import torch from torch import nn from src.audio2pose_models.cvae import CVAE from src.audio2pose_models.discriminator import PoseSequenceDiscriminator from src.audio2pose_models.audio_encoder import AudioEncoder class Audio2Pose(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cfg, wav2lip_checkpoint, device='cuda'): super().__init__() self.cfg = cfg self.seq_len = cfg.MODEL.CVAE.SEQ_LEN self.latent_dim = cfg.MODEL.CVAE.LATENT_SIZE self.device = device self.audio_encoder = AudioEncoder(wav2lip_checkpoint) self.audio_encoder.eval() for param in self.audio_encoder.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.netG = CVAE(cfg) self.netD_motion = PoseSequenceDiscriminator(cfg) self.gan_criterion = nn.MSELoss() self.reg_criterion = nn.L1Loss(reduction='none') self.pair_criterion = nn.PairwiseDistance() self.cosine_loss = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=1) def forward(self, x): batch = {} coeff_gt = x['gt'].cuda().squeeze(0) #bs frame_len+1 73 batch['pose_motion_gt'] = coeff_gt[:, 1:, -9:-3] - coeff_gt[:, :1, -9:-3] #bs frame_len 6 batch['ref'] = coeff_gt[:, 0, -9:-3] #bs 6 batch['class'] = x['class'].squeeze(0).cuda() # bs indiv_mels= x['indiv_mels'].cuda().squeeze(0) # bs seq_len+1 80 16 # forward audio_emb_list = [] audio_emb = self.audio_encoder(indiv_mels[:, 1:, :, :].unsqueeze(2)) #bs seq_len 512 batch['audio_emb'] = audio_emb batch = self.netG(batch) pose_motion_pred = batch['pose_motion_pred'] # bs frame_len 6 pose_gt = coeff_gt[:, 1:, -9:-3].clone() # bs frame_len 6 pose_pred = coeff_gt[:, :1, -9:-3] + pose_motion_pred # bs frame_len 6 batch['pose_pred'] = pose_pred batch['pose_gt'] = pose_gt return batch def test(self, x): batch = {} ref = x['ref'] #bs 1 70 batch['ref'] = x['ref'][:,0,-6:] batch['class'] = x['class'] bs = ref.shape[0] indiv_mels= x['indiv_mels'] # bs T 1 80 16 indiv_mels_use = indiv_mels[:, 1:] # we regard the ref as the first frame num_frames = x['num_frames'] num_frames = int(num_frames) - 1 # div = num_frames//self.seq_len re = num_frames%self.seq_len audio_emb_list = [] pose_motion_pred_list = [torch.zeros(batch['ref'].unsqueeze(1).shape, dtype=batch['ref'].dtype, device=batch['ref'].device)] for i in range(div): z = torch.randn(bs, self.latent_dim).to(ref.device) batch['z'] = z audio_emb = self.audio_encoder(indiv_mels_use[:, i*self.seq_len:(i+1)*self.seq_len,:,:,:]) #bs seq_len 512 batch['audio_emb'] = audio_emb batch = self.netG.test(batch) pose_motion_pred_list.append(batch['pose_motion_pred']) #list of bs seq_len 6 if re != 0: z = torch.randn(bs, self.latent_dim).to(ref.device) batch['z'] = z audio_emb = self.audio_encoder(indiv_mels_use[:, -1*self.seq_len:,:,:,:]) #bs seq_len 512 batch['audio_emb'] = audio_emb batch = self.netG.test(batch) pose_motion_pred_list.append(batch['pose_motion_pred'][:,-1*re:,:]) pose_motion_pred =, dim = 1) batch['pose_motion_pred'] = pose_motion_pred pose_pred = ref[:, :1, -6:] + pose_motion_pred # bs T 6 batch['pose_pred'] = pose_pred return batch