from forecast.page_config import APP_PAGE_HEADER import streamlit as st import pandas as pd APP_PAGE_HEADER() class InputData: @classmethod def get_data(cls) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Datasets sources: avg_daily_air_temp_celsius_helsinki: Returns: """ sample = st.selectbox( "Sample datasets", options=["", "sample1", "sample2", "avg_daily_air_temp_celsius_helsinki"], ) if sample: file_ = f"data/{sample}.csv" return pd.read_csv(file_) uploaded_data = cls.read_file() if uploaded_data is not None: return uploaded_data @classmethod def read_file(cls): global DATE_FORMATTER file_ = st.file_uploader("Upload your dataset (csv file)") if not file_: st.stop() if file_: sep = st.selectbox("column sep", options=[",", ";", "|"]) df = pd.read_csv(file_, sep=sep) cols = df.columns.tolist() # -- choose date/target columns st1, st3, st2 = st.columns(3) date_col = st1.selectbox( "Date column (x-axis / index)", options=[""] + cols ) st.session_state.date_formatter = st2.text_input( "Optional: Date format e.g. %Y-%m-%d" ) target = st3.selectbox( "Target column (y-axis / target variable)", options=[""] + cols ) # -- display if date_col and target: df = df[[date_col, target]] return df st.write(df) st.stop() return file_ @classmethod def preprocess_data(cls, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: df.columns = ["ds", "y"] # -- date column try: if st.session_state.date_formatter: df["ds"] = pd.to_datetime( df["ds"], format=st.session_state.date_formatter ) else: df["ds"] = pd.to_datetime(df["ds"]) except: st.error("Date column is not in correct format") st.write(df["ds"]) st.stop() # -- target column df["y"] = df["y"].apply(lambda x: float(str(x).replace(",", ""))) df["y"] = df["y"].astype(float) return df class PredictionApp: @staticmethod def run_prediction(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # -- prepare data and user input st1, st2 = st.columns(2) st1.write(df) st2.line_chart(df.set_index("ds")) segmented_df = PredictionApp.split_df_by_date(df) # -- future date picker n = segmented_df.shape[0] future = st.slider("Number of days to predict", 7, n * 2, value=int(n / 2)) params = PredictionApp.user_input_model_params() run = st.button("Run") PredictionApp.display_prophet_docs() if not run: return # -- run prediction with st.spinner("running prediction engine .."): from forecast.fbprophet.model import ProphetModel model = ProphetModel() pred = model.predict(segmented_df, period=future, **params) return pred @staticmethod def split_df_by_date(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # -- split dataframe by date st.caption("Choose the target fitting period") st1, st2 = st.columns(2) from_ = st1.date_input( "from", min_value=df.ds.min(), max_value=df.ds.max(), value=df.ds.min() ) to_ = st2.date_input( "to", min_value=df.ds.min(), max_value=df.ds.max(), value=df.ds.max() ) ix1 = df.index[df.ds == from_][0] ix2 = df.index[df.ds == to_][0] new_df = PredictionApp._displayed_segmented_dataframe(df, from_=ix1, to_=ix2) new_df.reset_index(inplace=True) st1.write(f"{new_df['ds'].min()}") st2.write(f"{new_df['ds'].max()}") return new_df @classmethod def _displayed_segmented_dataframe( cls, df: pd.DataFrame, from_: int, to_: int ) -> pd.DataFrame: df = df.set_index("ds") df_ = df[from_ : to_ + 1] st.line_chart(df_) return df_ @classmethod def user_input_model_params(cls): raw_params = st.text_input( "Model params. Type param name and its value e.g. growth=logistic" ) if raw_params: in_params = [x.strip() for x in raw_params.split(",")] params = {} for param in in_params: k, v = param.split("=") params[k] = float(v) if v.isdigit() else v if "growth" in params and params["growth"] == "logistic": cap = st.text_input("cap") if cap: params["cap"] = float(cap) else: st.warning("Cap is required for logistic growth") st.stop() st.write("Your input params:") st.write(params) return params return {} @classmethod def display_prophet_docs(cls): from prophet import Prophet with st.expander("View model params"): st.write(Prophet.__doc__) st.markdown( "> more details: [visit](", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) def app(): data = InputData.get_data() data = InputData.preprocess_data(data) PredictionApp.run_prediction(data) if __name__ == "__main__": app()