import streamlit as st import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Function to compute present value def calculate_pv(cashflows, rate): pv = sum(cf / (1 + rate) ** i for i, cf in enumerate(cashflows)) return pv # Streamlit app layout st.title('Cashflow Present Value Calculator') # Input for the discount rate rate = st.slider('Discount Rate (%)', min_value=0.0, max_value=100.0, value=15.0, step=0.1)/100 # Inputs for the number of years n = st.number_input("How many years?", min_value = 0, step=1) # Inputs for the cashflows cf_list = [0] * (n+1) cf_dict = pd.DataFrame({"cashflows": cf_list}).astype(int) cf_df = st.text_area("Enter Cashflows (comma-separated)", value=', '.join(map(str, cf_list))) cashflows = np.array([float(cf.strip()) for cf in cf_df.split(',')]) # Button to calculate PV if st.button('Calculate Present Value'): pv = calculate_pv(cashflows, rate) st.write(f'The Present Value is: ${pv:,.2f}') # Plotting cashflow diagram fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) colors = ['green' if cf > 0 else 'red' for cf in cashflows] ax.plot(range(n+1), cashflows, marker='o', color='b', linestyle='-') ax.fill_between(range(n+1), cashflows, color=colors, alpha=0.3) ax.set_title('Cashflow Diagram') ax.set_xlabel('Period') ax.set_ylabel('Cashflow') for i, cf in enumerate(cashflows): ax.text(i, cf, f'{cf:,.2f}', ha='center', va='bottom') ax.grid(True) st.pyplot(fig)