import streamlit as st import folium from streamlit_folium import folium_static # Define mythological places data for Iceland mythological_places = [ ('Ásbyrgi', 66.0082, -16.5096, 'Ásbyrgi is a horseshoe-shaped canyon, believed to have been formed by the hoof of Odin\'s eight-legged horse, Sleipnir.'), ('Dimmuborgir', 65.6083, -16.8996, 'Dimmuborgir, or "Dark Cities," is a lava field with dramatic rock formations. It is said to be the dwelling of trolls and elves.'), ('Hekla', 63.9920, -19.6656, 'Hekla is a stratovolcano believed to be the gateway to hell in the Middle Ages. It was also rumored to be a meeting place for witches.'), ('Elliðaey', 63.4845, -20.2785, 'Elliðaey is an isolated island, where, according to legend, a mythical monster called the skoffin, a hybrid of a cat and a fox, is said to have lived.'), ('Mývatn', 65.6039, -16.9965, 'Mývatn is a volcanic lake surrounded by unique geological formations. The area is steeped in folklore and is said to be home to various supernatural beings.'), ('Djúpalónssandur', 64.7439, -23.9033, 'Djúpalónssandur is a black sand beach, where, according to legend, a supernatural seal woman appeared and was captured by a fisherman.'), ('Reykjadalur', 64.0333, -21.2167, 'Reykjadalur, or "Steam Valley," is a geothermal area with hot springs. It is believed to be the home of hidden people, who live in the rocks and hills.'), ('Snaefellsjokull', 64.8080, -23.7767, 'Snaefellsjokull is a glacier-capped volcano that inspired Jules Verne\'s "Journey to the Center of the Earth." It is believed to hold mystical powers.'), ('Jokulsarlon', 64.0784, -16.2300, 'Jokulsarlon is a glacial lagoon that is said to be the site of an ancient Viking battle, where warriors fought for control of the area.'), ('Vatnajokull', 64.4150, -16.8333, 'Vatnajokull is Europe\'s largest glacier, and according to legend, it was formed by the tears of a grieving giantess.') ] # Create a map centered on Iceland m = folium.Map(location=[65.0, -18.0], zoom_start=7) # Add markers for each mythological place for place in mythological_places: folium.Marker( location=[place[1], place[2]], popup=f'{place[0]}
{place[3]}', icon=folium.Icon(color='red') ).add_to(m) # Function to update the map when a button is clicked def update_map(place_data): m.location = [place_data[1], place_data[2]] m.zoom_start = 13 folium_static(m) for i in range(0, len(mythological_places), 3): cols = st.columns(3) for j in range(3): if i + j < len(mythological_places): with cols[j]: if st.button(mythological_places[i + j][0]): update_map(mythological_places[i + j]) folium_static(m) st.markdown(""" Ásbyrgi: Thor, trying to prove his strength, challenged Sleipnir to a race. Odin agreed, but secretly fed Sleipnir his favorite snack, lightning bolts. With each step, Sleipnir left a massive print, and thus, Ásbyrgi was formed. Dimmuborgir: Loki, the trickster, held a housewarming party for the trolls and elves in Dimmuborgir. He spiced the food with a touch of mischief, causing everyone to break into spontaneous, ridiculous dances that lasted for days. Hekla: Freyja, the goddess of love, hosted a witches' convention on Hekla to improve their matchmaking skills. The witches accidentally brewed a love potion so powerful that it caused the volcano to erupt with passion. Elliðaey: The skoffin, tired of its isolation, devised a plan to hitch a ride off the island. It disguised itself as a mythical creature tour guide, successfully luring a boat full of curious tourists to Elliðaey. Mývatn: Balder, the god of light, organized a contest for the supernatural beings of Mývatn. The prize was an all-expenses-paid vacation to sunny Valhalla. The competition was fierce, with participants showing off their most impressive magic tricks. """)