import { ApiExtraModels, ApiHideProperty, ApiProperty, getSchemaPath, } from '@nestjs/swagger'; import { IsNumber, IsString } from 'class-validator'; import { SessionBaseRequest, SessionQuery } from './base.dto'; import { BinaryFile, RemoteFile, VideoBinaryFile, VideoRemoteFile, VoiceBinaryFile, VoiceRemoteFile, } from './files.dto'; import { ChatIdProperty } from './properties.dto'; /** * Queries */ export class CheckNumberStatusQuery extends SessionQuery { @IsString() phone: string; } export class MessageTextQuery extends SessionQuery { @IsString() phone: string; @IsString() text: string; } export class ChatQuery extends SessionQuery { @ChatIdProperty() chatId: string; } export class GetMessageQuery extends ChatQuery { @IsNumber() limit: number; @ApiProperty({ example: true, required: false, description: 'Download media for messages', }) downloadMedia: true; } export class GetPresenceQuery extends ChatQuery {} /** * Requests */ export class ChatRequest extends SessionBaseRequest { @ChatIdProperty() chatId: string; } export class SendSeenRequest extends ChatRequest { @ApiProperty({ example: 'false_11111111111@c.us_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', required: false, description: "NOWEB engine only - it's important to mark ALL messages as seen", }) messageId?: string; @ApiProperty({ example: '', required: false, description: 'NOWEB engine only - the ID of the user that sent the message (undefined for individual chats)', }) participant?: string; } export class MessageRequest extends SessionBaseRequest { @ApiProperty({ example: 'false_11111111111@c.us_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', }) messageId: string; } export class VCardContact { @ApiProperty({ example: 'BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nFN:Jane Doe\nORG:Company Name;\nTEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;waid=911111111111:+91 11111 11111\nEND:VCARD', description: 'The vcard string', }) vcard: string; } export class Contact { @ApiProperty({ example: 'John Doe', description: 'The full name of the contact', }) fullName: string; @ApiProperty({ example: 'Company Name', description: 'The organization of the contact', required: false, }) organization: string; @ApiProperty({ example: '+91 11111 11111', description: 'The phone number of the contact', }) phoneNumber: string; @ApiProperty({ example: '911111111111', description: 'The whatsapp id of the contact. DO NOT add + or', required: false, }) whatsappId: string; vcard: string = null; } @ApiExtraModels(Contact, VCardContact) export class MessageContactVcardRequest extends ChatRequest { @ApiProperty({ type: 'array', oneOf: [ { $ref: getSchemaPath(VCardContact), }, { $ref: getSchemaPath(Contact), }, ], }) contacts: (VCardContact | Contact)[]; } export class MessageTextRequest extends ChatRequest { text = 'Hi there!'; @ApiHideProperty() mentions?: string[]; } export class EditMessageRequest { text = 'Hello, world!'; @ApiHideProperty() mentions?: string[]; } export class MessageReplyRequest extends MessageTextRequest { text = 'Reply text'; @ApiProperty({ example: 'false_11111111111@c.us_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', }) reply_to: string; } export class MessageLocationRequest extends ChatRequest { latitude: number; longitude: number; title: string; } @ApiExtraModels(BinaryFile, RemoteFile) class FileRequest extends ChatRequest { @ApiProperty({ oneOf: [ { $ref: getSchemaPath(BinaryFile) }, { $ref: getSchemaPath(RemoteFile) }, ], }) file: BinaryFile | RemoteFile; } export class MessageImageRequest extends FileRequest { caption: string; } export class MessageFileRequest extends FileRequest { caption: string; } @ApiExtraModels(VoiceBinaryFile, VoiceRemoteFile) export class MessageVoiceRequest extends ChatRequest { @ApiProperty({ oneOf: [ { $ref: getSchemaPath(VoiceBinaryFile) }, { $ref: getSchemaPath(VoiceRemoteFile) }, ], }) file: VoiceBinaryFile | VoiceRemoteFile; } @ApiExtraModels(VideoRemoteFile, VideoBinaryFile) export class MessageVideoRequest extends ChatRequest { @ApiProperty({ oneOf: [ { $ref: getSchemaPath(VideoRemoteFile) }, { $ref: getSchemaPath(VideoBinaryFile) }, ], }) file: VideoRemoteFile | VideoBinaryFile; caption: string = 'Just watch at this!'; } export class MessageLinkPreviewRequest extends ChatRequest { url: string; title: string; } export class MessageReactionRequest extends MessageRequest { @ApiProperty({ description: 'Emoji to react with. Send an empty string to remove the reaction', example: '👍', }) reaction: string; } export class MessageStarRequest extends MessageRequest { @ChatIdProperty() chatId: string; star: boolean; } export class WANumberExistResult { numberExists: boolean; @ApiProperty({ example: 'Chat id for the phone number. Undefined if the number does not exist', }) chatId?: string; } export class MessagePoll { @ApiProperty({ example: 'How are you?', }) name: string; @ApiProperty({ example: ['Awesome!', 'Good!', 'Not bad!'], }) options: string[]; multipleAnswers = false; } export class MessagePollRequest extends ChatRequest { poll: MessagePoll; } export class MessageDestination { @ApiProperty({ description: 'Message ID', example: 'false_11111111111@c.us_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', }) id: string; to: string; from: string; fromMe: boolean; }