0:00 so you've seen the insane text to video 0:02 AI models coming out open AI Sora was 0:05 probably the best looking one yet but 0:07 not available to the public another next 0:09 gen model that made its appearance was 0:11 called cing but we had to have a Chinese 0:14 mobile number to use it so I think a lot 0:17 of us assume that we're not going to see 0:19 the top-of-the-line AI video models 0:21 anytime soon at least ones that we can 0:23 get a Hands-On ones we can 0:26 use but Lumi makes an appearance and 0:30 it's good really good but most 0:33 importantly it's available to use now 0:36 well it looks like everyone on the 0:37 planet is trying it out right now so the 0:39 demand is SK High it took me oh about 3 0:43 hours to generate this one prompt so 0:46 expect to give it a day or two before it 0:47 can start generating stuff on the fly 0:50 but let me show you some stuff it can do 0:52 some of this stuff will be somewhat not 0:54 safe for work if you know what I mean 0:57 and the last one will be straight up 1:00 scary like horror movie scary it's 1:03 called the tales from the other side 1:06 I'll leave that one for last in case 1:07 you're watching this alone at night in 1:11 the dark because I'm going to say it now 1:14 ai generated horror fakes have the 1:16 potential to be the scariest things 1:18 we've ever seen here's another YouTube 1:21 Creator in the AI space his channel is 1:24 theoretically media and he got Early 1:26 Access to this I'll leave a link to his 1:29 video down below but he was able to do 1:31 some image to video so for example 1:34 creating an image in mid journey and 1:36 then animating that with Luma Ai and he 1:39 was also able to create some scenes from 1:41 his own prompts so this I think is a 1:44 really good non cherry-picked example of 1:48 what Luma AI can do here it is if you Early Access Showcase 1:52 ever played Hitman this is your chance 1:54 to recreate that as your very own movie 1:56 Very Dynamic very action-packed the 1:59 second version from that same prompt um 2:01 you know obviously per prompt you get 2:03 two generations uh yielded this as a 2:05 result and yes while there is some 2:08 decoherence and so each time it 2:10 generates two different ones so I got to 2:12 say that first one is very very good I 2:15 mean the fingers right the hands are a 2:18 nightmare but I mean it does look like 2:20 he's looking down the sights of the gun 2:21 that he's shooting in the prompt they St 2:23 that the Assassin should be bald which 2:26 it nailed I got to say it's pretty good 2:28 there it is he's shooting the gun 2:30 leaning around the corners I love it 2:32 next is Pirates of the Caribbean or 2:35 something like it right so some sort of 2:37 a adventure on a pirate 2:41 ship pretty cool and this is possibly 2:44 one of my favorites so this is uh an 2:46 image that he made so he made a static 2:48 image I'm not sure if it was mid Journey 2:50 but taking that image and adding it into 2:52 Luma Ai and the dream machine is what 2:55 this thing is called so Luma AI is the 2:56 company this is the dream machine this 2:58 is what it does so you can you can see 3:00 here it animates the movements she's 3:02 looking kind of keeping eyes on the 3:05 camera and one thing that's very 3:06 interesting is that you're able to add 3:08 certain prompts to make it for example 3:11 for her to change positions so here's 3:13 one with her hands 3:15 folded that's what that looks like so 3:18 her folding her hands across her body 3:21 again the arms and everything else looks 3:24 insane and not very good but I got to 3:27 say the fact that you can say what the 3:29 position should be what the movement 3:30 should be and that gets animated from a 3:32 static image that's pretty exciting 3:34 right so I'll put the links down below Dream Machine Features 3:36 so you can try this for yourself and in 3:38 a minute I'll show you the best of luma 3:41 Labs like the best Generations that it 3:44 can make so you can see what it's 3:46 capable of at if you're picking the best 3:48 examples so of course as you're 3:49 generating various examples various 3:51 samples some of them will be good some 3:54 of them will be bad so often times 3:55 picking the best shot will come down to 3:58 generating 100 shots with maybe slightly 4:00 different prompts and then picking out 4:02 the best