{ ", 返回内容:": ", Return Content:", "
": "这是模型管理界面,为了实现对多段参考音频分配情感设计,如果您只有一段可不使用这个界面
", "Endpoint": "Endpoint", "GPT模型路径": "GPT Model Path", "Sovits模型路径": "Sovits Model Path", "Temperature": "Temperature", "Top K": "Top K", "Top P": "Top P", "all_ja": "Japanese Only", "all_zh": "Chinese Only", "auto": "Auto Detect", "auto_cut": "Smart Split", "batch_size,1代表不并行,越大越快,但是越可能出问题": "batch_size, 1 means no parallel processing, larger values are faster but more prone to issues", "cut0": "Split by Line Break Only", "cut1": "Group Four Sentences Together", "cut2": "Group 50 Characters Together", "cut3": "Split by Chinese Period。", "cut4": "Split by English Period.", "cut5": "Split by Punctuation", "en": "English", "https://space.bilibili.com/66633770": "https://github.com/X-T-E-R", "https://www.yuque.com/xter/zibxlp": "https://www.yuque.com/xter/zibxlp", "ja": "Japanese", "json设置(一般不动)": "JSON Settings (Generally Unchanged)", "zh": "Chinese", "不切": "Do Not Split", "人物情感列表网址": "Character Emotion List URL", "从json中读取": "Read from JSON", "使用前,请确认后端服务已启动。": "Before using, please ensure the backend service is running.", "保存json\n(可能不会有完成提示,没报错就是成功)": "Save JSON\n(There may not be a completion notice; no error means success)", "保存失败!": "Save Failed!", "保存成功!": "Save Successful!", "停止播放": "Stop Playback", "切句方式": "Sentence Splitting Method", "前端处理后的文本(每句):": "Front-end Processed Text (Per Sentence):", "参考音频在3~10秒范围外,请更换!": "Reference audio is outside the 3~10 second range, please replace!", "参考音频路径": "Reference Audio Path", "发送json格式": "Send in JSON Format", "发送并开始播放": "Send and Start Playback", "发送请求": "Send Request", "发送请求到": "Send Request to", "吞字漏字属于正常现象,太严重可尝试换行、加句号或调节batch size滑条。": "Missing or swallowed words are normal; severe issues can be resolved by adding new lines or periods, or adjusting the batch size slider.", "基础选项": "Basic Options", "实际输入的参考文本:": "Actual Reference Text Input:", "实际输入的目标文本(切句后):": "Actual Target Text Input (After Splitting):", "实际输入的目标文本(每句):": "Actual Target Text Input (Per Sentence):", "实际输入的目标文本:": "Actual Target Text Input:", "密码": "Password", "当前人物": "Current Character", "当前人物变更为: ": "Current Character Changed to: ", "您在使用经典推理模式,部分选项不可用": "You are using Classic Inference Mode, some options are unavailable", "情感列表": "Emotion List", "情感风格": "Emotion Style", "我是一个粉刷匠,粉刷本领强。我要把那新房子,刷得更漂亮。刷了房顶又刷墙,刷子像飞一样。哎呀我的小鼻子,变呀变了样。": "Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said, \"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!\"", "扫描": "Scan", "扫描人物列表": "Scan Character List", "扫描模型文件夹:": "Scan Model Folder:", "找不到模型文件!请把有效文件放置在文件夹下!!!": "Model file not found! Please place valid files in the folder!!!", "提供的推理特化包,当前版本:": ", Current Version:", "提示": "Tip", "提示文本": "Prompt Text", "提示语言": "Prompt Language", "文件打开失败,保存失败!": "File Opening Failed, Save Failed!", "文本语言": "Text Language", "是否自动匹配情感": "Automatically Match Emotions", "模型文件夹路径": "Model Folder Path", "每句允许最大切分字词数": "Maximum Number of Words per Sentence for Splitting", "流式音频": "Streaming Audio", "添加情感": "Add Emotion", "点击查看详细文档": "Click to View Detailed Documentation", "版本": "Version", "用户名": "Username", "种子": "Seed", "简介": "Introduction", "缺失某些项,保存失败!": "Missing Some Items, Save Failed!", "网址设置": "URL Settings", "自动生成info": "Automatically Generate Info", "若有疑问或需要进一步了解,可参考文档:": "If you have questions or need further information, please refer to the documentation:", "认证信息": "Authentication Information", "认证信息已启用,您可以在config.json中关闭。\n但是这个功能还没做好,只是摆设": "Authentication information is enabled. You can disable it in config.json.\nHowever, this feature is not fully implemented yet and is just for show.", "语速": "Speech Rate", "请修改后点击下方按钮进行保存": "Please modify and click the button below to save", "请求失败,状态码:": "Request Failed, Status Code:", "请求失败,请检查URL是否正确": "Request Failed, Please Check if the URL is Correct", "请求完整音频": "Request Complete Audio", "请求网址": "Request URL", "输入文本": "Input Text", "这是一个由": "This is a Inference Specialization Package provided by ", "这是一个配置文件适用于https://github.com/X-T-E-R/TTS-for-GPT-soVITS,是一个简单好用的前后端项目": "This is a configuration file for https://github.com/X-T-E-R/TTS-for-GPT-soVITS, a simple and easy-to-use frontend and backend project", "这是展示页面的版本,并未使用后端服务,下面参数无效。": "This is a demonstration page version and does not utilize backend services, the parameters below are invalid.", "选择角色": "Select Character", "音频输出": "Audio Output", "音频预览": "Audio Preview", "项目开源地址:": "Github Link:", "高级选项": "Advanced Options" }