import torch from torch.distributions import Categorical from tqdm import trange from src.ddpm.dataset import create_dataloader import numpy as np import os from pathlib import Path from src.smb.level import MarioLevel DATAPATH = os.path.join(Path(__file__).parent.resolve(), "levels", "ground", "unique_onehot.npz") class Diffusion: def __init__(self, noise_steps=1000, beta_start=1e-4, beta_end=0.02, img_size=MarioLevel.seg_width, device="cuda", schedule='linear'): self.noise_steps = noise_steps self.beta_start = beta_start self.beta_end = beta_end self.img_size = img_size self.device = device self.schedule = schedule # Prepare noise schedule according to the selected schedule type self.beta = self.prepare_noise_schedule().to(device) self.alpha = 1. - self.beta self.alpha_hat = torch.cumprod(self.alpha, dim=0) def prepare_noise_schedule(self): # Linear beta schedule if self.schedule == 'linear': return torch.linspace(self.beta_start, self.beta_end, self.noise_steps) # Quadratic beta schedule elif self.schedule == 'quadratic': return (torch.linspace(self.beta_start**0.5, self.beta_end**0.5, self.noise_steps) ** 2) # Sigmoid beta schedule elif self.schedule == 'sigmoid': s = torch.tensor(10.0) betas = torch.sigmoid(torch.linspace(-s, s, self.noise_steps)) return betas * (self.beta_end - self.beta_start) + self.beta_start else: raise ValueError("Invalid schedule type. Supported schedules: 'linear', 'quadratic', and 'sigmoid'.") def noise_images(self, x_0, t): sqrt_alpha_hat = torch.sqrt(self.alpha_hat[t])[:, None, None, None] sqrt_one_minus_alpha_hat = torch.sqrt(1. - self.alpha_hat[t])[:, None, None, None] eps = torch.randn_like(x_0) return sqrt_alpha_hat * x_0 + sqrt_one_minus_alpha_hat * eps, eps def sample_timesteps(self, n): return torch.randint(low=1, high=self.noise_steps, size=(n,)) def sample_only_final(self, x_t, t, noise, temperature=None): ''' using the reparameterization trick we represent x_0 and return categorical distribution ''' sqrt_alpha_hat = torch.sqrt(self.alpha_hat[t])[:, None, None, None] sqrt_one_minus_alpha_hat = torch.sqrt(1. - self.alpha_hat[t])[:, None, None, None] logits = (1.0/sqrt_alpha_hat) * (x_t - sqrt_one_minus_alpha_hat * noise) # Check if a temperature tensor is provided if temperature is not None: # Ensure the temperature tensor has the same shape as the logits tensor temperature = temperature.view(1, MarioLevel.n_types, 1, 1) # Divide the logits by the temperature tensor element-wise logits = logits / temperature return Categorical(logits=logits.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)) def sample(self, model, n): print(f"Sampling {n} new images....") imgs = [] model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): x = torch.randn((n, MarioLevel.n_types, self.img_size, self.img_size)).to(self.device) imgs.append(x) for i in trange(self.noise_steps - 1, 0, -1, position=0): t = (torch.ones(n) * i).long().to(self.device) predicted_noise = model(x, t) alpha = self.alpha[t][:, None, None, None] alpha_hat = self.alpha_hat[t][:, None, None, None] beta = self.beta[t][:, None, None, None] if i > 1: noise = torch.randn_like(x) else: noise = torch.zeros_like(x) x = 1 / torch.sqrt(alpha) * (x - ((1 - alpha) / (torch.sqrt(1 - alpha_hat))) * predicted_noise) + torch.sqrt(beta) * noise if i % 100 == 1: imgs.append(x) model.train() return imgs if __name__ == '__main__': diffusion = Diffusion(schedule='quadratic') data = create_dataloader(DATAPATH).dataset.data_ noise = torch.randn((MarioLevel.n_types, MarioLevel.seg_width, MarioLevel.height)) level = data[-15] for t in [0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000]: noised_level = diffusion.noise_images(torch.tensor(level).to("cuda"), torch.tensor([t]).to("cuda"))[0] noised_level = noised_level[0].cpu().numpy() noised_level = np.argmax(noised_level, axis=0) # plt.imshow(get_img_from_level(noised_level)) #