ones that's similar to how we 4:05 often times approach mid journey and 4:06 these other things like magnific 4:08 upscaler you do multiple variations with 4:10 different parameters different settings 4:12 different prompts to hopefully capture 4:14 that perfect thing which is not too 4:16 dissimilar to how for example some 4:18 photographers approach photo shoots 4:20 right sometimes if you've ever seen a 4:22 professional photo shoot the 4:23 photographer will point the camera hold 4:24 down the button you hear that rapid 4:26 machine fire click that super fast 4:28 clicking of the camera as it's taking 4:30 dozens and dozens of shots and then 4:32 afterwards they go through it one by one 4:34 picking out the best ones some of the 4:36 newest phone cameras also do the same 4:38 thing right they take a little clip and 4:40 you can pick out the best the perfect 4:42 sort of still moment within that shot 4:43 and the reason that's important to 4:45 understand is because if you're trying 4:46 to produce something that's like 4:47 cinematic something that's like movie 4:49 quality yeah you might have to produce 4:52 hundreds of shots thousands perhaps have 4:54 some sort of a filtering process maybe 4:56 even do a little touch-ups here and 4:58 there but then once you put it together 5:00 the results can be stunning so let's 5:01 take a look at this and in a second I'll 5:03 show you what's possible if you're 5:04 willing to go through and find the best 5:06 shots so Luma labs and this is their 5:09 dream machine which is an AI model that 5:11 makes high quality realistic videos fast 5:13 from text and images So currently it's 5:15 taking they say 120 seconds to generate 5:17 One Clip but right now there's a huge CU 5:20 for how there a huge cue so it's taking 5:22 hours but you can see when it's in Q so 5:25 before it starts processing and they're 5:26 saying that it's a highly scalable and 5:28 efficient Transformer model train Direct 5:29 on videos making capable of generating 5:31 physically accurate consistent and 5:33 eventful shots and it sounds like they 5:35 will have more and more abilities to 5:38 customize the thing that you're trying 5:39 to capture as this thing gets rolled out 5:41 to more users they're going to be adding 5:42 these functionalities and it sounds like 5:44 there's a bit of a trade-off between how 5:46 eventful a shot will be versus 5:47 consistency versus how custom you want 5:49 it to be so if you want a long shot with 5:52 very specific things in it then it might 5:54 approach a point where the character on 5:56 the shot is not really doing anything 5:57 just standing still whereas if you let 5:58 it be a little bit creative I can go and 6:00 generate something with a lot of action 6:02 so there's a little bit of a trade-off 6:03 happening there we talked about this it 6:05 can create high quality video from both 6:08 text and images so you can upload your 6:10 favorite image and then have that be 6:12 brought to life so things incredibly 6:14 fast 120 frames in 120 seconds and here 6:18 they're talking about consistent 6:20 characters and this is something that I 6:21 did notice about the videos the 6:23 characters stay consistent dealing with 6:26 some of the previous text to video 6:28 models throughout the shop the character 6:30 can morph into something completely 6:33 different here whatever else you can say 6:35 I got to say they stay pretty consistent 6:37 there's still some glitches with the 6:38 fingers and hands but the character 6:40 doesn't like fundamentally flip and turn 6:43 into something completely different they 6:45 can also do a lot of the different 6:46 camera movements Zoom pan rotate Etc 6:50 that's going to be able to create a lot 6:52 of really stunning cinematic shots and 6:54 some like dramatic close-ups Etc the 6:57 fact that they can go from underwater to 6:58 above water with this little bear here 7:01 is uh pretty cool I got to say and I got 7:03 to give them credit for doing this so 7:05 they spell out their current limitations 7:07 right so they're saying what are we bad 7:09 at what is this model currently what 7:10 doesn't it do pretty well so morphing so 7:13 if a car has to morph into a different 7:15 color or a different car they're not 7:16 doing that too well quite yet movement 7:18 so this dog gliding along the the ground 7:21 so maybe