lvls[:10]] make_img_sheet([s.to_img() for s in samples], 1, y_margin=12, save_path=f'test_data/sac/{task}/t{t}/samples.png') for l in ('0.1', '0.3', '0.5'): lvls = load_batch(f'test_data/varpm-{task}/l{l}_m5/t{t}/samples.lvls') samples = [lvl[:, :16 * 16] for lvl in lvls[:10]] make_img_sheet([s.to_img() for s in samples], 1, y_margin=12, save_path=f'test_data/varpm-{task}/l{l}_m5/t{t}/samples.png') # for lvl, path in traverse_level_files('smb/levels'): # lvl.to_img(f'smb/levels_render/{path}.png') # tmp = lvl.to_num_arr() # MarioLevel.from_num_arr(tmp).to_img(f'smb/levels_render/{path}-recoding.png') # a = MarioLevel.from_file('smb/levels/lvl-1.lvl') # b = MarioLevel.from_file('smb/levels/lvl-2.lvl') # save_batch([a, b], 'smb/testbatch') # levels = load_batch('smb/testbatch.lvls') # print(levels[0], levels[1]) pass