import streamlit as st import anthropic import openai import base64 from datetime import datetime import plotly.graph_objects as go import cv2 import glob import json import math import os import pytz import random import re import requests import streamlit.components.v1 as components import textract import time import zipfile from audio_recorder_streamlit import audio_recorder from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from collections import deque from dotenv import load_dotenv from gradio_client import Client, handle_file from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient from io import BytesIO from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip from PIL import Image from PyPDF2 import PdfReader from urllib.parse import quote from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from openai import OpenAI # Configuration and Setup Site_Name = '🚲BikeAI🏆 Claude and GPT Multi-Agent Research AI' title = "🚲BikeAI🏆 Claude and GPT Multi-Agent Research AI" helpURL = '' bugURL = '' icons = '🚲🏆' st.set_page_config( page_title=title, page_icon=icons, layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="auto", menu_items={ 'Get Help': helpURL, 'Report a bug': bugURL, 'About': title } ) # Load environment variables and initialize clients load_dotenv() # OpenAI setup openai.api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY') if openai.api_key == None: openai.api_key = st.secrets['OPENAI_API_KEY'] openai_client = OpenAI( api_key=os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY'), organization=os.getenv('OPENAI_ORG_ID') ) # Claude setup anthropic_key = os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY_3") if anthropic_key == None: anthropic_key = st.secrets["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"] claude_client = anthropic.Anthropic(api_key=anthropic_key) # Initialize session states if 'transcript_history' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.transcript_history = [] if "chat_history" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.chat_history = [] if "openai_model" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["openai_model"] = "gpt-4o-2024-05-13" if "messages" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.messages = [] if 'last_voice_input' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.last_voice_input = "" # Speech Recognition HTML Component speech_recognition_html = """ Continuous Speech Demo
""" # Helper Functions def generate_filename(prompt, file_type): central = pytz.timezone('US/Central') safe_date_time ="%m%d_%H%M") replaced_prompt = re.sub(r'[<>:"/\\|?*\n]', ' ', prompt) safe_prompt = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', replaced_prompt).strip()[:230] return f"{safe_date_time}_{safe_prompt}.{file_type}" # File Management Functions def load_file(file_name): """Load file content.""" with open(file_name, "r", encoding='utf-8') as file: content = return content def create_zip_of_files(files): """Create zip archive of files.""" zip_name = "" with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, 'w') as zipf: for file in files: zipf.write(file) return zip_name def get_download_link(file): """Create download link for file.""" with open(file, "rb") as f: contents = b64 = base64.b64encode(contents).decode() return f'Download {os.path.basename(file)}📂' def display_file_manager(): """Display file management sidebar.""" st.sidebar.title("📁 File Management") all_files = glob.glob("*.md") all_files.sort(reverse=True) if st.sidebar.button("🗑 Delete All"): for file in all_files: os.remove(file) st.rerun() if st.sidebar.button("⬇️ Download All"): zip_file = create_zip_of_files(all_files) st.sidebar.markdown(get_download_link(zip_file), unsafe_allow_html=True) for file in all_files: col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.sidebar.columns([1,3,1,1]) with col1: if st.button("🌐", key="view_"+file): st.session_state.current_file = file st.session_state.file_content = load_file(file) with col2: st.markdown(get_download_link(file), unsafe_allow_html=True) with col3: if st.button("📂", key="edit_"+file): st.session_state.current_file = file st.session_state.file_content = load_file(file) with col4: if st.button("🗑", key="delete_"+file): os.remove(file) st.rerun() def create_media_gallery(): """Create the media gallery interface.""" st.header("🎬 Media Gallery") tabs = st.tabs(["🖼️ Images", "🎵 Audio", "🎥 Video", "🎨 Scene Generator"]) with tabs[0]: image_files = glob.glob("*.png") + glob.glob("*.jpg") if image_files: num_cols = st.slider("Number of columns", 1, 5, 3) cols = st.columns(num_cols) for idx, image_file in enumerate(image_files): with cols[idx % num_cols]: img = st.image(img, use_container_width=True) # Add GPT vision analysis option if st.button(f"Analyze {os.path.basename(image_file)}"): analysis = process_image(image_file, "Describe this image in detail and identify key elements.") st.markdown(analysis) with tabs[1]: audio_files = glob.glob("*.mp3") + glob.glob("*.wav") for audio_file in audio_files: with st.expander(f"🎵 {os.path.basename(audio_file)}"): st.markdown(get_media_html(audio_file, "audio"), unsafe_allow_html=True) if st.button(f"Transcribe {os.path.basename(audio_file)}"): with open(audio_file, "rb") as f: transcription = process_audio(f) st.write(transcription) with tabs[2]: video_files = glob.glob("*.mp4") for video_file in video_files: with st.expander(f"🎥 {os.path.basename(video_file)}"): st.markdown(get_media_html(video_file, "video"), unsafe_allow_html=True) if st.button(f"Analyze {os.path.basename(video_file)}"): analysis = process_video_with_gpt(video_file, "Describe what's happening in this video.") st.markdown(analysis) with tabs[3]: for collection_name, bikes in bike_collections.items(): st.subheader(collection_name) cols = st.columns(len(bikes)) for idx, (bike_name, details) in enumerate(bikes.items()): with cols[idx]: st.markdown(f"""

{details['emoji']} {bike_name}


""", unsafe_allow_html=True) if st.button(f"Generate {bike_name} Scene"): prompt = details['prompt'] # Here you could integrate with image generation API st.write(f"Generated scene description for {bike_name}:") st.write(prompt) def get_media_html(media_path, media_type="video", width="100%"): """Generate HTML for media player.""" media_data = base64.b64encode(open(media_path, 'rb').read()).decode() if media_type == "video": return f''' ''' else: # audio return f''' ''' def main(): st.sidebar.markdown("### 🚲BikeAI🏆 Claude and GPT Multi-Agent Research AI") # Main navigation tab_main ="Choose Action:", ["🎤 Voice Input", "💬 Chat", "📸 Media Gallery", "🔍 Search ArXiv", "📝 File Editor"], horizontal=True) if tab_main == "🎤 Voice Input": st.subheader("Voice Recognition") # Display speech recognition component speech_component = st.components.v1.html(speech_recognition_html, height=400) # Handle speech recognition output if speech_component: try: data = speech_component if isinstance(data, dict): if data.get('type') == 'final_transcript': text = data.get('text', '').strip() if text: st.session_state.last_voice_input = text # Process voice input with AI st.subheader("AI Response to Voice Input:") col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col2: st.write("Claude-3.5 Sonnet:") try: claude_response = process_with_claude(text) except: st.write('Claude 3.5 Sonnet out of tokens.') with col1: st.write("GPT-4o Omni:") try: gpt_response = process_with_gpt(text) except: st.write('GPT 4o out of tokens') with col3: st.write("Arxiv and Mistral Research:") with st.spinner("Searching ArXiv..."): results = perform_ai_lookup(text) st.markdown(results) elif data.get('type') == 'clear_transcript': st.session_state.last_voice_input = "" st.experimental_rerun() except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing voice input: {e}") # Display last voice input if st.session_state.last_voice_input: st.text_area("Last Voice Input:", st.session_state.last_voice_input, height=100) # [Rest of the main function remains the same] elif tab_main == "💬 Chat": # [Previous chat interface code] pass elif tab_main == "📸 Media Gallery": create_media_gallery() elif tab_main == "🔍 Search ArXiv": query = st.text_input("Enter your research query:") if query: with st.spinner("Searching ArXiv..."): results = search_arxiv(query) st.markdown(results) elif tab_main == "📝 File Editor": if hasattr(st.session_state, 'current_file'): st.subheader(f"Editing: {st.session_state.current_file}") new_content = st.text_area("Content:", st.session_state.file_content, height=300) if st.button("Save Changes"): with open(st.session_state.current_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(new_content) st.success("File updated successfully!") # Always show file manager in sidebar display_file_manager() if __name__ == "__main__": main()