if there's some sort of a 7:22 background foreground type of thing 7:23 maybe it's not that good text is 7:25 notoriously difficult to do for these 7:27 both image models and video models 7:30 and then Janis which I don't know what 7:32 that is I looked it up Janus it could be 7:35 referring to a god with two faces so 7:37 some sort of a two-faced deity so here 7:40 as you can see here's a polar bear maybe 7:42 the prompt was for it to have two front 7:44 ends two faces and basically I think 7:47 what you got to think of is like what 7:48 these models are trained on so if they 7:50 see tons of hours of footage of polar 7:52 bears they can reproduce a polar bear 7:55 how many hours of footage of two-headed 7:57 polar bears are there in the wild 7:58 probably not as many but the big message 8:01 here I think is that when Sora came out 8:04 there wasn't anything quite like it we 8:06 had pabs we had Runway ml they were good 8:10 but they weren't still a inspiring they 8:13 were they had that AI generated look so 8:15 you could make some cool things with it 8:17 some of the best stuff that I saw with 8:19 it lean more towards like mystical and 8:21 horror because just how weird the video 8:25 looked here I think we're definitely at 8:26 a point where a lot more thing SC be 8:29 done do you want something that's a 8:30 little bit more romantic do you want a 8:32 cinematic shot do you want an action 8:34 shot do you want like this whatever this 8:36 bear and Swine things are over here some 8:39 sort of a leather clawed badasses that 8:42 are walking away from an explosion like 8:44 you want to do that you can do that and 8:47 now we saw this sort of next step in in 8:49 these AI video models not just from Sora 8:52 which we couldn't get a hands- on 8:54 although people in the Hollywood have 8:55 been apparently have early access to it 8:57 and then we had cing which you had to 8:59 have a Chinese mobile number to use and 9:01 now finally this which now everyone can 9:05 use now you're limited to a certain 9:06 amount of generations here's the pricing 9:08 by the way so you get 3 free Generations 9:10 per month so each generation is two 9:13 different shots so two samples and you 9:15 can upgrade to have 120 Generations at 9:17 30 per month 400 at 100 bucks a month 9:20 and 2,000 Generations if you're willing 9:22 to Shell out 500 per month which again 9:25 if you're using this to create some sort 9:26 of features movies you're probably going 9:29 to need need that but with that said let 9:30 me show you some of the best of things 9:33 that people have created using this Luma 9:36 Labs dream machine if this was 9:37 interesting please make sure you're 9:39 subscribed because we're going to be 9:40 covering this in depth as soon as the 9:42 traffic demand dies down a little bit 9:44 and it's possible to generate these 9:46 videos we're going to be doing a deep 9:48 dive and seeing what's possible with 9:50 something like this seeing is it 9:52 possible to create our very own movie or 9:55 cartoon or anime of some sort so stay 9:58 tuned lots more than coming make sure 10:00 you're subscribed and enjoy Demos and Showcases 10:04 [Music] 10:34 at this point life seemed to be a 10:37 NeverEnding 10:39 Circle again and 10:42 again I did the same 10:50 routine like that auto taxi that flies 10:53 round and round all changed when I met 10:57 her Yuki the shrin keeper she was trying 11:01 to stop the robot sent to destroy the 11:04 Tor I felt the urge to help her and 11:07 deactivated the 11:08 bot she thanked me and showed around the 11:11 shrine's 11:12 garden I knew the corporation would send 11:15 more Bots but at that moment nothing 11:18 else mattered only the shrine only Yuki 11:33 [Music] 11:41 [Applause] 11:44 [Music] 11:58 [Music] 12:12 [Music] 12:17 me 12:18 [Music] 13:10 [Music] 13:19 close your 13:23 eyes count 13:32 think of 13:36 home and 13:41 [Music] 13:44 open you're 13:46 never 13:48 [Music] 13:49 never coming home again 13:59 it's passed 14:02 [Music] 14:04 away it's gone 14:10 away it's 14:13 pass 14:16 [Music] 14:18 away it's 14:19 [Music] 14:27 gone hey my name is Abel and let me tell 14:32 you the story of 14:36 [Music] 14:44 f on the other side the other side you 14:51 never know 15:04 desperate wondering soul will come my 15:07 friend 15:13 for 15:18 the you never 15:26 [Music] 15:33 [Music]