import streamlit as st st.markdown('# Three Dragons 🐉🌍 Mythical Dragons Around the World by Aaron Wacker') dragons = { '#Fafnir #Norse': '- **Story**: Fafnir originally a dwarf, transformed into a fierce dragon due to his greed for the treasure he guarded. He was later slain by the hero Sigurd. - **Significance**: deadly sin of greed and the corrupting power of wealth.', '#Quetzalcoatl #Aztec': '- **Story**: Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, is not a dragon in the traditional sense but shares many similarities. He was a deity representing wind, air, and learning. - **Significance**: creator god and a symbol of death and rebirth.', '#Tiamat #Mesopotamian': '- **Story**: Tiamat, primordial goddess of ocean, turned into a dragon-like creature in a battle against her children who threatened her authority. - **Significance**: chaos of primordial creation and is often associated with the forces of nature.' } for dragon, story in dragons.items(): st.subheader(dragon) st.markdown(f"- {story}")